ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה

You are requested to attend the
ON Motzae Shabbat, December 10th 2022 at 7:15 pm prompt
1. Minutes of the 2021 Annual General Meeting
2. Matters arising from the Minutes
3. Parnas Presidente’s Report
4. Adoption of the Report
5. Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts
6. Discussion and Adoption of Report
7. *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad
a) Parnas Presidente
b) Parnas Vice Presidente
c) Treasurer
d) Gabbai
e) Hon. Secretary
f) Ladies Committee Chair
g) Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined)
8. Election of delegates to:
a) Manchester Shechita Board
b) Manchester Jewish Rep Council
9. A.O.B.
a) Parnas Presidente : Mordechai Maman
b) Parnas Vice Presidente : Benjamin Hassan
c) Treasurer: Yamin Ibgui
d) Gabbai: Eli Shoshana
e) Hon. Secretary: Dr David Marshall
f) Ladies Committee Chair: Mrs. Elaine Marshall
g) Mahamad: Mrs Loretta Hodari and Jacob Edelstein
Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.
On behalf of the Mahamad
*Nominations should reach the Hon. Secretary before SHABBAT enters on FRIDAY, December 9th 2021.

תפלה לחורף תשפ״ג
Winter Timetable 5783 – 2022/23
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
4:50 | 4:46 | 3:51 | 3:15 | 10:01 | 3:38 | 3:38 | 2/3 Dec | ויצא |

- When Yaakov traveled to Charan, the Torah stresses that he departed from Beer Sheva. Why?
28:10 – The departure of a righteous person leaves a noticeable void in that place. - On the night of his dream, Yaakov did something he hadn't done in 14 years. What?
28:11 – Sleep at night lying down. - G-d compressed the entire Land of Israel underneath the sleeping Yaakov. What did this symbolize?
28:13 – That the Land would be easy for his descendants to conquer. - Yaakov said “I will return with shalom.” What did he mean by “shalom”?
28:21 – Completely without sin. - Why did Yaakov rebuke the shepherds?
29:7 – He thought they were loafing, stopping work early in the day. - Why did Rachel, and not her brothers, tend her father's sheep?
30:27 – Her brothers weren't born yet. - Why did Yaakov cry when he met Rachel?
29:11 – He saw prophetically that they would not be buried together; or because he was penniless. - Why did Lavan run to greet Yaakov?
29:13 – He thought Yaakov was carrying money. - Why were Leah's eyes tender?
29:17 – She cried continually because she thought she was destined to marry Esav. - How old was Yaakov when he married?
29:21 – Eighty-four. - What did Rachel find enviable about Leah?
30:1 – Her good deeds, thinking they were the reason Leah merited children. - Who was Yaakov's fifth son?
30:5 – Dan. - Who was Leah's handmaiden? Was she older or younger than Rache'ls handmaiden?
30:10 – Zilpah. She was younger. - How do you say dudaim in Arabic?
30:14 – Jasmine (Yasmin). - “G-d remembered Rachel” (30:22). What did He remember?
30:22 – That Rachel gave Leah the “signs of recognition” that Yaakov had taught her, so that Leah wouldn't be embarrassed. - What does “Yosef” mean? Why was he named that?
30:24 “Yosef” means “He will add.” Rachel asked G-d for another son in addition to Yosef. - G-d forbade Lavan to speak to Yaakov “either of good or of bad.” Why didn't G-d want Lavan to speak of good?
31:24 – Because the “good” that comes from wicked people is bad for the righteous. - Where are there two Aramaic words in this weeks Parsha?
31:41 – Yagar Sahaduta, meaning “wall of testimony.” - Who was Bilhah's father? Who was Zilpah's father?
31:50 – Lavan. - Who escorted Yaakov into Eretz Yisrael?
32:1 – The angels of Eretz Yisrael.

