Newsletter Matot Mase


Rosh Chodesh 

Av Rachman

Thursday night – Friday

ויהי רצון שהחודש הזה יהפך לששון ולשמחה ולמועדים טובים

 בביאת משיח צדקינו ובבנין בית מקדשינו ותפארתינו אמן 




would like to take this opportunity to 

wish our friends 

Mr & Mrs Avy Levy 

a big Mazal Tov 

on the occasion of the 

Bar Mitzva of their son


May he grow in Torah Mitzvot Umaasim Tovim



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















13/14 July



*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Matot – Mase 


  1. Who may annul a vow?
    30:2 – Preferably, an expert in the laws of nedarim. Otherwise, three ordinary people.
  2. When may a father annul his widowed daughter's vows?
    30:10 – If she is under 12 1/2 years old and widowed before she was fully married.
  3. Why were the Jewish People not commanded to attack Moav, as they were to attack Midian?
    31:2 – Because Moav only acted out of fear against the Jewish People. Also, Ruth was destined to come from Moav.
  4. Those selected to fight Midian went unwillingly. Why?
    31:5 – They knew that Moshe's death would follow.
  5. What holy vessels accompanied the Jewish People into battle?
    31:6 – The aron and the tzitz.
  6. Those who killed in the war against Midian were required to remain outside the"machane" (camp). Which machane?
    31:19 – The Machane Shechina.
  7. Besides removing traces of forbidden food, what else is needed to make metal vessels obtained from a non-Jew fit for a Jewish owner?
    31:23 – Immersion in a mikve.
  8. "We will build sheep-pens here for our livestock and cities for our little ones." What was improper about this statement?
    32:16 – They showed more regard for their property than for their children.
  9. During the conquest of the Land, where did Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuvenposition themselves?
    32:17 – At the head of the troops.
  10. What promise did Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven make beyond that which Moshe required?
    32:24 – Moshe required them to remain west of the Jordan during the conquest of the Land. They promised to remain after the conquest until the Land was divided among the tribes.


  1. Why does the Torah list the places where the Jewish People camped?
    33:1 – To show G-d's love of the Jewish People. Although it was decreed that they wander in the desert, they did not travel continuously. During 38 years, they moved only 20 times.
  2. Why did the King of Arad feel at liberty to attack the Jewish People?
    33:40 – When Aharon died, the clouds of glory protecting the Jewish People departed.
  3. What length was the camp in the midbar?
    33:49 – Twelve mil (one mil is 2,000 amot).
  4. Why does the Torah need to specify the boundaries that are to be inherited by the Jewish People?
    34:2 – Because certain mitzvot apply only in the Land.
  5. What was the nesi'im's role in dividing the Land?
    34:17 – Each nasi represented his tribe. He also allocated the inheritance to each family in his tribe.
  6. When did the three cities east of the Jordan begin to function as refuge cities?
    35:13 – After Yehoshua separated three cities west of the Jordan.
  7. There were six refuge cities, three on each side of the Jordan. Yet, on the east side of the Jordan there were only two and a half tribes. Why did they need three cities?
    35:14 – Because murders were more common there.
  8. To be judged as an intentional murderer, what type of weapon must the murderer use?
    35:16 – One capable of inflicting lethal injury.
  9. Why is the kohen gadol blamed for accidental deaths?
    35:25 – He should have prayed that such things not occur.
  10. When an ancestral field moves by inheritance from one tribe to another, what happens to it in Yovel?
    36:4 – It remains with the new tribe.



Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l


משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה

מחרתיים (החל מיום חמישי, ליל יום שישי) יחול יום ראש חודש אב. והשנה (תשע"ח) יש לנו דינים מיוחדים, מאחר ויום תשעה באב (ט' באב) יחול ביום שבת, והתענית נדחית ליום ראשון. וכפי שנבאר בהמשך.

מזלם של ישראל בחודש אב
אף על פי שבכל ימי בין המצרים נוהגים קצת מנהגי אבלות, וכמו שהזכרנו בהלכות הקודמות, מכל מקום משנכנס חודש אב, ועד לאחר עשירי באב, יש מנהגי אבלות נוספים שיש לנהוג בהם, מפני שבחודש אב אירע החורבן, ואמרו חז"ל, שימים אלו הם ימי פורענות לישראל, ומזלם אינו מאיר להם בימים אלו. וכך שנינו במסכת תענית (דף כו:) "משנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה". ולכן ישראל (יהודי) שיש לו דין ודברים ותביעה משפטית עם גוי, יתחמק מלהתדיין עמו בימים אלו, ויתדיין עמו לאחר עשירי באב.

משא ומתן של שמחה
מיום ראש חודש אב, ממעטים במשא ומתן של שמחה, כגון קניית רהיטים חדשים לבית חתן וכלה, או קניית תכשיטי זהב וכסף, וכיוצא בזה. ובשאר משא ומתן שאינו של שמחה, כגון קניית רהיטים לביתו, או מכונית חדשה וכדומה, אף על פי שהיה ראוי להחמיר בזה, מכל מקום נהגו להקל. וכתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצוק"ל, שמכל מקום טוב להמנע מלהביא רהיטים חדשים לביתו, או מכונית חדשה לביתו, בימים אלו, משום ששמחה היא לו.

אכילת בשר ושתיית יין
נהגו ישראל, שבימים אלו, מיום ראש חודש אב ועד ליום עשירי באב, הקרויים "תשעת הימים", אינם שותים יין ולא אוכלים בשר, אלא ביום השבת. (ובענין זה נדון בהמשך בעזרת ה'). וביום ראש חודש אב עצמו, מותר לאכול בשר ולשתות יין, שכבר כתב מרן רבינו הגדול רבי עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל, שלא נהגו איסור באכילת בשר אלא מאחר ראש חודש אב, כלומר, מיום ראשון הבא עלינו לטובה. אולם למנהג האשכנזים יש להחמיר בזה אפילו ביום ראש חודש עצמו. (חזון עובדיה עמוד קסט).

שבוע שחל בו תשעה באב 
ובשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב, (למשל כאשר תשעה באב חל ביום שלישי, ממוצאי שבת שקודם לו, מתחיל שבוע שחל בו תשעה באב) נוהגים עוד מנהגי אבלות, ובכללם האיסור לרחוץ כל גופו במים חמים, וכן אסור לכבס בגדים או ללבוש בגדים מכובסים. והשנה שנת תשע"ח, יחול יום תשעה באב ביום שבת, לכן אין לנו בשנה כזו את הדינים השייכים לשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב כלל. כמו שפסק מרן בשלחן ערוך (סימן תקנא סעיף ד).

החומרות שנהגו בהם האשכנזים 
מנהג האשכנזים להחמיר מאד באיסור הרחיצה, ולמנהגם יש לאסור את הרחיצה מיום ראש חודש אב, בין במים חמים בין במים צוננים, (זאת אומרת שהם נוהגים שתי חומרות נוספות, לאסור רחיצה כבר מיום ראש חודש אב ולאסור רחיצה אף במים קרים). אולם אף למנהג האשכנזים, אם מדובר באדם הגר במקום שהאקלים שם חם, כגון בארץ ישראל, או באדם המזיע הרבה מחמת איזו סיבה, מותר לו לרחוץ כל גופו במים שאינם חמים אף בשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב. כי לא קיבלו עליהם האשכנזים חומרות אלו, אלא בארצותיהם, שהם ארצות קרות. ולכן יש להקל בזה כאמור.

ושמענו ממרן זצ"ל, שאמר שעוד בצעירותו פסק לאשכנזים, שיש להקל בארץ ישראל לרחוץ במים שאינם חמים. והצטער מאד כאשר ראה שהגאון רבי שלמה זלמן אוירבך פסק להחמיר בזה, עד שהתפרסם בשם הגאון רבי משה פיינשטיין שהיקל בדבר, ושמח מרן זצ"ל על דבריו, שהרי "גדול כבוד הבריות", ואין זה כבוד הבריות שלא ירחצו כל כך הרבה זמן.

כמו כן נוהגים האשכנזים להחמיר בענין כיבוס ולבישת בגדים מכובסים, שהספרדים נוהגים בזה רק בשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב, ואילו האשכנזים נוהגים איסור בדבר החל מיום ראש חודש אב. ונרחיב בדין זה בהמשך בעזרת ה'.

קניות עבור חתן וכלה

כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל, שאם קבעו את זמן הנשואים מיד לאחר תשעה באב, והבחור עדיין לא קיים פריה ורביה (דהיינו שעדיין אין לו בן ובת), מותר לקנות עבור החתן והכלה כל צרכיהם אפילו בימים אלו, ואפילו אם יש זמן לקנות את צרכי החתן והכלה אחרי תשעה באב, כגון שנשואיהם נקבעו ליום ט"ו באב, אם יש חשש שיתייקרו לאחר מכן, מותר לקנותם בימים אלו כל שיש חשש הפסד בדבר.

ולסיכום הדברים: ישנם ארבעה דרגות חומרה של אבלות בימים אלו. הדרגה הקלה מיום שבעה עשר בתמוז ועד ראש חודש אב. הדרגה השנייה מיום ראש חודש אב ועד לשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב. הדרגה השלישית, חמורה ממנה, בשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב, והדרגה החמורה מכולם, יום תשעה באב עצמו, שהוא יום אבל ותענית כאשר יתבאר.

ויהי רצון שהחודש הזה יהפך לששון ולשמחה ולמועדים טובים, בביאת משיח צדקינו ובבנין בית מקדשינו ותפארתינו אמן.

When Av Begins, We Diminish Our Joy

This coming Friday will mark Rosh Chodesh Av. May Hashem soon switch it to a month of joy and celebration. This year, 5778, there are some unique laws we must discuss since the Ninth of Av falls out on Shabbat and the fast is thus postponed until Sunday.

The Jewish Nation’s Fortune During the Month of Av

Although we customarily implement some mourning customs during the entire “Three Weeks” as we have mentioned in previous Halachot, when the month of Av begins until following the tenth of Av, additional customs of mourning are implemented, for the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash occurred during the month of Av. Our Sages say that these days are troublesome for the Jewish nation and their fortune does not shine during this time. Indeed, the Gemara in Masechet Ta’anit (26b) tells us, “When Av begins, we reduce our joy.” Thus, if a Jew has a pending court-case with a non-Jew, he should try to avoid having it during this time and should try to postpone it for after the Tenth of Av.

Joyous Transactions

From the day of Rosh Chodesh Av, we abstain from performing joyous transactions, such as purchasing furniture for a new bride and groom, purchasing gold and silver jewelry, and the like. Regarding other transactions that are not linked to any particular joy, such as purchasing furniture for one’s home, purchasing a new car, and the like, although it seems appropriate to act stringently and abstain from doing so, nevertheless, the custom is indeed to be lenient. It is preferable that one not bring new furniture or a new car to one’s home during these days, for this causes one to be happy.

Eating Meat and Drinking Wine

The prevalent custom among the Jewish nation is that during the “Nine Days,” which is the period between Rosh Chodesh Av until the Tenth of Av, we abstain from eating meat and drinking wine besides for on Shabbat (we shall, G-d willing, discuss this detail in depth in a following Halacha). On Friday, Rosh Chodesh Av, one is still permitted to eat meat and drink wine, for Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that it is only customarily prohibited from the day following Rosh Chodesh Av (meaning that this year, the prohibition to eat meat and drink wine begins from this coming Sunday). Nevertheless, the Ashkenazi custom is to act stringently and refrain from eating meat and drinking wine beginning from the day of Rosh Chodesh itself. (Chazon Ovadia-Arba Ta’aniyot, page 169)

The Week During Which Tisha Be’av Falls Out

Additional mourning customs are observed during the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out (such as if Tisha Be’av falls out on a Tuesday, these laws take effect from Sunday), including the prohibitions to wash one’s body with hot water, launder clothing, and wear freshly-laundered clothes. This year (5778) when Tisha Be’av falls out on Shabbat, the laws of the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out do not apply at all, in accordance with the ruling of Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 551, Section 4).  

Stringencies Observed by Ashkenazim During This Period

Nevertheless, the Ashkenazi custom is to prohibit washing one’s body from Rosh Chodesh Av with either hot or cold water (which means that they customarily observe two stringencies: the first being the prohibition of washing as early as Rosh Chodesh Av and the second being that they even prohibit washing one’s body with cold water as well). Nevertheless, even according to the Ashkenazi custom, if one lives in a place where the climate is hot, such as in Israel, or if one sweats profusely for whatever reason, one may wash his body with water that is not hot even during the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out. The reason for this is because the Ashkenazim only accepted these stringencies upon themselves in their countries, which had cooler climates. Thus, one may be lenient regarding this matter when necessary, as we have explained above.

