לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשפ״א
מוצאי שבת | ערבית | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
5:18 | 5:15 | 4:21 | 3:45 | 10:17 | 4:05 | 4:05 | 15/16 Jan | וארא |
Q & A on Parashat Vaera
All references are to the verses and Rashi’s commentary, unless otherwise stated.
- Did G-d ever appear to Avraham and say “I am G-d”?
6:9 – Yes. - What cause did the forefathers have to question G-d?
6:9 — Although G-d swore to give them the land, they never actually had control over it. - How was Moshe commanded to act towards Pharaoh?
6:13 – With the respect due a king. - How long did Levi live?
6:16 – 137 years. - Who was Aharon's wife? Who was her father? Who was her brother?
6:23 – Elisheva, daughter of Aminadav, sister of Nachshon. - Why are Yitro and Yosef both referred to as “Putiel “?
6:25 – Yitro fattened (pitem ) cows for idol worship. Yosef scoffed (pitpet ) at his evil inclination. - After which plague did G-d begin to “harden Pharaoh's heart”?
7:3 – After the sixth plague — shechin . - Why did Pharaoh go to the Nile every morning?
7:15 – To relieve himself. Pharaoh pretended to be a god who did not need to attend to his bodily functions. Therefore, he secretly used the Nile for this purpose. - Give two reasons why the blood was chosen as the first plague.
(a) 7:17 – Because the Nile was an Egyptian god.
(b) 8:17 – Because an invading army first attacks the enemy's water supply, and G-d did the same. - How long did the plague of blood last?
7:25 – Seven days. - Why did the frogs affect Pharaoh's house first?
7:28 – Pharaoh himself advised the enslavement of the Jewish People. - What did Moshe mean when he told Pharaoh that the frogs would be “in you and in your nation”?
7:29 – He warned that the frogs would enter their intestines and croak. - What are “chamarim“?
8:10 – Piles. - Why didn't Moshe strike the dust to initiate the plague of lice?
8:12 – Because the dust protected Moshe by hiding the body of the Egyptian that Moshe killed. - Why were the Egyptian sorcerers unable to bring lice?
8:14 – The Egyptian sorcerers' magic had no power over anything smaller than a barley kernel. - What were the Egyptians likely to do if they saw the Jews slaughtering lambs?
8:22 – Stone the Jews. - Why didn't the wild beasts die as the frogs had?
8:27 – So the Egyptians would not benefit from their hides. - The dever killed “all the cattle of Egypt.” Later, boils afflicted their cattle. How can this be?
9:10 – In the plague of dever only the cattle in the fields died. The plague of shechin affected the surviving cattle. - Why did Moshe pray only after leaving the city?
9:29 – Because the city was full of idols. - What was miraculous about the way the hail stopped falling?
9:33 – The hailstones stopped in mid-air and didn't fall to the ground.
דיבור בין התפילה לחזרה
שאלה: האם מותר לדבר בין תפילת העמידה לחזרת השליח ציבור?
תשובה: כאשר אדם מסיים את תפילת הלחש, עליו להמתין בשתיקה לחזרת השליח ציבור, ואין לדבר בין התפילה לחזרה כלל. ואין חילוק בדין הזה בין אנשים לנשים, אלא כל מי שמתפלל בבית הכנסת, שיש שם שליח ציבור, הדרך הנכונה ביותר היא, שלא לדבר בין התפילה לחזרת השליח ציבור.
ולמעשה, כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצוק”ל, (בשו”ת יחוה דעת ח”ה סימן מב), שמותר לומר את הפיוט “ה' שמעתי שמעך יראתי” בין התפילה לחזרת השליח ציבור. ורק השליח ציבור עצמו, נכון שישתוק ולא יאמר את הפיוט, כי על פי דברי רבינו האר”י, ישנו חטא גמור להפסיק בדיבור בין התפילה לחזרה, אבל לשאר הציבור, מותר לומר פיוט כזה, ובמקום צורך מותר להם גם כן לומר בלחש דברי תורה בין התפילה לחזרה. ורק בשיחת חולין אין להקל.
לסיכום: לכן למעשה, אף שאין לדבר בין התפילה לחזרת הש”ץ, מכל מקום מותר ללמוד בשתיקה מתוך ספר. ויש מיקלים אפילו ללמוד בלחש מן הספר. כמו אדם שקורא תהלים. אבל השליח ציבור עצמו לא יפסיק כלל בין התפילה לחזרה.
Speaking Between the Silent Amida and the Chazzan’s Repetition
Question: May one speak between the silent Amida and the Chazzan’s repetition?
Answer: After concluding one’s silent Amida, one must wait silently for the Chazzan to begin his repetition and one may not speak at all. There is no distinction between men and women regarding this law; anyone praying in the synagogue where there is a Chazzan should not be speaking at all between the silent Amida and the Chazzan’s repetition.
“Hashem Shamati Shim’acha”
There is a disagreement among the Poskim regarding whether or not specific songs/poems instituted to be recited between the silent Amida and the repetition, such as “Hashem Shamati Shim’acha” recited by some during the High Holidays, may be recited or perhaps they should be omitted since one should not be speaking at all in this place.
Halachically speaking, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l (Responsa Yechave Da’at, Volume 5, Chapter 42) that it is permissible to recite the above text between the silent Amida and the repetition; however, it is proper that the Chazzan himself remain silent, for according to the saintly Ari z”l, it is absolutely forbidden to interrupt with any form of speech between the silent Amida and the Chazzan’s repetition. However, the rest of the congregation may recite it. Similarly, if there a need to, one may recite words of Torah in an undertone and only idle chatter must be avoided.
The Opinion of the Ben Ish Hai
On the other hand, Rabbeinu Yosef Haim (Ben Ish Hai, Parashat Terumah) writes that between the silent Amida and the repetition, “One may not speak and not even study Torah.” This is based on the aforementioned Ari z”l. Nevertheless, Maran zt”l points out (in his Halichot Olam, Volume 1, page 191) that if one wishes to look in a Sefer so as not to be standing idly, one may do so, especially since according to the letter of the law, one may even utter words of Torah, as long as this is being done quietly. The Chazzan, however, should not interrupt between the silent Amida and the repetition even by looking in a Sefer.
Summary: Although one may not speak between the silent Amida and the Chazzan’s repetition, one may look into and Sefer and learn Torah silently. Some even uttering the words in an undertone, such as reading Tehillim. The Chazzan, however, should not interrupt between the silent Amida and his repetition at all.