לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב
Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
5:00 | 5:00 | 4:03 | 3:25 | 9:49 | 3:51 | 3:51 | 19/20 Nov | וישלח |
Shiur continues on lel Shabbat
for 15 minutes after Arbit
on the subject of
Kedushat Shabbat
by Rabbi Schlama

- What sort of messengers did Yaakov send to Esav?
32:4 – Angels. - Why was Yaakov both “afraid” and “distressed”?
32:8 – He was afraid he would be killed. He was distressed that he would have to kill. - In what three ways did Yaakov prepare for his encounter with Esav?
32:9 – He sent gifts, he prayed, and he prepared for war. - Where did Dina hide and why?
32:23 – Yaakov hid her in a chest so that Esav wouldn't see her and want to marry her. - After helping his family across the river, Yaakov remained alone on the other side. Why?
32:25 – He went back to get some small containers he had forgotten. - What was the angel forced to do before Yaakov agreed to release him?
32:27 – Admit that the blessings given by Yitzchak rightfully belong to Yaakov. - What was it that healed Yaakov's leg?
32:32 – The shining of the sun. - Why did Esav embrace Yaakov?
33:4 – His pity was aroused when he saw Yaakov bowing to him so many times. - Why did Yosef stand between Esav and Rachel?
33:7 – To stop Esav from gazing at her. - Give an exact translation of the word nisa in verse 33:12.
33:12 – It means “travel”. It does not mean “we will travel.” This is because the letter nun is part of the word and does not mean ‘we’ as it sometimes does. - What happened to the 400 men who accompanied Esav?
33:16 – They slipped away one by one. - Why does the Torah refer to Dina as the daughter of Leah and not as the daughter of Yaakov?
34:1 – Because she was outgoing like her mother, Leah. - Whom should Shimon and Levi have consulted concerning their plan to kill the people of Shechem?
34:25 – Their father, Yaakov. - Who was born along with Binyamin?
35:17 – His two triplet sisters. - What does the name Binyamin mean? Why did Yaakov call him that?
35:18 – Ben-Yemin means “Son of the South.” He was the only son born in the Land of Israel, which is south of Aram Naharaim. - The Torah states, “The sons of Yaakov were twelve.” Why?
35:22 – To stress that all of them, including Reuven, were righteous. - How old was Yaakov when Yosef was sold?
35:29 – One hundred and eight. - Esav changed his wife's name to Yehudit. Why?
36:2 – To fool Yitzchak into thinking that she had abandoned idolatry. - Which three categories of people have their sins pardoned?
36:3 – One who converts to Judaism, one who is elevated to a position of leadership, and one who marries. - What is the connection between the Egyptian oppression of the Jewish people and Esav's decision to leave the land of Canaan?
36:6 – Esav knew that the privilege of living in the Land of Israel was accompanied by the prophecy that the Jews would be “foreigners in a land not their own.” Therefore Esav said, “I'm leaving. I don't want the Land if it means I have to pay the bill of subjugation in Egypt.”
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.

האם מותר להתפלל עם פיז'מה?
תשובה: ביארנו בהלכה הקודמת,
צריך שיכין מקום ראוי לתפלתו, וצריך שיכין כראוי את בגדיו, גופו ומחשבתו, כמו
שנאמר בספר עמוס: “הִכּוֹן לִקְרַאת אֱלֹהֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל“.
כתב הרמב”ם (בפ”ה מהלכות תפלה הלכה ה), על המתפלל “לתקן מלבושיו
תחלה, ומציין
עצמו ומהדר, שנאמר השתחוו לה' בהדרת קדש, ולא יעמוד אדם בתפלה באפונדתו”
(שהוא בגד שלא לובשים כאשר עומדים בפני אדם חשוב), מפני שבשעת התפלה יש לעמוד
בלבוש מכובד ומסודר.
