2) box of tissues
You are requested to attend the
ON Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021 at 8.30 pm
1. Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting
2. Matters arising from the Minutes
3. Parnas Presidente’s Report
4. Adoption of the Report
5. Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts
6. Discussion and Adoption of Report
7. *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad
a) Parnas Presidente : Mordechai Maman has been proposed
b) Parnas Vice Presidente : Benjamin Hassan has been proposed
c) Treasurer : Yamin Ibgui has been proposed
d) Gabbai : Eli Shoshana has been proposed
e) Hon. Secretary : David Marshall has been proposed
f) Ladies Committee Chair : Elaine Marshall has been proposed
g) Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined) : Loretta Hodari has been proposed; there is room for proposal of other members
8. Election of delegates to:
a) Manchester Shechita Board : there is room for proposal of other members
Election of delegates to:
b) Manchester Jewish Rep Council : there is room for proposal of other members
9. A.O.B. existing members of It is proposed that the term of office of President and Vice President be for a period of 4 years; the office will then come up for a fresh election and the ex-officios may re-apply for re-election.
Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.
On behalf of the Mahamad
*Nominations should reach the Synagogue before Motzae Shabbat, December 18th 2021.
ויגש questions
1. Where in the פרשה [and its מדרשים] would you
a. Someone offering himself as a slave?
b. A royal person
putting himself in danger from his ‘enemies’ in order to avoid embarrassing
c. Someone playing a
d. A royal person harnessing
his own chariot?
e. Two men crying on each other’s necks?
f. One man crying on
another’s neck, and the other is reciting something?
g. A צדיק giving a ברכה to a king?
h. People thanking someone for saving their
2. A common name for בתי כנסת for קהילות which
originate from Iraq is a three-word phrase taken from the פרשה. What is this name, and why is it used for such קהילות?
3. What have ישמעאל, the men of שכם and the men of
מצרים all got in
4. True or false: every פרשה in ספר בראשית reports the birth of someone except ויגש.
5. Who was incorrectly described as an only child?
6. When did a house hear?
7. ‘There will still be five’ but in
fact there were none. What and why?
8. Which event in the פרשה
is taken as a hint to the destruction to the two בתי מקדש
and משכן שילה?
9. Who foretold the future without realising it?
10. Who reminded whom about the end of פרשת
11. Whose musical talents earned her a long life?
12. ‘The five weakest.’ Who were they?
13. Which rule did יוסף
introduce to מצרים which the תורה describes as applying עד היום הזה?
Find a 3-word פסוק in the פרשה.
Is it the shortest in the Torah in letters?
Which word in שביעי
does not occur anywhere else in the Torah? [Hint: a tiring question]
answers are attached to this email
לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב
Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
4:48 | 4:48 | 3:48 | 3:10 | 10:08 | 3:34 | 3:34 | 10/11 Dec | ויגש |
- What threatening words did Yehuda say to Yosef?
44:18 – He threatened that Yosef would be stricken with leprosy, like Pharaoh when he took Sarah from Avraham. Alternatively, Yehuda threatened to kill Yosef and Pharaoh. - Why did Yehuda say his missing brother died?
44:20 – Yehuda feared that if he said his missing brother was alive, Yosef would demand to see him. - Why was Yehuda the one to plead for Binyamin?
44:32 – He was the one who took “soul” responsibility for him. - What do we learn from Yosef telling his brothers, “Go up to my father”?
45:9 – We learn that Eretz Yisrael is higher than all other lands. - What two things did the brothers see that helped prove that he was really Yosef?
45:12 – He was circumcised like they were, and he spoke lashon hakodesh. - Why did Binyamin weep on Yosef's neck?
45:14 – Binyamin wept for the destruction of Mishkan Shilo built in Yosef's territory. - Why did Yosef send old wine to Yaakov?
45:23 – Elderly people appreciate old wine. - What did Yosef mean when he said, “Don't dispute on the way”?
45:24 – He warned that if they engage in halachic disputes, they might not be alert to possible travel dangers. - What happened to Yaakov when he realized Yosef was alive?
45:27 – His ruach hakodesh (prophetic spirit) returned. - Why did G-d tell Yaakov, “Don't fear going down to Egypt”?
46:3 – Because Yaakov was grieved to leave Eretz Canaan. - “I will bring you up” from Egypt. To what did this allude?
46:4 – That Yaakov would be buried in Eretz Canaan. - What happened to the property that Yaakov acquired in Padan Aram?
