It is with great regret & sadness
that we inform the Kahal of the פטירה of
Rhona Radnor (née Eskanazy) ע״ה
sister of our member
Jeffrey Eskenazi ש״י
Mrs Radnor is the daughter of Charlie Eskenazi
who was a long-standing member of the Cheetham Hill Road executive.
מן השמים תנחמו
אריכות ימים
would like to use this opportunity
to send their heartfelt condolences
to all the Eskenazi family
Dear Members and Friends,
The Mahamad would like to propose that the beginning of the Shabbat Shacharit service be changed from 8.45 to 9.00 for the following months till the clocks are put back in October.
The later start over the summer months when Shabbat goes out later will allow the services to start at a more convenient time for families.
We hope this will meet with your approval and we intend to start from May 21st, Shabbat Behar, with best wishes,
The Mahamad

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״ב
Summer Timetable 5782 – 2022
מוצאי שבת | ערבית )מוצ”ש( | סוף זמן קראת שמע | זמן | פלג מנחה (תה״ד) | פלג מנחה (לבוש) | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Shema to be read before | Candles to be |
| Earliest Candle | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat* | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | AM | PM | PM | PM | PM |
10:06 | 10:02 | 9:08 | 8:44 | 7:59 | 7:22 | 7:10 | 13/14 | אמור |
מנחה on שבת Day
throughout the summer weeks
will be at 6 pm

- Which male descendants of Aharon are exempt from the prohibition against contacting a dead body?
21:1 – Challalim – those disqualified from the priesthood because they are descended from a relationship forbidden to a kohen. - Does a kohen have an option regarding becoming ritually defiled when his unmarried sister passes away?
21:3 – No, he is required to do so. - How does one honor a kohen?
21:8 – He is first in all matters of holiness. For example, a kohen reads from the Torah first, and is usually the one to lead the blessings before and after meals. - How does the Torah restrict the Kohen Gadol with regard to mourning?
21:10-12 – He may not allow his hair to grow long, nor attend to his close relatives if they die, nor accompany a funeral procession. - The Torah states in verse 22:3 that one who “approaches holy objects” while in a state of tumah (impurity) is penalized with excision. What does the Torah mean by “approaches”?
22:3 – Eats. - What is the smallest piece of a corpse that is able to transmit tumah?
22:5 – A piece the size of an olive. - Who in the household of a kohen may eat terumah?
22:11 – He, his wife, his sons, his unmarried daughters and his non-Jewish slaves. - If the daughter of a kohen marries a “zar” she may no longer eat terumah. What is a zar?
22:12 – A non-kohen. - What is the difference between a neder and a nedavah?
22:18 – A neder is an obligation upon a person; a nedavah is an obligation placed upon an object. - May a person slaughter an animal and its father on the same day?
22:28 – Yes. The Torah only prohibits slaughtering an animal and its mother on the same day. - How does the Torah define “profaning” the Name of G-d?
22:32 – Willfully transgressing the commandments. - Apart from Shabbos, how many days are there during the year about which the Torah says that work is forbidden?
23:7-36 – Seven. - How big is an omer?
23:10 – One tenth of an eipha. - On what day do we begin to “count the omer”?
23:15 – On the 16th of Nissan. - Why do we begin counting the omer at night?
23:15 – The Torah requires counting seven complete weeks. If we begin counting in the daytime, the seven weeks would not be complete, because according to the Torah a day starts at nightfall. - How does the omer differ from other minchah offerings?
23:16 – It was made from barley. - The blowing of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah is called a “zichron teruah” (sound of remembrance). For what is it a reminder?
23:24 – The akeidas (binding of) Yitzchak. - What is unusual about the wood of the esrog tree?
23:40 – It has the same taste as the fruit. - Who was the father of the blasphemer?
24:10 – The Egyptian killed by Moshe (Shemos 2:12). - What is the penalty for intentionally wounding one's parent?
24:21 – Death.

