Newsletter Parashat Vayechi



Have a look at our website  
Rabbi Oppenheimer
Masechet Berachot
25 minutes before Korbanot
Times for this week
Korbanot 7:50 am Hodu 8.00 am
Mincha & Arbit 3:30 pm

Monday, Thursday & Friday
Hodu: 7.05    Barechu: 7.15

Tues, Wed, Fri 
Hodu: 7.10   Barechu: 7.20

Monday – Thursday
7:00 pm
Please support our minyanim whenever possible!
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
  Avot Ubanim
Winter Season
in the comfort of your own home,
for more information about 
the ZOOM link
please contact
07815 885 245
Dear Members, regular Mitpalelim & Friends of Moor Lane Synagogue,

In keeping with the Mahamad’s aim of continuously trying to improve the synagogue and the facilities for the betterment of the community, we have recently undertaken to explore the feasibility of expanding our facilities. We identified the need for a larger entrance lobby, better cloakroom and WC facilities, a larger Ezrat Nashim and a dedicated youth and Kollel room. To this end we commissioned plans and we have submitted a Planning Application for a scheme to deliver on these requirements. The council has not yet committed to supporting our application so we are advised that we need to make it clear to the council that the scheme is strongly supported by the Community. 

To this end, we would be very grateful indeed if everyone will please go online and register your strong support for the development project. The more people that leave comments the better. 

Please include in your comments how you feel this proposal will help the community in all its endeavors and how you agree that the design is suitable and sympathetic to its context. 

Many thanks indeed for your participation and we look forward to working with the community to deliver this exciting project in the near future. 

Lastly, if you have any queries then please be in touch with Yamin or any member of the Mahammad.
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לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















1/2 Jan


Q & A on Parashat Vayechi

All references are to the verses and Rashi’s commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. Why is kindness towards the dead called “chesed shel emet” — kindness of truth?
    47:29 – Because the giver expects no reward from the recipient.
  2. Give three reasons Yaakov didn't want to be buried in Egypt.
    47:29 – a) Egypt's ground was to be plagued with lice; b) At the time of the resurrection, those buried outside Israel will suffer; c) So the Egyptians wouldn't make him into an idol.
  3. How do you treat a “fox in his time” (i.e., a commoner who rules)?
    47:31 – Bow to him.
  4. “When I was coming from Padan, Rachel died on me… I buried her there on the way to Efrat…” Why did Yaakov say all this to Yosef?
    48:7 – Yaakov thought Yosef harbored resentment since Yaakov had not buried Yosef's mother, Rachel, in the Ma'arat HaMachpela.
  5. Initially, why was Yaakov unable to bless Efraim and Menashe?
    48:8 – The Shechina departed from him.
  6. What does pillalti mean?
    48:11 – “I thought.”
  7. What does “Shechem” mean as used in this week's parsha? (two answers)
    48:22 – a) The actual city of Shechem; b) A portion.
  8. Which individual is called “the Emori“? Why? Give two reasons.
    48:22 – Esav. a) He acted like an Emorite; b) He trapped his father with words (imrei pi).
  9. What did Yaakov want to tell his sons but was unable to?
    49:1 – When mashiach will come.
  10. What privileges did Reuven lose due to his rash actions?
    49:3 – Priesthood and Kingship.
  11. What congregation from Yaakov's offspring did Yaakov not want to be associated with?
    49:6 – Korach and his congregation.
  12. What did Yehuda do after he heard Yaakov rebuke Reuven, Shimon and Levi? Why?
    49:8 – He drew back. He was afraid that Yaakov would rebuke him for the incident with Tamar.
  13. What does milk do to teeth?
    49:12 – It makes them white.
  14. Why is Yissachar like a “strong-boned donkey”?
    49:14 – Just as a donkey bears a heavy burden, so the tribe of Yissachar bears the yoke of Torah.
  15. With what resource did both Yaakov and Moshe bless Asher?
    49:20 – Oil-rich land.
  16. In Yosef's blessing, Yaakov said, “They embittered him…” Who are “they”?
    49:23 – Yosef's brothers, Potifar and his wife.
  17. Which descendants of Binyamin “will divide the spoils in the evening”?
    49:27 – Mordechai and Esther.
  18. From whom did Yaakov buy his burial place?
    50:5 – From Esav.
  19. What oath did Yosef make to Pharaoh?
    50:6 – Yosef swore not to reveal Pharaoh's ignorance of Hebrew.
  20. Which two sons of Yaakov did not carry his coffin? Why not?
    50:13 – Levi, because he would carry the aron (holy ark). Yosef, because he was a king.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

שלג הוא מוקצה בשבת – מעשה מהגאון רבי צבי פסח פראנק

שאלה: האם שייך איסור “מוקצה” בשלג היורד

תשובה: כתב מרן הבית יוסף (סוף סימן שי), בשם השבלי
הלקט, בשם רב צמח גאון, “מטר היורד בשבת, מותר לרחוץ ולשתות ממנו, אף על פי
שלא היו עננים מאתמול
“. כלומר, אין איסור מוקצה
בגשמים היורדים בשבת, וכל שכן שלא שייך איסור מוקצה על מי הגשמים שירדו עוד לפני
כניסת השבת

וכן מוכח עוד
ממה שפסק מרן השלחן ערוך (סוף סימן שלח), שמי שנתן כלי בביתו במקום שזולפים מי
גשמים, מותר לטלטל את הכלי עם המים שבו. מוכח מכאן, שאין איסור מוקצה במי הגשמים

[שורש הדבר שאנו
דנים בכלל מצד איסור מוקצה במי הגשמים, הוא משום “נולד”, וכגון ביצה
שנולדה בשבת, שאסור לאכול ממנה עד למוצאי שבת. ולא נאריך כאן בפרטי הדינים השייכים
לזה, כי להלכה מבואר בגמרא במסכת עירובין (דף מו.) שלא שייך איסור
מוקצה מחמת
נולד” במי הגשמים, אבל במים היוצאים מן המזגן בשבת, יש אומרים שיש בהם איסור
מוקצה. ועיין במה שכתב בזה מרן זצ”ל בספר חזון עובדיה ח”ג עמוד קמד)
עיין שם

והגאון רבי צבי
פסח פראנק, רבה של ירושלים, שהיה גדול הדור למעלה מחמשים שנה, כתב בספרו שו”ת
הר צבי (עמוד רפח) בזו הלשון: “בשבת, ראש חודש אדר תשי”ז, ירד שלג כבד,
ונשאלתי אם יש בו איסור מוקצה ואסור בטלטול. ונראה שהדבר פשוט לגבי שלג שירד בערב
שבת, שבודאי אין בו חשש של מוקצה מצד עצמו, כמו שמוכח במסכת שבת ש”מרסקין את
השלג לתוך המים”, וכיון שהשלג מצד עצמו אין בו חשש של מוקצה, פשוט שגם אם ירד
בשבת, דינו שווה לגמרי לדין מטר (גשם) שירד בשבת, שאינו מוקצה

ולגבי גריפת
השלג משטח הכניסה לבית על ידי מעדר וכדומה (כשיש שם עירוב, ומותר לטלטל באותו
מקום). כאשר הקרקע מתחת לשלג היא מרוצפת, או מכוסה אספלט וכדומה, אף שיש מחמירים
שלא לפנות את השלג לצדדים, משום שהדבר כרוך בטרחה גדולה
, והביאו ראיות
לדבריהם, מכל מקום למעשה פסק מרן זצ”ל (בספרו שם), שלהלכה יש להקל בזה, ובפרט
במקום שיש חשש שיבואו לידי החלקה ונפילה, שאז יש להקל בזה יותר בפשיטות, וכן יהיה
מותר לפזר מלח על גבי הקרח, כדי למהר את הפשרתו
, שלא יהיה למכשול.

ולסיכום: השלג היורד בשבת, הרי הוא מותר בטלטול בשבת,
ומותר לשתות ממנו. ומעיקר הדין מותר לפנות מן הכניסה לבית את השלג לצדי הדרך,
(בתנאי שיש שם עירוב וכדומה, שאם לא כן אסור לטלטל בלאו הכי שום דבר

ואגב שהזכרנו את
הגאון רבי צבי פסח פראנק, נספר בזאת, כי הגאון היה מגדולי גאוני ישראל שהאירו את
שמי העולם בתורתם וצדקתם. ומרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל, היה ממקורביו, עוד
מימי בחרותו, שהיה מרן זצ”ל מגיע לביתו של רבי צבי פסח פראנק, להשתתף
בשיעורים שהיה מוסר מידי שבת לטובי הלמדנים בירושלים. שבת אחת, התאחר מעט מרן
זצ”ל, וכשכבר ישב הרב פראנק במקומו והחל נושא דבריו
, נכנס מרן
זצ”ל לחדרו. (היה זה בערך בשנת תשי”ב, כשהיה מרן בן שלושים שנה
קם הגאון לכבוד מרן זצ”ל, אף שהיה צעיר לימים. וכל תלמידי הרב פראנק המה ראו
כן תמהו, מה כל החרדה הגדולה הזאת אשר חרד גאון ישראל מפני אותו אברך צעיר. אחד
מהם העז פניו, ופנה לרבי צבי פסח בשאלה, מאיזו סיבה כבוד הרב קם בפני זה
ה”פרענק”? השיבו רבי צבי פסח, זה הפרענק יהיה המשיב של הדור הבא

וגם לאחר מכן
במשך רבות בשנים, עמד רבי צבי פסח לימין צדקו של מרן זצ”ל, וחיזקו הרבה מאד,
והאיר עליו מאורו הגדול, כמו שכתבנו באריכות בספרי אביר הרועים חלק ראשון וחלק שני

כל האמור
בדברינו, נודע לעצם טלטול השלג בשבת. אבל שאלת דחיסתו כדי לעשות ממנו מין כדור,
וכן בניית דמות או בית על ידי שלג בשבת, נוגעת לאיסור משום “בונה
מגדולי הפוסקים שחיוו דעתם בזה לאסור, והביאו ראיה לזה מלשון הרמב”ם
המפורסמת, ש”כל המקבץ חלק אל חלק ודבק הכל עד שיעשו גוף אחד – דומה לבנין
לענין זה אין להקל


Is Snow Muktzeh on Shabbat?

Question: Does
the prohibition of Muktzeh apply to snow that falls on Shabbat?

Answer: Maran
Ha’Bet Yosef (end of Chapter 310) quotes the Shiboleh Ha’Leket who quotes Rav
Tzemach Gaon who writes, “One may wash with or drink rainwater that fell on
Shabbat although there were no clouds the day before.” This means that rain
that falls on Shabbat is not Muktzeh and thus, rain which fell before the onset
of Shabbat is certainly not Muktzeh.

This can likewise be inferred from the ruling of Maran
Ha’Shulchan Aruch (end of Chapter 338) that if one places a vessel in one’s
home in a place where rain is leaking into the house, the vessel with the water
inside. This implies that the prohibition of Muktzeh does not apply to

(The root of the discussion whether or not Muktzeh
applies to rainwater is due to the prohibition of “being born” or coming into
existence on Shabbat, such as an egg laid on Shabbat, which cannot be eaten
until Motza’ei Shabbat. We shall not delve into this law at length because
halachically speaking, the Gemara (Eruvin 46a) rules that the prohibition of
Muktzeh does not apply as the result of an object’s coming into existence on
Shabbat. Nevertheless, some rule that water dripping from an air conditioner on
Shabbat does retain a Muktzeh status. See Maran zt”l’s discussion in his
Chazon Ovadia, Shabbat-Part 3, page 144.)

Hagaon Harav Tzvi Pesach Frank zt”l, late Chief
Rabbi of Jerusalem and the leading halachic authority of the generation for
over fifty years, writes in his Responsa Har Tzvi (page 288), as follows: “On
Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh Adar of the year 5717 (1957), there was heavy snowfall in
Jerusalem. I was asked if the snow is Muktzeh and forbidden to move. Clearly,
snow which fell on Erev Shabbat is not Muktzeh in and of itself as the Gemara
in Masechet Shabbat states, ‘One may crush snow into water on Shabbat.’ Since
snow is innately non-Muktzeh, the same law will apply if it falls on Shabbat
and it shares the law of rain which falls on Shabbat and is not Muktzeh.”

