Newsletter Parshat Vaera – Shabbat Mevarechim



Have a look at our website 
This  שבת   is
שבת מברכים
there will be NO derasha
instead we will have the 
kahal recitation of Sefer Tehilim 
Antony and Loretta Hodari, 
together with 
Emmanuella Hodari 
are pleased to announce the engagement of their son 
Joelli Belilo
daughter of 
Gaby and Simha Belilo 
of Gibraltar

would like to use this opportunity
to wish our very dear 
a massive Besiman Tov
on his engagement to
Joelli Belilo
שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל

Special Mazal Tov
to families 
Hodari, Jacobs, Belilo & Serfaty
Please support our minyanim whenever possible
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
answers attached

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב

Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















31 Dec/1 Jan



after Mincha (3:25 pm) in the hall
Avot Ubanim 2021 Nov 2.png
THIS WEEK 6:15 pm
Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Q & A Parashat Vaera
  1. Did G-d ever appear to Avraham and say “I am G-d”?
    6:9 – Yes.
  2. What cause did the forefathers have to question G-d?
    6:9 — Although G-d swore to give them the Land, they never actually had control over it.
  3. How was Moshe commanded to act towards Pharaoh?
    6:13 – With the respect due a king.
  4. How long did Levi live?
    6:16 – 137 years.
  5. Who was Aharon's wife? Who was her father? Who was her brother?
    6:23 – Elisheva, daughter of Aminadav, sister of Nachshon.
  6. Why are Yitro and Yosef both referred to as “Putiel “?
    6:25 – Yitro fattened (pitem ) cows for idol worship. Yosef scoffed (pitpet ) at his evil inclination.
  7. After which plague did G-d begin to “harden Pharaoh's heart”?
    7:3 – After the sixth plague — shechin .
  8. Why did Pharaoh go to the Nile every morning?
    7:15 – To relieve himself. Pharaoh pretended to be a god who did not need to attend to his bodily functions. Therefore, he secretly used the Nile for this purpose.
  9. Give two reasons why the blood was chosen as the first plague.
    (a) 7:17 – Because the Nile was an Egyptian god. (b) 8:17 – Because an invading army first attacks the enemy's water supply, and G-d did the same.
  10. How long did the plague of blood last?
    7:25 – Seven days.
  11. Why did the frogs affect Pharaoh's house first?
    7:28 – Pharaoh himself advised the enslavement of the Jewish People.
  12. What did Moshe mean when he told Pharaoh that the frogs would be “in you and in your nation”?
    7:29 – He warned that the frogs would enter their intestines and croak.
  13. What are “chamarim”?
    8:10 – Piles.
  14. Why didn't Moshe strike the dust to initiate the plague of lice?
    8:12 – Because the dust protected Moshe by hiding the body of the Egyptian that Moshe killed.
  15. Why were the Egyptian sorcerers unable to bring lice?
    8:14 – The Egyptian sorcerers' magic had no power over anything smaller than a barley kernel.
  16. What were the Egyptians likely to do if they saw the Jews slaughtering lambs?
    8:22 – Stone the Jews.
  17. Why didn't the wild beasts die as the frogs had?
    8:27 – So the Egyptians would not benefit from their hides.
  18. The dever killed “all the cattle of Egypt.” Later, boils afflicted their cattle. How can this be?
    9:10 – In the plague of dever only the cattle in the fields died. The plague of shechin affected the surviving cattle.
  19. Why did Moshe pray only after leaving the city?
    9:29 – Because the city was full of idols.
  20. What was miraculous about the way the hail stopped falling?
    9:33 – The hailstones stopped in mid-air and didn't fall to the ground.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

האם יש לברך ברכת שהכל על גומי
לעיסה (מסטיק

שאלה: האם יש לברך ברכת שהכל על גומי לעיסה (מסטיק)?

תשובה: הנה דנו אחרוני זמנינו
האם יש לברך על גומי לעיסה (מסטיק) ברכת שהכל נהיה בדברו. שהרי בשעה שאוכל אדם מן
הגומי לעיסה, אין הוא בולע את גוף המסטיק
, וגם בגוף המסטיק אין טעם כלל, רק הוא טפל בעצמו, וכל
טעמו הוא מחמת מיעוט מיני מתיקה שמכניסים בו, ואם כן יש להסתפק אם ראוי לברך על
דבר כזה אם לאו

והרה”ג רבי משה לוי
ז”ל (ר”מ בישיבת כסא רחמים בבני ברק, שהיה שקדן עצום בתורה
, ונפטר בדמי ימיו לפני
מספר שנים), כתב בספרו ברכת ה', שאין לברך כלל על גומי לעיסה, ואף שמרגישים מתיקות
בתחילת לעיסת הגומי לעיסה, מכל מקום אין בטעימה זו חשיבות של אכילה ושתיה, ועל כן
אין לברך עליו

והביא ראיה לדבריו, ממה שכתב
המגן אברהם (סי' תקסז) לגבי דין תענית, כגון יום עשירי בטבת, שאסור לאכול בו שום
דבר, ומכל מקום מותר לשרוי בתענית לטעום מן התבשיל ולפלוט ממנו, אף על פי שמתכוין
להנאה. כלומר, מותר (לפי דעת המגן אברהם) לאדם שהוא בתענית לטעום איזה דבר מאכל,
אבל לא לבלעו, אף על פי שבודאי הוא מתכוין להנאתו, שהוא מרגיש מעט מטעם המאכל בשעה
שנכנס לפיו, וגם אי אפשר שלא נכנס מעט שבמעט מגופו של התבשיל לתוך גופו של האוכל
ממנו, מכל מקום הואיל ואין זו דרך אכילה, מותר לעשות כן בתענית, ואין זה נחשב כמי
שאכל בתענית

ומכאן כתב בספר ברכת ה' להוכיח
שאין לברך על גומי לעיסה, שהרי בלי ספק שווה דין זה של טעימת התבשיל ללא בליעתו,
לדין טעימת גומי לעיסה, ואם מותר לטעום כך מן התבשיל בתענית, כמו כן אין לברך על
טעימה כזו, ואם כן גם על גומי לעיסה אין לברך. (וכדברי המגן אברהם כתבו ההגהות
מימוני, ואף אם אין הלכה כדבריהם לענין תענית, מכל מקום לענין ברכות היה לנו לחוש
לדבריהם מטעם ספק ברכות להקל

אולם מרן פוסק הדור רבינו
עובדיה יוסף שליט”א, כתב שמדברי המגן אברהם אין ראיה כלל, שכן המגן אברהם
עצמו כתב לענין תענית, שטעם הדבר שמותר לטעום כך מן התבשיל, הוא משום שלא היתה
בכוונת האדם המתענה לקבל עליו תענית בחומרה כזו שלא יטעם טעימה שכזו מן התבשיל,
והואיל ואין זו דרך אכילה, אלא דרך טעימה
, אין טעימה זו סותרת לתענית שנמצא בה. אולם לענין הנאה
מן התבשיל, בודאי שזה הטועם ממנו נהנה ממנו, ואם כן גם לשיטת המגן אברהם שיהיה
מותר לטעום כך מן התבשיל בתענית, מכל מקום יהיה חייב לברך עליו, הואיל ואסור
“להנות” מן העולם הזה בלא ברכה. ודין ברכה אינו תלוי כלל באכילה או
טעימה, אלא תלוי הוא בהנאת החיך, והואיל וזה הטועם גומי לעיסה ומרגיש בו מתיקות
נהנה ממנו
, הרי
פשוט שחייב גם בברכה עליו

לכן העיקר להלכה, שהלועס גומי לעיסה, חייב
לברך עליו ברכת שהכל נהיה בדברו, שאסור להנות מהעולם הזה בלא ברכה, וכל הנהנה
מהעולם הזה בלא ברכה כאילו מעל בקדשים, וזה הלועס ממנו, נהנה מטעמו, ועל כן חייב
לברך קודם שילעס אותו, וכן היא הסכמת גדולי הדור. ואסור ללועס לדבר עד שיטעם טעם
הגומי לעיסה, ויבלע מטעמו מעט
, שאז
נחשב הדבר כאילו התחיל כבר באכילה שמותר לו לדבר

Question: Should one recite the Shehakol blessing on
chewing gum?

Answer: The Poskim of our generation
discuss whether or not the Shehakol blessing should be recited on chewing gum,
for when one chews gum, one does not swallow any of the actual gum in addition
to the fact that the actual gum has no flavor of its own and the flavor is a
result of various flavoring agents added to the gum. If so, it is doubtful of
one should recite a blessing on such a thing or not.

Hagaon Harav Moshe Levi zt”l (one of the rabbinical mentors in Yeshivat Kisse
Rachamim in Bnei Brak who was a tremendously diligent Torah scholar and passed
away at a very young age several years ago) writes in his Sefer Birkat Hashem
that one should not recite any blessing on chewing gum. Although one does taste
some flavor when one begins chewing the gum, nevertheless, this taste is
considered neither eating nor drinking and one should thus recite no blessing.

