Newsletter Parashat Kedoshim

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Summer Time Table

 attached to this email



We are delighted to announce a 

Summer Program of Avot Ubanim 

in the Bet Hakeneset

Starting THIS week 
Parshat Kedoshim –  11th May
5 – 5.50 pm in the hall 
Pirkei Avot at 5.50 
followed by Mincha at 6pm

Nash provided for the children

There will be a points system to reward those who attend frequently, details to follow…

For more information 
please call 
David Shasha on 0751 967 2254



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע

Timetable 5779





סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*





















10/11 May




*    For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the
candle lighting’ column is earlier,
when candles should be lit by that time, in all

Avot Ubanim 5:00 pm

Pirke Avot 5:50 pm

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by


Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews

 or directly to Yamin Ibgui


& A on Parashat Kedoshim


  1. Why was Parshat Kedoshim said in front of all the Jewish People?
  2. Why does the Torah mention the duty to honor one's father before it mentions the duty to honor one's mother?
  3. Why is the command to fear one's parents followed by the command to keep Shabbat?
  4. Why does Shabbat observance supersede honoring parents?
  5. What is "leket?"
  6. In Shemot 20:13, the Torah commands "Do not steal." What does the Torah add when it commands in Vayikra 19:11 "Do not steal?"
  7. "Do not do wrong to your neighbor" (19:13). To what "wrong" is the Torah referring?
  8. By when must you pay someone who worked for you during the day?
  9. How does Rashi explain the prohibition "Don't put a stumbling block before a sightless person?"
  10. In a monetary case involving a poor person and a rich person, a judge is likely to wrongly favor the poor person. What rationale does Rashi give for this?
  11. When rebuking someone, what sin must one be careful to avoid?
  12. It's forbidden to bear a grudge. What example does Rashi give of this?
  13. The Torah forbids tattooing. How is a tattoo made?
  14. How does one fulfill the mitzvah of "hadarta p'nei zaken?"
  15. What punishment will never come to the entire Jewish People?
  16. What penalty does the Torah state for cursing one's parents?
  17. When the Torah states a death penalty but doesn't define it precisely, to which penalty is it referring?
  18. What will result if the Jewish People ignore the laws of forbidden relationships?
  19. Which of the forbidden relationships listed in this week's Parsha were practiced by the Canaanites?
  20. Is it proper for a Jew to say "I would enjoy eating ham?"

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. 19:2 – Because the fundamental teachings of the Torah are contained in this Parsha.
  2. 19:3 – Since it is more natural to honor one's mother, the Torah stresses the obligation to honor one's father.
  3. 19:3 – To teach that one must not violate Torah law even at the command of one's parents.
  4. 19:3 – Because the parents are also commanded by Hashem to observe Shabbat. Parents deserve great honor, but not at the "expense" of Hashem's honor.
  5. 19:9 – "Leket" is one or two stalks of grain accidentally dropped while harvesting. They are left for the poor.
  6. 19:11 – The Torah in Vayikra prohibits monetary theft. In Shemot it prohibits kidnapping.
  7. 19:13 – Withholding wages from a worker.
  8. 19:13 – Before the following dawn.
  9. 19:13 – Don't give improper advice to a person who is unaware in a matter. For example, don't advise someone to sell his field, when in reality you yourself wish to buy it.
  10. 19:15 – The judge might think: "This rich person is obligated to give charity to this poor person regardless of the outcome of this court case. Therefore, I'll rule in favor of the poor person. That way, he'll receive the financial support he needs without feeling shame.
  11. 19:17 – Causing public embarrassment.
  12. 19:18 – Person A asks person B: "Can I borrow your shovel?" Person B says: "No." The next day, B says to A: "Can I borrow your scythe?" A replies: "Sure, I'm not stingy like you are."
  13. 19:28 – Ink is injected into the skin with a needle.
  14. 19:32 – By not sitting in the seat of elderly people, and by not contradicting their statements.
  15. 20:3 – "Karet" — being spiritually "cut off."
  16. 20:9 – Death by stoning.
  17. 20:10 – Chenek (strangulation).
  18. 20:22 – The land of Israel will "spit them out."
  19. 20:23 – All of them.
  20. 20:26 – Yes.


from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

דין המסופק אם ספר ספירת העומר

, כי מי ששכח לספור יום אחד ספירת העומר,
אינו רשאי לברך שוב על ספירתו בימים הבאים. וטעם הדבר, לפי שנחלקו רבותינו
הראשונים, אם מצות ספירת העומר היא מצוה אחת ארוכה הנמשכת במשך ארבעים ותשעה ימי
העומר, או שמא ספירת העומר בכל יום ויום היא מצוה בפני עצמה. שאם נאמר שבכל יום
ויום הספירה היא מצוה בפני עצמה, הרי שאז, גם מי שלא ספר יום אחד, יוכל להמשיך
, שהרי
בכל יום הספירה היא מצוה בפני עצמה, ואין שייכות בין הספירה של ליל אמש לספירה של
היום. וכשם שמי שלא הניח תפילין (ח"ו) יום אחד, בודאי שעליו להניח תפילין
ביום שלמחרתו, כי אין שייכות כלל בין העדר הנחת התפילין יום אחד, להמשך קיום המצוה
בימים הבאים. מה שאין כן אילו נאמר שמצות ספירת העומר היא מצוה אחת ארוכה, שאז, מי
ששכח לספור את העומר יום אחד, לא יוכל להמשיך עוד בספירת העומר, שהרי מרגע שאיבד
את הספירה יום אחד, הפסיד את המצוה בשלמותה, ואינו סופר עוד. וזו היא שיטת בעל
הלכות גדולות, הסובר שמי שלא ספר ספירת העומר יום אחד, אינו ממשיך בספירתו בימים

ולענין הלכה,
מכיון שדעת רוב רבותינו הראשונים אינה כדעת בעל הלכות גדולות, לכן מי ששכח לספור
ספירת העומר יום אחד, חייב להמשיך ולספור את העומר בימים הבאים. אולם מכיון שאיסור
ברכה לבטלה הוא חמור מאד, שיש בו הזכרת שם שמים לשוא, לכן אנו נוקטים להלכה,
שלענין ברכת "על ספירת העומר", יש לחוש לדעת בעל הלכות גדולות, ומי ששכח
לספור את העומר יום אחד, אינו ממשיך לברך בכל יום על הספירה, אלא הוא סופר בלא
ברכה, וכפי הכלל הגדול שבידינו, "ספק ברכות להקל

ומעתה לנדון
שלנו, מאחר שנתבאר שאנו חוששים לענין הברכה לדעתו של בעל הלכות גדולות, לכאורה היה
נראה שאדם המסתפק אם ספר ספירת העומר (או שהוא מסופק אם ספר בצורה נכונה וכיוצא
בזה, וכגון אדם שהתפלל ביחידות, וכעת הוא מסופק אם ספר נכון), אף על פי שימשיך
לספור את העומר בכל יום, מכל מקום אינו רשאי לברך על הספירה, שהרי יש לנו לחוש
לדעת בעל הלכות גדולות, שמי ששכח יום אחד, אינו ממשיך לספור את העומר

אולם לענין
הלכה, אין הדין כן, כי רק באופן שאדם יודע בודאות ששכח לספור את העומר, אז יש לנו
לחוש לדעתו של בעל הלכות גדולות, ולכן אינו ממשיך לספור
"בברכה", אך
אם אין הדבר ודאי, רק ספק, אין לחוש באופן כזה לשיטת בעל הלכות גדולות, שהרי בלאו
הכי רוב הראשונים לא פסקו כמותו. ולכן העיקר להלכה, שמי שמסתפק אם ספר את העומר
בליל אמש, ממשיך לספור את העומר בברכה

ולסיכום: המסופק אם ספר בליל אמש ספירת העומר, ממשיך לספור
בימים הבאים בברכה. ורק אם ידוע לו בודאות שלא ספר לילה אחד, או שספר בצורה
שגוייה, שוב לא יברך על ספירתו

One who is in Doubt Whether or Not He Counted the Omer

have already explained
that one who has forgotten to count the Omer
one day during the counting period may no longer count with a blessing on the
subsequent days. The reason for this is because the Rishonim disagree as to
whether the Mitzvah of counting the Omer is one long Mitzvah that spans along
forty-nine days or every day of counting the Omer possesses its own Mitzvah. If
we were to say that every day of counting possesses its own separate Mitzvah,
even if one were to forget one full day of counting, he would still be able to
continue counting the following night, for every day of counting is its own
Mitzvah and there is no correlation between today's counting and yesterday's.
Similarly, if one were to, G-d forbid, not don Tefillin one day, he would
surely still be obligated to don then the next day, for there is no connection
between today's lack of donning Tefillin and continuing to fulfill this Mitzvah
on subsequent days. However, if we say that the Mitzvah of counting the Omer is
one long Mitzvah, if one forgets to count one day, he may no longer continue
counting, for the moment he misses the counting of that specific day, he has
lost the opportunity to fulfill the Mitzvah in its completion, and he no longer
counts. This is indeed the opinion of the Ba'al Halachot Gedolot who holds that
if one missed counting one day of the Omer, he no longer counts on subsequent

Halachically speaking, however, since most Rishonim disagree with the position
of the Ba'al Halachot Gedolot, if one forgets to count one day of the Omer, he
does indeed continue to count on the subsequent nights. Nevertheless, since the
prohibition of reciting a blessing in vain is very severe as it entails
uttering Hashem's name in vain, we thus hold that regarding the blessing of
"Al Sefirat Ha'Omer," the opinion of the Ba'al Halachot Gedolot must
be taken into consideration and one who has forgotten to count one day of the
Omer does not continue to recite the blessing upon counting on subsequent
nights; rather, he continues to count without reciting a blessing beforehand,
as per the rule of, "When in doubt, do not bless".

Regarding our scenario, since we have just established that regarding the
blessing we are concerned about the opinion of the Ba'al Halachot Gedolot, it
would seem that if one is in doubt whether he counted the Omer or not (or if he
is in doubt if he counted correctly, for instance, if one prayed alone, not
with a Minyan, and is now uncertain if he counted the correct number), although
he would continue to count on subsequent nights, he would nevertheless not be
allowed to recite a blessing upon counting, for we must consider the opinion of
the Ba'al Halachot Gedolot who holds that when one forgets to count one day, he
does not continue to count the Omer.

However, halachically speaking, this is not so, for only if one is certain that
he has forgotten to count one day do we say that he needs to be concerned about
the opinion of the Ba'al Halachot Gedolot, and should continue counting without
reciting a blessing. However, if one is uncertain whether he counted or not, he
need not be concerned about the opinion of the Ba'al Halachot Gedolot, for in
any case, most Rishonim disagree with his opinion. Therefore, the Halacha
follows that if one is uncertain whether he counted the Omer on the previous
night or not, he will indeed continue to count the Omer on subsequent nights
with a blessing.

Summary: If one is uncertain whether or not he counted the Omer on the
previous night, he does continue counting on subsequent nights with a blessing.
Only if one is certain that he has forgotten to count one night, or that he has
counted incorrectly, will he no longer recite a blessing upon counting on
subsequent nights



Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Achare Mot

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1) Keriat Shema

Please note that the latest times for 

Keriat Shema on Shabbat morning 

during the summer months will be early 

and on certain weeks will be BEFORE 9 AM


2) Mincha Shabbat Afternoon

throughout the summer months 

Mincha will be at 6 pm


3) Pledge Reminder

Just a reminder that if you have made a donation 

after receiving an Aliya in the last few weeks or over Pesach,

the donation can be fulfilled in any of the following ways: 

 ·  By post
addressed to

'The Treasurer, Manchester
Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews, 

18 Moor Lane, Salford, Manchester
M7 3WX'.

· By hand to the treasurer or any member of the Mahamad.

·Anonymously in the donations box in the Synagogue.

·Direct Debit to the shul's account 

for account details please speak to the treasurer


 Cheques should be made payable to 

Congregation of Spanish & Portuguese Jews'. 

Thank you & Tizke Lemitzvot


4)  Moorlanenews


A) Announcements for the weekly Moorlanenews email 

should be sent to us before Wednesday morning

unless there is a Yom Tob on Wednesday.

If you wish to send an announcement but it will only be ready on Wednesday evening

just send us an email and we will wait for you till you are ready 

Semachot Announcement

B) We ONLY announce a Simcha or a special Kiddush

on the newsletter 

when given permission to announce it,

even if it is announced on the Shul's WhatsApp group and we know about it, 

it will NOT be announced without the consent of the Baal Simcha

directly to Moorlanenews

5) Summer Time Table

attached to this email



Parshat Achare


Shacharit Shabbat morning will be 

conducted by the youth and children of 

OUR Bet Hakeneset 


Some Halachot concerning 

Arbit on Friday in the Summer months


Rabbi Eli Mansour

Praying Friday Night Arbit Early

Berachot, on Daf 27 brings down a Machloket (argument) regarding the latest
time one may pray Mincha, and the earliest time one may Arbit. According to
Rebbi Yehuda, Mincha ends and Arbit begins at a time that is called Plag
Mincha, which is about 1¼ hours before sunset. However, according to the
Chachamim, Mincha ends and Arbit begins at sunset. So the Gemara struggles to
ascertain which is the correct answer, but in the end comes out leaving the
answer up in the air. One may follow either opinion.

Maran in Shulchan Aruch siman 233 says that although the Gemara gives an option
on this question, it is however our custom to follow the opinion of the
Chachamim. They held that one has until sunset to pray Mincha, and that Arbit
can not be said until after sunset.

Halacha does allow some exceptions whereby one may follow the opinion of Rebbi
Yehuda and pray Arbit early. Shulchan Aruch discusses one of these exceptions
in siman 267 where it writes that we may pray Arbit early on Friday night.
Maran is writing that we can follow Rebbi Yehuda’s opinion Lechatchila on
Friday night, because by doing so we are fulfilling a Mitzvah of adding to
Shabbat. As such it has become Minhag (custom) to pray Arbit early on Friday
night (after Plag Mincha), and to accept Shabbat early.

There is an interesting Magen Avraham (Rav Avraham Avli ben Chaim HaLevi
Gombiner 1633-1683) that gives a further explanation on this leniency to pray
Arbit earlier than sunset on Friday night. He explains that the Chachamim
derived their basis for Tefilat Arbit from its connection to a service that was
performed at night after sunset in the times of the Bet HaMikdash. The fat and
bones which remained from Korbanot of the day were burned at night, with the
exception of Friday night. And since Friday nights were not bound by any
correlative event, therefore the Chachamim were lenient and agreed with Rebbi
Yehuda that one may pray Arbit as early as Plag Mincha on Friday night

Eating the Friday Night Shabbat Meal
Before Dark

The Shulhan Aruch (Orah Haim 267:2) rules that one
may pray Arbit before sundown on Friday afternoon, as long as it is past the
point of Plag Ha’minha, and then immediately recite Kiddush. Since one has
already accepted Shabbat, he may recite Kiddush at that point, even though the
sun has not yet set. 

By the same token, many Aharonim (later Halachic authorities) rule that is
perfectly acceptable to eat one’s entire Shabbat meal before sundown. Since one
has already accepted Shabbat, it is considered as though Shabbat has begun, and
thus he may fulfill the requirement of the Shabbat meal already then, even
before sunset. 

The Sefer Hasidim (Rabbenu Yehuda Ha’hasid of Regensburg, Germany, late
12th-early 13th century), however, in Siman 269, writes that a person should
preferably ensure to eat at least one Ke’zayit of his meal after dark on Friday
night. This way, he is considered to have eaten a halachic meal after the
actual onset of Shabbat. The Taz (Rav David Ha’levi Segal, Poland, 1586-1667),
however, disagrees. He writes (261:6; listen to audio recording for precise
citation) that once a person has accepted Shabbat, we consider Shabbat to have
begun in every respect, and there is thus no need to eat part of one’s meal
after dark. 

Hacham Ovadia Yosef, in Hazon Ovadia – Shabbat (vol. 2, p. 11; listen to audio
recording for precise citation), rules that one should preferably follow the
Sefer Hasidim’s stringency and eat at least a Ke’zayit of one’s meal after
nightfall. This is also the view of the Mishna Berura (Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan
of Radin, 1839-1933). Therefore, although it is certainly permissible to begin
one’s meal immediately after one prays Arbit, even before nightfall, one should
try to eat a Ke’zayit after dark. 

Summary: When one accepts Shabbat before sundown, he may recite Kiddush and eat
his meal immediately, even before the sun set, though it is preferable to
ensure to eat at least one Ke’zayit of his meal after dark.



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע

Timetable 5779





סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*





















3/4 May

אחרי (ש''מ)


*    For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the
‘latest candle
lighting’ column is earlier,
candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.

Pirke Avot 5:50

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by


Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


& A on Parashat Achare Mot

  1. Why does the Torah emphasize that Parshas Acharei Mos was taught after the death of Aaron's sons?
  2. What is the punishment for a Kohen Gadol who inappropriately enters the Kodesh Kodashim?
  3. How long did the first Beis Hamikdash exist?
  4. What did the Kohen Gadol wear when he entered the Kodesh Kodashim?
  5. How many times did the Kohen Gadol change his clothing and immerse in the mikveh on Yom Kippur?
  6. How many times did he wash his hands and feet from the Kiyor (copper laver)?
  7. The Kohen Gadol offered a bull Chatas to atone for himself and his household. Who paid for it?
  8. One of the goats that was chosen by lot went to Azazel. What is Azazel?
  9. Who is included in the "household" of the Kohen Gadol?
  10. For what sin does the goat Chatas atone?
  11. After the Yom Kippur service, what is done with the four linen garments worn by the Kohen Gadol?
  12. Where were the fats of the Chatas burned?
  13. Who is solely responsible for attaining atonement for the Jewish People on Yom Kippur?
  14. From one point in history, installation of the Kohen Gadol through anointing was no longer used but was conducted by donning the special garments of that office. From when and why?
  15. What is the penalty of kares?
  16. Which categories of animals must have their blood covered when they are slaughtered?
  17. When a person eats a kosher bird that was improperly slaughtered (a neveilah), at what point does he contract tumah?
  18. The Torah commands the Jewish People not to follow the "chukim" of the Canaanites. What are the forbidden "chukim"?
  19. What is the difference between "mishpat" and "chok"?
  20. May a man marry his wife's sister?

