ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה


לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ד
Winter Timetable 5784 – 2023/24
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
4:56 | 4:52 | 3:58 | 3:25 | 9:53 | 3:45 | 3:45 | 24/25 Nov | ויצא |
8:45 am
9:00 am
THIS WEEK 6:15 pm

Fleeing from Esav, Yaakov leaves Be’er Sheva and sets out for Charan, the home of his mother's family. After a 14-year stint in the Torah Academy of Shem and Ever, he resumes his journey and comes to Mount Moriah, the place where his father Yitzchak was brought as an offering, and the future site of the Beit Hamikdash. He sleeps there and dreams of angels going up and down a ladder between Heaven and Earth. Hashem promises him the Land of Israel, that he will found a great nation and that he will enjoy Divine protection. Yaakov wakes and vows to build an altar there and tithe all that he will receive.
Then he travels to Charan and meets his cousin Rachel at the well. He arranges with her father, Lavan, to work seven years for her hand in marriage, but Lavan fools Yaakov, substituting Rachel’s older sister, Leah. Yaakov commits himself to work another seven years in order to also marry Rachel. Leah bears four sons: Reuven, Shimon, Levi and Yehuda, the first Tribes of Israel. Rachel is barren, and in an attempt to give Yaakov children, she gives her handmaiden Bilhah to Yaakov as a wife. Bilhah bears Dan and Naftali. Leah also gives Yaakov her handmaiden Zilpah, who bears Gad and Asher. Leah then bears Yissaschar, Zevulun, and a daughter, Dina. Hashem finally blesses Rachel with a son, Yosef.
Yaakov decides to leave Lavan, but Lavan, aware of the wealth Yaakov has made for him, is reluctant to let him go, and concludes a contract of employment with him. Lavan tries to swindle Yaakov, but Yaakov becomes extremely wealthy. Six years later, Yaakov, aware that Lavan has become dangerously resentful of his wealth, flees with his family. Lavan pursues them but is warned by Hashem not to harm them. Yaakov and Lavan agree to a covenant and Lavan returns home. Yaakov continues on his way to face his brother Esav.
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לחם משנה
ביארנו את דין הסעודה השלישית, וברצוננו לבאר גם את דין הנשים לגבי סעודה שלישית, אך ענין זה הוא משולב עם דין הנשים לגבי חיוב בציעה על “לחם משנה”, ולכן נקדים תחילה מהו דין “לחם משנה”, ובהלכות שאחרי כן נחזור לדין הנשים בסעודה שלישית.
ומבואר מן הדברים שחובה על כל אדם מישראל, ביום שבת קודש, בעת בציעת הפת בסעודות השבת, לקחת בידיו שתי ככרות לחם, זכר לנס המן שירד במדבר. (וצריך שיהיו הככרות מכוסות מעליהן במפה לפני שיברכו עליהן, כמו שביארנו כבר, וגם על השלחן מתחת הככרות צריך שתהיה מפה).
אלא שבאמת אין הדבר מוסכם, כי רבינו האר”י כתב שיש לבצוע מן הכיכר שלמעלה ולא מן התחתונה. וכן כתב הרשב”א בתשובה, שמנהגו לבצוע מן העליון. לכן כל אדם רשאי להמשיך במנהגו בזה, שלכל המנהגים יש על מה לסמוך, ואלו ואלו דברי אלקים חיים.
ומרן זצ”ל היה נוהג שלא היה נוטל את הכיכרות בידיו, אלא מניח עליהן את ידיו, ובסיום הברכה היה נוטל את התחתונה, ומניח אותה על העליונה, ובוצע ממנה. (עיין הליכות עולם ח”ג עמוד פו).
“Double Bread”
Today's Halacha is dedicated for the merit and protection of
All Our Dear Soldiers
May Hashem give them strength and courage to vanquish our enemies and may they return home safe and sound amid health and joy. May Hashem protect all the captives and have mercy upon them so that no harm befalls them and may they be released quickly, Amen!
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In the previous Halacha, we have explained the laws of Seuda Shelishit and would also like to discuss the laws of women regarding Seuda Shelishit. However, since this issue is connected to the laws of women and “double bread” on Shabbat, let us first discuss the basic laws of “double bread” on Shabbat after which we shall return to our discussion regarding women and Seuda Shelishit.
The Words of Rabbi Abba
The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (117b) states: “Rabbi Abba said, one must break two loaves of bread on Shabbat, as the verse states (regarding the Manna which fell in the desert) ‘And they shall collect (a) double (portion) of bread.’ Rav Ashe said, I have seen Rav Kahana who would take two loaves of bread in his hands during the Hamotzi blessing, but he would only break one of them.” His reasoning was based on the verse which states that they “collected double bread,” meaning that they only held both loaves in their hands, but they would initially only break one of them.
Based on this, every Jewish individual is obligated to hold two loaves of bread at the time bread is broken during the Shabbat meals in commemoration of the miracle of the Manna which fell in the desert. (The loaves of bread must be covered on top with a cloth and there must be a tablecloth under them as well.)
How Rabbi Zera Broke Bread
The Gemara exclaims that Rabbi Zera would break off a piece from the loaf which would last him the entire meal. Although one should not do so on a regular weekday, for this makes one look ravenous as he initially takes such a large piece for himself and constitutes a lack of etiquette, nevertheless, on Shabbat when this is being done to endear the Mitzvah of feasting and making Shabbat enjoyable, there is no concern that one may look like a glutton; on the contrary, it is actually a Mitzvah to do so.
Behavior During the Blessing
While reciting the Hamotzi blessing on the bread, one should hold both loaves in one’s hands such that one is on top, and one is on the bottom. When one breaks the bread, some say that it is better for one to break the bottom loaf while others say it is better to break the top loaf. Maran Ha’Bet Yosef (Chapter 274) writes in the name of the Kol Bo, “Some have the custom to break the bottom loaf and not the top one. However, our custom is to break the top one.” The Bet Yosef adds, “However, I have seen great scholars who break the bottom loaf and I have heard that this is indeed the correct way according to Kabbalah.” Maran indeed rules likewise in his Shulchan Aruch that one should break the bottom loaf.
Nevertheless, this opinion is not uncontested for Rabbeinu Ha’Ari z”l writes that one should break the top loaf, not the bottom one. The Rashba writes likewise in one of his responses that the top loaf should be broken. Thus, every individual should follow his own custom in this regard, for each custom is well-founded.
Maran zt”l’s practice was not to hold both loaves of bread in his hands; rather, he would leave them on the table and place both hands on them. At the conclusion of the Hamotzi blessing, he would take the bottom loaf and place it on top of the top loaf after which he would begin slicing it. (Halichot Olam, Volume 3, page 86)