He proceeds to support his opinion based on the words of the Magen Avraham
(Chapter 567) regarding a public fast day, such as the Tenth of Tevet, during
which one may not eat anything, yet one may, in fact, taste a food and then
spit it out although one intends to enjoy it. This means that (according to the
Magen Avraham) an individual who is fasting may taste a food but not swallow it
although he certainly intends to enjoy it, for he tastes some of the foods
taste when he places it in his mouth and it is impossible that not even a tiny
amount of this food enters the body of the one who has placed it in his mouth;
even so, since this is not the normal way of eating, one may do so on a fast
day and this is not considered eating on a fast day.

The Sefer Birkat Hashem proves from here that one does not recite any blessing
on chewing gum, for the law of tasting a food but not swallowing it is
certainly equal to the law of chewing gum and if it permissible to taste food
in the above manner on a fast day, one should likewise not recite a blessing on
chewing gum. (The Hagahot Maimoni rules in accordance with the Magen Avraham’s
opinion; although the Halacha does not follow this opinion with regards to a
fast day, nevertheless, we must be concerned with their opinion with regards to
blessing based on the rule, “When in doubt regarding a blessing, do not

Nevertheless, Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a writes that the Magen Avraham’s
opinion is not a proof, for the Magen Avraham himself writes regarding a public
fast day that the reason why it is permissible to taste a food is because the
individual fasting never had in mind to accept upon himself the fast under such
stringent terms such that he will be unable to even taste a food in the
aforementioned manner. Thus, since this is not the usual way of eating and is
only considered tasting, this does not break the fast one must endure.
Nevertheless, regarding the enjoyment one has from the food, the individual
tasting certainly enjoys the food. Therefore, even according to the Magen
Avraham’s opinion that one would be permitted to taste a food on a fast day, he
would nonetheless be required to recite a blessing on this food since it is
forbidden to derive “enjoyment” from this world without first reciting a
blessing. The laws of blessings are not contingent on eating or tasting;
rather, they are contingent on the enjoyment of one’s palate. Thus, since one chewing
gum tastes some sweetness or other pleasant flavors and enjoys it, one must
indeed recite a blessing on chewing gum.

Therefore, halachically speaking, one must recite the “Shehakol Nihya
Bidvaro” blessing before chewing gum, for one may not benefit from this world
without first reciting a blessing. Anyone who derives enjoyment from this world
without reciting a blessing is tantamount to using consecrated items for a
mundane purpose. Thus, one who chews gum derives enjoyment from its flavor and
one must therefore recite a blessing before beginning to chew. This is indeed
the consensus of the luminaries of our generation. The individual chewing may
not speak until he tastes some of the gum’s flavor and swallows this flavor, in
which case it will be considered as though he has begun eating at which point
it becomes permissible to speak.


Newsletter Parashat Shemot



Have a look at our website 
Mazal Tov
the elected Hon Officers
Members of the Mahamad

Parnas Presidente : 
Mordechai Maman 
Parnas Vice Presidente : 
Benjamin Hassan 
Treasurer : 
Yamin Ibgui 
 Gabbai : 
Eli Shoshana 
Hon. Secretary : 
David Marshall 
Ladies Committee Chair : 
Elaine Marshall 

Mahamad : 
Loretta Hodari
 Jacob Edelstein

May the upcoming year bring much hatzlacha in our Bet Hakeneset
Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Walk in Vaccination Day 
10am – 4pm 
Bank Holiday, 
Tuesday 28th December 

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב

Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















24/25 Dec



after Mincha (3:15 pm) in the hall
Avot Ubanim 2021 Nov 2.png
THIS WEEK 6:10 pm
Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Q & A Parashat Shemot
  1. Why does the verse say “And Yosef was in Egypt”?
    1:5 – This verse adds that despite being in Egypt as a ruler, Yosef maintained his righteousness.
  2. “…And they will go up out of the land.” Who said this and what did he mean?
    1:10 – Pharaoh said it, meaning that the Egyptians would be forced to leave Egypt.
  3. Why did Pharaoh specifically choose water as the means of killing the Jewish boys? (Two reasons.)
    1:10,22 – He hoped to escape Divine retribution, as G-d promised never to flood the entire world. Also, his astrologers saw that the Jewish redeemer's downfall would be through water.
  4. “She saw that he was good.” What did she see “good” about Moshe that was unique?
    2:2 – When he was born, the house was filled with light.
  5. Which Hebrew men were fighting each other?
    2:13 – Datan and Aviram.
  6. Moshe was afraid that the Jewish People were not fit to be redeemed, because some among them committed a certain sin. What sin?
    2:14 – Lashon hara (evil speech).
  7. Why did the Midianites drive Yitro's daughters away from the well?
    2:17 – Because a ban had been placed on Yitro for abandoning idol worship.
  8. How did Yitro know that Moshe was Yaakov's descendant?
    2:20 – The well water rose towards Moshe.
  9. What lesson was Moshe to learn from the fact that the burning bush was not consumed?
    3:12 – Just as the bush was not consumed, so too Moshe would be protected by G-d.
  10. What merit did the Jewish People have that warranted G-ds promise to redeem them?
    3:12 – That they were destined to receive the Torah.
  11. Which expression of redemption would assure the people that Moshe was the true redeemer?
    3:16,18 – “I surely remembered (pakod pakadeti).”
  12. What did the staff turning into a snake symbolize?
    4:3 – It symbolized that Moshe spoke ill of the Jews by saying that they wouldn't listen to him, just as the original snake sinned through speech.
  13. Why didn't Moshe want to be the leader?
    4:10 – He didn't want to take a position above that of his older brother, Aharon.
  14. “And Hashem was angry with Moshe…” What did Moshe lose as a result of this anger?
    4:14 – Moshe lost the privilege of being a kohen.
  15. What was special about Moshe's donkey?
    4:20 It was used by Avraham for akeidat Yitzchak and will be used in the future by mashiach.
  16. About which plague was Pharaoh warned first?
    4:23 – Death of the firstborn.
  17. Why didn't the elders accompany Moshe and Aharon to Pharaoh? How were they punished?
    5:1 – The elders were accompanying Moshe and Aharon, but they were afraid and one by one they slipped away. Hence, at the giving of the Torah, the elders weren't allowed to ascend with Moshe.
  18. Which tribe did not work as slaves?
    5:5 – The tribe of Levi.
  19. Who were the: a) nogsim b) shotrim?
    5:6 – a) Egyptian taskmasters; b) Jewish officers.
  20. How were the shotrim rewarded for accepting the beatings on behalf of their fellow Jews?
    5:14 – They were chosen to be on the Sanhedrin.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

שאלה: האם יש חובה לעמוד בשעת
ברכות השחר וברכות התורה

תשובה: יש ברכות שחובה לעמוד בשעת אמירתן. ולכל ברכה טעם מדוע יש
לעמוד בשעת הברכה. וכגון ברכת “ספירת העומר”, שנאמר בתורה, מהחל חרמש
“בקמה”, ודרשו רבותינו, “בקומה”. וכן כיוצא בזה

הגאון – לעמוד בכל ברכה שאין בה הנאה

תשובה: כתוב בתשובות הגאונים
(שערי תשובה סימן עט, והובא בספר האשכול סי' כג
): “הגאון בתשובה כתב, שכל הברכות,
מברך מעומד. והיינו ברכות המצות שאין בהן הנאה, אבל ברכות הנהנין לא צריך”.
כלומר, יש שני סוגי ברכות, יש ברכות שאין בהן הנאה, כגון ברכת ציצית ולולב וברכות
התורה, ויש ברכות שתיקנו לברכן ויש בהן הנאה, כגון קידוש וברכת לישב בסוכה וכדומה.
וכתב הגאון, שבכל ברכה שאין בה הנאה, יש לעמוד בשעה שמברך אותה. ולפי זה בודאי שיש
לעמוד בשעת אמירת ברכות התורה. ומובא בתשובה זו, שכן כתוב בפירוש בתלמוד ירושלמי

רבי דוד אבודרהם
– “על”ץ של”ם
מובא עוד בתשובות הגאונים, שיש אומרים שהחיוב לעמוד הוא דוקא בששה ברכות בלבד,
ולכל אחת מהן, טעם מדוע יש לעמוד באמירתה
דוד אבודרהם נתן סימן לזכור באלו ברכות יש לעמוד, והסימן הוא: על”ץ של”ם
. שהוא ראשי תיבות, ע'ומר
(ספירת העומר), ל'בנה (ברכת הלבנה), ציצית, שופר
, לולב, מילה (ברית מילה). (אולם באמת שנוהגים לעמוד גם
בברכות נוספות. אך אלו הששה הן העיקריות