We have heard from Maran zt”l that even in his youth, he ruled that Ashkenazim in Israel could bathe in water that was not hot. He was extremely upset that Hagaon Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbachzt”l  ruled stringently in this regard and he was especially happy when he found out that Hagaon Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l ruled leniently as he had, for personal hygiene is very important and it is unpleasant to go without showering for such a long time.

The same applies to the laws of laundering and wearing freshly-laundered clothing in that the Sephardic custom is to abstain from these things only during the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out. Ashkenazim, however, customarily abstain from these things beginning from Rosh Chodesh Av.

Purchasing Items for a Bride and Groom

Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that if a wedding date was set for immediately following Tisha Be’av and the groom has not yet fulfilled the Mitzvah of “being fruitful and multiplying” (meaning that he did not yet father children), all of the necessities of the bride and groom may be purchased during these days. Even if one has the opportunity to purchase these items after Tisha Be’av, for instance if the wedding is on the Fifteenth of Av, if one is concerned that the price of the items may rise in the meantime, these items may indeed be purchased during these days, as long as there is due concern for monetary loss.

Summary: There are four levels of varying severity regarding the mourning customs observed during these days. The lowest level is from the Seventeenth of Tammuz until Rosh Chodesh Av. The second level is from Rosh Chodesh Av until the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out. The third level, which is more stringent than the former, is during the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out. The fourth level and most stringent of all is the day of Tisha Be’av itself, which is a day of mourning and fasting, as we shall discuss.

May it be Hashem’s will that this month be switched to joy, festivities, and holidays with the coming of our righteous Mashiach and the rebuilding of the Third Bet Hamikdash, speedily and in our days, Amen.



Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

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Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Pinchas – Shabbat Mevarechim


Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















6/7 July

פינחס (ש''מ)



*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Pinchas

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why was Pinchas not originally a kohen?
    25:13 – Kehuna (priesthood) was given to Aharon and his sons (not grandsons), and to any of their descendants born after they were anointed. Pinchas, Aharon's grandson, was born prior to the anointing.
  2. Why was Moav spared the fate of Midian?
    25:18 – For the sake of Ruth, a future descendant of Moav.
  3. What does the yud and hey added to the family names testify?
    26:5 – That the families were truly children of their tribe.
  4. Korach and his congregation became a "sign." What do they signify?
    26:10 – That kehuna was given forever to Aharon and his sons, and that no one should ever dispute this.
  5. Why did Korach's children survive?
    26:11 – Because they repented.
  6. Name six families in this Parsha whose names are changed.
    26:13,16,24,38,39,42 – Zerach, Ozni, Yashuv, Achiram, Shfufam, Shucham.
  7. Who was Yaakov's only living granddaughter at the time of the census?
    26:46 – Serach bat Asher
  8. How many years did it take to conquer the Land? How many to divide the Land?
    26:53 – Seven years. Seven years.
  9. Two brothers leave Egypt and die in the midbar. One brother has three sons. The other brother has only one son. When these four cousins enter the Land, how many portions will the one son get?
    26:55 – Two portions. That is, the four cousins merit four portions among them. These four portions are then split among them as if their fathers were inheriting them; i.e., two portions to one father and two portions to the other father.
  10. What do Yocheved, Ard and Na'aman have in common?
    26:24,56 – They came down to Mitzrayim in their mothers' wombs.
  11. Why did the decree to die in the desert not apply to the women?
    26:64 – In the incident of the meraglim, only the men wished to return to Egypt. The women wanted to enter Eretz Yisrael.
  12. What trait did Tzlofchad's daughters exhibit that their ancestor Yosef also exhibited?
    27:1 – Love for Eretz Yisrael.
  13. Why does the Torah change the order of Tzlofchad's daughters' names?
    27:1 – To teach that they were equal in greatness.
  14. Tzlofchad died for what transgression?
    27:3 – Rabbi Akiva says that Tzlofchad gathered sticks on Shabbat. Rabbi Shimon says that Tzlofchad was one who tried to enter Eretz Yisraelafter the sin of the meraglim.
  15. Why did Moshe use the phrase "G-d of the spirits of all flesh"?
    27:16 – He was asking G-d, who knows the multitude of dispositions among the Jewish People, to appoint a leader who can deal with each person on that person's level.
  16. Moshe "put some of his glory" upon Yehoshua. What does this mean?
    27:20 – That Yehoshua's face beamed like the moon.
  17. Where were the daily offerings slaughtered?
    28:3 – At a spot opposite the sun. The morning offering was slaughtered on the west side of the slaughtering area and the afternoon offering on the east side.
  18. Goats are brought as musaf sin-offerings. For what sin do they atone?
    28:15 – For unnoticed ritual impurity of the Sanctuary or its vessels.
  19. Why is Shavuot called Yom Habikkurim?
    28:26 – The Shavuot double-bread offering was the first wheat-offering made from the new crop.
  20. What do the 70 bulls offered on Succot symbolize?
    29:18 – The seventy nations.



Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l


שמיעת כלי זמר בימי בין המצרים

שמיעת מוזיקה וריקודים בימי בין המצרים

אסור לעשות ריקודים ומחולות בימים שבין שבעה עשר בתמוז לתשעה באב, ואפילו בלא כלי נגינה.

וכל זה הוא אפילו בריקודים המתנהלים על פי ההלכה, ומנהגי הצניעות המקודשים לעם ישראל, אנשים לבד ונשים לבד, במחיצה מפסקת שאינם רואים אלו את אלו, אבל ריקודים מעורבים אנשים ונשים יחדיו, אסורים בהחלט באיסור חמור בכל ימות השנה.

אף על פי שמעיקר הדין, מותר לשמוע בשאר ימות השנה דרך הרשם קול, טייפ או דיסק וכדומה, שירים, ובפרט שירי קודש, המלווים על ידי כלי נגינה, מכל מקום, כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף שליט"א, שבימי בין המצרים יש להמנע מכך. וכבר הארכנו בזה במקום אחר. ומכל מקום, בשמחת מצוה, כגון שמחת חתן וכלה, או בשמחת ברית מילה, או בסעודת פדיון הבן, או בר מצוה, או סיום מסכת, מותר לשמוע שירי קודש המלווים בכלי נגינה, שכל שהיא שמחה של מצוה, יש להקל בדבר.

שירה בפה בימי בין המצרים
ושירה שהיא בפה, בלא כלי זמר, מותר לשורר בימים אלה. וכל שכן שיש להקל בזה בשבתות של ימי בין המצרים, ואפילו בתשעה באב שחל להיות בשבת, מותר לשורר שירי קודש לכבוד שבת.

מי שפרנסתו מנגינה על כלי זמר
מי שפרנסתו לנגן בכלי זמר אצל גויים, מותר לו להמשיך לנגן בכלי זמר עד שבוע שחל בו תשעה באב . וכמו כן מורה לנגינה, שמלמד תלמידים לנגן על כינור וכדומה, ויש לו הפסד ממון, אם לא ילמד בימים אלה, מותר לו להמשיך ללמד נגינה עד שבוע שחל בו תשעה באב. ונכון להחמיר בזה מיום ראש חודש אב. וכמו שיש להקל בזה למורה שמלמד נגינה, כמו כן מותר הדבר לתלמיד הלומד נגינה בימים אלו.

קייטנות שמשמיעים בהם מוזיקה

קייטנות של ילדים, או גני ילדים הפועלים בימי בין המצרים, ובמסגרת פעולתם משמעים בהם שירים המלויים בכלי נגינה, יש להקל להם להשמיע שירים אלה בימי בין המצרים. כן פסק מרן הרב


, וכן פסק הגאון רבי יעקב קמינצקי ז"ל.

Listening to Music during the “Three Weeks”

Listening to Music during the “Three Weeks”

All forms of dancing are forbidden during the three weeks between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av, even when there is no musical accompaniment. 

This applies even when the dancing conforms to the laws of modesty and holiness observed by the Jewish nation, i.e. men dancing alone and women dancing alone with a partition separating them so that they do not see each other. However, men and women dancing together is absolutely forbidden all year round. 

Although during the rest of the year one may listen to music from a tape recorder, cassette, CD, and the like, especially songs with holy words that are accompanied by musical instruments, Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef z'l writes that during the “Three Weeks,” one should refrain from doing so. Nevertheless, when it comes to a celebration of a Mitzvah, such as a wedding, Berit Milah, the festive meal of a Pidyon Haben (redeeming of the firstborn), Bar Mitzvah, or conclusion of a tractate of the Talmud, one may listen to songs with holy words that have musical accompaniment, for as long as it is in celebration of a Mitzvah, one can be lenient regarding this matter. 

Singing during the “Three Weeks”

Singing, without musical accompaniment, is permissible during this time. One can certainly be lenient regarding this matter on the Shabbatot that fall out during the “Three Weeks”; indeed, even on Tisha Be’av that falls out on Shabbat, one may sing songs in honor of Shabbat. 

One Whose Livelihood Depends on Playing a Musical Instrument 

If one’s job is to play a musical instrument for non-Jews, he may continue to play music until the week that Tisha Be’av falls out during (meaning the Sunday before Tisha Be’av,). Similarly, a music teacher who teaches students to play musical instruments such as the violin and the like, if he will incur a monetary loss by not teaching during this period, he may indeed continue to teach playing music until the Sunday before Tisha Be’av. It is preferable, nonetheless, to be stringent regarding this matter from Rosh Chodesh Av. Just as a music teacher may be lenient regarding this matter, so too, a student learning to play a musical instrument may continue to do so during this period. 

Playing Music in Camps

Camps or Day-Care programs that operate during the “Three Weeks” and play songs with musical accompaniment as part of their daily routines may be lenient and continue to so during the “Three Weeks.” Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef z'l and Hagaon Harav Yaakov Kamenetzky zt”l rule likewise.

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best


Newsletter Parashat Balak – Taanit Shiva Asar Betamuz


Taanit Shiva Asar Betamuz (Nidche)

Sunday 1st July

Taanit begins at 1:13 am

Shacharit 8:00 am

Mincha 7:30 pm

Shekia 9:40 pm

Nightfall 10:46 pm

Taanit finishes at 10:46 pm



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















29/30 June



*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Balak 

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why did Moav consult specifically with Midian regarding their strategy against the Jews?
    22:4 – Since Moshe grew up in Midian, the Moabites thought the Midianites might know wherein lay Moshe's power.
  2. What was Balak's status before becoming Moav's king?
    22:4 – He was a prince of Midian.
  3. Why did G-d grant prophecy to the evil Bilaam?
    22:5 – So the other nations couldn't say, "If we had had prophets, we also would have become righteous."
  4. Why did Balak think Bilaam's curse would work?
    22:6 – Because Bilaam's curse had helped Sichon defeat Moav.
  5. When did Bilaam receive his prophecies?
    22:8 – Only at night.
  6. G-d asked Bilaam, "Who are these men with you?" What did Bilaam deduce from this question?
    22:9 – He mistakenly reasoned that G-d isn't all-knowing.
  7. How do we know Bilaam hated the Jews more than Balak did?
    22:11 – Balak wanted only to drive the Jews from the land. Bilaam sought to exterminate them completely.
  8. What is evidence of Bilaam's arrogance?
    22:13 – He implied that G-d wouldn't let him go with the Moabite princes due to their lesser dignity.
  9. In what way was the malach that opposed Bilaam an angel of mercy?
    22:22 – It mercifully tried to stop Bilaam from sinning and destroying himself.
  10. How did Bilaam die?
    22:23 – He was killed with a sword.
  11. Why did the malach kill Bilaam's donkey?
    22:33 – So that people shouldn't see it and say, "Here's the donkey that silenced Bilaam." G-d is concerned with human dignity.
  12. Bilaam compared his meeting with an angel to someone else's meeting with an angel. Who was the other person and what was the comparison?
    22:34 – Avraham. Bilaam said, "G-d told me to go but later sent an angel to stop me. The same thing happened to Avraham: G-d told Avraham to sacrifice Yitzchak but later canceled the command through an angel."
  13. Bilaam told Balak to build seven altars. Why specifically seven?
    23:4 – Corresponding to the seven altars built by the Avot. Bilaam said to G-d, "The Jewish People's ancestors built seven altars, but I alone have built altars equal to all of them."
  14. Who in Jewish history seemed fit for a curse, but got a blessing instead?
    23:8 – Yaakov, when Yitzchak blessed him.
  15. Why are the Jewish People compared to lions?
    23:24 – They rise each morning and "strengthen" themselves to do mitzvot.
  16. On Bilaam's third attempt to curse the Jews, he changed his strategy. What was different?
    24:1 – He began mentioning the Jewish People's sins, hoping thus to be able to curse them.
  17. What were Bilaam's three main characteristics?
    24:2 – An evil eye, pride and greed.
  18. What did Bilaam see that made him decide not to curse the Jews?
    24:2 – He saw each tribe dwelling without intermingling. He saw the tents arranged so no one could see into his neighbor's tent.
  19. What phrase in Bilaam's self-description can be translated in two opposite ways, both of which come out meaning the same thing?
    24:3 – "Shatum ha'ayin." It means either "the poked-out eye," implying blindness in one eye; or it means "the open eye", which means vision but implies blindness in the other eye.
  20. Bilaam told Balak that the Jews' G-d hates what?
    24:14 – Promiscuity.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

