Corona virus Covid-19 Important Update


Dear Members and friends of our Kehillah


On the morning of 18th March the Mahamad
came to the decision to introduce social distancing rules in our בית הכנסת.  National guidelines developed so swiftly that
by the very same afternoon the decision was made to close our doors altogether
and a period of in excess of 14 weeks of closure commenced on שבת ויקהל-פקודי.


We are now pleased to announce the re-opening of our בית הכנסת
on 4th July, שבת חקת-בלק, with HaShem’s help.  However, please note that this is a phased
process, with evolving procedures.  We
are therefore opening this week to men only. 
Ladies and children are therefore
asked not to attend this week

Following this week’s run we will have a better understanding of
capacity and hope to be open to ladies shortly thereafter.


Please work with us to uphold our responsibility to
abide by Government Guidelines at all times. 
Adherence to the guidelines should in no way be seen as optional.  The guidelines are put into place to protect
the individual as well as others.




The following people should not attend at all:

(1)  Those displaying symptoms of Covid-19;

(2)  Those asked to self-isolate by the Track and Trace programme

(3)  Those in quarantine having recently arrived in UK

(4)  Clinically extremely vulnerable individuals

(5)  Children (under Bar Mitsvah) until further notice


Those over seventy or otherwise unsure about health
risks of attending should not feel pressured in any way to do so and should
ensure that they are completely comfortable with their own situation before


On 4th July social distancing will be
reduced to 1+ meter.  It is on this basis
that the seats in the בית הכנסת will be arranged in such a way to ensure
that this distancing is maintained. 
Please adhere to the guidelines set in the בית הכנסת
on arrival.  In particular please ensure:

(1)  Hands are washed on arrival. 
Hand sanitiser will also be made available.

(2)  Social distancing is maintained on arrival and on
departure.  Attendants will be guided
regarding departure but on arrival please ensure that there is no congregating
in the entranceway.

(3)  You do not interfere in any way with the seating arrangement and
restrictions set.

(4)  You bring your own Siddur, Chumash and Talit.  In case you wish to use those belonging to
the בית
a Siddur/Chumash set will be placed on each available

Please leave the set designated to you on your seat
to prevent sefarim being handled by different people.

(5)  You do not wander around the בית הכנסת
thereby invading other people’s space

(6)  You do not kiss the Sefer Torah or the Aron Hakodesh (or
anything else for that matter).  Almost
needless to say that there should be no physical contact between anyone at any

(7)  There are guidelines restricting singing and these will be
clarified and conveyed nearer the time


Pre – Booking


This Shabbat (from Shachrit) we expect that we should
be in a position to accommodate our usual number of men.  However please note that in order that we can
plan and prepare seating correctly we ask that that you inform us of your
intention (including number of family members) to attend by Wednesday evening.  If an
unexpectedly high number of people attend, priority will be given to full and
country members and we will have to refuse access when there are no longer any
available seats.


With all the best intentions this is a situation we
have not been presented with in the past and we therefore kindly request that
all are as accommodating and understanding as possible.


Going Forward


Matters under constant consideration and which we
will advise on an ongoing basis include: opening up for ladies, weekday
Minyamin, Yamim Nora’im, permitting attendance for children, Semachot and


On a final note, we feel more than ever that it
really is a privilege to be able to attend Minyan in a בית הכנסת.  Let us please therefore express this
appreciation by way of a heightened sense of awareness of the שכינה.  Thankfully we enjoy a beautiful and sincere
atmosphere and one that we can and should be proud of.  Perhaps there is room for reducing on
unnecessary talking.  One other area
which perhaps may require some attention is attendance during weekday
services.  Each person needs to consider these
points and take them to heart as much as possible/necessary.


We are very much looking forward to sharing each
other’s presence once again.


Yours sincerely




The Mahamad ק״ק שערי תפילה
– The Manchester Congregation of Spanish & Portuguese Jews

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Korach

only announces a simcha 
when the 
Baale Hasimcha 
– family making the simcha
informs & gives us 
permission to do so.  
  Avot Ubanim
Summer Season
in the comfort of your own home, 
you choose the times (and the nash)! 
3 lucky winners a week 
1st prize £5.00 + 2 prizes!!  
to enter the raffle, learn for 30 minutes with each child 
between Erev Shabbat and Motsae Shabbat. 
Then text names of children to 
raffle on Monday TBA.  
Best wishes & for more information
R' David Shasha and Rafi Marshall.  

1) Shelomo Lewis
2) Moshe Shoshana
3) David Shoshana

Anyone who is owed a prize from a previous week should please contact
  R' David Shasha and Rafi Marshall.  
also attached to this email


 YOUTH minyan for Shachrit EVERY DAY
All welcome 
Please say Korbanot on your own. 
Hodu at 8:20am
Meeting ID: 305 561 402 Password: 18
Rabbi Stamler's Moor Lane Daily Shiur
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet 8-8.05 pm

Learning 1 Halacha and 1 mishna
Meeting ID: 743 6266 1737


The Sephardi Heritage Project

Meeting – Sunday 28th June 2020

Aviva Ben-Ur will join the Sephardic World to discuss “Suriname: Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society” on Sunday 28 June. This is an important and emotive subject that deserves serious discussion. There is no charge to attend the event.

Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society explores the political and social history of the Jews of Suriname, a Dutch colony on the South American mainland just north of Brazil. Suriname was home to the most privileged Jewish community in the Americas where Jews, most of Iberian origin, enjoyed religious liberty, were judged by their own tribunal, could enter any trade, owned plantations and slaves, and even had a say in colonial governance.

