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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
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Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Please support our minyanim whenever possible
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad


לוח זמני תפילה לחורף תשפ״ה

Winter Timetable 5785 – 2024/25

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















31Jan /1 Feb





8:45 am

9:00 am




Winter Season 

1hr 15 mins after Motzae Shabbat

📚 THIS WEEK 7:00 pm 📚


There will be No 
Moor Lane Women’s Nach Group
This week
Parasha Overview

G-d tells Moshe that He is hardening Pharaoh's heart so that through miraculous plagues the world will know for all time that He is the one true G-d. Pharaoh is warned about the plague of locusts and is told how severe it will be. Pharaoh agrees to release only the men, but Moshe insists that everyone must go. During the plague, Pharaoh calls for Moshe and Aharon to remove the locusts, and he admits he has sinned.

G-d ends the plague but hardens Pharaoh's heart, and again Pharaoh fails to free the Jews. The country, except for the Jewish People, is then engulfed in a palpable darkness. Pharaoh calls for Moshe and tells him to take all the Jews out of Egypt, but to leave their flocks behind. Moshe tells him that not only will they take their own flocks, but Pharaoh must add his own too.

Moshe tells Pharaoh that G-d’s going to bring one more plague, the death of the firstborn, and then the Jews will leave Egypt. G-d again hardens Pharaoh's heart, and Pharaoh warns Moshe that if he sees him again, Moshe will be put to death. G-d tells Moshe that the month of Nissan will be the chief month.

The Jewish People are commanded to take a sheep on the 10th of the month and guard it until the 14th. The sheep is then to be slaughtered as a Pesach offering, its blood put on their doorposts, and its roasted meat eaten. The blood on the doorpost will be a sign that their homes will be passed-over when G-d strikes the firstborn of Egypt. The Jewish People are told to memorialize this day as the Exodus from Egypt by never eating chametz on Pesach.

Moshe relays G-d's commands, and the Jewish People fulfill them flawlessly. G-d sends the final plague, killing the firstborn, and Pharaoh sends the Jews out of Egypt. G-d tells Moshe and Aharon the laws concerning the Pesach sacrifice, pidyon haben (redemption of the firstborn son) and tefillin.

Ohr Somayach Institutions


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

אמירת קדיש

שאלה: מהי חשיבות אמירת קדיש על אדם שנפטר?

תשובה: אדם שנפטר מן העולם, מוטל על בניו שנשארו אחריו להקפיד באופן מיוחד להתפלל בכל יום שלש תפלות במנין, בכדי שיוכלו לומר קדיש על האב או האם. וכן אדם שחלילה נפטר בנו או בתו או אחיו או אחותו, יאמר קדיש לעלוי נשמתם.

ומי שנפטר מן העולם ולא השאיר אחריו בנים, טוב לשכור עבורו תלמיד חכם שיאמר קדיש לעלוי נשמתו. כלומר, יתנו עם תלמיד חכם, שתמורת סכום כסף יקבל עליו לומר קדיש בכל תפלה, כאילו הוא בנו של הנפטר. ובזה גם כן יש עלוי נשמה לנפטר, שהרי הוא אומר קדיש, ועוד שיש בכך מצוה לחזק ידי תלמידי חכמים.

ואמרו רבותינו במדרש, מעשה ברבי עקיבא שראה אדם אחד שהיה ערום ושחור כפחם, והיה טוען (סוחב) על ראשו מטען גדול של קוצים, ורץ כמרוצת הסוס. גזר עליו רבי עקיבא, העמידו ואמר לו, מדוע אתה עובד קשה כל כך, אם עבד אתה ואדונך עושה לך כך, אפדה אותך מידו, ואם עני אתה, אני מעשיר אותך. אמר לו אותו האיש, בבקשה ממך אל תעכבני, שמא ירגזו עלי אותם הממונים עלי. אמר לו מה מעשיך? אמר לו, אותו האיש (כלומר, הוא עצמו), מת הוא, ובכל יום ויום שולחים אותי לחטוב עצים ושורפין אותי בהם. אמר לו רבי עקיבא, בני, מה היתה מלאכתך בעולם שבאת ממנו? אמר לו, גבאי המס ומראשי העם הייתי, ונושא פנים לעשירים והורג עניים, ועוד עברתי הרבה עברות חמורות. אמר לו, כלום שמעת מן הממונים עליך אם יש לך תקנה? אמר לו, בבקשה ממך אל תעכבני שמא יגזרו עלי בעלי פורענות, כי אין לו תקנה, אלא שמעתי מהם דבר שאינו יכול להיות, שאילמלי היה לו לזה העני בן שהוא עומד בקהל ואומר “ברכו את ה' המבורך”, ועונין אחריו “ברוך ה' המבורך לעולם ועד”, או יאמר קדיש, ועונין אחריו “יהא שמיה רבה מברך”, מיד היו מתירין אותו מן הפורענות. אולם הוא לא הניח בן בעולם, ועזב אשתו מעוברת, ואינו יודע אם ילדה זכר מי ילמדו תורה, שאין לו אהוב בעולם. אמר לו רבי עקיבא, מה שמך? אמר לו, עקיבא. ושם אשתך? אמר לו, שושניבא. ושם מקומך? אמר לו, לודקיא. באותה שעה נצטער עליו רבי עקיבא צער גדול, וקיבל עליו לילך ולחפש אם הוליד בן, כדי ללמדו תורה ולהעמידו לפני הצבור. הלך ושאל עליו. כיון שבא לאותו מקום, שאל אודות אותו האיש. אמרו לו, ישחקו עצמותיו של אותו רשע. שאל על אשתו, אמרו לו, ימחה זכרה מן העולם. שאל על הבן, אמרו הרי ערל הוא, אפילו במצות מילה לא עסקו. מיד נטלו רבי עקיבא ומלו והושיבו לפניו, ולא היה מקבל תורה, עד שישב עליו ארבעים יום בתענית. יצאה בת קול ואמרה לו, רבי עקיבא, לך ולמד אותו. הלך ולמדו תורה וקריאת שמע ושמונה עשרה ברכות, וברכת המזון, והעמידו לפני הקהל, ואמר “ברכו את ה' המבורך” וענו הקהל, “ברוך ה' המבורך לעולם ועד”, ואמר קדיש, וענו אחריו “יהא שמיה רבה”. ואחר כך לימדו משנה ותלמוד, הלכות ואגדות, עד שנתחכם מאוד, והוא רבי נחום הפקולי, (וכמה תלמידי חכמים יצאו ממנו). באותה שעה מיד התירו המת מן הפורענות, ובא לרבי עקיבא בחלום, ואמר, יהי רצון שתנוח דעתך בגן עדן, כשם שהנחת את דעתי והצלתני מדין גיהנם. כי כשנכנס בני לבית הכנסת ואמר קדיש, קרעו לי גזר דיני הנורא. וכשנכנס לבית המדרש, ביטלו ממני כל הדינים שעלי. וכשנתחכם בני וקראוהו “רבי”, שמו כסאי (את הכסא שלי) בגן עדן בין צדיקים וחסידים, ועטרוני בכמה עטרות. בזכותך היתה לי כל זאת. מיד פתח רבי עקיבא ואמר, ה' שמך לעולם, ה' זכרך לדור ודור. ישמע חכם ויוסף לקח.