הפני יהושע

לפי דברי הירושלמי ודעת הגאון, יש לעמוד גם בברכת התורה. אולם הפני יהושע
(בחידושיו למסכת מגילה דף
כא.) כתב, שדוקא מצות שהעשייה שלהן היא כשעומדים
, גם את הברכה יש לברך כשעומדים. וכגון לולב, שיש ליטלו
כשעומדים, יש לברך עליו כשעומדים. אבל קריאת מגילת אסתר, שאין חיוב לקרותה עומד,
אין חיוב לברך על קריאתה עומד. וכן כתבו עוד מגדולי האחרונים


זה כתב מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף שליט”א (יחוה דעת חלק חמישי סימן ד), שמכיון שאין
חיוב לעמוד בשעת לימוד התורה, כמו כן ברכות התורה אין חיוב לברכן בעמידה. וכן
ברכות השחר, אין חיוב לאמרן בעמידה, כיון שרק כאשר המצוה היא בעמידה, אז יש לברך
בעמידה. (וברכות השחר לא ניתקנו כלל על מצוה

כתב בשו”ת הרמ”ע מפאנו, שברכות התורה אפשר לברך כשהוא יושב, משום שעל
לימוד התורה נאמר “בשבתך בביתך”. והפרי מגדים הוסיף, שבקריאת שמע
וברכותיה לא הצריכו לעמוד, כי כשאדם יושב, יוכל לכוין דעתו יותר. וכמו כן ברכות
התורה, שיש אומרים שחיובן מן התורה, בודאי שיש להזהר לכוין מאד בשעת אמירתן, ואפשר
לברכן מיושב

ולסיכום: בברכות השחר וברכות התורה
אין צורך לעמוד, ואפשר לברכן כשהוא יושב

Is it obligatory to stand during the Birkot HaShachar (morning blessings) and
the Birkot HaTorah?

Answer: There are certain blessings
which require one to be standing during their recitation. There is a unique
reason for why one must stand while reciting each of these blessings. For
instance, regarding the blessing for counting the Omer, the Torah states, “From
when the sickle begins [to make contact] with the stalks (English for
“Ba’Kamma”),” and our Sages expound this to mean, “Be’Koma,” i.e. while

The Opinion of the Gaon-One Must Stand During Any Blessing Which Involves No

It is written in the Responsa of the Geonim (Sha’arei Teshuva, Chapter 79 and
as quoted by the Sefer Ha’Eshkol, Chapter 23): “The Gaon writes in one of his
responses that all blessings must be recited while standing. This refers to
blessings on Mitzvot which do not entail enjoyment; however, for blessings on
things which involve enjoyment, on need not stand.” This means that there are two
kinds of blessings: Blessings which do not involve any enjoyment, such as the
blessings on Tzitzit, Lulav, and Birkot HaTorah, and there are blessings which
our Sages enacted to recite on things from which one does have enjoyment, such
as Kiddush, “Leeshev Ba’Sukkah,” and the like. The Gaon writes that any
blessing which does not involve any enjoyment should be recited while standing.
Based on this, one should certainly recite the Birkot HaTorah while standing.
The same response states that this is actually written openly in the Talmud

The Opinion of Rabbeinu David Abudirhem-“Alatz

Nevertheless, the Responsa of the Geonim continues that some say there the
obligation to stand applies to only six blessings; each one possessing a distinct
reason why one must stand for that specific blessing.
Rabbeinu David Abudirhem composed an acronym for one to remember which
blessings to recite while standing which is, “
Alatz Shalem.” This is an acronym for
“Omer” (counting the Omer), “Levana” (Blessing on the New Moon), “Tzitzit,”
“Shofar,” “Lulav,” and “Milah” (Berit Milah). (The truth of the matter is that
we customarily stand while reciting other blessings as well, but these are the
primary ones.)

The Opinion of the Penei Yehoshua
It seems that according to the opinion of the Talmud Yerushalmi and the Gaon,
one should recite the Birkot HaTorah while standing. However, the Penei
Yehoshua (in his commentary on Tractate Megillah 21a) writes that only
regarding Mitzvot whose performance is also done while standing should their
blessings be recited while standing as well. For instance, regarding the Lulav
which is taken while standing, one should recite the blessing on it while
standing as well. However, regarding the reading of Megillat Esther which need
not be done while standing, one need not recite the blessing on it while
standing either. Other great Acharonim rule likewise.

The Bottom Line
Therefore, Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a writes (Responsa Yechave Da’at
Volume 5, Chapter 4) since there is no obligation to stand while learning
Torah, the Birkot HaTorah need not be recited while standing either. Similarly,
the Birkot HaShachar need not be recited while standing since only when the
performance of a Mitzvah is done while standing must its blessing also be
recited while standing (and the Birkot HaShachar were not enacted for Mitzvah
performance at all).

On the contrary, the Rama (Rabbeinu Menachem Azarya) of Pano writes in one of
his responses that the Birkot HaTorah may indeed be recited while seated, as
the Torah writes regarding Torah learning, “When you shall sit in your house.”
The Peri Megadim adds that our Sages did not require one to recite Keri’at
Shema and its blessings while standing because one is indeed able to
concentrate better while sitting. This would surely apply to Birkot HaTorah as
well, which according to some is a Torah obligation and must surely be recited
with great concentration; thus, they may be recited while seated.

Summary: The Birkot HaShachar and Birkot HaTorah need not be recited
while standing; rather, one may recite them while seated



Newsletter Parashat Vayechi



Have a look at our website 
Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal


You are requested to attend the


ON Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021 at 8.30 pm


1.      Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting

2.      Matters arising from the Minutes

3.      Parnas Presidente’s Report

4.      Adoption of the Report

5.      Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts

6.      Discussion and Adoption of Report

7.      *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad

a)      Parnas Presidente : Mordechai Maman has been proposed

b)      Parnas Vice Presidente : Benjamin Hassan has been proposed

c)      Treasurer : Yamin Ibgui has been proposed

d)      Gabbai : Eli Shoshana has been proposed

e)      Hon. Secretary : David Marshall has been proposed

f)       Ladies Committee Chair : Elaine Marshall has been proposed

g)      Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined) : Loretta Hodari has been proposed; there is room for proposal of other members

8.       Election of delegates to:

a)       Manchester Shechita Board : there is room for proposal of other members

           Election of delegates to:

b)      Manchester Jewish Rep Council : there is room for proposal of other members

9.       A.O.B. existing members of  It is proposed that the term of office of President and Vice President be for a period of 4 years; the office will then come up for a fresh election and the ex-officios may re-apply for re-election.  

Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.

On behalf of the Mahamad

*Nominations should reach the Synagogue before Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021.



Anyone wanting to attend the AGM but would prefer to join online
please contact Dr Marshall to make arrangements
Walk in Vaccination Day 
10am – 4pm 
this coming 
Sunday 19th December 
at Newbury Place Pharmacy. 
Anyone over the age of 18 
who is eligible for 1st, 2nd or booster jabs can attend
Walk in Vaccination Day 
Repeated on 
Bank Holiday, 
Tuesday 28th December 

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב

Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















17/18 Dec



after Mincha (3:10 pm) in the hall
Avot Ubanim 2021 Nov 2.png
THIS WEEK 6:05 pm
Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Q & A Parashat Vayechi
  1. Why is kindness towards the dead called “chesed shel emet” — kindness of truth?
    47:29 – Because the giver expects no reward from the recipient.
  2. Give three reasons Yaakov didn't want to be buried in Egypt.
    47:29 – a) Egypt's ground was to be plagued with lice; b) At the time of the resurrection, those buried outside Israel will suffer; c) So the Egyptians wouldn't make him into an idol.
  3. How do you treat a “fox in his time” (i.e., a commoner who rules)?
    47:31 – Bow to him.
  4. “When I was coming from Padan, Rachel died on me… I buried her there on the way to Efrat…” Why did Yaakov say all this to Yosef?
    48:7 – Yaakov thought Yosef harbored resentment since Yaakov had not buried Yosef's mother, Rachel, in the Ma'arat HaMachpela.
  5. Initially, why was Yaakov unable to bless Ephraim and Menashe?
    48:8 – The Shechina departed from him.
  6. What does pillalti mean?
    48:11 – “I thought.”
  7. What does “Shechem” mean as used in this week's parsha? (two answers)
    48:22 – a) The actual city of Shechem; b) A portion.
  8. Which individual is called “the Emori”? Why? Give two reasons.
    48:22 – Esav. a) He acted like an Emorite; b) He trapped his father with words (imrei pi).
  9. What did Yaakov want to tell his sons but was unable to?
    49:1 – When mashiach will come.
  10. What privileges did Reuven lose due to his rash actions?
    49:3 – Priesthood and Kingship.
  11. What congregation from Yaakov's offspring did Yaakov not want to be associated with?
    49:6 – Korach and his congregation.
  12. What did Yehuda do after he heard Yaakov rebuke Reuven, Shimon and Levi? Why?
    49:8 – He drew back. He was afraid that Yaakov would rebuke him for the incident with Tamar.
  13. What does milk do to teeth?
    49:12 – It makes them white.
  14. Why is Yissachar like a “strong-boned donkey”?
    49:14 – Just as a donkey bears a heavy burden, so the tribe of Yissachar bears the yoke of Torah.
  15. With what resource did both Yaakov and Moshe bless Asher?
    49:20 – Oil-rich land.
  16. In Yosef's blessing, Yaakov said, “They embittered him…” Who are “they”?
    49:23 – Yosef's brothers, Potifar and his wife.
  17. Which descendants of Binyamin “will divide the spoils in the evening”?
    49:27 – Mordechai and Esther.
  18. From whom did Yaakov buy his burial place?
    50:5 – From Esav.
  19. What oath did Yosef make to Pharaoh?
    50:6 – Yosef swore not to reveal Pharaoh's ignorance of Hebrew.
  20. Which two sons of Yaakov did not carry his coffin? Why not?
    50:13 – Levi, because he would carry the aron (holy ark). Yosef, because he was a king.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

