
לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
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7:12 | 7:10 | 6:21 | 5:50 | 9:15 | 6:05 | 6:05 | 19/20 Mar | ויקרא |
Q & A on Parashat Vayikra
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
- Who does the word “eilav” in verse 1:1 exclude?
1:1 – Aharon. - Name all the types of animals and birds mentioned in this week's Parsha.
1:2,14, 3:12 – Cattle, sheep, goats, turtledoves (torim), and doves (bnei yona). - What two types of sin does an olah atone for?
1:4 – Neglecting a positive command, and violating a negative command which is rectified by a positive command. - Where was the olah slaughtered?
1:5 – In the Mishkan Courtyard (azarah). - What procedure of an animal-offering can a non-kohen perform?
1:5 – Ritual slaughter. - Besides the fire the kohanim bring on the altar, where else did the fire come from?
1:7 – It descended from Heaven. - At what stage of development are torim (turtledoves) and bnei yona (young pigeons) unfit as offerings?
1:14 – When their plumage turns golden. At that stage, bnei yona are too old and torim are too young. - What is melika?
1:15 – Slaughtering a bird from the back of the neck using one's fingernail. - Why are animal innards offered on the altar, while bird innards are not?
1:16 – An animal's food is provided by its owner, so its innards are “kosher.” Birds, however, eat food that they scavenge, so their innards are tainted with “theft.” - Why does the Torah describe both the animal and bird offerings as a “satisfying aroma”?
1:17 – To indicate that the size of the offering is irrelevant, provided your heart is directed toward G-d. - Why is the term “nefesh” used regarding the flour offering?
2:1 – Usually, it is a poor person who brings a flour offering. Therefore, G-d regards it as if he had offered his nefesh (soul). - Which part of the free-will mincha offering is burned on the altar?
2:1 – The kometz (fistful). - The Torah forbids bringing honey with the mincha. What is meant by “honey”?
2:11 – Any sweet fruit derivative. - When does the Torah permit bringing a leavened bread offering?
2:12 – On Shavuot. - Concerning shelamim, why does the Torah teach about sheep and goats separately?
3:7 – Because they differ regarding the alya (fat tail). The lamb's alya is burned on the altar but the goat's is not. - For most offerings the kohen may use a service vessel to apply the blood on the mizbe'ach. For which korban may he apply the blood using only his finger?
3:8 – The chatat. - Who is obligated to bring a chatat?
4:2 – One who accidentally transgresses a negative commandment whose willing violation carries the karet (excision) penalty. - Where were the remains of the bull burned while in the wilderness? Where were they burned during the time of the Beit Hamikdash?
4:12 –- Outside the three camps.
- Outside Jerusalem.
- What two things does a voluntary mincha have that a minchat chatat lacks?
5:11 – Levona and oil. - What is the minimum value of a korban asham?
5:15 – Two shekalim.
שאלה: כמה שיעורי “כזית” מצה צריך לאכול בליל פסח?
תשובה: בליל הסדר חובה לאכול סך הכל שלשה שיעורי “כזית” של מצה. וכל כזית הוא שיעור של קרוב לשלשים גרם מצה. ומכל מקום יש מקום להחמיר לאכול ארבעה שיעורים של מצה, או חמישה, כמו שנבאר.
בקערת ליל הסדר מניחים שלוש מצות, וכשמגיעים בסדר ליל פסח ל”יחץ“, לוקח בעל הבית את המצה האמצעית מבין השלוש, ובוצע אותה לשתי חתיכות. ומניח את החלק הקטן בין שתי המצות, ואת החלק הגדול נותן לאחד מבני הבית שישמור אותה ל”אפיקומן”. כמו שיבואר.
נמצא שבעל הבית אוכל שני שיעורי כזית כבר באכילה זו. אחד מן המצה העליונה ואחד מן המצה האמצעית. אבל שאר בני הבית, שאין להם מספיק לאכול שני שעורים ממצות אלו שבידיו של בעל הבית, נותן להם בעל הבית מעט מכל מצה, ומצרף להם ממצות אחרות הנמצאות איתו עד שיגיעו לשיעור כזית אחד. ודי להם לכל הדעות בשיעור כזית אחד בלבד. נמצא כי שאר בני הבית אינם אוכלים באכילה זו אלא כשיעור כזית אחד בלבד. וגם בעל הבית אם מאיזו סיבה לא אכל שיעור של פעמיים כזית, יצא בדיעבד ידי חובתו. ולקוצר הזמן לא נוכל להרחיב את הדיבור ולהסביר את טעמי דין זה.
