ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה

Wednesday night (22.03) – Thursday (23.03)
תפלה לחורף תשפ״ג
Winter Timetable 5783 – 2022/23
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
7:07 | 7:04 | 6:17 | 5:40 | 9:17 | 6:01 | 6:01 | 17/18 Mar | ויקהל–פקודי (החודש)(ש”מ) |

- On which day did Moshe assemble the Jewish People?
35:1 – The day after Yom Kippur. - Why is the prohibition against doing work on Shabbat written prior to the instruction for building the Mishkan?
35:2 – To emphasize that the building of the Mishkan doesn't supersede the laws of Shabbat. - Why does the Torah specify the particular prohibition of lighting a fire on Shabbat right after it had already noted the general prohibition of doing work on Shabbat?
35:3 – There are two opinions: One opinion is to teach that igniting a fire on Shabbat is punishable by lashes as opposed to other “melachot” which are punishable by death. The other opinion is to teach that violation of numerous “melachot” at one time requires a separate atonement for each violation. - What function did the “yitdot hamishkan” serve?
35:18 – The edges of the curtains were fastened to them. These were inserted in the ground so the curtains would not move in the wind. - What function did the “bigdei hasrad” serve?
35:19 – They covered the aron, the shulchan, the menorah, and the mizbachot when they were packed for transport. - What was unusual about the way the women spun the goat's hair?
35:26 – It was spun directly from off the backs of the goats. - Why were the Nesi'im last to contribute to the building of the Mishkan? How does the Torah show dissatisfaction with their actions?
35:27 – The Nesi'im reasoned that they would first let the people contribute materials needed for the Mishkan and then they would contribute what was lacking. The Torah shows its dissatisfaction by deleting a letter from their title. - Who does the Torah identify as the primary builders of the Mishkan? From which tribes were they?
35:30, 35:34 – Bezalel ben Uri from the tribe of Yehuda; Oholiav ben Achisamach from the tribe of Dan. - What time of day did the people bring their daily contributions for the construction of the Mishkan?
36:3 – Morning. - For what was the woven goat's hair used?
36:14 – It was made into curtains to be draped over the Mishkan. - What image was woven into the parochet?
36:35 – Cherubim. (See Rashi 26:31) - Why does the Torah attribute the building of the aron to Bezalel?
37:1 – Because he dedicated himself to its building more than anyone else. - Where were the sculptured cheruvim located?
37:7 – On the two extremities of the kaporet (cover of the aron). - How many lamps did the menorah have?
37:23 – Seven. - Of what materials was the mizbe'ach haketoret composed?
37:25,26 – Wood overlaid with gold. - Of what material was the mizbe'ach ha'olah composed?
38:1-2 – Wood overlaid with copper. - The kiyor was made from copper mirrors. What function did these mirrors serve in Egypt?
38:8 – These mirrors aided in the proliferation of the Jewish People. The Jewish women in Egypt would look in the mirrors so as to awaken the affections of their husbands who were exhausted by their slave labor. - How did the kiyor promote peace?
38:8 – Its waters helped a woman accused of adultery to prove her innocence. - The kiyor was made from the mirrors of the women who were crowding at the entrance to the Ohel Mo'ed. Why were the women crowding there?
38:8 – To donate to the Mishkan. - Of what material were the “yitdot hamishkan” constructed?
38:20 – Copper.
- Why is the word Mishkan stated twice in verse 38:21? 38:21 – To allude to the Beit Hamikdash that would twice be taken as a “mashkon” (pledge) for the sins of the Jewish People until the nation repents.
- Why is the Mishkan called the “Mishkan of Testimony”? 38:21 – It was testimony for the Jewish People that G-d forgave them for the golden calf and allowed His Shechina to dwell among them.
- Who was appointed to carry the vessels of the Mishkan in the midbar? 38:21 – The levi'im.
- Who was the officer in charge of the levi'im? 38:21 – Itamar ben Aharon.
- What is the meaning of the name Bezalel? 38:22 – “In the shadow of G-d.”
- How many people contributed a half-shekel to the Mishkan? Who contributed? 38:26 – 603,550. Every man age twenty and over (except the levi'im).
- Which material used in the bigdei kehuna was not used in the coverings of the sacred vessels? 39:1 – Linen (See Rashi 31:10).
- How were the gold threads made? 39:3 – The gold was beaten into thin plates from which threads were cut. (See Rashi 28:6).
- What was inscribed on the stones on the shoulders of the ephod? 39:6, 39:7 – The names of the tribes.
- What was on the hem of the me'il? 39:24,25 – Woven pomegranates and golden bells.
- What did the Kohen Gadol wear between the mitznefet and the tzitz? 39:31 – Tefillin.
- What role did Moshe play in the construction of the Mishkan? 39:33 – He stood it up.
- Which date was the first time that the Mishkan was erected and not dismantled? 40:17 – Rosh Chodesh Nissan of the second year in the desert. For seven days before this, during the consecration of Aharon and his sons, Moshe erected and dismantled the Mishkan. (Rashi 39:29)
- What was the “tent” which Moshe spread over the Mishkan (40:19)? 40:19 – The curtain of goatskin.
- What “testimony” did Moshe place in the aron? 40:20 – The Luchot Habrit.
- What function did the parochet serve? 40:21 – It served as a partition for the aron.
- Where was the shulchan placed in the Mishkan? 40:22 – On the northern side of the Ohel Mo'ed, outside the parochet.
- Where was the menorah placed in the Mishkan? 40:24 – On the southern side of the Ohel Mo'ed opposite the shulchan.
- Who offered the communal sacrifices during the eight days of the dedication of the Mishkan? 40:29 – Moshe.
- On which day did both Moshe and Aharon serve as kohanim? 40:31 – On the eighth day of the consecration of the Mishkan.