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. 16:1 – To strengthen the warning not to enter the Kodesh Kodashim except on Yom Kippur.
  2. 16:2 – Death.
  3. 16:3 – 410 years.
  4. 16:4 – Only the four linen garments worn by an ordinary Kohen.
  5. 16:4 – Five times.
  6. 16:4 – Ten times.
  7. 16:6 – The Kohen Gadol.
  8. 16:8 – A jagged cliff.
  9. 16:11 – All the Kohanim.
  10. 16:16 – For unknowingly entering the Beis Hamikdash in the state of tumah.
  11. 16:23 – They must be put into geniza and not be used again.
  12. 16:25 – On the outer Mizbe'ach.
  13. 16:32 – The Kohen Gadol.
  14. 16:32 – Anointing ceased during the kingship of Yoshiahu. At that time, the oil of anointing was hidden away.
  15. 17:9 – One's offspring die and one's own life is shortened.
  16. 17:13 – Non domesticated kosher animals and all species of kosher birds.
  17. 17:15 – When the food enters the esophagus.
  18. 18:3 – Their social customs.
  19. 18:4 – A "mishpat" conforms to the human sense of justice. A "chok" is a law whose reason is not given to us and can only be understood as a decree from Hashem.
  20. 18:18 – Yes, but not during the lifetime of his wife.



from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

הלכות ספירת העומר

מצוה מן התורה,
שמיום לאחר חג הפסח, יתחילו לספור בכל יום ספירת העומר, במשך שבעה שבועות תמימים.
ובזמן הזה שבית המקדש חרב, ואין לנו לא קצירת העומר ולא קרבן העומר, אין חיוב
ספירת העומר מן התורה, אלא מדרבנן (מתקנת חכמינו
) בלבד. ולכן אין
לומר בנוסח ה"לשם יחוד" שאומרים לפני הספירה, שהיא מצוה מן התורה, מאחר
ואין זו מצוה מן התורה, אלא מדרבנן בלבד

מי ששכח יום אחד
לספור ספירת העומר, שוב אינו סופר ספירת העומר בברכה. אלא יספור בלא ברכה

ומי שהוא מסופק
אם שכח לספור יום אחד, רשאי להמשיך לספור בשאר הימים בברכה

זמן ספירת העומר
בלילה. ואם שכח לספור בלילה, סופר ביום בלא ברכה. ומכל מקום לאחר מכן רשאי להמשיך
בספירת העומר בכל יום בברכה

הנשים אינן
חייבות בספירת העומר. ומנהגינו שהנשים אינן סופרות ספירת העומר כלל ועיקר. והטעם
בזה מבואר על פי דברי המקובלים. ואשה הסופרת ספירת העומר, לא תברך על הספירה, מאחר
והיא פטורה מספירה זו מצד הדין

A Summary of the Laws of Counting the Omer

There is a positive Torah
commandment to begin counting the Omer from the day following the first day of
Pesach for a duration of seven complete weeks. Nowadays when the Bet Hamikdash
unfortunately no longer stands and we have neither the harvesting of the Omer
nor the Omer offering, counting the Omer is no longer a Torah commandment and
is only a rabbinic commandment. It is for this this reason that in the “Leshem
Yichud” text recited before counting the Omer that one should not insert that
this Mitzvah is a positive Torah commandment, for this is not so; rather, as we
have written, this Mitzvah is merely rabbinic nowadays.

If one forgot to count the Omer for one complete day, one may no longer
continue to count the Omer with a blessing; rather, one should continue to
count albeit without a blessing.

If one is unsure if one forgot to count the Omer for a complete day, one may
continue to count the Omer the following night (and all following nights as
well) with a blessing.

The proper time for counting the Omer is at night. If one has forgotten to
count the Omer at night, one should count during the day without reciting a
blessing. Nevertheless, if one has done so, one may continue to count the Omer
on all subsequent nights with a blessing.

Women are not obligated to count the Omer. Our custom is that women do not
count the Omer at all (even without reciting a blessing). The reason for this
is a Kabbalistic one. A woman who decides to count the Omer should make sure
not to recite a blessing before doing so since she is exempt from this Mitzvah
according to the letter of the law. 

 מנהגי אבילות בימי הספירה

המנהג בכל תפוצות ישראל שלא
לשאת אשה בימי הספירה מפסח ועד ל"ד לעומר

הגאונים (הם חכמי ישראל שחיו קודם תקופת הראשונים) מובא מקור המנהג שלא לשאת אשה
בימים אלו, משום מנהג אבילות, שכך אמרו חכמים (יבמות סב:), שנים עשר אלף זוגות
תלמידים היו לו לרבי עקיבא, וכולם מתו בין פסח לעצרת (חג השבועות), מפני שלא נהגו
כבוד זה בזה. וכולם מתו באסכרא. (אסכרה הוא חולי המביא לדום נשימה

שמיום ל"ד לעומר כבר נוהגים לשאת אשה, מבואר על פי מה שכתב בספר המנהיג
(דף עב עמוד ב, חיברו רבי
אברהם ברבי נתן הירחי הראב"ן, שחי בלוניל ונפטר בשנת תתקע"ה 1215) בשם
רבינו זרחיה הלוי (הרז"ה בעל המאור) שמצא כתוב בספר קדמון הבא מספרד, שכולם
מתו מפסח ועד פרוס עצרת, ומאי פרוס, פורסא פלגא
(דהיינו "פרוס" פירושו חצי מהתקופה שקודמת
לשבועות) כדתנן, (כמו ששנינו
), שואלין בהלכות הפסח קודם הפסח שלושים יום, ופלגא דידהו,
דהיינו ט"ו יום קודם עצרת. וכן כתבו עוד מרבותינו הראשונים, וביארו שאם נסיר
חמשה עשר מארבעים ותשעה יום שבין פסח לעצרת נשארו שלושים וארבעה ימים, ומכל מקום
ביום ל"ד לעומר בבוקר, כבר מותר לשאת אשה משום שמקצת היום ככולו לענין
אבילות, וכיון שכבר עבר קצת מיום ל"ד אין צריך יותר לנהוג אבילות

האשכנזים שנושאים נשים בל"ג לעומר וכך פסק הרמ"א (סימן תצ"ג), וזאת
מפני שהם סוברים, שביום ל"ג לעומר כבר פסקו תלמידי רבי עקיבא למות, שכך כתבו
כמה ראשונים (ומהם בעל ספר המנהיג), שקבלה בידם שביום ל"ג פסקו מלמות, ואף
בליל ל"ג לעומר יש מהאשכנזים שנוהגים להקל לשאת אשה

לעשות סעודת אירוסין (תנאים, כלומר, סגירת השידוך) בימי ספירת העומר. ואם באותה
שעה נסגר ענין השידוך ממש, יש מיקלים לעשות כן אפילו בכלי שיר

Mourning Customs during the Omer Counting Period

It is customary among the
entire Jewish nation not to hold weddings during the days of the counting of
the Omer, from Pesach until the 34th day of the Omer.

There is a source quoted for the custom of abstaining from getting married
during this period in the Responsa of the Geonim (who were the Jewish Sages who
lived before the period of the Rishonim), for this is a custom of mourning, as
our Sages tell us (Yevamot 62b) that Rabbi Akiva had twelve-thousands pairs of
students who all died between the holidays of Pesach and Shavuot because they
did not treat each other respectfully. They all died from an illness called
“Askara” (an agonizing illness which causes acute respiratory distress and for
stoppage of breathing).

The reason why we customarily abstain from these things until the 34th
of the Omer is based on the words of the Sefer HaManhig (page 72b, authored by
Rabbeinu Avraham bar Natan HaYarchi, the Ra’avan, who lived in Lonil and passed
away in the year 4975 [1215]) in the name of Rabbeinu Zerachya HaLevi (the
Razah, Ba’al HaMaor) who found in an early manuscript unearthed in Spain, that
all of Rabbi Akiva’s students passed away from Pesach until “Half of Shavuot,”
and this refers to half of the period prior to Shavuot, which is thirty days,
as the Mishnah tells us, “One must begin to inquire about the laws of Pesach
thirty days before the holiday”; thus, half of thirty is fifteen days before
the holiday of Shavuot. Several other Rishonim write likewise. Thus, if we
subtract fifteen from the forty-nine days between Pesach and Shavuot, the
difference is thirty-four. Nevertheless, beginning from the morning of the 34th
day of the Omer, it is already permissible to hold weddings, for regarding
mourning, the rule is, “A portion of the day is considered like the entire
day,” and since some of the 34th day has already passed, one need
not continue to observe the mourning customs.

The Ashkenazi custom is to begin permitting weddings from the 33rd
day of the Omer, for they are of the opinion that the students of Rabbi Akiva
ceased dying on the 33rd day of the Omer, as several Rishonim (among
them the Sefer HaManhig) write that they have a tradition that they ceased
dying on the 33rd day. The Rama (Chapter 493) indeed rules this way.
Some Ashkenazim are even more lenient and allow weddings to be held on the
night of the 33rd of the Omer.

An engagement party marking a match being made, a.k.a. “Tena’im,” may be held during
the period of the counting of the Omer, even with musical accompaniment.
However, regarding an engagement party after the match was already set and the
couple has decided to marry, it is permissible to hold such a party during
these days, albeit without musical accompaniment

עוד מנהגי אבלות בימי הספירה

פשט המנהג שלא להסתפר בימי
ספירת העומר,למנהג האשכנזים עד יום ל"ג לעומר
, ולמנהג הספרדים עד יום ל"ד לעומר בבוקר. (וכפי
שנתבאר לעניין נישואין בימי הספירה.)ויש מהספרדים שמיקלים לענין תספורת כמנהג
האשכנזים, שבל"ג לעומר כבר מסתפרים, והמיקלים בזה (אף מבני עדות המזרח), יש
להם על מה שיסמוכו

לדבר ה' נזהרים בענין תספורת בימי הספירה אף לענין גילוח הזקן, אלא שיש מיקלים בזה
למי שמצטער הרבה כשאינו מגלח זקנו, משום שכתב הרדב"ז שבענין כזה שאינו בתורת
חובה ממש מתקנת חכמים, אלא מנהג בלבד, כל שיש צער כזה יש להקל. אולם ראוי מאוד
להחזיק במנהג זה שנהגו בו אבותינו משנים קדמוניות
, שלא לגלח את הזקן בימי הספירה, (ובפרט יש להחמיר בזה
עד ראש חודש אייר

נשים, אינן בכלל האיסור לענין
תספורת בימי הספירה, שהרי אף לענין אבלות ממש על אחד מהקרובים שנפטר, (שלאיש אבל
אסור להסתפר כל שלשים יום של אבלותו) פסק מרן השלחן ערוך שנשים אינן בכלל איסור זה
ומותרות בתספורת תוך שלשים יום
. ואם כן
כל שכן לענין מנהג האבלות בימי ספירת העומר, שאשה אינה צריכה להזהר שלא להסתפר.
והוא הדין גם כן לענין ימי בין המצרים מאחרי שבעה עשר בתמוז
, שאיסור התספורת שייך באנשים בלבד, אבל נשים מותרות

More Mourning Customs Pertaining to the Omer Counting

It has become customary among
the Jewish nation to refrain from taking haircuts during the Omer counting
period: according to the Ashkenazi custom, until the 33rd day of the
Omer and according to the Sephardic custom, until the morning of the 34th
day of the Omer (as we have already explained regarding getting married during
the Omer). Some Sephardic individuals act leniently with regards to haircuts in
accordance with the Ashkenazi custom, i.e. taking haircuts beginning from the
33rd day of the Omer. Those who act leniently in this regard (even
Sephardic individuals) have on whom to rely.

Those who are truly G-d-fearing customarily abstain from shaving their beard
during the Omer period as well. However, there are those who rule leniently for
individuals who are truly distressed as a result of not shaving their beard,
for the Radbaz writes regarding such matters which are not actual obligations
as a result of an edict of our Sages and is merely a custom, in a case of such
distress, there is room for leniency. Nevertheless, it is indeed correct and
proper to follow this custom which was observed by our ancestors for many
generations with regards to refraining from shaving one’s beard during the Omer
period (it is especially worthy to be stringent until Rosh Chodesh Iyar).

Women are not included in the prohibition of taking haircuts during the days of
the Omer, for even with regards to actual mourning for a relative who has
passed away (for which a male mourner must abstain from taking a haircut for
the entire thirty-day mourning period), Maran HaShulchan Aruch rules that women
are not included in this prohibition and are permitted to take haircuts during
the thirty-day mourning period. If so, this would certainly apply to the
mourning customs observed during the Omer period in that a woman need not
abstain from taking a haircut. The same would apply to the three week period
between the Seventeenth of Tammuz and the Ninth of Av that the prohibition to
take haircuts applies to men alone, but women are permitted to take haircuts

עוד מנהגים השייכים לימי הספירה

יש נוהגים בימי ספירת העומר (עד
יום ל"ד בעומר) שלא ללבוש בגד חדש שצריך לברך על לבישתו ברכת שהחיינו (דהיינו
בגד חדש שיש שמחה בלבישתו כמו חולצה חדשה וכדומה, אבל בגד כמו גופיה שאין מברכים
עליו שהחיינו, לכל הדעות מותר ללבשו בימי הספירה). ויש מקילים בזה ללבוש בגד חדש

מחמירים שלא לתפור ולתקן בגדים חדשים בימי ספירת העומר, ומנהגינו להקל בזה, ואף
להנוהגים איסור בזה, מכל מקום אם עושה כן לצורך חתן שעומד לינשא בל"ד לעומר,
אין בזה מנהג להחמיר כלל

מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף, אין כל איסור או חומרא, להיזהר שלא לברך שהחיינו
על פרי חדש בימי ספירת העומר, ואותם שנהגו כן, באו לידי מנהג זה בטעות מפני שכך
הדין בימי בין המצרים, שבהם אין לברך שהחיינו על פרי חדש
, אך בימי ספירת העומר אין מנהג להחמיר בזה כלל, מפני
שימי הספירה אינם ימי אבל, כימי בין המצרים שבהם אירעו חורבן בית המקדש ושאר
פורענויות, ולכן אין לברך שהחיינו וקיימנו והגענו "לזמן הזה", על זמן
שנועד לפורענות לכלל האומה, אבל ימי הספירה אינם נחשבים ימי פורענות, ואדרבא, כתב
הרמב"ן שקדושת ימי הספירה כימי חול המועד, ולכן אין להחמיר בזה כלל

לעניין לבישת בגד חדש בימי הספירה, ראוי להחמיר בזה בימי הספירה שלא ללבוש בגד
חדש, ואם יש צורך בלבישתו, נכון להדר וללבשו ביום שבת, ואז גם יוכל לברך עליו
שהחיינו. וכן במקום שמחת בר מצוה או ברית מילה יש להקל ללבוש בגד חדש בימי הספירה

More Customs Observed during the Omer Counting Period

Some have the custom that
during the Omer counting period (until the 34th day of the Omer),
one does not wear a new garment which requires the recitation of the
“Shehecheyanu” blessing (i.e. a new garment which causes the wearer joy, such
as a new shirt and the like; however, a new garment which does not require a
“Shehecheyanu” blessing, such as an undershirt and the like, may be worn during
the Omer period according to all opinions). Some rule leniently and allow
wearing new clothing.

Some act stringently and abstain from sewing and altering new clothes during
the Omer period; however, our custom is to be lenient in this regard. Even
according to those who are customarily stringent, nevertheless, if this is
being done for a bride or groom who is getting married on the 34th
day of the Omer, there is no custom to be stringent at all.

According to Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef zl, there is no reason to be
stringent and abstain from reciting a “Shehecheyanu” blessing on a new fruit
during the Omer counting period. Those who have observed this custom have done
so in error, for they have confused this period with the “Three Weeks” prior to
the Ninth of Av during which time one should not recite a “Shehecheyanu”
blessing on a new fruit. However, during the Omer counting period, there is no
such custom to be stringent, for the days of the Omer are not days of mourning
as are the “Three Weeks” during which the destruction of the Bet Hamikdash and
other tragedies occurred. It is for this reason that it is inappropriate to
recite the “Shehecheyanu” blessing which translates to “Blessed is He… Who has
allowed us to live, to exist, and to reach this time” about a period which is
designated as a time of national tragedy. On the other hand, the period of the
Omer is not considered a tragic time; on the contrary, the Ramban writes that
the holiness of the days of the Omer counting is tantamount to that of Chol
Hamo’ed. There is therefore no reason to act stringently in this regard.

Nonetheless, it is proper to be stringent with regards to wearing new garments
during the Omer. If there is truly a necessity to wear a new garment, one
should try to wear it on Shabbat in which case one may also recite the
“Shehecheyanu” blessing. Similarly, one may be lenient and wear a new garment
during the Omer period in honor of a Bar Mitzvah or Berit Milah celebration



Shabbat Shalom

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Newsletter – Pesach

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Members & Friends 
of the Bet Hakeneset a
Bedikat Chametz 
after 9:02 pm
Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef z'l

בדיקת וביטול חמץ

דין בדיקת חמץ

לארבעה עשר בניסן שיחול השנה (תשע"ט) ביום חמישי בלילה, בודקין את החמץ לאור
הנר. וצריך שיהיה הנר של שעוה, (או משמן פרפין מוקשה כפי שמצוי בזמנינו), כתקנת
חז"ל. ואם אין לו נר, אבל יש לו פנס קטן שיכול להכניסו למקומות שצריך לבדוק
בהן כהוגן, מותר לבדוק עם פנס כזה בשעת הצורך. וחובה לבדוק בכל חדרי הבית אם יש שם
חמץ, ואף אם ברור שלא אכלו חמץ מעולם באותו החדר חובה לבדוק בו, והוא הדין לגבי
מרפסות, גינות, מכונית, וכל כיוצא בזה

מכובסים, שהוכנסו לאחר הכביסה לארון הבגדים, אין חיוב לבדוק בכיסיהם אם יש שם חמץ,
ואפילו אם הם בגדים של ילדים קטנים, הואיל ובודאי נפגם אותו החמץ מחמת חומרי
הכביסה, וחמץ פגום אינו נחשב חמץ לענין האיסור בחג הפסח, וכמו שביארנו כבר


הבדיקה הוא כעשרים דקות לאחר שקיעת החמה, (ואם נאנס ואיחר זמן זה יכול לבדוק בברכה
אף אחר זמן זה). ואסור לאכול סעודה של פת (לחם) או עוגה יותר משיעור כביצה
(כחמישים וששה גרמים), קודם בדיקת חמץ, החל מחצי שעה קודם זמן הבדיקה, אבל פחות
מכביצה מותר לאכול. ופירות וירקות וכן תבשיל אורז וכיוצא בזה מותר לאכלם אף יותר משיעור

עשרה פתיתים

נוהגים להסתיר בבית עשרה פתיתים (חתיכות קטנות של לחם וכדומה) עטופים היטב, כדי
שבזמן הבדיקה ימצאם הבודק את החמץ. ומי שנוהג כן יזהר לרשום את מקומן של פתיתי
החמץ, כדי שאם לא ימצא אחד מהם, יוכלו אחר כך למוצאו על ידי הרשימה


בדיקת חמץ, צריך לבטל את החמץ בפיו, שיאמר "כל חמירא דאיכא ברשותי דלא חזיתיה
ודלא ביערתיה ליבטיל ולהוי כעפרא דארעא", (ובלשון הקודש: "כל חמץ ושאור
שישנו ברשותי שלא ראיתיו ושלא ביערתיו יתבטל ויהיה כעפר הארץ"). וצריך שיאמר
את נוסח הביטול בשפה המובנת לו, שאם לא כן לא יצא ידי חובת הביטול. ונוהגים לומר
את נוסח הביטול שלוש פעמים לחיזוק העניין (וטוב להוסיף לפחות באחד מהם
"ליבטיל ולהוי הפקר כעפרא דארעא

Searching for and Renouncing Chametz

The Laws of Searching for

On the eve of the Fourteenth of Nissan, which will fall out this year (5779) on
this coming Thursday night, one must search for Chametz by candlelight. The
candle must be made of wax (or congealed paraffin oil, common nowadays) as per
the enactment of our Sages. If one does not have a candle but he does have a
small enough flashlight that he will be able to stick into places where he must
check properly, he may use such a flashlight if necessary. One is obligated to
search in every room in the house where Chametz is found; even if one is
certain that Chametz has never been eaten in this room, one must still check
it. The same applies regarding balconies, gardens, cars, and the like.

Regarding washed clothes that were placed in drawers and closets after being
washed, one is not obligated to check the pockets of these clothes for Chametz,
even if these clothes belong to young children, since the Chametz has surely
become inedible due to the various laundry detergents and inedible Chametz is
not considered Chametz prohibited on Pesach, as we have already established.

The Proper Time for the Search
The proper time for searching for Chametz is approximately twenty minutes after
sunset (if one was unable to search at this time he may still search and recite
a blessing even later on during the night). One may not partake of bread or
cake more than a Kebeitza (approximately 54 grams) before searching for Chametz
starting from a half-hour before the proper time of the search. Nevertheless,
less than a Kebeitza of bread or cake or even more than a Kebeitza of fruits,
vegetables, rice, and the like, may in fact be eaten before performing the search.