  ימי "בין המצרים"

הימים שבין שבעה עשר בתמוז לבין תשעה באב, נקראים ימי "בין המצרים" על שם הפסוק (במגילת איכה פרק א פסוק ג) "כל רודפיה השיגוה בין המצרים", ואמרו רבותינו זכרונם לברכה, שְאֵלוּ הימים שבין שבעה עשר בתמוז לתשעה באב, שבהם נכנסו האויבים לירושלים עיר קדשנו ותפארתנו, ופרעו פרעות בישראל, עד יום תשעה באב שבו החריבו את בית המקדש בעוונות הרבים, ומאז ועד היום עם ישראל אינו יושב בטח, ותמיד קמים עליו אויבים מבית ומחוץ. ואף על פי שזכינו תהלות לאל עליון, לחזור לארץ קדשינו בצורה יחסית חופשית, עדיין לא זכינו לגאולה שלימה, כי בית חיינו חרב, ואומות העולם מציקות לעם ישראל יום יום, והצרות תוכפות יותר ויותר. ועל הכל, מבחינה רוחנית, שאנו רחוקים מאד מהגאולה האמיתית, עד שישוב ה' וירחם על נחלתו, וישוב לגאול אותנו גאולה שלימה, גאולת עולמים.

דרגות האבלות בימים אלה, ושבוע שחל בו תשעה באב השנה
בהלכות הקרובות נבאר את דיני "בין המצרים". ודינים אלו מחולקים. שמיום י"ז בתמוז ועד ראש חודש אב, נוהגים מעט מנהגי אבלות. ומיום ראש חודש אב, מוסיפים על מנהגים אלה עוד מנהגים אחרים. ולאחר מכן בשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב, נוהגים מנהגי אבלות נוספים.

ובשנה זו (תשע"ח ) אין לנו דינים השייכים לשבוע שחל בו תשעה באב, משום שתשעה באב יחול השנה בשבת, וידחה ליום ראשון. ולפיכך כל דיני שבוע שחל בו תשעה באב אינם נוהגים בשנה זו. כמו שפסק מרן השלחן ערוך (סימן תקנא). ורק האשכנזים נוהגים להחמיר בכמה דינים כבר מראש חודש אב, וכמו שנבאר בעתו ובזמנו בעזרת ה'.

תיקון חצות
מכיון שימי "בין המצרים" הם ימי אבל לעם ישראל, נוהגים בהם כמה מנהגי אבל, וחסידים ואנשי מעשה נוהגים לומר "תיקון חצות" אחר חצות היום בימי בין המצרים. (חצות היום, היינו, שמחלקים את הלילה, מהשקיעה עד הזריחה לשתיים, והנקודה האמצעית, היא "חצות" הלילה, מלשון "מחצית", ובאותה השעה ביום, הוא זמן חצות היום. ובהרבה לוחות שנה מופיעה זמן חצות היום, או חצות הלילה, שהוא שווה לזמן חצות היום), ואומרים "תיקון רחל" שבו פסוקים של בכי וצער על חורבן בית המקדש, ומנהג זה הוא מנהג ותיקין, והביאו מרן החיד"א בספרו מורה באצבע, וכתב שכן נהגו בארץ ישראל על פי דברי רבינו האר"י ז"ל, וכן כתב עוד בספרו שו"ת יוסף אומץ. וכתב שנוהגים לומר "תקון רחל", משום שתקון רחל מיוסד על בכיה ומספד על חורבן הבית. והביא עוד מדברי רבינו האר"י שכתב שמנהג טוב וכשר לכל בעל נפש לישב באבילות אחר חצות היום בכל ימי בין המצרים, ולבכות בכיה ממש על חורבן הבית. עד כאן. ובודאי שעל ידי אמירת תיקון חצות יתעורר כל אחד להצטער על חורבן בית המקדש וכל הצרות שבאו עלינו ועל אבותינו מתוך הגלות המרה הזו.

וכן נוהג מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף , לעורר את הצבור לומר תקון חצות בזמן חצות היום בימי בין המצרים. (ותיקון רחל מודפס בסידורים). וכן היו נוהגים לאמרו בישיבת "פורת יוסף" בירושלים. ויש נוהגים לומר "תיקון חצות" בכל ימות השנה בחצות הלילה, ותבא עליהם ברכה


The Seventeenth of Tammuz and the “Three Weeks”

The Period of the “Three Weeks”

The three week period between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av is dubbed by our Sages “Between the Straits,” based on the verse (Eicha 1, 3), “All of her enemies overtook her between the straits.” Our Sages tell us that these three weeks between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av are when our enemies entered the holy city of Jerusalem and massacred countless Jewish people until the Ninth of Av when they finally succeeded in destroying the Holy Temple. From that day on, the Jewish people no longer dwell securely and we must endure enemies attacking us from the outside as well as within. Although, thank G-d, we have merited returning to the holy land relatively freely, we have nevertheless not yet merited the ultimate redemption, for our Bet Hamikdash still lies in ruins, the nations of the world are constantly on the offensive against the Jewish nation, and our tragedies multiply exponentially every day. We are indeed very spiritually distant from the final redemption and we hope and pray that Hashem pities us and redeems us once and for all, speedily in our days. 

The Levels of Mourning during this Period and the Laws of the Week during which Tisha Be’av Falls Out This Year

In the following Halachot we shall, G-d-willing, discuss the laws of the “Three Weeks.” There are various degrees of mourning observed during this period: From the Seventeenth of Tammuz until Rosh Chodesh Av, few mourning customs are observed. From the day of Rosh Chodesh Av, some more mourning customs are added. During the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out, even more mourning customs are observed. 

This year, 5778, the laws of the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out do not apply, for the Ninth of Av falls out this year on Shabbat; the fast of Tisha Be’av is thus postponed until Sunday. For this reason, all of the laws pertaining to the week during which Tisha Be’av falls out do not apply this year based on the ruling of Maran HaShulchan Aruch (Chapter 551). Nevertheless, Ashkenazim do adopt certain stringencies beginning from Rosh Chodesh Av as we shall, G-d-willing, discuss when the time comes. 

Reciting “Tikun Chatzot”

Since these days are a time of mourning for the Jewish nation, we customarily observe some customs pertaining to mourning. Pious and upstanding people customarily recite “Tikun Chatzot” (Psalms and prayers related to the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash) after Halachic mid-day during the “Three Weeks” (Halachic mid-day is calculated by splitting the night time hours between sunset and sunrise and the mid-point is Halachic midnight. The exact same time during the day is Halachic mid-day. Many Jewish calendars state either only Halachic midnight or mid-day since they are in essence the same time.) “Tikun Rachel,” which includes verses that lament the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash, is recited. Maran HaChida in his works “Moreh Ba’Etzba” and “Yosef Ometz” writes that this is an ancient custom that was observed in Israel based on the words of the holy Arizal. He writes that the custom is to recite “Tikun Rachel” because it is based on weeping and lamentation for the destruction of holy Temple. He adds in the name of the Ari who writes that it is a worthy custom to sit and mourn after the Halachic mid-day every day during the “Three Weeks,” including shedding actual tears for the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash. Through reciting “Tikun Chatzot,” one will surely be moved to tears because of the sorrow of the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash and all of the other suffering we and our forefathers have endured during this long and arduous exile. 

Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef z'l indeed encourages his congregation to recite “Tikun Chatzot” after Halachic mid-day during the period of the “Three Weeks.” (“Tikun Rachel” is printed in most Siddurim.) This was indeed the custom in Yeshivat Porat Yosef in Jerusalem. Some actually have the custom to recite “Tikun Chatzot” throughout the entire year after Halachic mid-night, and they shall indeed be blessed


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter – Parashat Chukat



Why not come and hear 

our young boys share some 

Divre Torah

before Shabbat goes out


Divre Torah 10:50 pm

Motzae Shabbat 11:00 pm 



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















22/23 June



*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Chukat

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. "Take a perfect Para Aduma (red heifer)." What does the word "perfect" temima mean in this context?
    19:2 – Perfectly red.
  2. How many non-red hairs disqualify a cow as a Para Aduma?
    19:2 – Two.
  3. man dies in a tent. What happens to the sealed metal and earthenware utensils in the tent?
    19:14,15 – The metal utensils are impure for seven days, even if they are sealed. The sealed earthenware vessels are unaffected.
  4. What happens to the one who: a) sprinkles the water mixed with the ashes of the Para Aduma; b) touches the water; c) carries the water?
    19:21 – a) Remains tahor; b) He, but not his clothing, contracts tumah; c) He and his clothing contract tumah.
  5. Why was the mitzvah of the Para Aduma entrusted to Elazar rather than to Aharon?
    19:22 – Because Aharon was involved in the sin of the Golden Calf.
  6. Why does the Torah stress that all of the congregation came to Midbar Tzin?
    20:1 – To teach that they were all fit to enter the Land; everyone involved in the sin of the spies already died.
  7. Why is Miriam's death taught after the law of Para Aduma?
    20:1 – To teach that just as sacrifices bring atonement, so too does the death of the righteous.
  8. During their journey in the midbar, in whose merit did the Jewish People receive water?
    20:2 – Miriam's.
  9. Why did Moshe need to strike the rock a second time?
    20:11 – After he hit it the first time, only a few drops came out since he was commanded to speak to the rock.
  10. When Moshe told the King of Edom that the Jewish People would not drink from the well-water, to which well did he refer? What do we learn from this?
    20:17 – To the well that traveled with the nation in the midbar. This teaches that one who has adequate provisions should nevertheless purchase goods from his host in order to benefit the host.
  11. The cloud that led the Jewish People leveled all mountains in their path except three. Which three and why?
    20:22 – Har Sinai for receiving the Torah, Har Nevo for Moshe's burial, and Hor Hahar for Aharon's burial.
  12. Why did the entire congregation mourn Aharon's death?
    20:29 – Aharon made peace between contending parties and between spouses. Thus, everybody mourned him.
  13. What disappeared when Aharon died?
    20:29 – The clouds of glory disappeared, since they sheltered the Jews in Aharon's merit.
  14. Which "inhabitant of the South" (21:1) attacked the Jews?
    21:1 – Amalek.
  15. For what two reasons did G-d punish the people with snakes specifically?
    21:6 – The original snake, which was punished for speaking evil, is fitting to punish those who spoke evil about G-d and about Moshe. And the snake, to which everything tastes like dust, is fitting to punish those who complained about the manna which changed to any desired taste.
  16. Why did the Jewish People camp in Arnon, rather than pass through Moav to enter Eretz Canaan?
    21:13 – Moav refused them passage.
  17. What miracle took place at the valley of Arnon?
    21:15 – The Amorites hid in caves in the mountain on the Moabite side of the valley in order to ambush the Jews. When the Jews approached, the mountain on the Eretz Canaan side of the valley moved close to the other mountain and the Amorites were crushed.
  18. What was the "strength" of Amon that prevented the Jewish People from entering into their Land?
    21:24 – G-d's command, "Do not harass them" (Devarim 2:19).
  19. Why was Moshe afraid of Og?
    21:34 – Og had once been of service to Avraham. Moshe was afraid that this merit would assist Og in battle.
  20. Who killed Og?
    21:35 – Moshe.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

סגירת גגון העגלה

שאלה: האם מותר בשבת לסגור את הגגון שמותקן על גבי עגלת תינוק?

