Newsletter Parashat Devarim – Shabbat Chazon – Tisha BeAv – Summer Holidays



Have a look at our website 
Tisha BeAv 
Motzae Shabbat
(1) At Motzae Shabbat say Hamavdil
(2) Change clothes & shoes
(Arbit will be slightly later)
(3) Come to the Bet Hakeneset
(4) No havdala at home
(i) if unwell follow the halachot of a sick person on Tisha BeAv
(5) Meore Haesh said in the Bet Hakeneset
before Megilat Echa

End of the fast
(1) before eating say Havdala  
reciting the Berachot on
(a)  Bore Peri Hagefen
(b) Hamavdil Ben Kodesh LeChol
(i) Besamim – spices
(ii) Ner – candlelight
will be having a break for the next few weeks
return in time for Elul & Selichot
Amud Yomi every morning
Masechet Berachot
Come and learn before Shacharit
live on Zoom

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״א

Summer Timetable 5781 – 2021

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע


פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*













Fast begins: 9:26

ערבית: 10:50






16/17 July


(שבת חזון)








23/24 July

ואתחנן (שבת נחמו)








30/31 Jul









6/7 Aug

ראה  (ש''מ)








13/14 Aug


Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Shemuel Chaim ben Aiysha
Yaacov ben Chana Debora
Youth Library Feb 21 Allowing books to be read in shul.gif
Rabbi Yaakov Hillel – Straight from the Heart

Sephardic World
Q & A Parashat Devarim
  1. How do we see from the beginning of Parshat Devarim that Moshe was concerned for the Jewish Peoples honor?
    1:1 Moshe mentions only the names of the places where the Jewish People sinned, but does not mention the sins themselves.
  2. How much time elapsed between leaving Mt. Sinai and sending the spies?
    1:2 – 40 days.
  3. Moshe rebuked the Jewish People shortly before his death. From whom did he learn this?
    1:3 – From Yaakov, who rebuked his sons shortly before his death.
  4. Why did Moshe wait until he had smitten the Amorite kings before rebuking the Jewish People?
    1:4 So that no one could say, “What right has he to rebuke us; has he brought us into any part of the Land as he promised?”
  5. What were some of the achievements that resulted from the Jewish People “dwelling” at Mt. Sinai?
    1:6 – They received the Torah, built the mishkan and all its vessels, appointed a Sanhedrin, and appointed officers.
  6. Why does the Torah single out the names of the avot in connection with the giving of the Land?
    1:8 – Each of the avot possessed sufficient merit for the Jewish People to inherit the Land.
  7. What did Moshe convey to the Jewish People by saying: “You today are like the stars of the Heavens”?
    1:10 – They are an eternal people, just as the sun, moon and stars are eternal.
  8. Apikorsim” (those who denigrate Talmud scholars) observed Moshes every move in order to accuse him. What did they observe, and what did they accuse him of?
    1:13 They observed the time he left home in the morning. If Moshe left early, they accused him of having family problems (which drove him from his home). If he left late, they accused him of staying home in order to plot evil against them.
  9. Moshe was looking for several qualities in the judges he chose. Which quality couldn't he find?
    1:15 – Men of understanding.
  10. Moshe told the judges, “The case that is too hard for you, bring it to me.” How was he punished for this statement?
    1:17 – When the daughters of Tzelofchad asked him a halachic question, the law was concealed from him.
  11. Why did Moshe describe the desert as great and frightful?
    1:19 – Because the Jewish People saw huge, frightening snakes and scorpions in the desert.
  12. Which tribe was not represented among the spies?
    1:23 – Levi.
  13. Which city did Calev inherit?
    1:36 – Hebron.
  14. How many kingdoms was Avraham promised? How many were conquered by Yehoshua?
    2:5 – Avraham was promised the land of ten kingdoms. Yehoshua conquered seven. The lands of Moav, Ammon and Esav will be received in the time of the mashiach.
  15. Why were the Jewish People forbidden to provoke Ammon?
    2:9 – This was a reward for Lots younger daughter, the mother of Ammon, for concealing her fathers improper conduct.
  16. Why were the Jewish People not permitted to conquer the Philistines?
    2:23 – Because Avraham had made a peace treaty with Avimelech, King of the Philistines.
  17. How did Hashem instill the dread of the Jewish People into the nations of the world?
    2:25 – During the battle against Og, the sun stood still for the sake of the Jewish People, and the whole world saw this.
  18. Why did Moshe fear Og?
    3:2 – Og possessed merit for having once helped Avraham.
  19. Who was instrumental in destroying the Refaim?
    3:11 – Amrafel.
  20. What was the advantage of Reuven and Gad leading the way into battle?
    3:18 – They were mighty men, and the enemy would succumb to them.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