בשעת אמירת הקדיש, יש לכרוע חמש כריעות, ואלו הן: בשעה שאומר “יתגדל”, וכשאומר “יהא שמיה רבא”, וכשאומר “יתברך”, וכשאומר “בריך הוא”, וכשאומר “ואמרו אמן” (כלומר, באמירת: דאמירן בעלמא “ואמרו אמן”).

Reciting Kaddish

Question: What is the significance of reciting Kaddish for a deceased individual?

Answer: When an individual departs from this world, his surviving children must make a concerted effort to pray with a Minyan three times a day in order to be able to recite Kaddish for their father or mother. Similarly, if one, G-d-forbid, loses a son, daughter, brother, or sister, one should recite Kaddish to elevate their soul.

If one passes away childless, it is proper to hire a Torah scholar on his behalf so that he may recite Kaddish for the elevation of the deceased individual’s soul. This means that a deal should be made with the Torah scholar that for a certain fee, the Torah scholar agrees to recite Kaddish during every prayer service, as if he were the child of the deceased. This serves as an elevation of the deceased’s soul, for the Torah scholar is reciting Kaddish on his behalf and a Torah scholar is being supported in his merit.

Our Sages recount in the Midrash: Once, Rabbi Akiva saw a naked man, who was blackened like charcoal, carrying a load of thorns on his head and running as fast as a horse. Rabbi Akiva commanded him to halt and asked him, “Why do you work so hard? If you are a salve and your master you to this, I shall free you; if you are poor, I shall make you rich.” The man replied, “Please, do not delay me, lest those in charge of me become angered.” Rabbi Akiva told him, “Tell me about yourself.” The man replied, “I am already deceased and every day they command me to chop wood after which they burn me with it.” Rabbi Akiva inquired, “My son, what was your work in your previous world?” The man replied, “I was a very important tax-collector. I would favor the rich, kill the poor, and transgress many other severe prohibitions.” Rabbi Akiva asked him, “Did you ever hear from those who are in charge of you if there is a way you can rectify your wrongdoings?” The man replied, “Please, do not delay me, lest the masters of punishment become angry at me, for I have no rectification. However, I have heard from them something that can never be, that were this poor man to have a son who would stand among the congregation and exclaim ‘Barechu Et Hashem Ha’Mevorach’ and the congregation would reply ‘Baruch Hashem Ha’Mevorach Le’Olam Va’ed’ or were he to recite Kaddish and the congregation would answer ‘Yehe Shemeh Rabba Mevarach,’ he would immediately be released from his punishment. However, I have not left a son in the world, for I left my wife when she was pregnant and who knows if she gave birth to a boy; who will teach him Torah, for I have no one who likes me in the world?” Rabbi Akiva asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “Akiva.” Rabbi Akiva continued, “What is your wife’s name?” He replied, “Shoshniva.” Rabbi Akiva asked, “What is the name of your town?” He replied, “Lodkia.” Rabbi Akiva became very distressed about this man’s plight and he accepted upon himself to find out if this man had had a boy so that he may teach him Torah and stand him up before the congregation. He went to search for him. When he arrived at that place, he inquired about the man. They told him, “May the bones of that wicked person be ground to dust.” Rabbi Akiva asked about his wife and they told him, “May her memory be obliterated from the world.” Rabbi Akiva inquired about the child and was told, “The boy is uncircumcised. They did not even involve themselves in the Mitzvah of Berit Milah.” Immediately, Rabbi Akiva took the boy circumcised him, sat him before him, and taught him Torah. The boy was unreceptive to Torah until Rabbi Akiva fasted forty fasts for him. A Heavenly voice rang out and said, “Rabbi Akiva, go and teach him.” He went and taught him Torah, Keri’at Shema, the Amida prayer, and Birkat Hamazon. He stood him before the congregation and the child recited, “Barechu Et Hashem Ha’Mevorach” and the congregation replied, “Baruch Hashem Ha’Mevorach Le’Olam Va’ed.” The child recited Kaddish and the congregation answered “Yehe Shemeh Rabba.” Rabbi Akiva then taught him Mishnah, Talmud, Halacha, and Aggadah until he eventually became very learned and became Rabbi Nachum Ha’Pakuli (whom many great Torah scholars emerged from). At this time, the deceased man was released from his punishment. He came to Rabbi Akiva in a dream and told him, “May it be Hashem’s will that your soul rest in Gan Eden just as you have let me rest by freeing me from the judgment of Gehinnom. When my son entered the synagogue, they nullified my harsh decree. When he entered the Bet HaMidrash, they nullified all decrees against me. When my son became learned and received the title “Rabbi,” they placed my chair among the righteous and pious in Gan Eden and they adorned me with several crowns. All of this is in your merit.” Immediately, Rabbi Akiva exclaimed, “Hashem, your name is everlasting; Hashem, your memory is for all generations.”

When reciting Kaddish, one should bow at five intervals: When reciting “Yitgadal,” when reciting “Yehe Shemeh Rabba,” when reciting “Yitbarach,” when reciting “Berich Hu,” and finally when reciting “Ve’Imru Amen” (i.e. from the phrase “Da’amiran Be’Alma Ve’Imru Amen”).

Newsletter Parashat Vaera – Shabbat Mevarechim

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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
Have a look at our website 



 שבת מברכים

there will be NO derasha this week
instead, we will have the 
kahal recitation of Sefer Tehilim



Annual General Meeting 2025


a)      Parnas PresidenteMordechai Maman

b)      Parnas Vice PresidenteBenjamin Hassan

c)      Treasurer: Yehoshua Jacobs

d)      Gabbai: Eli Shoshana

e)      Hon. Secretary: Yehoshua Lewis

f)       Ladies Committee ChairMrs. Elaine Marshall

g)      Mahamad: Mrs Loretta Hodari

                            Raphi Marshall

                            Paul Delmonte

Wishing them much hatzlacha for the upcoming year


Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Please support our minyanim whenever possible
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad


לוח זמני תפילה לחורף תשפ״ה

Winter Timetable 5785 – 2024/25

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















24/25 Jan

וארא (ש''מ)




8:45 am

9:00 am




Winter Season 

1hr 15 mins after Motzae Shabbat

📚 THIS WEEK 6:48 pm 📚


Moor Lane Women’s Nach Group
Parasha Overview

Hashem tells Moshe to inform the Jewish People that He is going to take them out of Egypt. However, the Jewish People do not listen. Hashem commands Moshe to go to Pharaoh and ask him to free the Jewish People. Although Aharon shows Pharaoh a sign by turning a staff into a snake, Pharaoh's magicians copy the sign, emboldening Pharaoh to refuse the request. Hashem punishes the Egyptians, sending plagues of blood and frogs, but the magicians copy these miracles on a smaller scale, again encouraging Pharaoh to be obstinate. After the plague of lice, Pharaoh's magicians concede that only Hashem could be performing these miracles.

Only the Egyptians, and not the Jews in Goshen, suffer during the plagues. The onslaught continues with wild animals, pestilence, boils and fiery hail. However, despite Moshe's offers to end the plagues if Pharaoh will let the Jewish People leave, Pharaoh continues to harden his heart and refuses.

Ohr Somayach Institutions


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

נוסחאות התפילה

נוסחאות התפילה של עדות ישראל, יסודתם בהררי קודש, ולכן אין לאדם לשנות נוסח התפילה ממה שנהגו אבותיו, ולכן אין לספרדי לשנות נוסח התפילה לנוסח עדות אשכנז (או לנוסח שנקרא “ספרד” שהוא נוסח החסידים), אלא עליו להתפלל בנוסח עדות המזרח. וכן אין לאשכנזי לשנות לנוסח הספרדים.

