ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה

תענית עשרה בטבת
Fast 10th Tevet
Annual General Meeting 2025
Motzae Shabbat
18th January 2025
at 8 pm
1. Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting
2. Matters arising from the Minutes
3. Parnas Presidente’s Report
4. Adoption of the Report
5. Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts
6. Discussion and Adoption of Report
7. *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad
a) Parnas Presidente
b) Parnas Vice Presidente
c) Treasurer
d) Gabbai
e) Hon. Secretary
f) Ladies Committee Chair
g) Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined)
8. Election of delegates to:
a) Manchester Shechita Board b) Manchester Jewish Rep Council
9. A.O.B.
a) Parnas Presidente: Mordechai Maman
b) Parnas Vice Presidente: Benjamin Hassan
c) Treasurer: Yamin Ibgui (will NOT be standing for re-election)
d) Gabbai: Eli Shoshana
e) Hon. Secretary: S Lalouche (will NOT be standing for re-election)
f) Ladies Committee Chair: Mrs. Elaine Marshall
g) Mahamad: Mrs Loretta Hodari,
Raphi Marshall
Jacob Edelstein, (will NOT be standing for re-election)
Alex Lopez Dias (will NOT be standing for re-election)
Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.
On behalf of the Mahamad
*Nominations should reach the Parnas Presidente or Vice Presidente before SHABBAT enters on FRIDAY, January 17 th 2025.

לוח זמני תפילה לחורף תשפ״ה
Winter Timetable 5785 – 2024/25
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
5:11 | 5:07 | 4:13 | 3:35 | 10:18 | 3:57 | 3:45* | 10/11 Jan | ויחי (תענית עשרה בטבת) |
8:45 am
9:00 am
Winter Season
1hr 15 mins after Motzae Shabbat
📚 THIS WEEK 6:26 pm 📚

After 17 years in Egypt, Yaakov senses his days drawing to a close and summons Yosef. He has Yosef swear to bury him in the Machpela Cave, the burial place of Adam and Chava, Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivka.
Yaakov falls ill and Yosef brings to him his two sons, Ephraim and Menashe. Yaakov elevates Ephraim and Menashe to the status of his own sons, thus giving Yosef a double portion that removes the status of firstborn from Reuven. As Yaakov is blind from old age, Yosef leads his sons close to their grandfather. Yaakov kisses and hugs them. He had not thought to see his son Yosef again, let alone Yosef's children. Yaakov begins to bless them, giving precedence to Ephraim, the younger, but Yosef interrupts him and indicates that Menashe is the elder. Yaakov explains that he intends to bless Ephraim with his strong hand because Yehoshua will descend from him, and Yehoshua will be both the conqueror of Eretz Yisrael and the teacher of Torah to the Jewish People.
Yaakov summons the rest of his sons in order to bless them as well. Yaakov's blessing reflects the unique character and ability of each tribe, directing each one in its unique mission in serving G-d. Yaakov passes from this world at age 147. A tremendous procession accompanies his funeral cortege up from Egypt to his resting place in the Cave of Machpela in Chevron.
After Yaakov's passing, the brothers are concerned that Yosef will now take revenge on them. Yosef reassures them, even promising to support them and their families. Yosef lives out the rest of his years in Egypt, seeing Efraim's great-grandchildren. Before his death, Yosef foretells to his brothers that G-d will redeem them from Egypt. He makes them swear to bring his bones out of Egypt with them at that time. Yosef passes away at the age of 110 and is embalmed. Thus ends Sefer Bereishet, the first of the five Books of the Torah. Chazak
Ohr Somayach Institutions www.ohr.edu
On the 10th of Tebet the holy city of Jerusalem was besieged. This was the beginning of a chain of calamities that would eventually lead to the destruction of the Bet HaMiqdash. Derush Hatam Sofer (Ribi Mosh Sofer, Derush Adar 7:4) explains that on the 10th of Tebet it was decided in Heaven that the Bet HaMiqdash was to be destroyed. Every subsequent year a judgment is held in the heavenly courts to determine whether or not the third Bet HaMiqdash is to be rebuilt. Due to this important reason, even if the fast fell on Shabat, [1] we would be required to fast (Abudraham, O”H Siman 550), as the pasuq states (Yehezqel 24:2) “be’esem hayom haz” indicating that the fast must be conducted on the exact day it falls on. Even on Tish’a BeAb we do not fast if it lands on Shabat. Therefore, when fasting on ‘Asara BeTebet one should realize that we are all being judged on whether or not the third Bet HaMiqdash will be rebuilt this year and we should make this fast very dear to us.