תשובה: אחת המלאכות האסורות בשבת, היא מלאכת "בונה". ובכלל מלאכת בונה, יש איסור לעשות אהל בשבת. ועשיית אהל קבוע אסורה בשבת מן התורה. ועשיית אהל ארעי, כלומר שאינו קבוע, אסורה בשבת מדרבנן, (כלומר, רבותינו גזרו שלא לעשות אפילו אהל ארעי בשבת). וכשם שאסור לעשות אהל בשבת, כמו כן אסור לסתור (להרוס) אהל בשבת.

ולפי זה נראה לכאורה, שהגגון שעושים לעגלות תינוק, כדי להגן על התינוק מפני החמה או מפני הרוח וכדומה, דינו כדין אהל ממש, ואסור לפתוח אותו בשבת, משום עשיית "אהל".

והנה בדורות הקודמים (עד לפני כשבעים שנה), נהגו היהודים הנכבדים בעיר בגדאד שבבבל (עיראק) לגדל איילים וצבאים וכדומה בחצר ביתם. ובגמרא במסכת עירובין (קב.) מובא, שהיו לו לרב הונא איילים כאלה, והיו האיילים צריכים צל למשך שעות היום, ואילו בלילה היו צריכים אויר. ולכן במשך כל ימות השבוע, היו פורסים מחצלת מעל החצר כדי להגן על האיילים מפני החמה (השמש), ואילו בלילה היו מגלגלים את המחצלת בחזרה כדי שיהיה לאיילים אויר. ושאל רב הונא את רב, האם יש אופן שיוכל להמשיך במנהגו גם ביום השבת.

והשיב לו רב, שכאשר הוא כורך (מגלגל) את המחצלת בלילה, ישאיר בסופה טפח (כשמונה סנטימטר) שאותו לא יגלול.  ולאחר מכן בבוקר, יוכל לחזור ולפתוח את המחצלת להגן על האיילים מפני החמה. (והטפח שיש להשאיר, הוא חוץ מהחלק של המחצלת שמגולגל).

ומכאן למדנו שאהל שהיה עשוי כבר מערב שבת (לפני שבת), והיה בו שיעור "טפח", מותר בשבת להוסיף על האהל ולפרוס אותו כרצונו. הואיל ותוספת אהל בשבת מותרת. וכן פסקו הפוסקים, הרמב"ם (פכ"ב מהל' שבת הלכה כז) ומרן השלחן ערוך סימן שטו סעיף ב).

ולפיכך פסק מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל, שבעגלות תינוקות שיש עליהם כעין סככה הנמתחת ומתקפלת, יש לפתוח את הסככה מערב שבת בשיעור "טפח", כלומר, שיהיו שם שמונה סנטימטר מהגגון פתוחים מערב שבת, ולאחר מכן בשבת יהיה מותר לסגור את הגגון כפי שירצו, שאז יהיה זה ממש כדין תוספת אהל שמבואר בגמרא שמותר לעשותה בשבת.

ואף על פי שהגאון החזון איש (סימן נב אות ו) כתב להקל בזה לגמרי, משום שהגגון קבוע תמיד בעגלה, וממילא במקרה כזה דינו כדין דלת שפותחים וסוגרים תמיד, וכדין כסא מתקפל, שמותר לפתוח אותו בשבת. מכל מקום מאחר ורבים מאד מגדולי האחרונים חולקים על דברי החזון איש בזה, והביאו ראיות שגגון העגלה אינו דומה לכסא ולדלת, לכן להלכה נכון לעשות כמו שפסק מרן זצ"ל שיש להשאיר טפח אחד בגגון העגלה שישאר סגור (כלומר, לא מקופל) מערב שבת, ולאחר מכן בשבת יהיה מותר לפתוח אותו לגמרי. (חזון עובדיה ח"ה עמוד שב).

Opening a Baby Stroller’s Canopy

Question: Is it permissible to open the canopy attached to the top of a baby stroller on Shabbat?

Answer: One of the thirty-nine forbidden works on Shabbat is building. Included in the forbidden work of building is the prohibition to creating a tent or awning on Shabbat. Making a permanent tent on Shabbat is a Torah prohibition. Making a temporary tent or awning on Shabbat, however, is prohibited by virtue of a rabbinic injunction. Just as it is forbidden to make a tent on Shabbat, it is likewise forbidden to demolish or take down a tent on Shabbat.

It would seem that a canopy attached to a baby stroller, which is meant to shade the baby from the sun, rain, and the like, should be considered like an actual tent and it will be forbidden to open it on Shabbat due to the prohibition of making a tent.

Indeed, in earlier generations (until approximately seventy years ago), the more affluent Jews in the city of Baghdad would raise deer in the courtyards of their homes. The Gemara (Eruvin 102a) states that Rav Huna had such deer in his possession. These deer would need shade during the daylight hours and fresh air during the night. During the rest of the week, they would spread a mat over the courtyard during the day to shade the deer from the hot sun and during the night, they would roll the mat back so that they would have fresh air. Rav Huna therefore asked Rav if he could continue to do so on Shabbat.

Rav replied that when he rolls back the mat at night, he should leave an area of a “Tefach” (approximately 3.1 inches) unrolled. Then, on Shabbat morning, he would be able to unroll the mat again to protect the deer from the sun. (The Tefach that must be left open is besides for the part of the mat that is rolled up.)

We see from here that a tent or awning that was opened before Shabbat to at least the area of a Tefach may be opened even more on Shabbat since adding onto a pre-existing tent or awning is permissible. The Rambam (Chapter 22of Hilchot Shabbat, Halacha 27) and Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 315, Section 2).

Thus, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l rules that the foldable canopy on top of a baby stroller should be opened before the onset of Shabbat the amount of a Tefach and in this way, it will be permissible to open it all the way on Shabbat, as this is exactly the law of adding onto a pre-existing awning on Shabbat which the Gemara permits.

Although Hagaon Chazon Ish (Chapter 52, Section 6) rules completely leniently in this regard since the canopy is always attached to the stroller and it therefore resembles a door which is constantly opened and closed on Shabbat and a folding chair, which may be opened as usual on Shabbat, nevertheless, since many great Acharonim disagree with the Chazon Ish’s opinion on this matter and bring several proofs that a stroller’s canopy is not comparable to a chair and door, it is therefore halachically preferable to follow the ruling of Maran zt”l and leave at least oneTefach of the canopy open before the onset of Shabbat and in this manner, it will be permissible to open it completely on Shabbat. (Chazon Ovadia-Shabbat, Volume 5, page 302)


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Korach


Chodesh Tov Umevorach


The Mahamad 

invite the kahal to a kiddush


in honour of the

IDF soldiers

who will be spending 

Shabbat in Manchester 

this weekend



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















15/16 June




*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Korach

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why did Datan and Aviram join Korach?
    16:1 – Because they were his neighbors.
  2. Why is Yaakov's name not mentioned in Korach's genealogy?
    16:1 – Yaakov prayed that his name not be mentioned in connection with Korach's rebellion (Bereishet 49:6).
  3. What motivated Korach to rebel?
    16:1 – Korach was jealous that Elizafan ben Uziel was appointed as leader of the family of Kehat instead of himself.
  4. What did Korach and company do when Moshe said that a techelet garment needs tzizit?
    16:1 – They laughed.
  5. What warning did Moshe give the rebels regarding the offering of the incense?
    16:6 – Only one person would survive.
  6. Did Moshe want to be the kohen gadol?
    16-6 – Yes.
  7. What event did Korach not foresee?
    16:7 – That his sons would repent.
  8. What does the phrase rav lachem mean in this week's Parsha? (Give two answers.)
    16:7,3 – Rav lachem appears twice in this week's Parsha. It means "much more than enough greatness have you taken for yourself (16:3)" and "It is a great thing I have said to you (16:17)."
  9. What lands are described in this week's Parsha as "flowing with milk and honey"?
    16:12 – Egypt and Canaan.
  10. When did Moshe have the right to take a donkey from the Jewish community?
    16:15 – When he traveled from Midian to Egypt.
  11. What did Korach do the night before the final confrontation?
    16:19 – Korach went from tribe to tribe in order to rally support for himself.
  12. What sin did Datan and Aviram have in common specifically with Goliath?
    16:27 – They all blasphemed.
  13. Before what age is a person not punished by the Heavenly Court for his sins?
    16:27 – Twenty years old.
  14. What happens to one who rebels against the institution of kehuna? Who suffered such a fate?
    17:5 – He is stricken with tzara'at, as was King Uziyahu (Divrei HaYamimII 26:16-19).
  15. Why specifically was incense used to stop the plague?
    17:13 – Because the people were deprecating the incense offering, saying that it caused the death of two of Aharon's sons and also the death of 250 of Korach's followers. Therefore G-d demonstrated that the incense offering was able to avert death, and it is sin, not incense, which causes death.
  16. Why was Aharon's staff placed in the middle of the other 11 staffs?
    17:21 – So people would not say that Aharon's staff bloomed because Moshe placed it closer to the Shechina.
  17. Aharon's staff was kept as a sign. What did it signify?
    17:25 – That only Aharon and his children were selected for the kehuna.
  18. Why are the 24 gifts for the kohanim taught in this week's Parsha?
    18:8 – Since Korach claimed the kehuna, the Torah emphasizes Aharon's and his descendants' rights to kehuna by recording the gifts given to them.
  19. Who may eat the kodshei kodashim (most holy sacrifices) and where must they be eaten?
    18:10 – Male kohanim may eat them and only in the azara (forecourt of the Beit Hamikdash).
  20. Why is G-d's covenant with the kohanim called "a covenant of salt"?
    18:19 – Just as salt never spoils, so this covenant will never be rescinded.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l


שאלה: האם מותר להתפלל עם פיז'מה?

תשובה: ביארנו בהלכה הקודמת, שהמתפלל, צריך שיכין מקום ראוי לתפלתו, וצריך שיכין כראוי את בגדיו, גופו ומחשבתו, כמו שנאמר בספר עמוס: "הִכּוֹן לִקְרַאת אֱלֹהֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל".

ולפיכך כתב הרמב"ם (בפ"ה מהלכות תפלה הלכה ה), על המתפלל "לתקן מלבושיו תחלה, ומציין עצמו ומהדר, שנאמר השתחוו לה' בהדרת קדש, ולא יעמוד אדם בתפלה באפונדתו" (שהוא בגד שלא לובשים כאשר עומדים בפני אדם חשוב), מפני שבשעת התפלה יש לעמוד בלבוש מכובד ומסודר.

ולפי זה נראה שבודאי אין לאדם בריא לעמוד בתפלה עם בגד שינה "פיז'מה", שאין הדרך כלל לעמוד בפיז'מה בפני שום אדם, ובודאי שלא בפני אדם חשוב. והמתפלל חייב לעמוד בתפלה כשהוא מהודר ומצויין בלבושו, כמו שפסק הרמב"ם.

ולגבי אדם חולה, כבר מצאנו שהיקלו לגביו בענינים אלו, לגבי תפלה, שהרי כל אדם חייב להתפלל כשהוא עומד, ואילו לגבי חולה פסק מרן (סימן צד) שאם אינו יכול לכוין כשהוא עומד מרוב חולשה, רשאי להתפלל כשהוא שוכב על צדו. ולפיכך כתב הגאון רבי עובדיה הדאיה ז"ל בספרו שו"ת ישכיל עבדי (חלק שמיני, השמטות סימן ב), שהוא הדין לגבי בגדים, שאין מחייבים אדם חולה ללבוש בגדים כדי להתפלל, ורשאי להתפלל כשהוא לובש "פיז'מה" ובתנאי שהיא נקייה כראוי.

ולסיכום: אסור להתפלל עם בגד "פיז'מה". ולאדם חולה שקשה לו ללבוש בגדים, יש להקל שיתפלל עם בגד פיז'מה, ויקפיד על נקיותה.

ולא נוכל שלא להזכיר את זכרונו הטהור של מרן רבינו הקדוש רבי עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל, בימי חוליו האחרון, למרות שסבל כאבים עזים בכל גופו, השתדל עד כלות הכוחות לעמוד בתפלת העמידה, והיה לבושו נאה ומסודר, ומעתיר בתפלה על כל ישראל, עד שבעוונות הרבים גבר חוליו ואיבדנו כלי חמדה. תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים, ויעמוד מליץ טוב לצדקנו, לראות בתחיית המתים, עין בעין בשוב ה' ציון. אמן כן יהי רצון

Praying in Pajamas

Question: Can one pray while wearing pajamas?

Answer: In the previous Halacha we have established that before praying, one must prepare a fitting place, proper attire, and cleanse one’s body and thoughts, as the verse in the book of Amos states, “Prepare yourself before your G-d, Israel.”

