Newsletter Parashat Vayelech

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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
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Mazal Tov to
Daniel & Nikki Benzaquen
on the safe arrival of their new baby Boy
שיזכה לברית בזמנה לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים
Mazel tov all the family
Please reply to the email with the
Yom Kippur Nachalot lists
as we have not received everyone's reply 
Thank you
The Moor Lane Women’s Nach Group
 continues THIS Shabbat with the 
Haftarah of Yom Kippur  
6:15 pm in the hall 
Looking forward to learning together

image.png 5:00 pm 

Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Q & A Parashat Vayelech
  1. Moshe said, “I am 120 years old today. I am no longer able to go out and come in…” How do we know this does not refer to physical inability?
    31:2. Because verse 34:7 says “His (Moshe's) eye never dimmed, and his (youthful) moisture never departed.”
  2. Which of Moshe's statements to Yehoshua was later contradicted by Hashem's command?
    31:7 – Moshe told Yehoshua to share his leadership with the Elders. Hashem later commanded Yehoshua to rule alone.
  3. Why does the Torah refer to Succot of the eighth year as though it occurred during the shemita year?
    31:10 – Because the laws of the seventh year still apply to the harvest.
  4. Why does the Torah command that babies be brought to the Torah reading?
    31:12 – To give reward to those who bring them.
  5. What does it mean that Hashem “hides His face?”
    31:17 – He ignores their distress.
  6. What function does the song Ha'azinu serve?
    31:21 – It warns what will befall the Jewish People if they abandon Torah.
  7. Which verse promises that the Torah will never be totally forgotten?
    31:21 – “For (the Torah) will not be forgotten from the mouth of their offspring.”
  8. What is the difference of opinion regarding the placing of the Torah scroll which Moshe gave the levi'im?
    31:26 – Whether it was placed outside but adjacent to the Ark, or inside next to the Tablets.
  9. On the day of Moshe's death, why didn't Moshe gather the people by blowing trumpets as he normally would have?
    31:28 – Blowing the trumpets expressed Moshe's dominion, and “there is no dominion on the day of death.” (Kohelet 8)
  10. Moshe said, “For I know that after my death you will act corruptly,” but, in fact, this didn't occur until after Yehoshua's death. What does this teach us?
    31:29 – That a person's student is as dear to him as himself. As long as Yehoshua was alive it was as though Moshe himself was alive.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

היום הוא יום צום גדליה. 

“המלך הקדוש”

בגמרא במסכת ברכות (דף יב:) אמר רבה בר חיננא, משמו של רב, כל השנה כולה מתפלל “הָאֵל הַקָּדושׁ” ו”מֶלֶךְ אוהֵב צְדָקָה וּמִשְׁפָּט”, חוץ מעשרה ימים מראש השנה ועד יום הכיפורים, שאומר “הַמֶּלֶךְ הַקָּדושׁ” ו”הַמֶּלֶךְ הַמִּשְׁפָּט”. ופירוש הדברים, שבסיום הברכות הללו בתפילת העמידה, צריך לסיים “המלך הקדוש” ו”המלך המשפט”. והסביר רש”י: “המלך הקדוש”, לפי שבימים הללו הוא מראה מלכותו לשפוט את העולם. כלומר, הנהגת ה' בימים הללו, היא ביתר שאת בהנהגה של מלכות, שהוא שופט את העולם, ולכן גם בתפלה עלינו להזכירו בתואר זה “המלך הקדוש”.

מי שטעה

והמתפלל תפילת שמונה עשרה בעשרת ימי תשובה, ובאמצע התפילה התעורר אצלו ספק אם חתם “האל הקדוש” או “המלך הקדוש”, לדעת מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל, בכל מקרה, יש להניח שֶׁמִּן הסתם חתם כהרגלו בכל השנה, ואמר “האל הקדוש”, ולכן חוזר לראש התפילה.

ואם חתם “האל הקדוש” ותוך כדי דיבור נזכר שטעה (דהיינו מיד בסיום הברכה תוך כדי שיעור זמן אמירת “שלום עליך רבי” שם לב לכך שטעה), ומיד תיקן ואמר “המלך הקדוש”, יצא ידי חובה, ואינו חוזר לראש התפילה.

וכן הדין לעניין אמירת “המלך המשפט”, שאם טעה וחתם כדרכו בכל השנה, ונזכר מיד ותיקן לומר “המלך המשפט” יצא ידי חובה.

אלא שלענין ברכת “המלך המשפט”, אם טעה ואמר “מלך אוהב צדקה ומשפט”, ולא תיקן מיד לומר “המלך המשפט”, מכל מקום אינו חוזר לראש התפילה, אלא לברכת “השיבה”, וממשיך משם והלאה על הסדר. ורק אם נזכר שטעה ואמר “מלך אוהב צדקה ומשפט” לאחר שסיים תפילתו, חוזר לראש התפילה. וסיום התפילה לענין זה, היינו שסיים את אמירת “יהיו לרצון” שאחר “אלוקי נצור”.

ומנהג האשכנזים שאינו חוזר כלל כשטעה בברכת המלך המשפט, בין אם נזכר באמצע תפילתו, ובין אם נזכר אחר התפילה. וגם ספרדי שטעה בברכת המלך המשפט, כשחוזר להתפלל, טוב שיתנה ויאמר: “אם אני חייב לחזור ולהתפלל, הריני חוזר ומתפלל תפילה זו לתפילת חובה, ואם אינני חייב לחזור הריני חוזר ומתפלל תפילה זו לתפילת נדבה”.

זכרנו לחיים

בכל עשרת ימי תשובה, נוהגים להוסיף בתפילת העמידה “זָכְרֵנוּ לְחַיִּים”, ו”מִי כָמוךָ אָב הָרַחְמָן”, “וּכְתוב לְחַיִּים טובִים”, “וּבְסֵפֶר חַיִּים בְּרָכָה וְשָׁלום” וכפי שמודפס בסידורים, ואם שכח להוסיף “זכרנו לחיים” ונזכר בברכת “שומע תפילה”, רשאי לומר שם “זכרנו לחיים” קודם שיאמר “כי אתה שומע” וכו'. משום שבברכת שומע תפילה רשאי לבקש צרכיו, ו”זכרנו לחיים” גם כן נחשב לצרכי האדם, אבל “מי כמוך אב הרחמן” אינו רשאי להוסיף שם, לפי שאין זה אלא שבח להשם יתברך ולא בקשה.

Today is the Fast of Gedaliah. 