שמיעת מוזיקה
ודברי תורה בחדר האמבטיה –תכניתו של מרן זצ”ל

שאלה: האם מותר לשמוע בחדר האמבטיה שירים של קודש, או דרשות
ושיעורים של דברי תורה? והאם מותר לדבר דברי תורה באמבטיה

תשובה :יש לדון
בשאלה זו מצד שתי בעיות. האחת, כאשר האדם מתרחץ ואינו לבוש, האם מותר לו לדבר או
לשמוע דברי תורה. והבעיה השנייה, האם עצם המקום שהוא “חדר אמבטיה”,
מוגדר כמקום שאסור לדבר או להרהר שם בדברי תורה

ולא יראה בך ערות דבר
נאמר בתורתינו הקדושה: “ולא
יראה בך ערות דבר”, ומכאן למדו רבותינו במסכת שבת (כג.) שאסור לאדם שאינו
לבוש לדבר דברי תורה, ולכן אסור בהחלט לדבר בדברי תורה בשעה שאדם מתרחץ וכדומה,
שהרי הוא אינו לבוש. אולם כל זה לענין דיבור ממש בדברי תורה, אבל לענין הרהור
בדברי תורה, כלומר מחשבה בדברי תורה, אין לאסור מצד מה שאינו לבוש, שהרי נאמר
בתורה ערוות “דבר”, דיבור הוא שאסור, אבל הרהור מותר

דין חדר האמבטיה
אולם יש לעיין בדבר מצד אחר, שהרי
כשם שאסור לדבר בדברי תורה וקדושה כשאדם אינו לבוש, כמו כן אסור לדבר בדברי תורה
במקומות שאינם מכובדים, כמו שנאמר “והיה מחנך קדוש”. וכל שכן שאסור לדבר
בדברי תורה במקום מטונף ממש, כגון בית הכסא (שירותים) או בית המרחץ
. ובמקומות אלה אפילו להרהר בדברי תורה אסור. ולכן עלינו
לדון האם חדרי אמבטיה דינם כדין בית הכסא ובית המרחץ שאסור להרהר שם בדברי תורה,
או שדינם שונה, כיון שהם נקיים יותר

ובגמרא במסכת שבת (י.) תניא, הנכנס לבית המרחץ,
(בבתי המרחץ שלהם היו שלשה חדרים, חדר שבו כולם לבושים, חדר אחר שחלק מהאנשים
לבושים וחלקם אינם לבושים, וחדר אחרון שבו כולם אינם לבושים), מקום שבני אדם
לבושים, רשאי לקרות קריאת שמע ולהתפלל ולהניח תפילין. מקום שכולם ערומים אסור
אפילו לדבר שום דבר של קדושה, ואפילו לומר “שלום” שהוא כנוי לה' יתברך,

ולענין חדר האמצעי שבו יש אנשים לבושים ויש
שאינם לבושים, כתב הר”ן במסכת עבודה זרה
(מד:), שאף שאסור
לדבר שם בדברי תורה, מכל מקום מותר להרהר שם בדברי תורה
. וכן מותר לענות
בפיו על איזה דבר אם הוא מותר או אסור, שאינו מפרש את טעם ההיתר או האיסור, מותר,
שגם זה נחשב כהרהור בדברי תורה

וכתב הרשב”א בתשובה (ח”ז סימן תיח),
שטעם הדבר שאסור לדבר בדברי תורה בבית המרחץ, הוא מחמת חמימות המים הנמצאים שם,
אבל מקום שהמים שם צוננים, ואין שם אדם שאינו לבוש, מותר לדבר שם בדברי תורה,
ולברך על הטבילה וכיוצא בזה. ומבואר בדברי הרשב”א, שעיקר האיסור לדבר דברי
תורה בבית המרחץ, אינו משום שהוא מקום שבדרך כלל בני אדם הולכים שם כשאינם לבושים,
אלא הטעם הוא מחמת הלכלוך המצוי במקום שהמים שם חמים ובני אדם מתרחצים שם. ולכן
במקום שהמים קרים
ואין שם בני אדם באותה שעה, מותר אפילו
לברך שם על טבילת כלים

דין חדרי האמבטיה שלנו
ומרן רבינו הגדול רבי עובדיה יוסף
, בתשובה (בשו”ת יביע אומר חלק חמישי סימן
יא), האריך בענין זה, כי גם הוא נשאל בזה, בזמן שהיה משיב לשאלות ברדיו בהיותו רב
ראשי, ואחד המאזינים עלה ושאל, האם מותר לו לשמוע את התכנית של מרן זצ”ל
כשהוא מתרחץ לכבוד שבת
ומרן זצוק”ל הביא ראיות שעיקר
האיסור לדבר בדברי תורה בבית המרחץ, הוא דוקא מחמת הזוהמה הנמצאת שם. והביא ראיות
שיש לחלק בזה בין בית מרחץ ציבורי
לבין בית מרחץ פרטי, כמו האמבטיות
שיש בבתים שלנו

ומכל מקום לענין הלכה פסק, שיש לדון את בתי
המרחץ שלנו כדין “חדר האמצעי” של בית המרחץ שהיה בזמנם. כלומר, אין להקל
לדבר שם בדברי תורה, אבל מותר להרהר שם בדברי תורה. ולכן מותר להכניס טרנזיסטור
לחדר האמבטיה ולשמוע ממנו דברי תורה, אפילו בשעה שהוא עומד להתרחץ, שהרי מצד מה
שאינו לבוש, כבר ביארנו שאין לחוש לזה לגבי הרהור (מחשבה), ורק הדיבור ממש הוא
שאסור, בין כשהוא לבוש ובין כשאינו לבוש

ולסיכום: חדר
אמבטיה שבזמנינו, אסור לדבר שם שום דיבור של דברי קדושה. ומותר להרהר שם בדברי
קדושה, ולכן מותר לשמוע שם תכנית רדיו של דברי תורה וכיוצא בזה

ופשוט שכל זה דוקא בחדר אמבטיה שאין שם בית הכסא
(שירותים), שאם יש שם בית הכסא אסור אפילו להרהר שם בדברי תורה

Listening to Music or Words of Torah in a Room Which Has
a Bathtub or Shower in it

Question: May
one recite holy words (words of Torah, prayer, or blessings) in a room with a
bathtub or shower in it? Similarly, may one listen to holy songs or Torah
lectures in such a room?

Answer: There
are two primary points which must be addressed: Firstly, whether or not one who
is bathing and therefore undressed may speak or hear words of Torah. The second
issue is whether or not a room which houses a bathtub or shower is classified
as a place where speaking or thinking words of Torah is forbidden.

“So that He Shall Not See a Shameful Thing Among You”
Our Holy Torah states, “So that He will not see a shameful thing among you.”
Our Sages in the Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (23a) expound this verse to mean
that one may not utter words of Torah while undressed. Thus, one surely may not
speak words of Torah while bathing and the like since one is undressed. This
applies, however, only to speaking words of Torah; however, thinking words of
Torah is not prohibited just because one is undressed, for the verse specifies “a
Shameful Thing” which connotes that only speaking words of Torah will be
prohibited in this situation but thinking them will be permitted.

The Law Regarding a Room Housing a Bathtub
Nevertheless, we must entertain this question from another perspective. Just as
one may not recite words of Torah and other holy words while undressed, so too,
one may not speak words of Torah in places that are not respectable, as the
verse states, “and your camp shall be holy.” Surely one may not speak words of
Torah in a place which is actually filthy, such as a restroom or bathhouse. In
such places, even thinking words of Torah is prohibited. We must therefore
determine if a room housing a bathtub or shower is halachically tantamount to a
restroom or bathhouse and even thinking words of Torah will be prohibited in it
or perhaps its law will be different since it is cleaner.