וכן כתב בספר מגן אברהם, שמובא בשם האר”י ז”ל, שיש ברקיע שנים עשר שבטים, וכל שבט יש לו שער ומנהג, ומחמת כן אין לשנות ממנהג אבותיו בסדר התפילה. וכן כתבו עוד מגדולי הפוסקים.

אולם מרן הרב חיד”א כתב, שרבינו האר”י עצמו שהיה אשכנזי, ממשפחת רבינו שלמה לוריא, היה מתפלל בנוסח הספרדים, זולת בימים הנוראים, וכמו שכתב בשער הכוונות. וכתב עוד מרן החיד”א שתפילה בנוסח הספרדים עולה בכל שנים עשר השערים שבשמים, ולפי זה נראה שמותר לאשכנזי לשנות מנוסח האשכנזים לנוסח הספרדים, וכן נהג באמת הגאון רבי נתן אדלר זצ”ל, רבו של הגאון רבי משה סופר ה”חתם סופר”, וכן נהג הגאון רבי נפתלי איש הורויץ ז”ל, בעל ספר “הפלאה” על מסכת כתובות. (והגאון רבי נתן אדלר אף היה מתפלל במבטא הספרדים, בבטוי האותיות והניקוד, מכיון שסבר שזהו המבטא הנכון, ושכר בכסף מלא את הגאון רבי יצחק מודעי ז”ל מטורקיה, שילמדו מבטא הספרדים, בבטוי האותיות והניקוד, ולא הניח לאף אדם לעלות שליח ציבור בבית הכנסת שלו, אלא הוא עצמו היה עולה ומתפלל כדרך הספרדים, וכן כתב הגאון רבי יעקב דוד ולובסקי זצ”ל בעל שו”ת רידב”ז בתשובה להגאון חכם יוסף מרדכי ידיד הלוי מארם צובא, ואלו דבריו “וקרוב לומר שהמבטא של לשון הקודש אצלכם מתוקנת הרבה יותר, כי ברוב ימים באריכות הגלות, האשכנזים נתפזרו ונתרחקו מאוד במלבושים ובכתב ובלשון זה למזרח וזה למערב, ונתבלבלו הלשונות גם של חול”) ומכל מקום כתב החתם סופר, שאחר פטירת הגאון בעל ההפלאה, ביטל בנו הגאון בעל מחנה לוי את בית הכנסת שלו, ולכן נראה שלדעתו אין לאשכנזי לשנות לנוסח הספרדים, והדבר נתון כמובן במחלוקת הפוסקים. אולם בודאי שאין לספרדי לשנות לנוסח האשכנזים, לא בנוסח התפילה, ולא באופן בטוי האותיות.

וכמו כן ברור כי אין כל היתר להתפלל ב”נוסח אחיד” שנפוץ בכמה מקומות ובצבא הגנה לישראל, כי נוסח זה ברובו הוא נוסח אשכנז, וערבו בו מקצת מנוסח ספרד,  ולכן אין להתפלל בו כלל.

והגאון רבי אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק, בהסכמתו לספרו של הגאון רבי בן ציון מאיר חי עוזיאל, האריך שאין לאשכנזי לשנות את המבטא למבטא הספרדים, כי יש בזה חשש איסור “אל תטוש תורת אמך”, ומעוד נמוקים שהיו עמו, אלא שכאמור יש החולקים על דבריו וסבורים שבטוי הספרדים נכון יותר ומותר לשנות אליו. ולדאבונינו בזמן הזה, רבים מאד שינו מבטא האותיות שלהם למבטא חדש כעין מבטא הספרדים, אך באמת אינו מבטא ספרדי כלל, כי מבטאים את האות ח' כמו האות כ', ואות ק' כאות כ', וכן על זה הדרך, ומבטא כזה לכל הדעות הוא שבוש ואינו נכון כלל. לכן על כל אחד להשתדל לתקן את מבטאו כמה שיוכל, כדי שיזכה להתפלל בשפה צחה המקובלת יותר אצל ה' יתברך. ואם אינו יכול לשנות מבטאו, רשאי להמשיך באופן שהורגל, שהרי מעיקר הדין מותר גם להתפלל בשפה לועזית לגמרי, ובודאי שלשון הקודש המשובשת המקובלת כיום, עדיפה מלשון לעז ממש.

Prayer Texts

The various texts of the prayer found among the various communities of the Jewish nation all have strong and holy roots. Therefore, one should not deviate from the prayer text that one’s forefathers were accustomed to. Hence, a Sephardic individual should not adopt the prayer text of Ashkenazi communities (or the text called “Sefard” which is the prayer text followed by Hassidic Jews); rather, one should follow the prayer text of the Middle Eastern communities. Similarly, an Ashkenazi individual should not adopt the Sephardic prayer text.

Indeed, the Magen Avraham writes that the Ari z”l is quoted as saying that there are twelve tribes in Heaven and each one of these tribes has a gate and a custom. It is for this reason that one should not deviate from the custom of one’s fathers with regards to the texts of the prayer. Several great Poskim write likewise.

Nevertheless, Maran Ha’Chida writes that the Ari z”l himself who was Ashkenazi, related to the great Rabbeinu Shlomo Luria (Maharshal), would pray according to the Sephardic prayer text all year round besides for the High Holidays, as he writes in his Sha’ar Ha’Kavanot. Maran Ha’Chida adds that the Sephardic prayer text ascends through all twelve gates in Heaven. Based on this, it would seem that an Ashkenazi individual may change his custom and begin praying in accordance with the Sephardic prayer text. This was indeed the custom of Hagaon Harav Natan Adler zt”l, rebbi of Hagaon Harav Moshe Sofer (the “Chatam Sofer”), and Hagaon Harav Pinchas Ha’Levi Ish Horowitz zt”l, author of the Sefer “Hafla’a” on Masechet Ketubot. (Not only that, but Hagaon Harav Natan Adler zt”l would even recite the prayer with the Sephardic pronunciation of the letters and vowel sounds as he believed that this was indeed the correct pronunciation. Indeed, he hired Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Moda’i z”l from Turkey to teach him the Sephardic pronunciation of the letters and vowel sounds and would not allow anyone to serve as Chazzan in his synagogue; rather, he alone would serve as Chazzan while reciting the prayers in a Sephardic pronunciation. Similarly, Hagaon Harav Yaakov David Volovsky zt”l, author of the Responsa Ridbaz, writes in one of his responses to Hagaon Chacham Yosef Mordechai Yedid Ha’Levi of Aleppo, Syria: “Indeed, the pronunciation of Lashon Ha’Kodesh in your communities is much more correct, for due to the lengthy exile, the Ashkenazim have become extremely scattered and distanced in their mode of dress, writing, and language, this one to the east and that one to the west; even their mundane language has become mixed up.”) Nevertheless, the Chatam Sofer writes that after the passing of the saintly author of the Sefer Hafla’a, his son, the saintly author of the Machaneh Levi, closed down his synagogue. It seems that in his opinion, an Ashkenazi individual should not change to pray in accordance with the Sephardic prayer text. This matter is obviously subject to a disagreement among the Poskim. In any case, a Sephardic individual should certainly not change to pray in accordance with the Ashkenazi prayer text, neither with regards to the actual prayer text nor with regards to the pronunciation of the words.

