You are requested to attend the
ON SUNDAY, 1st November 2020 straight after Arvit
Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting
Matters arising from the Minutes
Parnas Presidente’s Report
Adoption of the Report
Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts
Discussion and Adoption of Report
*Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad
Parnas Presidente
Parnas Vice Presidente
Hon. Secretary
Ladies Committee Chair
Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined)
8. Election of delegates to:
a) Manchester Shechita Board
b) Manchester Jewish Rep Council
9. A.O.B. – Members are requested to send in any questions to be dealt with under any other business.
Thank you in advance for
attending – your support for this meeting is important.
On behalf of the Mahamad
*Nominations should reach
the Synagogue before
SUNDAY, 1st November 2020 .

A frequently overlooked part of modern Jewish history, the Holocaust and expulsion of Jews from Arab countries, is this week’s topic, looking at the experience of Libyan Jews. The Holocaust and post-War politics in Libya led the destruction of an ancient Jewish community.
We are delighted to be teaming with Sephardic Horizons. Judith Roumani of Sephardic Horizons will introduce our three speakers who will each give a 15 minute talk on their subject.
- Vivienne Roumani-Denn, “Libyan Jews in the Fascist Internment Camp of Giado”
- Danielle Willard-Kyle “‘Not within the Mandate: Libyan Jewish Refugees in Italian Displaced Persons Camps”
- David Meghnagi “Libyan Jewish Refugees and 1967”
Topic: Libyan Jews in the Maelstrom of Modern History: Sunday October 25, 2020 07:00 PM London. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLOCKS HAVE GONE BACK, THIS IS GMT. Please check your time zone. We believe this is 8pm in Amsterdam/Paris, 9pm in Jerusalem and 3pm in New York. Clocks in America change a week after Europe.
Join Zoom Meeting
Can you help us? Our supporters on Patreon contribute towards covering our costs. If you can make a small monthly donation, it would be much appreciated. https://www.patreon.com/sephardi
If you can’t get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on Facebook. We can’t broadcast live on YouTube until we have a 1,000 subscribers. Please help us by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpz6pgNSg_KWP-4KbErjU2g. It costs you nothing!
Best wishes,
Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World
לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א
Winter Timetable 5781 – 2020/21
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
6:42 | 6:40 | 5:50 | 5:15 | 10:23 | 5:38 | 5:38 | 23/24 Oct | נח |
- Question: Which particular sin sealed the fate of the flood generation?
Answer: 6:13 – Robbery.
- Question: Why did Hashem tell Noach to build an ark, as opposed to saving him via some other method?
Answer: 6:14 – So that people would see Noach building the ark and ask him what he was doing. When Noach would answer, “Hashem is bringing a flood,” it might encourage some people to repent.
- Question: The ark had three levels. What function did each level serve?
Answer: 6:16 – The top level housed the people, the middle level housed the animals, and the bottom level, the refuse.
- Question: What indication do we have that Noach was familiar with the Torah?
Answer: 7:2 – Hashem told him to take into the ark seven of each kosher-type animal, and two of each non-kosher type. “Kosher” and “non-kosher” are Torah concepts.
- Question: Why did Hashem postpone bringing the flood for seven days?
Answer: 7:4 – To allow seven days to mourn the death of Metushelach.
- Question: Why did the first water of the flood come down as light rain?
Answer: 7:12 – To give the generation a chance to repent.
- Question: What did people say that threatened Noach, and what did Hashem do to protect him?
Answer: 7:13,15 – People said, “If we see him going into the ark, we’ll smash it!” Hashem surrounded it with bears and lions to kill any attackers.
- Question: What grouping of creatures escaped the punishment of the flood?
Answer: 7:22 – The fish.
- Question: How deeply was the ark submerged in the water?
Answer: 8:4 – Eleven amot.
- Question: What did the olive branch symbolize?
Answer: 8:11 – Nothing. It was a leaf, not a branch. (The olive leaf symbolized that its better to eat food “bitter like an olive” but which comes directly from Hashem, rather than sweet food provided by humans.)
- Question: How long did the punishment of the flood last?
Answer: 8:14 – A full solar year.
- Question: A solar year is how many days longer than a lunar year?
Answer: 8:14 – Eleven days.
- Question: When did humans receive permission to eat meat?
Answer: 9:3 – After the flood.
- Question: What prohibition was given along with the permission to eat meat?
Answer: 9:4 – The prohibition of eating a limb cut from a living animal.
- Question: Why does the command to “be fruitful and multiply” directly follow the prohibition of murder?
Answer: 9:7 – To equate one who purposely abstains from having children to one who commits murder.
- Question: Name two generations in which the rainbow never appeared.
Answer: 9:12 – The generation of King Chizkiyahu and the generation of Shimon bar Yochai.
- Question: Why did Noach curse Canaan specifically? Give two reasons.
Answer: 9:22,24 – Because Canaan is the one who revealed Noach’s disgrace to Cham. And because Cham stopped Noach from fathering a fourth son. Thus, Noach cursed Cham’s fourth son, Canaan.
- Question: Why does the Torah call Nimrod a mighty hunter?
Answer: 10:9 – He used words to ensnare the minds of people, persuading them to rebel against Hashem.
- Question: The sin of the generation of the dispersion was greater than the sin of the generation of the flood. Why was the punishment of the former less severe?
Answer: 11:9 – They lived together peacefully.
- Question: Why was Sarah also called Yiscah?
Answer: 11:29 – The word “Yiscah” is related to the Hebrew word “to see.” Sarah was called Yiscah because she could “see” the future via prophecy. Also, because of her beauty, everyone would gaze at her.