Regarding shoveling snow with a shovel or any other tool
(when there is an Eruv and carrying is permissible), when the ground under the
snow is layered, such as asphalt or cement, although there are those who rule
stringently and forbid moving the snow aside because this is a great bother on
Shabbat, nevertheless, Maran zt”l (ibid.) rules that there is room for
leniency in this regard, especially when one may slip and fall as a result of
not shoveling. It is likewise permissible to spread salt on the snow so as to
cause it to melt faster.

Summary: Snow
which falls on Shabbat may be moved and may be used to drink. According to the
letter of the law, one may shovel snow from the entrance to one’s home on
Shabbat (as long as there is an Eruv in the area without which nothing may be

Nevertheless, this applies only to moving snow on
Shabbat. However, pressing snow into snowballs, snowmen, or igloos is similar
to the forbidden work of building on Shabbat and several Poskim who prohibit
this rule this way based on the wording of the Rambam that “gathering piece by piece
and sticking them together until they become one unit is similar to building.”
Thus, one should not act leniently regarding this issue.

Moor Lane extension plans

Dear Members, regular Mitpalelim & Friends of Moor Lane Synagogue,

In keeping with the Mahamad’s aim of continuously trying to improve the synagogue and the facilities for the betterment of the community, we have recently undertaken to explore the feasibility of expanding our facilities. We identified the need for a larger entrance lobby, better cloakroom and WC facilities, a larger Ezrat Nashim and a dedicated youth and Kollel room. To this end we commissioned plans and we have submitted a Planning Application for a scheme to deliver on these requirements. The council has not yet committed to supporting our application so we are advised that we need to make it clear to the council that the scheme is strongly supported by the Community. 

To this end, we would be very grateful indeed if everyone will please go online and register your strong support for the development project. The more people that leave comments the better. 

Please include in your comments how you feel this proposal will help the community in all its endeavors and how you agree that the design is suitable and sympathetic to its context. 

Many thanks indeed for your participation and we look forward to working with the community to deliver this exciting project in the near future. 

Lastly, if you have any queries then please be in touch with Yamin or any member of the Mahammad.

Newsletter Parshat Vayigash – Taanit Asara Betevet



Have a look at our website  
Taanit Asara BeTevet on 
Bank Holiday 
FRIDAY 25th December
Fast Begins 6:27 am
Shacharit 8:00 am
Shabbat Begins 3:38 pm
Fast Ends 4:46 pm 
Wishing everyone an easy fast
Rabbi Oppenheimer
Masechet Berachot
25 minutes before Korbanot
Times for this week
Korbanot 7:50 am Hodu 8.00 am
Mincha & Arbit 3:30 pm

Monday, Thursday & Friday
Hodu: 7.05    Barechu: 7.15

Tues, Wed, Fri 
Hodu: 7.10   Barechu: 7.20

Monday – Thursday
7:00 pm
Please support our minyanim whenever possible!
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
  Avot Ubanim
Winter Season
in the comfort of your own home,
for more information about 
the ZOOM link
please contact
07815 885 245
74631.jpg      image.png
Sefardic World
Sir Moses Montefiore

Sir Moses Montefiore is a giant of Jewish history. He was a British financier, philanthropist, Sheriff of London, and close to Queen Victoria. He was a member of Bevis Marks synagogue – where his seat is now reserved for VIPs – and President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. He was key in unifying British Sephardim and Ashkenazim, and also was active in helping Jewish communities around the world from Russia, to Morocco, to Eretz Israel. 

Abigail Green is Professor of Modern European History at the University of Oxford. Her biography of Sir Moses Montefiore won the Sami Rohr Choice Award 2012, was named a New Republic Best Book of 2010, and a TLS Book of the Year 2010.

Time: Sunday Dec 27, 2020. 2pm NYC, 7pm London, 8pm Amsterdam/Paris, 9pm Jerusalem.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Thanks to everyone who supports our work. If you are not already a patron, please consider a small monthly donation. As little as $5/month makes a huge difference.

If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on Facebook at:

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  

Taanit Asara Betevet on FRIDAY
Minhagim for Moroccan Jews
Why is it so important to fast on ‘Asara BeTebet?

On the 10th of Tebet the holy city of Jerusalem was besieged. This was the beginning of a chain of calamities that would eventually lead to the destruction of the Bet HaMiqdash. Derush Hatam Sofer (Ribi Mosh Sofer, Derush Adar 7:4) explains that on the 10th of Tebet it was decided in Heaven that the Bet HaMiqdash was to be destroyed. Every subsequent year a judgment is held in the heavenly courts to determine whether or not the third Bet HaMiqdash is to be rebuilt. Due to this important reason, even if the fast fell on Shabat, [1] we would be required to fast (Abudraham, O”H Siman 550), as the pasuq states (Yehezqel 24:2) “be’esem hayom haz” indicating that the fast must be conducted on the exact day it falls on. Even on Tish’a BeAb we do not fast if it lands on Shabat. Therefore, when fasting on ‘Asara BeTebet one should realize that we are all being judged on whether or not the third Bet HaMiqdash will be rebuilt this year and we should make this fast very dear to us.

[1] Before our modern day set calendar, the holidays and fast days would be determined based upon when Rosh Hodesh was established. Rosh Hodesh would only be established once two witnesses came to the Bet Din and testified that they had seen the moon. Nowadays, with our fixed calendar, the 10th of Tebet can never fall on Shabat.  

This year there is the rare occurrence where the fast of ‘Asara BeTebet falls out on a Friday. There are some differences when this situation occurs compared to when the fast falls on a regular weekday, see below for those differences.

Tora Reading

When this fast occurs on ‘Ereb Shabat as opposed to a regular weekday, Moroccan Jews follow the Bet Yosef’s ruling (O”H Siman 550) [2] to not read the parasha of VaYehal Mosh that is read at Minha on normal fast days.[3] Some write that this is still the minhag of Meknes.[4]

[2] Opposing the opinion of the Agur who quotes the Shibol HaLeqet. HaMalakh Refael Berdugo (Torot Emet, O”H 550:3) writes that the custom of Moroccan Jewry is to follow the Agur. See also Shufr DeYosef Berdugo and Ribi David ‘Obadia (Nahagu Ha’Am) who quotes the Torot Emet.

[3] This is because the holiness of Shabat already starts from hasot of Friday. Therefore, we do not read such perashiot. See HaMalakh Refael Berdugo (ibid.) who writes this but clarifies that on fast days that fall during the week the Tora is read at Minha, Nahagu Ha’Am (Ta’aniot), and Ribi Yosef Berdugo (Shufr DeYosef, Hilkhot Ta’anit).

[4] See Maghen Abot (notes of e”H Ribi Abraham ‘Amar s”t (Luah Be-ito) in the name of Ribi Dabiliski) who holds that this custom should be upheld by those who have such a tradition. E”H Ribi Yishaq Rasabi s”t writes that certain Yemenite communities did not read this Tora portion either (see S”A HaMequsar).

Nevertheless, for reasons unknown it appears that the prevalent custom nowadays is to read the Tora at Minha even in Moroccan synagogues.[5]

[5] Although this custom is mentioned in the above sources, it appears that it was not prevalent in most communities. In the Kisur Shulhan ‘Arukh of Ribi Refael Barukh Toledano this minhag is not mentioned. Furthermore, when the Shufr DeYosef and Nahagu Ha’Am do mention it, they do not write that this is what was practiced, they simply quote what they found in the Torot Emet. After discussing the matter with e”H Ribi Shelomo Dayan s”t (author of ‘Ateret Shelomo), and others, it was unanimously agreed that the minhag to not read the parasha is not the prevalent one, and one should indeed read from the Sefer Tora at Minha when the fast of ‘Asara BeTebet falls on a Friday. E”H Ribi David Banon s”t mentions that he was in Morocco 14 years ago when the fast fell on ‘Ereb Shabat, and e”H Ribi Shim’on Suissa s”t was posek to read from the Tora and further mentioned that if the tefila would be at Minha Gedola, tefilin would also be worn. E”H Ribi David Peres s”t mentions that his community in Caracas, Venezuela also reads from the Sefer Tora at Minha as well as e”H Ribi ‘Amram Assayag s”t (Chief Sefaradi Rabbi of Toronto). See also Osar HaMikhtabim (Heleq 3, 829), VaYomer Yishaq (Ta’aniot Siman 2), Ma’as Bereshit (Ta’anit), and Shoshanim LeDavid Sabah (Heleq 2, Siman 4).  

During the Tora reading on fast days, the minhag is that when the reader reaches the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (Shelosh ‘Esr Midot, beginning from “Ado-nai, Ado-nai”), he stops while the congregation says them aloud; he then reads them aloud himself and continues with the rest of the reading.[6] It should be mentioned that this is only done on fast days and not on Shabat Perashat Ki Tisa when the same portion is read. Qadish is not said after this reading, rather the Tora is returned to the hekhal followed by Qadish and the ‘Amida.[7]

[6] E”H Ribi Mordekhai Lebhar s”t explains that this is done in order to awaken the congregation during fast days to change their ways and start emulating the midot of their creator, Hashem, Yitbarakh Shemo La’ad. See Maran HaHida in LeDavid Emet (Siman 10:10) who says this is the minhag, Ribi Yishaq ibn Danan (LeYishaq Reah 100), Ribi Yosef Benaim (Noheg BeHokhma, Sefer Tora 4 p.141) who brings this minhag in the name of the Sefer HaHasidim (Siman 200), and Ribi David ‘Obadia (Nahagu Ha’Am, Ta’aniot, p.116).

[7] See the Moroccan mahzor Hamesh Ta’aniot.


The Bet Yosef (Siman 46) rules that tefilin must be worn during Minha on fast days since we are lacking in the 100 berakhot that one is required to say everyday due to the fact that we are not eating and miss out on those berakhot. Therefore, the minhag in Morocco developed to wear the talet and tefilin at Minha with a berakha, on all fast days, in order to arrive at these 100 berakhot.[8]

[8] See Ribi Yishaq Benoualid (VaYomer Yishaq, Liqutim: Ta’anit 2). So too is the custom in Fes (heard from e”H Ribi Aharon Monsonego s”t), Meknes, Marrakech, Tanger, Tetouan (e”H Ribi Ya’aqob Benaim s”t, Maghen Abot, O”H p.428 79), and most other cities.  

However, when a fast falls on ‘Ereb Shabat (Friday) tefilin are not worn after hasot, therefore they are not worn at Minha, even according to Moroccans.[9]

[9] Ribi Yishaq Benoualid (VaYomer Yishaq, Heleq 1, Liqutim O”H Ta’aniot), however, rules that when the fast falls on ‘Ereb Shabat, tefilin are NOT worn because the holiness of Shabat has already presided. He bases his ruling on reasons rooted in Qabala. The posqim who mention this minhag seem to imply that even if Minha Gedola is prayed, one still does not wear tefilin because it is after hasot; see Maran HaHida in Mahziq Berakha (Siman 267) and Kaf HaHayim (Siman 25:100).  


לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















25/26 Dec


Q & A on Parashat Vayigash

All references are to the verses and Rashi’s commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. What threatening words did Yehuda say to Yosef?
    44:18 – He threatened that Yosef would be stricken with leprosy, like Pharaoh when he took Sarah from Avraham. Alternatively, Yehuda threatened to kill Yosef and Pharaoh.
  2. Why did Yehuda say his missing brother died?
    44:20 – Yehuda feared that if he said his missing brother was alive, Yosef would demand to see him.
  3. Why was Yehuda the one to plead for Binyamin?
    44:32 – He was the one who took “soul” responsibility for him.
  4. What do we learn from Yosef telling his brothers “Go up to my father”?
    45:9 – We learn that Eretz Yisrael is higher than all other lands.
  5. What two things did the brothers see that helped prove that he was really Yosef?
    45:12 – He was circumcised like they were, and he spoke lashon hakodesh.
  6. Why did Binyamin weep on Yosef's neck?
    45:14 – Binyamin wept for the destruction of Mishkan Shilo built in Yosef's territory.
  7. Why did Yosef send old wine to Yaakov?
    45:23 – Elderly people appreciate old wine.
  8. What did Yosef mean when he said “Don't dispute on the way”?
    45:24 – He warned that if they engage in halachic disputes, they might not be alert to possible travel dangers.
  9. What happened to Yaakov when he realized Yosef was alive?
    45:27 – His ruach hakodesh (prophetic spirit) returned.
  10. Why did G-d tell Yaakov, “Don't fear going down to Egypt”?
    46:3 – Because Yaakov was grieved to leave Eretz Canaan.
  11. “I will bring you up” from Egypt. To what did this allude?
    46:4 – That Yaakov would be buried in Eretz Canaan.
  12. What happened to the property that Yaakov acquired in Padan Aram?
    46:6 – He traded it for Esav's portion in the Cave of Machpelah.
  13. Who was the mother of Shaul ben HaCanaanit?
    46:10 – Dina bat Yaakov.
  14. When listing Yaakov's children, the verse refers to Rachel as “Rachel, wife of Yaakov.” Leah, Bilhah and Zilpah are not referred to as Yaakov's wives. Why?
    46:19 – Rachel was regarded as the mainstay of the family.
  15. Yosef harnessed his own chariot instead of letting a servant do it. Why?
    46:29 – Yosef wanted to hasten to honor his father.
  16. Why were shepherds abhorrent to the Egyptians?
    46:34 – Because the Egyptians worshipped sheep.
  17. Why did Yosef pick the weakest brothers to stand before Pharaoh?
    47:2 – So Pharaoh wouldn't see their strength and draft them.
  18. What blessing did Yaakov give Pharaoh when he left his presence?
    47:10 – That the waters of the Nile should rise to greet Pharaoh.
  19. Yosef resettled the land of Egypt, moving the people from city to city. What were his two motives for this?
    47:21 – In order to remind them that they no longer owned the land, and to help his family by removing the stigma of being strangers.
  20. Whose fields were not bought by Yosef?
    47:22 – The Egyptian priests.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

תענית עשרה בטבת בשנה זו 

יום ששי,
הוא צום עשרה בטבת

כמו זו, שחל יום עשרה בטבת בערב שבת, נחלקו רבותינו הראשונים
יש לסיים את התענית כבכל תענית, או שיש לאכול לפני סיום הצום, כדי שלא להכנס לשבת
כשהוא מעונה. ולהלכה, יש לסיים את התענית גם כשהיא חלה ביום ששי. (הרמ”א סימן
רמט, חזון עובדיה ד' תעניות עמוד טו). אולם אין לדחות את צאת הצום יותר מדאי

להקדים מעט את תפלת המנחה של ערב שבת (בכעשרים דקות יותר מוקדם מהרגיל, בארץ ישראל
בערך בשעה ארבע אחר הצהריים), ומסיימים את החזרה לפני השקיעה (כי בחזרת הש”ץ
יש קריאת התורה וברכת כהנים), ולאחר מכן מזדרזים כמה שניתן כדי שיוכלו הקהל להגיע
לבתיהם לקדש ולסעוד מוקדם ככל האפשר

Tenth of Tevet

Important Note: On, Friday, is the Tenth of Tevet, a public fast
day for the entire Jewish nation. On a year like this when the Tenth of Tevet
falls out on Erev Shabbat, the Rishonim disagree whether one should complete
the fast until the onset of Shabbat or if one should not complete the fast so
as not to enter Shabbat while suffering from the fast. Halachically speaking,
the Rama (Chapter 249, Section 4) rules that one must complete the fast and
continue fasting until nightfall. Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef
zt”l rules likewise in his Chazon
Ovadia-Arba Ta’aniyot (page 15) where he proceeds to prove that this is indeed
the opinion of Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch as well. 

During Mincha, there is Torah reading and Birkat Kohanim followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Arvit. Then recite Kiddush, and
begin eating as close to the end of the fast as possible
out of concern for the opinions among the Rishonim who prohibit entering
Shabbat while fasting. This is indeed the procedure that Hagaon Harav David
Yosef Shlit”a announced would be followed tomorrow night in his prestigious Bet
Midrash Yechave Da’at in Jerusalem. May Hashem change all of our fast days into
days of festivity and rejoicing, speedily and in our days, Amen.

Newsletter Parashat Miketz



Have a look at our website  
*שבת מקץ אינו שבת חנוכה*
This year שבת פרשת מקץ is not Chanuka anymore and therefore we read the Parsha  & Haftarah of Miketz 
This Haftara is almost never read since the Haftarah of שבת חנוכה always supersedes it. 
But this year is an exception. 
If you ever wondered why a Haftarah for Miketz is printed in our Chumashim 
since it's never said anyway – the answer is it's printed there for THIS WEEK. 
Remember the wisdom of שלמה המלך 
ordering to cut the baby in half in order to determine who the real mother is? 
That's the story of הפטורת מקץ which we haven't read for 20 years…
Rabbi Oppenheimer
Masechet Berachot
25 minutes before Korbanot
Times for this week
Sunday 8.00

Monday, Thursday & Friday
Hodu: 7.05       Barechu: 7.15

Tues, Wed, Fri 
Hodu: 7.10       Barechu: 7.20
Please support our minyanim whenever possible!
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
  Avot Ubanim
Winter Season
in the comfort of your own home,
for more information about 
the ZOOM link
please contact
07815 885 245

41 – Hanukah: The Greek Agenda – HaGaon Rabbi Yaakov Hillel – Straight from the Heart‏

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לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















18/19 Dec


Q & A on Parashat Miketz

  1. What did the fat cows being eaten symbolize?
    41:4 – That all the joy of the plentiful years would be forgotten. (Not that the good years would provide food for the bad years.)
  2. How did Pharaoh's recollection of his dream differ from Nevuchadnetzar's recollection of his dream?
    41:8 – Pharaoh remembered the contents of his dream but didn't know its meaning. Nevuchadnetzar forgot even the contents of his dream.
  3. What was significant about the fact that Pharaoh dreamed repeatedly?
    41:32 – It showed that the seven good years would start immediately.
  4. What does “Tsafnat Panayach” mean?
    41:45 – He who explains things that are hidden and obscure.
  5. What happened to the Egyptians' grain that was stored in anticipation of the famine?
    41:55 – It rotted.
  6. What did Yosef require the Egyptians to do before he would sell them grain?
    41:55 – Become circumcised.
  7. Did Yaakov and his family still have food when he sent his sons to Egypt? If yes, why did he send them?
    42:1 – Yes, but he sent them because he did not want to cause envy in the eyes of those who did not have food.
  8. What prophetic significance lay in Yaakov's choice of the word “redu” — “descend” (and not “lechu” — “go”)?
    42:2 – It hinted to the 210 years that the Jewish people would be in Egypt: The word “redu” has the numerical value of 210.
  9. Why does the verse say “Yosef's brothers” went down to Egypt (and not “Yaakov's sons”)?
    42:3 – Because they regretted selling Yosef and planned to act as brothers by trying to find him and ransom him at any cost.
  10. When did Yosef know that his dreams were being fulfilled?
    42:9 – When his brothers bowed to him.
  11. Under what pretext did Yosef accuse his brothers of being spies?
    42:12 – They entered the city through 10 gates rather than through one gate.
  12. Why did the brothers enter the city through different gates?
    42:13 – To search for Yosef throughout the city.
  13. Who was the interpreter between Yosef and his brothers?
    42:23 – His son Menashe.
  14. Why did Yosef specifically choose Shimon to put in prison?
    42:24 – Because he was the one who cast Yosef into the pit and the one who said, “Here comes the dreamer.” Alternatively, to separate him from Levi, as together they posed a danger to him.
  15. How does the verse indicate that Shimon was released from prison after his brothers left?
    42:24 – The verse says Shimon was bound “in front of their eyes,” implying that he was bound only while in their sight.
  16. What was Yaakov implying when he said to his sons: “I am the one whom you bereaved”?
    42:36 – That he suspected them of having slain or sold Shimon, and that they may have done the same to Yosef.
  17. How did Reuven try to persuade Yaakov to send Binyamin to Egypt?
    42:37 – He said, “Kill my two sons if I fail to bring back Binyamin.”
  18. How long did it take for Yaakov and family to eat all the food that the brothers brought back from Egypt? Give the answer in terms of travel time.
    43:2,10 – Twice the travel time to and from Egypt.
  19. How much more money did the brothers bring on their second journey than they brought on the first journey? Why?
    43:12 – Three times as much, in order to repay the money they found in their sacks and to buy more even if the price had doubled.
  20. How did the brothers defend themselves against the accusation of theft?
    44:8 – They said, “We returned the money we found in our sacks; can it be that we would steal?”

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

והפתילות הנותרים

שאלה: האם מותר לזרוק את השמן הנותר מהדלקת נרות חנוכה?

תשובה: השמן או נרות השעווה, המיועדים להדלקת נרות חנוכה, אין להשתמש בהם בשימוש אחר,
כגון לצורך אכילה, או להדלקת נרות שבת. והוא מפני שהשמן הוקצה למצוותו, כלומר,
מיוחד הוא אותו השמן למצות הדלקת נרות חנוכה, ולכן אין להשתמש בו שימוש אחר, אלא
עושה לו מדורה ושורפו. (כלומר שורף את השמן שלא לשום צורך)

במה שאמרנו שאין להשתמש בשמן הנותר לשימוש של חול, אינה לשמן הנשאר בבקבוק, אלא אך
ורק לשמן הנשאר בבזיכים של מנורת החנוכה, שאין להשתמש בו אחר כך לשימוש של חול, או
להשליכו לאשפה. וכן נרות הנותרים בקופסת הנרות, לא הוקצו כולם למצות הדלקת נרות
חנוכה, ורק שארית הנר שנותרה מן ההדלקה, אין להשתמש בה לשימוש אחר

אומרים שאין לאסור להשתמש בשמן הנותר, אלא כאשר כבו הנרות בתוך חצי שעה מזמן
הדלקתן, שלמשך חצי שעה הוקצו למצותן. אבל אם דלקו הנרות כבר יותר מחצי שעה ואחר כך
כבו, אין עוד קדושה בשמן הנותר, ומותר להשתמש בו לכל שימוש. וכן דעת מרן הבית יוסף

יש חולקים ואומרים שגם אם עברה חצי שעה, עדיין יש קדושה בשמן ובפתילות הנותרים.
ולכן כדי שלא להכנס למחלוקת הפוסקים בזה, נכון לעשות “תנאי” לפני ימי
החנוכה (או באמצע ימי החנוכה, שהתנאי שיועיל מכאן ולהבא, לימים הנותרים), ולומר
בפיו, שאינו מקצה את השמן והפתילות למצותן. (כלומר, יאמר: אני מתנה בזה, שאיני
מקצה את השמן והפתילות והנרות הנותרים מהדלקת נרות חנוכה למצותן). ואז לכל הדעות
יוכל להשתמש בהם לכל דבר. (חזון עובדיה חנוכה עמוד קס. תורת המועדים חנוכה עמוד

ולסיכום: נכון להתנות לפני חנוכה, או אפילו בתוך ימי החנוכה, שאין בכוונתו להקצות את
השמן והפתילות לשם מצוה. ואז לא תחול קדושה על שאריות השמן והפתילות, ויוכל לעשות
בהן מה שירצה

The Laws of the Remaining Oil and Wicks used for Lighting Chanukah Candles

Question: May
one dispose of the remaining oil used for lighting Chanukah candles?

Answer: One should not use
the oil (or wax candles) designated for lighting Chanukah candles for any other
purpose, such as for eating or lighting Shabbat candles, since this oil has
already been designated for the Mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles; thus, one
must not use it for any other purpose. Rather, one must burn the remaining oil
on its own, with this burning serving no alternate purpose.

we say that one may not use the leftover oil for a mundane purpose, this does
not refer to the oil remaining in the bottle; rather, this refers to the oil
that remains in the glass cups of the Chanukah Menorah. Only this oil should
not be used for a mundane purpose or disposed of. Similarly, those candles
remaining in the box have not become designated for the Mitzvah of lighting
Chanukah candles; only those candles which were actually lit as Chanukah
candles should not be used for any other purpose.

say that it is only prohibited to make use of the remaining oil when the
candles were extinguished within a half-hour of being lit, for they were designated
for their Mitzvah for a timespan of a half-hour. However, if the candles stayed
lit for more than a half-hour and then went out, no sanctity rests on the
remaining oil and one may use it for whatever he pleases. This is indeed the
opinion of Maran Ha’Bet Yosef.

some disagree and write that even if the candles stayed lit for more than
half-an-hour, sanctity still rests on the remaining oil and wicks. Thus, one
should make a “condition” before the onset of Chanukah and delineate clearly by
mouth that he is not designating the oil and wicks for their Mitzvah. In this
way, one may use the remaining oil and wicks for whatever he pleases according
to all opinions (See Chazon Ovadia-Chanukah, page 160 and Torat Ha’Moadim-
Chanukah, page 126).