The Gemara (Berachot 12b) states: “Rabba bar Hinena said in the name of Rav: Throughout the entire year, one recites the blessings of ‘Ha’el Ha’Kadosh’ and ‘Melech Ohev Tzedakah U’Mishpat’ besides for the ten days from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur when one recites ‘Ha’Melech Ha’Kadosh’ and ‘Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat’.” This means that during the Ten Days of Repentance, the conclusion of these respective blessings are to be recited as “Ha’Melech Ha’Kadosh” and “Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat”. Rashi explains that “Ha’Melech Ha’Kadosh” refers to the fact that Hashem shows his kingdom by judging the world, meaning that Hashem’s behaves during these days with a more tangible aura of sovereignty by sitting and passing judgment upon his creations and for this reason, we must mention “Ha’Melech Ha’Kadosh” in our prayers.

If one is reciting the Amida prayer and in the middle of the Amida, one becomes unsure whether one has recited “Ha’Melech Ha’Kadosh” or “Ha’el Ha’Kadosh”, according to Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l, one must assume that one concluded this blessing as one is accustomed to throughout the rest of the year, i.e. “Ha’el Ha’Kadosh”, and one must return to the beginning of the Amida prayer.

If one concluded the blessing by saying “Ha’el Ha’Kadosh” and realized one’s mistake within the time it takes to say the words “Shalom Alecha Rebbe” (approximately one second) immediately corrected one’s error by reciting “Ha’Melech Ha’Kadosh”, one has fulfilled his obligation and need not return to the beginning of the Amida prayer.

The same applies to reciting “Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat” in that if one mistakenly concluded by reciting “Melech Ohev Tzedaka U’Mishpat” and has corrected this mistake immediately by reciting “Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat”, one fulfills his obligation.

Even so, regarding “Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat”, if one recited “Melech Ohev Tzedakah U’Mishpat” and did not correct this mistake by reciting “Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat”, nevertheless, one does not return to the beginning of the Amida prayer; rather, one returns to the beginning of the “Hashiva” blessing and continues from there in order. Only when one realizes that one has recited “Melech Ohev Tzedakah U’Mishpat” after having finished one’s prayer must one return to the beginning of the Amida and repeat one’s prayer. Concluding the Amida prayer regarding this law refers to reciting the second “Yihyu Le’Ratzon” verse at the end of “Elokai Netzor”.

The Ashkenazi custom is that one does not return at all when one errs regarding “Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat” whether one realizes one’s mistake in the middle of the Amida prayer or at the end. Even a Sephardic Jew who made a mistake regarding “Ha’Melech Ha’Mishpat” should preferably stipulate before beginning to pray, as follows: “If I am obligated to repeat the Amida prayer, I am reciting the following prayer as a mandatory prayer and if I am not obligated to, the following prayer is hereby voluntary.”

During the entire Ten Days of Repentance, it is customary to add the verses of “Zochrenu Le’Chaim”, “Mi Chamocha”, “U’chtov Le’Chaim Tovim”, and “Uv’Sefer Chaim” into the Amida as is printed in all Siddurim. If one forgot to insert “Zochrenu Le’Chaim” and then remembers this in the “Shema Kolenu” blessing, one may insert this verse into this blessing before reciting the words “Ki Ata Shome’a,” for one may request one’s personal needs in the “Shema Kolenu” blessing and “Zochrenu Le’Chaim” is considered a personal need. Nevertheless, one may not add the “Mi Chamocha” verse there because this is merely a praise offered to Hashem as opposed to an actual request.

Shabbat Timetable

Shabbat Times – (February 2025) - תְּרוּמָה

Mincha & Arbit4.09pm
Earliest Candle Lighting3.34pm
Latest Candle Lighting4.09pm
(followed by Kiddush in the hall)
Shabbat Ends5.22pm
Avot uBanim6.37pm

Weekly Timetable

Weekday times (February 2025) - תְּרוּמָה

(Monday & Thursday)6.50am
(Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday)7.00am
Mincha & ArbitTime
(followed by Halacha Shiur with R Chocron ~6:55)
(Monday - Thursday)7.00pm
(Amud Yomi with R Oppenheimer – Before Mincha & Arbit)

Newsletter Parashat Nitzavim – Rosh Hashana – Yamim Noraim

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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
Have a look at our website 

Wishing Members & Friends


ק׳ ק׳ שערי תפילה

Moor Lane Bet Hakeneset


כתיבה וחתימה טובה  

תזכו לשנים רבות נעימות וטובות
שנה טובה ומתוקה 

שנה עם בריאות ברכה מזל הצלחה פרנסה טובה 

רפואה שלמה והצלה לכל עם ישראל

Yamim Noraim Time Tables attached
Please reply to the email concerning 
the Yom Kippur Nachalot list
Mazal Tov
Avrohom Stamler
Chana Fleischer
from Edgware
on celebrating their engagement
שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל
Mazal Tov 
Rabbi & Mrs Stamler
on celebrating the 
engagement of their son
May they continue to have semachot
with good health, beracha & מזל.
would like to use this opportunity
to wish 
a massive Mazal Tov
on his engagement to 
Chana Fleischer
שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל 
& also
Thank Rabbi Stamler for all the 
Halachic advice & Torah that he brings to our Kahal
May he continue Mechayil el Chayil

Pledge Reminder

There is a big segula to pay any debts before Rosh Hashana,

so we'd like to send a reminder that if you have made 

a donation to the Bet Hakeneset 

after receiving an Aliya in the last few weeks,

the donation can be fulfilled in any of the following ways: 

 ·  By post addressed to

'The Treasurer, Manchester Congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews, 

18 Moor Lane, Salford, Manchester M7 3WX'.

· By hand to the treasurer or any member of the Mahamad.

·Anonymously in the donations box in the Synagogue.

·Direct Debit to the shul's account 

for account details please speak to the treasurer


 Cheques should be made payable to 

'Manchester Congregation of Spanish & Portuguese Jews'. 

Thank you & Tizke Lemitzvot

The Moor Lane Women’s Nach Group
 will be resuming THIS Shabbat with the 
Haftarah of Rosh Hashanah  
6 – 6.45pm in the hall 
Looking forward to learning together again

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״ב

Summer Timetable 5782 – 2022

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קריאת שמע


פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*





















For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat, unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles MUST be lit by that time, in all cases.


