לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״ב
Winter Timetable 5782 – 2021/22
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
5:19 | 5:19 | 4:25 | 3:50 | 9:35 | 4:13 | 4:13 | 5/6 Nov | תולדות |
Starting this Week
A new series of 4 shiurim after Arbit on lel Shabbat
for 15 minutes on the subject of
Kedushat Shabbat
by Rabbi Schlama

- Why was it important that Yitzchak look like Avraham?
25:19 – So everyone would agree that Avraham was indeed his father. - Why does the Torah stress that Rivka was Betuel's daughter and Lavan's sister?
25:20 – To praise her, that even though her family was evil she was righteous. - What are the two differences between Tamar's pregnancy and Rivka's pregnancy?
25:24 – Rivka gave birth at full term to two children, one righteous and one wicked. Tamar gave birth after seven months to two righteous children. - Why was Esav named Esav?
25:25 – He was born fully developed. The name Esav is based on the Hebrew word for “made”. - Who gave Yaakov his name?
25:26 – G-d. - How did Esav deceive his father?
25:27 – Esav deceived Yitzchak by asking questions that suggested that he was very strict in mitzvah observance. - Why was Esav faint when he returned from the field?
25:29 – From having murdered. - Why are lentils a food for mourners?
25:30 – They are round like a wheel and mourning is like a revolving wheel that eventually touches everyone. - What was the birthright that Yaakov bought from Esav?
25:31 – The right to bring sacrifices. - Why was Yitzchak not permitted to go to Egypt?
26:2 – Through the akeida he had attained the status of a korban and was forbidden to leave Eretz Canaan. - Why did the Philistines plug up the wells?
26:15 – They felt that either marauders would attack to capture the wells, or, if attacking for other reasons, they would use the wells as a water supply. - Why did Yitzchak lose his sight? (three reasons)
27:1 – a) From the smoke of the incense offered by Esavs wives to their idols; b) From the angels tears which fell into Yitzchaks eyes at the time of the akeida; c) In order for Yaakov to receive the blessings. - At what age should one anticipate his own death?
27:2 – When he reaches five years from the age his parents were when they passed away, until five years after. - Why did Rivka ask Yaakov to bring two kid goats?
27:9 – One for Yitzchak and the other to offer as a korban Pesach. - Why did Esav leave his special garments with Rivka?
27:15 – He suspected that his wives might steal them. - What fragrance did Yitzchak detect on Yaakovs garments?
27:27 – The scent of Gan Eden. - What was the “fat of the land” promised to Esav?
27:36 – Italy. - When will Esav be freed from subjugation to Yaakov?
27:40 – When the Jewish People transgress the Torah. - What inspired Esav to marry the daughter of Yishmael?
28:7 – Seeing that his father despised his current wives, he resolved to take a wife from his father's family. - Knowing that Machalat was Yishmael's daughter, it's self-evident that she was the sister of Nevayot. Why, then, does the Torah state that Esav married “Yishmael's daughter, the sister of Nevayot”?
28:9 – To indicate that Yishmael died between her betrothal and her wedding, and that it was Nevayot who gave his sister in marriage to Esav. Knowing the date of Yishmael's death, we can determine the date of Esav's marriage and thus Yaakov's age, 63, at the time of his flight from Esav.
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.

להישען בזמן התפילה
שאלה: האם בזמן שצריך לעמוד, כגון בתפלת העמידה, מותר להשען
על איזה חפץ?
תשובה: במסכת זבחים (דף יט:) מבואר,
שלדעת חכמים, מי שנשען בשעה שהוא עומד, אין זה נחשב לעמידה. ומבואר בפוסקים שהלכה
כחכמים, שכל “הנסמך”, כלומר, הנשען, נחשב כיושב ולא כעומד. (אף על פי שיש כמה נידונים בזה
בדברי הפוסקים, וכאן נכתוב רק את מסקנת ההלכה).
כתבו התוספות שם, שבשעה שצריך לעמוד, אין לסמוך (להשען). וכן כתבו הרא”ש ועוד
מרבותינו הראשונים. והביא דבריהם מרן הבית יוסף (בסימן קמא ובסוף סימן צד).
וכן פסק
מרן השלחן ערוך (סימן צד) בזו הלשון: יש להזהר שלא לסמוך עצמו לעמוד (כלומר, להשען על העמוד, כגון
עמוד התפלה שבזמנינו, או עמודי הבנין), או לחבירו (כלומר, שנשען על חבירו) בשעת התפלה.
להיפך, בשעה שצריך לשבת, כגון, מי שצריך לומר “נפילת אפיים”, ואינו יכול
לשבת, כתב מרן החיד”א (בקשר
גודל סי' יט), שעליו להשען על איזה דבר, וכך יוכל לומר את הנפילת אפיים. שהרי
הנשען על איזה דבר, נחשב כיושב.
לגבי ברכת המזון, שמבואר בשלחן ערוך (סימן קפג) שיש לברכה כשהוא יושב, כדי שיהיה
מיושב בדעתו ויוכל לכוין היטב, נראה שבזה אין להקל לברך בשעה שהוא עומד אף על פי
שהוא נשען, מאחר ועדיין לא תתיישב דעתו בצורה כזו. וכן פסק בספר ילקוט יוסף (תפילה
עמוד תמב).
ולסיכום: במקום שיש לעמוד בתפלה, כלומר, בתפלת העמידה, אין להשען על
איזה דבר, מאחר והנשען נחשב כעומד.
שהוא זקן או חולה, ואינו יכול לעמוד בלי להשען, עליו לעמוד ולהשען, שעמידה כזו
בודאי עדיפה על פני ישיבה ממש.
Leaning While Praying
Question: May one lean on any given
object during points of the prayer where one must stand, such as during the
Amida prayer?
Answer: The Gemara in Masechet Zevachim (19b) states that according to
the Sages, one who leans on something while standing is not considered standing
at all. The Poskim explain that the Halacha follows the opinion of the
Sages that if one is leaning on something, he is considered to be sitting, not
standing. (Although the Poskim quote several different scenarios, we shall only
write the bottom-line of the Halacha.)
The Tosafot (ibid.) therefore write that at a time when one is obligated to be
standing, one should not lean on any object. The Rosh and other great Rishonim
rule likewise. Maran Ha’Bet Yosef (Chapter 141 and end of Chapter 94) quotes
their opinions.
Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter 94) rules as follows: “One should take care
not to lean against a pillar (such as prayer stand, i.e. “Shtenders” or pillars
of the building) or against one’s friend while praying (i.e. reciting the Amida
Similarly, when one is required to sit, such as while reciting “Nefillat
(supplication prayer after Vidduy), Maran Ha’Chida (in his Sefer Kesher Gudal,
Chapter 19) that one should lean against something and one may then recite the
“Nefilat Apayim” in this way, for one leaning on something is
considered sitting.
Nevertheless, regarding Birkat Hamazon, where Maran Ha’Shulchan Aruch (Chapter
183) writes that one must recite it while seated in order for one to be able to
recite it with maximum concentration, it seems that one should not rely on this
leniency and recite it while standing but leaning on something since one will
still not be able to concentrate properly in this position. The Sefer Yalkut
Yosef (Tefillah, page 442) rules accordingly.
Summary: During the part of the prayer service where one must be
standing, i.e. while reciting the Amida prayer, one must not lean on any
object, for when one leans on something, one is not considered standing.
If one is elderly or ill and cannot stand without leaning on something, one may
do so, for this is certainly more preferable than actually sitting down.