Summary: It is
proper to make a condition before Chanukah or even during the days of Chanukah
that one does not intend to designate the oil and wicks for the sake of the
Mitzvah. In this way, no sanctity will rest on the remaining oil and wicks and
one will be able to use them for whatever one wishes.


Newsletter Parashat Vayeshev – Shabbat Chanuka – Shabbat Mevarechim



Have a look at our website  
Chanuka begins Thursday night
This Shabbat is 
Shabbat Chanuka 
Shabbat Mevarechim
This Shabbat we
1) add Al HaNisim in Amida
2) say FULL Halel
3) Take out 2 sefarim
i) Parashat Vayeshem
ii) Parashat Chanuka
4) Haftara of Chanuka

NEXT Wednesday

Interesting Read
*שבת מקץ אינו שבת חנוכה*
This year is the rare occurrence of Chanuka starting on a Friday 
– which means that שבת פרשת מקץ is not Chanuka anymore – 
which causes the reading of the weekly Parsha Haftarah, 
which is almost never read, since the Haftorah of שבת חנוכה almost always supersedes it. 
But this year is an exception. 
If you ever wondered why a Haftarah for Miketz is printed in our Chumashim 
since it's never said anyway – the answer is it's printed there for this year. 
Remember the wisdom of שלמה המלך 
ordering to cut the baby in half in order to determine who the real mother is? 
That's the story of הפטורת מקץ which we haven't read for 20 years…
Rabbi Oppenheimer
Masechet Berachot
25 minutes before Korbanot
Times for this week
Sunday 8.00

Monday, Thursday & Friday
Hodu: 7.05       Barechu: 7.15

Tues, Wed, Fri 
Hodu: 7.10       Barechu: 7.20
Please support our minyanim whenever possible!
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
  Avot Ubanim
Winter Season
in the comfort of your own home,
for more information about 
the ZOOM link
please contact
07815 885 245
Mazel Tov 
to the winners of last week's Raffles
Yishai Maman
David (Davs) Marshall
Josh Sacks
Eitan Sacks
Chazak Ubaruch to 
M Kadosh 
on the Devar Torah
Important Information

For those of you who have loved ones a'h 
buried in the synagogue’s cemeteries
 at Southern Cemetery or Urmston 
and wish to have the graves cleaned:
Chris Hague 
is the sexton for both our cemeteries 
and has now taken over the gravestone cleaning duties.
His details are as follows:
mobile – 
e-mail – 
Attached to this email
Please find attached the Chanukah edition of 
Moor Lane More Torah 
Questions and riddles for this week's parasha are also included.  
  'Principles – The Journal of the Sephardi Habura'   
'Principles – The Journal of the Sephardi Habura' 
which features essays about 16 Sephardi Hachamim. 
It contains two pieces from members of Moor Lane, 
Mord Maman writes about Rabbi Hayim David Halevy 
Jack Hodari writes about Rabbi David Nieto  
Sefardic World
 From Portugal to Jamaica – The Delgado Story

Steve Delgado Porter has traced his Delgado ancestry from Jamaica back to Portugal. He shares the family history, and the sources used.  The family includes famous poets such as João Pinto Delgado, rabbis such as Haham Moses Cohen D'Azervedo, and men of business. As well as Portugal and Jamaica, there are family links to Hamburg, Amsterdam and London.

Jamaica has become a major focus in Sephardic genealogy. Steve is author of Jamaican Records: A Two Part Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research Using Repositories in Jamaica and England.

Time: Sunday Dec 13, 2020. 2pm NYC, 7pm London, 8pm Amsterdam/Paris, 9pm Jerusalem.

Join Zoom Meeting

A small monthly donation on Patreon helps us a lot. Many thanks to everyone who already supports our work.

If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on YouTube at: Please subscribe to the YouTube channel, where past talks will be shared.

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  

74631.jpg  image.png

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















11/12 Dec

וישב (ש''מ) (חנוכה)  

Q & A on Parashat Vayeshev

  1. “These are the offspring of Yaakov: Yosef….” Give three reasons why Yosef is considered Yaakov’s main offspring.
    37:2 – (a) Yosef was the son of Rachel, Yaakov’s primary wife. (b) Yosef looked like Yaakov. (c) All that befell Yaakov befell Yosef.
  2. What was praiseworthy about the fact that Yosef’s brothers did not speak to him in a friendly manner?
    37:4 – They did not act hypocritically.
  3. How do we see from Yosef’s dream about the sun, moon and stars that all dreams contain some untrue element?
    37:10 – The moon represented Rachel. Since she had already died, it was impossible for that element of the dream to come true.
  4. Who brought Yosef down to Egypt?
    37:28 – A caravan of Midianites.
  5. Where was Reuven when Yosef was sold?
    37:29 – He was attending to Yaakov.
  6. In addition to the brothers, who else knew that Yosef was alive?
    37:33 – Yitzchak.
  7. Why didn't G-d reveal prophetically to Yaakov that Yosef was alive?
    37:33 – Because the brothers had issued a ban against revealing the truth to Yaakov, and G-d, so to speak, abided by their ban.
  8. For how long did Yaakov mourn the loss of Yosef?
    37:34 – Twenty-two years.
  9. Verse 37:35 states “his father wept.” To whom does this refer?
    37:35 – Yitzchak, who wept because of Yaakov’s suffering.
  10. Who was Tamar’s father?
    38:24 – Shem.
  11. In what merit did Tamar deserve to have kings as her descendants?
    38:26 – In the merit of her modesty.
  12. Why is the word “hand ” mentioned four times in connection to the birth of Zerach?
    38:30 – To allude to his descendent, Achan, who sinned with his hand by taking four things from the spoils of Jericho.
  13. Why does the Torah relate the incident with Potiphar’s wife immediately after the incident of Yehuda and Tamar?
    39:1 – To teach us that just as Tamar acted with pure motives, so did Potiphar’s wife.
  14. How did Potiphar “see” that G-d was with Yosef?
    39:3 – Yosef mentioned G-d’s name frequently in his speech.
  15. Who in this week’s Parsha pretended to be sick?
    39:11 – Potiphar’s wife.
  16. Why were the butler and the baker imprisoned?
    40:1 – The butler was imprisoned because a fly was found in the king’s goblet, and the baker was imprisoned because a pebble was found in the king’s bread.
  17. For how long were the butler and the baker in prison?
    40:4 – Twelve months.
  18. How did the baker know that Yosef had correctly interpreted the butler’s dream?
    40:5 – The baker dreamed the interpretation of the butler's dream.
  19. What prompted the butler and baker to tell Yosef their dreams?
    40:6 – Yosef asked them why they looked troubled.
  20. How was Yosef punished for asking the butler for help?
    40:23 – He remained in prison an additional two years.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

שאלה: מי שיוצא מביתו להתארח או לשרת בצבא בימי החנוכה, כיצד עליו לנהוג?

תשובה: היוצא לדרך בימי חג החנוכה ומתארח בבית חברו, יש לדון אם עליו להדליק במקום שנמצא שם או לא. ויש בזה חילוק, אם יש מי שמדליק נרות בביתו, אם לא.

מי שמדליקים נרות בביתו

הנוסע מביתו, אבל אשתו או אחרים מבני ביתו נמצאים בביתו ומדליקים נרות חנוכה, יצא ידי חובתו בהדלקה שמדליקים בביתו, ואינו צריך להדליק במקום שנמצא בו. כי מצות נר, “איש וביתו”, כלומר, שמצות הדלקת נרות חנוכה פוטרת את כל בני הבית בהדלקה אחת שמדליקים בבית. ולכן אנו נוהגים שרק אבי המשפחה, מדליק נרות בביתו, כי בהדלקה שלו יוצאים כל בני הבית ידי חובתם.

אולם למנהג האשכנזים, כל אחד ואחד מבני הבית מדליק בפני עצמו, ולכן יש אומרים, שאם בעל הבית אינו נמצא בביתו, והוא לן במקום אחר, עליו להדליק במקום שנמצא שם, ויש חולקים.

ולהלכה כתב הגאון הראשון לציון מורינו ורבינו רבי יצחק יוסף שליט”א בספרו ילקוט יוסף (עמוד תפו), שכל מי שמדליקים עליו בביתו יוצא ידי חובת ההדלקה בהדלקה שמדליקים בביתו. ואינו רשאי לכוין שלא לצאת ידי חובה בהדלקה שבביתו, ולהדליק בעצמו, מאחר וכבר יצא ידי חובה בהדלקה שבביתו, ואינו רשאי להוציא עצמו מן החיוב ולברך בפני עצמו.

מי שאין מדליקים בביתו

מי שנוסע מביתו, ויודע שאין בביתו מי שידליק נרות חנוכה, וכגון שבניו ואשתו נמצאים עמו במקום שנמצא. והוא מתארח בבית של יהודי, ומשלם לו עבור על הוצאותיו, כגון עבור אכילה וכדומה. הדין הוא, שעליו להשתתף עם בעל הבית בהוצאות נרות החנוכה, כלומר, שישלם לבעל הבית סכום כסף כלשהו, כדי שיקנה לו חלק בשמן ובפתילות או בנרות של חנוכה. או שיתן לו בעל הבית במתנה חלק בשמן ובפתילות של נרות חנוכה (ויוסיף בעל הבית מעט שמן עבור האורח), ואז יוצא האורח ידי חובתו בהדלקת בעל הבית.

וכתב הגאון הראשון לציון שליט”א (עמוד תעה), שהוא הדין כאשר האדם מסתפק אם מדליקים עליו בביתו, שגם כן עליו להדליק בברכה. והוכיח כן מלשון המהרש”ל ועוד. ולכן אף כאשר יש ספק אם מדליקים עליו בביתו, עליו להדליק במקומו “בברכה”.

חיילים בצבא

חיילים ספרדים המשרתים בצבא, יכולים לסמוך על הדלקת נר חנוכה של אביהם בביתם, ואינם צריכים להדליק נרות כלל. וחיילים אשכנזים, אם יש להם חדרים בפני עצמם בצבא, עליהם להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה בחדרם. וכדין אורח שביארנו.

אולם יש להוסיף, שכתב מרן השלחן ערוך (סימן תרעז), אודות מי שנמצא בכפר של גויים, שאין שם נר חנוכה כלל, שאף על פי שמדליקים עליו בביתו, עליו להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה. זכר לנס חנוכה. ולכן, גם חיילים ספרדים, שנמצאים בחזית, ואינם רואים כלל נר חנוכה, עליהם להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה בחדרם.

ואם אין להם חדר בצבא, כגון שהם חונים על פני השדה, או שהם שוכנים בשוחות בלי קירוי וכדומה, ישתדלו להדליק נר חנוכה בתוך עששית (בית מגן מן הרוח העשוי זכוכית), ולא יברכו על ההדלקה. (חזון עובדיה, חנוכה, עמוד קנב והלאה).

The Laws of Boarders, Guests, Soldiers, and Yeshiva Students Regarding Chanukah Candles

Question: If one will be away from home as a guest during Chanukah, how should one act regarding lighting Chanukah candles? Similarly, what is the law regarding a soldier who will be at his military base during Chanukah?

Answer: If one is away from home during the holiday of Chanukah and stays as a guest at a friend’s home, we must discuss whether or not this guest must light Chanukah candles. Let us mention though that whether or not there is someone else lighting candles at home or not does make a halachic distinction.

If There is Someone Lighting Candles at Home
If one is travelling during the holiday of Chanukah but one’s wife or other family members are still at home and are lighting Chanukah candles there, one fulfills his obligation with the candles being lit in one’s home and one need not light Chanukah candles in his present location, for when Chanukah candles are lit in one’s home, all of the family members residing in the home fulfill their obligation, wherever they may be. For this reason, our custom is that only the head of the household lights the Chanukah candles at home since by doing so, the entire household fulfills their obligation.

According to the Ashkenazi custom, however, that each member of the household lights his own Chanukah candles, some say that if the head of the household is away from home, he must light on his own while others disagree.