Topic: Jewish Autonomy in a Slave Society
Time: Jun 28, 2020 07:00 PM London
(This is 7pm British summer time; GMT +1)

Join Zoom Meeting

Join by phone! Find your local number:

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  


לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















26/27 June


For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Korach

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why did Datan and Aviram join Korach?
    16:1 – Because they were his neighbors.
  2. Why is Yaakov's name not mentioned in Korach's genealogy?
    16:1 – Yaakov prayed that his name not be mentioned in connection with Korach's rebellion (Bereishet 49:6).
  3. What motivated Korach to rebel?
    16:1 – Korach was jealous that Elizafan ben Uziel was appointed as leader of the family of Kehat instead of himself.
  4. What did Korach and company do when Moshe said that a techelet garment needs tzizit?
    16:1 – They laughed.
  5. What warning did Moshe give the rebels regarding the offering of the incense?
    16:6 – Only one person would survive.
  6. Did Moshe want to be the kohen gadol?
    16-6 – Yes.
  7. What event did Korach not foresee?
    16:7 – That his sons would repent.
  8. What does the phrase rav lachem mean in this week's Parsha? (Give two answers.)
    16:7,3 – Rav lachem appears twice in this week's Parsha. It means "much more than enough greatness have you taken for yourself (16:3)" and "It is a great thing I have said to you (16:17)."
  9. What lands are described in this week's Parsha as "flowing with milk and honey"?
    16:12 – Egypt and Canaan.
  10. When did Moshe have the right to take a donkey from the Jewish community?
    16:15 – When he traveled from Midian to Egypt.
  11. What did Korach do the night before the final confrontation?
    16:19 – Korach went from tribe to tribe in order to rally support for himself.
  12. What sin did Datan and Aviram have in common specifically with Goliath?
    16:27 – They all blasphemed.
  13. Before what age is a person not punished by the Heavenly Court for his sins?
    16:27 – Twenty years old.
  14. What happens to one who rebels against the institution of kehuna? Who suffered such a fate?
    17:5 – He is stricken with tzara'at, as was King Uziyahu (Divrei HaYamim II 26:16-19).
  15. Why specifically was incense used to stop the plague?
    17:13 – Because the people were deprecating the incense offering, saying that it caused the death of two of Aharon's sons and also the death of 250 of Korach's followers. Therefore G-d demonstrated that the incense offering was able to avert death, and it is sin, not incense, which causes death.
  16. Why was Aharon's staff placed in the middle of the other 11 staffs?
    17:21 – So people would not say that Aharon's staff bloomed because Moshe placed it closer to the Shechina.
  17. Aharon's staff was kept as a sign. What did it signify?
    17:25 – That only Aharon and his children were selected for the kehuna.
  18. Why are the 24 gifts for the kohanim taught in this week's Parsha?
    18:8 – Since Korach claimed the kehuna, the Torah emphasizes Aharon's and his descendants' rights to kehuna by recording the gifts given to them.
  19. Who may eat the kodshei kodashim (most holy sacrifices) and where must they be eaten?
    18:10 – Male kohanim may eat them and only in the azara (forecourt of the Beit Hamikdash).
  20. Why is G-d's covenant with the kohanim called "a covenant of salt"?
    18:19 – Just as salt never spoils, so this covenant will never be rescinded.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l    

חימום מאכלים שיש בהם רוטב בשבת

בהלכה הקודמת ביארנו, שכשם
שאסור לבשל בשבת על גבי אש גלויה, כמו כן אסור לבשל בשבת על גבי פלאטה חשמלית. ורק
לענין חימום תבשיל שהתבשל כבר לפני שבת, יש חילוק בין אש גלויה לפלאטה חשמלית. שעל
גבי אש גלויה אסור אפילו לחמם תבשיל
ואילו על גבי פלאטה חשמלית, מותר
לחמם תבשיל בשבת, בתנאי שלא מדובר בתבשיל
כמו מרק, אלא בתבשיל "יבש", כמו חלה או לחם. וביארנו את טעמי הדברים

תבשיל שרובו רוטב
תבשיל שרובו רוטב, ומיעוטו יבש,
כגון מרק ירקות וכדומה, אסור להניחו בשבת על גבי הפלאטה, מפני שבדבר שהוא לח
(רטוב), יש בישול אחרי בישול כמו שביארנו. אבל תבשיל שהוא יבש לגמרי, כגון בורקס
וכדומה, או חלה של שבת, מותר להניחו על גבי הפלאטה בשבת
, או על גבי כירה
המכוסה בטס של מתכת, מפני שבדבר שהוא יבש, אין בו בישול אחרי בישול, ומכיון שנתבשל
כבר מערב שבת, אין כאן מעשה איסור לחממו שוב ביום השבת

מאכל שמיעוטו רוטב
ומאכל שרובו יבש, אך מיעוטו
רוטב, כגון אורז, שיש בו מעט לחלוחית, דינו כדין מאכל יבש, שמותר להניחו על גבי
הפלאטה בשבת, מפני שאין בישול אחר בישול ביבש. ואף בדבר שיש בו רוטב, אם החימום
גורם לרוטב לרדת מערכו, (ובלשון הפוסקים, שהוא "מצטמק ורע לו", שאינו
משתבח בחימום נוסף, אלא להיפך הוא יורד מערכו על ידי כך), מותר לחממו בשבת על גבי
פלאטה או כירה המכוסה בטס של מתכת

אופן שניתן לחמם מאכל לח בשבת
והרוצה לחמם מאכלים בשבת, ויש
בהם רוטב, או שהם לחים לגמרי, כגון מרק ירקות וכדומה
(מלבד מים רגילים,
שעצם החימום שלהם הוא בישולם, ולכן אין כל היתר לחממם בשבת על גבי פלאטה), יש עיצה
שיוכל לעשות כן ללא חשש, על ידי שיכוין "שעון שבת", המכבה את הפלאטה
בשעה מסויימת, ובשעה שהפלאטה כבויה, יוכל להניח על גביה כל מה שירצה, ואפילו מרק,
ואחר כך כשתדלק הפלאטה יתחממו כל המאכלים
, ובזה יש להקל אף
לכתחילה לצאת מידי כל חשש

אין לחמם בשבת שום מאכל
על גבי אש גלויה. אבל על גבי כיריים המכוסות בטס של מתכת, או על גבי פלאטה חשמלית,
מותר לחממם מאכל יבש. אבל מאכל לח, כגון מרק, אין לחמם בשבת. ואם הוא מניח את
המאכלים על גבי הפלאטה בשעה שהיא כבויה על ידי שעון, מותר לעשות כן אף לכתחילה,
ואז מותר גם להניח על גבי הפלאטה מרק ירקות או כל מה שירצה, ולאחר מכן תדלק הפלאטה
ויתחממו המאכלים לכבוד שבת

Warming up Foods which have Sauce on Shabbat

In the previous Halacha we have discussed that just as it is
forbidden to cook on top of an open flame on Shabbat, it is likewise forbidden
to cook on top of an electric hotplate. The only distinction between an open
flame and an electric hotplate exists regarding a food which was already cooked
before Shabbat: Whereas it is forbidden to even warm up a pre-cooked food on an
open flame on Shabbat, it is permissible to warm up such a food on an electric
hotplate on Shabbat as long as the food is considered "dry", such as
bread or Challah and not "moist", such as a soup. We have likewise
explained the reasons for this.