The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (10a) quotes a Baraita
which states that one who enters a bathhouse (the bathhouses in those days
consisted of three rooms: an outer room where everyone was dressed, a middle
room where some were dressed and some were not, and an inner room where
everyone was undressed), in the place where everyone is dressed one may recite Keriat
, pray (Amida), and don Tefillin. Where everyone is undressed, one may
not speak words of holiness and one may not even greet a friend using the word
Shalom,” for this is a nickname for Hashem.

Regarding the middle room where some people are dressed
and some are not, Rabbeinu Nissim in Masechet Avodah Zara (44b) writes that
even though one may not speak words of Torah there, one may nevertheless think
words of Torah there. Additionally, one may render a halachic ruling there by
exclaiming “permitted” or “forbidden” without explaining the reason behind
this, for this is also considered only thinking words of Torah.

The Rashba writes in his responsa (Volume 7, Chapter 418)
that the reason why people customarily make the blessing when immersing their
utensils in the Mikveh although we have explained that one may not even say “Shalom
in a bathhouse is because saying “Shalom” or speaking words of Torah is
only forbidden in a place where the water is hot and thus the place is
considered “soiled” and steamy. However, in a bathhouse where the water is cold,
speaking words of Torah is permitted. We may infer from the words of the Rashba
that the primary reason for prohibiting speaking words of Torah in a bathhouse
is not because people are undressed there; rather, it is because of the grime
usually associated with a place where there is hot water and people bathing
there. Thus, in a place where the water is cold and there are no people at the
present time, one may even recite the blessing of “Al Tevilat Kelim
(the blessing for immersing new utensils in a Mikveh).

The Law Regarding our Shower Rooms
Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l (in his Responsa Yabia Omer Volume 5,
Chapter 11) writes at length about this topic and proves that the main
prohibition of reciting words of Torah in a bathhouse is only because of the
filth found there. He also proves that a halachic difference exists between a
public bathhouse and a private one. He rules there that our shower rooms
(nowadays) can be halachically classified as “the middle room” mentioned in the
Gemara. This means that one may not speak words of Torah in today’s shower
rooms, however, one may think words of Torah in them. Based on this, one may in
fact bring a radio into a room that houses a shower or bathtub and listen to
words of Torah or holy songs even while showering, for we have already
explained that just because one is undressed does not mean that one may not
think (or hear) words of Torah. Only actually saying words of Torah will be
prohibited there, whether one is dressed or not.

Regarding a room that houses a bathtub or shower nowadays, one may not recite
any words of holiness in it. One is permitted, however, to think words of Torah
in it and may therefore listen to a Torah lecture or holy songs from the radio
and the like there.

Note: Obviously, the
aforementioned Halacha applies only to a room that houses a bathtub or shower
alone; however, if there is a toilet in the room, one may not even think words
of Torah there.

Newsletter Parshat Vayigash



Have a look at our website 
Please support our minyanim whenever possible
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
1)  Yom Kippur Machazor, YEDID HASHEM 
2) box of tissues
Found on the front row on the right side of the Bet Haekeneset
Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Shemuel Chaim ben Aiysha
Yaacov ben Chana Debora


You are requested to attend the


ON Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021 at 8.30 pm


1.      Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting

2.      Matters arising from the Minutes

3.      Parnas Presidente’s Report

4.      Adoption of the Report

5.      Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts

6.      Discussion and Adoption of Report

7.      *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad

a)      Parnas Presidente : Mordechai Maman has been proposed

b)      Parnas Vice Presidente : Benjamin Hassan has been proposed

c)      Treasurer : Yamin Ibgui has been proposed

d)      Gabbai : Eli Shoshana has been proposed

e)      Hon. Secretary : David Marshall has been proposed

f)       Ladies Committee Chair : Elaine Marshall has been proposed

g)      Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined) : Loretta Hodari has been proposed; there is room for proposal of other members

8.       Election of delegates to:

a)       Manchester Shechita Board : there is room for proposal of other members

           Election of delegates to:

b)      Manchester Jewish Rep Council : there is room for proposal of other members

9.       A.O.B. existing members of  It is proposed that the term of office of President and Vice President be for a period of 4 years; the office will then come up for a fresh election and the ex-officios may re-apply for re-election.  

Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.

On behalf of the Mahamad

*Nominations should reach the Synagogue before Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021.



Anyone wanting to attend the AGM but would prefer to join online
please contact Dr Marshall to make arrangements

ויגש questions

1.     Where in the פרשה [and its מדרשים] would you

a.     Someone offering himself as a slave?

b.     A royal person
putting himself in danger from his ‘enemies’ in order to avoid embarrassing

c.     Someone playing a

d.     A royal person harnessing
his own chariot?

e.     Two men crying on each other’s necks?

f.      One man crying on
another’s neck, and the other is reciting something?

g.     A צדיק giving a ברכה to a king?

h.     People thanking someone for saving their

2.     A common name for בתי כנסת for קהילות which
originate from Iraq is a three-word phrase taken from the
פרשה. What is this name, and why is it used for such קהילות?

3.     What have ישמעאל, the men of שכם and the men of
מצרים all got in

4.     True or false: every פרשה in ספר בראשית reports the birth of someone except ויגש.

5.     Who was incorrectly described as an only child?

6.     When did a house hear?

7.     ‘There will still be five’ but in
fact there were none. What and why?

8.     Which event in the פרשה
is taken as a hint to the destruction to the two בתי מקדש
and משכן שילה?

9.     Who foretold the future without realising it?

10.   Who reminded whom about the end of פרשת

11.   Whose musical talents earned her a long life?

12.   ‘The five weakest.’ Who were they?

13.   Which rule did יוסף
introduce to מצרים which the תורה describes as applying עד היום הזה?

Find a 3-word פסוק in the פרשה.
Is it the shortest
in the Torah in letters?

Which word in שביעי
does not occur anywhere else in the Torah? [Hint: a tiring question]

                              answers are attached to this email


לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב

Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















10/11 Dec



after Mincha (3:10 pm) in the hall
Avot Ubanim 2021 Nov 2.png
THIS WEEK 6:05 pm
Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Q & A Parashat Vayigash
  1. What threatening words did Yehuda say to Yosef?
    44:18 – He threatened that Yosef would be stricken with leprosy, like Pharaoh when he took Sarah from Avraham. Alternatively, Yehuda threatened to kill Yosef and Pharaoh.
  2. Why did Yehuda say his missing brother died?
    44:20 – Yehuda feared that if he said his missing brother was alive, Yosef would demand to see him.
  3. Why was Yehuda the one to plead for Binyamin?
    44:32 – He was the one who took “soul” responsibility for him.
  4. What do we learn from Yosef telling his brothers, “Go up to my father”?
    45:9 – We learn that Eretz Yisrael is higher than all other lands.
  5. What two things did the brothers see that helped prove that he was really Yosef?
    45:12 – He was circumcised like they were, and he spoke lashon hakodesh.
  6. Why did Binyamin weep on Yosef's neck?
    45:14 – Binyamin wept for the destruction of Mishkan Shilo built in Yosef's territory.
  7. Why did Yosef send old wine to Yaakov?
    45:23 – Elderly people appreciate old wine.
  8. What did Yosef mean when he said, “Don't dispute on the way”?
    45:24 – He warned that if they engage in halachic disputes, they might not be alert to possible travel dangers.
  9. What happened to Yaakov when he realized Yosef was alive?
    45:27 – His ruach hakodesh (prophetic spirit) returned.
  10. Why did G-d tell Yaakov, “Don't fear going down to Egypt”?
    46:3 – Because Yaakov was grieved to leave Eretz Canaan.
  11. “I will bring you up” from Egypt. To what did this allude?
    46:4 – That Yaakov would be buried in Eretz Canaan.
  12. What happened to the property that Yaakov acquired in Padan Aram?
    46:6 – He traded it for Esav's portion in the Cave of Machpelah.
  13. Who was the mother of Shaul ben HaCanaanit?
    46:10 – Dina bat Yaakov.
  14. When listing Yaakov's children, the verse refers to Rachel as “Rachel, wife of Yaakov.” Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah are not referred to as Yaakov's wives. Why?
    46:19 – Rachel was regarded as the mainstay of the family.
  15. Yosef harnessed his own chariot instead of letting a servant do it. Why?
    46:29 – Yosef wanted to hasten to honor his father.
  16. Why were shepherds abhorrent to the Egyptians?
    46:34 – Because the Egyptians worshipped sheep.
  17. Why did Yosef pick the weakest brothers to stand before Pharaoh?
    47:2 – So Pharaoh wouldn't see their strength and draft them.
  18. What blessing did Yaakov give Pharaoh when he left his presence?
    47:10 – That the waters of the Nile should rise to greet Pharaoh.
  19. Yosef resettled the land of Egypt, moving the people from city to city. What were his two motives for this?
    47:21 – In order to remind them that they no longer owned the land, and to help his family by removing the stigma of being strangers.
  20. Whose fields were not bought by Yosef?
    47:22 – The Egyptian priests.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