שבת שחרית 

Korbanot – 9:00 am

Hodu – 9:15 am

image.png 5:00 pm 
 מנחה on שבת Day at 6 pm


Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Q & A Parashat Nitzavim
  1. What is the connection between the verse “atem nitzavim” and the curses in the previous parsha?
    29:12 – The Jewish People asked, “Who can survive such curses?” Moshe responded, “You've done a lot to anger Hashem, and yet ‘atem nitzavim' — you are still standing before Him.”
  2. Who were the wood-choppers and water-carriers?
    29:10 – Canaanites who joined the Jewish People under false pretenses.
  3. Why can Hashem never “swap” the Jewish People for another nation?
    29:12 – Because Hashem swore to their ancestors that He would never do so.
  4. One who ignores the Torah's warnings “adds drunkenness to thirst.” What does this mean?
    29:18 – He causes Hashem to reckon his unintentional sins alongside his intentional ones, punishing him for all.
  5. What two cities were destroyed along with S'dom and Amorah?
    29:22 – Admah and Tsevoyim.
  6. “The hidden things are for Hashem, our G-d, and the revealed things are for us…” What does this mean?
    29:28 – There is collective culpability only for “open” sins, but not for “hidden” ones.
  7. According to Rashi, how will the day of the ingathering of the exiles be “great and difficult”?
    30: 3 – It will be as if Hashem needs to take each individual by the hand and lead him out of exile.
  8. Where is the Torah not to be found? Where is it to be found?
    30:12-15 – The Torah is not found in Heaven, nor is it across the ocean. Rather, it is “very close to you, in your mouth and in your heart.”
  9. When and where did the Jewish People become culpable for each other's sins?
    30:28 – When they crossed the Jordan and accepted the oath on Mount Eval and Mount Grizim.
  10. How do the earth and sky remind us to keep the mitzvahs?
    30:19 – The earth and heavenly bodies, although receiving neither reward nor punishment, always obey Hashem's will. How much more so should we, who stand to receive reward or punishment, obey Hashem.
Rosh Hashana
  1. Why do we blow the shofar during the month of Elul?
    After the sin of the golden calf, Moshe went up to Mount Sinai to receive the second set of Tablets on Rosh Chodesh Elul. On that day, the Jewish People sounded the shofar to remind themselves to stray no more after idol worship. Also, the sound of the shofar strikes awe into our hearts and inspires us to return to the ways of Torah. (Mishna Berura and Aruch Hashulchan Orach Chaim 581)
  2. Where in the written Torah text does it tell us explicitly that the first day of Tisrei is Rosh Hashanah?
    Nowhere. The Torah calls it “a day of shofar blowing.” (This is one of many examples showing how our observance depends on the continuous oral tradition dating back to Mount Sinai). (Bamidbar 29:1)
  3. We eat apples dipped in honey to symbolize a sweet year. Why do we choose apples above other sweet fruits?
    Isaac blessed Jacob with the words: “The fragrance of my son is like the fragrance of a field which Hashem has blessed…” (Bereishis 27:27). The Talmud identifies this “field” as an apple orchard. (Ta'anis 29b, Biyur Hagra)
  4. What two blessings do we say before sounding the shofar?
    “Blessed are You… who has commanded us to hear the sound of the shofar,” and the shehechiyanu blessing. (Orach Chaim 581:2)
  5. Which Book of Tanach does the beginning of the Tashlich prayer come from?
    The Book of Micha (7:18-20).
  6. What three barren women were “remembered” by Hashem on Rosh Hashanah?
    Sara, Rachel and Chana. On Rosh Hashanah it was decreed that these barren women would bear children. (Tractate Rosh Hashanah 10b)
  7. A person's yearly allowance is fixed on Rosh Hashanah, except for three types of expenses. What are they?
    Expenses for Shabbos, Yom Tov, and the cost of one's children's Torah education. (Ba'er Hetaiv Orach Chaim 242:1)
  8. We refer to the binding of Isaac in our prayers when we say: “Answer us as You answered Abraham our father on Mount Moriah…” What was Abraham's prayer on Mount Moriah?
    He prayed that Mount Moriah should remain a place of prayer for all future generations (Onkelos 22:14). Also, he prayed that his sacrifice of the ram should be considered as though he had actually sacrificed Isaac. (Rashi 22:13)
  9. Why, even in Israel, are there two days of Rosh Hashanah, whereas other festivals in Israel are celebrated for only one day?
    Before our current exile, we did not have a fixed calendar as we do today. Rather, the Supreme Torah Court in Jerusalem determined our calendar on a month to month basis. They did this on the first day of every month, based on witnesses testifying that they had seen the new moon. Therefore, the people outside Israel had insufficient time to find out the exact date in time for the festivals. The “two-day festival” arose to correct this situation. In Israel, however, the people lived close enough to Jerusalem to find out the exact date of all the festivals except Rosh Hashanah. Since Rosh Hashanah occurs on the first day of the month, even those living in Jerusalem sometimes needed to observe it for two days, if the witnesses failed to arrive.
  10. What halacha applies to the shehechiyanu blessing on the second night of Rosh Hashanah which does not apply on the second night of any other holiday?
    On the second night of Rosh Hashanah it is customary to wear a new garment or to have a new fruit on the table when saying the shehechiyanu blessing. Thus, the shehechiyanu blessing applies not only to the holiday, but to the new garment or new fruit as well. (This is done in order to accommodate the minority of halachic authorities who rule that no shehechiyanu blessing be said on the second night of Rosh Hashanah.) (Taz 600:2)

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

אשרי העם יודעי תרועה

במדרש רבה (פר' אמור פר' כט אות ד), על הפסוק “אשר העם יודעי תרועה”,
אמר רבי יאשיה, וכי אין אומות העולם יודעים להריע? כמה קרנות יש להם, כמה חצוצרות
יש להם? אלא, “העם יודעי תרועה”, אלו ישראל, שהם יודעים ומכירים לרצות
את בוראם בתרועה. והוא עומד מכסא דין ויושב על כסא רחמים, ומתמלא ברחמים על עמו
ישראל. וזהו שנאמר “אשר העם יודעי תרועה”, כלומר, מכירים ויודעים את
סגולתה ומעלתה וישובו אל ה

וסיפר הגאון רבינו עזרא עטיה זצ”ל, ראש ישיבת פורת
יוסף, כי הגאון רבי שלמה לניאדו, בעל שו”ת בית דינו של שלמה, שהיה רבה של
חלב, היא ארם צובא, היה נוהג בראש השנה לעבור לפני התיבה כשליח צבור, כי ניחון
בקול ערב, נעים זמירות ישראל, וגם היה תוקע בשופר. וכן היה נוהג מידי שנה בשנה.
כשהגיע הרב לזקנה ושיבה, הודיע לפרנסי הקהל שבאו לביתו לבקרו בשבת שלפני ראש השנה,
שנבצר ממנו השנה להיות שליח צבור ותוקע, מפני מצב בריאותו. נענו הפרנסים ואמרו,
אולי יואיל רבינו לומר לבנו הגאון רבי אפרים (בעל שו”ת דגל מחנה אפרים) שהוא
יעבור לפני התיבה ויתקע בשופר. כששמע כן בנו רבי אפרים, בא לפני מר אביו ואמר לו,
, אני מוכן למלא את
מקומך השנה, נענה הגאון לדבריו ובירך אותו בהצלחה. וכן היה