A Dish Mostly Comprised of Sauce
A dish which contains mostly liquids and only a minority of "dry" or
solid food, such as a vegetable soup, may not be placed on an electric hotplate
on Shabbat since the prohibition of "cooking after cooking" on
Shabbat indeed applies to "moist" foods. However, a food which is
completely dry, such as a Bourekas or bread may be placed on an electric
hotplate or a stovetop covered with a layer of metal, for the prohibition of "cooking
after cooking" does not apply to "dry" foods. Thus, since this
food was fully-cooked before Shabbat, there is no prohibition to warm it up on

A Dish which Contains a Minority of Sauce
A food which is mostly dry but contains a little bit of sauce, such as a dish
of rice which has some moisture to it, is considered like a completely dry food
which is permitted to be warmed up on an electric hotplate on Shabbat, for
"cooking after cooking" does not apply to dry foods. Even if a dish
contains sauce but cooking it causes the sauce or liquid to decrease in quality
and not get better, it is indeed permissible to warm up such a dish on an
electric hotplate or a stovetop covered with a metal sheet on Shabbat.

The Permissible Way to Warm up a Liquid Dish on Shabbat
If one would like to warm up a dish containing sauce or a completely liquid
dish, such as a vegetable soup and the like (besides for water, for warming up
water is in essence its cooking and there is therefore no recourse for warming
up water on a hotplate on Shabbat), there is a halachically acceptable way to
do so: One should set a timer to turn the hotplate off at a certain hour. When
the hotplate is off, one may place anything he likes, even a soup, on top of it
so that when it turns back on, whatever is on it will get warmed. In this
manner, there is room for leniency without any concern.

Summary: One may not heat up any dish or food on an open flame on
Shabbat. However, it is permissible to warm up a dry food on a stovetop covered
with a layer of metal or an electric hotplate on Shabbat. Nevertheless, one may
not warm up a liquid dish, such as a soup, on Shabbat. If one places the dishes
on the hotplate when it is turned off by a timer, this is completely
permissible; in this way, one may place even a soup or anything else he wishes
and when the hotplate turns on again as a result of the timer, the foods will
be permissibly reheated in honor of Shabbat


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parshat Shelach – Shabbat Mevarechim

Sunday night / Monday (22/6) 
& Tuesday (23/6)
  Avot Ubanim
Summer Season
in the comfort of your own home, 
you choose the times (and the nash)! 
3 lucky winners a week 
1st prize £5.00 + 2 prizes!!  
to enter the raffle learn for 30 minutes with each child 
between Erev Shabbat and Motsae Shabbat. 
Then text names of children to 
raffle on Monday TBA.  
Best wishes & for more information
R' David Shasha and Rafi Marshall.  

1) Yaacov Tangy
2) Ariel
3) Moshe

Anyone who is owed a prize from a previous week should please contact
  R' David Shasha and Rafi Marshall.  
also attached to this email


 YOUTH minyan for Shachrit EVERY DAY
All welcome 
Please say Korbanot on your own. 
Hodu at 8:20am
Meeting ID: 305 561 402 Password: 18
Rabbi Stamler's Moor Lane Daily Shiur
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet 8-8.05 pm

Learning 1 Halacha and 1 mishna
Meeting ID: 743 6266 1737


The Sephardi Heritage Project

Meeting – Sunday 21st June 2020
Jarrett Ross – the GeneaVlogger – is a well-known personality in the world of Jewish genealogy, especially through his YouTube channel. Jarrett has been researching his Nunes Vaz ancestors for over a decade, and has traced back to 17th century Italy. The Nunes Vaz family spread from Iberia, via Livorno, across the Sephardic world including to Amsterdam, London, North and South America, and elsewhere.

As well as being genealogy celeb and co-administrator of The Sephardic Diaspora Facebook group with Ton, David and Michael, Jarrett is an administrator on Geni and has established himself as an expert on Jewish genetic genealogy. Jarrett is also standing as a candidate for the IAJGS Board.

Topic: Family Nunes Vaz – A Journey of Western Sephardic Genealogy
Time: Jun 21, 2020 07:00 PM London
(This is 7pm British summer time; GMT +1)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 844 2511 5192
Password: 850282

This project is not subsidised. You can help cover our costs by becoming a patron. Please sign up at: 

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World


לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















19/20 June

שלח (ש''מ)

For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Shelach

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why is the portion about the meraglim written immediately after the portion about Miriam's tzara'at?
    13:2 – To show the evil of the meraglim (spies), that they saw Miriam punished for lashon hara (negative speech) yet failed to take a lesson from it.
  2. To what was Moshe referring when he asked the meraglim "Are there trees in the land"?
    13:20 – Were there any righteous people in the land whose merit would "shade" the Canaanites from attack?
  3. Who built Hebron?
    13:22 – Cham.
  4. Which fruits did the meraglim bring back?
    13:23 – A cluster of grapes, a pomegranate and a fig.
  5. How many people carried the grape cluster?
    13:23 – Eight.
  6. Why did G-d shorten the meraglim's journey?
    13:25 – G-d knew the Jews would sin and be punished with a year's wandering for each day of the spies' mission. So He shortened the journey to soften the decree.
  7. Why did the meraglim begin by saying the land is "flowing with milk and honey"?
    13:27 – Any lie which doesn't start with an element of truth won't be believed. Therefore, they began their false report with a true statement.
  8. Why did the meraglim list Amalek first among the hostile nations they encountered?
    13:29 – To frighten the Jews. The Jewish People were afraid of Amalek because Amalek had once attacked them.
  9. How did Calev quiet the people?
    13:30 – He fooled them by shouting, "Is this all that the son of Amram did to us?" The people quieted themselves to hear what disparaging thing Calev wished to say about the "son of Amram" (Moshe).
  10. Why did the Land appear to "eat its inhabitants"?
    13:32 – G-d caused many deaths among the Canaanites so they would be preoccupied with burying their dead and not notice the meraglim.
  11. Besides the incident of the meraglim, what other sin led to the decree of 40 years in the desert?
    13:33 – The golden calf.
  12. On what day did Bnei Yisrael cry due to the meraglim's report? How did this affect future generations?
    14:1 – The 9th of Av (Tisha B'av). This date therefore became a day of crying for all future generations: Both Temples were destroyed on this date.
  13. "Don't fear the people of the Land…their defense is departed." (14:9) Who was their chief "defender"?
    14:9 – Iyov.
  14. Calev and Yehoshua praised Eretz Canaan and tried to assure the people that they could be victorious. How did the people respond?
    14:10 – They wanted to stone them.
  15. "How long shall I bear this evil congregation?" G-d is referring to the 10 meraglim who slandered the Land. What halacha do we learn from this verse?
    14:27 – That ten men are considered a congregation.
  16. How is the mitzvah of challa different from other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael?
    15:18 – The obligation to observe other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael began only after the possession and division of the Land. The mitzvah of challa was obligatory immediately upon entering the Land.
  17. What is the minimum amount of challa to be given to a kohen according to Torah Law? Rabbinic Law?
    15:20 – No fixed amount is stated by the Torah. Rabbinic Law requires a household to give 1/24 and a baker to give 1/48.
  18. Verse 15:22 refers to what sin? How does the text indicate this?
    15:22 – Idolatry. "All these commandments" means one transgression which is equal to transgressing all the commandments – i.e. idolatry.
  19. Moshe's doubt regarding the punishment of the mekoshesh etzim (wood-gatherer) was different than his doubt regarding the punishment of the blasphemer. How did it differ?
    15:34 – Moshe knew that the mekoshesh etzim waliable for the death penalty, but not which specific means of death. Regarding the blasphemer, Moshe didn't know if he was liable for the death penalty.
  20. How do the tzitzit remind us of the 613 commandments?
    15:39 – The numerical value of the word tzitzit is 600. Tzitzit have eight threads and five knots. Add these numbers and you get 613.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l    