The Customary Ten Pieces of Bread
Some have the custom to hide ten pieces of well-wrapped bread throughout the
house, so that they may be found by the person searching for Chametz. Those who
follow this custom should be exceedingly careful to write down the locations of
the ten pieces of Chametz, so that in the event that one (or more) piece(s)
is/are not found, they will be able to be located using this list.

Renouncing Chametz
After completing the search for Chametz, one must verbally nullify the Chametz
by reciting: "Kol Chamira De'Ika Birshuti De'La Chazitei U'dla Bi'artei
Livtil Velehevei Ke'Afra De'Ar'ah." (English Translation: "Any
Chametz (leaven) which is in my possession, which I have not seen and I have
not destroyed, should be nullified and be considered like the dust of the
earth.") One must recite this verbal nullification in a language that he
understands, for if not, one does not fulfill his obligation of renouncing
Chametz. It is customary to repeat the text of the nullification three times in
order to strengthen the matter (it is preferable to add during one of the three
recitations: "Livtil Velehevei Hefker Ke'Afra De'Ar'ah," English
Translation: "Should be nullified and become ownerless like the dust of
the earth.")

Siyum Taanit Bechor 
will be 
Tomorrow – Bank Holiday Friday
straight after Shacharit (8 am)
by Avi Shoshana
Please note – Time table: 
Mincha on the first day of Pesach
is scheduled for 8 pm. 
As it is 

Shabbat Mincha  with Keriat Hatorah  

we will be starting from Ashre at 8 pm
with Korbanot starting 5 mins earlier
Shekia 8:17 pm
Pesach edition attached to this email
Hilchot Eruv Tavshilin
Rabbi Eli Mansour

Passover- Eruv Tavshilin  

When Yom Tov falls on
Friday, Halacha forbids cooking or making any preparations on that day for
Shabbat, unless one follows the procedure known as "Eruv Tavshilin."
The Eruv Tavshilin is made on Erev Yom Tov; thus, if Yom Tov falls on Thursday
and Friday, one would make the Eruv Tavshilin on Wednesday, before the onset of
Yom Tov. One takes a Ke'zayit (the volume of an olive) of bread – or, on
Pesach, Matza – together with a cooked food – our practice is to use an egg –
and sets them aside. He then makes the formal declaration stating that through
this Eruv it will be permitted to cook, bake and make any preparations
necessary on Yom Tov for Shabbat. Without making an Eruv Tavshilin, one may not
prepare on Yom Tov for Shabbat.

Chacham Ovadia Yosef writes that even if one did make an
Eruv Tavshilin, he should preferably not cook and prepare for Shabbat late in
the day on Yom Tov, shortly before the onset of Shabbat. He should endeavor to
prepare the food early enough in the day that it could potentially be served to
guests who arrive while it is still Yom Tov, before Shabbat. This is an
additional measure of stringency; if one cooked food late in the day on Yom
Tov, the food is nevertheless permissible for consumption on Shabbat.
Preferably, however, one should prepare food earlier in the day.

Summary: When Yom Tov falls on Shabbat, one must make an
Eruv Tavshilin on Erev Yom Tov to allow preparing on Yom Tov for Shabbat. Even
if one did make an Eruv Tavshilin, he should preferably not prepare food for Shabbat
late in the day on Friday


What Is The Latest Time On Erev Yom Tov,
One Can Make Eruv Tavshilin?
When Yom Tov falls on Friday, one must prepare an
Eruv Tavshilin before sunset on Erev Yom Tov to allow cooking on Yom Tov for
Shabbat. The question was raised as to whether or not somebody who forgot to
prepare an Eruv Tavshilin before sundown on Erev Yom Tov has the opportunity to
do so after sunset.

Chacham Ovadia Yosef addresses this question in his work Yechaveh Da'at (6:31),
and he concludes that in such a case one may, in fact, prepare his Eruv
Tavshilin during the thirteen-minute period after sunset called Bein
Ha'shemashot. He adds that one may even recite the Beracha when preparing the
Eruv Tavshilin during this period.

Chacham Bentzion Abba Shaul (Jerusalem, 1924-1998), in Or Le'tziyon (22:8),
adopts this position, as well. He adds, however, that once a person recites
Arvit on the night of Yom Tov, or even responds to "Barechu" at the
beginning of Arvit, he has effectively begun his observance of Yom Tov and
therefore can no longer prepare an Eruv Tavshilin. Even if one responds to
"Barechu" within thirteen minutes after sundown, he may no longer
prepare the Eruv Tavshilin.

Summary: One who forgot to prepare an Eruv Tavshilin before sundown on Erev Yom
Tov may still do so – with a Beracha – within thirteen minutes after sundown,
unless he recites Arvit or responds to "Barechu" during Arvit, in
which case he may no longer prepare the Eruv Tavshilin.


Which Foods are Suitable for the Erub
An Erub Tabshilin is prepared before Yom Tob in
situations where Yom Tob is immediately followed by Shabbat, in order to allow
cooking on Yom Tob for Shabbat. The Erub Tabshilin must consist of two foods –
one baked, and one cooked. The baked food is traditionally a piece of bread, or
a piece of Masa on Pesah. As for the cooked food, it was for many years
customary to use a hardboiled egg for this purpose. The reason is that the food
must be able to remain fresh until Shabbat, and before refrigeration, there
weren’t many foods that could remain fresh for this long. An egg was therefore
used because it could be stored and eaten for a number of days.

Nowadays, however, Hacham Ovadia Yosef ruled, it is preferable to use a more
“Hashub” (significant) food for the Erub Tabshilin. Since food can now be
refrigerated and kept fresh, one should try to use a food such as a piece of
fish or meat for the Erub Tabshilin, rather than an egg. Certainly, if one uses
an egg, it suffices to allow cooking on Yom Tob for Shabbat, on condition that
it was not peeled. The Gemara in Masechet Nidda (17) teaches that eating an egg
that has been left unpeeled overnight can be injurious to one’s health. Since
the food of the Erub Tabshilin must be edible, an egg that is left overnight
without a peel is not suitable. Thus, although it is preferable to use a more
significant food, one may use an egg, as long as it is not peeled before it is
eaten on Shabbat.

In general, any food that is boiled, roasted, poached, etc. is suitable for the
Erub Tabshilin. In fact, it once happened that a person had only tomato sauce,
and he used it as the cooked food for the Erub Tabshilin, as it is made from
cooked tomatoes. Pickled foods are suitable, as well, and thus one may
designate a jar of pickles for the Erub Tabshilin together with the bread or
Masa. The exception to this rule is food that is not ordinarily eaten at a meal
with bread, such as farina and the like. Such foods, according to Hacham Ovadia
Yosef, should not be used for the Erub Tabshilin.

There is a debate among the Halachic authorities as to the status of milk with
regard to Erub Tabshilin. Hacham Ben Sion Abba Shaul (Israel, 1923-1998), in
his Or Le’sion (vol. 3, p. 215), ruled that pasteurization qualifies as
“cooking,” and thus milk and dairy products purchased in stores today are
considered “cooked” foods. Thus, for example, if a person drinks milk at the
Se’uda Mafseket (final meal) before Tisha B’Ab, when only a single cooked food
is allowed, he may not eat another cooked food. By the same token, milk and
dairy products may be used as the cooked food for the Erub Tabshilin. Hacham
Ovadia Yosef, however, disputes this ruling, and claims that pasteurization
differs from cooking. Boiling has the effect of eliminating bacteria in the
milk, but does not cause a fundamental change in its nature. “Cooking” for the
purposes of Halacha requires transforming the food in some way, and thus
pasteurization would not qualify. Accordingly, Hacham Ovadia rules that one may
drink milk and partake of another cooked food at the Se’uda Mafseket. It stands
to reason that he would also disqualify milk for the Erub Tabshilin, since it
is not considered Halachically “cooked.”

Summary: The Erub Tabshilin must consist of one baked food – customarily a
piece of bread or Masa – and one cooked food. It is best to use a significant
food, such as a piece of fish or meat, though strictly speaking, one may use
any food that has been cooked, roasted, poached or pickled. An egg may be used
as long as it is not peeled before it is eaten. Pasteurized milk does not
qualify as a cooked food. Regardless, as mentioned, it is preferable to use a
significant food such as fish or meat


Must a Guest Prepare an Erub Tabshilin?
When Yom Tob falls on Friday, one must prepare an
Erub Tabshilin on Thursday afternoon, before the onset of Yom Tob, in order to
allow cooking on Yom Tob in preparation for Shabbat. The question arises as to
whether a person who spends Yom Tob in a hotel must prepare an Erub Tabshilin.
After all, hotel guests do not cook food for Shabbat, as their food is provided
by the hotel catering staff, which prepares an Erub Tabshilin before Yom Tob to
allow them to cook food for Shabbat on Yom Tob. Seemingly, as the guests will
not be cooking at all in preparation for Shabbat, there is no need for them to
make an Erub Tabshilin before Yom Tob. This question also applies in the case
of a young couple spending Yom Tob with parents, who do all the food
preparations. In this case, too, the couple is not planning on cooking food for
Shabbat, seemingly obviating the need to prepare an Erub Tabshilin.

In truth, this issue is subject to a debate among the Rishonim (Medieval
Halachic scholars). Essentially, the question boils down to whether or not an
Erub Tabshilin is required to allow lighting Shabbat candles on Friday
afternoon when Friday is Yom Tob. Tosafot (Talmud commentaries by Medieval
French and German scholars), in Masechet Besa, as well as the Rosh (Rabbenu
Asher Ben Yehiel, Germany-Spain, 1250-1327), maintained that one who did not
prepare an Erub Tabshilin before Yom Tob on Thursday afternoon may not light
Shabbat candles on Friday afternoon. In their view, just as the Erub Tabshilin
is necessary to allow cooking food on Yom Tob for Shabbat, it is also needed to
allow lighting candles on Yom Tob for Shabbat. Indeed, some versions of the
Erub Tabshilin text make explicit reference to candle lighting as one of the
purposes of the Erub (“U’l’adlukeh Sheraga Mi’Yom Tob Le’Shabbat”). According
to this view, then, guests are required to prepare an Erub Tabshilin, despite
the fact that they have no need to cook for Shabbat, since they do need to
light candles for Shabbat.

The Rambam (Rabbi Moshe Maimonides, Spain-Egypt, 1135-1204), however, in his
discussion of Erub Tabshilin in Hilchot Yom Tob, makes no mention at all of
candle lighting being dependant upon the Erub. And Maran, in the Shulhan Aruch
(Orah Haim 527:19), writes explicitly that one may light Shabbat candles on
Friday even without having prepared an Erub Tabshilin before Yom Tob.
Therefore, Halacha does not require guests to prepare an Erub Tabshilin before
the onset of Yom Tob on Thursday, since they are not cooking and candle
lighting is permitted even without the Erub. Nevertheless, Hacham Ovadia Yosef
ruled that it is preferable for guests – whether at a hotel or at parents, or
in similar situations – to prepare an Erub without a Beracha in order to
satisfy all views. This means that they should take the Masa and cooked food
and recite the “Be’haden Eruba” text, without the introductory Beracha. This
ruling appears in Yalkut Yosef – Sefirat Ha’omer, p. 246 (listen to audio
recording for precise citation).

Summary: In a situation where Erub Tabshilin is required, guests who will not
be cooking on Yom Tob for Shabbat do not have to prepare an Erub Tabshilin.
Nevertheless, it is preferable for them to do so, but without reciting the
introductory Beracha


Does an Erub Tabshilin Allow Cooking on
the First Day of Yom Tob for Shabbat?
An Erub Tabshilin is required when Yom Tob occurs
immediately before Shabbat, in order to allow one to cook on Yom Tob in
preparation for Shabbat. Thus, when Yom Tob falls on Friday and Shabbat, we prepare an Erub Tabshilin on Thursday,
before Yom Tob, allowing us to cook on Friday in preparation for Shabbat.

The question arises as to how far this Halacha extends in situations where Yom
Tob is observed on Thursday and Friday. In such a case, of course, we prepare
an Erub Tabshilin before Yom Tob on Wednesday so we may prepare food on Yom Tob
for Shabbat. The question is, does the Erub Tabshilin allow us to cook for
Shabbat only on Friday, or may one cook already on Thursday – the first of the
two days of Yom Tob – in preparation for Shabbat?

The consensus among the Rishonim (Medieval Halachic scholars) is that the Erub
Tabshilin allows cooking for Shabbat only on the second day of Yom Tob, Friday.
The Rosh (Rabbenu Asher Ben Yehiel, 1250-1327) explains that the observance of
the second day of Yom Tob in the Diaspora applies only “Mi’de’rabbanan” (by
force of Rabbinic enactment), and not by force of Torah law, and therefore the
Sages permitted cooking on the second day for Shabbat through an Erub
Tabshilin. This does not apply on the first day, when cooking is forbidden by
the Torah. Others explain, quite simply, that cooking for Shabbat is only
permitted on Friday, the day immediately preceding Shabbat.

This is, indeed, the ruling of Hacham Ovadia Yosef in his responsa (Yehaveh Da’at
6:32; listen to audio recording for precise citation). He emphasizes that this
ruling applies even if somebody is unable to cook for Shabbat on Friday due to
circumstances beyond his control. Even in such a case, the Erub Tabshilin does
not permit cooking on Thursday for Shabbat. However, he adds, if somebody
violated this Halacha and cooked on Thursday for Shabbat, the food is
permissible for consumption.

Summary: If Yom Tob falls on Thursday and Friday, we prepare an Erub Tabshilin
to allow cooking on Friday for Shabbat. One may not cook on Thursday for
Shabbat, even though he prepared an Erub Tabshilin


If a Person Realizes Upon Arriving in
the Synagogue That He Had Not Prepared an Erub Tabshilin
An Erub Tabshilin must be prepared before Yom Tob in
situations where Yom Tob immediately precedes Shabbat, in order to allow one to
cook on Yom Tob in preparation for Shabbat. The question arises concerning the
case of a person who arrives in the synagogue for Minha on Ereb Yom Tob and
realizes just then that he had forgotten to prepare an Erub Tabshilin. What
options are available for such a person if he does not have time to return home
and prepare the Erub Tabshilin before Yom Tob?

Some authorities rule that a person can prepare an Erub Tabshilin even in the
synagogue by designating food products in the home as the Erub. For example, if
he knows that there is a hardboiled egg in the refrigerator and a piece of
bread in a certain place in the kitchen, he can stand in the synagogue and make
the Erub declaration, stating that through such-and-such food items in
such-and-such place it would be permissible to cook and make preparations on
Yom Tob for Shabbat. Others, however, dispute this position, and claim that one
cannot recite the Erub Tabshilin declaration, which begins with the words
“Be’haden Eruba” (“With this Erub”), if the Erub is not present in front of

In light of this debate, Hacham Ovadia Yosef rules that a person in this
situation should, if possible, call his wife and have her prepare the Erub
Tabshilin. If a person has no one at home to prepare the Erub, then he may rely
on the lenient position and prepare the Erub in the synagogue, as discussed.
However, in order to satisfy all opinions, he should stipulate that if this
preparation of the Erub is ineffective, then he relies on the Erub Tabshilin
prepared by the local Rabbi. The “Gadol Ha’ir” (leader of the community) has
the entire community in mind when he prepares his Erub Tabshilin, and thus one
may rely upon the Rabbi’s Erub Tabshilin when the need arises. As such, if a
person remembers upon arriving in the synagogue that he had not prepared an
Erub Tabshilin, he should designate the Erub in the synagogue but stipulate
that if this is ineffective then he relies on the Rabbi’s Erub.

Summary: In a situation where an Erub Tabshilin is required, one who remembers
upon arriving in the synagogue that he had not prepared an Erub Tabshilin
should designate the Erub in the synagogue, having in mind food products in his
home that he designates as the Erub. He should then stipulate that if Halacha
follows the view that this method is ineffective, then he relies on the Rabbi’s
Erub. He may then cook on Yom Tov in preparation for Shabbat according to all

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Nitzavim – Shabbat Hagadol

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Mechirat Chametz


The Mechirat Chametz Form

is attached to this email and should be handed directly to

David Menashe or Benjamin Hassan

or alternatively can be taken directly to the 

Manchester Bet Din

1st floor in the Cultural Centre, Bury Old Road

Completed forms should NOT be left in the boxes of 

David or Benjamin in the Bet Hakeneset 

as to avoid confusion 

and should NOT be sent to Moorlanenews 

as emails are not read every day.


Members are kindly reminded to clean out their private boxes in the Bet Hakeneset
 as these will NOT be clean by anyone 
and it is each individuals responsibility to be clean of Chametz
Tizke Lemitzvot


Pesach Time Table 

attached to this email



The Seder At a Glance 


Naphtali Bitton

attached to this email





Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה

Winter Timetable
5779 – 2018 / 19






סוף זמן קריאת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג המנחה


פלג המנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema before


Candle lighting


Earliest Candle

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat





















12/13 Apr

מצורע  (שבת הגדול)


Mincha throughout the Summer months 

will be at 6 pm

Shabbat Services

Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


& A on Parashat Metzora


  1. When may a metzora not be pronounced tahor?
    14:2 – At night.
  2. In the midbar, where did a metzora dwell while he was tamei?
    14:3 – Outside the three camps.
  3. Why does the metzora require birds in the purification process?
    14:4 – Tzara'at comes as a punishment for lashon hara. Therefore, the Torah requires the metzora to offer birds, who chatter constantly, to atone for his sin of chattering.
  4. In the purification process of a metzora, what does the cedar wood symbolize?
    14:4 – The cedar is a lofty tree. It alludes to the fact that tzara'at comes as a punishment for haughtiness.
  5. During the purification process, the metzora is required to shave his hair. Which hair must he shave?
    14:9 – Any visible collection of hair on the body.
  6. What is unique about the chatat and the asham offered by the metzora?
    14:10 – They require n'sachim (drink offerings).
  7. In the Beit Hamikdash, when the metzora was presented "before G-d" (14:11), where did he stand?
    14:11 – At the gate of Nikanor.
  8. Where was the asham of the metzora slaughtered?
    14:13 – On the northern side of the mizbe'ach.
  9. How was having tzara'at in one's house sometimes advantageous?
    14:34 – The Amorites concealed treasures in the walls of their houses. After the conquest of the Land, tzara'at would afflict these houses. The Jewish owner would tear down the house and find the treasures.
  10. When a house is suspected as having tzara'at, what is its status prior to the inspection by a kohen?
    14:36 – It is tahor.
  11. What happens to the vessels that are in a house found to have tzara'at?
    14:36 – They become tamei.
  12. Which type of vessels cannot be made tahor after they become tamei?
    14:36 – Earthenware vessels.
  13. Where were stones afflicted with tzara'at discarded?
    14:40 – In places where tahor objects were not handled
  14. When a house is suspected of having tzara'at, a kohen commands that the affected stones be replaced and the house plastered. What is the law if the tzara'at:
    1. returns and spreads;
    2. does not return;
    3. returns, but does not spread?
    1. 14:44-45 – It is called "tzara'at mam'eret," and the house must be demolished;
    2. 14:48 – the house is pronounced tahor;
    3. 14:44 – The house must be demolished.
  15. When a person enters a house that has tzara'at, when do his clothes become tamei?
    14:46 – When he remains in the house long enough to eat a small meal.
  16. What is the status of a man who is zav (sees a flow):
    1. two times or two consecutive days;
    2. three times or three consecutive days?

    15:2 –

    1. He is tamei;
    2. he is tamei and is also required to bring a korban.
  17. zav sat or slept on the following:
    1. a bed;
    2. a plank;
    3. a chair;
    4. a rock.

    If a tahor person touches these things what is his status?