בראש השנה הלך רבי אפרים לבית הכנסת, ועבר לפני התיבה, וכשעמד לתקוע, נתבלבל קצת בתקיעות ותיכף ומיד תיקן כדת.
ובבוא ראשי הקהל אל הרב בעל בית דינו של שלמה, לבקרו לנשק ידיו כנהוג, שאל אותם,
איך היו התפילות, השיבו בשבח התפלות הנפלאות שהתפלל רבי אפרים כשליח צבור. ושאל
, איך היו התקיעות, ועל זה השיבו בשפה רפה, והרגיש שלא היו
תקינות כל כך
. תיכף
ומיד קרא לרבי אפרים, ושאלו על כך, השיבו רבי אפרים, כי היה קורא “יהי
רצון” שלפני התקיעות, ואמר “ושלח מלאכיך הקדושים הממונים על התקיעות
“, והנה תיכף ראה שבא המלאך הממונה על ידו,
ויעף אליו אחד מן השרפים והתייצב לימינו, לזאת היה חרד מפניו ונתבלבל. שחק בעל
הבית דינו של שלמה, ואמר לו
, הנה אתה הזמנת אותו ותירא מפניו. ועל כגון זה נאמר, אשר העם יודעי תרועה.

אכן לנו הדלים, לפחות נכוין לשוב בתשובה, וכמו שאמרו במדרש
תהלים, “תקעו בחודש שופר”, חדשו ושפרו מעשיכם על ידי השופר. כי השופר,
רומז גם על השופר שבזמן מתן תורה, כמו שכתוב בו “ויהי קול השופר הולך וחזק
מאד”, ולכן אסור להשיח
(לדבר) בשעת תקיעות השופר, כי על אותה שעה כתוב במדרש (פר' יתרו סוף פר' כט), שהיה כל העולם שקט, חמור לא נער, סוס לא צנף, צפור לא
צפצף, מלאכים לא עפו, שרפים לא אמרו קדוש, וקול השופר נשמע מסוף העולם ועד סופו.
ולכן אין להשיח או להשתעל ברצון, וצריך לשבת דומיה בעת התקיעות לקיים מצות עשה
לשמוע קול שופר. קחו עמכם דברים ושובו אל ה', אשרי העם יודעי תרועה ומכירים בה
לשוב בתשובה

“Fortunate is the Nation which knows the Shofar

The Midrash Rabba (Parashat Emor Chapter 29, Section 4) states regarding
the verse, “Fortunate is the nation which knows the Shofar blasts”: “Rabbi
Yoshiya said: ‘Do the nations of the world not know how to blow? They have so
many horns and so many trumpets! Rather, ‘The nation which knows the Shofar
blasts,’ refers to the Jewish nation which knows how to appease their G-d with
Shofar blasts. He (Hashem) then arises from the throne of judgment and sits on
the throne of mercy and becomes filled with compassion for the Jewish nation.’”
This is what is meant by the verse, “Fortunate is the nation which knows the
Shofar blasts,” meaning the people who know the auspicious meaning and
importance of the Shofar blasts and use them to return to Hashem.

Hagaon Harav Ezra Attia zt”l, late Rosh Yeshiva of Porat Yosef, recounts how Hagaon
Harav Shlomo Laniado
zt”l, author of the Responsa Bet Dino Shel Shlomo and Chief
Rabbi of Aleppo, Syria, would serve as Chazzan on Rosh Hashanah since he was
blessed with a pleasant and melodious voice in addition to serving as the
Shofar blower. He would customarily do so every year. When the rabbi grew older
though, he notified the respected community activists that came to visit his
home on the Shabbat preceding Rosh Hashanah that due to the current status of
his health, he would be unable to serve as Chazzan and Shofar blower during the
coming Rosh Hashanah. The community activists replied by asking if the rabbi
would request that his son, Hagaon Harav Efraim (author of Responsa Degel
Machaneh Efraim), serve as the Chazzan and Shofar blower instead. When his son,
Harav Efraim, heard of this, he came before his father and told him that he
agreed to fill his father’s place this year. His father gave him his blessing
and so it came to be.

On Rosh Hashanah, Harav Efraim went to the synagogue and served as Chazzan but
when he began to blow the Shofar, he erred slightly in the order of blasts, but
immediately corrected himself as prescribed by Halacha. Upon arriving at the
home of his father, Harav Shlomo, in order to visit him and kiss his hand as
was customary, the leaders of the community were asked how the prayer services went
to which they replied that the services conducted by Harav Efraim were truly
amazing. When asked how the Shofar blowing went, they replied half-heartedly
and the rabbi understood that it did not go so well. He immediately summoned
his son, Harav Efraim, and inquired about this matter. His son replied, “While
reciting the ‘Yehi Ratzon’ text prior to the Shofar blowing, I said, ‘Send [me]
your holy angels who are appointed over the Shofar blasts.’ I immediately saw
one of the fiery angels fly towards me and stand on my right side! I became
frightened and this caused me to become confused.” His father then chuckled and
told him, “You invited him and then you were afraid of him?!” About such an
incident does the verse state, “Fortunate is the nation which knows the Shofar

However, regarding us ordinary people, we should, at the very least, have in
mind to repent, as the Midrash Tehillim states regarding the verse, “Blow the
Shofar on the [new] month”: “Renew and better your deeds through the Shofar.”
The Shofar represents the Shofar that was blown during the giving of the Torah,
as the verse states, “And the sound of the Shofar became [progressively] much
stronger.” Thus, one may not converse during the blowing of the Shofar, for
regarding this time, the Midrash (Parashat Yitro, end of Chapter 29) states,
“The entire world was silent; no horses neighed, no donkeys brayed, no birds
chirped, no angles flew, no fiery angels recited ‘Kadosh,’ and the sound of the
Shofar could be heard from one end of the world to the other.” Therefore, one
should not speak or cough willingly; one should sit silently during the Shofar
blowing and have in mind to fulfill the positive Torah commandment to hear the
sound of the Shofar. Take these words with you and use them to return to Hashem
while utilizing the sound of the Shofar for this purpose