נרות של חשמל
– תשובת מרן זצ"ל לגבי אור החשמל בבית מלון

במשנה במסכת שבת למדנו, שאין מדליקין נרות שבת
אלא בפתילה ובשמן הדולקים יפה
כלומר שהאש דולקת יפה ואינה
מסכסכת ומהבהבת בנר), ולפיכך מצוה מן המובחר להדליק בשמן זית הדולק יפה. ואם אין
לו שמן זית מדליק בשאר שמנים הדולקים יפה, ואם אין לו שמן יכול להדליק בנרות שעווה

דנו הפוסקים בדורות האחרונים, האם יוצאים ידי
חובת הדלקת נרות של שבת בנורות של חשמל
כי יש סוברים שמכיוון שנורות החשמל
יש בהם אש ממש, ודאי שניתן לצאת בהם ידי חובת הדלקת נרות. אולם לדעת כמה פוסקים
אין לסמוך על זה לעניין  הדלקת נרות שבת. ובפרט בנורות החשמל הקבועות בבית אף
בימות החול, שאז אין הדבר ניכר שהודלקו הנרות לכבוד שבת. ובפרט בארץ ישראל שעבודת
ייצור החשמל נעשית בעוונות הרבים בשבת על ידי יהודים, שאז יש פוסקים שסוברים שבכלל
אסור ליהנות מן  החשמל בשבת, ובודאי שאי אפשר לברך על הדלקת נר כזה

ולעניין הלכה פסק מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף
זצוק"ל, שבמקום שאפשר להשיג נרות שמן או שעווה
, בודאי שעדיף לצאת
בהם ידי חובת הדלקת הנרות של שבת ויום טוב, כיוון שהדבר ניכר שהודלקו הנרות לכבוד
שבת. אולם במקום שאין שום אפשרות להשיג נרות שמן או שעווה, אפשר לברך ולהדליק
מנורות של חשמל, ויוצאים בהם ידי חובת ההדלקה

ואגב נזכיר, כי נשאלנו מתלמיד
חכם מובהק, שמתארח מידי פעם בבית מלון, ושאלתו היתה, האם הוא רשאי להדליק את אור
החשמל בחדר השירותים של חדרו, ולברך עליו להדליק נר של שבת

ושאלנו על כך את מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף
זצוק"ל, והשיב לנו מרן זצ"ל בפשיטות, שאי אפשר לצאת ידי חובת ההדלקה
באור החשמל של חדר השירותים. (שהרי אפילו בנר של עיטרן, שהוא מפיץ ריח רע, אסרו
חכמים להדליק בו, וכל שכן בנר שהוא דולק בחדר השירותים, שאין לצאת בו ידי חובת

ויש להעיר, שכל האמור נכון
לגבי הדלקת נר שבת, אבל לגבי נר ההבדלה, אין יוצאים ידי חובה באור של חשמל, וטעם
הדבר יבואר בעזרת ה' בהזדמנות אחרת

ובהלכה הבאה נבאר עוד פרט היוצא מדין זה

Lighting Shabbat Candles Using Electric Lights

The Mishnah in Masechet Shabbat teaches us that one may
only light Shabbat candles with oil and wicks which burn nicely; it is
therefore a particularly great Mitzvah to light with olive oil which burns
beautifully. If one does not have olive oil, one may use other oils which burn
nicely; if one has no oil at all, one may use wax.

The Poskim disagree whether or not one may use electric
lights to fulfill the Mitzvah of lighting Shabbat candles. Some are of the
opinion that since these electric lights contain actual fire, one may certainly
use them to fulfill one’s obligation. Nevertheless, according to other Poskim,
one should not rely on this with regards to the lighting of the Shabbat
candles. This is especially true with regards to light fixtures which are in
place during the rest of the week as well, for it is indiscernible that these
lights have been turned on in honor of Shabbat. Additionally, there is even
less room for electric lights to be used in Israel where, unfortunately, the
electricity is produced by Jews on Shabbat in which case there are Poskim who
rule that one may not benefit from this electricity and one may certainly not
recite a blessing upon turning on such a light.

Halachically speaking, Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef zt”l
rules that when one is able to obtain oil or wax, it is certainly preferable to
fulfill one’s obligation of lighting Shabbat and Yom Tov candles with this
since in this way it is noticeable that the candles have been lit in honor of
Shabbat. It is proper to turn off the electric lights in the house before
lighting Shabbat candles and to have in mind when reciting the blessing before
lighting to exempt the electric lights around the house that one will turn on
after lighting Shabbat candles (this is especially true nowadays when the
primary lighting in the house comes from the electric lights and not the
Shabbat candles).

Nevertheless, if one has no way to obtain oil or wax
candles (or if one is in a situation where he absolutely cannot light with
these candles, such as if one is spending Shabbat in a hotel and the management
does not allow one to light fires in one’s room) one may light with and recite
a blessing on electric lights and one will sufficiently fulfill one’s
obligation of lighting Shabbat candles.

