שבת is
Volunteer for CST and help to protect our community.
Dear Members,
Around Chanukah, when we celebrate the spirit of Jewish resistance, it seems appropriate to remind you of the protection that CST provides to our congregation. CST strives to protect us from those that wish to cause us harm, so that we can all live our Jewish lives free from fear.
CST depends on volunteers to continue providing the level of security we have all become reliant upon. So, on behalf of CST, we are asking you now, as direct beneficiaries of this service, to consider becoming a volunteer for this very important organisation in 2022.
You will learn vital skills, such as Krav Maga, self-defence and the theories and principles of security. More importantly, you will be equipped to help protect our community. Men and women alike make fantastic volunteers, so if you’re in sound health and have a moderate level of fitness, enquire today, and help to keep us all safe.
CST’s next security volunteer course begins on Tuesday 11 January 2022. For more information, please contact the CST office on 0161 792 6666.
לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב
Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
4:54 | 4:54 | 3:55 | 3:20 | 9:56 | 3:42 | 3:42 | 26/27 Nov | וישב |
- “These are the offspring of Yaakov: Yosef….” Give three reasons why Yosef is considered Yaakov’s main offspring.
37:2 – (a) Yosef was the son of Rachel, Yaakov’s primary wife. (b) Yosef looked like Yaakov. (c) All that befell Yaakov befell Yosef. - What was praiseworthy about the fact that Yosef’s brothers did not speak to him in a friendly manner?
37:4 – They did not act hypocritically. - How do we see from Yosef’s dream about the sun, moon and stars that all dreams contain some untrue element?
37:10 – The moon represented Rachel. Since she had already died, it was impossible for that element of the dream to come true. - Who brought Yosef down to Egypt?
37:28 – A caravan of Midianites. - Where was Reuven when Yosef was sold?
37:29 – He was attending to Yaakov. - In addition to the brothers, who else knew that Yosef was alive?
37:33 – Yitzchak. - Why didn't G-d reveal prophetically to Yaakov that Yosef was alive?
37:33 – Because the brothers had issued a ban against revealing the truth to Yaakov, and G-d, so to speak, abided by their ban. - For how long did Yaakov mourn the loss of Yosef?
37:34 – Twenty-two years. - Verse 37:35 states “his father wept.” To whom does this refer?
37:35 – Yitzchak, who wept because of Yaakov’s suffering. - Who was Tamar’s father?
38:24 – Shem. - In what merit did Tamar deserve to have kings as her descendants?
38:26 – In the merit of her modesty. - Why is the word “hand ” mentioned four times in connection to the birth of Zerach?
38:30 – To allude to his descendent, Achan, who sinned with his hand by taking four things from the spoils of Jericho. - Why does the Torah relate the incident with Potiphar’s wife immediately after the incident of Yehuda and Tamar?
39:1 – To teach us that just as Tamar acted with pure motives, so did Potiphar’s wife. - How did Potiphar “see” that G-d was with Yosef?
39:3 – Yosef mentioned G-d’s name frequently in his speech. - Who in this week’s Parsha pretended to be sick?
39:11 – Potiphar’s wife. - Why were the butler and the baker imprisoned?
40:1 – The butler was imprisoned because a fly was found in the king’s goblet, and the baker was imprisoned because a pebble was found in the king’s bread. - For how long were the butler and the baker in prison?
40:4 – Twelve months. - How did the baker know that Yosef had correctly interpreted the butler’s dream?
40:5 – The baker dreamed the interpretation of the butler's dream. - What prompted the butler and baker to tell Yosef their dreams?
40:6 – Yosef asked them why they looked troubled. - How was Yosef punished for asking the butler for help?
40:23 – He remained in prison an additional two years.
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.
- Which miracle do we celebrate with the lighting of candles?
The oil for lighting the menorah in the Beit Hamikdash after the victory over the Hellenites was only enough for one day and it miraculously lasted for eight days until a new supply of pure oil was available. (Rambam, Laws of Chanukah 1:1) - How did they know that the oil found was uncontaminated?
