לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״ב
Summer Timetable 5782 – 2022
מוצאי שבת | ערבית )מוצ”ש( | סוף זמן קראת שמע | זמן | פלג מנחה (תה״ד) | פלג מנחה (לבוש) | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Shema to be read before | Candles to be |
| Earliest Candle | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat* | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | AM | PM | PM | PM | PM |
9:35 | 9:31 | 9:21 | 8:20 | 7:37 | 7:02 | 6:45 | 29/30 | אחרי (ש''מ) )מחר חודש( |
מנחה on שבת Day
throughout the summer weeks
will be at 6 pm

- Why does the Torah emphasize that Parshas Acharei Mos was taught after the death of Aaron's sons?
16:1 – To strengthen the warning not to enter the Kodesh Kodashim except on Yom Kippur. - What is the punishment for a Kohen Gadol who inappropriately enters the Kodesh Kodashim?
16:2 – Death. - How long did the first Beis Hamikdash exist?
16:3 – 410 years. - What did the Kohen Gadol wear when he entered the Kodesh Kodashim?
16:4 – Only the four linen garments worn by an ordinary Kohen. - How many times did the Kohen Gadol change his clothing and immerse in the mikveh on Yom Kippur?
16:4 – Five times. - How many times did he wash his hands and feet from the Kiyor (copper laver)?
16:4 – Ten times. - The Kohen Gadol offered a bull Chatat to atone for himself and his household. Who paid for it?
16:6 – The Kohen Gadol. - One of the goats that was chosen by lot went to Azazel. What is Azazel?
16:8 – A jagged cliff. - Who is included in the “household” of the Kohen Gadol?
16:11 – All the Kohanim. - For what sin does the goat Chatat atone?
16:16 – For unknowingly entering the Beit Hamikdash in the state of tumah. - After the Yom Kippur service, what is done with the four linen garments worn by the Kohen Gadol?
16:23 – They must be put into geniza and not be used again. - Where were the fats of the Chatat burned?
16:25 – On the outer Mizbe'ach. - Who is solely responsible for attaining atonement for the Jewish People on Yom Kippur?
16:32 – The Kohen Gadol. - From one point in history, installation of the Kohen Gadol through anointing was no longer used but was conducted by donning the special garments of that office. From when and why?
16:32 – Anointing ceased during the kingship of Yoshiahu. At that time, the oil of anointing was hidden away. - What is the penalty of karet?
17:9 – One's offspring die and one's own life is shortened. - Which categories of animals must have their blood covered when they are slaughtered?
17:13 – Non domesticated kosher animals and all species of kosher birds. - When a person eats a kosher bird that was improperly slaughtered (a neveilah), at what point does he contract tumah?
17:15 – When the food enters the esophagus. - The Torah commands the Jewish People not to follow the “chukim” of the Canaanites. What are the forbidden “chukim”?
18:3 – Their social customs. - What is the difference between “mishpat” and “chok”?
18:4 – A “mishpat” conforms to the human sense of justice. A “chok” is a law whose reason is not given to us and can only be understood as a decree from Hashem. - May a man marry his wife's sister?
18:18 – Yes, but not during the lifetime of his wife.

מנהגי אבילות בימי הספירה
המנהג בכל תפוצות ישראל שלא
לשאת אשה בימי הספירה מפסח ועד ל”ד לעומר.
הגאונים (הם חכמי ישראל שחיו קודם תקופת הראשונים) מובא מקור המנהג שלא לשאת אשה
בימים אלו, משום מנהג אבילות, שכך אמרו חכמים (יבמות סב:), שנים עשר אלף זוגות
תלמידים היו לו לרבי עקיבא, וכולם מתו בין פסח לעצרת (חג השבועות), מפני שלא נהגו
כבוד זה בזה. וכולם מתו באסכרא. (אסכרה הוא חולי המביא לדום נשימה).