As a side note, we were once asked by a great Torah
scholar who occasionally spends Shabbat in hotels whether or not he would be
permitted to turn on the light of the bathroom in his room and recite the
blessing of “Le’Hadlik Ner Shel Shabbat” before doing so.

We then posed this question to Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia
Yosef zt”l who replied that clearly, one does not fulfill one’s
obligation to light Shabbat candles by turning on the bathroom light (for our
Sages forbade lighting Shabbat candles with the waste of tar because it gives
off a bad odor; certainly by lighting in the bathroom, one does not fulfill
one’s obligation).

We must nevertheless point out that this applies only to
the lighting of Shabbat candles; however, with regards to reciting the “Boreh
Me’orei Ha’esh
” blessing in Havdala on Motza’ei Shabbat, one may do so only
on an actual, open flame (the reason for which we shall, G-d-willing, explain
another time).

In the next Halacha we shall explain another detail
related to this law


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Behaalotecha

  Avot Ubanim
Summer Term
in the comfort of your own home, 
you choose the times (and the nash)! 
3 lucky winners a week 
1st prize £5.00 + 2 prizes!!  
to enter the raffle learn for 30 minutes with each child 
between Erev Shabbat and Motsae Shabbat. 
Then text names of children to 
raffle on Monday TBA.  
Best wishes & for more information
R' David Shasha and Rafi Marshall.   


 YOUTH minyan for Shachrit EVERY DAY
All welcome 
Please say Korbanot on your own. 
Hodu at 8:20am
Meeting ID: 305 561 402 Password: 18
Daily Shiur 
  Topic: Rabbi Stamler's Moor Lane Daily Shiur

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet 8-8.05 pm

Learning 1 Halacha and 1 mmshna

Meeting ID: 743 6266 1737


The Sephardi Heritage Project

Meeting – Sunday 14th June 2020
Livorno, in northern Italy, was a major centre of the Sephardic world. This week Alain Nedjar will discuss a new book he has co-authored on the community's marriage registers. We believe this book to be an instant classic. It fills a important gap in the literature. It sets a new standard in Jewish genealogical research and is a beautifully produced book. We encourage everyone to obtain a copy. 

 "Ketubbot registers of the Jewish Nation of Livorno" (1626-1890) is available through the website of the Cercle de Généalogie Juive.

Topic: Livorno Sephardic Marriage Registers
Time: Jun 14, 2020 07:00 PM London
(Please note that London summer time is GMT +1)

Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 3425 6861

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World


לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















12/13 June


For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Behaalotecha

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Toward which direction did the wicks of the Menorah burn, and why?
    8:2 – They leaned toward the middle wick so people wouldn't say that the Menorah was lit for its light.
  2. From what material and in what manner was the Menorah made?
    8:4 – It was made from one solid piece of hammered gold.
  3. Moshe was commanded to cleanse the levi'im by sprinkling on them "mei chatat." What is "mei chatat"?
    8:7 – Water containing ashes of the para aduma.
  4. Which three "t'nufot" (wavings) are in the parsha?
    8:11 – The wavings of Kehat, Gershon and Merari.
  5. Why did G-d claim the first-born of the Jewish People as His possession?
    8:17 – Because in Egypt He spared them during makat bechorot.
  6. Why are the words "Bnei Yisrael" repeated five times in verse 8:19?
    8:19 – To show G-d's love for them.
  7. When a levi reaches age 50, which functions may he still perform?
    8:25 – Closing the courtyard gates of the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash; singing during the avoda; loading the wagons to transport the Mishkan.
  8. Why was the mitzvah of Pesach Sheini not commanded directly to Moshe?
    9:7 – The people who asked about it were rewarded by being the catalyst for the teaching of this mitzvah.
  9. What similarity is there between the Menorah and the trumpets?
    8:4, 10:2 – They were each made from a single, solid block.
  10. What three purposes did trumpet signals serve?
    10:2-7 – Announcement of the gathering of Bnei Yisrael, the gathering of the nesi'im, and the beginning of a move of the encampment.
  11. How many tribes marched between the Gershon-Merari detachment and that of Kehat? How was the time differential used?
    10:17-21 – Three: Reuven, Shimon and Gad. In the meantime Gershon and Merari set up the Mishkan.
  12. The tribe of Dan, who traveled last, was called "the gatherer of all the camps." What did they gather?
    10:25 – They gathered and returned things lost by the other tribes.
  13. When the Jewish People entered the Land, who took temporary possession of Jericho?
    10:32 – The children of Yitro.
  14. Which aron is referred to in verse 10:33?
    10:33 – The aron which held the broken pieces of the first tablets, that was taken to the battlefront.
  15. Which two topics are out of chronological order in the parsha?
    9:1, 10:35,36 – The Pesach sacrifice, and the traveling of the aron.
  16. Which tastes did the manna not offer, and why not?
    11:5 – Cucumbers, melons, leeks, onion and garlic – these are harmful to nursing women.
  17. Moshe was commanded to choose 70 elders to help him lead the Jewish People. What happened to the elders who led the Jewish People in Egypt?
    11:16 – They were consumed in the fire at Taverah (11:3).
  18. Whom did Moshe choose as elders?
    11:16 – People who were supervisors in Egypt and had pity on Bnei Yisrael at risk to themselves.
  19. What was the prophecy of Eldad and Medad?
    11:28 – "Moshe will die and Yehoshua will lead the Jewish People into the Land."
  20. Why did Miriam merit to have the people wait for her?
    12:15 – Because she waited for Moshe when he was cast into the river.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l    

שאלה: האם מותר למלאת מים בתבנית ולהכניסם למקפיא בשבת לעשותם קרח?

תשובה: בגמרא במסכת שבת (צה.) אמרו, מגבן (פירוש, עושה גבינה) חייב משום בונה, דהיינו המקבץ פתיתי חלב ביחד לעשות מהם גבינה בשבת חייב, משום שיש בזה איסור משום מלאכת "בונה". ומכאן יש שכתבו ללמוד שיש איסור להכין קרח בשבת, משום שעושה מהמים גוש, והרי זה אסור משום בונה.

אולם מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל כתב, שאין להוכיח כן מהסוגיא במסכת שבת, משום שהמגבן הוא מקבץ במו ידיו חלקים רבים והופכם לגוף אחד על ידי נתינתם בכלי עגול או מרובע כפי רצונו, והרי זה דומה לבונה שמקבץ עפר ואבנים ועושה מהם בנין אחד, וכמו שהסביר הרמב"ם (בפ"ז מהלכות שבת הלכה ו) "שכל המקבץ חלק אל חלק ודיבק (והדביק) הכל עד שיעשו לגוף אחד, הרי זה דומה לבנין". אבל הנותן מים או מיץ במקום קר מאוד ועל ידי כך הם קופאים מעצמם אינו דומה כלל לבונה, שהרי הוא אינו עושה דבר במו ידיו.