ויש מחמירים לאכול כ”צפון” כשיעור שני זיתים, אחד זכר לקרבן פסח ואחד זכר למצה שהיו אוכלים עם קרבן פסח. נמצא שבעל הבית עד כאן אכל חמישה שיעורי כזית אם הוא מחמיר על עצמו, ואם לאו אינו אוכל אלא שיעור ארבע זיתים. ושאר בני הבית אוכלים ארבע זיתים אם הם מחמירים על עצמם, ואם לאו, אינם אוכלים אלא שיעור של שלשה זיתים.
ולסיכום: ב”מוציא מצה” אוכל בעל הבית שיעור כשני זיתים של מצה. ושאר בני הבית שאינם אוכלים מן המצה של בעל הבית אוכלים כזית אחת. וב”כורך” אוכל כל אחד כזית מצה. ומ”צפון” אוכל כל אחד כזית אחד, ויש מחמירים לאכול שיעור של שני זיתים מצה.
Question: How many “Kezayit”s (olive’s volume) of Matzah must one consume during the Pesach Seder?
Answer: One is obligated to eat altogether three “Kezayit”s of Matzah during the Pesach Seder. Every Kezayit amounts to approx. 30 grams of Matzah. Nevertheless, there is room for stringency to eat four or even five “Kezayit”s of Matzah, as we shall now explain.
The Order of the Seder Night
The order for the night of Pesach established by the great and holy Rashi, which we have already discussed, is as follows: Kadesh, Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz, Magid, Rochtza, Motzi, Matzah, Maror, Korech, Shulchan Orech, Tzafun, Barech, Hallel, Nirtzah.
Three Matzot are placed on top of the Seder plate. Upon reaching the part of the Seder entitled, “Yachatz,” the head of the household takes the middle Matzah and splits it into two pieces. He keeps the smaller of the two pieces and the larger of the two pieces is kept for the “Afikomen.”
The First Kezayit
Upon reaching the part of the Seder entitled, “Motzi-Matzah”, the head of the household takes the three Matzot already prepared on the Seder plate. The top and bottom Matzot are whole and the middle Matzah is the one which was broken in half during “Yachatz.” He holds these Matzot in his hands and proceeds to recite the blessing of “Hamotzi Lechem Min Ha’aretz” followed by the blessing of “Al Achilat Matzah.” It is customary that after one recites the blessing of “Hamotzi,” one lets go of the bottom Matzah and continues to recite “Al Achilat Matzah” while holding only the top whole Matzah and the middle split Matzah. The head of the household must then eat a Kezayit of each Matzah.
Thus far, the head of the household will have already eaten two “Kezayit”s during this part of the Seder. However, the other members of the household, who do not have enough to eat two “Kezayit”s from the Matzot of the head of the household should be given a small piece of the head of the household’s Matzah and he will then supplement that with other Matzot that he has until it reaches the amount of a Kezayit. Regarding the members of the household who do not eat a Kezayit from the head of the household’s Matzot, they do not need to be eating two “Kezayit”s; rather, one Kezayit is sufficient according to all opinions. It turns out that the other members of the household (excluding the head of the household) are only eating one Kezayit at this point in the Seder. Even if the head of the household, for whatever reason, did not eat his allotted two “Kezayit”s and has only eaten one Kezayit, he has fulfilled his obligation. Due to time constraints, we will not be able to elaborate on the reasons behind this law any further.
The Second Kezayit
Afterwards, upon reaching the part of the Seder entitled, “Korech,” one takes a Kezayit from the third Matzah on the Seder plate and wraps a Kezayit of Maror in it and then he dips it in Charoset, after which one recites, “Zecher La’Mikdash Ke’Hillel,” and then eats this while leaning on one’s left side. At this point, the head of the household has eaten three “Kezayit”s of Matzah and the rest of the members of the household have eaten only two “Kezayit”s.
The Third Kezayit
Upon reaching the part of the Seder entitled, “Tzafun,” which is after concluding the festive meal, the Matzah hidden under the tablecloth is eaten as the “Afikomen” and another Kezayit must be eaten from this Matzah. (For the other family members, the Seder leader hands out other Matzot in addition to a small piece of the designated “Afikomen” Matzah.) One must be very careful to eat this Matzah while leaning as well, for if one did not, one has not fulfilled one’s obligation and will need to eat another Kezayit of Matzah while leaning. This may very well lead to a point of excessive eating which can also be a cause of not fulfilling this Mitzvah, as we have already explained.
Some act stringently and eat two “Kezayit”s during “Tzafun,” one in commemoration of the Pesach offering and one in commemoration of the Matzah that was eaten with it. At this point, the head of the household will have eaten five “Kezayit”s of Matzah if he acts more stringently, and if not, he will only haven eaten four. The other members of the household will have eaten four “Kezayit”s if they act more stringently, and if they not, they will have only eaten three.