    15:4-5 – Only a type of object that one usually lies or sits upon becomes a transmitter of tumah when a zav sits or lies on it. A tahor person who subsequently touches the object becomes tamei and the clothes he is wearing are also tmei'im. Therefore:

    1. tamei;
    2. tahor;
    3. tamei;
    4. tahor.
  18. What does the Torah mean when it refers to a zav who "has not washed his hands"?
    15:11 – One who has not immersed in a mikveh.
  19. When may a zav immerse in a mikveh to purify himself?
    15:13 – After seven consecutive days without a flow.
  20. What is the status of someone who experiences a one-time flow?
    15:32 – He is tamei until evening.



from Rabbi Eli Mansour

 Shabbat Hagadol

The Shabbat before Pesach is called "Shabbat
Hagadol," or "the Great Shabbat," a term that is generally
understood as a reference to the miracle that occurred in Egypt on the Shabbat
before Benei Yisrael's departure from Egypt. It was on that Shabbat, which fell
on the tenth of Nissan, that Benei Yisrael designated sheep for the Korban
Pesach (paschal offering) and tied them to their bedposts. The Egyptians
inquired as to the purpose behind this designation of sheep, which the
Egyptians worshipped as a pagan deity, and Benei Yisrael explained that they
prepared the sheep for a sacrificial offering to God. Despite this grave insult
to their deity, the Egyptians were powerless to oppose Benei Yisrael. They were
miraculously struck by a disease that required them to regularly visit the
restroom, thus impairing their ability to cause any harm to Benei Yisrael.

In commemoration of this great miracle that occurred on the Shabbat before
Pesach on the year when Benei Yisrael left Egypt, we observe this Shabbat as a
special occasion and refer to it as "Shabbat Hagadol."

Some have raised the question as to why we commemorate this miracle
specifically on the Shabbat before Pesach, rather than on the calendar date
when this miracle occurred – the tenth of Nissan. Why don't we observe a
commemoration on this date regardless of the day of week on which it falls?

One answer suggests that it was specifically due to Benei Yisrael's observance
of Shabbat that the greatness of this miracle was felt. When they told the
Egyptians on that day of their plans to slaughter the sheep as a sacrifice, the
Egyptians believed them despite the fact that they did not slaughter the sheep
that day, because they understood that Benei Yisrael would not kill animals on
Shabbat. On the subsequent days, however, when the Egyptians saw that Benei
Yisrael were not yet slaughtering the sheep, they began to suspect that they
were bluffing all along. It was thus specifically on Shabbat when the Egyptians
sought to foil Benei Yisrael's plans but were miraculously prevented from doing
so, and for this reason we commemorate this miracle specifically on the Shabbat
before Pesach.

Others explain that the tenth of Nissan marks yet another great miracle in
Jewish history – the splitting of the Jordan River when Benei Yisrael entered
the Land of Israel, as recorded in the Book of Yehoshua (chapter 3). In order
to make it clear that we commemorate the miracle in Egypt, and not the
splitting of the Jordan, we observe our commemoration on the Shabbat before
Pesach, rather than on the calendar date of the tenth of Nissan.

The Chid"a (Rabbi Chayim Yosef David Azulai, 1724-1806) writes that on
this Shabbat people should extend to one another the greeting, "Shabbat
Hagadol Shalom" and then respond, "Shabbat Hagadol Shalom

There is a widespread custom for the Grand Rabbi of the congregation to deliver
on this Shabbat a special Derasha (lecture) devoted to the laws of Pesach and
discussions of the Haggada in preparation for the holiday. This is another
reason for calling this Shabbat "Shabbat Hagadol," which perhaps
means, "the Shabbat of the great person," referring to the Grand
Rabbi. Additionally, the Derasha delivered on Shabbat Hagadol is typically
lengthier than the Rabbi's usual lecture. (The late Chief Rabbi of the
Sephardic Community in Brooklyn, Chacham Yaakov Kassin A”H, would deliver his
Derasha on Shabbat Hagadol in Congregation Shaare Zion for several hours before
Mincha.) The term "Shabbat Hagadol" may thus refer to the
"great," or long, lecture that the Rabbi delivers on this Shabbat.

Some Ashkenazim have the practice of reciting the Maggid section of the Haggada
on Shabbat Hagadol, in order to familiarize themselves with the Haggada in
preparation for the Seder. The Gaon of Vilna (Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna,
1720-1797) opposed this practice, in light of the emphasis made in the Haggada
itself that the obligation to tell the story of the Exodus applies only on the
night of Pesach ("Lo Amarti Ela Be'sha'a She'yeish Matza U'marror Munachim
Lefanecha"). In any event, even for those of us who do not actually recite
the Haggada on Shabbat Hagadol, this Shabbat is an appropriate time to begin
reviewing the Haggada and prepare material for the Seder


The Significance of Shabbat Hagadol
Maran, in Shulhan Aruch, discusses the special
Shabbatot that precede Pesah and the various Halachot that apply on those days.
On Shabbat Shekalim, we take out an extra Sefer Torah and read the section of
Shekalim, just as on Shabbat Zachor, the Shabbat before Purim, we read the
section of Zachor, and we read special portions from the Torah on Shabbat Para
and Shabbat Ha’hodesh. Interestingly, however, Maran also makes mention of the
Shabbat immediately preceding Pesah, which is called Shabbat Hagadol (“The
Great Shabbat”) because of the miracle that occurred on this Shabbat. Maran
makes mention of this Shabbat, even though there are no specific Halachot
associated with this Shabbat. There is no special reading from the Sefer Torah
on this Shabbat, and there are no special prayers, and yet Maran made a point
of mentioning in his Halachic code that this Shabbat is special and is called
Shabbat Hagadol.

It is true that there are several customs observed by some communities on this
Shabbat. For example, many synagogues read a special Haftara on this Shabbat,
but this is not required according to the strict Halacha. Some Ashkenazim read
portions of the Haggadah on Shabbat Hagadol, but this, too, is just a custom,
and in fact the Vilna Gaon (Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna, 1720-1797) was opposed to
the practice.

The Hida (Rav Haim Yosef David Azulai, 1724-1807) suggested that perhaps the
Halachic implications of the status of Shabbat Hagadol relates to greetings
extended to one another on this Shabbat. Instead of greeting one another with
the usual greeting of “Shabbat Shalom,” the Hida suggested that perhaps one
should instead extend the greeting, “Shabbat Hagadol Shalom,” and the other
should then respond, “Shabbat Hagadol Shalom U’meborach.” Still, it remains
unclear why Maran would make a point of mentioning Shabbat Hagadol if there are
no actual Halachot that apply on this Shabbat.

Former Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, in his work Binyan Ab, suggested that
the practical significance of Shabbat Hagadol lies in the perspective it gives
us on the preparations for Pesah. On the Shabbat before the Exodus, which was
the 10th of Nissan, Beneh Yisrael were instructed to prepare a sheep for the
Korban Pesah (paschal sacrifice) which was slaughtered four days later, on the
14th of Nissan. In full view of the Egyptians, who worshipped sheep as an Aboda
Zara, Beneh Yisrael took a lamb and tied it to their bedpost, and they even
explained to the Egyptians what they were doing, that this animal would be
sacrificed to G-d. The Egyptians wanted to kill the people for desecrating
their deity, but G-d performed a miracle and made them powerless to cause Beneh
Yisrael any harm.

Rav Bakshi-Doron noted that this miracle differed fundamentally from the ten
plagues. The ten plagues were brought directly by G-d, whereas the miracle of
Shabbat Hagadol came about through the people’s courage. It was through their
preparations for the Misva that a miracle happened. And the fact that G-d
performed a miracle during the preparation for the Misva, four days before the
actual performance of the Misva, is very significant. It demonstrates that even
the preparatory stages have great value; that even the work we do in
preparation for a Misva is laden with significance. And thus Maran made mention
of Shabbat Hagadol in Shulhan Aruch, to teach us the importance of preparing
for Pesah, by learning and teaching the Halachot and putting ourselves in the
proper frame of mind for the holiday. The miracle of Shabbat Hagadol teaches us
that it is not only the Misva itself that has value, but also the work we
invest beforehand preparing ourselves for the performance of the Misva.


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

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Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Bedikatz Chametz Form

Bedikat Chametz form is attached to this email

As announced yesterday in the Bet Hakeneset, all completed forms should be handed directly to David Menashe or Benjamin Hassan or alternatively can be taken directly to the Manchester Bet Din, first floor in the cultural centre, Bury Old Road.

Completed forms should NOT be left in the boxes of David or Benjamin in the Bet Hakeneset as to avoid confusion.
Tizke Lemitzvot
Pesach Kasher Vesameach


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Tazria, Parashat HaChodesh & Rosh Chodesh

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This Shabbat is 

Shabbat Parashat Tazria, 

Parashat HaChodesh 

& Rosh Chodesh 

1) We have 6 Aliyot in Parashat Tazria

2) We have the 7th Aliya in Parashat Rosh Chodesh

followed by Kadish

3) Aliya of Maftir in Parashat HaChodesh

followed by Kadish

The maftir will be the haftara of Hachodesh

with the 1st and last Passuk of Rosh Chodesh.

בשבת הסמוכה לחודש ניסן, מוציאים שני ספרי תורה, וקוראים בשני פרשת החודש הזה לכם ראש חדשים.
 ובראש חודש ניסן שחל להיות בשבת, מוציאים שלשה ספרים, וקוראים ששה אנשים בראשון, בפרשת השבוע, והשביעי משלים חובת היום בספר השני, ומתחיל וביום השבת שני כבשים וכו', ובראשי חודשיכם וגו'. ואומר קדיש. ואחר כך עולה המפטיר וקורא בספר השלישי, בפרשת החודש הזה לכם ראש חודשים, ואומר קדיש, ומפטיר ביחזקאל מ''ה, בראשון באחד לחודש תקח פר בן בקר. [כ''כ ראבי''ה (מגילה סי' תקצה) בשם הירושלמי, וסיים ''והכי נהגינן''. וכ''פ הרמב''ם (פי''ג מהלכות תפלה הכ''ג). ועוד. וענין ההפטרה שמפטירין בזה ולא בהשמים כסאי מבואר בספר הפרדס לרש''י (סי' כג). ובמחזור ויטרי (עמוד רה ורכא). ובשבולי הלקט (סי' קצג). ובאו''ז. ובמרדכי (פרק בני העיר). וכ''פ הרמ''א בהגה (סי' תכה ס''א). ילקוט יוסף מועדים עמ' רסו]. 

כשחל ראש חודש ניסן בשבת מנהג הספרדים לקרות אחר ההפטרה פסוק ראשון ואחרון של השמים כסאי. ובברכות ההפטרה אין המפטיר מזכיר של ראש חודש, לא באמצע ברכה האחרונה ולא בחתימתה. 


Birkat Hailanot

this Sunday 

at 7:15 pm

at 28 Moor Lane

Family Marshall



New Opportunity for learning

The Avrechim of the Kollel are able to learn with the Kahal 

from 6.50 til Arbit at 7.30 every evening

Need a partner?

contact Rabbi Stamler






attached to this email



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשע"ט

Winter Timetable 5779 – 2018 / 19


מוצאי שבת




סוף זמן קריאת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג המנחה


פלג המנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema before


Candle lighting


Earliest Candle lighting

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat





















5/6 Apr

תזריע (ר״ח) (החודש)


Shabbat Services

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Tazria

 All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.


  1. When does a woman who has given birth to a son go to the mikveh?
    12:2 – At the end of seven days.
  2. After a woman gives birth, she is required to offer two types of offerings. Which are they?
    12:6 – An olah and a chatat.
  3. What animal does the woman offer as a chatat?
    12:6 – A tor (turtle dove) or a ben yona (young pigeon).
  4. Which of these offerings makes her tahor (ritual purity)?
    12:7 – The chatat.
  5. Which of the sacrifices does the woman offer first, the olah or the chatat?
    12:8 – The chatat.
  6. Who determines whether a person is a metzora tamei (person with ritually impure tzara'at) or is tahor?
    13:2 – A kohen.
  7. If the kohen sees that the tzara'at has spread after one week, how does he rule?
    13:5 – The person is tamei.
  8. What disqualifies a kohen from being able to give a ruling in a case of tzara'at?
    13:12 – Poor vision.
  9. Why is the appearance of tzara'at on the tip of one of the 24 "limbs" that project from the body usually unable to be examined?
    13:14 – The tzara'at as a whole must be seen at one time. Since these parts are angular, they cannot be seen at one time.
  10. On which days is a kohen not permitted to give a ruling on tzara'at?
    13:14 – During the festivals; and ruling on a groom during the seven days of feasting after the marriage.
  11. In areas of the body where collections of hair grow (e.g., the head or beard), what color hair is indicative of ritual impurity?
    13:29 – Golden.
  12. In areas of the body where collections of hair grow, what color hair is indicative of purity?
    13:37 – Any color other than golden.
  13. If the kohen intentionally or unintentionally pronounces a tamei person "tahor," what is that person's status?
    13:37 – He remains tamei.
  14. What signs of mourning must a metzora display?
    13:45 – He must tear his garments, let his hair grow wild, and cover his lips with his garment.
  15. Why must a metzora call out, "Tamei! Tamei! "?
    13:45 – So people will know to keep away from him.
  16. Where must a metzora dwell?
    13:46 – Outside the camp in isolation.
  17. Why is a metzora commanded to dwell in isolation?
    13:46 – Since tzara'at is a punishment for lashon hara (evil speech), which creates a rift between people, the Torah punishes measure for measure by placing a division between him and others.
  18. What sign denotes tzara'at in a garment?
    13:49 – A dark green or dark red discoloration.
  19. What must be done to a garment that has tzara'at?
    13:52 – It must be burned
  20. If after washing a garment the signs of tzara'at disappear entirely, how is the garment purified?
    13:58 – Through immersion in a mikveh.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

 ברכת האילנות בשבת

השנה שנת התשע"ט, יחול יום ראש חודש ניסן ביום השבת הבא עלינו לטובה. ומאחר ונוהגים ומשתדלים לברך ברכת האילנות ביום ראש חודש ניסן, נבאר האם כאשר חל ראש חודש ניסן בשבת, יש לברך בשבת, או שמא יש להמתין עם הברכה עד ליום ראשון.

"שמא יתלוש"
ובראשית, עלינו לדון בזה מצד מה שהובא בגמרא במסכת סוכה (לז:), אמר רבה, הדס במחובר, מותר להריח בו, אתרוג במחובר אסור להריח בו. כלומר, הדס שאינו תלוש מן העץ, מותר להריח ממנו בשבת, אבל אתרוג המחובר לאילן, אסור להריח בו בשבת. ומסבירה הגמרא, מה טעם החילוק בין הדס לאתרוג? הדס, שעשוי רק להריח ממנו, אין לחשוש שמא יבוא לתלוש ממנו, מה שאין כן אתרוג, שהוא פרי, יש לחשוש יותר שמא זה שמריח ממנו בשבת, יבוא לתלוש ממנו. וכן פסקו כל הפוסקים. ומכאן משמע, שלגבי ברכת האילנות בשבת, בודאי שאין לאסור בזה משום חשש שמא יבוא לתלוש מפרחי האילנות, שהרי אין כאן פירות, ואפילו אם היו פירות, הרי אינו נוגע בהם כלל, ואינו מריח מהם, ולכן בודאי שאין לחוש שמא יתלוש מהם.

דברי רבי חיים פלאג'י
אמנם הגאון רבי חיים פלאג'י בספר מועד לכל חי (סימן א אות ח) כתב: "בעיר קושטא, נוהגים לברך ברכת האילנות אפילו בשבת ויום טוב. אבל בעירנו איזמיר, לא ראיתי ולא שמעתי מעולם שיברכו ברכת האילנות בשבת ויום טוב. ואם נאמר שהטעם לזה משום חשש שמא יקח בידו הפרחים להריח בהם, ושמא יתלוש, אם כן אפילו בקושטא יש להם לחוש שלא יברכו ברכת האילנות בשבת". עד כאן דבריו.

והנה לפי מה שמבואר בפוסקים, שאין לחוש שמא יתלוש מהאילנות, מאחר ואין כאן פירות, וגם אינו מריח מהם כלל, אם כן אין לחשוש למה שהעיר הגאון רבי חיים פלאג'י בזה, והעיקר להלכה כמו שנהגו בקושטא, שהיו מברכים ברכת האילנות אפילו בשבת. וכן כתבו הרבה מהאחרונים.

ומה שבאיזמיר ובעוד מקומות לא נהגו לברך ברכת האילנות בשבת, יש לבאר, על פי מה שכתב בשו"ת שמחת כהן (סימן קמב) להגאון רבי רחמים חי חויתה הכהן זצ"ל (עליו אמר לנו מרן זצוק"ל, שלא היה כמותו בדורינו, ושהיה גאון מובהק, ומאד היה מרן משבחו על גדולתו בתורה ובמדות מצויינות), שכנראה שנמנעו מכך, משום שיש צורך להוציא את הסידורים מבית הכנסת לפרדסים, כדי שיוכלו לברך מתוך הסידור, ולומר את נוסח היהי רצון וכו' שנוהגים לומר. ומאחר ובמקומותם בחוץ לארץ לא היה עירוב, ואסור היה לטלטל שום דבר מחוץ לבית הכנסת, לכן נמנעו מברכה זו. אבל במקום שיכולים לטלטל, או שאין צורך בסידורים, בודאי שרשאים לברך אף בשבת.

דברי כף החיים
אמנם הגאון רבי יעקב חיים סופר זצ"ל בספר כף החיים (סי' רכו אות ד) כתב בזו הלשון: בשבת, אין לברך ברכת האילנות, ונראה שלפי דברי המקובלים, שעל ידי ברכת האילנות מברר ניצוצי קדושה מן הצומח, יש איסור נוסף משום בורר בשבת. ולכן אסור לברך ברכת האילנות בשבת ויום טוב. עד כאן.

כלומר, מאחר ועל פי דברי המקובלים, ישנם "ניצוצות קדושה" בצומח, והניצוצות מתבררים מן הצומח על ידי הברכה וחוזרים למקומם הנכון, הרי שיש בדבר איסור משום "בורר" בשבת. ובספרו שו"ת באר מים חיים בכתב יד הוסיף על כך, שנשאל על זה, שהרי גם בכל הברכות והתפלות אנו מבררים ניצוצי קדושה, והשיב, שזהו לצורך אותה שעה, והרי הלכה בידינו, בורר אוכל לאלתר (לצורך מיידי) מותר.

ומרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל (שו"ת יחוה דעת ח"א סימן ב) תמה על כך מאד, שמנין לו להכף החיים שבענין רוחני כזה שייך בכלל דין בורר? והאריך מעט בזה, לדחות מכל וכל את דברי הכף החיים בזה, והסביר שאין לפסוק הלכות על פי עניני קבלה כגון אלה, ולכן העלה להלכה שמותר לברך ברכת האילנות בשבת.

ולמעשה, מרן זצ"ל בספרו חזון עובדיה על הלכות פסח (עמוד כג), כתב שכן יש לנהוג, לברך ברכת האילנות בשבת. והוסיף, שכן עשה מעשה בשנת התשנ"ה, שחל ראש חודש ניסן בפסח, "ובירכנו ברכת האילנות בשבת". (אולם לאחר מכן לפני מעט שנים, לא יצא מרן זצ"ל בשבת לברך ברכה זו, ואולי הוא מפני שלא רצה לטלטל את הסידורים כנ"ל, או מטעם אחר, אך להלכה אין לנו אלא כמו שכתב בספרו כנ"ל).

ולסיכום: אפשר לברך ברכת האילנות בשבת. ובפרט כאשר הציבור כולו מגיע לבית הכנסת בשבת, ויש לחוש שאם ימתינו עד אחר השבת, רבים לא יברכו בכלל, או שיברכו ביחידות, כאשר מוטב לברך בציבור, וברוב עם הדרת מלך.

The Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat

This year, 5779, Rosh Chodesh Nissan falls out on this coming Shabbat. Since many individuals try to recite the Blessing of the Trees immediately on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, let us discuss whether this blessing may be recited on Shabbat or perhaps it is better to postpone reciting it until Sunday.