ועוד הוסיף מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל טעם להקל בהכנת קרח בשבת, שהרי בנין הקרח אינו דבר המתקיים, שהרי בהוצאתו מהמקפיא מייד הוא נמס, מה שאין כן הגבינה שעומדת בפני עצמה לימים רבים, ואדרבא, כל זמן שהיא עומדת היא מתקשה יותר (כפי שאכן אנו רואים בבירור בגבינות קשות וחצי קשות) והולכת ומתקשה כאבן והרי זה דומה באמת לבנין שעומד על תילו לימים רבים.

ולכן לענין הלכה, מותר להכניס ביום שבת מים או כל משקה אחר למקפיא כדי להפוך אותו לקרח, ובפרט בימי הקיץ החמים שיש בזה משום עונג שבת. וכן העלה להקל הגאון רבי אליעזר יהודה ולדנברג זצ"ל בשו"ת ציץ אליעזר (חלק ו' סימן לד) והגאון רבי שמואל הלוי ואזנר זצ"ל בשו"ת שבט הלוי (ח"א סימן קיט).

Question: May one fill up an ice tray with water and place it in the freezer in order to make ice cubes on Shabbat?

Answer: The Gemara (Shabbat 95a) states that one who makes cheese on Shabbat by clumping together milk flakes has transgressed the Torah prohibition of building on Shabbat. Some deduce from this Gemara that it is forbidden to make ice on Shabbat, for one is turning water into a solid form and this constitutes the forbidden work of building on Shabbat.

Nevertheless, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that the aforementioned Gemara does not apply here, for one who makes cheese must collect many pieces of milk with his hands and then turns them into one block by placing them into a single round or square vessel which is indeed similar to building whereby one collects dirt, sand, and wood and creates a single building out of them. Indeed, the Rambam (Chapter 7 of Hilchot Shabbat, Halacha 6) states: “One who collects many different articles and sticks them together until they are one form, this is similar to building.” However, if one places water or juice in a cold place such that they freeze on their own, this is in no way similar to building, for one is not doing any action with his hands.

Another reason Maran zt”l adds for leniency regarding making ice cubes on Shabbat is that the “building” of ice is not something that is long-lasting, for as soon as it is removed from the freezer, it will immediately begin melting as opposed to cheese which can last on its own for a long time. Indeed, the longer it stands, the harder it becomes (as we can see with regards to hard and semi-hard cheeses) until it actually becomes as hard as a rock; this occurrence is certainly comparable to a building which is made to last for a long time.

Thus, halachically speaking, one may place water or any other beverage in the freezer in order to turn it into ice on Shabbat. This is especially true during the summer during which this constitutes enjoyment of Shabbat as well. Hagaon Harav Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg zt”l (Responsa Tzitz Eliezer, Volume 6, Chapter 34) and Hagaon Harav Shmuel Ha’Levi Wosner zt”l (Responsa Shevet Ha’Levi, Volume 1, Chapter 119) rule likewise.

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Nasso

מזל טוב
With gratitude to Hashem
Yamin & Shuli Ibgui
together with 
Dan & Rochelle Smith 
are delighted to announce the engagement 
of their dear children 

May Hashem send  חתן וכלה 
ברכה, מזל, הצלחה
and be
זוכה לבנות בית נאמן בישראל 
כדת משה וישראל

would like to take this opportunity
to wish our dear friends
Yamin & Shuli
a heartfelt מזל טוב 
on Simon's engagement
and may 

חתן וכלה   be a source of

 נחת to all the family
It is also a special נחת for our Bet Hakeneset
 to see one of our own younger members 
move to the next stage in their life and wish 
Simon and his Kala all the happiness in the world
We would also like to thank 
for all that he does for the Bet Hakeneset
both as Chazan & behind the scenes
for so many years
May Hashem repay him with 
much Beracha Vehatzlacha 
Extended Mazal Tov 
Dr & Mrs Marshall 
on the engagement of their grandson  
  Avot Ubanim
Summer Term
in the comfort of your own home, 
you choose the times (and the nash)! 
3 lucky winners a week 
1st prize £5.00 + 2 prizes!!  
to enter the raffle learn for 30 minutes with each child 
between Erev Shabbat and Motsae Shabbat. 
Then text names of children to 
raffle on Monday TBA.  
Best wishes & for more information
R' David Shasha and Rafi Marshall.   


 YOUTH minyan for Shachrit EVERY DAY
All welcome 
Please say Korbanot on your own. 
Hodu at 8:20am
Meeting ID: 305 561 402 Password: 18
Daily Shiur 
  Topic: Rabbi Stamler's Moor Lane Daily Shiur

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet 8-8.05 pm

Learning 1 Halacha and 1 mmshna

Meeting ID: 743 6266 1737


The Sephardi Heritage Project

Meeting – Sunday 7th June 2020
At the next meeting we plan to try something different! We shall have a round table where group members can bring their genealogical and historical questions. Hopefully we can all help, and learn in the process.

Questions from patrons will be prioritised because it is only thanks to them that we can afford to provide this service. If you are a patron, please post your question on the Patreon page. If you are not yet a patron but want to become one, you can sign up here:

Topic: Sephardic Round Table
Time: Jun 7, 2020 07:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 6465 0713
Password: 395504

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World



 Short outline for people who have Nachala 

The recitation of Kaddish. – unable to be done without a minyan.

Being Shaliach Tzibbur –  unable to be done without a minyan  .

The study or teaching of Torah – can be done without a minyan and advisable to learn mishnayot "Leiluy nishmat".
Lighting a candle in "menucha" of the deceased and any other sort of Mitzva  "Leiluy nishmat"  


לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















5/6 June


For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.


