Dear Friend & Family
Once again in a few weeks I will be braving the waters of lake Ullswater [which know nothing of global warming] with a group of swimmers to raise funds for MMK.
Manchester Montefiore Kollel, led by the Rosh Chaburah Rabbi Cohen and me, is a well established kollel with over a decade of learning, teaching and communal activity in North and South Manchester.
The Kollel provides:
- High level learning leading to Semicha (the Kollel was recently tested on the Laws of Shabbat by Dayan Berger shlit”a and Dayan Heimlich shlit”a)
- Training of young Rabbis in public speaking, writing & leadership roles
- Daily one to one learning sessions
- Joint learning initiatives
- Youth Work including boys' weekly shiur
- Social Activities
- Amud Yomi Shiur
- Sunday morning breakfast shiur
- Regular Shabbat sermons
- Monthly Publications
- Parsha questions
- Regular time-themed events.
We’re running a vital fundraising campaign Sunday-Monday, 3rd-4th July 2022.
Please support our Torah learning by donating generously to my page on
to enable me to reach my goal of £6000.
The intrepid group of swimmers will be braving the chilly waters to swim across Lake Ullswater in the Lake District on 10th July. Splash them with your support!
In the zechut of helping complete our goal, may you be blessed with boundless Bracha, Hatzlacha and continued success.
Moshe Stamler
Other donation methods:
- By direct transfer to Royal Bank of Scotland Manchester Montefiore Kollel sort code 160001 account number 21005484
- By post to 12 Ravensway Prestwich M25 0EU [Cheques/vouchers made out to MMK]

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״ב
Summer Timetable 5782 – 2022
מוצאי שבת | ערבית )מוצ”ש( | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | זמן | פלג מנחה (תה״ד) | פלג מנחה (לבוש) | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Shema to be read before | Candles to be |
| Earliest Candle | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat* | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | AM | PM | PM | PM | PM |
10:57 | 10:53 | 8:59 | 9:25 | 8:39 | 7:56 | 7:40 | 1/2 | קרח |
For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat, unless the time listed
in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is
earlier, when
candles MUST be lit by that time, in all cases.
שבת שחרית
9:00 am
9:15 am


- Why did Datan and Aviram join Korach?
16:1 – Because they were his neighbors. - Why is Yaakov's name not mentioned in Korach's genealogy?
16:1 – Yaakov prayed that his name not be mentioned in connection with Korach's rebellion (Bereishet 49:6). - What motivated Korach to rebel?
16:1 – Korach was jealous that Elizafan ben Uziel was appointed as leader of the family of Kehat instead of himself. - What did Korach and company do when Moshe said that a techelet garment needs tzizit?
16:1 – They laughed. - What warning did Moshe give the rebels regarding the offering of the incense?
16:6 – Only one person would survive. - Did Moshe want to be the kohen gadol?
16-6 – Yes. - What event did Korach not foresee?
16:7 – That his sons would repent. - What does the phrase rav lachem mean in this week's Parsha? (Give two answers.)
16:7,3 – Rav lachem appears twice in this week's Parsha. It means “much more than enough greatness have you taken for yourself (16:3)” and “It is a great thing I have said to you (16:17).” - What lands are described in this week's Parsha as “flowing with milk and honey”?
16:12 – Egypt and Canaan. - When did Moshe have the right to take a donkey from the Jewish community?
16:15 – When he traveled from Midian to Egypt. - What did Korach do the night before the final confrontation?
16:19 – Korach went from tribe to tribe in order to rally support for himself. - What sin did Datan and Aviram have in common specifically with Goliath?
16:27 – They all blasphemed. - Before what age is a person not punished by the Heavenly Court for his sins?
16:27 – Twenty years old. - What happens to one who rebels against the institution of kehuna? Who suffered such a fate?
17:5 – He is stricken with tzara'at, as was King Uziyahu (Divrei HaYamim II 26:16-19). - Why specifically was incense used to stop the plague?
17:13 – Because the people were deprecating the incense offering, saying that it caused the death of two of Aharon's sons and also the death of 250 of Korach's followers. Therefore G-d demonstrated that the incense offering was able to avert death, and it is sin, not incense, which causes death. - Why was Aharon's staff placed in the middle of the other 11 staffs?
17:21 – So people would not say that Aharon's staff bloomed because Moshe placed it closer to the Shechina. - Aharon's staff was kept as a sign. What did it signify?
17:25 – That only Aharon and his children were selected for the kehuna. - Why are the 24 gifts for the kohanim taught in this week's Parsha?
18:8 – Since Korach claimed the kehuna, the Torah emphasizes Aharon's and his descendants' rights to kehuna by recording the gifts given to them. - Who may eat the kodshei kodashim (most holy sacrifices) and where must they be eaten?
18:10 – Male kohanim may eat them and only in the azara (forecourt of the Beit Hamikdash). - Why is G-d's covenant with the kohanim called “a covenant of salt”?
18:19 – Just as salt never spoils, so this covenant will never be rescinded.

