will be taking a break during the Summer Holidays
and will return in time for Elul & Selichot
Below are the Shabbat Times for the next 4 weeks
wishing all readers
Shabbat Shalom
Easy Fast
Safe Journeys
Enjoyable Summer Holidays
Minyan Updates
As of Monday 12th August
Monday after Tisha BeAv
All regular weekday Minyanin
will be in recces until
Rosh Chodesh Elul
31 Aug / 1 September
Shabbat Times / Minyanim and any changes or updates
will appear on the
Moor Lane Minyan WhatsApp group
(please note: some regulars to the Shacharit Minyan
will Be’H update members on the WhatsApp group
if there will be a minyan on Monday 12/8 & Tuesday 13/8)
Mazal Tov
Reuben & Elysia Day
on the safe arrival of their
new baby boy
שיזכה לברית בזמנה לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים
Big Mazal Tov
Antony & Lorretta
Emanuela & David
on their new grandson
Special Mazal Tov
Mrs E Jacobs
Mrs Hodari
on their new great-grandson

Swim for Torah
This summer holiday I will beH be swimming across Lake Ullswater – not once but two return trips. The estimated equivalent of over three kilometers, 120 lengths of a full-sized pool. This epic trip will take place in the beautiful background of the Lake District in the refreshingly cold waters of Ullswater, which I will brave for up to several hours. Why at my age? To raise much-needed funds for the range of activities which Moor Lane Kollel undertakes within Moor Lane Shul. You can help me reach my target of £3000 to help fund this amazing organization. Please make this sporty undertaking – possibly the first of its kind by a Rabbi in Manchester – go with a splash!
If you can help I would be delighted! You can donate in a variety of ways:
- Follow this link: https://thechesedfund.com/manchester-montefiore-kollel/rabbi-stamler-crosses-ullswater-four-times-for-moor-lane
- By direct transfer to Royal Bank of Scotland Manchester Montefiore Kollel sort code 160001 account number 21005484
- By instruction to your voucher company using the above details
- By post to 19 Waterpark Rd Salford M7 4FT
Thank you so much and wishing you Shabbat Shalom!
Moshe Stamler
Shabbat Times
לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע“ט
Timetable 5779 – 2019
מוצאי שבת | ערבית )מוצ”ש( | שקיעה | סוף זמן קראת שמע | זמן שבת | פלג מנחה | פלג מנחה (לבוש) | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Shema to be read before | Candles to be |
| Earliest Candle lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat* | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM | PM | PM |
9:47 | Fast begins: 8:47 ערבית: 10:00 | 8:47 | 9:26 | 8:35 | 7:51 | 7:16 | 7:00 | 9/10 Aug | דברים (שבת חזון) |
9:30 | 9:25 | 8:32 | 9:31 | 8:20 | 7:38 | 7:04 | 6:45 | 16/17 Aug | ואתחנן (שבת נחמו) |
9:12 | 9:05 | 8:17 | 9:37 | 8:05 | 7:24 | 6:52 | 6:40 | 23/24 Aug | עקב (ש”מ) |
8:54 | 8:50 | 8:00 | 9:42 | 7:49 | 7:10 | 6:38 | 6:40 | 30/31 Aug | ראה )ראש חודש( |
* For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest
candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all
Youth Club 4:00 pm
Avot Ubanim 5:00 pm
Mincha 6:00 pm
Followed by
Tehilim straight after Musaf
Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews
& A on Parashat Devarim
- How do we see from the beginning of Parshat Devarim that Moshe was concerned for the Jewish Peoples honor?
1:1 Moshe mentions only the names of the places where the Jewish People sinned, but does not mention the sins themselves. - How much time elapsed between leaving Mt. Sinai and sending the spies?
1:2 – 40 days. - Moshe rebuked the Jewish People shortly before his death. From whom did he learn this?
1:3 – From Yaakov, who rebuked his sons shortly before his death. - Why did Moshe wait until he had smitten the Amorite kings before rebuking the Jewish People?
1:4 So that no one could say, “What right has he to rebuke us; has he brought us into any part of the Land as he promised?” - What were some of the achievements that resulted from the Jewish People “dwelling” at Mt. Sinai?
1:6 – They received the Torah, built the mishkan and all its vessels, appointed a Sanhedrin, and appointed officers. - Why does the Torah single out the names of the avot in connection with the giving of the Land?
1:8 – Each of the avot possessed sufficient merit for the Jewish People to inherit the Land. - What did Moshe convey to the Jewish People by saying: “You today are like the stars of the Heavens”?