Similarly, it is not permissible to pray according to the “Standard Text” common in several places, among them in the Israel Defense Forces, as this text is predominantly Ashkenazi with some Sephardic texts mixed into it; thus, one should not follow this version at all.

Hagaon Harav Avraham Yitzchak Ha’Kohen Kook zt”l writes lengthily in his approbation to the book authored by Hagaon Harav Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel zt”l that an Ashkenazi individual should not change to Sephardic pronunciation, for this constitutes the prohibition of “Do not forsake the laws of your mother,” among other reasons he lists. Clearly though, others disagree with his opinion and maintain that the Sephardic pronunciation is more correct and one may indeed change to it. Unfortunately, nowadays, many people have changed their pronunciation to a new kind of pronunciation of the letters which is similar to the Sephardic version, but in truth is not Sephardic at all, for they pronounce the letter “Het” like the letter “Khaf,” the letter “Kuf” like the letter “Kaf,” and other such mistakes. Such a pronunciation is completely mistaken and incorrect according to all opinions. Thus, it is incumbent upon every individual to try and perfect his pronunciation as much as possible so that he may merit praying in a language that is more articulate and accepted before Hashem. If one cannot change one’s pronunciation, one may continue pronouncing the words in the way one is accustomed to, for according to the letter of the law, one may even pray in a foreign language altogether (referring to any language besides for Lashon Ha’Kodesh); certainly, the erroneous form of Lashon HaKodesh spoken today is better than a completely foreign language.

Newsletter Parashat Shemot

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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
Have a look at our website 




Motzae Shabbat

18th January 2025 at 8 pm

Annual General Meeting 2025


1.      Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting

2.      Matters arising from the Minutes

3.      Parnas Presidente’s Report

4.      Adoption of the Report

5.      Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts

6.      Discussion and Adoption of Report

7.      *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad

a)      Parnas Presidente

b)      Parnas Vice Presidente

c)      Treasurer

d)      Gabbai

e)      Hon. Secretary

f)       Ladies Committee Chair

g)      Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined)

8.       Election of delegates to:

a)       Manchester Shechita Board      b)      Manchester Jewish Rep Council

9.       A.O.B.


a)      Parnas PresidenteMordechai Maman

b)      Parnas Vice PresidenteBenjamin Hassan

c)      Treasurer: Yamin Ibgui (will NOT be standing for re-election)

d)      Gabbai: Eli Shoshana

e)      Hon. SecretaryS Lalouche (will NOT be standing for re-election)

f)       Ladies Committee ChairMrs. Elaine Marshall

g)      Mahamad: Mrs Loretta Hodari

                            Raphi Marshall

                            Jacob Edelstein, (will NOT be standing for re-election)

                            Alex Lopez Dias (will NOT be standing for re-election)

Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.

On behalf of the Mahamad

*Nominations should reach the Parnas Presidente or Vice Presidente before SHABBAT enters THIS FRIDAY, January 17th 2025.




would like to take this opportunity

to thank 

Y Ibgui

S Lalouche

J Edelstein

A Lopez Dias

for their time and dedication to the

Bet HaKeneset

May Hashem repay them with 

good health, beracha and hatzlacha


Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Please support our minyanim whenever possible
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad


לוח זמני תפילה לחורף תשפ״ה

Winter Timetable 5785 – 2024/25

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















17/18 Jan





8:45 am

9:00 am




Winter Season 

1hr 15 mins after Motzae Shabbat

📚 THIS WEEK 6:37 pm 📚


Moor Lane Women’s Nach Group
There will be NO shiur THIS week
 and will resume NEXT WEEK 
Parasha Overview

With the death of Yosef, the Book of Bereishet (Genesis) comes to an end. The Book of Shemot (Exodus) chronicles the creation of the nation of Israel from the descendants of Yaakov. At the beginning of this week's Torah portion, Pharaoh, fearing the population explosion of Jews, enslaves them. However, when their birthrate increases, he orders the Jewish midwives to kill all newborn males.

Yocheved gives birth to Moshe and hides him in the reeds by the Nile. Pharaoh's daughter finds and adopts him, although she knows he is probably a Hebrew. Miriam, Moshe's sister, offers to find a nursemaid for Moshe and arranges for his mother Yocheved to be his nursemaid.

Years later, Moshe witnesses an Egyptian beating a Hebrew and Moshe kills the Egyptian. Realizing his life is in danger, Moshe flees to Midian where he rescues Tzipporah, whose father Yitro approves their subsequent marriage. On Chorev (Mount Sinai), Moshe witnesses the burning bush where G-d commands him to lead the Jewish People from Egypt to Eretz Yisrael, the Land promised to their ancestors.

Moshe protests that the Jewish People will doubt his being G-d's agent, so G-d enables Moshe to perform three miraculous transformations to validate himself in the people's eyes: transforming his staff into a snake, his healthy hand into a leprous one, and water into blood. When Moshe declares that he is not a good public speaker, G-d tells him that his brother Aharon will be his spokesman. Aharon greets Moshe on his return to Egypt and they petition Pharaoh to release the Jews. Pharaoh responds with even harsher decrees, declaring that the Jews must produce the same quota of bricks as before but without being given supplies. The people become dispirited, but G-d assures Moshe that He will force Pharaoh to let the Jews go.

Ohr Somayach Institutions


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

דין הכוונה בתפילת העמידה

(תפילת העמידה היא “תפילת שמונה עשרה” הנאמרת בלחש ואודותיה מתייחסת הלכה זו.)

כל אדם מישראל חייב להתפלל בכל יום שלש תפילות, וגם הנשים חייבות להתפלל בכל יום, אלא שעיקר חיובן הוא בתפילה אחת בכל יום, והרשות בידן להתפלל שלש תפילות ביום אם הן רוצות בכך. ולמנהג האשכנזים, יש אומרים שנשים חייבות להתפלל בכל יום תפילת שחרית ותפילת מנחה, אבל בתפילת ערבית אינן חייבות. וכמו שביארנו בהלכה שעסקה בנושא.

כוונה בתפילה

בבריתא במסכת ברכות (דף לד:) שנינו: “המתפלל צריך שיכוין את לבו בכולן”. כלומר, המתפלל תפילת העמידה, צריך לכוין בלבו את פירוש המילים שמוציא מפיו. “ואם אינו יכול לכוין בכל הברכות, יכוין לפחות בברכת אבות”. וברכת אבות, הכוונה היא לברכה הראשונה בתפילת העמידה, ויש לה חשיבות מיוחדת לפי שהיא סדור שבחו של השם יתברך.

לא כיון בתפילה

ונחלקו רבותינו הראשונים, אם כבר התפלל בחסרון כוונה בברכת אבות, האם יצא ידי חובתו בדיעבד, או שלא יצא ידי חובתו וחייב לחזור ולהתפלל. כי יש סוברים שבדיעבד אפילו אם לא כיון יצא ידי חובתו ואינו חוזר. אבל רבינו הרמב”ם, והרא”ש, ורבינו יונה ועוד רבים מהפוסקים כתבו, שאם התפלל ולא כיון בברכת אבות, (אף על פי שכיון בכל השאר) יחזור ויתפלל.

אלא שלמעשה כתב רבינו הטור, שבזמנינו אין נוהגים לחזור ולהתפלל בשביל חסרון כוונה, מפני שגם כשיחזור להתפלל שוב, קרוב לודאי שלא יכוין כראוי, ואם כן אין טעם לחזור ולהתפלל.