“Lest One Detach”

The first issue we must deal with is the words of the Gemara (Sukkah 37b): “Rabba said: One may smell a myrtle branch still attached to the ground on Shabbat but one may not smell an Etrog (citron) still attached to the tree on Shabbat.” The Gemara explains that the distinction between a myrtle branch and an Etrog is that since a myrtle branch is used solely for smelling, there is no concern that one will detach it from the ground (since one can smell it while it is still attached); however, regarding an Etrog which is a fruit whose primary purpose is eating, we are concerned that by smelling it while it is still attached to the tree, one will come to detach it. All of the Poskim rule in accordance with this Gemara. Based on this, reciting the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat certainly does not pose any concern that one will detach the blossoms on the tree, for there are no fruits on the tree yet. Furthermore, even if there were fruits on the tree, one is neither touching them nor smelling them and there is therefore absolutely no concern that one will detach them from the tree.

The Opinion of Hagaon Harav Chaim Palagi

Nevertheless, Hagaon Harav Chaim Palagi zt”l writes in his Mo’ed Le’Kol Hai (Chapter 1, Section 8): “In the city of Istanbul, they customarily recite the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat and Yom Tov as well. However, in our city of Izmir, I have never seen or heard anyone reciting the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat or Yom Tov. If we claim that the reason for this is because of the concern that one will detach some of the blossoms from the tree, even in Istanbul, they should be concerned with this as well and abstain from reciting the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat.”

On the other hand, based on the words of the Poskim that there is no concern of detaching anything from the tree when there are no fruits present and since one is not smelling anything, there is therefore no room to be concerned with the issue that Hagaon Harav Chaim Palagi raises. Thus, the custom in Istanbul where they would recite this blessing even on Shabbat was the halachically correct custom. Many Acharonim rule likewise.

We can explain the reason behind the custom in Izmir and other places where it was customary not to recite the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat based on the Responsa Simchat Kohen (Chapter 142) authored by Hagaon Harav Rahamim Hai Hwita Ha’Kohen zt”l (about whom Maran zt”l exclaimed that there was no one like him in our generation and that he was an astounding halachic genius and whom Maran would extol tremendously about his greatness in Torah and exemplary character traits) who writes that it seems that it is customary to abstain from this because Siddurim must be carried from the synagogue to the orchards in order to recite the blessing and the appropriate texts recited along with it. Since many places outside of Israel did not have an Eruv and it was forbidden to carry anything outside of the synagogue, they abstained from reciting this blessing on Shabbat. However, in places where carrying is permissible on Shabbat or if Siddurim are not necessary, the Blessing of the Trees may certainly be recited on Shabbat.

The Opinion of the Kaf Ha’Chaim

Nevertheless, Hagaon Harav Yaakov Chaim Sofer zt”l writes in his Kaf Ha’Chaim (Chapter 226, Subsection 4), as follows: “The Blessing of the Trees should not be recited on Shabbat. It seems that according to the words of the Mekubalim that by reciting the Blessing of the Trees one separates the holy sparks from growing things (vegetation), this likewise constitutes an additional prohibition of selecting on Shabbat. It is therefore forbidden to recite the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat and Yom Tov.”

This means that since there is a Kabbalistic concept that there are “sparks of holiness” hidden within growing things and by reciting this blessing, one separates these sparks and they are able to ascend to their appropriate place in Heaven, this constitutes the prohibition of selecting on Shabbat. In the manuscripts of his Responsa Be’er Mayim Chaim, Hagaon Harav Sofer writes that he was asked that any blessings and prayers one recites likewise separate holy sparks so how is it that we can pray on Shabbat, to which he replied that this is necessary for that very moment and regarding the laws of selecting on Shabbat, the law is that selecting for immediate use is permissible.

Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l (in his Responsa Yechave Da’at, Volume 1, Chapter 2) wonders where the Kaf Ha’Chaim derived this law from that selecting on Shabbat applies to spiritual matters? Maran zt”l then writes somewhat lengthily to completely rebuff the opinion of the Kaf Ha’Chaim on this issue and writes that one should not rule on matters of Halacha based on such Kabbalistic concepts. He concludes that one may, in fact, recite the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat.

Halachically speaking, Maran zt”l writes in his Chazon Ovadia-Pesach (page 23) that the proper custom is to indeed recite the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat. He adds that he had actually done so in the year 5755 (1995) when Rosh Chodesh Nissan coincided with Shabbat. (Nevertheless, several years ago shortly before his passing, Maran zt”l did not go and recite the Blessing of the Trees on Shabbat which coincided with Rosh Chodesh Nissan; perhaps this was because he did not wish to carry the Siddur or for some other reason. Nonetheless, the Halacha clearly follows the ruling stated in Maran’s works.)

Summary: The Blessing of the Trees may be recited on Shabbat. This is especially true since the entire congregation attends the synagogue on Shabbat and there is concern that if they postpone reciting this blessing until after Shabbat, many individuals may not recite this blessing at all or that some will recite this blessing alone (without the presence of a Minyan) when it is actually preferable to recite this blessing along with a large congregation.


Shabbat Shalom

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Newsletter Parashat Shemin and Parashat Para

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THIS Motzae Shabbat

we change the clocks 

1 Hour forward

to BST



as from this 

Sunday 31st March

we will be having

Mincha followed by Arvit



7:25 pm


This SHABBAT we take out 2 Sefarim

1) Parashat Shemini

2) Parashat Para

it is also 

Shabbat Mevarechim

Halachot on Parashat Para


Rabbi Eli Mansour

Shabbat Parah- The Shabbat After Purim

On the Shabbat immediately following Purim, we take a second Torah scroll from the ark and read from it the section known as "Parashat Para." Parashat Para, which tells of the laws of the Para Aduma (the red heifer, whose ashes were used to sprinkle on those who had become ritually impure), is the opening section of Parashat Chukat, until the words, "Ve'ha'nefesh Ha'noga'at Titma Ad Ha'arev" (Bamidbar 19:1-22). 

Tosefot in Masechet Berachot (13) write that the annual reading of Parashat Para constitutes a Torah obligation; this is mentioned by other Rishonim (Medieval Talmudists), as well, including the Rashba (Spain, 1235-1310), the Ritva (Spain, 1250-1330) and Terumat Ha'deshen (Rabbi Yisrael Isserlin, Germany-Austria, 1390-1460). The Shulchan Aruch indeed records this position. 

Later writers have raised the question of where the Torah introduces such an obligation. If, indeed, this reading is required according to Torah law, this requirement must have a clear Biblical source. The work "Yalkut Ha'gershuni" suggests that this reading is obligated by force of the Torah's admonition to recall the unfortunate incident of the sin of the golden calf (Devarim 9:7). As this incident marks a very sad moment in our nation's history, we prefer not to read the actual narrative of the golden calf, and we instead read about the Para Aduma, which serves to atone for the sin of the golden calf. Indeed, the Sages describe the cow used for this ritual as the mother that comes to clean the mess made by her daughter, the calf. Thus, the reading of the Para Aduma section fulfills the Torah obligation to recall the incident of the golden calf. 

Others, however, have questioned this explanation. If this is the obligation we seek to fulfill, we can just as easily do so on the Shabbat when we read Parashat Ki Tisa, which contains the narrative of the golden calf. On this Shabbat we could instruct the congregation to have in mind while listening to this reading to fulfill the Torah obligation of remembering the incident of the golden calf. Rather than instituting a special reading, we could fulfill this requirement through the standard, scheduled reading of Parashat Ki Tisa. Furthermore, when all is said and done, the Sages speak of the Para Aduma ritual as a Chok – a Mitzva whose underlying rationale eludes human comprehension. It is therefore difficult to claim that this Mitzva serves solely as atonement for the sin of the golden calf. 

The Aruch Ha'shulchan (Rabbi Yechiel Epstein of Nevardok, Bielorussia 1829-1888) suggests a different Biblical source of the obligation to read Parashat Para. The Torah instructs in this section, "Ve'hayeta Lachem Le'chukat Olam" – that this law "shall be for you an eternal statute." The Torah here requires that we observe this law "eternally," despite the fact that this Mitzva of purifying oneself with the ashes of Para Aduma applies only when the Temple stands. The Aruch Ha'shulchan therefore suggests that the Torah here refers to an obligation to verbally recall this process by reading the relevant section in the Torah, even when practically the ritual cannot be performed. 

In any event, other scholars claimed that the reading of Parashat Para originates from Chazal (the Sages), and is not required by Torah law. Some even claim that Tosefot did not, in fact, cast this requirement as a Torah obligation. This theory contends that Tosefot had written the abbreviation "Peh-Peh," referring to "Parashat Purim," the section read on Purim telling of the battle with Amalek, with which one can fulfill the Torah obligation to recall Amalek's hostility. Later editors mistakenly understood the abbreviation as referring to "Parashat Para," and therefore reached the erroneous conclusion that Tosefot viewed this reading as a Torah obligation. However, this theory is difficult to accept in light of the fact that numerous other Rishonim, as mentioned above, side with Tosefot on this matter. It is hard to imagine that they were all misled by a printing error. 

Are women included in the obligation of Parashat Para? 

Presumably, this would depend on the two sources mentioned above. According to the "Yalkut Ha'gershuni," as we have seen, we read Parashat Para to recall the incident of the golden calf. If so, then women, who did not take part in the worship of the golden calf, should be excluded from this obligation. According to the Aruch Ha'shulchan, however, who explained that this reading fulfills the obligation of eternally remembering the Para Aduma purification ritual, it should apply equally to women, who are likewise required to undergo purification through the process of the Para Aduma. 

Therefore, women should endeavor to come to the synagogue to hear the reading of Parashat Para. If this presents a problem given their domestic responsibilities, they may remain at home. 

It should also be noted that the highest-quality Torah scroll available should be used for this reading, since according to many it constitutes a Torah obligation.

Summary: There is a difference of opinion as to whether the reading of Parashat Para on the Shabbat following Purim constitutes a Torah obligation, or was ordained by the Rabbis. Women should make an effort to come to the synagogue for this reading unless it poses considerable difficulty, and the highest-quality Torah scroll should be used for this reading.


New Opportunity for learning

The Avrechim of the Kollel are able to learn with the Kahal 

from 6.50 til Arbit at 7.30 every evening

Need a partner?

contact Rabbi Stamler





Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשע"ט

Winter Timetable 5779 – 2018 / 19

מוצאי שבת

ערבית )מוצ"ש(


מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















29/30 Mar

שמיני (פרה) (ש"מ)

Shabbat Services

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Shemini

  1. What date was "yom hashemini"?
    9:1 – First of Nissan.
  2. Which of Aharon's korbanot atoned for the Golden Calf?
    9:2 – The calf offered as a korban chatat.
  3. What korbanot did Aharon offer for the Jewish People?
    9:3,4 – A he-goat as a chatat, a calf and a lamb for an olah, an ox and a ram for shelamim, and a mincha.
  4. What was unique about the chatat offered during the induction of the Mishkan?
    9:11 – It's the only example of a chatat offered on the courtyard mizbe'ach that was burned.
  5. When did Aharon bless the people with the birkat kohanim?
    9:22 – When he finished offering the korbanot, before descending from the mizbe'ach.
  6. Why did Moshe go into the Ohel Mo'ed with Aharon?
    9:23 – For one of two reasons: Either to teach Aharon about the service of the incense, or to pray for the Shechina to dwell with Israel.
  7. Why did Nadav and Avihu die?
    10:2 – Rashi offers two reasons: Either because they gave a halachic ruling in Moshe's presence, or because they entered the Mishkan after drinking intoxicating wine.
  8. Aharon quietly accepted his sons' death. What reward did he receive for this?
    10:3 – A portion of the Torah was given solely through Aharon.
  9. What prohibitions apply to a person who is intoxicated?
    10:9-11 – He may not give a halachic ruling. Also, a kohen is forbidden to enter the Ohel Mo'ed, approach the mizbe'ach, or perform the avoda.
  10. Name the three chatat goat offerings that were sacrificed on the day of the inauguration of the Mishkan.
    10:16 – The goat offerings of the inauguration ceremony, of Rosh Chodesh, and of Nachshon ben Aminadav.
  11. Which he-goat chatat did Aharon burn completely and why?
    10:16 – The Rosh Chodesh chatat: Either because it became tamei, or because the kohanim were forbidden to eat from it while in the state of aninut (mourning).
  12. Why did Moshe direct his harsh words at Aharon's sons?
    10:16 – Out of respect for Aharon, Moshe directed his anger at his sons and not directly at Aharon.
  13. Moshe was upset that Aharon and his sons did not eat the chatat. Why?
    10:17 – Because only when the kohanim eat the chatat are the sins of the owners atoned.
  14. Why did G-d choose Moshe, Aharon, Elazar, and Itamar as His messengers to tell the Jewish People the laws of kashrut?
    11:2 – Because they accepted the deaths of Nadav and Avihu in silence.
  15. What are the signs of a kosher land animal?
    11:3 – An animal whose hooves are completely split and who chews its cud.
  16. How many non-kosher animals display only one sign of kashrut? What are they?
    11:4,5,6,7 – Four: Camel, shafan, hare, and pig.
  17. If a fish sheds its fins and scales when out of the water, is it kosher?
    11:12 – Yes.
  18. Why is a stork called chasida in Hebrew?
    11:19 – Because it acts with chesed (kindness) toward other storks.
  19. The chagav is a kosher insect. Why don't we eat it?
    11:21 – We have lost the tradition and are not able to identify the kosher chagav.
  20. What requirements must be met in order for water to maintain its status of purity?
    11:36 – It must be connected to the ground (i.e., a spring or a cistern).


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

 זהירות בעניני חמץ

אנו עומדים סמוך לימי הפסח הבאים עלינו לטובה, ולכן נתחיל לבאר הלכות פסח, על פי מה שכתבנו בזה בשנים קודמות, ובתוספת נוסף.

איסור אכילת והנאה מן החמץ 
נאמר בתורה (שמות יג) לענין ימי חג הפסח "מצות יאכל את שבעת הימים, ולא יראה לך חמץ ולא יראה לך שאור בכל גבולך".

ובגמרא במסכת פסחים (דף כא: ועוד), למדו רבותינו ממדרש הפסוקים, שהחמץ בפסח אסור באכילה, וכמו כן הוא אסור בהנאה, שאפילו אם הוא אינו אוכל מן החמץ בפסח, אסור לו למכור את החמץ לגוי וכיוצא בזה, מפני שהוא נהנה במכירה זו. וכל האוכל חמץ בפסח ענשו כרת.

חמץ בפסח – אפילו באלף אינו בטל
כל כך חמור איסור חמץ בפסח, עד כדי כך, שחמץ שנתערב עם מאכלים אחרים, אפילו באלף לא בטל, מה שאין כן בשאר איסורים.

ולדוגמא באיסור אכילת דם, שאם נפל גרם אחד של דם לקדירה עם תבשיל, אם יש בתבשיל ששים גרם של היתר כנגד הדם, הרי הדם בטל בתוכו ("בטל בששים"), והתבשיל מותר. ואילו חמץ בפסח אם יש אלף כנגדו, כגון פירור לחם בתוך סיר גדול עם התבשיל, הכל אסור באכילה מפני אותו פירור של חמץ שנתערב שם.

לכן יש להזהר מאד בעניני חמץ בפסח, לקנות אך ורק מצרכי מזון שאין בהם כל חשש תערובת חמץ, ושנמצאו תחת השגחה אחראית. וכן אין לסמוך על אדם שאינו יהודי שומר תורה ומצוות, כשאומר על מאכל מסוים שאין בו חשש חמץ, וכגון שמעיד על תבלין מסוים שאין בו שום תערובת וכדומה, וכפי שכבר הוכח בעבר, שאנשים נכשלו באיסור חמץ משום שסמכו על החנווני בשעה שאין לו כל נאמנות. וכתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל, שנכון שלא לקנות שום תוצרת המיועדת לפסח בלי הכשר על כל מוצר לחג הפסח, וכן הדין אף בדברים שנראה שאין בהם חשש, כגון ליקר, אראק, וכדומה. ובזמנינו אפילו במוצרים הנראים הכי "תמימים", יש חששות רציניים מבחינת כשרות במשך כל ימות השנה, ובפרט בימות הפסח, כי בכל מוצר מעורבים הרבה מאד חומרים מחומרים שונים, והדברים ידועים.

כלים הבלועים מחמץ
אסור להשתמש בפסח בכלים שמשתמשים בהם בכל ימות השנה, שהרי הם בלועים מחמץ, מכיון שבזמן שתבשיל חם נמצא בתוך הכלי, הרי דפנות הכלי בולעות ממנו טעם חמץ, (כשם שהן בולעות טעם בשר או חלב), ולכן יש להשתמש בכלים מיוחדים לפסח, שלא השתמשו בהם למאכלי חמץ, או להכשיר את כלי החמץ לפסח. ובהלכה הבאות יבואר יותר.

מקום שאדם מתארח בו
כשם שאדם צריך להזהר בתוך ביתו לאכול אך ורק ממוצרים ומכלים הכשרים לפסח, כמו כן עליו להזהר בכל מקום שהוא אוכל שם, שיהיה כשר בתכלית. ולכן מי שהולך להתארח אצל חבירו בחג הפסח, או שהוא מתארח בבית מלון, עליו לכלכל דרכיו במשפט, שלא יבא לידי מבוכה שתגרום לו לאכול במקום שאינו ראוי לו, ויזהר מראש שלא להיות מוזמן למקום שאינו כשר בתכלית, כדי שלא יבא ח"ו לידי מכשול.

ומעשה היה ביהודי אחד, יקר יקרים, מעולי הונגריה, שעלה לארץ ישראל לפני כששים שנה בערב פסח. בנו הנשוי, היה דר באחד הישובים הדתיים, והוא הזמין את אביו לחג הפסח. שאל אותו אביו, האם עוד הנך מקפיד כראוי על כל הלכות הפסח? השיב לו הבן, בודאי! נסעו האב עם רעייתו ושאר ילדיו הרווקים אל הבן הנשוי. כבר בליל החג, ראה האב כי הלכות הפסח אינן מקויימות כראוי. לכן, חדל לאכול שום דבר, מלבד מעט ירקות. ומיד במוצאי החג הראשון, אמר לאשתו ומשפחתו, אין אני נשאר כאן אפילו רגע אחד. אמרו לו, והלא אין תחבורה בשעה כזו! אמר להם אני איני נשאר אפילו רגע אחד, והלך ברגל שלוש שעות, עד שהגיע לתחנת אוטובוס, וחזר לירושלים בצער גדול, כי בנו אינו זהיר כראוי בהלכות החג. וממנו למדו כל המשפחה, ותיקנו מעשיהם.

Caution Regarding Chametz Issues

Since we are nearing the holiday of Pesach and the laws of Pesach are quite vast, we will begin to review the primary laws of this holiday based on what we have written in previous years in addition to some new insights.

 The Prohibition to Eat Chametz
The Torah (Shemot 13) states regarding the holiday of Pesach: “Matzot shall be eaten for seven days; neither leaven nor sourdough shall be seen in your borders.”

Our Sages taught in Masechet Pesachim (21b among other places) through expounding certain verses that not only is Chametz prohibited for consumption on Pesach, it is also forbidden to benefit from Chametz on Pesach, meaning that even if one does not actually eat Chametz on Pesach, he still may not sell it to a non-Jew and the like on Pesach for this would mean that he is benefitting from this sale. Consumption of Chametz on Pesach is punishable by Karet (severance of one’s soul from the Jewish nation).

Chametz on Pesach Cannot Even be Nullified by a Ratio of One to One-Thousand
The prohibition of Chametz on Pesach is so severe that if Chametz gets mixed into other foods, it cannot be nullified even by a ratio of one to one thousand, which is not the case regarding other prohibitions.