Halachically speaking, the great Rishon Le’Zion, Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Yosef Shlit”a rules (in his Yalkut Yosef–Chanukah, page 486) that as long as there is someone lighting at the individual’s home, one will have fulfilled his obligation with this lighting. One may not have in mind not to fulfill one’s obligation with the lighting in one’s home, for one has already fulfilled his obligation in this way and one may not remove one’s self from this obligation and recite the blessings by himself.

If There is No One Lighting Candles at Home
If one is travelling and knows that there is no one lighting Chanukah candles in his home, for instance, if one’s wife and children are travelling with him, if this individual is staying in the home of a fellow Jew and is paying his host for his expenses, such as lodging, food, and the like, this individual must give his host a small sum of money in order to purchase a share of the host’s oil and wicks for the Chanukah candles. Alternatively, the host may grant his guest some of the oil and wicks as a gift (and in this instance, the host should add some more oil for the guest). In this way, the guest fulfills his obligation with the lighting of the host’s Chanukah candles.

The great Rishon Le’Zion Shlit”a (Yalkut Yosef-ibid, page 475) writes that when one is unsure whether or not someone will be lighting Chanukah candles on his behalf at home, one should light Chanukah candles in one’s current location with a blessing. He proceeds to support this view from the words of the Maharshal.

Soldiers and Yeshiva Students
Sephardic soldiers serving in the army and Yeshiva students studying abroad may rely on their father’s Chanukah candle-lighting at home and they need not light Chanukah candles at all. Regarding soldiers or Yeshiva students of Ashkenazi descent, if they have their own room in the military base or Yeshiva dormitory, they should light Chanukah candles with a blessing in their room similar to the above law of a guest.

Nevertheless, we must point out that Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 677) rules that if one is in a completely non-Jewish town where there are no Chanukah candles to be seen at all, although Chanukah candles are being lit in one’s home, one must nevertheless light Chanukah candles with a blessing in one’s current location in commemoration of the miracle of Chanukah. Thus, even Sephardic soldiers serving on the front must light Chanukah candles with a blessing in their room.   

If the soldiers do not have a room for themselves, for instance, because they are encamped on the field or in uncovered trenches, they should make an effort to light in a glass box (which protects the candles from the wind) without reciting a blessing (see Chazon Ovadia-Chanukah, page 152).


Newsletter Parashat Vayeshev – Shabbat Chanuka – Shabbat Mevarechim



Have a look at our website  
Chanuka begins Thursday night
This Shabbat is 
Shabbat Chanuka 
Shabbat Mevarechim
This Shabbat we
1) add Al HaNisim in Amida
2) say FULL Halel
3) Take out 2 sefarim
i) Parashat Vayeshem
ii) Parashat Chanuka
4) Haftara of Chanuka

NEXT Wednesday

Interesting Read
*שבת מקץ אינו שבת חנוכה*
This year is the rare occurrence of Chanuka starting on a Friday 
– which means that שבת פרשת מקץ is not Chanuka anymore – 
which causes the reading of the weekly Parsha Haftarah, 
which is almost never read, since the Haftorah of שבת חנוכה almost always supersedes it. 
But this year is an exception. 
If you ever wondered why a Haftarah for Miketz is printed in our Chumashim 
since it's never said anyway – the answer is it's printed there for this year. 
Remember the wisdom of שלמה המלך 
ordering to cut the baby in half in order to determine who the real mother is? 
That's the story of הפטורת מקץ which we haven't read for 20 years…
Rabbi Oppenheimer
Masechet Berachot
25 minutes before Korbanot
Times for this week
Sunday 8.00

Monday, Thursday & Friday
Hodu: 7.05       Barechu: 7.15

Tues, Wed, Fri 
Hodu: 7.10       Barechu: 7.20
Please support our minyanim whenever possible!
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
  Avot Ubanim
Winter Season
in the comfort of your own home,
for more information about 
the ZOOM link
please contact
07815 885 245
Mazel Tov 
to the winners of last week's Raffles
Yishai Maman
David (Davs) Marshall
Josh Sacks
Eitan Sacks
Chazak Ubaruch to 
M Kadosh 
on the Devar Torah
Important Information

For those of you who have loved ones a'h 
buried in the synagogue’s cemeteries
 at Southern Cemetery or Urmston 
and wish to have the graves cleaned:
Chris Hague 
is the sexton for both our cemeteries 
and has now taken over the gravestone cleaning duties.
His details are as follows:
mobile – 
e-mail – 
Attached to this email
Please find attached the Chanukah edition of 
Moor Lane More Torah 
Questions and riddles for this week's parasha are also included.  
  'Principles – The Journal of the Sephardi Habura'   
'Principles – The Journal of the Sephardi Habura' 
which features essays about 16 Sephardi Hachamim. 
It contains two pieces from members of Moor Lane, 
Mord Maman writes about Rabbi Hayim David Halevy 
Jack Hodari writes about Rabbi David Nieto  
Sefardic World
 From Portugal to Jamaica – The Delgado Story

Steve Delgado Porter has traced his Delgado ancestry from Jamaica back to Portugal. He shares the family history, and the sources used.  The family includes famous poets such as João Pinto Delgado, rabbis such as Haham Moses Cohen D'Azervedo, and men of business. As well as Portugal and Jamaica, there are family links to Hamburg, Amsterdam and London.

Jamaica has become a major focus in Sephardic genealogy. Steve is author of Jamaican Records: A Two Part Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research Using Repositories in Jamaica and England.

Time: Sunday Dec 13, 2020. 2pm NYC, 7pm London, 8pm Amsterdam/Paris, 9pm Jerusalem.

Join Zoom Meeting

A small monthly donation on Patreon helps us a lot. Many thanks to everyone who already supports our work.

If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on YouTube at: Please subscribe to the YouTube channel, where past talks will be shared.

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  

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לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















11/12 Dec

וישב (ש''מ) (חנוכה)  

Q & A on Parashat Vayeshev

  1. “These are the offspring of Yaakov: Yosef….” Give three reasons why Yosef is considered Yaakov’s main offspring.
    37:2 – (a) Yosef was the son of Rachel, Yaakov’s primary wife. (b) Yosef looked like Yaakov. (c) All that befell Yaakov befell Yosef.
  2. What was praiseworthy about the fact that Yosef’s brothers did not speak to him in a friendly manner?
    37:4 – They did not act hypocritically.
  3. How do we see from Yosef’s dream about the sun, moon and stars that all dreams contain some untrue element?
    37:10 – The moon represented Rachel. Since she had already died, it was impossible for that element of the dream to come true.
  4. Who brought Yosef down to Egypt?
    37:28 – A caravan of Midianites.
  5. Where was Reuven when Yosef was sold?
    37:29 – He was attending to Yaakov.
  6. In addition to the brothers, who else knew that Yosef was alive?
    37:33 – Yitzchak.
  7. Why didn't G-d reveal prophetically to Yaakov that Yosef was alive?
    37:33 – Because the brothers had issued a ban against revealing the truth to Yaakov, and G-d, so to speak, abided by their ban.
  8. For how long did Yaakov mourn the loss of Yosef?
    37:34 – Twenty-two years.
  9. Verse 37:35 states “his father wept.” To whom does this refer?
    37:35 – Yitzchak, who wept because of Yaakov’s suffering.
  10. Who was Tamar’s father?
    38:24 – Shem.
  11. In what merit did Tamar deserve to have kings as her descendants?
    38:26 – In the merit of her modesty.
  12. Why is the word “hand ” mentioned four times in connection to the birth of Zerach?
    38:30 – To allude to his descendent, Achan, who sinned with his hand by taking four things from the spoils of Jericho.
  13. Why does the Torah relate the incident with Potiphar’s wife immediately after the incident of Yehuda and Tamar?
    39:1 – To teach us that just as Tamar acted with pure motives, so did Potiphar’s wife.
  14. How did Potiphar “see” that G-d was with Yosef?
    39:3 – Yosef mentioned G-d’s name frequently in his speech.
  15. Who in this week’s Parsha pretended to be sick?
    39:11 – Potiphar’s wife.
  16. Why were the butler and the baker imprisoned?
    40:1 – The butler was imprisoned because a fly was found in the king’s goblet, and the baker was imprisoned because a pebble was found in the king’s bread.
  17. For how long were the butler and the baker in prison?
    40:4 – Twelve months.
  18. How did the baker know that Yosef had correctly interpreted the butler’s dream?
    40:5 – The baker dreamed the interpretation of the butler's dream.
  19. What prompted the butler and baker to tell Yosef their dreams?
    40:6 – Yosef asked them why they looked troubled.
  20. How was Yosef punished for asking the butler for help?
    40:23 – He remained in prison an additional two years.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

שאלה: מי שיוצא מביתו להתארח או לשרת בצבא בימי החנוכה, כיצד עליו לנהוג?

תשובה: היוצא לדרך בימי חג החנוכה ומתארח בבית חברו, יש לדון אם עליו להדליק במקום שנמצא שם או לא. ויש בזה חילוק, אם יש מי שמדליק נרות בביתו, אם לא.

מי שמדליקים נרות בביתו

הנוסע מביתו, אבל אשתו או אחרים מבני ביתו נמצאים בביתו ומדליקים נרות חנוכה, יצא ידי חובתו בהדלקה שמדליקים בביתו, ואינו צריך להדליק במקום שנמצא בו. כי מצות נר, “איש וביתו”, כלומר, שמצות הדלקת נרות חנוכה פוטרת את כל בני הבית בהדלקה אחת שמדליקים בבית. ולכן אנו נוהגים שרק אבי המשפחה, מדליק נרות בביתו, כי בהדלקה שלו יוצאים כל בני הבית ידי חובתם.

אולם למנהג האשכנזים, כל אחד ואחד מבני הבית מדליק בפני עצמו, ולכן יש אומרים, שאם בעל הבית אינו נמצא בביתו, והוא לן במקום אחר, עליו להדליק במקום שנמצא שם, ויש חולקים.

ולהלכה כתב הגאון הראשון לציון מורינו ורבינו רבי יצחק יוסף שליט”א בספרו ילקוט יוסף (עמוד תפו), שכל מי שמדליקים עליו בביתו יוצא ידי חובת ההדלקה בהדלקה שמדליקים בביתו. ואינו רשאי לכוין שלא לצאת ידי חובה בהדלקה שבביתו, ולהדליק בעצמו, מאחר וכבר יצא ידי חובה בהדלקה שבביתו, ואינו רשאי להוציא עצמו מן החיוב ולברך בפני עצמו.

מי שאין מדליקים בביתו

מי שנוסע מביתו, ויודע שאין בביתו מי שידליק נרות חנוכה, וכגון שבניו ואשתו נמצאים עמו במקום שנמצא. והוא מתארח בבית של יהודי, ומשלם לו עבור על הוצאותיו, כגון עבור אכילה וכדומה. הדין הוא, שעליו להשתתף עם בעל הבית בהוצאות נרות החנוכה, כלומר, שישלם לבעל הבית סכום כסף כלשהו, כדי שיקנה לו חלק בשמן ובפתילות או בנרות של חנוכה. או שיתן לו בעל הבית במתנה חלק בשמן ובפתילות של נרות חנוכה (ויוסיף בעל הבית מעט שמן עבור האורח), ואז יוצא האורח ידי חובתו בהדלקת בעל הבית.

וכתב הגאון הראשון לציון שליט”א (עמוד תעה), שהוא הדין כאשר האדם מסתפק אם מדליקים עליו בביתו, שגם כן עליו להדליק בברכה. והוכיח כן מלשון המהרש”ל ועוד. ולכן אף כאשר יש ספק אם מדליקים עליו בביתו, עליו להדליק במקומו “בברכה”.

חיילים בצבא

חיילים ספרדים המשרתים בצבא, יכולים לסמוך על הדלקת נר חנוכה של אביהם בביתם, ואינם צריכים להדליק נרות כלל. וחיילים אשכנזים, אם יש להם חדרים בפני עצמם בצבא, עליהם להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה בחדרם. וכדין אורח שביארנו.

אולם יש להוסיף, שכתב מרן השלחן ערוך (סימן תרעז), אודות מי שנמצא בכפר של גויים, שאין שם נר חנוכה כלל, שאף על פי שמדליקים עליו בביתו, עליו להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה. זכר לנס חנוכה. ולכן, גם חיילים ספרדים, שנמצאים בחזית, ואינם רואים כלל נר חנוכה, עליהם להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה בחדרם.