1:10 – They are an eternal people, just as the sun, moon and stars are eternal. - “Apikorsim” (those who denigrate Talmud scholars) observed Moshes every move in order to accuse him. What did they observe, and what did they accuse him of?
1:13 They observed the time he left home in the morning. If Moshe left early, they accused him of having family problems (which drove him from his home). If he left late, they accused him of staying home in order to plot evil against them. - Moshe was looking for several qualities in the judges he chose. Which quality couldn’t he find?
1:15 – Men of understanding. - Moshe told the judges, “The case that is too hard for you, bring it to me.” How was he punished for this statement?
1:17 – When the daughters of Tzelofchad asked him a halachic question, the law was concealed from him. - Why did Moshe describe the desert as great and frightful?
1:19 – Because the Jewish People saw huge, frightening snakes and scorpions in the desert. - Which tribe was not represented among the spies?
1:23 – Levi. - Which city did Calev inherit?
1:36 – Hebron. - How many kingdoms was Avraham promised? How many were conquered by Yehoshua?
2:5 – Avraham was promised the land of ten kingdoms. Yehoshua conquered seven. The lands of Moav, Ammon and Esav will be received in the time of the mashiach. - Why were the Jewish People forbidden to provoke Ammon?
2:9 – This was a reward for Lots younger daughter, the mother of Ammon, for concealing her fathers improper conduct. - Why were the Jewish People not permitted to conquer the Philistines?
2:23 – Because Avraham had made a peace treaty with Avimelech, King of the Philistines. - How did Hashem instill the dread of the Jewish People into the nations of the world?
2:25 – During the battle against Og, the sun stood still for the sake of the Jewish People, and the whole world saw this. - Why did Moshe fear Og?
3:2 – Og possessed merit for having once helped Avraham. - Who was instrumental in destroying the Refaim?
3:11 – Amrafel. - What was the advantage of Reuven and Gad leading the way into battle?
3:18 – They were mighty men, and the enemy would succumb to them.
from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz’l
הבדלה במוצאי שבת שחל בו תשעה
באב, ודין חולה שאוכל בתשעה באב
בשנה שתשעה באב חל במוצאי שבת,
כמו בשנה זו (תשע”ט), נחלקו רבותינו הראשונים כיצד יש לנהוג לענין הבדלה על
הכוס, ושלוש שיטות בדבר.
הראשונה, היא שיטת הגאונים, שמבדיל במוצאי התענית, דהיינו במוצאי יום ראשון, לפני
שיטעם משהו.
השיטה השנייה היא שיטת בעל ספר
המנהיג, שכתב שיבדיל במוצאי שבת ויתן לקטן שאינו מחוייב בתענית לשתות את היין.
השיטה השלישית היא שיטת רבינו
הרמב”ן, שכתב שאין להבדיל כלל, שהרי אמרו בגמרא (ברכות לג.) שבתחילה תקנו חכמים שיעשו הבדלה בתוך
תפילת ערבית של מוצאי שבת, ואחר כך נתעשרו ישראל ותקנו חכמים הבדלה על כוס יין,
והרי בתשעה באב שחל להיות במוצאי שבת כל ישראל עניים מרודים הם. וישנה אריכות על
שיטות הראשונים בדברי הפוסקים.
השלחן ערוך פסק כשיטת הגאונים שיבדיל על כוס יין במוצאי תשעה באב. ואנו פוסקים
כדעת מרן שקבלנו הוראותיו. לכן אנו נוהגים להבדיל במוצאי תשעה באב על כוס יין,
ובזה מוציאים את הצום. אבל מיד במוצאי שבת עם כניסת התענית, שאי אפשר לעשות הבדלה
על כוס יין, צריך שיאמר בפיו “ברוך המבדיל בין קודש לחול”, בכדי שיהיה
מותר לו לעשות מלאכה.
מברכים על הבשמים בהבדלה שבמוצאי תשעה באב, משום שאין מביאים בשמים בבית האבל,
שהבשמים נועדו לתענוג, וכן הדין בתשעה באב. וכן פסק מרן השלחן ערוך.
חייבים לברך על הנר במוצאי שבת
של תשעה באב. אף על פי שאין מבדילין על הכוס. ונוהגים שהחזן או הרב בבית הכנסת מברך על הנר לפני
קריאת מגילת איכה. (אף שיש חולקים בדבר. ראה בספר חזון עובדיה עמוד שמב).
ונשים שאינן הולכות לבית הכנסת,
צריכות לברך על הנר בביתן, במוצאי שבת, ברכת “בורא מאורי האש”. (שם,
עמוד שמג).
חולה, שאוכל בתשעה באב, כפי שביארנו בהלכות קודמות, צריך לעשות
הבדלה על הכוס לפני שיאכל בתשעה באב. שהרי אסור לאכול אחרי שבת לפני שעושים הבדלה.