תקיעת שופר

מצות עשה מן
התורה לשמוע תרועת השופר ביום ראש השנה, שנאמר “יום תרועה יהיה לכם”.
ואסור לדבר בין התקיעות, וכל שכן בזמן התקיעות עצמם, ונחלקו הפוסקים אם יש לומר
וידוי בין התקיעות, (כפי שמודפס בהרבה מחזורים.) או שאסור לומר וידוי בין התקיעות,
ודעת מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף שליט”א, שאסור לומר וידוי בין התקיעות, ושאף מי
שנהג כן, צריך לבטל מנהגו, שנכנס לחשש ברכה לבטלה, ולספק אם חייב לחזור שוב ולברך
על התקיעות, ומכל מקום, אם רוצה להרהר הוידוי בליבו בלבד, רשאי לעשות כן בין
התקיעות, אבל בשעת התקיעות עצמם ידום ויקשיב היטב לקול השופר

נשים פטורות
ממצות שופר, שהרי היא מצות עשה שהזמן גרמא, וכל מצוות עשה שהזמן גרמן נשים פטורות,
כמו שביארנו בכמה הזדמנויות. ומכל מקום נהגו הנשים להחמיר על עצמן ולבוא לבית
הכנסת לשמוע תקיעת שופר, ואשה שלא היה באפשרותה לבוא לבית הכנסת, יכולה לשמוע
תקיעת שופר בבית, (או בבית הכנסת בשעות הצהריים כפי שמקובל בכמה מקומות). ואין
לברך על תקיעת שופר כשתוקע עבור נשים, משום שנשים אינם מברכות על מצות עשה שהזמן
גרמא. ויש נשים מעדות אשכנז שנוהגות לברך לעצמן על תקיעת שופר, ויש להן על מה
שיסמוכו. ומכל מקום אין לתוקע עצמו לברך עבור נשים גם למנהג זה

כל היום כשר
למצות שופר, מהנץ החמה ועד לשקיעתה, ולכן הבא לתקוע לנשים, רשאי לתקוע כל היום
כולו עד שקיעת החמה

כלל גדול
בידינו, כי מצות צריכות כוונה, וכפי שביארנו
בהלכה מיוחדת.
כן, השומע קול שופר בראש השנה, צריך שישים לבו, לכוין שבשמיעת קול השופר הוא מקיים
את מצות השופר

Blowing the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah

It is a positive Torah
commandment to hear the Shofar blasts on the day of Rosh Hashanah, as the verse
states, “It shall be a day of [Shofar] blasts for you.” One may not speak
between the various sets of Shofar blasts and certainly not during the blasts
themselves. The Poskim disagree regarding whether or not it is permissible to
recite the order of confession (which is printed in most Rosh Hashanah prayer
books). Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a rules that one may not recite this
confessional between the sets of the Shofar blasts, for this causes one to
enter the realm of a blessing in vain and it is doubtful whether or not one
must recite the blessing on the Shofar blasts again; even if one has
customarily recited this confessional prayer in the past, one must discontinue
this custom at once. Nevertheless, if one would like to read this confessional
prayer with his eyes only and ponder it in his heart, this is indeed
permissible between the sets of blasts; however, during the time the Shofar
blasts are actually being sounded, one must sit silently and listen to the
Shofar blasts carefully.

Women are exempt from hearing the Shofar blasts since this is positive,
time-bound Mitzvah and women are exempt from such Mitzvot as we have discussed
on several occasions. Nevertheless, it is customary that women act stringently
and come to the synagogue to hear the Shofar blasts. If a woman did not have
the opportunity to come to the synagogue may indeed hear the Shofar blasts at
home (or later on in the synagogue during the afternoon hours of Rosh Hashanah,
as has become the prevalent custom in many synagogues). When one blows the
Shofar for women, one may not recite the “Lishmo’a Kol Shofar” blessing since
women are exempt from such positive, time-bound Mitzvot. There are some
Ashkenazi women who customarily recite the blessing on the Shofar for
themselves and they indeed have on whom to rely. Nonetheless, the one blowing
the Shofar should not recite a blessing when blowing for women, even according
to this view.

The Mitzvah of hearing Shofar blasts may be fulfilled the entire day of Rosh
Hashanah, from sunrise until sunset. Therefore, if one would like to blow the
Shofar for women, he may do so all day, until sunset.

We have a great rule that “Mitzvot require intention”, as we have discussed in
a special Halacha. Thus, before hearing the Shofar blasts on Rosh Hashanah, one
must pay attention and have in mind to fulfill the positive Torah commandment
of hearing the Shofar blasts when hearing the Shofar


Newsletter Parashat Ki Tavo

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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
Have a look at our website 
Please reply to the emails sent 
1) Ladies’ Seating Plan for the Yamim Noraim – High Holy Days
2) Yom Kippur Nachalot lists
The Moor Lane Women’s Nach Group
 will be resuming THIS Shabbat with the 
Haftarah of Rosh Hashanah  
6 – 6.45pm in the hall 
Looking forward to learning together again

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״ב

Summer Timetable 5782 – 2022

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קריאת שמע


פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*




















כי תבא

For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat, unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles MUST be lit by that time, in all cases.


שבת שחרית 

Korbanot – 9:00 am

Hodu – 9:15 am

image.png 5:00 pm 
 מנחה on שבת Day at 6 pm


Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Q & A Parashat Ki Tabo
  1. When did the obligation to bring bikkurim begin?
    26:1 – After the Land was conquered and divided.
  2. Bikkurim are from which crops?
    26:2 – The seven species for which Eretz Yisrael is praised.
  3. How does one designate bikkurim?
    26:2 – When he sees the first fruit ripen on a tree, he binds a piece of straw around it to mark it as bikkurim.
  4. Who shakes the basket containing the bikkurim?
    26:4 – The kohen places his hands under the hands of the one bringing it, and they wave the basket together.
  5. What does “v'anita v'amarta” mean?
    26:5 – Speak loudly.
  6. Which Arami “tried to destroy my father”?
    26:5 – Lavan.
  7. When during the year may bikkurim be brought? Until when are the special verses recited?
    26:11 – Bikkurim are brought from Shavuot until Chanukah. The verses are recited only until Succot.
  8. Someone declaring that he separated terumah and ma'aser says: “And I didn't forget.” What didn't he forget?
    26:13 – To bless G-d.
  9. What were the Jewish People to do with the 12 stones on Mount Eval?
    27:2 – Build an altar.
  10. Six tribes stood on Mount Eval and six on Mount Gerizim. Who and what were in the middle?
    27:12 – Kohanim, levi'im and the Holy Ark.
  11. Who “causes the blind to go astray”?
    27:18 – Any person who intentionally gives bad advice.
  12. How does one “strike another secretly”?
    27:24 – By slandering him.
  13. Eleven curses were spoken on Mount Eval. What is the significance of this number?
    27:24 – Each curse corresponds to one of the tribes, except for the tribe of Shimon. Since Moshe didn't intend to bless the tribe of Shimon before his death, he did not want to curse it either.
  14. Why are sheep called “ashterot”?
    28:4 – Because they “enrich” (m'ashirot) their owners.
  15. How is the manner of expressing the curses in Parshat Bechukotai more severe than in this week's parsha?
    28:23 – In Bechukotai the Torah speaks in the plural, whereas in this week's parsha the curses are mentioned in the singular.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

לדוד ה' אורי וישעי

שאלה: בבית הכנסת שלנו הנהיגו לומר בכל יום מימי חודש אלול את המזמור “לדוד ה' אורי וישעי” לאחר תפלת שחרית. ויש טוענים שזהו מנהג האשכנזים, אבל הספרדים לא נהגו כן. כיצד באמת נכון לנהוג?