ואם אין להם חדר בצבא, כגון שהם חונים על פני השדה, או שהם שוכנים בשוחות בלי קירוי וכדומה, ישתדלו להדליק נר חנוכה בתוך עששית (בית מגן מן הרוח העשוי זכוכית), ולא יברכו על ההדלקה. (חזון עובדיה, חנוכה, עמוד קנב והלאה).

The Laws of Boarders, Guests, Soldiers, and Yeshiva Students Regarding Chanukah Candles

Question: If one will be away from home as a guest during Chanukah, how should one act regarding lighting Chanukah candles? Similarly, what is the law regarding a soldier who will be at his military base during Chanukah?

Answer: If one is away from home during the holiday of Chanukah and stays as a guest at a friend’s home, we must discuss whether or not this guest must light Chanukah candles. Let us mention though that whether or not there is someone else lighting candles at home or not does make a halachic distinction.

If There is Someone Lighting Candles at Home
If one is travelling during the holiday of Chanukah but one’s wife or other family members are still at home and are lighting Chanukah candles there, one fulfills his obligation with the candles being lit in one’s home and one need not light Chanukah candles in his present location, for when Chanukah candles are lit in one’s home, all of the family members residing in the home fulfill their obligation, wherever they may be. For this reason, our custom is that only the head of the household lights the Chanukah candles at home since by doing so, the entire household fulfills their obligation.

According to the Ashkenazi custom, however, that each member of the household lights his own Chanukah candles, some say that if the head of the household is away from home, he must light on his own while others disagree.

Halachically speaking, the great Rishon Le’Zion, Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Yosef Shlit”a rules (in his Yalkut Yosef–Chanukah, page 486) that as long as there is someone lighting at the individual’s home, one will have fulfilled his obligation with this lighting. One may not have in mind not to fulfill one’s obligation with the lighting in one’s home, for one has already fulfilled his obligation in this way and one may not remove one’s self from this obligation and recite the blessings by himself.

If There is No One Lighting Candles at Home
If one is travelling and knows that there is no one lighting Chanukah candles in his home, for instance, if one’s wife and children are travelling with him, if this individual is staying in the home of a fellow Jew and is paying his host for his expenses, such as lodging, food, and the like, this individual must give his host a small sum of money in order to purchase a share of the host’s oil and wicks for the Chanukah candles. Alternatively, the host may grant his guest some of the oil and wicks as a gift (and in this instance, the host should add some more oil for the guest). In this way, the guest fulfills his obligation with the lighting of the host’s Chanukah candles.

The great Rishon Le’Zion Shlit”a (Yalkut Yosef-ibid, page 475) writes that when one is unsure whether or not someone will be lighting Chanukah candles on his behalf at home, one should light Chanukah candles in one’s current location with a blessing. He proceeds to support this view from the words of the Maharshal.

Soldiers and Yeshiva Students
Sephardic soldiers serving in the army and Yeshiva students studying abroad may rely on their father’s Chanukah candle-lighting at home and they need not light Chanukah candles at all. Regarding soldiers or Yeshiva students of Ashkenazi descent, if they have their own room in the military base or Yeshiva dormitory, they should light Chanukah candles with a blessing in their room similar to the above law of a guest.

Nevertheless, we must point out that Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 677) rules that if one is in a completely non-Jewish town where there are no Chanukah candles to be seen at all, although Chanukah candles are being lit in one’s home, one must nevertheless light Chanukah candles with a blessing in one’s current location in commemoration of the miracle of Chanukah. Thus, even Sephardic soldiers serving on the front must light Chanukah candles with a blessing in their room.   

If the soldiers do not have a room for themselves, for instance, because they are encamped on the field or in uncovered trenches, they should make an effort to light in a glass box (which protects the candles from the wind) without reciting a blessing (see Chazon Ovadia-Chanukah, page 152).


Newsletter Parashat Vayeshev – Shabbat Chanuka – Shabbat Mevarechim



Have a look at our website  
Chanuka begins Thursday night
This Shabbat is 
Shabbat Chanuka 
Shabbat Mevarechim
This Shabbat we
1) add Al HaNisim in Amida
2) say FULL Halel
3) Take out 2 sefarim
i) Parashat Vayeshem
ii) Parashat Chanuka
4) Haftara of Chanuka

NEXT Wednesday

Interesting Read
*שבת מקץ אינו שבת חנוכה*
This year is the rare occurrence of Chanuka starting on a Friday 
– which means that שבת פרשת מקץ is not Chanuka anymore – 
which causes the reading of the weekly Parsha Haftarah, 
which is almost never read, since the Haftorah of שבת חנוכה almost always supersedes it. 
But this year is an exception. 
If you ever wondered why a Haftarah for Miketz is printed in our Chumashim 
since it's never said anyway – the answer is it's printed there for this year. 
Remember the wisdom of שלמה המלך 
ordering to cut the baby in half in order to determine who the real mother is? 
That's the story of הפטורת מקץ which we haven't read for 20 years…
Rabbi Oppenheimer
Masechet Berachot
25 minutes before Korbanot
Times for this week
Sunday 8.00

Monday, Thursday & Friday
Hodu: 7.05       Barechu: 7.15

Tues, Wed, Fri 
Hodu: 7.10       Barechu: 7.20
Please support our minyanim whenever possible!
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group image.png
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the members of the Mahamad
  Avot Ubanim
Winter Season
in the comfort of your own home,
for more information about 
the ZOOM link
please contact
07815 885 245
Mazel Tov 
to the winners of last week's Raffles
Yishai Maman
David (Davs) Marshall
Josh Sacks
Eitan Sacks
Chazak Ubaruch to 
M Kadosh 
on the Devar Torah
Important Information

For those of you who have loved ones a'h 
buried in the synagogue’s cemeteries
 at Southern Cemetery or Urmston 
and wish to have the graves cleaned:
Chris Hague 
is the sexton for both our cemeteries 
and has now taken over the gravestone cleaning duties.
His details are as follows:
mobile – 
e-mail – 
Attached to this email
Please find attached the Chanukah edition of 
Moor Lane More Torah 
Questions and riddles for this week's parasha are also included.  
  'Principles – The Journal of the Sephardi Habura'   
'Principles – The Journal of the Sephardi Habura' 
which features essays about 16 Sephardi Hachamim. 
It contains two pieces from members of Moor Lane, 
Mord Maman writes about Rabbi Hayim David Halevy 
Jack Hodari writes about Rabbi David Nieto  
Sefardic World
 From Portugal to Jamaica – The Delgado Story

Steve Delgado Porter has traced his Delgado ancestry from Jamaica back to Portugal. He shares the family history, and the sources used.  The family includes famous poets such as João Pinto Delgado, rabbis such as Haham Moses Cohen D'Azervedo, and men of business. As well as Portugal and Jamaica, there are family links to Hamburg, Amsterdam and London.

Jamaica has become a major focus in Sephardic genealogy. Steve is author of Jamaican Records: A Two Part Guide to Genealogical and Historical Research Using Repositories in Jamaica and England.

Time: Sunday Dec 13, 2020. 2pm NYC, 7pm London, 8pm Amsterdam/Paris, 9pm Jerusalem.

Join Zoom Meeting

A small monthly donation on Patreon helps us a lot. Many thanks to everyone who already supports our work.

If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on YouTube at: Please subscribe to the YouTube channel, where past talks will be shared.

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  

74631.jpg  image.png

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















11/12 Dec

וישב (ש''מ) (חנוכה)  

Q & A on Parashat Vayeshev

  1. “These are the offspring of Yaakov: Yosef….” Give three reasons why Yosef is considered Yaakov’s main offspring.
    37:2 – (a) Yosef was the son of Rachel, Yaakov’s primary wife. (b) Yosef looked like Yaakov. (c) All that befell Yaakov befell Yosef.
  2. What was praiseworthy about the fact that Yosef’s brothers did not speak to him in a friendly manner?
    37:4 – They did not act hypocritically.
  3. How do we see from Yosef’s dream about the sun, moon and stars that all dreams contain some untrue element?
    37:10 – The moon represented Rachel. Since she had already died, it was impossible for that element of the dream to come true.
  4. Who brought Yosef down to Egypt?
    37:28 – A caravan of Midianites.
  5. Where was Reuven when Yosef was sold?
    37:29 – He was attending to Yaakov.
  6. In addition to the brothers, who else knew that Yosef was alive?
    37:33 – Yitzchak.
  7. Why didn't G-d reveal prophetically to Yaakov that Yosef was alive?
    37:33 – Because the brothers had issued a ban against revealing the truth to Yaakov, and G-d, so to speak, abided by their ban.
  8. For how long did Yaakov mourn the loss of Yosef?
    37:34 – Twenty-two years.
  9. Verse 37:35 states “his father wept.” To whom does this refer?
    37:35 – Yitzchak, who wept because of Yaakov’s suffering.
  10. Who was Tamar’s father?
    38:24 – Shem.
  11. In what merit did Tamar deserve to have kings as her descendants?
    38:26 – In the merit of her modesty.
  12. Why is the word “hand ” mentioned four times in connection to the birth of Zerach?
    38:30 – To allude to his descendent, Achan, who sinned with his hand by taking four things from the spoils of Jericho.
  13. Why does the Torah relate the incident with Potiphar’s wife immediately after the incident of Yehuda and Tamar?
    39:1 – To teach us that just as Tamar acted with pure motives, so did Potiphar’s wife.
  14. How did Potiphar “see” that G-d was with Yosef?
    39:3 – Yosef mentioned G-d’s name frequently in his speech.
  15. Who in this week’s Parsha pretended to be sick?
    39:11 – Potiphar’s wife.
  16. Why were the butler and the baker imprisoned?
    40:1 – The butler was imprisoned because a fly was found in the king’s goblet, and the baker was imprisoned because a pebble was found in the king’s bread.
  17. For how long were the butler and the baker in prison?
    40:4 – Twelve months.
  18. How did the baker know that Yosef had correctly interpreted the butler’s dream?
    40:5 – The baker dreamed the interpretation of the butler's dream.
  19. What prompted the butler and baker to tell Yosef their dreams?
    40:6 – Yosef asked them why they looked troubled.
  20. How was Yosef punished for asking the butler for help?
    40:23 – He remained in prison an additional two years.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

שאלה: מי שיוצא מביתו להתארח או לשרת בצבא בימי החנוכה, כיצד עליו לנהוג?

תשובה: היוצא לדרך בימי חג החנוכה ומתארח בבית חברו, יש לדון אם עליו להדליק במקום שנמצא שם או לא. ויש בזה חילוק, אם יש מי שמדליק נרות בביתו, אם לא.

מי שמדליקים נרות בביתו

הנוסע מביתו, אבל אשתו או אחרים מבני ביתו נמצאים בביתו ומדליקים נרות חנוכה, יצא ידי חובתו בהדלקה שמדליקים בביתו, ואינו צריך להדליק במקום שנמצא בו. כי מצות נר, “איש וביתו”, כלומר, שמצות הדלקת נרות חנוכה פוטרת את כל בני הבית בהדלקה אחת שמדליקים בבית. ולכן אנו נוהגים שרק אבי המשפחה, מדליק נרות בביתו, כי בהדלקה שלו יוצאים כל בני הבית ידי חובתם.

אולם למנהג האשכנזים, כל אחד ואחד מבני הבית מדליק בפני עצמו, ולכן יש אומרים, שאם בעל הבית אינו נמצא בביתו, והוא לן במקום אחר, עליו להדליק במקום שנמצא שם, ויש חולקים.

ולהלכה כתב הגאון הראשון לציון מורינו ורבינו רבי יצחק יוסף שליט”א בספרו ילקוט יוסף (עמוד תפו), שכל מי שמדליקים עליו בביתו יוצא ידי חובת ההדלקה בהדלקה שמדליקים בביתו. ואינו רשאי לכוין שלא לצאת ידי חובה בהדלקה שבביתו, ולהדליק בעצמו, מאחר וכבר יצא ידי חובה בהדלקה שבביתו, ואינו רשאי להוציא עצמו מן החיוב ולברך בפני עצמו.