ומרן השלחן ערוך פסק כעיקר הדין, שאם לא כיון בברכת אבות, אף על פי שכיון בכל השאר יחזור ויתפלל, ולא הזכיר את דברי הטור, ואם כן משמע שסובר שגם בזמנינו צריך לחזור להתפלל. אבל הרמ”א הוסיף על דברי מרן את דברי הטור, שבזמנינו אין חוזרין בשביל חסרון הכוונה.

ומרן החיד”א כתב, שאף שמדברי מרן נראה שסובר שאם לא כיון באבות צריך לחזור ולהתפלל, מכל מקום אף הספרדים לא נהגו בזה כדעת מרן, אלא פוסקים כדברי הטור והרמ”א, וסומכים בדיעבד על דעת הפוסקים שיוצא ידי חובתו אף על פי שלא כיון בכלל.

ולסיכום: יש לכוין בתפילה, ובפרט בתפילת העמידה. והכוונה בברכה הראשונה של תפילת העמידה, היא החשובה ביותר. ולכן יש להקפיד לכוין. ואם לא כיון, בדיעבד אינו חוזר להתפלל שוב.

ובהמשך נבאר עוד פרטים בזה.

The Laws of Concentration During the Amida Prayer

Every Jewish man must pray three prayers daily. Women must also pray every day; however, their base obligation is one prayer per day. Nevertheless, if they wish, they may pray all three prayers. According to the Ashkenazi custom, some say that women are obligated to pray Shacharit and Mincha every day, however, they are not obligated to pray Arvit. We have discussed this in a different Halacha.

Concentration During Prayer
The Baraita (Berachot 34b) states that preferably, one should concentrate on the words one is reciting throughout all the blessings of the Amida. If one finds it too difficult to concentrate throughout the entire Amida, one must at least concentrate on the words one is reciting during the “Avot” blessing, i.e., the first blessing of the Amida, which bears special significance since it extolls the praises of Hashem.

One Who Did Not Concentrate
There is a disagreement among the Rishonim whether one who has prayed without concentration must repeat one’s Amida prayer, or perhaps one has nevertheless fulfilled one’s obligation post facto. Although some maintain the latter, the Rambam, Rosh, Rabbeinu Yonah, and many others rule that if one prayed without concentrating during the “Avot” blessing (although one may have concentrated on the rest of the blessings of the Amida), one must repeat the Amida.

The Tur rules that nowadays, we customarily do not repeat the Amida after not having concentrated during the first blessing, for it is almost certain that even when one repeats the Amida, one will not concentrate properly again and therefore, there is no use in repeating the Amida.

Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch rules in accordance with the letter of the law that one who has not concentrated on the words of the first blessing of the Amida must repeat one’s prayer and he makes no mention of the Tur’s opinion. The Rama adds the Tur’s opinion that nowadays, one should not repeat the Amida for a lack of concentration.

Maran Ha’Chida writes that although according to Maran, one must repeat one’s Amida if one did not concentrate in the “Avot” blessing, even Sephardic and Middle Eastern Jews do not rule in accordance with Maran here. Rather, they rely on the Tur, Rama, and other Poskim who rule that one fulfills one’s obligation even without having concentrated at all.

Summary: One must concentrate on the words of the Amida, especially the first blessing of the Amida, which is the most significant. If one did not do so, one should not repeat the Amida prayer after the fact.

We shall discuss some more details regarding this law in a following Halacha.

Newsletter Parashat Vayechi – Taanit Asara BeTevet

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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
Have a look at our website 



תענית עשרה בטבת

Fast 10th Tevet

 FRIDAY 10th December
Fast Begins 6:26 am
Shacharit 6:50 am
Shabbat Begins 3:57 pm
Fast Ends 5:03 pm 
Wishing everyone an easy fast
see below, at the end of this email for some halachot & minhagim 
when Taanit Asara Betevet falls on a FRIDAY according to Moroccan Jews



Annual General Meeting 2025


 Motzae Shabbat 

18th January 2025 

at 8 pm


1.      Minutes of the 2024 Annual General Meeting

2.      Matters arising from the Minutes

3.      Parnas Presidente’s Report

4.      Adoption of the Report

5.      Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts

6.      Discussion and Adoption of Report

7.      *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad

a)      Parnas Presidente

b)      Parnas Vice Presidente

c)      Treasurer

d)      Gabbai

e)      Hon. Secretary

f)       Ladies Committee Chair

g)      Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined)

8.       Election of delegates to:

a)       Manchester Shechita Board      b)      Manchester Jewish Rep Council

9.       A.O.B.


a)      Parnas PresidenteMordechai Maman

b)      Parnas Vice PresidenteBenjamin Hassan

c)      Treasurer: Yamin Ibgui (will NOT be standing for re-election)

d)      Gabbai: Eli Shoshana

e)      Hon. SecretaryS Lalouche (will NOT be standing for re-election)

f)       Ladies Committee ChairMrs. Elaine Marshall

g)      Mahamad: Mrs Loretta Hodari

                            Raphi Marshall

                            Jacob Edelstein, (will NOT be standing for re-election)

                            Alex Lopez Dias (will NOT be standing for re-election)

Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.

On behalf of the Mahamad

*Nominations should reach the Parnas Presidente or Vice Presidente before SHABBAT enters on FRIDAY, January 17 th 2025.








Would you like to do some Keriat Hatorah – Torah reading?
Committed to doing a reading and finding it hard?
Need to cancel or make a change?
Want to be added to the Keriat HaTorah roster?
Please contact Yehoshua Jacobs
Please support our minyanim whenever possible
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad


לוח זמני תפילה לחורף תשפ״ה

Winter Timetable 5785 – 2024/25

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















10/11 Jan

ויחי (תענית עשרה בטבת)




8:45 am

9:00 am




Winter Season 

1hr 15 mins after Motzae Shabbat

📚 THIS WEEK 6:26 pm 📚


Moor Lane Women’s Nach Group
THIS week 
Parasha Overview

After 17 years in Egypt, Yaakov senses his days drawing to a close and summons Yosef. He has Yosef swear to bury him in the Machpela Cave, the burial place of Adam and Chava, Avraham and Sarah, Yitzchak and Rivka.

Yaakov falls ill and Yosef brings to him his two sons, Ephraim and Menashe. Yaakov elevates Ephraim and Menashe to the status of his own sons, thus giving Yosef a double portion that removes the status of firstborn from Reuven. As Yaakov is blind from old age, Yosef leads his sons close to their grandfather. Yaakov kisses and hugs them. He had not thought to see his son Yosef again, let alone Yosef's children. Yaakov begins to bless them, giving precedence to Ephraim, the younger, but Yosef interrupts him and indicates that Menashe is the elder. Yaakov explains that he intends to bless Ephraim with his strong hand because Yehoshua will descend from him, and Yehoshua will be both the conqueror of Eretz Yisrael and the teacher of Torah to the Jewish People.

Yaakov summons the rest of his sons in order to bless them as well. Yaakov's blessing reflects the unique character and ability of each tribe, directing each one in its unique mission in serving G-d. Yaakov passes from this world at age 147. A tremendous procession accompanies his funeral cortege up from Egypt to his resting place in the Cave of Machpela in Chevron.