46:6 – He traded it for Esav's portion in the Cave of Machpelah. - Who was the mother of Shaul ben HaCanaanit?
46:10 – Dina bat Yaakov. - When listing Yaakov's children, the verse refers to Rachel as “Rachel, wife of Yaakov.” Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah are not referred to as Yaakov's wives. Why?
46:19 – Rachel was regarded as the mainstay of the family. - Yosef harnessed his own chariot instead of letting a servant do it. Why?
46:29 – Yosef wanted to hasten to honor his father. - Why were shepherds abhorrent to the Egyptians?
46:34 – Because the Egyptians worshipped sheep. - Why did Yosef pick the weakest brothers to stand before Pharaoh?
47:2 – So Pharaoh wouldn't see their strength and draft them. - What blessing did Yaakov give Pharaoh when he left his presence?
47:10 – That the waters of the Nile should rise to greet Pharaoh. - Yosef resettled the land of Egypt, moving the people from city to city. What were his two motives for this?
47:21 – In order to remind them that they no longer owned the land, and to help his family by removing the stigma of being strangers. - Whose fields were not bought by Yosef?
47:22 – The Egyptian priests.
דין מי ששכח להזכיר ותן טל ומטר בברכת השנים
באופן כללי את עיקר הדין שתיקנו רבותינו שהחל מליל שבעה במרחשוון מבקשים בתפילה
בברכת השנים “ותן טל ומטר לברכה”. ועל כל אדם להזהר בתפילתו שלא ישכח
להזכיר את בקשת הגשמים בתפילה. ועתה נבאר הדין במי ששכח לבקש בתפילתו על הגשם.
בגמרא במסכת ברכות
(כט.) אמרו, טעה ולא שאל גשמים בברכת השנים, מחזירין אותו. כלומר, אם טעה
אדם ולא הזכיר בקשה על הגשמים בברכת השנים, דינו כדין מי שחיסר ברכה אחת מברכות
התפילה, שאין תפילתו תפילה, ועליו לחזור ולהתפלל שנית אם סיים תפילתו בלא שאלת
גשמים. וכן פסקו הרמב”ם (פ”י מהלכות תפילה) ומרן השלחן ערוך
(סימן קיז).
אולם אם נזכר
ששכח לבקש על הגשמים לפני שסיים את ברכת השנים, כלומר שעדיין לא בירך “מברך
השנים”, יחזור לתחילת ברכת השנים ויתקן לומר את הנוסח שאנו אומרים בחורף. ואם
התחיל כבר בחתימת ברכת השנים, כלומר שאמר, “כי אל טוב ומטיב אתה ומברך השנים
ברוך אתה ה'”, ונזכר שלא ביקש על הגשמים, לא יוכל לחזור מיד לתחילת הברכה,
שאז נמצא שהזכיר שם ה' לשוא. ולכן יאמר “למדני חוקיך”, (שאז הזכרת ה'
אינה לשוא, שהרי פסוק הוא בתהלים “ברוך אתה ה' למדני חקיך”), ויחזור לתחילת
הברכה, ברך עלינו וכו' (או “ברכנו” למנהג האשכנזים), ויבקש על הגשמים.
ואם נזכר אחר
שסיים כבר את ברכת השנים, אבל עדיין לא התחיל בברכת “תקע בשופר גדול”,
יזכיר מיד “ותן טל ומטר לברכה” וימשיך בתפילתו. (וטוב שבברכת שמע קולינו
יחזור ויאמר, ותן טל ומטר לברכה “על כל פני האדמה“).
ואם סיים את
ברכת השנים ונזכר שלא שאל טל ומטר, מבואר בגמרא, שאם נזכר לפני שהגיע לברכת
“שומע תפילה”, גם כן אינו חוזר להתפלל מראש התפילה, מפני שיכול לבקש על
הגשמים בברכת שמע קולינו שהיא כוללת את כל הבקשות בתפילה, ובכך יתקן את מה שהחסיר
בתפילתו. והכוונה בזה, שבברכת שומע תפילה, לפני שיאמר “כי אתה שומע
תפילת כל פה” וכו', יאמר, “ותן טל ומטר לברכה על כל פני האדמה”,
ובכך הוא מבקש על הגשמים. ואם נזכר שלא שאל טל ומטר אחרי שהתחיל כבר בחתימת ברכת
שומע תפילה, כלומר שאמר, כי אתה שומע תפילת כל פה ברוך אתה ה'”, יסיים מיד
“למדני חוקיך”, ויחזור לתחילת ברכת שומע תפילה, ויבקש בברכתו על הגשמים.