ולכן על החולה לעשות הבדלה על כוס יין, או מיץ ענבים, וישתה מהכוס כדת וכדין בכל
מוצאי שבת. ורשאי החולה שעושה הבדלה על הכוס, להוציא את כל בני ביתו ידי חובת
ההבדלה, כפי שנוהגים בכל מוצאי שבת.
ומעוברות ומניקות, שלפי מה
שכתבנו רשאיות לאכול בתשעה באב השנה (תשע”ט), מפני שהתענית דחויה מיום השבת,
אף הן חייבות להבדיל על הכוס לפני שיאכלו. ומאחר ואינן אוכלות עד ליום תשעה באב,
כלומר, יום ראשון בצהריים, הרי שעליהן לברך על הנר בליל תשעה באב, וביום תשעה באב
עושות הבדלה על הכוס, בלא לברך על הנר ובלא לברך על הבשמים. (חזון עובדיה עמוד שמח)
Havdala on Motza’ei Shabbat which Coincides with Tisha
Be’av and the Laws of an Ill Individual who Eats on Tisha Be’av
On years during which Tisha Be’av
falls out on Motza’ei Shabbat, such as this year, 5779, there are three
opinions among the Rishonim regarding how Havdala should be recited on a cup of
wine on Motza’ei Shabbat.
The first opinion is that of the Geonim who write that one should recite
Havdala only at the conclusion of the fast, i.e. Sunday night, before sitting
down to eat.
The second opinion is that of the author of the Sefer Ha’Manhig who writes that
one should recite Havdala on Motza’ei Shabbat and have a child who is not
obligated to fast drink the wine.
The third opinion is that of the Ramban who writes that Havdala is not recited
at all, for the Gemara (Berachot 33a) writes that originally Havdala was
instituted as part of the Arvit prayer. The, the Jewish nation became wealthy
and our Sages enacted that it be recited over a cup of wine. However, on Tisha
Be’av which falls on Motza’ei Shabbat, the entire Jewish nation is considered
utterly destitute. The Poskim discuss the varying opinions of the Rishonim at
Maran HaShulchan Aruch rules in accordance with the opinion of the Geonim that
Havdala should be recited at the conclusion of the fast. We rule in accordance
with Maran, whose rulings we have accepted. We therefore customarily recite
Havdala at the conclusion of the fast, essentially breaking the fast on wine.
Nevertheless, immediately at the onset of the fast on Motza’ei Shabbat,
although Havdala is not recited on a cup of wine, one must still recite “Baruch
Ha’Mavdil Ben Kodesh Le’Chol” in order to make it permissible to do work.
The “Boreh Minei Besamim” blessing is not recited on a fragrant object at the
conclusion of Tisha Be’av, for fragrant objects are not brought to a mourner’s
home since they are meant for pleasure. The same applies on Tisha Be’av. Maran
HaShulchan Aruch rules likewise.
One must recite the “Boreh Me’orei Ha’esh” blessing on a candle on Motza’ei
Shabbat which coincides with Tisha Be’av. It is customary for the rabbi or
Chazzan to recite this blessing in the synagogue before the reading of Eicha
(although there are those who disagree, see Chazon Ovadia-Arba Ta’aniyot, page
Women who do not attend synagogue on Motza’ei Shabbat must recite the “Boreh
Me’orei Ha’esh” blessing on a candle at home (ibid, page 343).
An ill individual who eats on Tisha Be’av (as we have discussed above) must
first recite Havdala on a cup of wine before eating on Tisha Be’av, for one may
not eat after Shabbat has ended until he has performed Havdala. The ill person
must therefore recite Havdala on a cup of wine or grape juice and drink it as
he would on any Motza’ei Shabbat. An ill person reciting Havdala on a cup of
wine may do so on behalf of the members of his household as he would on any
Motza’ei Shabbat and they will fulfill their obligation of hearing Havdala
(although they are fasting and the fast has not yet ended).
Pregnant and nursing women, who we have explained are exempt from fasting on
Tisha Be’av this year (5779) since the fast is postponed until Sunday, must
likewise recite Havdala on a cup of wine before eating. Since they will only be
eating until the day of Tisha Be’av, i.e. Sunday afternoon, they must therefore
recite the “Boreh Me’orei Ha’esh” blessing on a candle on the night of Tisha
Be’av and then recite Havdala on a cup of wine during the day of Tisha Be’av
without reciting a blessing on a fragrant object or a candle. (ibid, page 348)
Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.
Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries
Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so
If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word “unsubscribe”.
Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best