After Yaakov's passing, the brothers are concerned that Yosef will now take revenge on them. Yosef reassures them, even promising to support them and their families. Yosef lives out the rest of his years in Egypt, seeing Efraim's great-grandchildren. Before his death, Yosef foretells to his brothers that G-d will redeem them from Egypt. He makes them swear to bring his bones out of Egypt with them at that time. Yosef passes away at the age of 110 and is embalmed. Thus ends Sefer Bereishet, the first of the five Books of the Torah. Chazak

Ohr Somayach Institutions

Taanit Asara Betevet on FRIDAY
Minhagim for Moroccan Jews
Why is it so important to fast on ‘Asara BeTebet?

On the 10th of Tebet the holy city of Jerusalem was besieged. This was the beginning of a chain of calamities that would eventually lead to the destruction of the Bet HaMiqdash. Derush Hatam Sofer (Ribi Mosh Sofer, Derush Adar 7:4) explains that on the 10th of Tebet it was decided in Heaven that the Bet HaMiqdash was to be destroyed. Every subsequent year a judgment is held in the heavenly courts to determine whether or not the third Bet HaMiqdash is to be rebuilt. Due to this important reason, even if the fast fell on Shabat, [1] we would be required to fast (Abudraham, O”H Siman 550), as the pasuq states (Yehezqel 24:2) “be’esem hayom haz” indicating that the fast must be conducted on the exact day it falls on. Even on Tish’a BeAb we do not fast if it lands on Shabat. Therefore, when fasting on ‘Asara BeTebet one should realize that we are all being judged on whether or not the third Bet HaMiqdash will be rebuilt this year and we should make this fast very dear to us.

[1] Before our modern day set calendar, the holidays and fast days would be determined based upon when Rosh Hodesh was established. Rosh Hodesh would only be established once two witnesses came to the Bet Din and testified that they had seen the moon. Nowadays, with our fixed calendar, the 10th of Tebet can never fall on Shabat.  

This year there is the rare occurrence where the fast of ‘Asara BeTebet falls out on a Friday. There are some differences when this situation occurs compared to when the fast falls on a regular weekday, see below for those differences.

Tora Reading

When this fast occurs on ‘Ereb Shabat as opposed to a regular weekday, Moroccan Jews follow the Bet Yosef’s ruling (O”H Siman 550) [2] to not read the parasha of VaYehal Mosh that is read at Minha on normal fast days.[3] Some write that this is still the minhag of Meknes.[4]

[2] Opposing the opinion of the Agur who quotes the Shibol HaLeqet. HaMalakh Refael Berdugo (Torot Emet, O”H 550:3) writes that the custom of Moroccan Jewry is to follow the Agur. See also Shufr DeYosef Berdugo and Ribi David ‘Obadia (Nahagu Ha’Am) who quotes the Torot Emet.

[3] This is because the holiness of Shabat already starts from hasot of Friday. Therefore, we do not read such perashiot. See HaMalakh Refael Berdugo (ibid.) who writes this but clarifies that on fast days that fall during the week the Tora is read at Minha, Nahagu Ha’Am (Ta’aniot), and Ribi Yosef Berdugo (Shufr DeYosef, Hilkhot Ta’anit).

[4] See Maghen Abot (notes of e”H Ribi Abraham ‘Amar s”t (Luah Be-ito) in the name of Ribi Dabiliski) who holds that this custom should be upheld by those who have such a tradition. E”H Ribi Yishaq Rasabi s”t writes that certain Yemenite communities did not read this Tora portion either (see S”A HaMequsar).

Nevertheless, for reasons unknown it appears that the prevalent custom nowadays is to read the Tora at Minha even in Moroccan synagogues.[5]

[5] Although this custom is mentioned in the above sources, it appears that it was not prevalent in most communities. In the Kisur Shulhan ‘Arukh of Ribi Refael Barukh Toledano this minhag is not mentioned. Furthermore, when the Shufr DeYosef and Nahagu Ha’Am do mention it, they do not write that this is what was practiced, they simply quote what they found in the Torot Emet. After discussing the matter with e”H Ribi Shelomo Dayan s”t (author of ‘Ateret Shelomo), and others, it was unanimously agreed that the minhag to not read the parasha is not the prevalent one, and one should indeed read from the Sefer Tora at Minha when the fast of ‘Asara BeTebet falls on a Friday. E”H Ribi David Banon s”t mentions that he was in Morocco 14 years ago when the fast fell on ‘Ereb Shabat, and e”H Ribi Shim’on Suissa s”t was posek to read from the Tora and further mentioned that if the tefila would be at Minha Gedola, tefilin would also be worn. E”H Ribi David Peres s”t mentions that his community in Caracas, Venezuela also reads from the Sefer Tora at Minha as well as e”H Ribi ‘Amram Assayag s”t (Chief Sefaradi Rabbi of Toronto). See also Osar HaMikhtabim (Heleq 3, 829), VaYomer Yishaq (Ta’aniot Siman 2), Ma’as Bereshit (Ta’anit), and Shoshanim LeDavid Sabah (Heleq 2, Siman 4).  

During the Tora reading on fast days, the minhag is that when the reader reaches the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (Shelosh ‘Esr Midot, beginning from “Ado-nai, Ado-nai”), he stops while the congregation says them aloud; he then reads them aloud himself and continues with the rest of the reading.[6] It should be mentioned that this is only done on fast days and not on Shabat Perashat Ki Tisa when the same portion is read. Qadish is not said after this reading, rather the Tora is returned to the hekhal followed by Qadish and the ‘Amida.[7]

[6] E”H Ribi Mordekhai Lebhar s”t explains that this is done in order to awaken the congregation during fast days to change their ways and start emulating the midot of their creator, Hashem, Yitbarakh Shemo La’ad. See Maran HaHida in LeDavid Emet (Siman 10:10) who says this is the minhag, Ribi Yishaq ibn Danan (LeYishaq Reah 100), Ribi Yosef Benaim (Noheg BeHokhma, Sefer Tora 4 p.141) who brings this minhag in the name of the Sefer HaHasidim (Siman 200), and Ribi David ‘Obadia (Nahagu Ha’Am, Ta’aniot, p.116).

[7] See the Moroccan mahzor Hamesh Ta’aniot.


The Bet Yosef (Siman 46) rules that tefilin must be worn during Minha on fast days since we are lacking in the 100 berakhot that one is required to say everyday due to the fact that we are not eating and miss out on those berakhot. Therefore, the minhag in Morocco developed to wear the talet and tefilin at Minha with a berakha, on all fast days, in order to arrive at these 100 berakhot.[8]

[8] See Ribi Yishaq Benoualid (VaYomer Yishaq, Liqutim: Ta’anit 2). So too is the custom in Fes (heard from e”H Ribi Aharon Monsonego s”t), Meknes, Marrakech, Tanger, Tetouan (e”H Ribi Ya’aqob Benaim s”t, Maghen Abot, O”H p.428 79), and most other cities.  

However, when a fast falls on ‘Ereb Shabat (Friday) tefilin are not worn after hasot, therefore they are not worn at Minha, even according to Moroccans.[9]

[9] Ribi Yishaq Benoualid (VaYomer Yishaq, Heleq 1, Liqutim O”H Ta’aniot), however, rules that when the fast falls on ‘Ereb Shabat, tefilin are NOT worn because the holiness of Shabat has already presided. He bases his ruling on reasons rooted in Qabala. The posqim who mention this minhag seem to imply that even if Minha Gedola is prayed, one still does not wear tefilin because it is after hasot; see Maran HaHida in Mahziq Berakha (Siman 267) and Kaf HaHayim (Siman 25:100).  


