This kollel was set up in September 2008 on the premises of our Moor Lane Shaarei Tefilla Synagogue at the request of Rabbi Abraham Hassan with two aims: to enable young Rabbinic scholars to train towards service within the קהילה; and to strengthen the host Kehilla. Our philosophy is that the privilege of being assisted to learn Torah comes with the responsibility to teach others and develop one’s ability as a communicator. Every Kollel member is involved in one or more aspects of the community life. The Kollel head, Rabbi Stamler acts as the Rabbinical advisor for the shul.
We have seen a wide selection of people joining us for our daily one-to-one learning sessions before Minha/Arbit and have had regular shiurim given to the Kehilla both on weekdays and on Shabbat by the members of the Kollel. A member of the Kollel travels to South Manchester now on a weekly basis to learn with someone from the Hale Sefardi community.
We have conducted an עמוד יומי shiur which has completed major מסכתות, weekly shiurim on the parsha and onפרקי אבות , sermons on שבת morning, and bank holiday learning programs. We have helped in organising אבות ובנים. We have seen an influx of teenagers from several schools joining our shiurim and one to one learning sessions. We have a yearly Swim-for-Torah campaign which involves a sponsored swim across Lake Ullswater.
We publish a periodical Torah magazine.
We are led by Rabbi Namir Cohen, originally from Baghdad, whose reputation as a Talmudic Scholar goes before him and who gives regular shiurim as well as written exams to the Kollel members to maximise their progress.
The Kollel members are very dedicated to their studies and have gained a solid knowledge of both the סוגיות and the הלכה למעשה of some of the hardest sections of הלכות שבת. We received a glowing סמיכה from Dayan Amor and Rav Westheim of blessed memory, and more recently from Dayan Berger and Dayan Heimlich which shows we can combine top-level learning with our communal activities.
We are available to learn Sunday to Thursday before and after Arbit at 7pm. Please contact Rabbi Stamler 07738002480 or