כתב בספר מטה אפרים (סימן תקפא), “נוהגים במדינות אלו, לומר בכל יום מראש חודש אלול עד יום הכפורים, אחר גמר התפלה, בוקר וערב, את המזמור לדוד ה' אורי וישעי, ומנהגינו לאומרו עד יום שמיני עצרת”.  וכן הובא עוד בדברי הפוסקים, בשם סידור רבינו האר”י, שיש לומר את המזמור “לדוד ה' אורי וישעי” בכל יום עד ליום שמחת תורה. וכתב שם, שהאומר מזמור זה מראש חודש אלול ואילך, מובטח לו שיוציא ימיו ושנותיו בטוב ובנעימים, ובמשפטו יצא זכאי לחיים טובים ולשלום.

ואף על פי שמנהג זה נהגו בו בעיקר האשכנזים, מכל מקום גם הגאון מרן החיד”א בספר עבודת הקודש (בסוף סנסן ליאיר) כתב שיש לומר את המזמור “לדוד ה' אורי וישעי” עד מוצאי יום הכפורים, וכן יש לאומרו ביום הושענא רבה. וכתב שכן המנהג בעיר הקודש חברון.

והרה”ג רבי יעקב רקח בספר שערי תפלה כתב בשם הגאון מהר”ח הכהן בספר שערי רחמים, שכל האומר את המזמור הזה מראש חודש אלול עד שמחת תורה, אפילו אם נגזרה עליו חס ושלום גזרה רעה, יכולה אמירתו לבטלה, ומבטלים מעליו כל גזרות קשות ורעות, ומעביר מעליו כל המקטרגים והמשטינים.

לכן, מה שהנהיגו בכמה בתי כנסת לומר את המזמור “לדוד ה' אורי וישעי” בימים אלה, הוא מנהג יפה, ואף על פי שאין לנהוג כן בתורת חיוב, מכל מקום הוא מנהג נכון ויש לו יסוד בהררי קודש.

וכתב בשו”ת שבט הלוי חלק עשירי (סימן סז), שאומרים את המזמור עד ליום הושענא רבה, ובחוץ לארץ אומרים אותו גם ביום שמיני עצרת.

אמנם עיקר התועלת הנמשכת לאדם בימים הללו ובכל ימות השנה, אינה מכח מעשים יחידים, יהי כוחם גדול ככל שיהיה, כי עיקר תכלית הימים הללו, היא שיעורר האדם את עצמו לחזור בתשובה שלימה, ובפרט בעת אמירת הסליחות, כי חובה קדושה מוטלת על כל אדם, לתת אל לבו לפשפש במעשיו ולחזור בתשובה שלמה, ולהוסיף מצוות ומעשים טובים בהתקרבו ליום הדין, שאז שוקלים את הזכויות והחובות של כל אדם. (עיין חזון עובדיה עמוד כג והלאה). ונזכה לחזור בתשובה שלימה, ותקובל תפילותינו ברצון.

“Le’David Hashem Ori Ve’Yish’ee”

Question: In our synagogue, the custom is to recite the Psalm “Le’David Hashem Ori Ve’Yish’ee” every day of the month of Elul. Some claim that this is an Ashkenazi custom and that this is not the Sephardic custom. What is the correct way to proceed?

The Sefer Mateh Efraim (Chapter 581) writes: “It is customary in our countries to recite the Psalm ‘Le’David Hashem Ori Ve’Yish’ee’ after prayer services both morning and night from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Yom Kippur. Our custom is to continue reciting this Psalm until Shemini Atzeret.” Indeed, several other Poskim quote the Siddur of the saintly Ari z”l which states that it is customary to recite the Psalm “Le’David Hashem Ori Ve’Yish’ee” every day until Simchat Torah. It further states there that one who recites this Psalm from Rosh Chodesh Elul and on is guaranteed to live out his days and years pleasantly and his judgment will emerge favorably for a good life and peace.

Although this is primarily an Ashkenazi custom, nevertheless, Maran Ha’Chida quotes this custom as well in his Sefer Avodat Ha’Kodesh (end of Sansan Le’Yair) and writes that one should recite this Psalm until Motza’ei Yom Kippur as well as on the day of Hosha’ana Rabba. He writes that this was the prevalent custom in the holy city of Hebron.

Hagaon Harav Yaakov Rakach writes in his Sefer Sha’are Tefillah in the name of Hagaon Rabbeinu Chaim Ha’Kohen in his Sefer Sha’are Rachamim that whoever recites this Psalm from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Simchat Torah shall merit that even if a harsh judgment was decreed upon an individual, the recitation of this Psalm has the power to annul the harsh decree and to remove all Heavenly prosecution from one’s self.

Thus, the custom that some congregations have adapted to recite the Psalm of “Le’David Hashem Ori Ve’Yish’ee” during this period is indeed a fine custom. Although this should not be misconstrued as an obligatory recitation, it is nevertheless a correct and worthy custom which has holy roots.

The Responsa Shevet Ha’Levi (Volume 10, Chapter 67) states that this Psalm is recited until the day of Hosha’ana Rabba and outside of Israel, it is recited on the day of Shemini Atzeret as well.

Nevertheless, we should point out that the primary benefit one can achieve during these days and throughout the year is not through these actions alone, as great as they may be. Rather, the main purpose of these days is for one to repent fully before Hashem, especially while reciting the Selichot, for the main focus during this period is complete repentance and increasing one’s good deeds as we get closer to the Day of Judgment when one’s merits and faults are weighed against one another. (See Chazon Ovadia-Yamim Nora’im, page 23 and on.) May Hashem accept our repentance willingly.

Ladies’ Seating Plan for the Yamim Noraim – High Holy Days 5783

Ladies’ Seating Plan for the Yamim Noraim – High Holy Days


Dear Lady members of our kehila,


As we know tefila, prayer, is our strongest tool in connecting directly to Hashem and especially during the upcoming awe-inspiring days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, now only a few days away. It is vitally important that we use our tefilot to ask Hashem to inscribe each and every one of us in the Book of Life and that all may merit a year of health and happiness.