Its container had the seal of the kohen gadol. (Mesechta Shabbat 21b) - Who led the battle against the Hellenites?
Matityahu, the kohen gadol and his sons. (Rambam, Laws of Chanukah 1:1, and the “Al Hanissim” prayer in the Siddur) - During which of the “four exiles” did the miracle of Chanukah take place?
The third exile under Hellenite oppression during the era of the second Beit Hamikdash. (Rambam, Laws of Chanukah 1:1) - Name two non-halachic customs connected with Chanukah.
Eating either donuts or potato pancakes made with oil and playing with the sivivon (dreidel). - How many blessings are made before lighting candles?
Three blessings the first night and two the other nights. (Rambam, Laws of Chanukah 1:4) - Why do we light the extra candle known as the “shamash”?
Since it is forbidden to benefit from the light of the candles we light an extra one so that if we do benefit it will be from that one called the shamash because it is sometimes used to serve as the lighting agent. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 673:1) - What is added to our regular prayers at least three times a day?
The prayer “Al Hanissim”. (Ibid. 682:1) - What is the special reading of the Torah each day?
The gifts of the nesi’im (heads of the twelve tribes at the inauguration of the Sanctuary as recorded in Bamidbar 7:1-8). (Ibid. 684:1) - Is it obligatory to eat a meal like on Purim?
No. But if the meal is accompanied by songs of praise to Heaven it is considered a seudat mitzvah. (Ibid. 670:2) - When do we have occasion to use three Sifrei Torah on Chanukah?
When Rosh Chodesh Tevet is on Shabbat and we read selections for Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and Chanukah. (Ibid. 684:3) - What three mitzvot did the Hellenites decree against?
Shabbat, circumcision and Rosh Chodesh. (Midrash) - What damage did the Hellenites do to the Beit Hamikdash
They made breaks in the walls and contaminated the sacred items. (Rambam, Laws of Chanukah 1:1) - What two military advantages did the Hellenite army have over the Jews?
They were stronger and more numerous. (“Al Hanissim” Prayer) - Is it permissible to do work on Chanukah?
It is permissible to work but women have a custom of refraining from work for the first half hour that the candles are burning. (Mishna Berurah 670:1) - Why is there no Mussaf prayer on Chanukah except for Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh?
Because there were no additional sacrifices in the Beit Hamikdash during Chanukah. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 682:2) - How does the name Chanukah indicate the date when this holiday begins?
If we break up the word into two parts — Chanu, and the letters chaf and hei, we read that they rested from the war on the 25th day of the month. - What special prayer do we add to the morning services?
Hallel. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 683:1) - What did the Jews do after victory that explains the name Chanukah?
They rededicated the altar in the Beit Hamikdash, which the Hellenites had defiled. (“Chanukah”means inauguration.) - Which regular prayers in the morning service do we omit on Chanukah?
Tachanun and Psalm 20 before Uva Letzion. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 683:1)
בימים אלו, אנו עומדים בסמוך
לימי החנוכה. ולכן נתחיל לבאר את עיקרי הדינים הנוגעים לימים אלה, ממה שכתבנו
בשנים קודמות, ובתוספת נופך.
זמני ימי החנוכה בשנה זו
ימי החנוכה הם שמונת
ימים. החל מיום כ”ה בכסליו, כמו שנבאר. ובשנה זו יחול יום
כ”ה בכסליו ביום שני הבא (בעוד כשבוע). ובליל יום שני, כלומר, מוצאי יום
ראשון, נדליק נרות חנוכה בפעם הראשונה. ובמוצאי יום ראשון שאחריו, נדליק נרות
חנוכה בפעם האחרונה בשנה זו.