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

עשרה בטבת בערב שבת

ביום שישי הקרוב, יחול יום עשרה בטבת, שהוא היום שבו אנו מתענים (צמים) בכל שנה ושנה, עד שיבוא משיח צדקינו. מפני שביום זה, סמך מלך בבל על ירושלים, כדי להחריבה, כמו שנאמר בספר יחזקאל, (פרק כד), “וַיְהִי דְבַר ה' אֵלַי בַּשָּׁנָה הַתְּשִׁיעִית בַּחֹדֶשׁ הָעֲשִׂירִי (הוא חודש טבת), בֶּעָשׂוֹר לַחֹדֶשׁ לֵאמֹר, בֶּן אָדָם! כתוב לְךָ אֶת שֵׁם הַיּוֹם אֶת עֶצֶם הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה, סָמַךְ מֶלֶךְ בָּבֶל אֶל יְרוּשָׁלִַם בְּעֶצֶם הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה”.

תענית בערב שבת

נחלקו רבותינו במסכת עירובין (דף מ סוף עמוד ב), מה הדין כאשר חלה התענית בערב שבת, כלומר, ביום שישי. האם יש להתענות כפי שהדין נוהג בכל שנה ושנה ביום התענית, או שמא, בסוף היום, לקראת סיום התענית, יש לטעום משהו, כדי שלא להכנס לשבת מתוך התענית?

ובגמרא הובאה בזה ברייתא (מדברי התנאים), ובה מסופר שאמר רבי יהודה, “פעם אחת היינו יושבים לפני רבי עקיבא, ותשעה באב שחל להיות בערב שבת היה, הביאו לו ביצה מגולגלת וגמעה בלא מלח, לא שהיה תאב לה, אלא להראות הלכה לתלמידים. ורבי יוסי אומר, מתענה ומשלים”.

כלומר, מעשה היה, שחל תשעה באב בערב שבת, (דבר כזה לא יכול לקרות בזמנינו, כי כעת שאנו הולכים על פי לוחות השנה הקבועים, יום תשעה באב לעולם לא יחול ביום שישי, אבל בזמן רבי עקיבא, שהוא עצמו היה מסדר את השנים והחודשים, דבר כזה יכול היה להיות), ולקראת סיום התענית, כמה דקות לפני כניסת השבת, הביאו לרבי עקיבא ביצה, והוא אכל אותה בבת אחת ללא מלח, כדי ללמד את התלמידים, שעל פי הדין אין להכנס לשבת כשהוא רעב ומתענה. שאין זה כבוד השבת.

אולם רבי יוסי חלק על רבי יהודה, ואמר שיש להתענות ולהשלים את התענית בלי לאכול דבר.

ולהלכה אמרו בגמרא שאנו פוסקים כדעת רבי יוסי, שיש להתענות ולהשלים את התענית, ולא לאכול דבר עד סעודת ליל שבת.

דברי התוספות

ובאמת שהתוספות כתבו בשם רבינו חננאל, שקבלה בידינו, שרבי עקיבא היה חולה מסוכן באותה שנה, והרופאים הביאו לרבי עקיבא ביצה בסיום היום, ורבי יהודה לא שם לבו לכך שמדובר באדם חולה, לפיכך סמך על מה שראה, ולא ידע את הטעם שרבי עקיבא עשה כך. נמצא אם כן, שגם לדעת רבי עקיבא אין להקל בדבר.

הדין למעשה

ולמעשה, פסק מרן השלחן ערוך (סימן רמט), שכאשר חל יום התענית ביום שישי, יש להתענות ולהשלים את התענית, ואין לאכול לפני כניסת השבת.

ולכן, כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל (חזון עובדיה תעניות עמוד טו), שאם הציבור מתפללים ביום התענית מנחה וערבית בשעה מוקדמת, (מקבלים שבת מוקדם), אינם רשאים לקדש על היין, עד זמן צאת הכוכבים, שהוא כרבע שעה לאחר שקיעת החמה.

The Fast of the Tenth of Tevet When it Coincides with Erev Shabbat

This coming Friday will mark the Tenth of Tevet, a public fast day observed throughout the Jewish nation until the arrival of Mashiach which marks the day the king of Babylon besieged Jerusalem with the intent of destroying it. The verse (Yechezkel 24) states: “And the word of Hashem was to me in the ninth year during the tenth month (Tevet) on the tenth day, saying: ‘Son of man! Write for yourself the name of the day, the essence of this very day, for on this very day the king of Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem.’”

A Fast on Erev Shabbat
The Sages disagree in Masechet Eruvin (40b) what the proper protocol is for when the Tenth of Tevet coincides with Friday, Erev Shabbat. Should the Jewish nation be fasting as we would if the Tenth of Tevet fell out on any other day of the week or perhaps, one should break the fast slightly before the conclusion of Shabbat in honor of Shabbat so as not to enter Shabbat while fasting?

The Gemara (ibid.) quotes a Baraita: “Rabbi Yehuda said: Once, we were sitting before Rabbi Akiva and it was the Ninth of Av which coincided with Erev Shabbat (this cannot happen anymore based on the way our current calendar was set up; however, in the times of Rabbi Akiva, who established the years and months on his own, this was indeed possible). They brought him a slightly cooked egg and he swallowed it without salt. It was not that he desired it; rather, he wished to show the students the Halacha. However, Rabbi Yose said: One must fast and complete the fast.”

This means that Rabbi Akiva broke his fast several minutes before the onset of Shabbat in order to teach the students that one should not enter Shabbat suffering and fasting, for this is considered disrespectful to Shabbat. Nevertheless, Rabbi Yose disagreed with Rabbi Yehuda and ruled that one must complete the fast, as usual.

The Gemara concludes that the Halacha follows the opinion of Rabbi Yose, and one must complete the entire fast and eat nothing until Shabbat night Kiddush.

The Opinion of Tosafot
Indeed, the Tosafot quote Rabbeinu Chananel as saying that we have a tradition that Rabbi Akiva was dangerously ill that year and the doctors brought him some food toward the end of the fast. However, Rabbi Yehuda was not aware of this fact, and he relied solely on what he saw, and he did not know the reason why Rabbi Akiva ate. Thus, even according to Rabbi Akiva, there is no leniency in this regard.

The Bottom Line
Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 249) rules that when a fast day coincides with Erev Shabbat, one must complete the entire fast and one may not eat before Shabbat begins.

Thus, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes (in his Chazon Ovadia- Arba Ta’aniyot, page 15) that if the congregation prays Mincha and Arvit earlier on Friday afternoon in the synagogue, they may still not make Kiddush until nightfall, which is at approximately fifteen minutes past sunset.

Nevertheless, Hagaon Harav David Yosef Shlit”a writes in his Halacha Berura that according to all opinions, one may not purposely prolong fasting into Shabbat and therefore, Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat, and Arvit prayers should begin slightly earlier than usual in the synagogue and the Chazzan should move through the prayers quicker than usual so that the congregation can make their way home and recite Kiddush as close to nightfall as possible.