מי שאין מדליקים בביתו

מי שנוסע מביתו, ויודע שאין בביתו מי שידליק נרות חנוכה, וכגון שבניו ואשתו נמצאים עמו במקום שנמצא. והוא מתארח בבית של יהודי, ומשלם לו עבור על הוצאותיו, כגון עבור אכילה וכדומה. הדין הוא, שעליו להשתתף עם בעל הבית בהוצאות נרות החנוכה, כלומר, שישלם לבעל הבית סכום כסף כלשהו, כדי שיקנה לו חלק בשמן ובפתילות או בנרות של חנוכה. או שיתן לו בעל הבית במתנה חלק בשמן ובפתילות של נרות חנוכה (ויוסיף בעל הבית מעט שמן עבור האורח), ואז יוצא האורח ידי חובתו בהדלקת בעל הבית.

וכתב הגאון הראשון לציון שליט”א (עמוד תעה), שהוא הדין כאשר האדם מסתפק אם מדליקים עליו בביתו, שגם כן עליו להדליק בברכה. והוכיח כן מלשון המהרש”ל ועוד. ולכן אף כאשר יש ספק אם מדליקים עליו בביתו, עליו להדליק במקומו “בברכה”.

חיילים בצבא

חיילים ספרדים המשרתים בצבא, יכולים לסמוך על הדלקת נר חנוכה של אביהם בביתם, ואינם צריכים להדליק נרות כלל. וחיילים אשכנזים, אם יש להם חדרים בפני עצמם בצבא, עליהם להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה בחדרם. וכדין אורח שביארנו.

אולם יש להוסיף, שכתב מרן השלחן ערוך (סימן תרעז), אודות מי שנמצא בכפר של גויים, שאין שם נר חנוכה כלל, שאף על פי שמדליקים עליו בביתו, עליו להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה. זכר לנס חנוכה. ולכן, גם חיילים ספרדים, שנמצאים בחזית, ואינם רואים כלל נר חנוכה, עליהם להדליק נר חנוכה בברכה בחדרם.

ואם אין להם חדר בצבא, כגון שהם חונים על פני השדה, או שהם שוכנים בשוחות בלי קירוי וכדומה, ישתדלו להדליק נר חנוכה בתוך עששית (בית מגן מן הרוח העשוי זכוכית), ולא יברכו על ההדלקה. (חזון עובדיה, חנוכה, עמוד קנב והלאה).

The Laws of Boarders, Guests, Soldiers, and Yeshiva Students Regarding Chanukah Candles

Question: If one will be away from home as a guest during Chanukah, how should one act regarding lighting Chanukah candles? Similarly, what is the law regarding a soldier who will be at his military base during Chanukah?

Answer: If one is away from home during the holiday of Chanukah and stays as a guest at a friend’s home, we must discuss whether or not this guest must light Chanukah candles. Let us mention though that whether or not there is someone else lighting candles at home or not does make a halachic distinction.

If There is Someone Lighting Candles at Home
If one is travelling during the holiday of Chanukah but one’s wife or other family members are still at home and are lighting Chanukah candles there, one fulfills his obligation with the candles being lit in one’s home and one need not light Chanukah candles in his present location, for when Chanukah candles are lit in one’s home, all of the family members residing in the home fulfill their obligation, wherever they may be. For this reason, our custom is that only the head of the household lights the Chanukah candles at home since by doing so, the entire household fulfills their obligation.

According to the Ashkenazi custom, however, that each member of the household lights his own Chanukah candles, some say that if the head of the household is away from home, he must light on his own while others disagree.

Halachically speaking, the great Rishon Le’Zion, Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Yosef Shlit”a rules (in his Yalkut Yosef–Chanukah, page 486) that as long as there is someone lighting at the individual’s home, one will have fulfilled his obligation with this lighting. One may not have in mind not to fulfill one’s obligation with the lighting in one’s home, for one has already fulfilled his obligation in this way and one may not remove one’s self from this obligation and recite the blessings by himself.

If There is No One Lighting Candles at Home
If one is travelling and knows that there is no one lighting Chanukah candles in his home, for instance, if one’s wife and children are travelling with him, if this individual is staying in the home of a fellow Jew and is paying his host for his expenses, such as lodging, food, and the like, this individual must give his host a small sum of money in order to purchase a share of the host’s oil and wicks for the Chanukah candles. Alternatively, the host may grant his guest some of the oil and wicks as a gift (and in this instance, the host should add some more oil for the guest). In this way, the guest fulfills his obligation with the lighting of the host’s Chanukah candles.

The great Rishon Le’Zion Shlit”a (Yalkut Yosef-ibid, page 475) writes that when one is unsure whether or not someone will be lighting Chanukah candles on his behalf at home, one should light Chanukah candles in one’s current location with a blessing. He proceeds to support this view from the words of the Maharshal.

Soldiers and Yeshiva Students
Sephardic soldiers serving in the army and Yeshiva students studying abroad may rely on their father’s Chanukah candle-lighting at home and they need not light Chanukah candles at all. Regarding soldiers or Yeshiva students of Ashkenazi descent, if they have their own room in the military base or Yeshiva dormitory, they should light Chanukah candles with a blessing in their room similar to the above law of a guest.

Nevertheless, we must point out that Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 677) rules that if one is in a completely non-Jewish town where there are no Chanukah candles to be seen at all, although Chanukah candles are being lit in one’s home, one must nevertheless light Chanukah candles with a blessing in one’s current location in commemoration of the miracle of Chanukah. Thus, even Sephardic soldiers serving on the front must light Chanukah candles with a blessing in their room.   

If the soldiers do not have a room for themselves, for instance, because they are encamped on the field or in uncovered trenches, they should make an effort to light in a glass box (which protects the candles from the wind) without reciting a blessing (see Chazon Ovadia-Chanukah, page 152).


Newsletter Parashat Vayishlach



Have a look at our website  
Re-opening of our Bet Hakeneset
letter attached to this email
Greater Manchester is in Tier 3


Times for this week
*Thursday*: 6.55
Hodu: 7.05
Barechu: 7.15

*Friday*: 7.00
Hodu: 7.10
Barechu: 7.20

Please support our minyanim whenever possible!
Updates will appear on the WhatsApp group 
If anyone needs any help getting to or from the minyanim 
please contact one of the mahamad
  Avot Ubanim
Winter Season
in the comfort of your own home,
for more information about 
the ZOOM link
please contact
07815 885 245
Mazel Tov 
to the winners of last week's Raffles

Gavriel Sacks
Yishay Maman
David Shoshana 
Shlomo Lewis

Chazak Ubaruch to 
S Dozetas 
on the Devar Torah
Chanuka Art Competition
Moor Lane is getting crafty! 
Since we can’t gather together this year for our usual 
Chanukah arts and crafts in the hall, 
we are calling on the Moor Lane children and teens to create 
Chanukah pictures at home. 
We will provide the materials shortly before Chanukah 
and the kids can give their creativity free rein.

We will arrange a drop off box for the completed pictures. 
We will display the artwork in the synagogue for all of Moor Lane to enjoy. 
Hopefully, services will be reinstated by Chanukah, 
and the children will be able to see their handiwork in situ. 

If you have a child or children who are interested in taking part, 
please message Mrs Dina Shalom 07840043733 
with the number of children and whether they are key stage 1,2 or 3.
Wednesday 9th December
74631.jpg  image.png
Bar Mitzvah Invitation
8 / 12 / 2020
would like to use this opportunity 
to wish a big Mazal Tov
to our dear friends
Rabbi & Mrs. Yehonatan Salem
on the upcoming Bar Mitzvah 
of their son 
May Hashem shower His berachot on Yosef
to continue in Torah, Mitzvot Umaasim tovim

Special Mazal Tov
to our very dear
Mr & Mrs. Salem
on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson
May Hashem send them good health
to join in future family semachot.
Sefardic World
My Heart is in the East…” Financial support for Eretz Israel from the farthest West

Support for the Jewish community in Terra Santa was one of the earliest obligations the Amsterdam and London Jewish communities took upon themselves. Over the course of centuries, they placed great value in fulfilling this charitable obligation . The money ensured that a large number of Jews and Jewish institutions could survive in Ottoman Palestine.

Ton Tielen shares his research in the Amsterdam and London Sephardic archives. He will show how there were closer ties between eastern and western Sephardic communities than is generally known.

Time: Sunday Dec 6, 2020. 2pm NYC, 7pm London, 8pm Amsterdam/Paris, 9pm Jerusalem.

Join Zoom Meeting

A small monthly donation on Patreon helps us a lot. Many thanks to everyone who already supports our work.

If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on YouTube at: Please subscribe to the YouTube channel, where past talks will be shared.

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  

Please note: if you would like to receive all the updates directly from the Sefardic world just email them on

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א

Winter Timetable 5781 – 2020/21

מוצאי שבת



מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















4/5 Dec


Q & A on Parashat Vayishlach

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. What sort of messengers did Yaakov send to Esav?
    32:4 – Angels.
  2. Why was Yaakov both “afraid” and “distressed?”
    32:8 – He was afraid he would be killed. He was distressed that he would have to kill.
  3. In what three ways did Yaakov prepare for his encounter with Esav?
    32:9 – He sent gifts, he prayed, and he prepared for war.
  4. Where did Dina hide and why?
    32:23 – Yaakov hid her in a chest so that Esav wouldn't see her and want to marry her.
  5. After helping his family across the river, Yaakov remained alone on the other side. Why?
    32:25 – He went back to get some small containers he had forgotten.
  6. What was the angel forced to do before Yaakov agreed to release him?
    32:27 – Admit that the blessings given by Yitzchak rightfully belong to Yaakov.
  7. What was it that healed Yaakov's leg?
    32:32 – The shining of the sun.
  8. Why did Esav embrace Yaakov?
    33:4 – His pity was aroused when he saw Yaakov bowing to him so many times.
  9. Why did Yosef stand between Esav and Rachel?
    33:7 – To stop Esav from gazing at her.
  10. Give an exact translation of the word nisa in verse 33:12.
    33:12 – It means “travel”. It does not mean “we will travel.” This is because the letter nun is part of the word and does not mean we as it sometimes does.
  11. What happened to the 400 men who accompanied Esav?
    33:16 – They slipped away one by one.
  12. Why does the Torah refer to Dina as the daughter of Leah and not as the daughter of Yaakov?
    34:1 – Because she was outgoing like her mother, Leah.
  13. Whom should Shimon and Levi have consulted concerning their plan to kill the people of Shechem?
    34:25 – Their father, Yaakov.
  14. Who was born along with Binyamin?
    35:17 – His two triplet sisters.
  15. What does the name Binyamin mean? Why did Yaakov call him that?
    35:18 – Ben-Yemin means “Son of the South.” He was the only son born in the Land of Israel, which is south of Aram Naharaim.
  16. The Torah states, “The sons of Yaakov were twelve.” Why?
    35:22 – To stress that all of them, including Reuven, were righteous.
  17. How old was Yaakov when Yosef was sold?
    35:29 – One hundred and eight.
  18. Esav changed his wife's name to Yehudit. Why?
    36:2 – To fool Yitzchak into thinking that she had abandoned idolatry.
  19. Which three categories of people have their sins pardoned?
    36:3 – One who converts to Judaism, one who is elevated to a position of leadership, and one who marries.
  20. What is the connection between the Egyptian oppression of the Jewish people and Esav's decision to leave the land of Canaan?
    36:6 – Esav knew that the privilege of living in the Land of Israel was accompanied by the prophecy that the Jews would be “foreigners in a land not their own.” Therefore Esav said, “I'm leaving. I don't want the Land if it means I have to pay the bill of subjugation in Egypt.”

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

מלוה מלכה

שאלה: האם חובה לאכול במוצאי שבת פת (לחם) לשם סעודה רביעית שנקראת גם כן מלוה מלכה?

תשובה: בגמרא במסכת שבת (דף קיט.) אמרו, “לעולם יסדר אדם שלחנו בערב שבת, אף על פי שאינו צריך אלא לכזית, ולעולם יסדר אדם שלחנו במוצאי שבת, אף על פי שאינו צריך אלא לכזית”. כלומר, יסדר את שלחנו, ויפרוש עליו מפה וכיוצא בזה בדרך כבוד, הן בליל שבת, והן במוצאי שבת. ומשמע לכאורה שסעודה רביעית על הפת (כלומר עם נטילת ידים וברכת המוציא ואכילת פת וברכת המזון) הרי היא חובה, כמו הסעודה הראשונה של שבת, שהרי שתיהן הוזכרו באותו סגנון בגמרא.