שמיום ל”ד לעומר כבר נוהגים לשאת אשה, מבואר על פי מה שכתב בספר המנהיג (דף עב עמוד ב, חיברו רבי
אברהם ברבי נתן הירחי הראב”ן, שחי בלוניל ונפטר בשנת תתקע”ה 1215) בשם
רבינו זרחיה הלוי (הרז”ה בעל המאור) שמצא כתוב בספר קדמון הבא מספרד, שכולם
מתו מפסח ועד פרוס עצרת, ומאי פרוס, פורסא פלגא (דהיינו “פרוס” פירושו חצי מהתקופה שקודמת
לשבועות) כדתנן, (כמו ששנינו), שואלין בהלכות הפסח קודם הפסח שלושים יום, ופלגא דידהו,
דהיינו ט”ו יום קודם עצרת. וכן כתבו עוד מרבותינו הראשונים, וביארו שאם נסיר
חמשה עשר מארבעים ותשעה יום שבין פסח לעצרת נשארו שלושים וארבעה ימים, ומכל מקום
ביום ל”ד לעומר בבוקר, כבר מותר לשאת אשה משום שמקצת היום ככולו לענין
אבילות, וכיון שכבר עבר קצת מיום ל”ד אין צריך יותר לנהוג אבילות.
האשכנזים שנושאים נשים בל”ג לעומר וכך פסק הרמ”א (סימן תצ”ג), וזאת
מפני שהם סוברים, שביום ל”ג לעומר כבר פסקו תלמידי רבי עקיבא למות, שכך כתבו
כמה ראשונים (ומהם בעל ספר המנהיג), שקבלה בידם שביום ל”ג פסקו מלמות, ואף
בליל ל”ג לעומר יש מהאשכנזים שנוהגים להקל לשאת אשה.
לעשות סעודת אירוסין (תנאים, כלומר, סגירת השידוך) בימי ספירת העומר. ואם באותה
שעה נסגר ענין השידוך ממש, יש מיקלים לעשות כן אפילו בכלי שיר
Mourning Customs during the Omer Counting Period
It is customary among the
entire Jewish nation not to hold weddings during the days of the counting of
the Omer, from Pesach until the 34th day of the Omer.
There is a source quoted for the custom of abstaining from getting married
during this period in the Responsa of the Geonim (who were the Jewish Sages who
lived before the period of the Rishonim), for this is a custom of mourning, as
our Sages tell us (Yevamot 62b) that Rabbi Akiva had twelve-thousands pairs of
students who all died between the holidays of Pesach and Shavuot because they
did not treat each other respectfully. They all died from an illness called
“Askara” (an agonizing illness which causes acute respiratory distress and for
stoppage of breathing).
The reason why we customarily abstain from these things until the 34th
of the Omer is based on the words of the Sefer HaManhig (page 72b, authored by
Rabbeinu Avraham bar Natan HaYarchi, the Ra’avan, who lived in Lonil and passed
away in the year 4975 [1215]) in the name of Rabbeinu Zerachya HaLevi (the
Razah, Ba’al HaMaor) who found in an early manuscript unearthed in Spain, that
all of Rabbi Akiva’s students passed away from Pesach until “Half of Shavuot,”
and this refers to half of the period prior to Shavuot, which is thirty days,
as the Mishnah tells us, “One must begin to inquire about the laws of Pesach
thirty days before the holiday”; thus, half of thirty is fifteen days before
the holiday of Shavuot. Several other Rishonim write likewise. Thus, if we
subtract fifteen from the forty-nine days between Pesach and Shavuot, the
difference is thirty-four. Nevertheless, beginning from the morning of the 34th
day of the Omer, it is already permissible to hold weddings, for regarding
mourning, the rule is, “A portion of the day is considered like the entire
day,” and since some of the 34th day has already passed, one need
not continue to observe the mourning customs.
The Ashkenazi custom is to begin permitting weddings from the 33rd
day of the Omer, for they are of the opinion that the students of Rabbi Akiva
ceased dying on the 33rd day of the Omer, as several Rishonim (among
them the Sefer HaManhig) write that they have a tradition that they ceased
dying on the 33rd day. The Rama (Chapter 493) indeed rules this way.
Some Ashkenazim are even more lenient and allow weddings to be held on the
night of the 33rd of the Omer.
An engagement party marking a match being made, a.k.a. “Tena’im,” may be held during
the period of the counting of the Omer, even with musical accompaniment.
However, regarding an engagement party after the match was already set and the
couple has decided to marry, it is permissible to hold such a party during
these days, albeit without musical accompaniment