The Shulhan Aruch expresses the importance of makom kabua, makon kodesh – that a person’s regular and fixed place where he or she prays has a direct relationship to the power of the tefila, to the extent that the place a person prays is called kodesh – holy.


Baruch Hashem, in order to avoid disappointment on such special days we are willing to reserve a seat for lady members of our community.


We will attempt, to the best of our ability, to allocate the seats according to where ladies sit throughout the year, but we cannot guarantee how the seats will be allocated. We will also consider accommodating places for unmarried girls over Bat Mitzva to sit next to or close to their mothers.


Please tick for which day(s):

1)     ONLY Rosh Hashana (2 days)                        _______

2)     ONLY Yom Kippur                                        _______

3)     BOTH (Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur)       _______


Please let us know below who the seat is for:

1)     Name  _______________________________

2)     Name  _______________________________

3)     Name  _______________________________

Please note, we will gladly reserve and allocate you a seat, however, if for example, you are allocated a seat for Yom Kippur but can only come for Ne’ilah please understand that your seat cannot be kept vacant all day, when others could use the seat until you arrive.


Therefore, we endeavour to do the following:


·       A clear sign will be posted asking ladies to respect the allocated seating plan by not sitting in someone’s allocated place and to vacate the seat as soon as the lady comes.


·       If someone is sitting in your allocated seat when you arrive, you have the right to politely ask that person to move.


·       We request that you ask the lady to move in the most polite, discreet and nicest way possible so as not to cause embarrassment, offence or any discomfort whatsoever.


 All requests should be sent by email toTHIS EMAIL no later than Sunday 18th September 9pm

If your wife or any other lady you know does not receive the moorlenenews email please forward this email to her.

Please fill in 


Please tick for which day(s):

1)     ONLY Rosh Hashana (2 days)                        _______

2)     ONLY Yom Kippur                                        _______

3)     BOTH (Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur)       _______


Please let us know below who the seat is for:

1)     Name  _______________________________

2)     Name  _______________________________

3)     Name  _______________________________

4)   Name________________________________

Thanking you in advance.

Tizku leshanim rabot


The Gabbaim


PS – Whilst there is no charge for allocating you a seat, any donations made will be gratefully appreciated.

Newsletter Parashat Ki Tetze

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ק׳ ק׳ שׁערי תפילה
Have a look at our website 
Wishing much Hatzlacha to all the young ladies in our kehila 
beginning Seminary this coming Elul
Jewish law obligates every Jewish person to cancel, after the culmination of the Shemita year, various
types of debt due to him or her. This does not apply to a debt owed to a Beis Din.
If a creditor executes a Pruzbul, he or she is not obligated to cancel debts. A Pruzbul may be executed
at any time before the end of the Shemita year. However, since a Pruzbul covers only debts already
existing at the time of its execution, it is usually implemented at the very end of the Shemita year,
shortly before Rosh Hashana of the post-Shemita year.
When a creditor arranges for the execution of the Pruzbul with the form below, debts owed to him or
her are transferred by the creditor to the Beis Din, so that the debts will continue to be in force after the
end of the Shemita year, and the Beis Din then authorises the creditor to collect on their behalf.

Documents attached to this email
Please return this form by Post or email 
to the Manchester Bet Din no later than
Thursday 15th September 2022 / י''ט אלול תשפ''ב
Approximate times
Procession with live music 2 – 2:45 pm
Reception 2:45 – 4:30 pm 
Please consider this as a personal invitation
Looking forward to seeing you
Naphtali & Esther Bitton
Mazel to 
Eli Maman 
Talia Herman
on celebrating their upcoming wedding
next week
שיזכו לבנות בית נאמן בישראל
Special Mazel tov
to our dear members 
Vidal & Annette Maman
on celebrating their son's wedding
Mazal Tov to
Rabbi & Mrs Oppenheimer
on the safe arrival of a baby girl
May she grow in 
Torah Mitzvot & Maasim Tovim
Mazal Tov to
Shemuel & Rochel Benady
on the safe arrival of their baby Boy
שיזכה לברית בזמנה לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים
Mazel tov to families
Benady, Cope, Salem

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשפ״ב

Summer Timetable 5782 – 2022

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קריאת שמע


פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*




















כי תצא

For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat, unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles MUST be lit by that time, in all cases.


שבת שחרית 

Korbanot – 9:00 am

Hodu – 9:15 am

image.png 5:00 pm 
 מנחה on שבת Day at 6 pm


Please pray for the 
refua shelema of 
Sulcha bat Mazal
Q & A Parashat Ki Tese
 All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
  1. Why must a captured woman mourn her family for a month in her captor's house?
    21:13 – So her captor will find her unattractive.
  2. What fraction of the inheritance does a first-born receive if he has a) one brother? b) two brothers?
    21:17 – a) 2/3 b) 1/2
  3. What will become of a ben sorer u'moreh if his parents don't bring him to court?
    21:22 – He will eventually rob and kill to support his physical indulgences.
  4. Why is it a degradation to G-d to hang a criminal's body on the gallows overnight?
    21:23 – Because humans are made in G-d's image; and because the Jewish People are G-d's children.
  5. What do you do if you find a lost object that costs money to maintain?
    22:2 – Sell it and save the money for the owner.
  6. Why does the Torah forbid wearing the clothing of the opposite gender?
    22:5 – It leads to immorality.
  7. Why does the Torah link the mitzvah of sending away the mother-bird with the mitzvah of making a railing on the roof of your house?
    22:8 – To teach that one mitzvah leads to another, and to prosperity.
  8. When is it permitted to wear wool and linen?
    22:12 – Wool tzitzit on a linen garment.
  9. What three things happen to a man who falsely slanders his bride?
    22:18 – He receives lashes, pays a fine of 100 silver selah, and may never divorce her against her will.
  10. Although the Egyptians enslaved the Jewish People, the Torah allows marriage with their third-generation converts. Why?
    23:8 – Because they hosted Yaakov and his family during the famine.
  11. Why is causing someone to sin worse than killing him?
    23:9 – Murder takes away life in this world, while causing someone to sin takes away his life in the World to Come.
  12. If one charges interest to his fellow Jew, how many commandments has he transgressed?
    23:21 – Three; two negative commandments and a positive commandment.
  13. What is the groom's special obligation to his bride during their first year together?
    24:5 – To gladden her.
  14. When is a groom required to fight in a non-obligatory war?
    24:5 – When he remarries his ex-wife.
  15. What type of object may one not take as collateral?
    24:6 – Utensils used to prepare food.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

כוחה של תפילה

רבותינו במסכת ברכות (כט:) ביארו מה שאמר התנא, “אל תעש תפילתך קבע”, רבי אושעיא אומר, “כל שתפלתו דומה עליו כמשאוי”, (כלומר, חוק קבוע הוא לו להתפלל, וצריך הוא בעל כרחו לעשות כן כדי לצאת ידי חובתו), הוא הנקרא “עושה תפלתו קבע”. ואילו חכמים אומרים, “כל שאינו אומרה בלשון תחנונים”. כלומר, סגנון התפלה צריך שיהיה בדרך תחנונים לפני ה' יתברך, בהכנעה ובלב שלם. וכדברי חכמים פסק הרמב”ם (בפ”ד מהלכות תפילה הט”ז).