וכן כתב באמת הגר”א מוילנא, שמסמיכות מאמרים אלו משמע שסעודה רביעית צריכה להיות עם פת דוקא. וכבר פסקו כן הפוסקים, הרמב”ם ומרן השלחן ערוך (סי' ש) באותו לשון שהוזכר הדבר בגמרא.

ומרן החיד”א בספרו מחזיק ברכה הוסיף, שיש להזהר מאד בסעודה רביעית, ובעת שאוכל יכוין “ללוות את השבת” ולהשאיר ברכה לסעודות החול. וזאת על פי מה שאמרו במסכת פסחים (קג.) שהדבר דומה למלך שמלוים אותו בצאתו כשם שמלוים אותו בכניסתו. ובספר תוספת מעשה רב (סימן לט) הובא מעשה בגודל החיוב לאכול סעודה רביעית בכלל, שפעם אחת חלה רבינו הגר”א מוילנא במוצאי שבת, והיה מקיא ולא היה יכול לאכול סעודה רביעית, ואחר שישן ונרגע, ציוה את בני ביתו שיראו אם לא עלה עמוד השחר עדיין, יפררו לו כזית פת ויאכילוהו בכף כדי לקיים מצות סעודה רביעית. ורבינו יוסף חיים זצ”ל הוסיף שמעלת סעודה רביעית גדולה שמצלת מחיבוט הקבר.

אמנם מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל העיר, שלדעת הגאונים, אף שודאי חובה לאכול סעודה רביעית, מכל מקום אין חיוב לאכלה עם פת. וכן מוכח מדברי עוד כמה מרבותינו הראשונים, שאין חיוב לאכול סעודה רביעית עם פת, אלא יכול להסתפק באכילת פת הבאה בכסנין, כגון עוגה (בשיעור כזית, עשרים ושבעה גרם) או אף בפירות.

ולכן להלכה העלה, שמצוה להשתדל לאכול פת ממש בסעודה רביעית, אבל אם אינו יכול לעשות כן, מפני שהוא שבע, יוכל לסמוך על שיטת הגאונים ולהסתפק באכילת עוגה. ואם אינו יכול לסעוד אף עם עוגה, יאכל לכל הפחות פירות. (וכעין זה מורים דברי מרן החיד”א ז”ל).

ומרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל היה זהיר באכילת סעודה רביעית עם פת לחם. ובכל מוצאי שבת לאחר שהיה חוזר משיעורו בבית הכנסת לעדת היזדים, היה נוטל את ידיו ואוכל סעודה רביעית. (ובערוב ימיו, כאשר פעם אחת לא יכול היה לאכול סעודה זו מרוב חוליו, הצטער על כך, וכשדיבר על צערו בפני אחד ממקורביו, אמר לו, ראה, שאפילו סעודה רביעית לא אכלתי מרוב כאבים).

ובהלכה הבאה יבואר דין הנשים וסגולתן בענין זה.

Melaveh Malka

Question: Is one obligated to eat bread on Motza’ei Shabbat for the fourth Shabbat meal which is also referred to as “Melaveh Malka” (meal escorting out the Shabbat Queen)?

Answer: The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (119b) tells us that one should always set one’s table nicely (by placing a tablecloth on it and the like) on Erev Shabbat even if one only plans to eat a Kezayit (olive’s volume) of bread and one should always set one’s table nicely on Motza’ei Shabbat even if one only plans on eating a Kezayit of bread. It seems from here that eating bread (meaning washing one’s hands, reciting the Hamotzi blessing, eating bread, and reciting Birkat Hamazon) during the fourth Shabbat meal is compulsory just as it is regarding the first Shabbat meal, for both of these meals were mentioned within the same Gemara.

The Gaon of Vilna proves likewise from the juxtaposition of these two teachings in the Gemara that we can infer that the fourth Shabbat meal requires bread. The Rambam and Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 300) rule likewise. Maran Ha’Chida adds in his Sefer Machazik Beracha that one should be very meticulous regarding the fourth Shabbat meal and one should have in mind while eating to “escort the Shabbat Queen out” and to retain blessing for the various meals during the week. This is based on the Gemara in Masechet Pesachim (103a) that a king is escorted out just as he is escorted in. The Sefer Tosefet Ma’aseh Rav (Chapter 39) recounts a story about the importance of eating the fourth Shabbat meal, that once Hagaon Rabbeinu Eliyahu (the Gaon) of Vilna fell ill on Motza’ei Shabbat and he vomited and was not able to partake of the fourth Shabbat meal. After falling asleep and recovering, when he awoke he asked his family members to check if dawn had broken yet, for if not, he asked for them to crumble a Kezayit of bread and spoon-feed it to him so that he may fulfill the Mitzvah of eating the fourth Shabbat meal. The saintly Rabbeinu Yosef Haim adds that partaking of the fourth Shabbat meal protects one from agonizing suffering after death some must endure in the grave.

 Maran zt”l points out that according to the Geonim, although there is certainly an obligation to eat the fourth Shabbat meal, nevertheless, there is no obligation to eat bread. This is also the opinion of several of the Rishonim that one need not eat bread during the fourth Shabbat meal, and “Kisnin” bread, such as cakes or pastries (a Kezayit worth, approximately 27 grams), or fruit is sufficient.

Thus, halachically speaking, Maran zt”l concludes that it is a Mitzvah to eat bread during the fourth Shabbat meal, however, if one cannot because one is already satiated, cake or cookies are sufficient. If one cannot even eat cake, one should at least have some fruit (the words of the Chida also imply this).

Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l was extremely scrupulous regarding partaking of a bread meal for Melaveh Malka. Every Motza’ei Shabbat after returning from his weekly class in the Yazdim synagogue, he would wash his hands and partake of the fourth Shabbat meal. (Towards the end of his life when he was once so ill that he could not partake of this meal, this caused him much anguish, so much so that he exclaimed to one of his relatives, “Look at me! I am in so much pain that I cannot even eat the fourth Shabbat meal!)

דין הנשים בסעודת מלוה מלכה

בהלכה הקודמת ביארנו שמצוה על כל אדם להשתדל לאכול סעודה רביעית שנקראת גם כן סעודת מלוה מלכה, על שם שהיא נערכת במוצאי שבת ללוות את שבת המלכה בצאתה ולהותיר ברכה לסעודות החול. וביארנו שמצוה להשתדל לאכול פת (לחם) בסעודה זו, ומי שאינו יכול לאכול פת מחמת שובעו, יוכל לסעוד בפת הבאה בכסנין (כגון עוגה או קרקרים וכדומה). ואם אינו יכול אף בפת הבאה בכסנין, יאכל על כל פנים פירות.

ולענין הנשים אם עליהן להשתדל לאכול סעודה רביעית, הנה בספר תוספת מעשה רב (סי' לט) כתב, שפעם אחת קבלה על עצמה הרבנית אשתו של הגר”א מוילנא להתענות הפסקה (תענית הפסקה היא תענית ממוצאי שבת עד ליל שבת רצוף) ולכן הפסיקה מלאכול אחר סעודה שלישית בשבת, ומיד אחר ששמעה הבדלה מאחרים שכבה לישון. ויוודע הדבר להגר”א ושלח להודיע לה, שבכל ההפסקות שתעשה לא יכופר לה ההפסד של מניעת סעודה רביעית אחת. ואז תיכף ומיד קמה וגם ניצבה ואכלה סעודה רביעית. ומזה מבואר דעת רבינו הגר”א שיש חיוב בסעודה זו גם לנשים. (וכיוצא בזה כתב גם הגאון רבי יוסף חיים מבבל בשו”ת רב פעלים (ס”י לה) שהנוהגים לעשות תענית הפסקה בשנה מעוברת, אסור להם להפסיק מלאכול תיכף אחר סעודה שלישית של שבת, ולבטל סעודה רביעית.)

וכן העלה בספר פתח הדביר, שאף הנשים צריכות לאכול סעודה רביעית, וזאת על פי מה שכתב בספר מטה משה (ס”י תקיג) “עצם יש באדם ונסכוי שמו, והיא הנקראת לוז, שהיא עיצומו ועיקרו ושרשו של האדם, מעצם השמים, וגם כשימות האדם העצם ההיא אינה נימוחה ולא נפחתת, ואפילו יכניסוה באש אינה נשרפת, והיא נצחית, וממנה יחיה האדם לעת תחית המתים”. וכן אמרו חז”ל במדרש (קהלת רבה פי”ב ס”ה) מהיכן אדם מניץ לעתיד לבא? מן הלוז שבשדרה. ואמרו המקובלים שאין העצם נהנית אלא מסעודה רביעית של מוצאי שבת. ולכן גם הנשים צריכות לסעוד סעודה רביעית. ויש עוד טעמים לזה שאי אפשר להאריך בהם.

ולפיכך כתב מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף זצוק”ל שגם הנשים תשתדלנה לקיים מצות סעודה רביעית. והוסיף שמובא בשם הרב הקדוש רבי אלימלך מליז'נסק, שסגולה לנשים שתלדנה בקלות, שתאכלנה איזה דבר לשם מצות סעודה רביעית, ותאמרנה בפיהן “לשם מצות סעודת מלוה מלכה” ועל ידי זה תלדנה בנקל ובהרוחה בעזרת ה' יתברך. ושמענו כמה מקרים שנראה שהועילה סגולה זו.

The Laws of Women Regarding the “Melaveh Malka” Meal

In the previous Halacha we have explained that one should put forth an effort to eat The fourth Shabbat meal, which is also known as the “Melaveh Malka” meal, which is held on Motza’ei Shabbat to escort out the Shabbat Queen and to retain blessing for the rest of the meals of the week. We also explained that there is a special Mitzvah for one to eat bread during the fourth Shabbat meal, but if one is unable to do so because he is already satiated, one may partake of “Kisnin” bread (such as cake or crackers) instead. If one cannot even eat “Kisnin” bread, one should at least partake of some fruit.

Regarding whether or not women should put forth effort to eat the fourth Shabbat meal, the Sefer Tosefet Ma’aseh Rav (Chapter 39) recounts that once, the wife of the Gaon of Vilna accepted a fast upon herself that was to last from Motza’ei Shabbat until Friday night consecutively. Thus, she refrained from eating immediately after the Third Shabbat meal and immediately upon hearing Havdalah, she went to bed. This matter became known to the Gra and he sent a messenger to tell his wife that all of the fasts that she had undertaken would not suffice to atone for missing the fourth Shabbat meal even once. Immediately upon hearing this, she quickly rose and ate the fourth Shabbat meal. Clearly, we can infer that the Gra maintains that women are also obligated in the Mitzvah of partaking of the fourth Shabbat meal. (Similarly, Hagaon Rabbeinu Yosef Haim of Baghdad writes in his Responsa Rav Pe’alim (Chapter 35) that those who customarily fast on Jewish leap years from Motza’ei Shabbat until Friday night consecutively may not begin fasting immediately following the third Shabbat meal, thereby cancelling the fourth Shabbat meal.)

Similarly, the Sefer Petach Ha’Devir writes that women must also partake of the fourth Shabbat meal. This based on what is written in the Sefer Mateh Moshe (Chapter 513) that “there is a bone in a person’s body called ‘Nascoy’, which is also known as the ‘Luz’ bone, which is the essence and root of the human being from the essence of Heaven. When a person dies, this bone neither disintegrates nor becomes diminished and even if it were to be thrown into fire it would not burn, for this bone is eternal and from it will a person be restored at the time of the resurrection of the dead.” Similarly, our Sages tell us in the Midrash (Kohelet Rabba Parasha 12, Chapter 5) that in the future, a person will be resurrected using the “Luz” bone located in one’s spine. The Mekubalim tell us that this bone benefits solely from the fourth Shabbat meal eaten on Motza’ei Shabbat. Thus, women must also partake of the fourth Shabbat meal. There are more reasons for this which we cannot go into detail about at the present time.

Therefore, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that women should also put forth an effort to partake of the fourth Shabbat meal. He adds that it is quoted in the name of the saintly Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk that when a woman eats something for the fourth Shabbat meal and says beforehand, “this is for the sake of the Melaveh Malka meal,” it is especially auspicious for easy childbirth and in this merit they will, G-d willing, give birth easily and safely. We are actually aware of several cases where this Segulah (auspicious custom) has worked.