הבאים בתוך הסעודה
דברים הבאים
בתוך הסעודה
במסכת ברכות (מא:), אמר רב פפא, הלכתא (להלכה), דברים הבאים בתוך הסעודה מחמת
הסעודה, אינם טעונים ברכה, לא לפניהם ולא אחריהם. כלומר, כל מאכל שבא בתוך סעודה
(שאוכלים עם פת לחם), כגון בשר ודגים וכיוצא בזה, אין מברכים
עליו בשעת הסעודה את הברכה הראויה לו (“שהכל”), משום שכל המאכלים
שבסעודה נפטרים כבר בברכת המוציא לחם מן הארץ.
הטעם שאין
מברכים בתוך הסעודה
הדבר שכל המאכלים נפטרים בברכת המוציא, במחשבה ראשונה היה נראה, שהוא מדין
“עיקר וטפל”, (כמו שביארנו בעבר),
שיש לאדם מאכל המורכב משני מאכלים, מברך על המאכל העיקרי, ופוטר את הטפל. ולדוגמא,
תבשיל של אורז עם עדשים, ברכתו בורא מיני מזונות, אף על פי שברכת העדשים היא
“האדמה”, מפני שהאורז הוא העיקר, וברכתו “מזונות“,
טפלים לו. וכמו כן בנדונינו, כיון שהפת יש לה חשיבות מיוחדת, הרי היא נחשבת כעיקר
הסעודה, ולכן בברכת הפת נפטרים גם כל שאר המאכלים שיבואו בסעודה.
אולם בגמרא,
לבן זומא על דברים הללו (הם המאכלים הבאים בתוך הסעודה), מפני מה אינם טעונים
ברכה? אמר להם, הואיל והפת פוטרתן. והסביר רבינו הריטב”א, פירוש,
מדין טפילה הוא (כלומר, לא מטעם עיקר וטפל הפת פוטרת את שאר המאכלים),
המאכל נחשב טפל, אלא כשנאכל עם העיקר, כדברים שמלפתים בהם את הפת (כמו הסלטים שאנו
עושים, שאוכלים אותם ממש עם הפת), אבל מאכלים שאין מלפתים בהם את הפת, אינם נחשבים
טפלים לפת.
והמשיך רבינו
הריטב”א והסביר, שבכל זאת אין מברכים על המאכלים הבאים בתוך הסעודה, מפני
שהפת היא “עיקר הסעודה” כנגד כל מאכל שיבא אחריה. כלומר, דין מיוחד הוא
לגבי הפת, שמרוב חשיבותה, היא פוטרת את כל המאכלים שבאים יחד עמה בסעודה,
על פי שהם אינם נאכלים עם הפת ממש.
ולפיכך, גם
מאכלים כגון בשר ודגים, שאינם נאכלים עם הפת ממש, אין מברכים עליהם בתוך הסעודה.
מאחר ונפטרו כולם בברכת הפת שבתחילת הסעודה.
ולסיכום: מאכלים הבאים בתוך סעודה שאוכל בה פת לחם, והם
באים מחמת הסעודה, כלומר שבאים למזון ולשובע, כגון בשר ודגים, אין מברכים עליהם,
מכיון שנפטרו כבר בברכת הפת.
דברים הבאים
לקינוח בסוף הסעודה, כגון פירות, יש לברך עליהם, כיון שאינם מחמת הסעודה כלל. ודין
עוגות ועוגיות המוגשים בסיום הסעודה יבואר בעזרת ה' בהזדמנות אחרת.
Foods Eaten During a Meal
The Gemara in Masechet Berachot (41a) tells us: “Rav Papa
said: The Halacha is that foods eaten during the meal as part of the meal do
not require a blessing neither before nor after eating them.” This means that
any foods that are eaten during a bread meal, for instance meat, fish, and the
like, would not require their appropriate blessings before eating them during
the meal, for all foods eaten during a meal are already exempt through the
blessing of “Hamotzi Lechem Min Ha’aretz”. Similarly, beverages drunk
during the meal do not require a blessing for beverages are also exempt with
the “Hamotzi” blessing.
The Reason Why Blessings are Not Recited on Foods Eaten
During a Meal
At first glance, it would seem that the reason why no blessing is recited on
foods eaten during a meal is because of the law of the primary and secondary
foods, meaning that when one has a dish consisting of two types of food before
him, one should recite the blessing upon the primary food and thus exempts the
secondary food. For instance, the blessing on a dish of rice and lentils is “Boreh
Minei Mezonot” for the rice is the primary food and the lentils are only
secondary to it. Thus, it would seem in our case that since the bread has
special significance, it is considered the primary food of the meal and the
blessing on the bread exempts any food that is eaten during the course of the
Nevertheless, the Gemara recounts that Ben Zoma was asked
why foods eaten during the meal do not require a blessing to which he replied,
“Since the bread exempts them.” The Ritba explains that this is not based on
the Halacha of the secondary food (meaning that the bread does not exempt the
other foods because it is the primary foods and all other foods are secondary),
for a food is not considered secondary unless it is eaten together with the
primary food (such the salads and dips served nowadays at the beginning of the
meal which are actually eaten with bread); however, foods not actually
eaten with the bread cannot be considered secondary to the bread.
The Ritba continues and explains that the reason why one
does not bless on foods eaten during the meal is because regarding any other
foods served after it, the bread is considered “the main part of the meal.”
This means that bread retains a unique law in that, as a result of its innate
significance, it exempts any other foods eaten throughout the meal even if
these foods are not eaten together with the bread.
Thus, even foods such as fish and meat which are not
eaten together with bread would not require a blessing within a bread meal
since they have already been exempted by the blessing on the bread in the
beginning of the meal.
Summary: Foods
that are served during a bread meal and are eaten as part of the meal, meaning
that they are eaten to nourish and satiate, such as fish or meat, do not
require their own blessing since they have already been exempted with the
blessing on the bread.
Foods served at the end of a meal as dessert, such as
fruits, require a blessing since they are not eaten as part of the meal at all.
We shall, G-d-willing, discuss the laws of cakes and cookies served at the end
of a meal on a different occasion.