Thus, the Rambam (Chapter 5 of Hilchot Tefillah, Halacha 5) writes that “one must prepare appropriate clothing first in order to glorify one’s self, as the verse states, ‘Bow to Hashem through glorious sanctity.’ One should not pray while wearing an apron” (which is not a garment one would wear when standing before an important official), for one must wear respectful clothing while praying.

It is therefore clear that a healthy individual should not pray while wearing pajamas, for one does not stand before even ordinary people while wearing pajamas and certainly not before important people. One praying must stand do so in respectable and glorified clothing just as the Rambam rules.

Regarding someone ill, we find that our Sages were lenient with regards to an ill individual, for instance, although one must pray while standing, Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 94) rules that an ill person who cannot stand as a result of his weakness may pray while lying on his side. Based on this, Hagaon Harav Ovadia Hedaya zt”l writes in his Responsa Yaskil Avdi (Volume 8, glosses to Chapter 2) that the same applies regarding clothing and an ill individual need not change his clothing and he may pray in pajamas, as long as the pajamas are adequately clean.

Summary: One may not pray while wearing pajamas. An ill individual who has difficulty changing his clothes may pray while wearing pajamas as long as they are clean and unsoiled.

On a nostalgic note, during his final illness, although Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l suffered tremendous pain throughout his body, he exerted much effort with the minimal amount of strength he had to recite the Amida prayer while standing and while wearing respectable attire. In this way, he would stand and beseech Hashem on behalf of the entire Jewish nation until he unfortunately departed us for the Heavenly Yeshiva. May his soul be bound in the eternal bond and may we soon be reunited with him as we witness the Final Redemption and the Resurrection of the Dead, Amen.

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter – Parashat Shelach – Shabbat Mevarechim


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Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















8/9 June

שלח (ש''מ)


*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Shelach

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why is the portion about the meraglim written immediately after the portion about Miriam's tzara'at?
    13:2 – To show the evil of the meraglim (spies), that they saw Miriam punished for lashon hara (negative speech) yet failed to take a lesson from it.
  2. To what was Moshe referring when he asked the meraglim "Are there trees in the land"?
    13:20 – Were there any righteous people in the land whose merit would "shade" the Canaanites from attack?
  3. Who built Hebron?
    13:22 – Cham.
  4. Which fruits did the meraglim bring back?
    13:23 – A cluster of grapes, a pomegranate and a fig.
  5. How many people carried the grape cluster?
    13:23 – Eight.
  6. Why did G-d shorten the meraglim's journey?
    13:25 – G-d knew the Jews would sin and be punished with a year's wandering for each day of the spies' mission. So He shortened the journey to soften the decree.
  7. Why did the meraglim begin by saying the land is "flowing with milk and honey"?
    13:27 – Any lie which doesn't start with an element of truth won't be believed. Therefore, they began their false report with a true statement.
  8. Why did the meraglim list Amalek first among the hostile nations they encountered?
    13:29 – To frighten the Jews. The Jewish People were afraid of Amalek because Amalek had once attacked them.
  9. How did Calev quiet the people?
    13:30 – He fooled them by shouting, "Is this all that the son of Amram did to us?" The people quieted themselves to hear what disparaging thing Calev wished to say about the "son of Amram" (Moshe).
  10. Why did the Land appear to "eat its inhabitants"?
    13:32 – G-d caused many deaths among the Canaanites so they would be preoccupied with burying their dead and not notice the meraglim.
  11. Besides the incident of the meraglim, what other sin led to the decree of 40 years in the desert?
    13:33 – The golden calf.
  12. On what day did Bnei Yisrael cry due to the meraglim's report? How did this affect future generations?
    14:1 – The 9th of Av (Tisha B'av). This date therefore became a day of crying for all future generations: Both Temples were destroyed on this date.
  13. "Don't fear the people of the Land…their defense is departed." (14:9) Who was their chief "defender"?
    14:9 – Iyov.
  14. Calev and Yehoshua praised Eretz Canaan and tried to assure the people that they could be victorious. How did the people respond?
    14:10 – They wanted to stone them.
  15. "How long shall I bear this evil congregation?" G-d is referring to the 10 meraglim who slandered the Land. What halacha do we learn from this verse?
    14:27 – That ten men are considered a congregation.
  16. How is the mitzvah of challa different from other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael?
    15:18 – The obligation to observe other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael began only after the possession and division of the Land. The mitzvah of challa was obligatory immediately upon entering the Land.
  17. What is the minimum amount of challa to be given to a kohen according to Torah Law? Rabbinic Law?
    15:20 – No fixed amount is stated by the Torah. Rabbinic Law requires a household to give 1/24 and a baker to give 1/48.
  18. Verse 15:22 refers to what sin? How does the text indicate this?
    15:22 – Idolatry. "All these commandments" means one transgression which is equal to transgressing all the commandments – i.e. idolatry.
  19. Moshe's doubt regarding the punishment of the mekoshesh etzim (wood-gatherer) was different than his doubt regarding the punishment of the blasphemer. How did it differ?
    15:34 – Moshe knew that the mekoshesh etzim was liable for the death penalty, but not which specific means of death. Regarding the blasphemer, Moshe didn't know if he was liable for the death penalty.
  20. How do the tzitzit remind us of the 613 commandments?
    15:39 – The numerical value of the word tzitzit is 600. Tzitzit have eight threads and five knots. Add these numbers and you get 613.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

שאלה: כאשר יוצאים לטייל וכדומה, ומתארגן מניין של עשרה אנשים לצורך תפלת מנחה או ערבית, האם כל אחד מצטרף למנין, אף על פי שאינן נמצאים בחדר אחד סגור?

לשאלת רבים: בניגוד למה שנתבאר כאן בעבר, לגבי הדילוגים בשעת אמירת "קדוש קדוש קדוש" בקדושה שבחזרת הש"ץ. המנהג הוא שמדלגים פעם אחת בכל פעם שאומר "קדוש", ולא שלש פעמים. ולדעת מרן הרב שליט"א, אין צורך שכל דילוג יהיה יותר גבוה מקודמו, אלא יהיו כל הדילוגים שוים.

תשובה: בני אדם היוצאים לטייל, בפרט בימים אלה, צריכים מאד מאד להזהר, שלא להתבטל חלילה וחס בשום תפילה, וכל שכן מהנחת תפילין בישוב הדעת כראוי. וכן יזהרו לברך ברכת המזון בנועם ובנחת. וכן בכל עניני המצוות. שכן עיקר הטעם שאדם ירא שמים יוצא להנפש, הוא בכדי לרפאות את נפשו, ולחזק את כחו, להמשיך במרץ בעבודת הבורא, אם בלימודו ואם במלאכתו. ובודאי, אם ילך ויתרשל בענינים רוחניים בשעה שהוא יוצא לנופש, לא רק שאין בכך תועלת לנפשו, אלא אדרבה, נמצא שהוא מכשיל את עצמו, ומתיש כמו, ומתרחק מעבודת ה', ומי יודע כמה חודשים ושנים יקח לו לתקן אחר כך את המעוות.

מנין של עשרה אנשים המתפללים במקום אחד, אף על פי שלכתחילה בודאי שיש להתפלל בבית כנסת, מכל מקום במקום שאי אפשר בענין אחר, מותר להם להתפלל אפילו במקום פתוח, ומצטרפים זה עם זה למנין. ואמנם יש מהאחרונים שכתבו שצריך שיהיו כולם מסתופפים יחד ממש, ולא שיהיה אחד עומד כאן והשני רחוק ממנו, מכל מקום למעשה כל ששומעים את השליח ציבור, ורואים אלו את אלו, מצטרפים למנין.

אולם כתב הגאון רבי יצחק יוסף שליט"א, להעיר על כך, שיש להזהר שלא יתפלל אחד מהמתפללים ברשות אחרת ממש. ולדוגמא, אם מתפללים בצד כביש, ויש שם גדר העומדת למחיצה בין הכביש לשולי הכביש, הרי שהגדר (שגובהה יותר משמונים ס"מ) מבדילה בין הרשות שעומד בה השליח ציבור, לרשות האחרת שמעבר לגדר, ושם, יש מקום לומר שאין המתפללים מצטרפים לתפילה במנין כלל.

כמו כן יש להזהר, כאשר מתפללים במקום פתוח, שלא יתפללו משני צדי כביש או שביל כדומה, שמכיון שאותו השביל הוא רשות הרבים, הרי שרשות הרבים מפסיקה בין מחצית מהמתפללים לבין המתפללים האחרים, ובאופן כזה יש לומר שאין הם מצטרפים אלו לאלו למנין


Question: When one goes on a trip or the like and a group of ten men gather to pray Mincha or Arvit, can they all be included in the Minyan (quorum of ten men) although they are not in an enclosed room?


Answer: When people go on trips or vacations, especially during this time of year, one must be extremely careful not to miss any prayer, G-d-forbid, and certainly not to miss donning Tefillin with the proper mindset and concentration. One must likewise make sure to recite Birkat Hamazon slowly and pleasantly. The same applies to any of the Mitzvot, for the purpose of a G-d-fearing individual taking a vacation is in order to relax his spirit and recharge his strength so that he may be able to continue serving Hashem with enthusiasm, either by learning or working. Certainly if one slacks off in matters of spirituality while on vacation, not only does this not benefit his soul at all, on the contrary, he is actually causing himself to falter by weakening himself and distancing himself from the service of Hashem. Who knows how many months or years it will take him to correct this failure?

If ten men are praying in one area, although it is certainly better for them to pray in a synagogue, it is nevertheless permissible for them to pray in an open area when there is no other choice and they are all indeed included in the Minyan. Although there are Acharonim who write that they must all band closely together and not stand far apart from each other, as long as they all hear the Chazzan and can see one another they are all included in the Minyan.

Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Yosef Shlit”a points out though that care should be taken that none of the ten men prays in a totally separate domain, for instance, if they are praying on the sidewalk and there is a fence or gate between the street and the sidewalk, the fence acts as a partition between the domain the Chazzan is standing in and the domain on the other side of the fence (if it is at least 80 cm high). In such a situation, there is room to say that not all of the men present are included in the Minyan.

One must likewise be careful that when such a Minyan gathers that the men should not stand on opposite sides of the street or a path because the street is considered a public domain and serves to segregate between the various worshippers. In this way as well, there is room to say that not all of the men are included in the Minyan


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Behaalotecha


Bar Mitzvah 


THIS Shabbat

To all our friends in 

K. K. Shaare Tefila – Moor Lane

please consider this invitation as a 

Personal Invitation

as it will give us great pleasure in sharing 

our Simcha with you

May we hear Semachot in Kelal Yisrael, 

Refua Shelema to everyone who needs it  


May Hashem grant us all our heart's desires

Naphtali & Esther Bitton



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















1/2 June


*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Behaalotecha 

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Toward which direction did the wicks of the Menorah burn, and why?
    8:2 – They leaned toward the middle wick so people wouldn't say that the Menorah was lit for its light.
  2. From what material and in what manner was the Menorah made?
    8:4 – It was made from one solid piece of hammered gold.
  3. Moshe was commanded to cleanse the levi'im by sprinkling on them "mei chatat." What is "mei chatat"?
    8:7 – Water containing ashes of the para aduma.
  4. Which three "t'nufot" (wavings) are in the parsha?
    8:11 – The wavings of Kehat, Gershon and Merari.
  5. Why did G-d claim the first-born of the Jewish People as His possession?
    8:17 – Because in Egypt He spared them during makat bechorot.
  6. Why are the words "Bnei Yisrael" repeated five times in verse 8:19?
    8:19 – To show G-d's love for them.
  7. When a levi reaches age 50, which functions may he still perform?
    8:25 – Closing the courtyard gates of the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash; singing during the avoda; loading the wagons to transport the Mishkan.
  8. Why was the mitzvah of Pesach Sheini not commanded directly to Moshe?
    9:7 – The people who asked about it were rewarded by being the catalyst for the teaching of this mitzvah.
  9. What similarity is there between the Menorah and the trumpets?
    8:4, 10:2 – They were each made from a single, solid block.
  10. What three purposes did trumpet signals serve?
    10:2-7 – Announcement of the gathering of Bnei Yisrael, the gathering of the nesi'im, and the beginning of a move of the encampment.
  11. How many tribes marched between the Gershon-Merari detachment and that of Kehat? How was the time differential used?
    10:17-21 – Three: Reuven, Shimon and Gad. In the meantime Gershon and Merari set up the Mishkan.
  12. The tribe of Dan, who traveled last, was called "the gatherer of all the camps." What did they gather?
    10:25 – They gathered and returned things lost by the other tribes.
  13. When the Jewish People entered the Land, who took temporary possession of Jericho?
    10:32 – The children of Yitro.
  14. Which aron is referred to in verse 10:33?
    10:33 – The aron which held the broken pieces of the first tablets, that was taken to the battlefront.
  15. Which two topics are out of chronological order in the parsha?
    9:1, 10:35,36 – The Pesach sacrifice, and the traveling of the aron.
  16. Which tastes did the manna not offer, and why not?
    11:5 – Cucumbers, melons, leeks, onion and garlic – these are harmful to nursing women.
  17. Moshe was commanded to choose 70 elders to help him lead the Jewish People. What happened to the elders who led the Jewish People in Egypt?
    11:16 – They were consumed in the fire at Taverah (11:3).
  18. Whom did Moshe choose as elders?
    11:16 – People who were supervisors in Egypt and had pity on Bnei Yisrael at risk to themselves.
  19. What was the prophecy of Eldad and Medad?
    11:28 – "Moshe will die and Yehoshua will lead the Jewish People into the Land."
  20. Why did Miriam merit to have the people wait for her?
    12:15 – Because she waited for Moshe when he was cast into the river.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l


ביקור חולים טלפוני

שאלה: האם יוצאים ידי חובת מצות ביקור חולים דרך הטלפון, או שצריך דוקא ללכת בעצמו ולבקר בעצמו אצל החולה?