דין מי ששכח להזכיר ותן טל ומטר בברכת השנים


באופן כללי את עיקר הדין שתיקנו רבותינו שהחל מליל שבעה במרחשוון מבקשים בתפילה
בברכת השנים “ותן טל ומטר לברכה”. ועל כל אדם להזהר בתפילתו שלא ישכח
להזכיר את בקשת הגשמים בתפילה. ועתה נבאר הדין במי ששכח לבקש בתפילתו על הגשם

בגמרא במסכת ברכות
(כט.) אמרו, טעה ולא שאל גשמים בברכת השנים, מחזירין אותו
. כלומר, אם טעה
אדם ולא הזכיר בקשה על הגשמים בברכת השנים, דינו כדין מי שחיסר ברכה אחת מברכות
התפילה, שאין תפילתו תפילה, ועליו לחזור ולהתפלל שנית אם סיים תפילתו בלא שאלת
גשמים. וכן פסקו הרמב”ם (פ”י מהלכות תפילה
) ומרן השלחן ערוך
(סימן קיז

אולם אם נזכר
ששכח לבקש על הגשמים לפני שסיים את ברכת השנים, כלומר שעדיין לא בירך “מברך
השנים”, יחזור לתחילת ברכת השנים ויתקן לומר את הנוסח שאנו אומרים בחורף. ואם
התחיל כבר בחתימת ברכת השנים, כלומר שאמר, “כי אל טוב ומטיב אתה ומברך השנים
ברוך אתה ה'”, ונזכר שלא ביקש על הגשמים, לא יוכל לחזור מיד לתחילת הברכה,
שאז נמצא שהזכיר שם ה' לשוא. ולכן יאמר “למדני חוקיך”, (שאז הזכרת ה'
אינה לשוא, שהרי פסוק הוא בתהלים “ברוך אתה ה' למדני חקיך”), ויחזור לתחילת
הברכה, ברך עלינו וכו' (או “ברכנו” למנהג האשכנזים), ויבקש על הגשמים

ואם נזכר אחר
שסיים כבר את ברכת השנים, אבל עדיין לא התחיל בברכת “תקע בשופר גדול”,
יזכיר מיד “ותן טל ומטר לברכה” וימשיך בתפילתו. (וטוב שבברכת שמע קולינו
יחזור ויאמר, ותן טל ומטר לברכה “על כל פני האדמה

ואם סיים את
ברכת השנים ונזכר שלא שאל טל ומטר, מבואר בגמרא, שאם נזכר לפני שהגיע לברכת
“שומע תפילה”, גם כן אינו חוזר להתפלל מראש התפילה, מפני שיכול לבקש על
הגשמים בברכת שמע קולינו שהיא כוללת את כל הבקשות בתפילה, ובכך יתקן את מה שהחסיר
בתפילתו. והכוונה בזה, שבברכת שומע תפילה, לפני שיאמר
כי אתה שומע
תפילת כל פה” וכו', יאמר, “ותן טל ומטר לברכה על כל פני האדמה”,
ובכך הוא מבקש על הגשמים. ואם נזכר שלא שאל טל ומטר אחרי שהתחיל כבר בחתימת ברכת
שומע תפילה, כלומר שאמר, כי אתה שומע תפילת כל פה ברוך אתה ה'”, יסיים מיד
“למדני חוקיך”, ויחזור לתחילת ברכת שומע תפילה, ויבקש בברכתו על הגשמים

ואם נזכר אחר
שסיים את ברכת שומע תפילה לגמרי, אבל לא התחיל עדיין לומר “רצה ה' אלהינו
בעמך ישראל”, יאמר מיד “ותן טל ומטר לברכה”, ואחר כך ימשיך בברכת

ואם התחיל כבר
בברכת “רצה”, וכן אם נזכר באחת הברכות שלאחר מכן, או אפילו באמצע
“אלוקי נצור”, כל שעדיין לא אמר “יהיו לרצון” האחרון שלאחר
אלוקי נצור, חוזר לברכת השנים, ושואל שם טל ומטר וממשיך בתפילתו משם על סדר הברכות

אבל אם נזכר
אחרי שסיים את אמירת יהיו לרצון שאחרי אלוקי נצור, שוב אין לו תקנה, ועליו לחזור
לראש התפילה ולהתפלל שנית

ולסיכום: מי ששכח לבקש על הגשמים
בברכת השנים, אם נזכר באמצע ברכת השנים, יחזור לתחילת הברכה ויבקש על הגשמים. ואם
נזכר לאחר שהתחיל בחתימת הברכה “ברוך אתה ה'”, יסיים “למדני
חוקיך”, ויחזור לתחילת ברכת השנים. ואם נזכר לאחר שסיים את ברכת השנים לגמרי,
אבל לא התחיל עדיין בברכת “תקע בשופר גדול”, אז יזכיר מיד “ותן טל
ומטר לברכה”, וימשיך בברכת תקע בשופר גדול

ואם נזכר לאחר
שהתחיל בברכת תקע בשופר גדול, יבקש על הגשמים בברכת שמע קולינו
שיאמר “כי אתה שומע תפילת כל פה”, יאמר, “ותן טל ומטר לברכה על כל
פני האדמה”. ואם נזכר בסיום ברכת שומע תפילה לאחר שאמר “ברוך אתה
ה'”, אז יאמר “למדני חוקיך”, ויחזור לתחילת ברכת שומע תפילה ויבקש
על הגשמים. ואם סיים את ברכת שומע תפילה, אבל לא התחיל עדיין באמירת “רצה”,
יזכיר שם “ותן טל ומטר לברכה” וימשיך בברכת רצה

ואם נזכר לאחר
שהתחיל בברכת רצה, חוזר לברכת השנים, ומבקש שם על הגשמים וממשיך על סדר הברכות
משם. ואם נזכר אחר שסיים את אמירת “יהיו לרצון” שבסיום אמירת “אלקי
נצור”, יחזור לראש התפילה ויתפלל שנית

The Laws of One Who
Forgets to Mention “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar” in the “Blessing of the Years”

In the previous Halacha,
we have discussed in a general manner that our Sages enacted that beginning
from the Seventh of Marcheshvan (outside of Israel from the Fourth or Fifth of
December), one begins reciting “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar” (a request for dew
and rain) in the “Blessing of the Years” within the Amida prayer. One should
take care not to forget to mention the request for rain in his prayer. We shall
now discuss the laws of one who has forgotten to request rain in his prayer.
Since there are eight different scenarios, we have summarized this Halacha briefly at the end of the Halacha.

One who Forgets to Request
Rain Must Repeat the Amida Prayer

The Gemara in Masechet Berachot (29a) states: “If one errs and forgets to
request rain in the ‘Blessing of the Years,’ we require him to go back.” This
means that if one mistakenly omits the request for rain in the “Blessing of the
Years,” it is considered as if he has omitted an entire blessing from the Amida
prayer, in which case his prayer is not considered a prayer, and if he has
concluded his entire prayer without asking for rain, he must repeat the entire
Amida. The Rambam (Hilchot Tefillah, Chapter 10) and Maran
Ha’Shulchan Aruch
(Chapter 117) rule likewise.

If One Remembers in the
Middle of the Amida that he has Forgotten

Nevertheless, if one remembers that he has forgotten to request rain before concluding
the “Blessing of the Years,” i.e. before reciting the last words in the
blessing, “Mevarech Ha’Shanim,” he should go back to the beginning of the
“Blessing of the Years” and recite the text we customarily use during the
winter months. If one has already begun the conclusion of the blessing by
saying “
Ki Kel Tov U’Metiv Ata Umvarech Ha’Shanim, Baruch Ata Hashem,”
and only then remembers that he has forgotten to request rain, he cannot
immediately revert back to the beginning of the blessing, for this would cause
him to have recited Hashem’s name in vain; rather, one should recite the words
Lamedeni Chukecha” (in which case his mentioning of Hashem’s name
will not have been in vain, for there is a verse in Tehillim, “
Baruch Ata
Hashem Lamedeni Chukecha
”), after which one should go back to the
beginning of the blessing, i.e.
Barech Alenu, and request rain.

