A Legend of Humility And Leadership: Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu

The Sephardic Heritage Haggadah

The Montefiores

Rav Aharon Kotler

Lady Amelie Jakobovits

The Queen of Bais Yaakov

Rabbi Avraham Blumenthal

Rabbi Dr Solomon Schonfeld

Mrs. Recha Sternbuch

The Chasam Sofer

R’ Yisroel Salanter

The Maharal of Prague

The Noda BiYehudah


The Ramban

The Vilna Gaon

Shemuel Hanagid

Golden Apples Parables of the Ben ish Chai

A Legend of Greatness

Ben Ish Chai The Life and Times of Hacham

Maran Harav Ovadia The Revered Gaon and Posek who Restored the Crown of Sephardic Jewry

Baba Sali Rav Yisrael Abuchatzeirah of Blessed Memory

Leader of the Generation

The Miracle Worker

A Legacy of Leaders I

A Legacy of Leaders II

The Legacy of Maran Hacham Ovadia Yosef