תשובה: בהלכה הקודמת ביארנו את יסוד מצות ביקור חולים, שמטרתה לסעוד את החולה ולדאוג לו לכל צרכיו.

כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצוק"ל, כי הדבר ברור, שעל ידי כך שאדם מבקר את החולה באופן אישי, הוא מתרשם ומתפעל יותר ממצבו של החולה, שאינה דומה שמיעה לראייה, ועל ידי זה הוא מתעורר לבקש מה' יתברך רחמים על החולה בכל לבו. וכן אמרו במסכת נדרים (מ.) כל המבקר את החולה מבקש עליו רחמים שיחיה (או שיבריא ממצבו) וכל מי שאינו מבקר את החולה אינו מבקש עליו רחמים.

כלומר, על ידי ביקורו מתעורר האדם לבקש רחמים על החולה, שהשם יתברך ישלח דברו הטוב וירפאהו, ויתן בלב הרופאים חכמה בינה ודעת לכלכל דבריהם במשפט להחיש לו רפואה שלימה, ושלא תצא תקלה מתחת ידיהם. וכמאמר הכתוב: "יִשְׁלַח דְּבָרוֹ וְיִרְפָּאֵם וִימַלֵּט מִשְּׁחִיתוֹתָם". ואז בודאי שתפילתו קרובה יותר להתקבל, כמו שאמרו במסכת שבת (יב:) מנין שהשכינה למעלה מראשותיו של החולה? שנאמר "ה' יִסְעָדֶנּוּ עַל עֶרֶשׂ דְּוָי". וטעמים אלה הזכירם הרמב"ן בספר תורת האדם בהקשר למצות ביקור חולים וסיים "הלכך, כל המבקר את החולה ולא ביקש עליו רחמים, לא קיים המצוה".

וכבר כתבנו עוד מטעמי מצות ביקור חולים, שהם כדי שיעמוד המבקר מקרוב על מצבו של החולה בכדי לסייע לו בכל מה שנדרש לו וכיצא בזה, אשר כל זה לא שייך כל כך כאשר אינו מבקר את החולה באופן אישי ממש, אלא מסתפק בשאלה בשלומו דרך הטלפון.

לכן כתב מרן רבינו זצוק"ל (יחוה דעת ח"ג סימן פג), שאם יכול ללכת לבקר את החולה בעצמו, אינו יוצא ידי חובת המצוה בשלימותה על ידי הטלפון או על ידי מכתב, ואף אם ידוע לו שאין החולה זקוק לסיוע כל שהוא, וגם אינו זקוק לסיוע נפשי, מכל מקום הלא ביארנו שמעיקרי מצות ביקור חולים הוא שיתפלל עליו.

ואף על פי שבקשת הרחמים על החולה יכולה להיות אף שלא בפניו, כגון שעושים לו תפילת "מי שבירך" במנין של עשרה אנשים, שערכה של תפילה זו רב מאד, (שהרי במקום שנמצאים עשרה אנשים שמתפללים שורה השכינה, כמו שאמרו במסכת סנהדרין לט.). מכל מקום נראה שהתפילה בפני החולה (כלומר בסמוך אליו) יותר מקובלת, על פי מה שאמרו חז"ל במסכת ברכות (לד.) "המתפלל על החולה אינו צריך להזכיר את שמו שנאמר: אֵל נָא רְפָא נָא לָהּ". כלומר, כאשר התפלל משה רבינו עליו השלום על אחותו מרים שתתרפא מצרעתה, לא הזכיר את שמה בתפילתו. ואף על פי שבזוהר הקדוש אמרו שצריך להזכיר שמות בתפלה, כמו שאמר יעקב אבינו, "הַצִּילֵנִי נָא מִיַּד אָחִי מִיַּד עֵשָׂו", מכל מקום הסביר המגן אברהם, שדוקא כשמתפלל בפני החולה, אינו צריך להזכיר שמו, אבל כשאינו מתפלל בפניו, צריך להזכיר שמו. ותפילה שאין בה הזכרת השם, כלומר תפילה שהיא בפני החולה, היא המעולה יותר, שכן לעיתים שם החולה הוא זה שגורם את החולי, והזכרת שמו מעוררת עליו את מידת הדין, ולכן לתפילה בפני החולה יש יתרון גדול שאינו קיים בתפילה שאינה בפניו.

לכן השואל לשלומו של החולה דרך הטלפון, אינו יכול לקיים מצות ביקור חולים בשלימותה, שהרי חלק ניכר מענינה של מצוה זו הוא התפילה בפני החולה שמסוגלת יותר להביא לרפואתו. וכן כתב הגאון רבי משה פיינשטין ועוד.

אולם אם אינו יכול לבקר את החולה בעצמו, מוטב שיטלפן לחולה לחזקו ולאחל לו רפואה שלימה, שהרי סוף כל סוף אף באופן כזה מתקיימים חלקים ממצות ביקור חולים.

וכן ראינו בכמה מקרים אצל מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל, שכאשר חלתה רעייתו הרבנית עליה השלום, אף על פי שהיתה מחוסרת הכרה במשך זמן רב, מכל מקום התפנה בכל יום מעיסוקיו, ובא לבקרה בכדי להתפלל עליה בפניה. וכאשר חלו אחרים מקרוביו ולא יכול היה לבקרם, הסתפק בכך שבירכם לרפואה שלימה באמצעות הטלפון.

Visiting the Sick Via Telephone

Question: Can one fulfill the Mitzvah of visiting the sick by calling the individual on the phone or must one physically go and visit the sick person?

Answer: In the previous Halacha we have explained the primary ideas behind the Mitzvah of visiting the sick which is meant to assist the ill individual and to take care of all of his needs.

Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that by personally visiting the sick individual, one gets a first-hand impression regarding the individual’s plight, since seeing has more of an impact than merely hearing, and as a result, one will be moved to pray to Hashem to have mercy on this individual with all of one’s heart. Indeed, the Gemara (Nedarim 40a) tells us that when one visits the sick, one requests Heavenly mercy for him to live and one who does not visit the sick does not request mercy for him.

This means that as a result of visiting the sick person, one is moved to request Heavenly mercy for him and that Hashem send His word and heal him by placing knowledge and understanding in the minds of the doctors to bring him to a speedy and full recovery, as the verse states, “He sent His word and healed them and delivered them from their graves.” This certainly makes one’s prayer closer to being answered, as the Gemara (Shabbat 12b) states that Hashem’s presence is above the head of a sick person, as the verse states, “Hashem shall assist him on his sickbed.” The Ramban mentions all of these reasons in his Sefer Torat Ha’Adam with regards to the Mitzvah of visiting the sick and he concludes, “thus, one who visits the sick and does not request Heavenly mercy for him has not fulfilled this Mitzvah.”

We have written other reasons behind the Mitzvah of visiting the sick, such as seeing first-hand what the individual requires and offering any assistance necessary and clearly, this is not applicable until one personally goes and visits the sick individual and suffices by calling him on the phone.

Thus, Maran zt”l writes (in his Responsa Yechave Da’at, Volume 3, Chapter 83) that if one is able to go visit the sick individual himself, one does not fulfill his obligation completely by calling him or sending him a letter. Even of one knows for certain that the ill individual does not require any physical or emotional assistance whatsoever, nevertheless, we have written above that one of the main ideas behind this Mitzvah is in order for one to pray for the individual.

Although requesting Heavenly mercy for the individual can be performed even when not in the ill individual’s presence, such as by saying a “Mi She’Berach” prayer on behalf of the person while praying with a Minyan (which is extremely beneficial since anywhere ten or more men pray, Hashem’s presence rests upon them, as the Gemara states in Sanhedrin 39a), nevertheless, praying for the sick individual in the individual’s presence is more beneficial, based on the Gemara (Berachot 34a) which states, “One who prays for an ill individual need not mention his name, as the verse states, ‘Oh G-d, please heal her.’” This verse refers to Moshe Rabbeinu praying to Hashem to heal his sister Miriam from her leprosy and he did not mention her name in his prayer. Although the holy Zohar states that one must mention names within one’s prayer, as Yaakov Avinu said in his prayer, “Please save me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esav,” nevertheless, the Magen Avraham explains that only when praying in the presence of the sick person need one not mention his name. However, when is praying not in the presence of the ill individual, one must mention his name. A prayer without mentioning the ill person’s name, meaning when one prays in the presence of the individual, is the most beneficial kind of prayer, for sometimes, the ill person’s name is what causes his illness and mentioning his name will only serve to arouse more Heavenly judgment. Thus, praying in the presence of the sick person has great benefits that do not exist when praying not in his presence.

Thus, by inquiring about the welfare of an ill person via telephone, one cannot fully fulfill the Mitzvah of visiting the sick, for an integral part of this Mitzvah is praying for him in his presence which is more prone to bring about his recovery. Hagaon Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l rules likewise.

Nevertheless, if one cannot personally visit the sick individual, it is nevertheless good for one to call the individual to encourage him, lift his spirits, and wish him a speedy recovery, for in this manner, at least some of the points of the Mitzvah of visiting the sick are fulfilled.

Indeed, when Maran zt”l’s wife fell ill and was unconscious for a long time, Maran would take care to take some time out of his busy schedule to go visit her every day and pray for her in her presence. When other relatives fell ill at different times and Maran zt”l could not go and physically visit them, Maran sufficed by calling them on the phone and wishing them a full and speedy recovery.


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter – Parashat Nasso


Bar Mitzva Invitation

Next Shabbat

To all our friends in 

K. K. Shaare Tefila – Moor Lane

please consider this as a 

Personal Invitation

as it will give us great pleasure in sharing 

our Simcha with you

May we hear Semachot in Kelal Yisrael, 

Refua Shelema to everyone who needs it  


May Hashem grant us all our hearts desire

Naphtali & Esther Bitton



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע"ח

Summer Timetable 5778 2018

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















25 / 26  May


*    For those not in synagogue, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the community, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.)