נס חנוכה
בתקופת בית המקדש השני
גזרו מלכי יוון גזירות על ישראל, ועמדו עליהם להשכיחם מצוות התורה, ולבטל אותם
מדתם, ולא הניחום לעסוק בתורה ובמצוות, ונכנסו להיכל בית המקדש ופרצו בו פרצות,
והיה צר מאד לישראל מפניהם, עד שריחם עליהם הקדוש ברוך הוא, והצילם מידם, וגברו
עליהם בני החשמונאים הכהנים הגדולים, והרגום, והושיעו את ישראל מידם, והעמידו מלך
על ישראל מן הכהנים.
וכשגברו החשמונאים על היוונים,
נכנסו לבית המקדש, ורצו להדליק את המנורה הטהורה, ולא מצאו אלא פך אחד של שמן טהור
שהיה בו כדי להדליק את המנורה יום אחד בלבד, ונעשה בו נס והדליקו ממנו שמונה ימים,
עד שכתשו זיתים ועשו מהם שמן טהור. ואותו היום שבו נמצא פך השמן, יום כ”ה
לחודש כסליו היה. ולכן תיקנו חכמים שהיו באותו הדור לעשות שמונה ימים הללו, מיום
כ”ה בכסליו, ימי הלל ושמחה, ומדליקים בהם נרות בכל לילה משמונת הלילות, כדי
לפרסם הנס, וימים אלו נקראים “חנוכה“.
למה נקרא שמו “חנוכה“?
כתב רבינו פרחיה בפירושו
על מסכת שבת (כא:), שהטעם שנקרא חנוכה “חנוכה”, הוא משום שבימים אלה
חנכו מחדש את המזבח בקרבנות תודה ונדבה לה' יתברך על הנס שנעשה להם, כי היוונים
סתרו את המזבח, וכשגברה ידם של החשמונאים, חזרו ויסדו אותו מחדש. וכל אותם שמונת ימים
של חנוכה, היו ימים שבהם חזרו ישראל למקדש, ועסקו בתיקונו, בסיוד הקירות ותיקונו
מחדש. (חזון עובדיה עמוד ו).
הזהירות בהדלקת נרות חנוכה
צריך להזהר מאד במצות
הדלקת נרות חנוכה, כי מצוה זו חביבה עד מאד, כדי לפרסם את הנס בהודאה לה' יתברך.
ואמרו רבותינו (שבת כג:) שהמקיים מצוה זו כהלכתה זוכה לבנים תלמידי חכמים, שנאמר
(בספר משלי פרק ו.) “כי נר מצוה ותורה אור”, ופירש רש”י, על ידי נר
מצוה בא אור של תורה. וכתב המאירי, דהיינו לעשותו בהידור רב ובדרך חיבוב.
כמה נרות יש להדליק
כמה נרות צריך להדליק בחג
החנוכה? מעיקר הדין די בנר אחד בכל בית מישראל, בין שבני הבית רבים ובין שבני הבית
מועטים, ונהגו כל ישראל להדר במצוה ולהוסיף נר אחד בכל לילה, עד שבלילה האחרון
מדליק שמונה נרות. (ועוד נר אחד כ”שמש”. מלבד יוצאי ארם צובא, שחלקם
נהגו להדליק שמונה נרות, ועוד שני נרות, אחד כ”שמש”, והשני, זכר לנס
שנעשה להם).
מנהג הספרדים ובני עדות המזרח,
כדעת מרן שקבלנו הוראותיו, שאחד מבני הבית מדליק, ופוטר את כל בני הבית בהדלקתו,
אבל האשכנזים נוהגים שכל אחד מבני הבית מדליק נרות חנוכה בפני עצמו.
Holiday of Chanukah
Since we are approaching the holiday of Chanukah, let us begin
discussing some of its pertinent laws based on what we have written in previous
years in addition to new some new ideas as well.
When Chanukah Falls Out this Year
The holiday of Chanukah lasts for eight days beginning from the 25th of Kislev, as we shall discuss. This
year, the 25th of
Kislev will fall out on Monday of next week. Chanukah candles will be lit for
the first time next Sunday night. On the Sunday night of the following week,
Chanukah candles will be lit for the last time this year.