זה נראה שבודאי אין לאדם בריא לעמוד בתפלה עם בגד שינה “פיז'מה”, שאין
הדרך כלל לעמוד בפיז'מה בפני שום אדם, ובודאי שלא בפני אדם חשוב. והמתפלל חייב
לעמוד בתפלה כשהוא מהודר ומצויין בלבושו, כמו שפסק הרמב”ם.
אדם חולה, כבר מצאנו שהיקלו לגביו בענינים אלו, לגבי תפלה, שהרי כל אדם חייב
להתפלל כשהוא עומד, ואילו לגבי חולה פסק מרן (סימן צד) שאם אינו יכול לכוין כשהוא
עומד מרוב חולשה, רשאי להתפלל כשהוא שוכב על צדו. ולפיכך כתב הגאון רבי עובדיה
הדאיה ז”ל בספרו שו”ת ישכיל עבדי (חלק שמיני, השמטות סימן ב), שהוא הדין
לגבי בגדים, שאין מחייבים אדם חולה ללבוש בגדים כדי להתפלל, ורשאי להתפלל כשהוא
לובש “פיז'מה” ובתנאי שהיא נקייה כראוי.
ולסיכום: אסור להתפלל עם בגד “פיז'מה”. ולאדם
חולה שקשה לו ללבוש בגדים, יש להקל שיתפלל עם בגד פיז'מה, ויקפיד על נקיותה.
נוכל שלא להזכיר את זכרונו הטהור של מרן רבינו הקדוש רבי עובדיה יוסף זצ”ל,
בימי חוליו האחרון, למרות שסבל כאבים עזים בכל גופו, השתדל עד כלות הכוחות לעמוד
בתפלת העמידה, והיה לבושו נאה ומסודר, ומעתיר בתפלה על כל ישראל, עד שבעוונות
הרבים גבר חוליו ואיבדנו כלי חמדה. תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים, ויעמוד מליץ טוב
לצדקנו, לראות בתחיית המתים, עין בעין בשוב ה' ציון. אמן כן יהי רצון.
Can one pray while wearing pajamas?
the previous
Halacha we have
established that before praying, one must prepare a fitting place, proper
attire, and cleanse one’s body and thoughts, as the verse in the book of Amos
states, “Prepare yourself before your G-d, Israel.”
Thus, the Rambam (Chapter 5 of Hilchot Tefillah, Halacha
5) writes that “one must prepare appropriate clothing first in order to glorify
one’s self, as the verse states, ‘Bow to Hashem through glorious sanctity.’ One
should not pray while wearing an apron” (which is not a garment one would wear
when standing before an important official), for one must wear respectful
clothing while praying.
It is therefore clear that a healthy individual should not pray while wearing
pajamas, for one does not stand before even ordinary people while wearing pajamas
and certainly not before important people. One praying must stand do so in
respectable and glorified clothing just as the Rambam rules.
Regarding someone ill, we find that our Sages were lenient with regards to an
ill individual, for instance, although one must pray while standing, Maran
Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 94) rules that an ill person who cannot stand as a
result of his weakness may pray while lying on his side. Based on this, Hagaon
Harav Ovadia Hedaya zt”l
writes in his Responsa Yaskil Avdi (Volume 8, glosses to Chapter 2) that the
same applies regarding clothing and an ill individual need not change his
clothing and he may pray in pajamas, as long as the pajamas are adequately
Summary: One may not pray while wearing pajamas. An ill individual who
has difficulty changing his clothes may pray while wearing pajamas as long as
they are clean and unsoiled.
On a nostalgic note, during his final illness, although Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia
Yosef zt”l suffered
tremendous pain throughout his body, he exerted much effort with the minimal
amount of strength he had to recite the Amida prayer while standing and while
wearing respectable attire. In this way, he would stand and beseech Hashem on
behalf of the entire Jewish nation until he unfortunately departed us for the
Heavenly Yeshiva. May his soul be bound in the eternal bond and may we soon be
reunited with him as we witness the Final Redemption and the Resurrection of
the Dead, Amen.