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by Shiur

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush 

Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Nasso

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary unless otherwise stated

  1. What is the significance of the number 8,580 in this weeks Parsha?
    4:47-48 – It is the number of leviim between ages thirty and fifty.
  2. Besides transporting the Mishkan, what other service performed by the leviim is referred to in this Parsha?
    4:47 – Singing and playing cymbals and harps to accompany the sacrifices.
  3. On which day did Moshe teach the command to send those who are temeim (ritually impure) out of the camp?
    5:2 – The day the Mishkan was erected.
  4. Name the three camps in the desert.
    5:2 – The camp of the Shechina was in the center, surrounded by the camp of Levi which was surrounded by the camp of Yisrael.
  5. Who was sent out of each of the camps?
    5:2 – A metzora was sent out of all three camps. A zav was permitted in the camp of Yisrael but excluded from the two inner camps. A person who was tamei from contact with the dead had to leave only the camp of the Shechina.
  6. A person stole from another and swore that he was innocent. If he later confesses his guilt, what are his obligations?
    5:6-8 – He pays the principle plus a fifth to the victim, and brings a korban asham.
  7. Who determines which kohen receives the gifts that must be given to the kohanim?
    5:10 – The giver.
  8. What does the Torah promise a person who gives matnot kehuna?
    5:10 – Great wealth.
  9. Why are the verses about matnot kehuna followed by the verses about the sotah?
    5:12 – To teach that someone who withholds the gifts due the kohanimis deserving of eventually bringing his wife to the kohanim to be tried as a sotah.
  10. Why is the sotah given water from the holy basin?
    5:17 – The holy basin was made from the mirrors of the righteous women who left Egypt; the sotah strayed from the example set by these women.
  11. What does the kohen do to the hair of a sotah?
    5:18 – He uncovers it.
  12. When a sotah who is guilty of adultery drinks the water, she dies in a very specific fashion. What happens to the adulterer?
    5:22 – He dies a similar death.
  13. Before the name of G-d is erased, the sotah has the option either to admit guilt or to drink the water. Does she have a third option?
    5:27 – Yes, she can refuse both: She can refuse to admit guilt and also refuse to drink the water. (After the Name of G-d is erased, she loses this option.)
  14. What are chartzanim? What are zagim?
    6:4 – Chartzanim are seeds. Zagim are peels.
  15. What sin does a Nazir commit against himself?
    6:11 – He abstains from enjoying wine.
  16. Where was the cut hair of a Nazir placed?
    6:18 – It was placed on the fire under the pot in which the nazirsshelamim offering was cooked.
  17. A kohen should bless the people "with a full heart". What word in the Parsha conveys this idea of "a full heart"?
    6:23 – "Amor."
  18. What is the meaning of the blessing "May G-d bless you and guard you?"
    6:24 – "May G-d bless you" that your property may increase, "and guard you" from robbery.
  19. What is the meaning of the blessing "May G-d lift up His countenance upon you?"
    6:26 – "May He suppress His anger."
  20. The tribe of Yissachar was the second tribe to offer their gifts. Why did they merit this position?
    7:18 – The Tribe of Yissachar was well versed in Torah. Also, they proposed the idea that the nesiim should offer gifts.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

להתפלל על נס

שאלה: האם מותר להתפלל לה' שיעשה נס באופן שאינו על פי דרך הטבע?

תשובה: רצון ה' בעולם שברא, שיתנהל עולמו על פי דרך הטבע, וכפי שכבר כתבו רבותינו הראשונים (ומהם רבינו סעדיה גאון בספרו ורבינו הר"ן בדרשותיו). ורק לעתים רחוקות שינה ה' מן הטבע, כדי להראות את חיבתו לעם ישראל, ומטעמים אחרים. וכן בגמרא בתענית (כה.) מבואר שאין הקדוש ברוך הוא חפץ לשנות את המזל בנקל, אלא לעיתים רחוקות בלבד.
ובהלכה הקודמת הזכרנו מה ששנינו במסכת ברכות בתחילת פרק הרואה, שמי שהיתה אשתו מעוברת והתפלל (בזמן הריונה) שתלד אשתו בן, הרי זו תפלת שוא, מפני שהולד כבר הוא זכר או נקבה ואין להתפלל על מעשה ניסים. ובגמרא שם אמרו על לאה אמנו שנשתנה הולד שבמעיה מבן לבת, ואמרו על כך שהיה זה מעשה ניסים ואין מזכירין (בתפלה) מעשה ניסים. ולכאורה לפי כל זה אין לאדם להתפלל על מעשה ניסים.
ומרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל הקשה מכאן על דברי הרמ"א (בסימן קפז ובסימן תרפב) שכתב שמי ששכח להזכיר "על הנסים" בברכת המזון בחנוכה (שהדין הוא שאינו חוזר לברך) יאמר בסוף ברכת המזון, הרחמן הוא יעשה עמנו "נסים ונפלאות" כמו שעשה לאבותינו בימים ההם בזמן הזה בימי מתתיהו בן יוחנן וכו' (וכן מובא נוסח כעין זה כבר בדברי רבינו האי גאון ובמחזור ויטרי ועוד). וקשה על הדברים, שהרי אמרו בגמרא "אין מזכירין מעשה נסים".
והסביר מרן זצ"ל בשם הגאון "בכור שור" (על מסכת שבת דף כא:) שכתב, שמלחמת בית חשמונאי שניצחו את היוונים, אף על פי שבודאי היה זה בדרך נס, מכל מקום הנס היה על פי גדרי הטבע, שהרי יתכן הדבר שינצחו מעטים אמיצי לב את הרבים אף על פי טבע. ועל נס כזה מותר להתפלל שיעשה לנו השם יתברך נס כמותו. ועוד תירץ, שדוקא לאדם יחיד אין להתפלל על מעשה נסים, אבל עבור כלל ישראל מותר להתפלל להשם אף על נסים ממש.
ולפיכך אם נדון על פי מה שכתבנו כאן, התשובה לשאלתינו היא, שמותר להתפלל עבור נס הנעשה על פי גדרי הטבע אף על פי שרחוק הדבר על פי הטבע שיעשה כן. וכן מותר להתפלל אף על נס גמור עבור כלל ישראל, אבל עבור אדם יחיד אין להתפלל על נס גמור. ולכן מותר להתפלל לה' שישלח רפואה שלימה לחולה, אף על פי שלדברי הרופאים הסיכוי שאותו אדם יתרפא הוא אפסי, מכל מקום מאחר ועדיין יתכן שיקרה דבר כזה על פי הטבע, מותר להתפלל על כך. אפילו שמדובר בסיכוי רחוק מאד.
וכן כאשר באו צבאות ערב להלחם נגד עם ישראל, אף על פי שהסיכוי להנצל מידיהם היה אפסי, כי הם היו רבים ואנו מועטים, מכל מקום מותר היה להתפלל לישועת ישראל, משום שהדבר שייך לכלל ישראל ולא לאדם יחיד, וראויים הם ישראל שיעשה להם ה' יתברך באהבתו אותם נסים ונפלאות.


Praying for a Miracle

Question: May one request that Hashem perform a miracle for him in a supernatural way?

Answer: The will of Hashem is that this world run according to the laws of nature, as the great Rishonim (including Rabbeinu Sa’adia Gaon in his book and the Ran in his discourses) write. Similarly, the Gemara in Masechet Ta’anit (25a) states that Hashem does not wish to change the laws of nature even slightly except for certain select situations.

In the previous Halacha, we have discussed the statement of the Gemara in the beginning of the ninth chapter of Masechet Berachot that if one’s wife is pregnant and one prays (during her pregnancy) that one’s wife should give birth to a baby boy, this is considered a prayer in vain since the gender of the child has already been determined and it is improper to pray for miracles. The Gemara records the incident regarding our Matriarch, Leah, where the fetus in her womb was originally a boy and turned into a girl, and our Sages teach us that this was indeed a miraculous event and one should not mention miraculous events (in his one’s prayer). Based on this, it would seem that one should not pray for miraculous events to occur.

Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l uses this idea to question the words of the Rama (in Chapters 187 & 682) who rules that one who forgets to mention the “Al Ha’Nissim” text in Birkat Hamazon during Chanukah (for which one does not repeat Birkat Hamazon) should recite at the end of Birkat Hamazon, “May the Merciful One perform ‘miracles and wonders’ for us, just as he has performed for our forefathers during those days at this time. In the days of Matityah son of Yochanan etc.” (A similar text is quoted earlier by Rav Hai Gaon and in Machzor Vitri.) The difficulty with this is that the Gemara states that one should not request miraculous events in one’s prayer.

Maran zt”l answers this question based on the words of Hagaon Bechor Shor (Shabbat 21b) who writes that although the defeat of the Greeks by the Hashmonai family was certainly miraculous, nevertheless, this miracle can still be considered “natural,” for it is conceivable that a few individuals who are brave-hearted may defeat many, even naturally. Regarding such a miracle, one may request that Hashem perform such a miracle for us. Alternatively, only a person praying on his own behalf should not request a miracle; however, one may request for actual miraculous events to occur to the Jewish nation as a whole.

Thus, based on what we have discussed above, the answer to our question will be that it is permissible to pray for a miracle which is in the confines of the laws of nature, although it seems farfetched that such an event will occur naturally. Similarly, one may even pray for a complete miracle to occur to the Jewish nation collectively; however, one should not request a complete miracle for a single person. It is therefore permissible to pray to Hashem to heal an ill person although according to the doctors, the patient’s chances of survival are almost none, since such an event can conceivably occur within the confines of a “natural event.”

Similarly, when the Arab nations joined forces to fight against the Jewish nation, although the chances of victory against them was almost none because they completely outnumbered us, nevertheless, it was permissible to pray to Hashem for the salvation of Israel, for such a miracle would apply to the entire Jewish nation collectively and not merely to some individuals. Indeed, the Jewish nation is worthy of Hashem performing miracles and wonders for them out of His tremendous love for them.


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Shabbat Bamidbar – Shavuot


Shabbat Shalom
Chag Sameach
to all memebers & readers

Important Times

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by

Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*

















18/19 May




The accepted minhag in K.K. Shaare Tefila (Moor Lane), for many years now, has been to accept the second day of Yom Tov at the earlier time of Pelag Hamincha, earlier than the time of nightfall.

On most of the Yamim Tovim accepting the second day of Yom Tov earlier to the time of nightfall does not have such a big-time difference. However on Shavuot, which always falls in the summer months and where the daylight is longer, the time for nightfall is very late and many families would prefer to have their evening meal earlier in the evening. It is therefore important for us to understand and be aware of certain halachot so as to avoid possible desecration of the Yom Tov.

When we pray Arvit, recite Kiddush and enjoy our Yom Tov meal after Pelag Hamincha we are, so to speak, establishing that it is now the second day of Yom Tov, however this is all very well for Arvit, Kiddush and the Seudat Yom Tov, but with regards to cooking or heating it is still considered the first day and continues being the first day until we reach the time of Shekia – sunset.

Therefore when cooking or heating anything for the meal one must make sure to start eating it before sunset and is considered cooking or preparing on the first day for the same day because as soon as sunset arrives it is no longer considered the first day and one cannot cook or heat food from before sunset for use after sunset.

As with every Yom Tov, and Shavuot is no exception, it is better to avoid any type of Melacha between sunset and nightfall for use at nightfall, the reason being that during the course of sunset we don’t know when exactly the day changes from one day to the next and one could find themselves cooking on the first day for the second day which is forbidden.

Yom Tov Candles can be lit from Pelag Hamincha using an existing light and it is advisable to light candles before Kiddush is recited.


While it is allowed from Pelag Hamincha 7:31 pm to light יום טוב candles, recite קידוש & eat the יום טוב meal, one should be careful NOT to do any מלאכה – ‘creative activity’, like on Shabbat, e.g. cooking, lighting candles between sunset – 9:10 pm & nightfall – 10:18 pm.

Typed & complied by N. Bitton for final Pessak Halacha ask your Rabbi.