The Miracle of Chanukah
In the Second Temple era, the Greek sovereignty decreed many terrible decrees
upon the Jewish people and did not allow them to involve themselves in Torah
learning or Mitzvah observance with hopes of making them forget the
commandments of the Torah. Additionally, the Greeks entered the Bet Hamikdash
and inflicted much damage and disrepair upon it. All this caused tremendous
anguish to the Jewish nation until Hashem had mercy on them and brought about
salvation to Israel through the sons of the Hashmonai high-priests who defeated
and annihilated the Greeks and eventually appointed a member of their own
priestly family as king.
When the Hashmonai family entered the recently ruined Temple and
wished to light the pure Menorah (candelabra), only one container of pure olive
oil, enough to last for only one day, was found. Nevertheless, Hashem performed
a miracle and the flames of the Menorah kindled for eight consecutive days
until they were able to procure more olives in order to produce more pure olive
oil. The day that the single container of pure oil was found was the 25th of Kislev and thus, the Sages of that
generation established these eight days, beginning with the 25th of Kislev, as days of thanksgiving and
joy. Furthermore, they established that candles should be lit every one of
these eight nights in order to publicize this miracle. These days are called
Why the Holiday is Called “Chanukah”
Rabbeinu Perachya writes (in his commentary on Shabbat 21b) that the reason why
this holiday is called “Chanukah” is because during these days, the Bet
Hamikdash was re-inaugurated (which is the definition of the word “Chanukah” in
Hebrew) through thanksgiving offerings to Hashem for the miracles He performed
for us by allowing the Hashmonai family to defeat the Greek armies who had
destroyed the Altar and other portions of the Bet Hamikdash. When the Hashmonai
family overcame the Greeks, they renovated the Bet Hamikdash anew and the
rededicated it. The entire eight-day period of Chanukah was a time when the
Jewish nation returned to the Bet Hamikdash and carried out the required
repairs to return it to its original majesty. (Chazon Ovadia-Chanukah, page 6)
Being Meticulous Regarding Lighting Chanukah Candles
One should be extremely meticulous regarding the Mitzvah of kindling the
Chanukah lights, for it is a very beloved Mitzvah since through it we publicize
the miracle amid thanks to Hashem. Our Sages teach us (Shabbat 23b) that one
who fulfills this Mitzvah properly will merit having children who are Torah
scholars. They derived this from the verse (Mishlei 6), “For a Mitzvah is a
candle and Torah is light” where Rashi explains that through a candle
associated with a Mitzvah (i.e. Chanukah candles) the light of Torah emanates.
The Meiri further elaborates that this means that this Mitzvah must be done in
a beautified and loving manner.
The Amount of Candles One Should Light
How many candles must one light on the holiday of Chanukah? According to the
law, one candle per Jewish household is sufficient, whether the members of the
household are few or many. However, it is customary to beautify the Mitzvah by
adding one extra candle per night, such that on the last night one would be
lighting eight candles (excluding the “Shamash” candle; some Syrian
communities have the custom to two additional candles each night of Chanukah,
one as the “Shamash” and one commemorating an unrelated miracle that
they experienced).
The custom of the Sephardim and Middle Eastern communities is in
accordance with the opinion of Maran, whose rulings we have accepted, that only
one member of the household lights and thus exempts the other members of the
household. Ashkenazim, however, differ in their custom in that every member of
the household lights Chanukah candles for himself.
הדלקת נרות חנוכה
כבר ביארנו, שכדי לפרסם את נס
חנוכה, תיקנו חכמים להדליק נרות חנוכה בכל לילה מלילות החנוכה.