Q & A on Parashat Naso

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. What is the significance of the number 8,580 in this weeks Parsha?
    4:47-48 – It is the number of leviim between ages thirty and fifty.
  2. Besides transporting the Mishkan, what other service performed by the leviim is referred to in this Parsha?
    4:47 – Singing and playing cymbals and harps to accompany the sacrifices.
  3. On which day did Moshe teach the command to send those who are temeim (ritually impure) out of the camp?
    5:2 – The day the Mishkan was erected.
  4. Name the three camps in the desert.
    5:2 – The camp of the Shechina was in the center, surrounded by the camp of Levi which was surrounded by the camp of Yisrael.
  5. Who was sent out of each of the camps?
    5:2 – A metzora was sent out of all three camps. A zav was permitted in the camp of Yisrael but excluded from the two inner camps. A person who was tamei from contact with the dead had to leave only the camp of the Shechina.
  6. A person stole from another and swore that he was innocent. If he later confesses his guilt, what are his obligations?
    5:6-8 – He pays the principle plus a fifth to the victim, and brings a korban asham.
  7. Who determines which kohen receives the gifts that must be given to the kohanim?
    5:10 – The giver.
  8. What does the Torah promise a person who gives matnot kehuna?
    5:10 – Great wealth.
  9. Why are the verses about matnot kehuna followed by the verses about the sotah?
    5:12 – To teach that someone who withholds the gifts due the kohanim is deserving of eventually bringing his wife to the kohanim to be tried as a sotah.
  10. Why is the sotah given water from the holy basin?
    5:17 – The holy basin was made from the mirrors of the righteous women who left Egypt; the sotah strayed from the example set by these women.
  11. What does the kohen do to the hair of a sotah?
    5:18 – He uncovers it.
  12. When a sotah who is guilty of adultery drinks the water, she dies in a very specific fashion. What happens to the adulterer?
    5:22 – He dies a similar death.
  13. Before the name of G-d is erased, the sotah has the option either to admit guilt or to drink the water. Does she have a third option?
    5:27 – Yes, she can refuse both: She can refuse to admit guilt and also refuse to drink the water. (After the Name of G-d is erased, she loses this option.)
  14. What are chartzanim? What are zagim?
    6:4 – Chartzanim are seeds. Zagim are peels.
  15. What sin does a Nazir commit against himself?
    6:11 – He abstains from enjoying wine.
  16. Where was the cut hair of a Nazir placed?
    6:18 – It was placed on the fire under the pot in which the nazirs shelamim offering was cooked.
  17. kohen should bless the people "with a full heart". What word in the Parsha conveys this idea of "a full heart"?
    6:23 – "Amor."
  18. What is the meaning of the blessing "May G-d bless you and guard you?"
    6:24 – "May G-d bless you" that your property may increase, "and guard you" from robbery.
  19. What is the meaning of the blessing "May G-d lift up His countenance upon you?"
    6:26 – "May He suppress His anger."
  20. The tribe of Yissachar was the second tribe to offer their gifts. Why did they merit this position?
    7:18 – The Tribe of Yissachar was well versed in Torah. Also, they proposed the idea that the nesiim should offer gifts.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l    

אמירת קדיש

שאלה: מהי חשיבות אמירת קדיש על אדם שנפטר?

תשובה: אדם שנפטר מן העולם, מוטל על בניו שנשארו אחריו להקפיד באופן מיוחד להתפלל בכל יום שלש תפלות במנין, בכדי שיוכלו לומר קדיש על האב או האם. וכן אדם שחלילה נפטר בנו או בתו או אחיו או אחותו, יאמר קדיש לעלוי נשמתם.
ומי שנפטר מן העולם ולא השאיר אחריו בנים, טוב לשכור עבורו תלמיד חכם שיאמר קדיש לעלוי נשמתו. כלומר, יתנו עם תלמיד חכם, שתמורת סכום כסף יקבל עליו לומר קדיש בכל תפלה, כאילו הוא בנו של הנפטר. ובזה גם כן יש עלוי נשמה לנפטר, שהרי הוא אומר קדיש, ועוד שיש בכך מצוה לחזק ידי תלמידי חכמים.
ואמרו רבותינו במדרש, מעשה ברבי עקיבא שראה אדם אחד שהיה ערום ושחור כפחם, והיה טוען (סוחב) על ראשו מטען גדול של קוצים, ורץ כמרוצת הסוס. גזר עליו רבי עקיבא, העמידו ואמר לו, מדוע אתה עובד קשה כל כך, אם עבד אתה ואדונך עושה לך כך, אפדה אותך מידו, ואם עני אתה, אני מעשיר אותך. אמר לו אותו האיש, בבקשה ממך אל תעכבני, שמא ירגזו עלי אותם הממונים עלי. אמר לו מה מעשיך? אמר לו, אותו האיש (כלומר, הוא עצמו), מת הוא, ובכל יום ויום שולחים אותי לחטוב עצים ושורפין אותי בהם. אמר לו רבי עקיבא, בני, מה היתה מלאכתך בעולם שבאת ממנו? אמר לו, גבאי המס ומראשי העם הייתי, ונושא פנים לעשירים והורג עניים, ועוד עברתי הרבה עברות חמורות. אמר לו, כלום שמעת מן הממונים עליך אם יש לך תקנה? אמר לו, בבקשה ממך אל תעכבני שמא יגזרו עלי בעלי פורענות, כי אין לו תקנה, אלא שמעתי מהם דבר שאינו יכול להיות, שאילמלי היה לו לזה העני בן שהוא עומד בקהל ואומר "ברכו את ה' המבורך", ועונין אחריו "ברוך ה' המבורך לעולם ועד", או יאמר קדיש, ועונין אחריו "יהא שמיה רבה מברך", מיד היו מתירין אותו מן הפורענות. אולם הוא לא הניח בן בעולם, ועזב אשתו מעוברת, ואינו יודע אם ילדה זכר מי ילמדו תורה, שאין לו אהוב בעולם. אמר לו רבי עקיבא, מה שמך? אמר לו, עקיבא. ושם אשתך? אמר לו, שושניבא. ושם מקומך? אמר לו, לודקיא. באותה שעה נצטער עליו רבי עקיבא צער גדול, וקיבל עליו לילך ולחפש אם הוליד בן, כדי ללמדו תורה ולהעמידו לפני הצבור. הלך ושאל עליו. כיון שבא לאותו מקום, שאל אודות אותו האיש. אמרו לו, ישחקו עצמותיו של אותו רשע. שאל על אשתו, אמרו לו, ימחה זכרה מן העולם. שאל על הבן, אמרו הרי ערל הוא, אפילו במצות מילה לא עסקו. מיד נטלו רבי עקיבא ומלו והושיבו לפניו, ולא היה מקבל תורה, עד שישב עליו ארבעים יום בתענית. יצאה בת קול ואמרה לו, רבי עקיבא, לך ולמד אותו. הלך ולמדו תורה וקריאת שמע ושמונה עשרה ברכות, וברכת המזון, והעמידו לפני הקהל, ואמר "ברכו את ה' המבורך" וענו הקהל, "ברוך ה' המבורך לעולם ועד", ואמר קדיש, וענו אחריו "יהא שמיה רבה". ואחר כך לימדו משנה ותלמוד, הלכות ואגדות, עד שנתחכם מאוד, והוא רבי נחום הפקולי, (וכמה תלמידי חכמים יצאו ממנו). באותה שעה מיד התירו המת מן הפורענות, ובא לרבי עקיבא בחלום, ואמר, יהי רצון שתנוח דעתך בגן עדן, כשם שהנחת את דעתי והצלתני מדין גיהנם. כי כשנכנס בני לבית הכנסת ואמר קדיש, קרעו לי גזר דיני הנורא. וכשנכנס לבית המדרש, ביטלו ממני כל הדינים שעלי. וכשנתחכם בני וקראוהו "רבי", שמו כסאי (את הכסא שלי) בגן עדן בין צדיקים וחסידים, ועטרוני בכמה עטרות. בזכותך היתה לי כל זאת. מיד פתח רבי עקיבא ואמר, ה' שמך לעולם, ה' זכרך לדור ודור. ישמע חכם ויוסף לקח.
בשעת אמירת הקדיש, יש לכרוע חמש כריעות, ואלו הן: בשעה שאומר "יתגדל", וכשאומר "יהא שמיה רבא", וכשאומר "יתברך", וכשאומר "בריך הוא", וכשאומר "ואמרו אמן" 