[1] Before our modern day set calendar, the holidays and fast days would be determined based upon when Rosh Hodesh was established. Rosh Hodesh would only be established once two witnesses came to the Bet Din and testified that they had seen the moon. Nowadays, with our fixed calendar, the 10th of Tebet can never fall on Shabat.
This year there is the rare occurrence where the fast of ‘Asara BeTebet falls out on a Friday. There are some differences when this situation occurs compared to when the fast falls on a regular weekday, see below for those differences.
Tora Reading
When this fast occurs on ‘Ereb Shabat as opposed to a regular weekday, Moroccan Jews follow the Bet Yosef’s ruling (O”H Siman 550) [2] to not read the parasha of VaYehal Mosh that is read at Minha on normal fast days.[3] Some write that this is still the minhag of Meknes.[4]
[2] Opposing the opinion of the Agur who quotes the Shibol HaLeqet. HaMalakh Refael Berdugo (Torot Emet, O”H 550:3) writes that the custom of Moroccan Jewry is to follow the Agur. See also Shufr DeYosef Berdugo and Ribi David ‘Obadia (Nahagu Ha’Am) who quotes the Torot Emet.
[3] This is because the holiness of Shabat already starts from hasot of Friday. Therefore, we do not read such perashiot. See HaMalakh Refael Berdugo (ibid.) who writes this but clarifies that on fast days that fall during the week the Tora is read at Minha, Nahagu Ha’Am (Ta’aniot), and Ribi Yosef Berdugo (Shufr DeYosef, Hilkhot Ta’anit).
[4] See Maghen Abot (notes of e”H Ribi Abraham ‘Amar s”t (Luah Be-ito) in the name of Ribi Dabiliski) who holds that this custom should be upheld by those who have such a tradition. E”H Ribi Yishaq Rasabi s”t writes that certain Yemenite communities did not read this Tora portion either (see S”A HaMequsar).
Nevertheless, for reasons unknown it appears that the prevalent custom nowadays is to read the Tora at Minha even in Moroccan synagogues.[5]
[5] Although this custom is mentioned in the above sources, it appears that it was not prevalent in most communities. In the Kisur Shulhan ‘Arukh of Ribi Refael Barukh Toledano this minhag is not mentioned. Furthermore, when the Shufr DeYosef and Nahagu Ha’Am do mention it, they do not write that this is what was practiced, they simply quote what they found in the Torot Emet. After discussing the matter with e”H Ribi Shelomo Dayan s”t (author of ‘Ateret Shelomo), and others, it was unanimously agreed that the minhag to not read the parasha is not the prevalent one, and one should indeed read from the Sefer Tora at Minha when the fast of ‘Asara BeTebet falls on a Friday. E”H Ribi David Banon s”t mentions that he was in Morocco 14 years ago when the fast fell on ‘Ereb Shabat, and e”H Ribi Shim’on Suissa s”t was posek to read from the Tora and further mentioned that if the tefila would be at Minha Gedola, tefilin would also be worn. E”H Ribi David Peres s”t mentions that his community in Caracas, Venezuela also reads from the Sefer Tora at Minha as well as e”H Ribi ‘Amram Assayag s”t (Chief Sefaradi Rabbi of Toronto). See also Osar HaMikhtabim (Heleq 3, 829), VaYomer Yishaq (Ta’aniot Siman 2), Ma’as Bereshit (Ta’anit), and Shoshanim LeDavid Sabah (Heleq 2, Siman 4).