הכשר השולחן והשיש
כבר ביארנו, שכשם שיש לייחד
כלים נפרדים למאכלי בשר ולמאכלי חלב, כמו כן בחג הפסח, אסור להשתמש בכלים של כל
השנה, אלא יש לייחד כלים כשרים לפסח.
יש אופנים בהם ניתן להכשיר כלי שהשתמשו בו בחמץ, ולעשותו כשר לפסח.
פלסטיק, יש להם הכשר לפסח כדרך תשמישן, דהיינו שאם נשתמשו בהם בצונן, די להם
בשטיפה יסודית, ואם נשתמשו בהם בכלי שני, דהיינו שיצקו לתוכם מאכלים חמים מסיר
אחר, יש להם הכשר על ידי עירוי מים רותחים מכלי ראשון, וכפי שכבר הסברנו, שניתן
לעשות זאת על ידי יציקת מים רותחים מהקומקום החשמלי ישירות על גבי כלי הפלסטיק.
“שעוונית” (שהיא מפה מחומר פלסטי) שהייתה פרושה על גבי השולחן במשך כל השנה, ויש לחוש
שנשפכו על גביה מאכלי חמץ רותחים במשך השנה. אפשר להכשירה על ידי ניקיון יסודי,
ועירוי מים רותחים מכלי ראשון על גבי השעוונית, וכן ניתן להכשיר את השעוונית, על
ידי כיבוס במים רותחים.
אכלו על השלחן בלא הפסק מפה נוהגים להכשירו על ידי ניקיון יסודי ועירוי במים
רותחים כנ”ל. ואם אין רוצים לערות מים רותחים על גבי השלחן כדי שלא יתקלקל או
מאיזה סיבה שתהיה, מותר לאכול על גביו בחג הפסח על ידי שיפרוש עליו מפה או שעוונית.
השיש שבמטבח הרי הוא כדין השלחן, ואפשר להכשירו לפסח על ידי שיערו עליו מים רותחים
מכלי ראשון אחרי ניקוי יסודי. וכמו כן יש להכשיר את הכיורים בבית (אף אם הם עשויים חרסינה)
על ידי עירוי מים רותחים מכלי ראשון, ודי בזה. ויש המחמירים לצפות את השיש והכיור בנייר אלומיניום.
ונכון לעשות כן על ידי נייר חזק ועבה, כדי שלא יקרע בקלות.
רבינו יהודה החסיד, שבהיות
ודיני הגעלה מרובים מאד בפרטיהם ובפרטי פרטים, ראוי למנות בעל תורה להשגיח על
הגעלת כלים. וכן בכל מקרה שמתעוררת שאלה בדיני פסח, צריך כל אדם לפנות לתלמיד חכם
אמיתי שיורה לו הדרך אשר ילך בה ואת המעשה אשר יעשון
Koshering Tables and Countertops
that just as one should designate vessels for milk and meat respectively,
likewise, regarding the holiday of Pesach, one should not use his regular
Chametz vessels that were used all year round; rather, one should designate
special Kosher for Pesach vessels.
for Pesach use.
if they were used with cold items, a thorough washing is sufficient, and if
they were used as a “Keli Sheni”, meaning that hot foods were dished into them
from a different pot, they may be koshered by pouring boiling water from a
“Keli Rishon” (the pot where the water was boiled) onto them. As we have
explained in a previous Halacha, this may be performed by pouring boiling water
directly from an electric kettle onto the plastic utensil.
table during the course of the year and there quite possibly could have been
hot Chametz that spilled onto it, it may be koshered through a thorough
cleaning followed by pouring boiling water from a “Keli Rishon” onto it.
Similarly, it may be koshered through laundering it in boiling water.
tablecloth, the table may be koshered with a thorough cleaning followed by
pouring boiling water from a “Keli Rishon” onto it, as above. If one does not
wish to pour boiling water onto the table so as not to ruin it or for any other
reason, one may eat on this table during the holiday of Pesach with the use of
a new regular or plastic tablecloth.
koshered through pouring boiling water from a “Keli Rishon” onto them after
being thoroughly cleaned. Similarly, the kitchen sinks (even if they are made of
ceramic) may be koshered through pouring boiling water from a “Keli Rishon”
onto them, and this is sufficient. Some act more stringently and cover the
countertops and sinks with aluminum foil.
detailed, it is proper to appoint a prominent Torah scholar to oversee the
process of Hag’ala of utensils. Similarly, if one encounters a question
regarding any Pesach-related issue, one should consult a leading halachic
authority to guide him on the true Torah path.