(כלומר, באמירת: דאמירן בעלמא "ואמרו אמן").

Reciting Kaddish

Question: What is the significance of reciting Kaddish for a deceased individual?

Answer: When an individual departs from this world, his surviving children must make a concerted effort to pray with a Minyan three times a day in order to be able to recite Kaddish for their father or mother. Similarly, if one, G-d-forbid, loses a son, daughter, brother, or sister, one should recite Kaddish to elevate their soul.

If one passes away childless, it is proper to hire a Torah scholar on his behalf so that he may recite Kaddish for the elevation of the deceased individual’s soul. This means that a deal should be made with the Torah scholar that for a certain fee, the Torah scholar agrees to recite Kaddish during every prayer service, as if he were the child of the deceased. This serves as an elevation of the deceased’s soul, for the Torah scholar is reciting Kaddish on his behalf and a Torah scholar is being supported in his merit.

Our Sages recount in the Midrash: Once, Rabbi Akiva saw a naked man, who was blackened like charcoal, carrying a load of thorns on his head and running as fast as a horse. Rabbi Akiva commanded him to halt and asked him, “Why do you work so hard? If you are a salve and your master you to this, I shall free you; if you are poor, I shall make you rich.” The man replied, “Please, do not delay me, lest those in charge of me become angered.” Rabbi Akiva told him, “Tell me about yourself.” The man replied, “I am already deceased and every day they command me to chop wood after which they burn me with it.” Rabbi Akiva inquired, “My son, what was your work in your previous world?” The man replied, “I was a very important tax-collector. I would favor the rich, kill the poor, and transgress many other severe prohibitions.” Rabbi Akiva asked him, “Did you ever hear from those who are in charge of you if there is a way you can rectify your wrongdoings?” The man replied, “Please, do not delay me, lest the masters of punishment become angry at me, for I have no rectification. However, I have heard from them something that can never be, that were this poor man to have a son who would stand among the congregation and exclaim ‘Barechu Et Hashem Ha’Mevorach’ and the congregation would reply ‘Baruch Hashem Ha’Mevorach Le’Olam Va’ed’ or were he to recite Kaddish and the congregation would answer ‘Yehe Shemeh Rabba Mevarach,’ he would immediately be released from his punishment. However, I have not left a son in the world, for I left my wife when she was pregnant and who knows if she gave birth to a boy; who will teach him Torah, for I have no one who likes me in the world?” Rabbi Akiva asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “Akiva.” Rabbi Akiva continued, “What is your wife’s name?” He replied, “Shoshniva.” Rabbi Akiva asked, “What is the name of your town?” He replied, “Lodkia.” Rabbi Akiva became very distressed about this man’s plight and he accepted upon himself to find out if this man had had a boy so that he may teach him Torah and stand him up before the congregation. He went to search for him. When he arrived at that place, he inquired about the man. They told him, “May the bones of that wicked person be ground to dust.” Rabbi Akiva asked about his wife and they told him, “May her memory be obliterated from the world.” Rabbi Akiva inquired about the child and was told, “The boy is uncircumcised. They did not even involve themselves in the Mitzvah of Berit Milah.” Immediately, Rabbi Akiva took the boy circumcised him, sat him before him, and taught him Torah. The boy was unreceptive to Torah until Rabbi Akiva fasted forty fasts for him. A Heavenly voice rang out and said, “Rabbi Akiva, go and teach him.” He went and taught him Torah, Keri’at Shema, the Amida prayer, and Birkat Hamazon. He stood him before the congregation and the child recited, “Barechu Et Hashem Ha’Mevorach” and the congregation replied, “Baruch Hashem Ha’Mevorach Le’Olam Va’ed.” The child recited Kaddish and the congregation answered “Yehe Shemeh Rabba.” Rabbi Akiva then taught him Mishnah, Talmud, Halacha, and Aggadah until he eventually became very learned and became Rabbi Nachum Ha’Pakuli (whom many great Torah scholars emerged from). At this time, the deceased man was released from his punishment. He came to Rabbi Akiva in a dream and told him, “May it be Hashem’s will that your soul rest in Gan Eden just as you have let me rest by freeing me from the judgment of Gehinnom. When my son entered the synagogue, they nullified my harsh decree. When he entered the Bet HaMidrash, they nullified all decrees against me. When my son became learned and received the title “Rabbi,” they placed my chair among the righteous and pious in Gan Eden and they adorned me with several crowns. All of this is in your merit.” Immediately, Rabbi Akiva exclaimed, “Hashem, your name is everlasting; Hashem, your memory is for all generations.”

When reciting Kaddish, one should bow at five intervals: When reciting “Yitgadal,” when reciting “Yehe Shemeh Rabba,” when reciting “Yitbarach,” when reciting “Berich Hu,” and finally when reciting “Ve’Imru Amen” (i.e. from the phrase “Da’amiran Be’Alma Ve’Imru Amen”).

Shabbat Shalom

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