דין סעודה
מפסקת בשנה זו 

ערב תשעה באב, אסרו חכמים לאכול בשר ולשתות יין
בסעודה המפסקת, (היא הסעודה שאוכל לפני תחילת הצום, אחר חצות היום). וכן אסרו
לאכול שני תבשילים בסעודה המפסקת, וישנם כמה פרטי דינים בזה. אולם בשנה זו  שתענית תשעה באב תחול ביום ראשון, נמצא שערב תשעה באב חל ביום השבת,
ולפיכך, מפני כבוד שבת
שאסור לנהוג בה דיני אבלות, אמרו
חכמים שבסעודה זו (שהיא סעודה שלישית של שבת קודם תחילת התענית), אוכל אדם ושותה
כל צרכו, “ומעלה על שולחנו אפילו כסעודת שלמה בשעתו

ובדברי הפוסקים מצאנו בביאור דברי רבותינו שני
פירושים, שיש אומרים שמה שאמרו רבותינו שאדם מעלה על שולחנו אפילו כסעודת שלמה
בשעתו, אין הכוונה בזה שאסור להמנע ממאכלי בשר ושתיית יין ביום השבת, אלא שאם רוצה
אדם לאכול בשר ויין בסעודה זו, רשאי לעשות כן, אבל בכל זאת ראוי להימנע מאכילת בשר
ושתית יין וכדומה בסעודה מפסקת אף על פי שהיא חלה ביום שבת, וזאת מפני אסונינו
הגדול בחורבן הבית

אבל לדעת רוב רבותינו הראשונים, פירוש דברי
רבותינו הוא כפשוטם, שאין להמנע מאכילת בשר ושתיית יין ביום שבת אף בסעודה המפסקת,
מפני כבוד השבת. ובספר שבלי הלקט
(לרבינו צדקיה בן רבי אברהם הרופא שחי לפני
כשמונה מאות שנה בעיר רומא שבאיטליה), הביא תשובת רבינו קלונימוס איש רומי שהשיב
לרבי יקר, שאם חל תשעה באב ביום ראשון התירו הגאונים לאכול בשר ולשתות יין בסעודה
, מפני כבוד שבת, ואין צריך לשנות שולחנו בשבת,
ובלבד שיש לו לישב בדאבת נפש שלא לנהוג בשמחה

וכן יש לנהוג להלכה ולמעשה, שבסעודה מפסקת שחלה
ביום שבת, כמו בשנה זו , אין להימנע מאכילת בשר וכדומה (וכן מותר לשיר
זמירות שבת בסעודה זו מפני כבוד השבת

The Laws of the Last Meal Before the Fast of Tisha Be’av
This Year 

On Erev Tisha Be’av, our Sages prohibited eating meat and
drinking wine during the last meal before the onset of the fast of Tisha Be’av
held after halachic midday. They likewise forbade eating two cooked foods
during this meal. Nevertheless, this year, since the fast of Tisha Be’av
is observed on Sunday, “Erev Tisha Be’av” will thus coincide with Shabbat.
Thus, in honor of Shabbat during which observance of mourning customs is
forbidden, our Sages said that during this meal (which is actually Seuda
, the third Shabbat meal and the last meal before the fast) one
may eat and drink one’s fill and “one may serve on his table like a feast of
King Solomon during his reign.”

Among the Rishonim, we find two different ways to explain
this statement of our Sages: Some explain that when they said that “one may
serve on his table like a feast of King Solomon during his reign,” this does
not mean that one may not abstain from eating meat and drinking wine; rather,
if one wishes, one may eat meat and drink wine during this meal. It is
nevertheless preferable to abstain from eating meat and drinking wine during
the last meal before the fast of Tisha Be’av even when Erev Tisha Be’av falls
out on Shabbat in commemoration of the great tragedy of the destruction of the
Bet Hamikdash.

On the other hand, most Rishonim explain that one should
not abstain from eating meat and drinking wine on Shabbat, even during the last
meal before the fast of Tisha Be’av, in honor of Shabbat. The Sefer Shiboleh
Ha’Leket (authored by Rabbeinu Tzidkiyah ben Rabbi Avraham Ha’Rofeh who lived
in Rome approximately eight hundred years ago) quotes a responsa by Rabbeinu
Klonimus of Rome who wrote to Rabbeinu Yakar that if Tisha Be’av falls out on
Sunday, the Geonim permitted one to eat meat and drink wine during the last
meal before the fast in honor of Shabbat. One need not spare anything from
one’s table as long as one sits and eats solemnly and does not act joyfully.

The Halacha indeed follows this opinion that during the
last meal before the fast of Tisha Be’av which is held on Shabbat as is the
case this year, one should not abstain from eating meat and the like (one
may likewise sing Shabbat songs during this meal in honor of Shabbat).