סדר הברכות
המדליק נרות חנוכה בלילה
הראשון, מברך שלוש ברכות לפני ההדלקה: ברוך אתה ה' אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו
במצותיו וצונו להדליק נר חנוכה. ברוך אתה ה' אלהינו מלך העולם שעשה נסים
לאבותינו בימים ההם בזמן הזה. ברוך אתה ה' אלהינו מלך העולם שהחיינו וקיימנו
והגיענו לזמן הזה.
ובשאר לילות החנוכה אינו מברך
ברכת “שהחיינו”, אלא ברכת להדליק נר חנוכה וברכת שעשה נסים לאבותינו
בלבד. (ואם שכח לברך שהחיינו ביום הראשון, רשאי לברך ביום השני).
וכתב בספר מטה משה (סימן תתקפ),
שנתנו סימן לסדר הברכות, על פי הנאמר בפסוק (במדבר כא), “עשה לך שרף (רמז
לברכת להדליק נר חנוכה), ושים אותו על נס (רמז לברכת שעשה נסים), והיה כל הנשוך,
וראה אותו וחי” (רמז לברכת שהחיינו).
להזהר להדליק את הפתילות היטב
יש נוהגים, שכאשר מדליקים
את הנרות, מיד כאשר רואים שהאש נאחזה בפתילה, מסלקים ידיהם ועוברים לנר הבא. וכתב
מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל, שאינם עושים כהוגן. משום שיש להזהר בשעת ההדלקה,
שלא לסלק את היד, עד שתהיה השלהבת עולה מאליה, כלומר, שתאחז האש היטב בפתילה. וכמו
שכתבו הפוסקים לגבי נר שבת, שעל האשה להזהר להדליק “את רוב היוצא מראש הפתילה
שבנר”. וכן הדין לגבי נר חנוכה. שכיון שמברך “להדליק נר חנוכה”
צריך להדליקו בעצמו היטב.
The Order of Lighting Chanukah Candles
We have already established that in order to publicize the
miracle of Chanukah, our Sages enacted that one must light Chanukah candles
every night during the holiday of Chanukah.
The Order of the Blessings
When lighting the Chanukah candles on the first night of Chanukah, one must
first recite three blessings before lighting: “Baruch Ata Hashem Elokeinu
Melech Ha’Olam Asher Kideshanu Bemitzvotav Vetzivanu Le’Hadlik Ner Chanukah,”
“Baruch Ata Hashem Elokeinu Melech Ha’Olam She’Asa Nissim La’Avotenu
Bayamim Hahem Ba’Zeman Hazeh,” and “Baruch Ata Hashem Elokeinu Melech
Ha’Olam Shehecheyanu Ve’Kiyemanu Ve’Higianu La’Zeman Hazeh.”
On all subsequent nights, the “Shehecheyanu” blessing
is omitted; only the “Le’Hadlik Ner Chanukah” and “She’Asa Nissim
La’Avotenu” blessings are recited. (If one forgets to recite the “Shehecheyanu”
blessing on the first night, one may recite it on the second night.)
The Sefer Mateh Moshe (Chapter 580) writes that there is a sign
to remember the order of the blessings based on what is written in the
following verse (Bamidbar 21): “Make for yourself a fiery serpent (hinting to
the blessing of “Le’Hadlik Ner Chanukah”) and place it on a pole (“Ness”
in Hebrew; hinting to the blessing of “She’Asa Nissim”); it shall be
that anyone who has been bitten shall gaze at it and live (hinting to the
“Shehecheyanu” blessing).”
Taking Care to Light the Wicks Well
Some customarily light the candles and immediately upon seeing that the wick
catches fire, they remove their hand and move on to the next candle. Maran
Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that this is incorrect, for one
should take care when lighting not to remove one’s hand until the flame has
caught onto the wick well (i.e. that the flame engulfs a majority of the wick).
This is similar to what the Poskim write regarding lighting Shabbat candles
that a woman should make sure to light “most of what emerges from the head of
the wick.” The same applies to lighting Chanukah candles; since one recites the
blessing of “Le’Hadlik Ner Chanukah,” one must make sure to light it
well on one’s own.