During the Tora reading on fast days, the minhag is that when the reader reaches the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (Shelosh ‘Esr Midot, beginning from “Ado-nai, Ado-nai”), he stops while the congregation says them aloud; he then reads them aloud himself and continues with the rest of the reading.[6] It should be mentioned that this is only done on fast days and not on Shabat Perashat Ki Tisa when the same portion is read. Qadish is not said after this reading, rather the Tora is returned to the hekhal followed by Qadish and the ‘Amida.[7]
[6] E”H Ribi Mordekhai Lebhar s”t explains that this is done in order to awaken the congregation during fast days to change their ways and start emulating the midot of their creator, Hashem, Yitbarakh Shemo La’ad. See Maran HaHida in LeDavid Emet (Siman 10:10) who says this is the minhag, Ribi Yishaq ibn Danan (LeYishaq Reah 100), Ribi Yosef Benaim (Noheg BeHokhma, Sefer Tora 4 p.141) who brings this minhag in the name of the Sefer HaHasidim (Siman 200), and Ribi David ‘Obadia (Nahagu Ha’Am, Ta’aniot, p.116).
[7] See the Moroccan mahzor Hamesh Ta’aniot.
The Bet Yosef (Siman 46) rules that tefilin must be worn during Minha on fast days since we are lacking in the 100 berakhot that one is required to say everyday due to the fact that we are not eating and miss out on those berakhot. Therefore, the minhag in Morocco developed to wear the talet and tefilin at Minha with a berakha, on all fast days, in order to arrive at these 100 berakhot.[8]
[8] See Ribi Yishaq Benoualid (VaYomer Yishaq, Liqutim: Ta’anit 2). So too is the custom in Fes (heard from e”H Ribi Aharon Monsonego s”t), Meknes, Marrakech, Tanger, Tetouan (e”H Ribi Ya’aqob Benaim s”t, Maghen Abot, O”H p.428 79), and most other cities.
However, when a fast falls on ‘Ereb Shabat (Friday) tefilin are not worn after hasot, therefore they are not worn at Minha, even according to Moroccans.[9]
[9] Ribi Yishaq Benoualid (VaYomer Yishaq, Heleq 1, Liqutim O”H Ta’aniot), however, rules that when the fast falls on ‘Ereb Shabat, tefilin are NOT worn because the holiness of Shabat has already presided. He bases his ruling on reasons rooted in Qabala. The posqim who mention this minhag seem to imply that even if Minha Gedola is prayed, one still does not wear tefilin because it is after hasot; see Maran HaHida in Mahziq Berakha (Siman 267) and Kaf HaHayim (Siman 25:100).

עשרה בטבת בערב שבת
ביום שישי הקרוב, יחול יום עשרה בטבת, שהוא היום שבו אנו מתענים (צמים) בכל שנה ושנה, עד שיבוא משיח צדקינו. מפני שביום זה, סמך מלך בבל על ירושלים, כדי להחריבה, כמו שנאמר בספר יחזקאל, (פרק כד), “וַיְהִי דְבַר ה' אֵלַי בַּשָּׁנָה הַתְּשִׁיעִית בַּחֹדֶשׁ הָעֲשִׂירִי (הוא חודש טבת), בֶּעָשׂוֹר לַחֹדֶשׁ לֵאמֹר, בֶּן אָדָם! כתוב לְךָ אֶת שֵׁם הַיּוֹם אֶת עֶצֶם הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה, סָמַךְ מֶלֶךְ בָּבֶל אֶל יְרוּשָׁלִַם בְּעֶצֶם הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה”.
ובגמרא הובאה בזה ברייתא (מדברי התנאים), ובה מסופר שאמר רבי יהודה, “פעם אחת היינו יושבים לפני רבי עקיבא, ותשעה באב שחל להיות בערב שבת היה, הביאו לו ביצה מגולגלת וגמעה בלא מלח, לא שהיה תאב לה, אלא להראות הלכה לתלמידים. ורבי יוסי אומר, מתענה ומשלים”.
כלומר, מעשה היה, שחל תשעה באב בערב שבת, (דבר כזה לא יכול לקרות בזמנינו, כי כעת שאנו הולכים על פי לוחות השנה הקבועים, יום תשעה באב לעולם לא יחול ביום שישי, אבל בזמן רבי עקיבא, שהוא עצמו היה מסדר את השנים והחודשים, דבר כזה יכול היה להיות), ולקראת סיום התענית, כמה דקות לפני כניסת השבת, הביאו לרבי עקיבא ביצה, והוא אכל אותה בבת אחת ללא מלח, כדי ללמד את התלמידים, שעל פי הדין אין להכנס לשבת כשהוא רעב ומתענה. שאין זה כבוד השבת.