ובגמרא במסכת סוטה (ה.) אמרו, אין תפילתו של אדם נשמעת אלא אם כן שם לבו כבשר, (שהוא רך, ולא כאבן שהיא קשה), כלומר שיתפלל בהכנעה.

ובודאי בימים הללו, ימי חודש אלול, שהשם יתברך מצפה יותר לתפלותיהם של ישראל, חובה עלינו להתעורר בתפלה, איש לפי מהללו, ולקוות לה' יתברך שימלא כל משאלות לבנו לטובה לעבודתו.

ומעשה שאירע לפני כחמש שנים, באברך ובת סמינר (מיוצאי צפון אפריקה), שנישאו כדת משה וישראל לפני כמה שנים. ומיום ליום ומחודש לחודש, התברר כי קיימת אצלם בעיה רצינית, שבגללה לא זכו להפקד בפרי בטן. בצר להם, התפללו לפני ה' יתברך שיושיעם, גם פנו לרופאים, אולי ימצאו תקוה.

והנה לילה אחד, ביום חמישי בלילה (ליל יום שישי), ישן האברך על מטתו, והנה חלום. ובחלומו הוא רואה, כאילו הוא יושב בחדרו של החסיד המקובל רבי ישראל אביחצירא (הבאבא סאלי) זצ”ל. והנה פונה אליו הרב ואומר לו, מה תבקש? השיב לו האברך, אני מבקש לזכות לילדים. השיב לו רבי ישראל, טוב, יהיו לך ילדים. קם האברך, ויצא מחדרו של הרב, והנה בכניסה, הוא רואה את אביו יושב יחד עם ראש הישיבה בה למד בבחרותו, ושניהם יושבים וספרי תהלים בידיהם. ויקץ והנה חלום.

בבוקר, טילפן האברך לאמו, וסיפר לה את כל דבר החלום. אמרה לו אמו, בודאי אתה מתפלא, מה אביך וראש הישיבה שלך עשו שם. והנה תדע לך, כי לפני כשבוע, טילפן אביך לראש הישיבה שלך, ואמר לו, הלא ראש הישיבה, הוא אביו הרוחני של האברך המדובר, ואני, האב, גם אני אביו של האברך. והנה על שנינו מוטלת חובה לעשות משהו כדי שיזכה בננו לפרי בטן. אמר לו ראש הישיבה, ומה תרצה ממני? אמר לו האב, רצוני שתבוא עמי לציונו של רבי ישראל אביחצרא, ונתפלל שם יחד לישועת בננו.

השיב לו ראש הישיבה, זמני כעת אינו פנוי, אולם בליל שישי, אוכל להתלוות אליך לנתיבות, מקום קבורתו של רבי ישראל, ושם נתפלל יחד לישועה. ואמנם, אתמול בלילה, המשיכה האם לספר, הלכו אביך וראש הישיבה יחד לנתיבות, והתפללו על קברו של רבי ישראל לישועתך. ואמנם זכו האברך ורעייתו לפרי בטן, וכל זה בזכות השתדלות נכונה, בתפלה באמונה שלימה.

The Power of Prayer

Our Sages (Berachot 29b) explained the words of the Tanna who taught, “Do not make your prayer established”: “Rabbi Oshaya says, this refers to one who considers one’s prayer like a burden (i.e. if one perceives it as a set law that one must pray and one does so in an almost forced manner in order to fulfill one’s obligation). The Sages say, this refers to one who does not pray in a supplicating manner. (This means that one’s prayer should resemble a supplication before Hashem by praying with humility and with one’s whole heart.)” The Rambam (Chapter 4 of Hilchot Tefillah, Halacha 16) rules in accordance with the opinion of the Sages.

Similarly, our Sages taught us (Sotah 5a) that one’s prayer is not accepted unless one makes one’s heart as flesh (which is soft, as opposed to like stone, which is hard). This means that one must pray in a humble and subdued manner.

This is certainly true during the Month of Elul when Hashem desires the prayers of the Jewish nation in that we must invigorate our prayers and to turn our hope to Hashem so that He will fulfill our hearts’ wishes for the good in order that we may serve Him.

An incident occurred approximately five years ago with a young Kollel man and a religious seminary girl (both of North African descent) who were married several years ago. They quickly realized that there was a medical issue which prevented them with being blessed with children. In their distress, they prayed that Hashem bring about their salvation and they also frequented doctors in hopes of some good news.

One Thursday night, this young man lay asleep in his bed and he dreamed that he was sitting in the room of the righteous and saintly Mekubal, Hagaon Harav Yisrael Abuchatzera zt”l, the famed “Baba Sali.” The Baba Sali turned to the young man and asked him, “What do you request?” The young man responded, “I wish to merit having children.” The Baba Sali replied to him, “Fine. You shall have children.” The young man then proceeded to exit the Baba Sali’s room and at the entrance, he sees his father and Rosh Yeshiva sitting with books of Tehillim in their hands. He then awoke and realized this was a dream.

The next morning, this young man called his mother and told her about his dream. His mother told him, “You must be wondering what your father and Rosh Yeshiva were doing there. Let me tell you: Last week, your father called your Rosh Yeshiva and told him, ‘Rosh Yeshiva, you are my son’s spiritual father and I am his biological father. It is incumbent upon us both to do something so that our son can bear children.’ The Rosh Yeshiva inquired, ‘And what is it that I can do?’ Your father then replied, ‘I would like you to come with me to the Baba Sali’s grave so that we may pray together for our son’s salvation.’”

“The Rosh Yeshiva told your father, ‘I am do not have time at the moment but I will make myself available on Thursday night and accompany you to Netivot to the Baba Sali’s grave so that we may pray there together.’ Indeed, last night your father and the Rosh Yeshiva traveled to Netivot and prayed at the Baba Sali’s grave that you merit Heavenly salvation.” Indeed, this couple finally merited bearing children in the merit of the appropriate efforts they put forth through prayer and complete faith in Hashem.