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It is with great regret & sadness

that we inform the Kahal

of the Petira of 

Mr Mesod Belilo ע״ה

in Gibraltar 

father of our friends 

 Ariel & Gabriel Belilo ש״י

and grandfather of Moshe Belilo ש״י

מן השמים תנחמו

אריכות ימים



would like to use this opportunity

to send their heartfelt condolences


Ariel & Gabriel Belilo ש״י

and Moshe Belilo ש״י 

and wish them 

מן השמים תנחמו

  אריכות ימים



לוח זמני תפילה לחורף תשפ״ה

Winter Timetable 5785 – 2024/25

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat










3/4 Jan





8:45 am

9:00 am




Winter Season 

1hr 15 mins after Motzae Shabbat

📚 THIS WEEK 6:17 pm 📚


Parasha Overview

With the discovery of the goblet in Binyamin's sack, the brothers are confused. Yehuda alone steps forward and eloquently but firmly petitions Yosef for Binyamin's release, offering himself instead. As a result of this act of total selflessness, Yosef finally has irrefutable proof that his brothers are different people from the ones who cast him into the pit, and so he now reveals to them that he is none other than their brother. The brothers shrink from him in shame, but Yosef consoles them, telling them that everything has been part of Hashem’s plan. He sends them back to their father Yaakov with a message to come and reside in the land of Goshen. At first, Yaakov cannot accept the news, but when he recognizes hidden signs in the message which positively identify the sender as his son Yosef, his spirit is revived.

Yaakov, together with all his family and possessions, sets out for Goshen. Hashem communicates with Yaakov in a vision at night. He tells him not to fear going down to Egypt and its negative spiritual consequences, because it is there that Hashem will establish the Children of Israel as a great nation although they will be dwelling in a land steeped in immorality and corruption.

The Torah lists Yaakov's offspring and hints to the birth of Yocheved, who will be the mother of Moshe Rabbeinu. Seventy souls in total descend into Egypt, where Yosef is reunited with his father after 22 years of separation. He embraces his father and weeps, overflowing with joy. Yosef secures the settlement of his family in Goshen. Yosef takes his father Yaakov and five of the least threatening of his brothers to be presented to Pharaoh, and Yaakov blesses Pharaoh. Yosef instructs that, in return for grain, all the people of Egypt must give everything to Pharaoh, including themselves as his slaves. Yosef then redistributes the population, except for the Egyptian priests, who are directly supported by a stipend from Pharaoh. The Children of Israel become settled, and their numbers multiply greatly.

Ohr Somayach Institutions


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

אמת תורתינו הקדושה

שאלה: יש נוהגים, בשעה שעולים לתורה, שבסיום הקריאה אומרים “אמת תורתינו הקדושה”, ורק לאחר מכן הם מברכים “אשר נתן לנו תורתו תורת אמת”, האם יש בזה חשש הפסק בין הקריאה לברכה?

תשובה: ביארנו כבר כמה פעמים, שאסור בהחלט להפסיק בדיבור בין הברכה למצוה, או בין הברכה לטעימה. וכגון מי שהוא מברך “המוציא לחם מן הארץ”, ולפני שבא אוכל לפיו דיבר באיזה ענין שאינו שייך לסעודה, הרי ברכתו ברכה לבטלה, וחייב הוא לברך שנית אם ברצונו לאכול. וכן הדין לגבי ברכת המצוות, וכגון מי שבירך “על נטילת לולב”, ודיבר מענינים אחרים, ואחר כך נטל בידו את ארבעת המינים, שלא יצא ידי חובת הברכה, וברכתו ברכה לבטלה.

ומעתה עלינו לדון לגבי ברכת התורה הנאמרת בסיום קריאת התורה, שהיא ברכת המצוות, שהרי העולה מברך על מה שהוא קורא בתורה. האם מותר לו לומר דבר שאינו חלק מקריאת התורה לפני שיברך “אשר נתן לנו”, או שאסור לו לעשות שום הפסק בין הקריאה לברכה.

ואמנם רבינו הגאון רבי חיים פלאג'י בספר זכרינו לחיים ובספר חיים כתב, שאין לומר בסיום הקריאה “אמת תורתינו הקדושה”, מפני שהרי זה הפסק בין הברכה לקריאה.

אלא שיש מקום להקל בזה, משום שכאן הדיבורים אינם בין הברכה הראשונה לקריאת התורה, אלא בין קריאת התורה לברכה אחרונה, שאז יש מקום לומר שאין איסור להפסיק, ובפרט שהוא מפסיק בדברים השייכים לקריאת התורה, באמרו “אמת תורתינו הקדושה”. ויש עוד כמה צדדים להקל בזה. ומרן רבינו הגדול זצ”ל האריך בנדון זה בתשובה (בשו”ת יביע אומר ח”א), והעלה שאף שלכתחילה נכון יותר שלא לומר “אמת תורתינו הקדושה”, מכל מקום הרוצה לאמרו יש לו על מה שיסמוך.

ולפיכך לסיכום, נכון שלא יאמר העולה לתורה “אמת תורתינו הקדושה” בסיום קריאת התורה לפני הברכה, שיש בזה חשש הפסק. ומכל מקום המיקל לאמרו, יש לו על מה שיסמוך.

Emet Toratenu Ha’Kedosha

Question: Some people have the custom that when they receive an Aliyah to the Torah, at the conclusion of the Aliyah, before reciting the concluding blessing, they recite the words “Emet Toratenu Ha’Kedosha.” Does this pose any issue of interruption between the Torah reading and the blessing?

Answer: We have explained several times that one may not interrupt with speech between recitation of a blessing and the performance of the Mitzvah or between the recitation of a blessing and the tasting of the food. For instance, if one recited the “Hamotzi” blessing and before putting any bread in one’s mouth, one speaks words unrelated to the meal, the blessing becomes a blessing in vain and one must recite the blessing once again if one wishes to eat. The same applies to blessings on Mitzvot, for instance, if one recited the blessing of “Al Netilat Lulav” and before taking all Four Species, one speaks about an unrelated manner, one has not fulfilled his obligation of reciting this blessing and the blessing is in vain.

We must now discuss our situation regarding the blessing recited at the conclusion of reading a Torah portion, which is a blessing on a Mitzvah, for one is reciting a blessing on the portion one has read from within the Torah. May one speak out words that are unrelated to the Torah portion one has read before reciting the “Asher Natan Lanu” blessing or is this an interruption between the reading of the Torah portion and the blessing?

Indeed, Hagaon Rabbeinu Chaim Palagi writes in his Zochrenu Le’Chaim and Sefer Ha’Chaim that one may not recite “Emet Toratenu Ha’Kedosha” at the conclusion of one’s Aliyah, for this serves as an interruption between the reading of the Torah and the blessing.

Nevertheless, there is room for leniency in this regard, for this interruption is not taking place between the initial blessing and the reading of the Torah portion; rather, this is being done after the Torah has already been read but before the concluding blessings in which case there is room to say that causing an interruption is not forbidden. This is especially true since one is reciting words somewhat related to the reading of the Torah portion, for one is saying “Emet Toratenu Ha’Kedosha” (“Our holy Torah is true”). There are several additional reasons for leniency in this situation. Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l discusses this matter at length (in his Responsa Yabia Omer, Volume 1, Chapter 9) and rules that although it is preferable not to recite “Emet Toratenu Ha’Kedosha,” if one nevertheless wishes to say it, one has on what to rely.

Summary: It is preferable for one who has received an Aliyah not to recite the words “Emet Toratenu Ha’Kedosha” at the conclusion of the reading before having recited the concluding blessing, for this creates a concern of an interruption. Nevertheless, if one acts leniently and says it, one has on what to rely.