First Minyan

Korbanot 4:00 am

Hodu 4:15 am

Hanetz 5:02 am



Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf


Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Bamidbar 

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why were the Jewish People counted so frequently?
    1:1 – They are very dear to G-d.
  2. What documents did the people bring when they were counted?
    1:18 – They brought birth records proving their tribal lineage.
  3. What determined the color of the tribal flags?
    2:2 – Each tribes flag was the color of that tribes stone in the breastplate of the kohen gadol.
  4. What is the difference between an "ot" and a "degel"?
    2:2 – An "ot" is a flag, i.e., a colored cloth that hangs from a flagpole. A degel is a flagpole.
  5. How do we see that the Jews in the time of Moshe observed "techum Shabbat" – the prohibition against traveling more than 2,000 amot on Shabbat?
    2:2 – G-d commanded them to camp no more than 2,000 amot from the Ohel Moed. Had they camped farther, it would have been forbidden for them to go to the Ohel Moed on Shabbat.
  6. What was the signal for the camp to travel?
    2:9 – The cloud over the Ohel Moed departed and the kohanim sounded the trumpets.
  7. What was the sum total of the counting of the 12 tribes?
    2:32 – 603,550.
  8. Why are Aharon's sons called "sons of Aharon and Moshe"?
    3:1 – Since Moshe taught them Torah, its as if he gave birth to them.
  9. Who was Nadav's oldest son?
    3:4 – Nadav had no children.
  10. Which two people from the Book of Esther does Rashi mention in this week's Parsha?
    3:7 – Bigtan and Teresh.
  11. Why did the levi'im receive ma'aser rishon?
    3:8 – Since the leviim served in the Mishkan in place of everyone else, they received tithes as "payment."
  12. Which groups of people were counted from the age of one month?
    3:15, 40 – The leviim, and the firstborn of Bnei Yisrae l.
  13. Name the first descendant of Levi in history to be counted as an infant.
    3:15 – Levis daughter Yocheved was born while the Jewish People were entering Egypt. She is counted as one of the 70 people who entered Egypt.
  14. Who assisted Moshe in counting the levi'im?
    3:16 G-d.
  15. Why did so many people from the tribe of Reuven support Korach in his campaign against Moshe?
    3:29 – The tribe of Reuven was encamped near Korach, and were therefore influenced for the worse. This teaches that one should avoid living near the wicked.
  16. Why did so many people from the tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar and Zevulun become great Torah scholars?
    3:38 – The tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar and Zevulun were encamped near Moshe, and were therefore influenced for the good. This teaches that one should seek to live near the righteous
  17. In verse 3:39 the Torah states that the total number of levi'im was 22,000. The actual number was 22,300. Why does the Torah seem to ignore 300 levi'im?
    3:39 – Each levi served to redeem a first-born of the Jewish People. Since 300 leviim were themselves firstborn, they themselves needed to be redeemed, and could therefore not redeem others.
  18. The firstborn males of the Jewish People were redeemed for five shekalim. Why five shekalim?
    3:46 – To atone for the sale of Yosef, Rachels firstborn, who was sold by his brothers for five shekalim (20 pieces of silver.)
  19. During what age-span is a man considered at his full strength?
    4:2 – Between the ages of 30 and 50.
  20. As the camp was readying itself for travel, who was in charge of covering the vessels of the Mishkan in preparation for transport?
    4:5 – The kohanim.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

 מנהגי חג השבועות

חלוקת שעות החג

בגמרא במסכת ביצה (דף טו:) אמר רבי יהושע, מצות יום טוב, חציו לה' וחציו לכם, כלומר שיש לחלק את הזמן ביום טוב, מחציתו לאכילה ושתיה וכדומה מעניני שמחת החג, ומחציתו ללימוד התורה ותפילה, וכן פסק הרמב"ם (בפ"ו מהלכות יום טוב(.

שטיחת ענפים בבית הכנסת ובבית
כתב הרמ"א (בהגה סימן תצד סעיף ג.) נוהגים לשטוח עשבים בשבועות, בבית הכנסת ובבתים זכר לשמחת מתן תורה. ורבים מרבותינו האחרונים הביאו סימוכין למנהג זה, שיש בו גם זכר למה שאמרו בגמרא (שבת פח:) כל דיבור שיצא מפי הקדוש ברוך הוא, נתמלא העולם כולו ריח בשמים, כמו שנאמר "שפתותיו שושנים נוטפות מור עובר". וכן נוהגים להעמיד ענפי אילנות בבית הכנסת ובבתים, לרמוז למה שאמרו רבותינו במסכת ראש השנה (טז.) בעצרת (היינו חג השבועות) נידונים על פירות האילן.

אולם, בספר חיי אדם, הביא שהגאון רבי אליהו מוילנא ביטל מנהג זה, משום שעכשיו נוהגים הגויים להעמיד ענפי אילנות בימי חגיהם, ואם כן יש בזה איסור משום ובחוקותיהם לא תלכו. אולם מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף שליט"א כתב, שהגאון מוילנא ביטל מנהג זה, משום שהוא נמשך בזה לשיטתו שיש איסור משום ובחוקותיהם לא תלכו, בכל מנהגי הגויים, אבל לשיטת המהר"י קולון ועוד פוסקים רבים, אין איסור זה נוהג אלא בחוק שנוהגים הגויים בדרך חוק, דהיינו דבר שהוא בלי טעם, (שאז יש לחוש בו משום דרכי האמורי ושיש בו שמץ עבודת כוכבים), או דבר שנהגו בו הגויים לשם פריצות וכדומה, אבל במנהג שיש בו טעם אחר, כגון לבוש שלובשים אותו רופאים גויים, כדי שיהיה ניכר שהם רופאים וכדומה, אין איסור לנהוג בו, ולכן יש להניח למנהג זה שיתקיים, שמנהג ישראל תורה, ובפרט שמנהג זה הוא קדום מאד ונזכר גם בדברי חז"ל. (וכבר הזכרנו חילוק נוסף בעניין חוקות הגויים בהלכה שעסקה בשאלת החיוב ללכת עם כיפה על הראש).

מאכלי חלב
כתב עוד הרמ"א, שנוהגים בכמה מקומות לאכול מאכלי חלב ביום חג השבועות, והוסיפו האחרונים שיש נוהגים לאכול גם דבש וחלב, לרמוז על מתן תורתינו שנמשלה לדבש וחלב, ויש נותנים טעם למנהג מאכלי חלב בחג השבועות, מפני שבעשרת הדברות נתגלו לאבותינו כל חלקי התורה ומצוותיה, וכמו שכתב רב סעדיה גאון שבעשרת הדברות כלולות כל מצוות התורה, וכשירדו ישראל מההר אל בתיהם אחר מתן תורה, לא מצאו מה לאכול תיכף, זולת מאכלי חלב, כי לבשר היו צריכים הכנה רבה, לשחוט בסכין בדרך בלי פגם כאשר ציוה ה', ולנקר החלב וגיד הנשה, ולמלוח הבשר ולהדיחו, ועוד ועוד עניינים רבים הקשורים לכשרות המאכלים. ולכן היו זקוקים למאכלי חלב, ואנו עושים זכר לזה. ונאמרו אודות מנהג זה עוד טעמים אחרים.

ומכיוון שעל פי ההלכה אסור לאכול מאכלי חלב אחרי מאכלי בשר עד שיעברו שש שעות (כפי שביארנו בהלכות בשר וחלב), לכן מנהגינו לאכול מאכלי חלב, ואחרי קינוח והדחה כמשפט (דהיינו אכילת מעט פת וכדומה, ושתיית משקה, כפי שביארנו גם כן בהלכות בשר בחלב,) אוכלים מאכלי בשר. ומצוה לאכול ביום טוב בשר בהמה, לקיים בזה מצות שמחת החג, וכמו שאמרו במסכת חגיגה (ח:), אין שמחה אלא בבשר בהמה, וכן ישתה יין לשמחת החג, אבל יזהרו להימנע משחוק וקלות ראש, לפי שאין השחוק והקלות ראש שמחה אלא הוללות, ולא נצטווינו אלא על שמחה שיש בה עבודת היוצר. אלא ישמחו ביום טוב בדברים המותרים כגון לשורר בפה שירות ותשבחות להשם יתברך, וכן יש להשתדל לעסוק בתורה ביום החג, וכתב מרן הרב שליט"א, שנכון ללמוד בספר המצוות של הרמב"ם, ונכון גם כן לקרות בספר תהילים, כי פטירת אדונינו דוד המלך הייתה ביום חג השבועות.

מי שאינו יכול לקיים את שמחת החג בבשר, מטעמי בריאות או כשרות, יקיים מצות שמחתו בבשר עוף. וכל מה שאמרנו שאין שמחה אלא בבשר ויין, היינו לאנשים, אבל הנשים יש לשמחן בבגדים יפים או תכשיטים נאים וכדומה. ויש לשמח את הילדים בקליות ואגוזים וממתקים וכדומה.

שמחת עניים
נאמר בתורה (דברים טז) ושמחת בחגך אתה ובנך ובתך והלוי והגר והיתום והאלמנה אשר בקרבך. לפיכך חייב אדם לשמח עמו ברגל את העניים והאביונים והאלמנות והיתומים, והיא חובה קדושה

Customs of the Shavuot Holiday

Division of the Holiday Hours

The Gemara in Masechet Beitzah (15b) tells us: “Rabbi Yehoshua says: The Mitzvah of the holiday is half for Hashem and half for you.” This means that one should apportion his time on Yom Tov half for eating, drinking, and other Yom Tov festivities and half for Torah learning and prayer. The Rambam (Chapter 6 of Hilchot Yom Tov) rules likewise.

Adorning the Synagogue and One’s Home with Plants
The Rama writes (in his notation on Chapter 494, Section 3) that it is customary to scatter plants throughout the synagogue and one’s home on the holiday of Shavuot in commemoration of the joy of the giving of the Torah. Many Acharonim bring another source for this custom based on the Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (88b) which states that after every commandment uttered by Hashem, the entire world was filled with a fragrant smell, as the verse states, “His lips are like roses dripping with passing myrrh.” It is likewise customary to lay tree branches in the synagogue and in one’s home in order to hint to the Gemara in Masechet Rosh Hashanah (16a) that on Shavuot we are judged regarding the fruits of the tree.

However, the Sefer Chayei Adam writes that Rabbeinu Eliyahu of Vilna discontinued this custom, for nowadays, the non-Jews place tree branches in their homes during their holiday. This therefore constitutes the prohibition to follow the practices of the non-Jews. Nevertheless, Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a writes that the Gaon of Vilna writes that this constitutes the prohibition to follow the practices of the non-Jews in accordance with his own opinion that this prohibition applies to all non-Jewish practices. However, according to Rabbeinu Yosef Cologne and many other Poskim who rule likewise, this prohibition only applies to those practices which are observed which have no reason behind them (for only then are we concerned about “Emorite ways” and the possibility of idolatrous rituals) or to those customs which are observed for immoral purposes and the like. Nonetheless, if it is a custom which is observed for a specific reason, such as if a garment is worn by non-Jewish doctors in order for them to be recognizable as doctors, a Jewish doctor may follow this custom and wear the garment as well. Therefore, this custom may indeed be observed, for the custom of the Jewish people is law, especially when the custom in question is very ancient and quoted by our Sages.

Eating Dairy Foods
The Rama (ibid.) continues and writes that several places have the custom to eat dairy foods on the day of Shavuot. Some Acharonim add that it is customary to eat milk and honey together as well hinting to the acceptance of our holy Torah which is compared to milk and honey. Some explain that the reason for eating dairy foods on Shavuot is because when our forefathers were given the Ten Commandments, the rest of the Torah and its commandments were revealed to them as well (as Rav Sa’adia Gaon writes that all of the Mitzvot are included in the Ten Commandments). When the Jewish people returned to their homes after receiving the Torah, they did not find anything ready to eat besides for dairy items, for eating meat now involved much preparation including slaughtering the animal with a knife free of imperfections, removing the forbidden fats and sinews, salting the meat and washing it off as well as many other laws pertaining to the kosher dietary laws. They therefore made due with dairy foods; we eat dairy items in commemoration of this. Many other reasons are given for this custom.

Since Halacha prohibits eating dairy foods for six hours after eating meat, we therefore customarily eat the dairy foods first and only after washing one’s mouth out in accordance with Halacha by eating some bread and drinking some beverages do we eat meat. One should eat meat on Yom Tov in order to fulfill the Mitzvah of joy of Yom Tov, as the Gemara in Masechet Chagiga (8b) states that one experiences true joy only by eating meat. One should likewise drink wine in honor of the joy of Yom Tov. One should nevertheless abstain from frivolity and unruliness, for we have only been commanded to experience a joy through which one can serve Hashem. One should rejoice by performing permissible actions, such as singing the praises of Hashem and his holy Torah. One must likewise try his utmost to learn Torah during the day of Shavuot as well. Maran Harav Shlit”a writes that one should also learn from the Rambam’s Sefer Ha’Mitzvot. It is also proper to recite Tehillim on this day, for the holiday of Shavuot marks the anniversary of the passing of King David.

If one is unable to fulfill the Mitzvah of rejoicing on Yom Tov with beef due to health or kashrut concerns, he should fulfill his obligation with chicken instead. Regarding what we have said that true joy only comes through consuming meat and wine, this only applies to men; women, however, should be gladdened with nice clothing, jewelry, and the like. Children should be gladdened with nuts, sweets, and the like.

Gladdening the Needy The Torah (Devarim 16) states: “And you shall be glad during your holiday; you, your son, your daughter, the Levite, the convert, the orphan, and the widow in your midst.” One must therefore gladden the hearts of the poor, widows, and orphans during the holiday as well and this is a truly important obligation



Shabbat Shalom

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Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

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Invitation Correction Moshe Chaim Levy


Rabbi & Mrs. Namir Cohen
invite the Kahal to the 
of their daughter 

Rivka Beracha
Moshe Chaim 

Rosh Chodesh Sivan
Tuesday 15th May 2018
Machzike Hadat
17 Northumberland Street

Kabbalat Panim 3:15 pm
Chupa 3:45 pm
followed by reception

would like to take this opportunity
to wish 
Rabbi Namir & his wife 
a heartfelt 
Mazal Tov 
on the wedding

Mazal Tov to Families
Cohen, Levy, Ehrentreu & Berdugo

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

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Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best