For instance, regarding the prohibition of consuming blood, if one gram of blood falls into a pot of food, if there are sixty grams of food present against the one gram of blood that fell into it, the blood is considered nullified and this food is permitted for consumption. Regarding Chametz on Pesach, however, even if the food present is one thousand times the amount of the Chametz that fell into it, for instance if a tiny crumb of Chametz falls into a large pot of food, the entire pot of food becomes prohibited for consumption because of the crumb of Chametz that became mixed into it.

Therefore, one must be extremely careful regarding Chametz on Pesach to buy only food products that one is completely certain do not contain Chametz mixtures and are certified by a reliable Kashrut organization. Similarly, one should not rely on a non-Torah-observant Jew when he tells him that a certain food does not contain any Chametz, for instance if he says that a certain spice does not have any Chametz mixed into it, for it has already occurred that some people have transgressed the prohibition of Chametz because they had relied on a grocer with no believability. Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a writes that it is proper for one not to purchase any food product designated for Pesach use without a reliable Kosher for Passover certification on every single item. The same applies even to things that do not seem problematic such as liquor, Arack, and the like. Nowadays, even products that look “innocent” pose major Kashrut problems during the rest of the year and especially during Pesach, as all products contain a multitude of ingredients, as we all know.

Dishes Which Have Absorbed Chametz
One may not use the same dishes that he uses during the rest of the year on Pesach, for these dishes have Chametz absorbed in them since when a hot food is inside these dishes, the walls of these dishes absorb its Chametz flavor, just as they absorb dairy or meat flavor. Thus, one must either use dishes that are specially designated for Pesach that have not been used for Chametz or kosher (make kosher for Pesach) his Chametz dishes. This will be better explained in following Halachot.

When One is a Guest
Just as one must take care to eat food that is Kosher for Pesach and from dishes and utensils that are Kosher for Pesach in his home, one must also take care that anywhere else he eats is absolutely kosher. Thus, if one is staying as a guest in his friend’s home or in a hotel for Pesach, he must think this through beforehand in a tedious manner so that a tumultuous situation does not arise that will cause him to eat in an unworthy place. One should be very careful in advance not to be invited to a place that is not absolutely kosher so as not to, G-d forbid, transgress any prohibitions.  

An incident once occurred approximately sixty years ago when a righteous Hungarian Jew immigrated to Israel on Erev Pesach. His married son lived in a religious settlement and invited his father to join them for the Pesach holiday. His father asked him, “Are you careful regarding the laws of Pesach?” The son replied, “Certainly!” The father travelled with his wife and unmarried children to spend the holiday together with his married son. On the first night of Pesach, the father was already able to tell that the laws of Pesach were not being observed adequately. He therefore did not eat anything besides for some vegetables. Immediately upon the conclusion of the first Yom Tov of Pesach, the father exclaimed to his wife, “I refuse to stay here for even one extra second!” They told him, “But there is no public transportation at this hour!” The father once again reiterated, “I shall not stay here for even one moment.” He then proceeded to walk for three hours to the nearest bus stop at which point he boarded a bus to Jerusalem, saddened that his son did not observe the laws of Pesach properly. The rest of the family learned from their father’s actions and mended their ways.

עיקר דין החמץ והקטניות בפסח

מהות החימוץ
נאמר בתורה (שמות יג) לענין ימי הפסח: "מצות יאכל את שבעת הימים, ולא יראה לך חמץ ולא יראה לך שאור בכל גבולך".

וענין החימוץ שאסרה התורה, הוא שבהתחבר קמח דגן עם המים, ושוהה כך זמן מתאים, משתנה ההרכב הפנימי של הקמח ומתחיל להחמיץ, ומרגע שהחמיץ, אסור אותו החמץ בפסח באכילה ובהנאה, וכן אסור ליהודי להחזיק ברשותו חמץ בימות הפסח.

אורז וכל מיני הקטניות, ובכלל זה אפונים, חומוס, שעועית, סויה, עדשים וכדומה, מותרים בפסח, כי אין חמץ אלא בחמשת מיני דגן, חיטה, שעורה, כוסמת, שבולת שועל ושיפון. וקטניות אינן מיני דגן, אלא מיני ירק.

אולם הדבר פשוט שמאחר ומצויים לעתים שיתערבו מיני דגן בקטניות, לכן יש להזהר לברור היטב את האורז וכיוצא בו, לבל יהיו מעורבים בו חטים או שעורים וכיוצא בזה ממיני דגן, כי מצוי לפעמים במקומות שמגדלים ומייצרים בהם את האורז, שמייצרים בקרבתו גם מיני דגן, וכן בבתי האריזה של האורז, אורזים גם כן שאר מיני דגן, והם מתערבים בתוך האורז ועלולים לאסור את כל התבשיל. (וכפי שנתבאר בהלכה הקודמת, שאפילו פירור חמץ יכול לאסור סיר גדול עם תבשיל). ולכן נוהגים לברור את האורז לפסח בתשומת לב רבה ובכובד ראש, שלש פעמים, ובשעה שילדים קטנים אינם נמצאים בסביבתם של הבודקים.

מנהג האשכנזים וכמה מקהלות הספרדים
מחמת החשש לתערובת גרגרי דגן בתוך הקטניות, נהגו האשכנזים איסור בקטניות בפסח. וכך נימנו וגזרו גדולי רבותינו שבאשכנז, לאסור באיסור גמור כל אכילת קטניות בפסח. אולם ברוב ארצות הספרדים לא נתקבל איסור זה כלל ועיקר. ואין לספרדי להחמיר על עצמו בדבר זה מכמה טעמים.

אמנם ישנם כמה מיראי ה' הספרדים שנהגו להחמיר כמנהג האשכנזים שלא לאכול אורז בפסח. ובפרט נפוץ הדבר בקרב המערבים, יוצאי מרוקו ושאר מדינות צפון אפריקה. אולם אף הם אינם מחמירים בדרך כלל, אלא באורז, אבל בשאר קטניות נוהגים היתר. ויש שנהגו לאסור אכילת חומוס גם כן.

ובהלכה הבאה נביא עוד פרטי דינים בזה.


The Laws of Chametz and Kitniyot (Legumes) on Pesach

The Essence of Leavening
The Torah (Shemot 13) tells us regarding the holiday of Pesach: “Matzot shall be eaten for seven days; neither leaven nor sourdough shall be seen in all of your borders.” The leaven that the Torah prohibits is produced by the combination of grain-flour and water remaining in this state for a long enough period of time; this causes the internal composition of the flour to leaven (rise). From the moment the mixture begins to leaven it is considered “Chametz” which is prohibited for consumption or benefit on Pesach and it is also prohibited for a Jew to retain Chametz in his property on Pesach.

Rice and all other legumes, including peas and beans, are permitted on Pesach, for the prohibition of Chametz only applies to grains and legumes are not classified as “grains”. One must nevertheless take care to check the grains of rice well to make sure that no kernels of wheat or barley are mixed inside, for it is fairly common that in some places where rice is grown or packaged, other grains are also grown or packaged in close proximity as well and some kernels of these grains can easily become mixed into the rice and indeed make one’s entire dish prohibited for consumption (for even one tiny crumb of Chametz can prohibit a large pot of food). Thus, it is customary to check through rice three times before Pesach with all due concentration and seriousness, at a time when small children are not present to disrupt the individual checking.

The Custom of Ashkenazi Jewry and Some Sephardic Communities
Due to fear that kernels of various grains may have become mixed into the legumes, Ashkenazim customarily prohibit the consumption of legumes on Pesach. Indeed, the greatest Ashkenazi authorities enacted that it is completely prohibited to eat any legumes on Pesach. However, this prohibition was not accepted at all by most Sephardic and Middle Eastern communities. A Sephardic individual should not be stringent regarding this matter for several reasons.

However, there are several G-d-fearing Sephardic communities who are stringent and customarily abstain from eating rice on Pesach. This is especially common among Moroccan and other North African communities. However, even they are customarily stringent only with regards to rice, but they do eat other forms of legumes. Some customarily abstain from eating chick peas on Pesach as well.

In the following Halacha, we shall, G-d-willing, discuss this further.

פרטים בדין קטניות בפסח

בהלכה הקודמת, ביארנו באופן כללי את עיקרי דין החמץ והקטניות בפסח. והסברנו, שלכל הדעות "קטניות", כגון חומוס ואורז, אינן "חמץ" ממש. כי חמץ שייך רק בדבר העשוי ממיני דגן. אולם האשכנזים נהגו איסור בקטניות, משום שהיה הדבר נפוץ מאד, שנתערבו גרגרי חמץ עם הקטניות. ולפיכך הם נמנעים מלאכלם.

"התרת נדרים" לאכול קטניות
עדות האשכנזים, הנוהגים איסור בקטניות, אין להם כל היתר לאכילת קטניות בפסח, ואף אם יעשו "התרת נדרים", אין בכך כלום, ועדיין הם מחוייבים למנהג עדתם, שלא ליטוש את מנהגיהם, ולהמנע מאכילת קטניות בפסח.

ובכלל זה איסור שימוש בשמן סויה, ואכילת אורז, וכן כל כיוצא בזה.

אולם עדות הספרדים שהחמירו על עצמם שלא לאכול אורז, ועתה יש להם איזה צורך להקל באכילת אורז, מחמת חולי וכיוצא בזה, יכולים להתיר להם לאוכלו, אם יעשו "התרת נדרים" כדין, על מה שנהגו עד עתה. וזאת משום שתוקף האיסור שקיבלו הספרדים על עצמם, אינו באותו דרגה כמו שקיבלו עליהם האשכנזים, ואצל הספרדים לא נתקבלה גזירה ממש על אכילת קטניות, אלא נהגו בהם איסור מצד הזהירות, כיון שהיה מצוי חשש חמץ בקטניות. כן פסק מרן הרב זצ"ל בספר חזון עובדיה ח"ב עמוד נה. ואין כאן המקום להאריך.

כלים הבלועים בקטניות
כבר ביארנו, שאסור להשתמש בפסח בכלים שבישלו בהם בשאר ימות השנה. וזאת משום, שכלים שהיה בהם מאכל חמץ רותח, הרי שדפנות הכלי "בלעו" מן החמץ שהיה בהם. ואחר כך כשמבשלים בהם מאכל כשר לפסח, דפנות הכלי "פולטות" טעם של חמץ לתוך התבשיל. וכשם שאנו נזהרים תמיד להפריד את כלי החלב מכלי הבשר, מחמת בליעת הכלים ממאכלי הבשר או החלב.

אולם איסור הקטניות בפסח, אינו חמור כמו איסור חמץ ממש. שאינו אלא גזירה שנהגו להחמיר, מחמת חשש חמץ. לפיכך כתב הגאון רבי ישמעאל הכהן, בשו"ת זרע אמת (ח"ג או"ח סי' מח), שאשכנזי המתארח בבית ספרדי, והספרדי הכין עבורו מאכלים ללא חשש קטניות, מותר לאשכנזי לאכול בביתו ללא חשש.

ואף על פי שהכלים של הספרדי בלועים מתבשילי הקטניות, אין בכך כלום, כיון שאין זה אלא מנהג שנהגו משום זהירות יתירה, ולא שקיבלוהו עליהם כאיסור ממש. (בפרט אם יש לשער שלא בישלו בכלים קטניות בתוך עשרים וארבע שעות האחרונות. ואין האשכנזי צריך לשאול את הספרדי, האם בישלו באותו יום קטניות באותו הכלי. ואין כאן המקום להאריך).

ולסיכום: האשכנזים נוהגים איסור באכילת קטניות בפסח. ואין להקל באיסור זה אפילו על ידי "התרת נדרים". והספרדים שנהגו בזה איסור, ויש להם צורך להקל באכילת קטניות, כגון מחמת חולי וכדומה, יוכלו  להקל בזה על ידי התרת נדרים.

אשכנזי המתארח בבית ספרדי, והספרדי הכין עבורו מאכלים ללא חשש קטניות, מותר לו לאכול מהם, אף על פי שהספרדי בישל קודם לכן מאכלים עם קטניות באותם הכלים.

Some Detailed Laws Regarding Kitniyot (Legumes) on Pesach

In the previous Halacha we have briefly discussed the primary laws of Chametz and Kitniyot (legumes) on Pesach. We have explained that according to all communities, legumes such as rice and chick peas are not actual Chametz, for only grain products can be considered Chametz. However, Ashkenazim customarily banned eating Kitniyot on Pesach because it used to be common for grains of Chametz to become mixed with Kitniyot. They therefore customarily abstain from eating them.

“Annulment of Vows” in Order to Eat Kitniyot 
Ashkenazi communities who customarily prohibit Kitniyot have no recourse to permit consuming Kitniyot on Pesach. Even if they perform the order of “Annulment of Vows,” this does not make it permissible; they are still bound by the custom of their community and they may not discard their custom by eating Kitniyot on Pesach.

Included in this prohibition is the use of soy sauce, eating rice, and the like.

However, Sephardic communities who have acted stringently until this point and abstained from eating rice and now have a certain need to eat rice, such as due to illness and the like, may be permitted to eat it as long as they perform the “Annulment of Vows” as prescribed by Halacha for the custom they have followed thus far. This is because the level of the prohibition that these Sephardic communities accepted upon themselves is not on the same level as the prohibition which the Ashkenazim accepted upon themselves. The Sephardim never accepted an actual “decree” upon themselves banning Kitniyot; rather, they customarily abstained from eating them as a precaution because Chametz would sometimes mix into the Kitniyot. Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l rules likewise in his Responsa Chazon Ovadia, Volume 2, page 55.

Vessels which have Absorbed Kitniyot
We have already explained that vessels which have absorbed actual Chametz may not be used on Pesach. This is because when vessels contain boiling hot Chametz foods, the walls of the vessel absorb some of the Chametz in them. Afterwards, when Pesach foods are cooked in the same vessel, the walls of the vessel release Chametz flavor into the food. For the same reason, we are always meticulous to separate meat and dairy dishes in order to avoid vessels absorbing from one another.

However, the prohibition of Kitniyot on Pesach is not as stringent as actual Chametz, for it is only an enactment which some customarily accepted due to Chametz concerns. Based on this, Hagaon Harav Yishmael HaKohen writes in his Responsa Zera Emet (Volume 3, Orach Chaim, Chapter 48) that if an Ashkenazi individual is being hosted by a Sephardic individual and the host prepares foods for the guest that are Kitniyot-free, the Ashkenazi may eat in his home without hindrance.

Although the Sephardic host’s vessels have absorbed some flavor from his own Kitniyot foods, this poses no issue, for this custom is only as an extra precaution and they never accepted it upon themselves as an actual prohibition. (This is especially true if we can assume that Kitniyot were not cooked in this vessel within the past twenty-four hours. Additionally, the Ashkenazi need not ask the Sephardi if Kitniyot were cooked in this vessel within twenty-four hours.)

Summary: Ashkenazim customarily prohibit consuming Kitniyot on Pesach. They cannot be lenient regarding this custom even if they have performed the order of “Annulment of Vows.” Sephardim who have thus far customarily abstained from this as well but now have some special need to eat Kitniyot, such as due to illness and the like, may indeed be lenient in this matter by performing an “Annulment of Vows.”


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Purim – Parashat Tzav

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Q & A on Parashat Tzav

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. What separated the kohen's skin from the priestly garments?
    6:3 – Nothing.
  2. How often were the ashes removed from upon the mizbe'ach? How often were they removed from next to the mizbe'ach?
    6:4 –
    A) Every day.
    B) Whenever there was a lot.
  3. If someone extinguishes the fire on the mizbe'ach, how many Torah violations has he transgressed?
    6:6 – Two.
  4. The portion of a flour-offering offered on the mizbe'ach may not be chametz. But is the kohen's portion allowed to be chametz?
    6:10 – No.
  5. When a kohen is inaugurated, what offering must he bring?
    6:13 – A korban mincha — A tenth part of an ephah of flour.
  6. What three baking processes were used to prepare the korban of Aharon and his sons?
    6:14 – Boiling, baking in an oven and frying in a pan.
  7. What is the difference between a minchat kohen and a minchat Yisrael?
    6:15 – The minchat kohen is burned completely. Only a handful of the minchat Yisrael is burned, and the remainder is eaten by the kohanim.
  8. When is a kohen disqualified from eating from a chatat?
    6:19 – If he is tamei (spiritually impure) at the time of the sprinkling of the blood.
  9. What is the difference between a copper and earthenware vessel regarding removing absorbed tastes?
    6:21 – One can remove an absorbed taste from a copper vessel by scouring and rinsing, whereas such a taste can never be removed from an earthenware vessel.
  10. Can an animal dedicated as an asham be replaced with another animal?
    7:1 – No.
  11. How does an asham differ from all other korbanot?
    7:3 – It can only be brought from a ram or sheep.
  12. Unlike all other korbanot, what part of the ram or sheep may be placed on the mizbe'ach?
    7:3 – The tail.
  13. What three types of kohanim may not eat from the asham?
    7:7 – A t'vul yom (a tamei kohen who immersed in a mikveh yet awaits sunset to become tahor); A mechusar kipurim (a tamei person who has gone to the mikveh but has yet to bring his required offering); An onan (a mourner prior to the burial of the deceased).
  14. n which four instances is a korban todah brought?
    7:12 – Upon safe arrival from an ocean voyage; Upon safe arrival from a desert journey; Upon being freed from prison; Upon recovering from illness.
  15. Until when may a todah be eaten according to the Torah? Until when according to Rabbinic decree?
    7:15 –
    (a) Until the morning.
    (b) Until midnight.
  16. How does a korban become pigul?
    7:18 – The person slaughters the animal with the intention that it be eaten after the prescribed time.
  17. Who may eat from a shelamim?
    7:19 – Any uncontaminated person (not only the owner).
  18. What miracle happened at the entrance of the Ohel Moed?
    8:3 – The entire nation was able to fit in this very small area.
  19. Other than Yom Kippur, what other service requires that the kohen separate from his family?
    8:34 – The burning of the parah adumah (red heifer).
  20. What are the 5 categories of korbanot listed in this Parsha?
    Olah (6:2); mincha (6:7); chatat (6:18); asham (7:1); shelamim (7:11).


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

 חג הפורים – נסים גלויים

שאלה: האם בזמנינו אין נסים גלויים, מפני שאנו לא ראויים לכך?

תשובה: אמרו רבותינו בכמה מקומות, כי אין הקדוש ברוך הוא עושה נסים לחינם. כי הנס, הוא כבריאת עולם חדש. כי טבע העולם הוטבע בו מעת בריאתו, ולשנות את הטבע, יש צורך לחדש מהלכים כמו בריאת העולם. ולכן אמרו רבותינו (במסכת שבת לב.), אל יבקש אדם שיעשו לו נס מן השמים, כי מנכים לו מזכויותיו. שהרי עשיית הנס היא כאילו בורא הקדוש ברוך הוא עולם חדש עבור אדם פרטי.

ובכל זאת בימי קדם היה צורך גדול שיעשה השם יתברך נסים גדולים ומפורסמים, משום שעם ישראל מעצם טבעם והחינוך הטבעי שהיה חדור בתוכם, לא היו בנויים היטב ומוכנים לאמונת ה' יתברך. כי היו חיים מאות בשנים בארץ מצרים, ששם היו כולם עובדי כוכבים ומזלות. וכן כל שאר האומות בימי קדם היו מאמינים בכוכבים ובמזלות, והיו סבורים שהכוכבים הם המורידים להם את השפע, ולכן פנו לעבוד את הכוכבים. ועם ישראל נדבקו מן הטעות של כל אומות העולם.