שמיעת מוזיקה וכלי נגינה בימי הספירה
מזמן שנחרב בית המקדש, אסרו רבותינו לשמוע קול שיר בכלי נגינה (כן מבואר
בגמרא במסכת גיטין דף ז.). כלומר, לשיר בפה, מותר. אך לשמוע מוזיקה בכלי נגינה
אסור. אלא אם מדובר בשמחה של מצוה, שאז יש להקל בדבר, וכפי שנהגו בכל תפוצות
ישראל, שבשמחות של מצוה, כמו שמחת נשואין של חתן וכלה וכדומה, מביאים נגנים ושרים
שם שירות ותשבחות לכבוד ה' יתברך.
ובדורות האחרונים רבותינו הפוסקים האריכו בדין זה, והעלו למעשה שמותר מן
הדין לשמוע מוזיקה מלווה בכלי נגינה כשהיא מוקלטת, ברדיו או טייפ וכדומה, אפילו
שלא בשמחה של מצוה. וכן המנהג פשוט אפילו אצל גדולי עולם חסידים וצדיקים, ששומעים
שירי קודש ונגינות מוקלטות שמעוררים את הלב להדבק בה' ונותנים מרגוע ומנוחת הנפש.
אבל לגבי ימי הספירה, שכפי שביארנו, אירעו בהם מאורעות מצערים של פטירת
עשרים וארבע אלף תלמידי רבי עקיבא, כתב הגאון רבי משה פיינשטיין זצ”ל (אגרות
משה או”ח סימן קסו), שיש להחמיר שלא לשמוע מוזיקה אפילו כשהיא מוקלטת.
וכדבריו כתבו עוד מגדולי האחרונים, ובתוכם גם מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל.
ולפיכך למרות שבכל ימות השנה אנו מיקלים לשמוע מוזיקה מוקלטת, אך בימי
ספירת העומר נכון להחמיר בדבר.
אולם בשמחה של מצוה, כגון במסיבת בר מצוה, או ברית מילה, או סיום מסכת
וכדומה, מותר לשמוע שירי קודש ונגינות המלוות בכלי נגינה, שמאחר ומדובר בשמחה של
מצוה, יש להקל בדבר. שהרי אפילו בעיקר תקנת חז”ל שלא לנגן בכלי שיר מאז שנחרב
בית המקדש, במקום שמחה של מצוה היקלו, ואם כן הוא הדין בימי הספירה.
ומרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל כתב בזה עוד (בספרו על יום טוב, עמוד
רנט), שאם מעונינים לערוך שמחת הכנסת ספר תורה בתוך ימי הספירה, מותר לעשותה אפילו
בכלי זמר, שהרי מדובר בשמחה של מצוה גדולה.
Listening to Music During the Omer
From the time the Bet Hamikdash was destroyed, our
Sages prohibited listening to songs accompanied by musical instruments (see
Gittin 7a). This means that while merely singing vocally is permissible,
hearing songs with musical accompaniment is forbidden, excluding a celebration
of a Mitzvah in which case there is room for leniency. Indeed, the prevalent
custom throughout the entire Jewish nation is to bring musicians who play and
sing songs of praise and gratitude to Hashem at celebrations of a Mitzvah, such
as at weddings and the like.
In more recent generations, the great Poskim have
discussed this matter lengthily and they conclude that, according to the letter
of the law, it is permissible to listen to songs with musical accompaniment
when this music is recorded, such as on the radio, tape, etc. even if this is
not being done in the context of a celebration of a Mitzvah. This custom is
widespread among many great and pious luminaries who listen to recorded holy
songs and music which uplift one in the service of Hashem and bring peace an
tranquility to the soul.
Nevertheless, regarding the days of the Omer
counting period when, as we have explained previously, the tragic event of the
death of Rabbi Akiva’s twenty-four thousand students occurred, Hagaon Harav
Moshe Feinstein zt”l (see Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim, Volume 1,
Chapter 166) writes that one must act stringently and not listen even to
recorded music. Several other great Poskim rule likewise, including Maran
Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l.
Thus, although we rule leniently throughout the rest
of the year and allow listening to recorded music, during the Omer period, one
should act stringently and abstain from doing so.
Nevertheless, during a Mitzvah celebration, such as
a Bar Mitzvah, Berit Milah, Siyum Masechet (meal marking the
completion of a Talmudical tractate), and the like, it is permissible to play
and listen to songs of holiness with musical accompaniment since even when our
Sages prohibited playing instrumental music after the destruction of the Bet
Hamikdash, they ruled leniently regarding Mitzvah celebrations. Thus, the same
would apply to the days of the Omer in that there is room for leniency in this
Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l adds
(in his Chazon Ovadia-Yom Tov, page 259) that if one wishes to hold a Hachnassat
Sefer Torah (Torah dedication celebration) during the Omer, it will be
permissible to do so even with musical accompaniment since this celebration is
considered a great Mitzvah.