השומע קול רעם בלילה

שתי שאלות: השומע קול רעם מתוך שינה, האם רשאי לברך על הרעם, בלי נטילת ידיים? והאם יש לברך על הברקים בכל פעם, או רק פעם אחת ביום?
בהלכות הקודמות ביארנו, שאדם הרואה ברקים מברך: “ברוך אתה ה’ אלוקינו מלך העולם עושה מעשה בראשית”. והשומע קול רעמים מברך: “ברוך אתה ה’ אלוקינו מלך העולם שכוחו וגבורתו מלא עולם”. וכתבנו שיש לברך את הברכה מיד עם שמיעת הרעם או בראיית הברק, עד תוך כדי דיבור של סיומם, (כלומר תוך שיעור אמירת המילים “שלום עליך רבי” מסיום הופעת הברק או שמיעת הרעם) אבל אחר כך אינו יכול לברך, אלא ימתין לרעם השני או השלישי.
אין לברך על הברקים והרעמים יותר מפעם אחת ביום, אלא אם כן נתפזרו העננים לגמרי, וזרחה השמש, וחזרו ונתקשרו העננים, שאז יכול לברך שוב, אף על פי שבירך כבר באותו יום. ואם עבר הלילה, אפילו לא נתפזרו העננים כלל, חוזר ומברך על הברקים ועל הרעמים. (ואין קשר בין הברכות, שאף על פי שלא ראה ברק מברך על הרעם).
ומכל מקום יש לציין, שמרן רבינו הגדול זכרו לברכה בשיעוריו, לא היה מזכיר ענין זה, שאם נתפזרו העבים (העננים) רשאי לברך שוב. וכאשר נשאל על כך, השיב, שהוא משום שרוב בני האדם אינם בקיאים וזהירים כל כך להבחין מתי הוא שיעור שנתפזרו העבים, ולכן אינו מזכיר בכלל ענין זה.
השומע קול רעם מתוך שנתו, והתעורר ורוצה לברך על השמיעה, אלא שאם ילך ליטול את ידיו כבר יאבד את הברכה מכיון שיחלוף זמן רב, יכול לברך ועודו במיטתו, על ידי שישפשף את ידיו בבגדו (משום נקיות), ומיד יברך.
ולסיכום: אין לברך על הברקים והרעמים אלא פעם אחת ביום. והשומע קול רעם בשוכבו על מיטתו בלילה, ישפשף ידיו בבגד או בשמיכה, ויברך מיד על הרעם
One Who Hears Thunder at Night

Question: If one hears thunder at night while sleeping, may one recite the blessing on thunder without washing his hands? Also, must one recite a blessing on lightning every time one sees it or is once a day sufficient?
Answer: In the previous Halacha we have established that one who sees lightning recites the blessing, “Baruch Ata Hashem Elokeinu Melech Ha’Olam Oseh Ma’aseh Bereshit.” One who hears thunder recites the blessing, “Baruch Ata Hashem Elokeinu Melech Ha’Olam Shekocho Ugvurato Maleh Olam.” We have written that one must recite these blessings immediately upon seeing the lightning or hearing the thunder or at the very least, within approximately two seconds of their occurrence. Once this time has passed, one may not recite the blessing any longer; rather, one should wait for the next thunder or lightning in order to recite the blessing.
One should not recite the blessings on thunder or lightning more than once a day unless the clouds (of the storm) completely disperse, the sun shines, and the sky once again becomes cloudy, in which case one may recite the blessing again although one has recited it earlier on that day. If the night has passed, even if the clouds have not dispersed, one may recite the blessings on thunder and lightning again. (There is no connection between the two blessings and even if one has not seen lightning, one may nevertheless recite a blessing upon hearing thunder.)
We must point out though that in his lectures, Maran zt”l did not mention this Halacha of being able to recite the blessings of thunder and lightning again if the clouds disperse. When asked about this, Maran replied that this was because most people are not that meticulous and learned enough to know exactly when it is considered that the clouds have dispersed and for this reason, he did not mention it at all.
If one hears thunder while sleeping and wakes up from it and wishes to recite the blessing but if he goes to wash his hands, the time to recite the blessing will already have passed, one may recite the blessing immediately while still in bed after having rubbed one’s hands against one’s clothing or blanket (out of cleanliness).
Summary: One may only recite the blessings on thunder and lightning once a day. One who hears thunder while lying in bed at night should rub his hands in his clothing or blanket and then immediately recite the blessing on thunder.