ואם נזכר אחר
שסיים את ברכת שומע תפילה לגמרי, אבל לא התחיל עדיין לומר “רצה ה' אלהינו
בעמך ישראל”, יאמר מיד “ותן טל ומטר לברכה”, ואחר כך ימשיך בברכת “רצה“.
ואם התחיל כבר
בברכת “רצה”, וכן אם נזכר באחת הברכות שלאחר מכן, או אפילו באמצע
“אלוקי נצור”, כל שעדיין לא אמר “יהיו לרצון” האחרון שלאחר
אלוקי נצור, חוזר לברכת השנים, ושואל שם טל ומטר וממשיך בתפילתו משם על סדר הברכות.
אבל אם נזכר
אחרי שסיים את אמירת יהיו לרצון שאחרי אלוקי נצור, שוב אין לו תקנה, ועליו לחזור
לראש התפילה ולהתפלל שנית.
ולסיכום: מי ששכח לבקש על הגשמים
בברכת השנים, אם נזכר באמצע ברכת השנים, יחזור לתחילת הברכה ויבקש על הגשמים. ואם
נזכר לאחר שהתחיל בחתימת הברכה “ברוך אתה ה'”, יסיים “למדני
חוקיך”, ויחזור לתחילת ברכת השנים. ואם נזכר לאחר שסיים את ברכת השנים לגמרי,
אבל לא התחיל עדיין בברכת “תקע בשופר גדול”, אז יזכיר מיד “ותן טל
ומטר לברכה”, וימשיך בברכת תקע בשופר גדול.
ואם נזכר לאחר
שהתחיל בברכת תקע בשופר גדול, יבקש על הגשמים בברכת שמע קולינו,
שיאמר “כי אתה שומע תפילת כל פה”, יאמר, “ותן טל ומטר לברכה על כל
פני האדמה”. ואם נזכר בסיום ברכת שומע תפילה לאחר שאמר “ברוך אתה
ה'”, אז יאמר “למדני חוקיך”, ויחזור לתחילת ברכת שומע תפילה ויבקש
על הגשמים. ואם סיים את ברכת שומע תפילה, אבל לא התחיל עדיין באמירת “רצה”,
יזכיר שם “ותן טל ומטר לברכה” וימשיך בברכת רצה.
ואם נזכר לאחר
שהתחיל בברכת רצה, חוזר לברכת השנים, ומבקש שם על הגשמים וממשיך על סדר הברכות
משם. ואם נזכר אחר שסיים את אמירת “יהיו לרצון” שבסיום אמירת “אלקי
נצור”, יחזור לראש התפילה ויתפלל שנית
The Laws of One Who
Forgets to Mention “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar” in the “Blessing of the Years”
In the previous Halacha,
we have discussed in a general manner that our Sages enacted that beginning
from the Seventh of Marcheshvan (outside of Israel from the Fourth or Fifth of
December), one begins reciting “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar” (a request for dew
and rain) in the “Blessing of the Years” within the Amida prayer. One should
take care not to forget to mention the request for rain in his prayer. We shall
now discuss the laws of one who has forgotten to request rain in his prayer.
Since there are eight different scenarios, we have summarized this Halacha briefly at the end of the Halacha.
Rain Must Repeat the Amida Prayer
request rain in the ‘Blessing of the Years,’ we require him to go back.” This
means that if one mistakenly omits the request for rain in the “Blessing of the
Years,” it is considered as if he has omitted an entire blessing from the Amida
prayer, in which case his prayer is not considered a prayer, and if he has
concluded his entire prayer without asking for rain, he must repeat the entire
Amida. The Rambam (Hilchot Tefillah, Chapter 10) and Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch
(Chapter 117) rule likewise.
Middle of the Amida that he has Forgotten
the “Blessing of the Years,” i.e. before reciting the last words in the
blessing, “Mevarech Ha’Shanim,” he should go back to the beginning of the
“Blessing of the Years” and recite the text we customarily use during the
winter months. If one has already begun the conclusion of the blessing by
saying “Ki Kel Tov U’Metiv Ata Umvarech Ha’Shanim, Baruch Ata Hashem,”
and only then remembers that he has forgotten to request rain, he cannot
immediately revert back to the beginning of the blessing, for this would cause
him to have recited Hashem’s name in vain; rather, one should recite the words
“Lamedeni Chukecha” (in which case his mentioning of Hashem’s name
will not have been in vain, for there is a verse in Tehillim, “Baruch Ata
Hashem Lamedeni Chukecha”), after which one should go back to the
beginning of the blessing, i.e. Barech Alenu, and request rain.