אולם רבי יוסי חלק על רבי יהודה, ואמר שיש להתענות ולהשלים את התענית בלי לאכול דבר.
ולהלכה אמרו בגמרא שאנו פוסקים כדעת רבי יוסי, שיש להתענות ולהשלים את התענית, ולא לאכול דבר עד סעודת ליל שבת.
ולכן, כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל (חזון עובדיה תעניות עמוד טו), שאם הציבור מתפללים ביום התענית מנחה וערבית בשעה מוקדמת, (מקבלים שבת מוקדם), אינם רשאים לקדש על היין, עד זמן צאת הכוכבים, שהוא כרבע שעה לאחר שקיעת החמה.
The Fast of the Tenth of Tevet When it Coincides with Erev Shabbat
This coming Friday will mark the Tenth of Tevet, a public fast day observed throughout the Jewish nation until the arrival of Mashiach which marks the day the king of Babylon besieged Jerusalem with the intent of destroying it. The verse (Yechezkel 24) states: “And the word of Hashem was to me in the ninth year during the tenth month (Tevet) on the tenth day, saying: ‘Son of man! Write for yourself the name of the day, the essence of this very day, for on this very day the king of Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem.’”
A Fast on Erev Shabbat
The Sages disagree in Masechet Eruvin (40b) what the proper protocol is for when the Tenth of Tevet coincides with Friday, Erev Shabbat. Should the Jewish nation be fasting as we would if the Tenth of Tevet fell out on any other day of the week or perhaps, one should break the fast slightly before the conclusion of Shabbat in honor of Shabbat so as not to enter Shabbat while fasting?
The Gemara (ibid.) quotes a Baraita: “Rabbi Yehuda said: Once, we were sitting before Rabbi Akiva and it was the Ninth of Av which coincided with Erev Shabbat (this cannot happen anymore based on the way our current calendar was set up; however, in the times of Rabbi Akiva, who established the years and months on his own, this was indeed possible). They brought him a slightly cooked egg and he swallowed it without salt. It was not that he desired it; rather, he wished to show the students the Halacha. However, Rabbi Yose said: One must fast and complete the fast.”
This means that Rabbi Akiva broke his fast several minutes before the onset of Shabbat in order to teach the students that one should not enter Shabbat suffering and fasting, for this is considered disrespectful to Shabbat. Nevertheless, Rabbi Yose disagreed with Rabbi Yehuda and ruled that one must complete the fast, as usual.
The Gemara concludes that the Halacha follows the opinion of Rabbi Yose, and one must complete the entire fast and eat nothing until Shabbat night Kiddush.
The Opinion of Tosafot
Indeed, the Tosafot quote Rabbeinu Chananel as saying that we have a tradition that Rabbi Akiva was dangerously ill that year and the doctors brought him some food toward the end of the fast. However, Rabbi Yehuda was not aware of this fact, and he relied solely on what he saw, and he did not know the reason why Rabbi Akiva ate. Thus, even according to Rabbi Akiva, there is no leniency in this regard.
The Bottom Line
Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 249) rules that when a fast day coincides with Erev Shabbat, one must complete the entire fast and one may not eat before Shabbat begins.
Thus, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes (in his Chazon Ovadia- Arba Ta’aniyot, page 15) that if the congregation prays Mincha and Arvit earlier on Friday afternoon in the synagogue, they may still not make Kiddush until nightfall, which is at approximately fifteen minutes past sunset.
Nevertheless, Hagaon Harav David Yosef Shlit”a writes in his Halacha Berura that according to all opinions, one may not purposely prolong fasting into Shabbat and therefore, Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat, and Arvit prayers should begin slightly earlier than usual in the synagogue and the Chazzan should move through the prayers quicker than usual so that the congregation can make their way home and recite Kiddush as close to nightfall as possible.