ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה


לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״ג
Summer Timetable 5783 – 2023
מוצאי שבת | ערבית )מוצ”ש( | סוף זמן קראת שמע | זמן שבת | פלג מנחה (תה״ד) | פלג מנחה (לבוש) | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Shema to be read before | Candles to be |
| Earliest Candle lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat* | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | AM | PM | PM | PM | PM |
10:42 | 10:38 | 9:06 | 9:16 | 8:30 | 7:49 | 7:30 | 14/15 July | מטות־מסעי (ש''מ) |
For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat, unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles MUST be lit by that time, in all cases.

- Who may annul a vow?
30:2 – Preferably, an expert in the laws of nedarim. Otherwise, three ordinary people. - When may a father annul his widowed daughter's vows?
30:10 – If she is under 12 1/2 years old and widowed before she was fully married. - Why were the Jewish People not commanded to attack Moav, as they were to attack Midian?
31:2 – Because Moav only acted out of fear against the Jewish People. Also, Ruth was destined to come from Moav. - Those selected to fight Midian went unwillingly. Why?
31:5 – They knew that Moshe's death would follow. - What holy vessels accompanied the Jewish People into battle?
31:6 – The aron and the tzitz. - Those who killed in the war against Midian were required to remain outside the”machane” (camp). Which machane?
31:19 – The Machane Shechina. - Besides removing traces of forbidden food, what else is needed to make metal vessels obtained from a non-Jew fit for a Jewish owner?
31:23 – Immersion in a mikve. - “We will build sheep-pens here for our livestock and cities for our little ones.” What was improper about this statement?
32:16 – They showed more regard for their property than for their children. - During the conquest of the Land, where did Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven position themselves?
32:17 – At the head of the troops. - What promise did Bnei Gad and Bnei Reuven make beyond that which Moshe required?
32:24 – Moshe required them to remain west of the Jordan during the conquest of the Land. They promised to remain after the conquest until the Land was divided among the tribes.
- the Jewish People camped?
33:1 – To show G-d's love of the Jewish People. Although it was decreed that they wander in the desert, they did not travel continuously. During 38 years, they moved only 20 times. - Why did the King of Arad feel at liberty to attack the Jewish People?
33:40 – When Aharon died, the clouds of glory protecting the Jewish People departed. - What length was the camp in the midbar?
33:49 – Twelve mil (one mil is 2,000 amot). - Why does the Torah need to specify the boundaries that are to be inherited by the Jewish People?
34:2 – Because certain mitzvot apply only in the Land. - What was the nesi'im's role in dividing the Land?
34:17 – Each nasi represented his tribe. He also allocated the inheritance to each family in his tribe. - When did the three cities east of the Jordan begin to function as refuge cities?
35:13 – After Yehoshua separated three cities west of the Jordan. - There were six refuge cities, three on each side of the Jordan. Yet, on the east side of the Jordan there were only two and a half tribes. Why did they need three cities?
35:14 – Because murders were more common there. - To be judged as an intentional murderer, what type of weapon must the murderer use?
35:16 – One capable of inflicting lethal injury. - Why is the kohen gadol blamed for accidental deaths?
35:25 – He should have prayed that such things not occur. - When an ancestral field moves by inheritance from one tribe to another, what happens to it in Yovel?
36:4 – It remains with the new tribe.

איסור אכילת בשר וחלב על שלחן אחד
ומן האמור נלמד, שהאוכל במסעדה, שמגישים שם גם מאכלי בשר וגם מאכלי חלב, ואוכלים בסמוך על גבי שלחנות שיושבים שם כמה אנשים בסמוך לשלחן אחד אף על פי שאינם חברים, הרי שאין איסור בדבר מצד אכילת בשר וחלב על שלחן אחד.
אבל באמת שהנסיון הוכיח, שבמקומות כאלה שמגישים שם גם מאכלי בשר וגם מאכלי חלב יחד, המכשולות מבחינת הכשרות מצויים מאד, והמלצרים והמבשלים אינם נזהרים כראוי להפריד בין הבשר לחלב, והרי קרוב מאד הדבר שיבואו לידי איסור, ויש להזהר במשנה זהירות לבדוק את איכות הכשרות במקום זה, האם ניתן בכלל לאכול שם על פי גדרי ההלכה.
ולסיכום: אין לאכול מאכלי חלב, על שלחן שמונחים עליו מאכלי בשר. וכן להיפך. ואם המאכל השני שייך לאדם שאינו מוכר, מותר לאכול על ידו, שהרי אין חשש שיבוא לאכול מהמאכלים של האדם הנוסף.
ובהלכה הבאה נביא עוד פרטים בזה.
The Reasons and Parameters of This Law
If one is eating dairy foods, our Sages have enacted that one may not allow meat foods to be placed on the same table. For instance, one who is eating bread with cheese may not place meat on the same table. The reason for this is because we are concerned that one may eat from the meat items on the table (Rambam). The opposite applies as well that if one is eating meat dishes, one may not allow dairy foods to be placed on the same table one is eating on. Some explain that the reason for this prohibition is because we are concerned that the meat and the cheese will touch one another thereby causing one to transgress the prohibition of eating a milk and meat mixture (Rashi).
Eating Alone or With Someone Else
It makes no difference whether one is eating alone and there is meat and dairy on the same table or if one is eating with someone else on the same table who is eating either dairy or meat and in both instances, there is concern that one will come to eat the food one is prohibited to eat at the present time.
Two Unacquainted People
Although one eating dairy may not do so on the same table where one’s friend is eating meat, nevertheless, the Gemara (Chullin 107b) writes that only regarding two people who are acquainted with one another is it forbidden to place dairy and meat on the same table lest they mistakenly eat from one another thus having eaten milk and meat together. However, if the two individuals do not know one another, for instance, two people staying in the same hotel but do not know one another, one may indeed eat dairy and the other meat on the same table, for there is no concern that one will partake of the food of another person whom one does not know.
Based on this, if one is dining in a restaurant which serves both meat and dairy respectively (obviously, when no Kashrut issues, such as when there are two separate kitchens) and several people, some eating meat and others dairy, are seated around the same table in the restaurant although they are not friends, this poses no concern of eating meat and dairy on the same table.
Nevertheless, experience has shown that the kashrut pitfalls at such establishments which serve both meat and dairy dishes at the same time are great and many and many times, the waiters and cooks do not separate adequately between meat and dairy foods and dishes and it is quite possible that one will transgress some prohibition by eating there. One must therefore be exceedingly careful to check the kashrut supervision in such establishments and ascertain whether or not it is even halachically acceptable to eat at such places.
People Seated Far Away From One Another
Two people who are sitting on the same table and are eating dairy and meat respectively but are sitting far enough from one another that one cannot stretch out his hand and take some of the other’s food may continue to eat in this way even without a reminding object between them.
Summary: One may not eat meat foods on a table on which dairy foods are placed and vice versa. If the other food (meat or dairy respectively) belongs to an individual with whom one is unacquainted, one may sit next to him and continue eating, for there is no concern that one will eat some of the food belonging to the individual sitting next to him.
In the following Halacha, we shall discuss some more details regarding this law.