If one remembers after he has
already concluded the “Blessing of the Years” but before beginning the next
blessing of “Teka Be’Shofar Gadol,” he may insert “Ve’Ten Tal
U’Matar Livracha
” right there and he may then continue his prayer as
usual. (It is preferable that he once again mention “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar Al
Kol Peneh Ha’adama
” within the “Shema Kolenu” blessing of the

If one has concluded the “Blessing
of the Years” and then remembers that he has forgotten to request dew and rain,
the Gemara explains that if he remembers this before reciting the “Shema
” blessing of the Amida, one does not go back and begin praying anew
since he can request rain in the “Shema Kolenu” blessing which
includes all requests of the prayer; by doing so, one can supplement what he
has previously left out of his prayer. This means that during the “Shema
” blessing, before reciting “Ki Ata Shome’a Tefillat Kol Peh,”
one should recite “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar Livracha Al Kol Peneh Ha’adama,”
and by doing so, one will have requested rain. If one remembers that he has not
requested dew and rain only once he has already begun concluding the “Shema
blessing by saying “Baruch Ata Hashem,” he should
immediately insert the words “Lamedeni Chukecha” and go back to the
beginning of the “Shema Kolenu” blessing and then insert his request
for rain.

If one only remembers after
completing the “Shema Kolenu” blessing but has not yet begun saying “Retzeh
Hashem Elokeinu Be’Amecha Yisrael,
” one should insert “Ve’Ten Tal
U’Matar Livracha,
” and may then continue the “Retzeh” blessing as

If, however, one has already begun
saying “Retzeh” and only then remembers or if one remembers at any
subsequent point in the Amida prayer, even in the middle of “Elokai Netzor
for that matter, as long as he has not yet recited the last “Yihyu
following “Elokai Netzor,” one must go back to the
“Blessing of the Years” and ask for dew and rain there and subsequently
continue all the other blessings as usual, in their order.

However, if one only remembers
after reciting the “Yihyu Le’Ratzon” following “Elokai Netzor,”
he no longer has any recourse but to go back to the beginning of the Amida
prayer and pray again.

Summary: If one has forgotten to request rain in the
“Blessing of the Years”:

  • If one remembers in the middle of the Blessing of
    the Years, he should return to the beginning of the blessing and recite
    the appropriate text for the winter months.
  • If one remembers after he says the words, “Ki El
    Tov U’Metiv Ata Umvarech Ha’Shanim Baruch Ata Hashem,” one should say the
    words “Lamedeni Chukecha” and return to the beginning of the blessing and
    recite it correctly.
  • If one remembers after concluding the blessing by
    saying “Baruch Ata Hashem Mevarech Ha’Shanim” but has not yet begun the
    “Teka Be’Shofar Gadol” blessing, one should insert the words “Ve’Ten Tal
    U’Matar Livracha Al Kol Peneh Ha’adama” right there and then proceed with
    the “Teka Be’Shofar Gadol” blessing.
  • If one remembers only after he has begun the
    “Teka Be’Shofar Gadol” blessing, one should insert the words “Ve’Ten Tal
    U’Matar Livracha Al Kol Peneh Ha’adama” in the “Shema Kolenu” blessing
    before the words “Ki Ata Shome’a Tefillat Kol Peh.”
  • If one remembers during the “Shema Kolenu”
    blessing after reciting the words “Ki Ata Shome’a Tefillat Kol Peh Baruch
    Ata Hashem,” one should recite the words “Lamedeni Chukecha,” return to
    the beginning of the “Shema Kolenu” blessing, and insert “Ve’Ten Tal
    U’Matar Livracha.”
  • If one remembers only after he has completed the
    “Shema Kolenu” blessing but has not yet begun the “Retzeh” blessing, one
    should insert “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar” right there and then proceed with the “Retzeh”
  • If one remembers after beginning the “Retzeh”
    blessing, one must return to the “Blessing of the Years”, recite the
    correct version, and continue with the rest of the blessings of the Amida
    (“Teka Be’Shofar Gadol”, “Hashiva Shofetenu”, etc.) once again.
  • If one remembers only after reciting the “Yihyu
    Le’Ratzon” verse after the “Elokai Netzor” prayer, one must return to the
    beginning of the Amida and pray again, this time concentrating and
    requesting rain in accordance with the law.

Shabbat Chanuka – Rosh Chodesh



Have a look at our website 


Shabbat Rosh Chodesh & Chanuka


יעלה ויבא

על הניסים

FULL הלל

מוסף של שבת ראש חודש

Sefer Yalkut Yosef


 3 Sefarim

(1) Parashat Miketz (6 Aliyot)

2) Rosh Chodesh (7th Aliya) followed by Kadish

3) Chanuka (Maftir) followed by Kadish

The Haftara read will be 

(1) Chanuka

(2) 1st & last Passuk of the haftara of Rosh Chodesh

(3) 1st & last Passuk of the haftara of Machar Chodesh

families Jacobs & Belilo
on the upcoming wedding
of their children
Shana & Moshe
Mazal Tov to all the families
& a big welcome to all the guests 
from far and beyond
Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Shemuel Chaim ben Aiysha
Yaacov ben Chana Debora


You are requested to attend the


ON Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021 at 8.30 pm


1.      Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting

2.      Matters arising from the Minutes

3.      Parnas Presidente’s Report

4.      Adoption of the Report

5.      Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts

6.      Discussion and Adoption of Report

7.      *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad

a)      Parnas Presidente : Mordechai Maman has been proposed

b)      Parnas Vice Presidente : Benjamin Hassan has been proposed

c)      Treasurer : Yamin Ibgui has been proposed

d)      Gabbai : Eli Shoshana has been proposed

e)      Hon. Secretary : David Marshall has been proposed

f)       Ladies Committee Chair : Elaine Marshall has been proposed

g)      Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined) : Loretta Hodari has been proposed; there is room for proposal of other members

8.       Election of delegates to:

a)       Manchester Shechita Board : there is room for proposal of other members

           Election of delegates to:

b)      Manchester Jewish Rep Council : there is room for proposal of other members

9.       A.O.B. existing members of  It is proposed that the term of office of President and Vice President be for a period of 4 years; the office will then come up for a fresh election and the ex-officios may re-apply for re-election.  

Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.

On behalf of the Mahamad

*Nominations should reach the Synagogue before Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021.



Anyone wanting to attend the AGM but would prefer to join online
please contact Dr Marshall to make arrangements

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב

Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















3/4 Dec

מקץ (ר''ח) (חנוכה)


WhatsApp Image 2021-11-30 at 21.17.28.jpeg


after Mincha (3:15 pm) in the hall
Hanuka Party.png
Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Q & A Parashat Miketz

All references are to the verses and Rashi’s commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. What did the fat cows being eaten symbolize?
    41:4 – That all the joy of the plentiful years would be forgotten. (Not that the good years would provide food for the bad years.)
  2. How did Pharaoh's recollection of his dream differ from Nevuchadnetzar's recollection of his dream?
    41:8 – Pharaoh remembered the contents of his dream but didn't know its meaning. Nevuchadnetzar forgot even the contents of his dream.
  3. What was significant about the fact that Pharaoh dreamed repeatedly?
    41:32 – It showed that the seven good years would start immediately.
  4. What does “Tsafnat Panayach” mean?
    41:45 – He who explains things that are hidden and obscure.
  5. What happened to the Egyptians' grain that was stored in anticipation of the famine?
    41:55 – It rotted.
  6. What did Yosef require the Egyptians to do before he would sell them grain?
    41:55 – Become circumcised.
  7. Did Yaakov and his family still have food when he sent his sons to Egypt? If yes, why did he send them?
    42:1 – Yes, but he sent them because he did not want to cause envy in the eyes of those who did not have food.
  8. What prophetic significance lay in Yaakov's choice of the word “redu” — “descend” (and not “lechu” — “go”)?
    42:2 – It hinted to the 210 years that the Jewish people would be in Egypt: The word “redu” has the numerical value of 210.
  9. Why does the verse say “Yosef's brothers” went down to Egypt (and not “Yaakov's sons”)?
    42:3 – Because they regretted selling Yosef and planned to act as brothers by trying to find him and ransom him at any cost.
  10. When did Yosef know that his dreams were being fulfilled?
    42:9 – When his brothers bowed to him.
  11. Under what pretext did Yosef accuse his brothers of being spies?
    42:12 – They entered the city through 10 gates rather than through one gate.
  12. Why did the brothers enter the city through different gates?
    42:13 – To search for Yosef throughout the city.
  13. Who was the interpreter between Yosef and his brothers?
    42:23 – His son Menashe.
  14. Why did Yosef specifically choose Shimon to put in prison?
    42:24 – Because he was the one who cast Yosef into the pit and the one who said, “Here comes the dreamer.” Alternatively, to separate him from Levi, as together they posed a danger to him.
  15. How does the verse indicate that Shimon was released from prison after his brothers left?
    42:24 – The verse says Shimon was bound “in front of their eyes,” implying that he was bound only while in their sight.
  16. What was Yaakov implying when he said to his sons: “I am the one whom you bereaved”?
    42:36 – That he suspected them of having slain or sold Shimon, and that they may have done the same to Yosef.
  17. How did Reuven try to persuade Yaakov to send Binyamin to Egypt?
    42:37 – He said, “Kill my two sons if I fail to bring back Binyamin.”
  18. How long did it take for Yaakov and family to eat all the food that the brothers brought back from Egypt? Give the answer in terms of travel time.
    43:2,10 – Twice the travel time to and from Egypt.
  19. How much more money did the brothers bring on their second journey than they brought on the first journey? Why?
    43:12 – Three times as much, in order to repay the money they found in their sacks and to buy more even if the price had doubled.
  20. How did the brothers defend themselves against the accusation of theft?
    44:8 – They said, “We returned the money we found in our sacks; can it be that we would steal?”