הוצאת המים מקופסאות שימורים בשבת
תשובה: בהלכות הקודמות דיברנו בענין מלאכת “בורר” האסורה בשבת. והזכרנו, שאין היתר לברור בשבת, אלא בשלשה תנאים: שיברור בידו, ושלא יעשה כן על ידי כלי (כגון מסננת), ושיברור את האוכל מן הפסולת, ולא להיפך. ושיברור על מנת לאכול לאלתר (כלומר, מיד, ולא לאחר זמן). ועתה לנדון השאלה:
וכן מבואר במשנה ברורה (בהקדמה לסימן שיט), שמה שאסרה התורה לברור בשבת באמצעות נפה (מסננת), הכוונה היא, שאסור לברור באופן שהאוכל נופל דרך הנקבים של המסננת, והפסולת נשארת בתוך המסננת, אבל להיפך, כגון באופן שהאוכל גס ועב, והפסולת דקה ונופלת דרך הנקבים של המסננת, באופן כזה נחשב כבורר אוכל מתוך פסולת, (ואף על פי כן אסור לעשות כן בשבת, משום שהוא בורר על ידי כלי). וכן כתבו עוד מגדולי הפוסקים, ומרן הרב עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל.
אלא שבנדון שלנו, יש סברא נוספת להקל לגמרי, משום שהזיתים או המלפפונים, הם ניכרים מאד שהם עומדים באופן נפרד מן המשקה שאיתם, ולכן לדעת הרבה פוסקים אין בדבר איסור ברירה כלל בשבת, ואפילו אם בכוונתו לאכול מהזיתים רק לאחר יותר מחצי שעה, גם כן יש להקל בזה מעיקר הדין, לשפוך רק את המים מן הקופסא.
וכן פסק למעשה מרן הרב זצ”ל, שבקופסאות של זיתים ומלפפונים, יש להקל לשפוך מהם את המים בשבת, שאין בזה איסור בורר.
ונראה שבקופסאות של דג טונה, יש להקל לשפוך מהם את המים הנפרדים מן הדג, כלומר, חלק מן המים או השמן שעל הדג, אבל השמן או המים המעורבים ממש בגוף הדג, אין להקל לשפוך אותם בשבת, הואיל ואינם עומדים באופן ניכר מחוץ לדג.
ולסיכום: קופסאות של מלפפונים או זיתים, מותר לשפוך מהם את המים בשבת, ולהשאיר בתוכם רק את המאכל עצמו. ובקופסאות דג טונה, יש להקל בזה באופן ששופך את רוב השמן או המים, אבל המים והשמן שבלועים בין חלקי הדג, יש להחמיר שלא לשפכם בשבת. (אלא אם בכוונתו לאכול מן הדג באופן מיידי)
Draining the Water out of Canned Foods on Shabbat
Question: May one drain the water or brine out of cans of pickled cucumbers, olives, or tuna so that only the food item stays in the can or does this constitute the forbidden work of selecting on Shabbat?
Answer: In the previous Halachot, we have discussed the forbidden work of selecting on Shabbat. We have mentioned that it is only permissible to select on Shabbat when three conditions are met: One must do so by hand and not with the use of a utensil (such as a strainer), one must select the food from the waste and not the opposite, and one must do so in order to eat the food immediately (and not leave it for a later time). Now, let us deal with the question at hand.
The Reasoning to Prohibit This
In our situation, it would seem that it should be forbidden to drain the water from the canned food by tilting the can gently, for this seems like “selecting waste from food,” as the water (or brine), which one does not want, is considered the waste, and the cucumbers, olives, or tuna is considered food.
Draining the Water is Considered Selecting Food from Waste
Nevertheless, the great Poskim write that selecting in this manner is not considered selecting “waste from food”; on the contrary, since the food is what remains in the hand of the individual perform the selecting, he is actually selecting the food from the waste which is being spilled out.
Similarly, the Mishnah Berura writes (in his introduction to Chapter 319) that when the Torah prohibits selecting using a sieve or a strainer, this means that the prohibition exists only when the food falls through the holes of the strainer and the waste remains within it. However, if the opposite occurs, i.e. if the food is large and bulky and the waste is thin and it is what falls through the holes of the strainer, this is indeed considered selecting food from waste (it is nevertheless prohibited to do so on Shabbat for this constitutes selecting with the use of a utensil). Several great Poskim, among them Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l, write likewise.
May One Act Leniently and Drain the Water Even if this is Being Done for Non-Immediate Use
Based on this, the same would apply to our situation in that tilting the canned food so that only the water spills out would be considered selecting food from waste. Nevertheless, even when one selects food from waste, we have already established that doing so is only permissible when this is done in order to eat the food immediately; however, if one has in mind to partake of the can’s contents in a half-hour or more, one may not act leniently regarding this matter.
In any case, there is another reasoning that would allow complete leniency in our situation which is that the olives or cucumbers are quite discernible in that the stand separately from the brine they are in. Therefore, according to many Poskim, the prohibition of selecting on Shabbat does not apply here at all; even if one only plans to partake of them after a half-hour’s time, the letter of the law indeed permits one to act leniently and pour out only the water.
Maran zt”l rules likewise that one may act leniently and drain the water out of pickled olive and cucumber cans on Shabbat and this does not constitute the forbidden work of selecting.