If one remembers after he has
already concluded the “Blessing of the Years” but before beginning the next
blessing of “Teka Be’Shofar Gadol,” he may insert “Ve’Ten Tal
U’Matar Livracha” right there and he may then continue his prayer as
usual. (It is preferable that he once again mention “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar Al
Kol Peneh Ha’adama” within the “Shema Kolenu” blessing of the
If one has concluded the “Blessing
of the Years” and then remembers that he has forgotten to request dew and rain,
the Gemara explains that if he remembers this before reciting the “Shema
Kolenu” blessing of the Amida, one does not go back and begin praying anew
since he can request rain in the “Shema Kolenu” blessing which
includes all requests of the prayer; by doing so, one can supplement what he
has previously left out of his prayer. This means that during the “Shema
Kolenu” blessing, before reciting “Ki Ata Shome’a Tefillat Kol Peh,”
one should recite “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar Livracha Al Kol Peneh Ha’adama,”
and by doing so, one will have requested rain. If one remembers that he has not
requested dew and rain only once he has already begun concluding the “Shema
Kolenu” blessing by saying “Baruch Ata Hashem,” he should
immediately insert the words “Lamedeni Chukecha” and go back to the
beginning of the “Shema Kolenu” blessing and then insert his request
for rain.
If one only remembers after
completing the “Shema Kolenu” blessing but has not yet begun saying “Retzeh
Hashem Elokeinu Be’Amecha Yisrael,” one should insert “Ve’Ten Tal
U’Matar Livracha,” and may then continue the “Retzeh” blessing as
If, however, one has already begun
saying “Retzeh” and only then remembers or if one remembers at any
subsequent point in the Amida prayer, even in the middle of “Elokai Netzor”
for that matter, as long as he has not yet recited the last “Yihyu
Le’Ratzon” following “Elokai Netzor,” one must go back to the
“Blessing of the Years” and ask for dew and rain there and subsequently
continue all the other blessings as usual, in their order.
However, if one only remembers
after reciting the “Yihyu Le’Ratzon” following “Elokai Netzor,”
he no longer has any recourse but to go back to the beginning of the Amida
prayer and pray again.
Summary: If one has forgotten to request rain in the
“Blessing of the Years”:
- If one remembers in the middle of the Blessing of
the Years, he should return to the beginning of the blessing and recite
the appropriate text for the winter months. - If one remembers after he says the words, “Ki El
Tov U’Metiv Ata Umvarech Ha’Shanim Baruch Ata Hashem,” one should say the
words “Lamedeni Chukecha” and return to the beginning of the blessing and
recite it correctly. - If one remembers after concluding the blessing by
saying “Baruch Ata Hashem Mevarech Ha’Shanim” but has not yet begun the
“Teka Be’Shofar Gadol” blessing, one should insert the words “Ve’Ten Tal
U’Matar Livracha Al Kol Peneh Ha’adama” right there and then proceed with
the “Teka Be’Shofar Gadol” blessing. - If one remembers only after he has begun the
“Teka Be’Shofar Gadol” blessing, one should insert the words “Ve’Ten Tal
U’Matar Livracha Al Kol Peneh Ha’adama” in the “Shema Kolenu” blessing
before the words “Ki Ata Shome’a Tefillat Kol Peh.” - If one remembers during the “Shema Kolenu”
blessing after reciting the words “Ki Ata Shome’a Tefillat Kol Peh Baruch
Ata Hashem,” one should recite the words “Lamedeni Chukecha,” return to
the beginning of the “Shema Kolenu” blessing, and insert “Ve’Ten Tal
U’Matar Livracha.” - If one remembers only after he has completed the
“Shema Kolenu” blessing but has not yet begun the “Retzeh” blessing, one
should insert “Ve’Ten Tal U’Matar” right there and then proceed with the “Retzeh”
blessing. - If one remembers after beginning the “Retzeh”
blessing, one must return to the “Blessing of the Years”, recite the
correct version, and continue with the rest of the blessings of the Amida
(“Teka Be’Shofar Gadol”, “Hashiva Shofetenu”, etc.) once again. - If one remembers only after reciting the “Yihyu
Le’Ratzon” verse after the “Elokai Netzor” prayer, one must return to the
beginning of the Amida and pray again, this time concentrating and
requesting rain in accordance with the law.