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

נר שבת ונר חנוכה, סדר ההדלקה

נחלקו רבותינו הראשונים, מהו סדר הקדימה בהדלקת
נרות חנוכה ונרות שבת. כי דעת הרב בעל הלכות גדולות (המכונה בה”ג), שיש
להקדים הדלקת נרות חנוכה להדלקת נרות שבת. וטעמו מבואר בדבריו, מכיון שבהדלקת נרות
שבת נוהגות הנשים לקבל עליהן את קדושת השבת, ממילא אחר כך הן אסורות בהדלקת נרות
חנוכה. לפיכך ברור שיש להקדים את הדלקת נרות חנוכה לנרות השבת. והביא דבריו רבינו

ואף על פי שיש כלל בידינו
תדיר ושאינו תדיר,
תדיר קודם
“, כלומר, נרות שבת, שהם תדירים (שכיחים, ומזדמנים
באופן קבוע), בכל שבוע ושבוע, קודמים לדבר אחר שאינו תדיר כל כך, כמו נרות חנוכה,
שאינם נוהגים אלא שמונה ימים בשנה. וכמו שאנו מקדימים בכל שבת בקידוש, את ברכת
“בורא פרי הגפן” לברכת “מקדש השבת”, מפני שברכת בורא פרי הגפן
היא תדירה יותר, (וכמו שאמרו בברכות נא:), כמו כן היה מן הראוי להקדים את הדלקת
נרות שבת לנרות חנוכה, מכל מקום מכיון שאין אפשרות להדליק נרות חנוכה אחרי נרות
שבת, על כן יש להקדים את נרות החנוכה

אולם רבותינו הרשב”א והרמב”ן כתבו לדחות
את דברי בעל הלכות גדולות, שהרי לעולם אין קבלת השבת תלוייה בהדלקת הנרות, ולפיכך,
כיון שבודאי בדעת אותה האשה ובדעת כל אדם, להדליק אחר כך נרות חנוכה, בודאי שלא
חלה עליה קדושת השבת לכל הדעות. ולכן העלו להלכה
, שיש להקדים את נרות השבת לנרות חנוכה, לפי הכלל
שבידינו “תדיר ושאינו תדיר
, תדיר קודם“.

והנה לענין הלכה, הרי
אנו פוסקים כדעת מרן השלחן ערוך
, שאין האשה מקבלת עליה את קדושת השבת בהדלקת הנרות,
ובפרט במקום שבדעתה לעשות אחר כך מלאכה, כגון להדליק נרות חנוכה וכדומה, שבודאי
שאינה מקבלת שבת בהדלקת הנרות. וכל שכן לענין בעלה של אותה האשה, שהוא המדליק בדרך
כלל נרות חנוכה, ובודאי שאינו מקבל שבת בהדלקת הנרות של אשתו. ולפי זה היה נראה
לפסוק כדעת הרמב”ן, ולהקדים את הדלקת נרות השבת תחילה

אולם כתב רבינו הרדב”ז, שאפילו לדברינו, שאין
קבלת השבת תלוייה בהדלקת נרות, מכל מקום מאחר והדבר עדיין תלוי במחלוקת הפוסקים,
ועוד, שמצות נר חנוכה חביבה יותר, לכן יש להקדימה להדלקת נרות שבת, למרות הכלל
“תדיר ושאינו תדיר תדיר קודם”. וכיוצא בזה כתב מרן הבית יוסף, שאפילו
לדברי הרמב”ן והרשב”א שיש להעדיף להקדים נרות שבת לנרות חנוכה, מכל מקום
אדם שאינו רוצה לעשות כן
, הרשות בידו להקדים איזה מהם שירצה. ולפיכך נכון
יותר לנהוג כדעת בעל הלכות גדולות, ולהקדים את נרות החנוכה לנרות השבת. וכן פסק
מרן בשלחן ערוך. וכמו שנתבאר ענין זה באורך בספר חזון עובדיה על הלכות חנוכה

לכן לסיכום: יש
להקדים לכתחילה, ולהדליק נרות חנוכה תחילה, ואחר כך להדליק נרות של שבת. ומכל
מקום, אם טעו והדליקו נרות שבת תחילה, רשאים להדליק אחר כך נרות חנוכה, שהרי אין
קבלת השבת תלוייה בהדלקת הנרות למנהג הספרדים. ואפילו למנהג האשכנזים שהאשה מקבל
את קדושת השבת בהדלקת הנרות, וכמו
שביארנו כבר, מכל מקום בודאי שבעלה אינו מקבל שבת בהדלקת הנרות
שלה, והרי הוא רשאי לברך ולהדליק נרות חנוכה

Order for Lighting Shabbat and Chanukah Candles

There is a disagreement among the Rishonim as to the
order of lighting Shabbat and Chanukah candles on Erev Shabbat Chanukah. The
Ba’al Halachot Gedolot (commonly referred to as The “Behag”) is of the opinion
that Shabbat candles must be lit before Chanukah candles because women
customarily accept upon themselves the sanctity of Shabbat by lighting the
Shabbat candles and were they to light Shabbat candles first, they would then
be unable to light Chanukah candles thereafter. Clearly then, Chanukah candles
must be lit first. This opinion is quoted by the Tur. Although we have a rule
that the more common of two Mitzvot must be performed first, for instance in
Kiddush of Friday night the “Ha’Gefen” blessing precedes the blessing of
“Mekadesh Ha’Shabbat” because it is more common (as explained in the Gemara in
Berachot 51b), so too, in our case, Shabbat candles are lit more often than
Chanukah candles; would it not follow that Shabbat candles be lit first?
Rather, according to this opinion since it would not be possible to light
Chanukah candles after Shabbat candles, the Chanukah candles must indeed be lit

However, the Ramban and the Rashba disagree with the Behag’s opinion, and they
hold that lighting Shabbat candles in no way constitutes an acceptance of
Shabbat, and since this woman, and everyone else for that matter, has in mind
to light Chanukah candles after lighting the Shabbat candles, according to all
opinions she has not yet accepted Shabbat. Thus, they have ruled that one
should first light Shabbat candles and only then light Chanukah candles, based
on the rule of performing the more frequent Mitzvah first.

Halachically speaking, the ruling on this matter follows Maran HaShulchan Aruch
that a woman’s lighting of Shabbat candles does not constitute an acceptance of
the sanctity of Shabbat, especially if she has in mind to perform work
afterwards, for instance lighting Chanukah candles and the like, in which case
she certainly has not yet accepted Shabbat. This applies all the more so
regarding the husband of this woman, who is usually the one to light the
Chanukah candles, that he has not accepted Shabbat on the basis of his wife’s
lighting of the Shabbat candles. It would then seem that the Halacha should
follow the ruling of the Ramban that Shabbat candles should indeed be lit

However, the Radbaz writes that even though we hold that one does not accept
Shabbat by lighting Shabbat candles, since there is a dispute amongst the
Rishonim regarding this matter, plus the Mitzvah of lighting Chanukah is more
beloved, it is therefore proper to light Chanukah candles first, even against
the rule of the more common Mitzvah coming first. Similarly, Maran HaBet Yosef
writes that even according to the opinion of the Ramban and the Rashba that
Shabbat candles should be lit before Chanukah candles, one may still light
whichever one he chooses first. Thus, it is preferable to light Chanukah
candles before Shabbat candles in accordance with the opinion of the Ba’al
Halachot Gedolot, as Maran rules in Shulchan Aruch and is further explained in
Chazon Ovadia on the Halachot of Chanukah.

Summary: On Erev Shabbat Chanukah, one should preferably light Chanukah
candles and only then light Shabbat candles. However, if one accidentally lit
Shabbat candles first, one may in fact light Chanukah candles afterwards, for
according to the Sephardic custom, one does not accept Shabbat by lighting
Shabbat candles. Even according to the Ashkenazi custom that one does in fact
accept Shabbat by lighting Shabbat candles, nevertheless, a husband surely does
not accept Shabbat through his wife’s Shabbat candle-lighting, as we have
already mentioned, and he may still light Chanukah candles with a blessing.