ולכן עם ישראל טעו שוב ושוב לחטוא לה'. עשו להם עגל זהב במדבר, ואחר כך עבדו לפסל מיכה, וכן בארץ ישראל כמה וכמה פעמים חטאו בעניני עבודה זרה, ואפילו לאחר שגלו מן הארץ, אמרו הנשים לירמיה הנביא (ירמיהו פרק מד פסוק יח): "וּמִן אָז חָדַלְנוּ לְקַטֵּר לִמְלֶכֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְהַסֵּךְ לָהּ נְסָכִים, חָסַרְנוּ כֹל וּבַחֶרֶב וּבָרָעָב תָּמְנוּ". כי היו בטוחות שרק על ידי עבודת כוכבי השמים יגיע אליהם השפע. (כשם שבזמנינו, ההולכים אצל העוסקים במיסטיקה וקבלה מעשית, מכורים לעבודתם, ולא יבינו כי אספו רוח בחפניהם).

לפיכך, כדי לבטל דעה משובשת זו, ועל מנת לתקוע את אמונת ה' בלב ישראל, עשה להם ה' יתברך נסים גלויים, להראותם כי ה' הוא האלקים, והוא המשדד מערכות שמים, שאין ישראל כפופים להם כלל. ולכן עשה ה' נסים המנוגדים לדרך הטבע, כדי שיכירו וידעו כולם, ששקר נחלו. ולכן משה רבינו הזהיר את ישראל כמה פעמים על הנסים שראו עיניהם, שילמדו מהם כי ה' הוא האלקים. וכן שמואל הרמתי, עשה להם לישראל נסים היפך גדר הטבע. וכן אליהו הנביא שהוריד אש וגשמים מן השמים, ובאמת, לאחר שראו ישראל את הנס הזה, נהפך לבבם והכירו וידעו כי לה' הארץ. ואם כן, כל הנסים היו כדי לקבוע בלב האומה את האמונה בה'. ובכל זאת מפעם לפעם שכחו ישראל את שראו בעיניהם, וחזרו למעשיהם הרעים.

וכל זה היה קודם זמן אסתר המלכה, אבל מזמן אסתר, קיימו וקבלו היהודים עליהם את תורת ה' בכל לבב. כי ראו כי לה' הארץ ולו נתכנו עלילות. כי המן חשב על פי חשבונות שעשה, כי מזלם של ישראל בחודש אדר ירד מטה מטה. שכם באמת על פי המזלות, היה הזמן ההוא ראוי לנפילת ישראל חס ושלום. וכן לפי דעתם של חכמי המזלות, היה אז מזלם של ישראל סוף מזל דלי, שהוא רע ומר לישראל, ולעומת זאת, מזלו של עמלק, היה אז טוב מאד, כי מזלו של עמלק הוא אריה, ואז מזל אריה היה במערכה טובה, כי השמש היתה לפניו, וכוכב צדק האיר למולו. וכל מהלכי הלבנה והכוכבים היו נגד ישראל ולטובת עמלק.

וה' הפיר עצתו של עמלק, ושידד כוכבי שמים, ונהפוך הוא, שישראל עלו, ועמלק ירדו, ומזה הכירו כח מעשי ה', ופחיתות ענין המזלות והכוכבים, ולכן מאז נס אסתר, לא נמצא בישראל שיחזרו עוד לחטאים אלה, של אמונה בכוכבים ומזלות.

ומטעם זה מאז והלאה, פסקו הנסים המפורסמים והגלויים מישראל, שהרי אין בהם צורך עוד לשלימות אמונתינו. ולכן פסקו נסים מימות אסתר ואילך. לא מפני שאין אנו ראויים עוד לנסים, אלא להיפך, מפני שאנו שלמים באמונתינו מימות אסתר, אין לנו צורך בנסים. עד שנזכה לגאולה השלימה במהרה בימינו, ואז יחדש ה' יתברך ימינו, ויראנו נפלאות. (יערות דבש, דרוש ג')


The Holiday of Purim-Open Miracles

Question: Are there no open miracles in our days because we are unworthy of them?

Answer: Our Sages teach us in several places that Hashem does not perform miracles for naught since doing so entails changing the laws of nature that Hashem established in this world which is tantamount to the creation of a “new world.” It is for this reason that our Sages (Shabbat 32a) teach us that one should not pray for a miracle to be performed for him, for if this occurs, some of the individuals will be deducted since this is like creating a new world for a single person.

Nevertheless, in previous generations, there was a need for Hashem to perform great and revealed miracles, for the Jewish nation, by nature and by virtue of the upbringing they were engrained with by living in Egypt for Hundreds of years among an idolatrous nation, was not yet prepared for belief in Hashem. All other nations in the days of yore likewise believed that the stars and constellations were the cause of all goodness and abundance and thus began worshipping the stars. The Jewish nation was likewise influenced by the error of the other nations of the world.

It is for this reason that the Jewish nation continuously sinned against Hashem in the desert making the Golden Calf and later worshipping Micha’s idol; similarly, when they entered Eretz Yisrael, the Jewish nation strayed after idol worship several times. Even when they were exiled from Israel, some Jewish women told Yirmiya Ha’Navi (Yirmiyahu 44, 18), “From the time we have stopped offering incense to the heavenly objects and pouring libation offerings to them, we lack everything and we have perished by sword and starvation.” This is because the women of that generation were certain that the source of abundance was only by serving the stars and other heavenly objects. (Just as those who consult with individuals who practice “practical Kabbalah” and other mystics in our generation are addicted to such practices and do not realize the futility in doing so.)

In order to abolish such flawed beliefs and to imbue the Jewish nation with a strong sense of belief in the true Master of the Universe, Hashem performed open miracles in order to show that Hashem is the true G-d and that He alone orchestrates the heavenly objects, which have no influence at all on the Jewish nation. It is for this reason that Hashem performed miracles which went against the laws of nature, in order for all to know that their previous beliefs were all baseless lies. Likewise, Moshe Rabbeinu referred to these supernatural miracles many times in order for the Jewish nation to realize that Hashem is the true G-d. Similarly, the prophets Shmuel and Eliyahu performed supernatural miracles for the Jewish nation by bringing down rain and fire from the sky; after the Jewish nation observed such miracles, they knew that the land was Hashem’s alone. Thus, the purpose of the all these miracles was to establish Hashem’s sovereignty in the heart of the Jewish nation. Nevertheless, the Jewish nation forgot the wonders their eyes had seen from time to time and returned to their wicked ways.

Nonetheless, all of this applied only until the times of Queen Esther. From the time of Queen Esther and on, however, the Jewish nation accepted Hashem’s Torah whole-heartedly. Haman devised his evil plan because he calculated that the Jewish nation’s fortune was quite bad during the month of Adar; indeed, according to the order of the constellations, this was actually true and that time ripe for the destruction of the Jewish nation, G-d-forbid. Indeed, according to the great astrologers, this occurred at a time when the Jewish nation’s fortune was towards the end of the constellation of Aquarius, which is a terrible time for the Jewish nation. On the other hand, Amalek’s fortune at that time was quite good, for the constellation that represents Amalek is Leo and at that time, Leo was in a favorable position with the sun before it and Jupiter shining right across from it. All of the lunar, planetary, and stellar systems at that time were against the Jewish nation and in favor of Amalek.

Hashem, however, disrupted Amalek’s plans, rearranged the stars, and switched everything for Israel to be victorious and Amalek to fall. Everyone then realized the might of Hashem and the insignificance of the stars and constellations. From the time the miracle of Esther occurred, we have not heard of a large portion of the Jewish nation returning to sins involving idolatry and belief in the stars.

It is for this reason that from that time and on, open and revealed miracles have ceased from the Jewish nation, for we no longer need them for the completion of our belief. Let us be clear: This is not because we are unworthy of such miracles; on the contrary, because our belief has been complete since the times of Queen Esther, we no longer need such miracles until the Final Redemption, at which point Hashem shall, once again, perform many miracles and wonders for us. (See Rabbeinu Yehonatan Eibeschitz’s Ya’arot Devash, Darush 3.)



Shabbat Shalom

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Newsletter Parashat Vayikra – Parashat Zachor

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This week is Shabbat Zachor

Shabbat Zachor

On certain occasions piyutim are chanted during pesuqé dezimra:

On Shabat Shira and the Seventh Day of Pesah the piyut "Ashira keShirat Moshé" is sung before Shirat haYam (The Song on the Sea).

On Shabbat Zachor the piyut "Mi Khamokha" is chanted during Nishmat.

On Rosh haShana and Yom Kipur special piyutim are chanted after Shirat haYam, before Yishtabah, and between Yishtabah and the Qadish. 

The minhag of inserting piyutim into the prayers is actually quite ancient, dating back at least to the times of Ribi Yehuda haLevi (c. 1000-1100 CE) who penned the piyut "Mi Khamokha" for Shabat Zakhor and instituted its recital in the middle of Nishmat Kol Hai. Several Rishonim, among them the Ri miGash (d. 1141), the Rashba (d. 1310), and the Radbaz (d. 1573), attest that this was the custom in their time, showing no sign of disapproval. Nevertheless, this custom was met with sharp, repeated critique by later halakhic authorities, all challenging the halakhic basis for this custom, as it constitutes a forbidden interruption (hefseq) in the prayers.

Though Maran instructs in the Shulhan 'Arukh (O"H §68:1) that it is best to refrain from including liturgy in the Blessings of Qeriat Shema', he makes no mention of adding liturgy in Pesuqé deZimra. The determining factor for allowing liturgy in Pesuqé deZimra is whether or not there exists a prohibition to add praises or Tehilim to those instituted by the Sages as Pesuqé deZimra

The Hida in Tub 'Ayin (§18:35) cites the opinion of Ribi David Hayim Corinaldi in this matter, denouncing the practice of those who reserved the recital of liturgy intended for Pesuqé deZimra (e.g. Ribi Yehuda haLevi's Mi Chamocha) until after the repetition of the 'Amida; arguing that the Tur and Maran only took issue with adding liturgy to the Blessings of Qeriat Shema'. The simple logic behind Ribi Corinaldi's judgment seems to be that, since Pesuqé deZimra were instituted as praises to G-d, additional praises, such as the piyutim, should not be deemed an interruption therein. Still, the Hida rules that liturgy may not be added to Pesuqé deZimra, explaining that these praises were carefully arranged by the Sages in accordance with Qabala and are thus strictly unchangeable

The minhag in Kahal Kadosh Shaare Tefila – Moor Lane, is to recite the piyut Mi Chamocha in the middle of Nishmat








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The Avrechim of the Kollel are able to learn with the Kahal 

from 6.50 til Arbit at 7.30 every evening

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Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשע"ט

Winter Timetable 5779 – 2018 / 19


מוצאי שבת

ערבית )מוצ"ש(


מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















15/16 Mar

ויקרא (זכור)


Shabbat Services

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

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Q & A on Parashat Vayikra

 All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Who does the word "eilav" in verse 1:1 exclude?
    1:1 – Aharon.
  2. Name all the types of animals and birds mentioned in this week's Parsha.
    1:2,14, 3:12 – Cattle, sheep, goats, turtledoves (torim), and doves (bnei yona).
  3. What two types of sin does an olah atone for?
    1:4 – Neglecting a positive command, and violating a negative command which is rectified by a positive command.
  4. Where was the olah slaughtered?
    1:5 – In the Mishkan Courtyard (azarah).
  5. What procedure of an animal-offering can a non-kohen perform?
    1:5 – Ritual slaughter.
  6. Besides the fire the kohanim bring on the altar, where else did the fire come from?
    1:7 – It descended from Heaven.
  7. At what stage of development are torim (turtledoves) and bnei yona (young pigeons) unfit as offerings?
    1:14 – When their plumage turns golden. At that stage, bnei yona are too old and torim are too young.
  8. What is melika?
    1:15 – Slaughtering a bird from the back of the neck using one's fingernail.
  9. Why are animal innards offered on the altar, while bird innards are not?
    1:16 – An animal's food is provided by its owner, so its innards are "kosher." Birds, however, eat food that they scavenge, so their innards are tainted with "theft."
  10. Why does the Torah describe both the animal and bird offerings as a "satisfying aroma"?
    1:17 – To indicate that the size of the offering is irrelevant, provided your heart is directed toward G-d.
  11. Why is the term "nefesh" used regarding the flour offering?
    2:1 – Usually, it is a poor person who brings a flour offering. Therefore, G-d regards it as if he had offered his nefesh (soul).
  12. Which part of the free-will mincha offering is burned on the altar?
    2:1 – The kometz (fistful).
  13. The Torah forbids bringing honey with the mincha. What is meant by "honey"?
    2:11 – Any sweet fruit derivative.
  14. When does the Torah permit bringing a leavened bread offering?
    2:12 – On Shavuot.
  15. Concerning shelamim, why does the Torah teach about sheep and goats separately?
    3:7 – Because they differ regarding the alya (fat tail). The lamb's alya is burned on the altar but the goat's is not.
  16. For most offerings the kohen may use a service vessel to apply the blood on the mizbe'ach. For which korban may he apply the blood using only his finger?
    3:8 – The chatat.
  17. Who is obligated to bring a chatat?
    4:2 – One who accidentally transgresses a negative commandment whose willing violation carries the karet (excision) penalty.
  18. Where were the remains of the bull burned while in the wilderness? Where were they burned during the time of the Beit Hamikdash?
    4:12 –
    1. Outside the three camps.
    2. Outside Jerusalem.
  19. What two things does a voluntary mincha have that a minchat chatat lacks?
    5:11 – Levona and oil.
  20. What is the minimum value of a korban asham?
    5:15 – Two shekalim.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

מתנות לאביונים

מה צריך לתת?
ומצות מתנות לאביונים, אינה דוקא במתנות ממש, אלא רשאי לתת לאביונים מעות (כסף) כדי שיוכלו לקנות ממנו צרכי סעודת פורים.

כמה צריך לתת?
ירא שמים יתן מתנות לאביונים בעין יפה ובסבר פנים יפות, והנה שכרו ופעולתו לפניו. וכמה הוא חיוב מתנות לאביונים?, הנה מעיקר הדין אין קצבה במעות פורים, כי מן הדין די בנתינת פרוטה, שהוא סכום הקטן שיש בכל מקום (וכגון בארץ ישראל מטבע של חצי שקל וכדומה), ומכל מקום כאמור, עדיף להרבות במתנות לאביונים, מלהרבות בסעודת פורים ובמשלוח מנות. ועל כל פנים נכון שלא יפחות מסכום שיוכל האביון לעשות ממנו סעודת פורים.

החילוק בין משלוח מנות למתנות לאביונים
בהלכה הקודמת ביארנו, שיש לתת את המשלוח מנות, באופן שהמקבל ידע ממי קיבלת את המעות, והנותן ידע למי נותן. וזאת משום שטעם המצוה של משלוח מנות, הוא בכדי להרבות אהבה ואחוה בין בני אדם. אולם לענין מתנות לאביונים אין הדין כן, אלא רשאי לתת את המתנות באופן שהאביון לא ידע ממי קיבל, וכן הנותן לא ידע למי נותן.

וכן במשלוח מנות, יש לתת מנות ממש, כלומר, דברי מאכל ומשקה, מה שאין כן במתנות לאביונים, שיכול לתת לאביונים מעות, שיוכל לקנות מהם את צרכי הסעודה.

חשיבות מתנות לאביונים
וכתב הרמב"ם (הלכות מגילה פרק ב), חייב אדם לשלוח לחברו שתי מנות בשר, או שני מיני תבשיל, או שני מיני אוכלים (מאכלים), שנאמר: ומשלוח מנות איש לרעהו, שתי מנות לאיש אחד, וכל המרבה לשלוח לרעים הרי זה משובח. וחייב לחלק לעניים מעות או מיני אכלים ביום הפורים, לא פחות משני עניים, שנותן לכל אחד מתנה אחת, שנאמר: ומתנות לאביונים. ומוטב לאדם להרבות במתנות לאביונים יותר מלהרבות בסעודתו ובמשלוח מנות לחברים, שאין שמחה גדולה מפוארה יותר מלשמח לב עניים ויתומים ואלמנות וגרים, שהמשמח לב האומללים הללו, הרי הוא דומה לשכינה, שנאמר: "להחיות רוח שפלים ולהחיות נפש נדכאים".

נתינה לגבאי צדקה
הנותן מעות לגבאי צדקה, שהוא מחלקם לעניים בו ביום, יוצא ידי חובת מתנות לאביונים, ששלוחו של אדם כמותו. וכן נוהגים רבים כיום, שהם נותנים לגבאי נאמן את כספי המתנות לאביונים, והוא שלוחם לתת את כספי המתנות לעניים ביום הפורים. ועדיף לנהוג כן ממה שיתן בעצמו את המעות, לאביונים כאלה אשר אינו יכול לדעת בודאות אם הם ראויים למתנות אלו.

וכבר הזהרנו בעבר על הצורך לשים לב שגבאי הצדקה הם אנשים יראי שמים, ולא לסמוך בעיניים עצומות על ועדי הצדקה למיניהם

Matanot La’Evyonim

The Rambam (Chapter 2 of Hilchot Megilla) writes: “One must send his friend two portions of meat or two cooked foods or two food items, as the verse states, ‘And sending portions to one another,’ which means two potions to one person. The more friends one sends to, the more praiseworthy he is. One must also distribute monetary gifts or food items to the poor on Purim day, no less than one gift to two poor people, as the verse states, ‘And gifts to the poor’. It is more important for one to distribute more gifts to the poor than to spend a lot on one’s feast or send gifts to many friends, for there is no greater and more splendid happiness than to gladden the hearts of the poor, orphans, widows, and converts; one who gladdens these downtrodden souls is comparable to the holy presence of Hashem Himself, as the verse states, ‘To revive the spirit of the downtrodden and to revive the soul of the oppressed.’” 

One who fears Heaven should distribute Matanot La’Evyonim generously and with good cheer and his reward will be great indeed. How much must a person give as Matanot La’Evyonim? Although the letter of the law dictates that there is no set amount for this gift and one fulfills his obligation by giving even a few cents per pauper, nevertheless, it is preferable to spend more on Matanot La’Evyonim then on the Purim feast or Mishloach Manot. (One should preferably give enough so that the pauper will be able to make use of the sum for the Purim feast.) 

One who gives money to a charity treasurer who will subsequently distribute this sum to the needy on Purim day on the donor’s behalf has fulfilled his obligation, since “one’s messenger is like himself.” This is the prevalent custom today as many people give their Matanot La’Evyonim to trustworthy treasurers and they in turn distribute the money on the donors’ behalf on Purim day. It is actually proper to fulfill the Mitzvah in this way rather than to give the money to such people whom one cannot ascertain whether or not they are genuinely needy. 

However, we must warn our readers that when one gives these monetary gifts to charity treasurers, one should take extreme caution to give only to treasurers who are trustworthy and G-d-fearing, for we have heard of situations where there have been individuals who have stolen the majority of the proceeds for themselves and taken advantage of the plight of the truly downtrodden in order amass wealth for themselves. Hagaon Ya’abetz writes in his Sefer Megillat Sefer (about three hundred years ago) that most of the charity collected for the poor of Jerusalem had been stolen by the charity treasurers who would pass the funds from hand to hand and became rich in this way while not leaving even a fraction of the proceeds for the poor people of Jerusalem, which eventually lead to the collapse of the Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem. Similarly, we are clearly aware of several organizations that collect money on behalf of widows and orphans and keep all the proceeds for themselves, leaving only a tiny sum over for the intended recipients. These greedy individuals who steal from the mouths of the poor present themselves as righteous and upstanding individuals; as such, one must be keen in order to avoid them. Anyone who cherishes his soul should distance himself from such people in addition to warning others about them, for donating to such individuals does not constitute Tzedakah at all. One should give his Matanot La’Evyonim and all other Tzedakah for that matter only to treasurers who are completely trustworthy and G-d-fearing or to Torah scholars who are in charge of passing the charity on to G-d-fearing individuals themselves. 

We recommend giving donations to one’s local, G-d-fearing rabbi who will then distribute the proceeds to the poor 

דין משלוח מנות 

מצות משלוח מנות
נאמר במגילת אסתר (ט, כב) לעשות אותם ימי משתה ושמחה "ומשלוח מנות איש לרעהו" – "ומתנות לאביונים". ובגמרא במסכת מגילה (דף ז). אמרו, משלוח "מנות" שתי מנות לאיש אחד. "ומתנות לאביונים", שתי מתנות לשני בני אדם. (כי מיעוט "מנות", שתים, מנה אחת ועוד מנה. ומיעוט "מתנות", שתים, מתנה ועוד מתנה אחת. וכן מיעוט "אביונים" שתים. שכן לא נאמר "משלוח מנה איש לרעהו ומתנה לאביון).

טעם המצוה
וטעם המצוה הוא, שכאשר אדם שולח לחברו תשורה ומנחה, הרי הוא מביע לו בזה את רגשי אהבתו אליו, ועל ידי כן נוטע גם בליבו אהבה אליו. ועוד, כי ישנם אנשים חסרי כל, אשר יבושו לפשוט ידם לקבל צדקה כדי לקיים סעודת פורים, וכאשר שולח להם דרך כבוד "משלוח מנות" לא יבושו ולא יכלמו, ויקיימו מצות סעודת פורים בשמחה ובחדוה.

ומכיון שטעם מצוה זו הוא כדי להרבות אהבה בין אדם לחבירו, ובין אשה לרעותה, לכן, השולח משלוח מנות ואין המקבל יודע ממי קבלם, אין הנותן מקיים בזה מצות משלוח מנות, שהרי מכיון שאינו יודע ממי קבלם, אין כאן חיבה וריעות.

ודבר זה הוא שונה ממצות צדקה שאנו רגילים בה בכל ימות השנה. שהרי במצות צדקה, מצוה מן המובחר שלא יהיה המקבל יודע ממי קיבל, וגם שלא יהיה הנותן יודע למי הוא נותן, מה שאין כן לגבי מצות משלוח מנות, שחובה היא שידע המקבל ממי קבל, בכדי שתכנס בלבו אהבה לחבירו.

הגדרת "שתי מנות"
ופירוש הדבר "שתי מנות" היינו שני מאכלים שונים, או מאכל ומשקה, כגון עוגה ובקבוק יין. והמנהג כיום לשלוח מיני מתיקה למשלוח מנות. ויוצאים בזה ידי חובה. וכמבואר גם הנשים חייבות לשלוח לחברותיהן משלוח מנות.

ומכיון שעיקר טעמה של מצות משלוח מנות, הוא בכדי שיהיה לכל אדם מה לאכול בסעודת הפורים, לכן השולח לחבירו מתנות שונות בתורת משלוח מנות, וכגון ששולח לו בגדים או סדינים וכיוצא בזה, אינו יוצא ידי חובת משלוח מנות. ואפילו אם שולח לחבירו מעות (כסף) בכדי שיוכל חבירו לקנות מנות של מאכלים, אינו יוצא ידי חובתו, שצריך לשלוח דוקא מנות של מאכל ומשקה. ולכן גם השולח לחבירו טבק להרחה או סיגריות, אינו יוצא ידי חובת משלוח מנות.

שליחת חידושי תורה
כתב חכם אחד בירחון "המאסף", כי תלמיד חכם השולח לחבירו דברי תורה וחידושים ופרפראות בתורת משלוח מנות, יוצא בזה ידי חובתו. שהרי בין לפי הטעם שמשלוח מנות הוא בכדי להראות אהבה, ובין לפי הטעם שמשלוח מנות הוא בכדי שיהיה למקבל במה לשמוח בסעודת פורים, יוצאים בחידושי תורה ידי חובה. שהרי דברי התורה הם משמחים את הלב, כמו שנאמר "פקודי ה' ישרים משמחי לב", ועל ידיהם ישמח המקבל כמו אדם המקבל מאכלים ומשקאות לסעודת פורים. ועוד, שאין לך התחברות יותר גדולה מן התורה, ועל כן יוצאים בזה ידי חובת הטעם, שיראה לחבירו אהבה בנתינת המנות.

ומרן הרב עובדיה יוסף שליט"א כתב על דבריו, שאינם אלא דרשות בעלמא, ולא דברים על פי דרכה של ההלכה, שהרי פשוט שלא יוצאים ידי חובת סעודת פורים אלא באכילה ממש, ולא באכילת דברי תורה, ולכן גם החיוב במשלוח מנות הוא במנות של מאכלים ממש, ולא בדברי תורה. ועל כן להלכה אין לסמוך על דברים אלה, וחייב כל אדם לשלוח לחבירו מנות של מאכל או משקה דוקא, שיוכל לשמוח בהם בסעודת פורים.

משלוח מנות לאבל
אף על פי שאסור לשלוח מתנה לאבל בתוך שלשים יום לפטירת קרובו, או בתוך שנה לפטירת אביו או אמו, מכל מקום מותר לשלוח מנות לאבל ביום הפורים. אולם כתב מרן הרב שליט"א, שלא ישלחו לו מיני מתיקה ומנות של תפנוקים, אלא דברי מאכל, כגון בשר ודגים וכדומה ופירות וירקות וכדומה. וכן האבל עצמו, שהוא חייב לשלוח מנות לרעהו, טוב שישלח מנות של בשר ודגים וכדומה, ולא של מיני מתיקה

The Laws of Mishloach Manot

The Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot
The verse in the Megillat Esther (9, 22) states: “In order to mark them as days of feasting and merriment and sending portions (Mishloach Manot) to one another as well as giving gifts to the poor (Matanot La’Evyonim).” The Gemara in Megilla (7a) says that Mishloach “Manot” refers to sending two food portions to one person while “Matanot La’Evyonim” refers to giving two gifts to two people; i.e. one gift per person. (This is because “Manot” is at least two portions, “Matanot” is at least two gifts, and “Evyonim” is at least two poor people. The verse does not say, “Sending a portion to one another as well as giving gifts to a pauper”). 

The Reason for This Mitzvah

The underlying reason for this Mitzvah is that when one sends his friend a gift, he expresses his feelings of fondness for him and by doing so he plants feelings of camaraderie in his friend’s heart for himself as well. Additionally, there are those who truly lack financial means and they may be ashamed to ask for assistance for the necessities of the Purim feast; thus, when one sends his friend this “Mishloach Manot” in a respectable fashion, he will not be ashamed to accept it at all, and he will thus be able to partake of the Purim feast amid much joy and happiness. 

Since the fundamental reason for this Mitzvah is to create friendship between man and his fellow, if one sends Mishloach Manot to his friend and the recipient does not know who the sender is, the sender has not fulfilled his obligation, for being that the recipient does not know who he received this gift from, there is subsequently no friendly bond formed. 

This Mitzvah is different from the Mitzvah of Tzedakah (charity) given during the rest of the year, for regarding Tzedakah, it is most preferable that the recipient not know who the donor is and the donor not know who the recipient is. However, regarding Mishloach Manot, the recipient must know who has sent him this gift, for only in this way will feelings of friendship enter his heart. 

The Definition of “Two Portions” 
The definition of “two portions” is two different food items or a food item and a beverage, such as cake and a bottle of wine. It is customary nowadays to send different kinds of sweets and one will satisfactorily fulfill his obligation in this way. Women must also send Mishloach Manot to their friends. 

Since one of the predominant reasons for Mishloach Manot is for people to have food to eat for the Purim feast, if one sends his friend such gifts as clothing or blankets as Mishloach Manot, he has not fulfilled his obligation. Even if one sends his friend a monetary gift such that he will be able to purchase food with it, he has still not fulfilled his obligation, for one can only do so by sending food items or beverages. Thus, one who sends his friend snuff or cigarettes as Mishloach Manot has not fulfilled his obligation. 

Sending Novel Torah Thoughts 

A certain Torah scholar has written in the monthly publication, “HaMe’asef,” that a Torah scholar who sends his friend his novel Torah thoughts and insights as Mishloach Manot has fulfilled his obligation. This is because whether the reason for Mishloach Manot is to garner camaraderie or in order to supply one’s friend with something to enhance his Purim feast, one fulfills his obligation regardless, for words of Torah gladden the heart as the verse states, “The commandments of Hashem are just and gladden the heart”, and through them a person will be just as glad as receiving food and drink for the Purim feast. In addition, there is no stronger bond than that of the Torah; thus, one would indeed fulfill his obligation according to the opinion that friendship must be shown through these gifts. 

Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a writes that this opinion is nothing more than a nice thought, however, it does not follow the path of Halacha, for clearly, one only fulfills his obligation of the Purim feast with actual food and not by “eating” words of Torah; thus, the obligation of Mishloach Manot is also strictly with food items and not words of Torah. Therefore, the aforementioned opinion may not be relied upon and one must send his friend specifically food items or beverages in order to enhance his Purim feast. 

Mishloach Manot To/From a Mourner 

Although one may not send a present to a mourner during the thirty days of mourning or to one mourning the loss of a father or mother during the twelve months of mourning, nevertheless, one may send them Mishloach Manot on Purim. However, Maran Harav Shlit”a writes that one should not send a mourner different kinds of sweets or junk food; rather one should send actual food items such as meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, and the like. Similarly, the mourner himself, who is also obligated to send Mishloach Manot, should also preferably send meat, fish, and the like rather that assorted sweets


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

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Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parshat Pekude

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Rosh Chodesh Adar Sheni


Thursday & Friday

7 & 8 March 2019



would like to thank

ALL the members of the Kehila

who worked so hard to prepare 

such a beautiful 

Shabbat UK Kiddush

in our Bet Hakeneset

Big Thank you as well to ALL the generous donations received

Tizke Lemitzvot

May Hashem repay you with

semachot in your own families


would also like to thank

the members of the kehila who 

'week in week out'

buy, prepare & clear up after every week's kiddush

May we always have semachot in our Bet Hakeneset 


Kiddush Invitation

This Shabbat

Marshall anniversary-02.jpg
would like to take this opportunity 
to wish our dear friends
Dr & Mrs D Marshall
a big Mazal Tov
on celebrating their 
50th wedding anniversary
a big thank you
for the many years of service 
you have both dedicated
and continue dedicating 
to our Bet Hakeneset

May Hashem repay you 
and send you BOTH 
good health, beracha, mazal & hatzlacha 
nachat from all your family





New Opportunity for learning

The Avrechim of the Kollel are able to learn with the Kahal 

from 6.50 til Arbit at 7.30 every evening

Need a partner?

contact Rabbi Stamler


image (1).png






Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשע"ט

Winter Timetable 5779 – 2018 / 19

מוצאי שבת

ערבית )מוצ"ש(


מנחה שבת

סוף זמן קריאת שמע

הדלקת נרות

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת






Shema before

Candle Lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat



















8/9 Mar



Shabbat Services

Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf

Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


Q & A on Parashat Pekude

 All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why is the word Mishkan stated twice in verse 38:21?
    38:21 – To allude to the Beit Hamikdash that would twice be taken as a "mashkon" (pledge) for the sins of the Jewish People until the nation repents.
  2. Why is the Mishkan called the "Mishkan of Testimony"?
    38:21 – It was testimony for the Jewish People that G-d forgave them for the golden calf and allowed His Shechina to dwell among them.
  3. Who was appointed to carry the vessels of the Mishkanin the midbar?
    38:21 – The levi'im.
  4. Who was the officer in charge of the levi'im?
    38:21 – Itamar ben Aharon.
  5. What is the meaning of the name Betzalel?
    38:22 – "In the shadow of G-d."
  6. How many people contributed a half-shekel to the Mishkan? Who contributed?
    38:26 – 603,550. Every man age twenty and over (except the levi'im).
  7. Which material used in the bigdei kehuna was not used in the coverings of the sacred vessels?
    39:1 – Linen (See Rashi 31:10).
  8. How were the gold threads made?
    39:3 – The gold was beaten into thin plates from which threads were cut. (See Rashi 28:6).
  9. What was inscribed on the stones on the shoulders of the ephod?
    39:6, 39:7 – The names of the tribes.
  10. What was on the hem of the me'il?
    39:24,25 – Woven pomegranates and golden bells.
  11. What did the Kohen Gadol wear between the mitznefet and the tzitz?
    39:31 – Tefillin.
  12. What role did Moshe play in the construction of the Mishkan?
    39:33 – He stood it up.
  13. Which date was the first time that the Mishkan was erected and not dismantled?
    40:17 – Rosh Chodesh Nissan of the second year in the desert. For seven days before this, during the consecration of Aharon and his sons, Moshe erected and dismantled the Mishkan. (Rashi 39:29)
  14. What was the "tent" which Moshe spread over the Mishkan(40:19)?
    40:19 – The curtain of goatskin.
  15. What "testimony" did Moshe place in the aron?
    40:20 – The Luchot Habrit.
  16. What function did the parochet serve?
    40:21 – It served as a partition for the aron.
  17. Where was the shulchan placed in the Mishkan?
    40:22 – On the northern side of the Ohel Mo'ed, outside the parochet.
  18. Where was the menorah placed in the Mishkan?
    40:24 – On the southern side of the Ohel Mo'ed opposite the shulchan.
  19. Who offered the communal sacrifices during the eight days of the dedication of the Mishkan?
    40:29 – Moshe.
  20. On which day did both Moshe and Aharon serve as kohanim?
    40:31 – On the eighth day of the consecration of the Mishkan.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה

בגמרא במסכת תענית (דף כט.) אמר רבי יהודה בנו של רב שמואל בן שילת משמו של רב , כשם שמשנכנס אב ממעטין בשמחה כך משנכנס אדר מרבים בשמחה. אמר רב פפא, הלכך כל אחד מישראל שיש לו דין (דהיינו משפט) עם נכרי (גוי), ישתמט ממנו בחודש אב, משום רוע מזלם של ישראל בחודש אב, וישתדל שיצא הדין בחודש אדר משום שאז מזלם של ישראל הוא טוב מאד.

ומקור הדברים, הוא כמו שנאמר במגילת אסתר, "והחודש אשר נהפך להם מיגון לשמחה", ללמדינו, שמזל החודש גורם הצלה וטובה לישראל, שבחודש זה מזלם הוא טוב.

והקשו המפרשים, כיצד אמרו בגמרא שבחודש אדר יש מזל טוב לישראל, והרי אמרו רבותינו (שבת קנו:) שאין מזל לישראל, דהיינו שישראל אינם נתונים תחת השפעת כוכבים ומזלות כמו הגויים, אלא נתונים באופן מוחלט וישיר להשגחת השם יתברך, ונאמרו בזה כמה תירוצים.

הריטב"א (רבינו יום טוב בן אברהם) כתב, שאף על פי שאין מזל לישראל, מכל מקום בשני חודשים אלו, אב ואדר, יש מזל לישראל, דהיינו שהמזלות משפיעים על ישראל, משום שכך נגזר עלינו מאת השם יתברך. והוסיף עוד שאפשר לומר, שלעולם אין המזל שולט בישראל, ומה שנאמר שיש מזל טוב בחודש אדר וכו', היינו שיש גזירות טובות על ישראל בחודש אדר. (והגזירות הם מהשם יתברך, ולא על ידי כוכבים ומזלות, אשר הם אינם משפיעים כלל על ישראל).

והמהרש"א תירץ, שמה שאמרו רבותינו אין מזל לישראל, היינו שאם נגזר מן השמיים שלא תבוא שום פורענות על ישראל, באמת לא תבוא שום פורענות, וכן אם נגזרה טובה על ישראל, בודאי היא תבוא, בלא קשר למזלות, אבל אם חלילה יש על אדם איזו גזירה רעה, אותה הגזירה עשויה יותר לבוא בזמנים שמזלו של אותו אדם אינו טוב, ולכן הרבה גזירות קשות באו על ישראל בחודש אב בכלל ובתשעה באב בפרט, וכן להיפך, אם נגזרה על אדם גזירה טובה, אותה הגזירה עשויה יותר לבוא בזמנים שמזלו של אותו אדם הוא טוב, ובחודש אדר מזלם של ישראל הוא טוב.

אולם הגאון חתם סופר כתב, שדין זה, שיהודי שיש לו משפט עם נכרי, יסדר שהמשפט יהיה בחודש אדר, אינו נכון להלכה. וטעמו הוא, משום שאין מזל לישראל. והסביר, שמטעם זה השמיט הרמב"ם בחיבורו הגדול את הדין הזה, משום שלהלכה אין להתחשב בענינים אלה, שהרי אין מזל לישראל. ומרן רבינו הגדול שליט"א, חלק עליו, הואיל ומדברי רבותינו הנ"ל מוכח, שאף על פי שאין מזל לישראל, מכל מקום שייך לומר שבחודש אדר מזלם של ישראל טוב יותר. ומה שהרמב"ם בחיבורו לא הזכיר ענין זה, יש לתרץ שהוא משום שאין זה ענין הלכתי שיש לכתבו בספרו של הרמב"ם, אלא עצה טובה בלבד

“When Adar Begins, Happiness Increases”

The Gemara in Masechet Ta’anit (29a) tells us, “Rabbi Yehuda son of Rav Shmuel ben Shilat taught in the name of Rav: Just as when the month of Av begins happiness is diminished, so too, when Adar begins happiness increases. Rav Papa says, therefore, if a Jew has a court case with a gentile pending, he should avoid having it in the month of Av when the Jewish nation’s fortune is bad, and try to have it held during the month of Adar when the Jewish nation’s fortune is good.”

The source for this is based on a verse in Megillat Esther which states, “And the month which was switched for them from tragedy to joy,” which teaches us that the good fortune of this month brings about salvation and goodness for Israel, for indeed their fortune is very good during this month.

The commentaries ask: How can the Gemara say that during the month of Adar the fortune of the Jewish people is good, does the Gemara (Shabbat 156b) not say that the Jewish nation has no fortune, which means that they are not under the influence of various stars and constellations as are the other nations of the world, rather they under the direct supervision of Hashem? There are several answers to this question.

The Ritba (Rabbeinu Yom Tov ben Avraham) writes that although the Jewish nation has no fortune, in the months of Av and Adar they are indeed under the influence of the constellations, for this was the way it was decreed by Hashem. He adds that it is possible that the Jewish nation is never under the influence of the constellations and what is meant by the Gemara that Adar is auspicious etc. is that during the month of Adar, good things are decreed upon the Jewish people. (These decrees are directly from Hashem, blessed is He, and not from the constellations or stars for the Jewish nation is not influenced by them.)

The Maharsha explains that what our Sages meant when they said that “the Jewish nation has no fortune” is that if it was decreed in Heaven that no punishment befall Israel or that a certain good thing happen to them, it will surely happen as such, regardless of any stars or constellations. However, if, G-d forbid, something bad was decreed on a specific person, it will usually befall him during times when his fortune is not the best. Thus, many tragic experiences have befallen the Jewish nation during the month of Av and especially on Tisha Be’av (the Ninth of Av). Similarly, when good things are decreed upon a specific person, they will usually befall him when his fortune is good and the month of Adar is especially auspicious for the Jewish people.

However, Hagaon Chatam Sofer writes that this law that a Jew who has a pending court case with a gentile should try to have it fall out during the month of Adar, is halachically incorrect. His reasoning for this is because the Jewish nation has no fortune. It is for this reason that the Rambam omits this Halacha from his great work, for the Halacha is that one should not pay any attention to these matters, as Israel has no fortune. Maran Harav Shlit”a disagrees with this opinion, for it is quite clear from the words of the aforementioned authorities that although the Jewish nation has no fortune, nevertheless, it is still possible that during the month of Adar their overall fortune is better. We can explain that the reason why the Rambam omits this law from his work is because this matter is not of halachic nature; rather it is only a wise piece of advice 


Shabbat Shalom

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