Newsletter Nitzavim Vayelech



@ 7 am


6 am (6:15 am)


Due to the severe limit on seating capacity 
in our Bet Hakeneset, 
anyone wishing to attend the 
Yamim Noraim services 
MUST first book a place 
 TODAY Wednesday 9th September 2020. 
This applies to members and friends alike 
however priority will be given to members. 
Anyone who has not booked a seat 
may find themselves without a place on the Yamim Noraim.  
Please complete your booking using this link:




  HaGaon Rabbi Yaakov Hillel 
 Straight from the Heart
 26  Elul and the Beauty of the Soul  
Sephardic World

Meeting – Sunday 13th September 2020

The Amsterdam Notarial Archives (1578-1915) contain millions of documents with largely unknown details about Amsterdammers and their international networks. These include records of trade with Inquisition Spain and Portugal. It is speculated that almost every Sephardic Jew in Amsterdam during the Golden Age may get a mention. Often unremarked, the notarial archives also contain a lot of information on Amsterdam’s Ashkenazi community. These documents are being digitised and indexed.

Harmen Snel is an expert on the subject. He is an archivist at the Amsterdam City Archives and eminent specialist on Jewish records, including those of the Portuguese-Jewish community of Amsterdam. Dutch and British audiences will recognise him from his appearances on TV genealogy shows. His early work with Dave Verdooner is foundational to modern Sephardic genealogy, including Harmen continues to teach, work and publish on the subject.

Topic: Amsterdam Notarial Archives
Time: Sunday September 13, 2020 07:00 PM London (This is 7pm British summer time; GMT +1, which is 2pm in New York)

Join Zoom Meeting

Our supporters on Patreon help cover our costs. If you can make a small monthly donation, it would be much appreciated.

If you can’t get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on Facebook. We can’t broadcast live on YouTube until we have a 1,000 subscribers. Please help us by clicking here: It costs you nothing!

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World

Amud Yomi Flyer_Makos_1.jpg

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש”פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















11/12 Sep



*    For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with
the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for
Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the
‘latest candle
lighting’ column is earlier,
candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.


Q & A on Parashat Nitzavim Vayelech


  1. What is the connection between the verse “atem nitzavim” and the curses in the previous parsha?
    29:12 – The Jewish People asked, “Who can survive such curses?” Moshe responded, “You’ve done a lot to anger Hashem, and yet “atem nitzavim” you’re still standing before Him.”
  2. Who were the wood-choppers and water-carriers?
    29:10 – Canaanites who joined the Jewish People under false pretenses.
  3. Why can Hashem never “swap” the Jewish people for another nation?
    29:12 – Because Hashem swore to their ancestors that He would never do so.
  4. One who ignores the Torah’s warnings “adds drunkenness to thirst.” What does this mean?
    29:18 – He causes Hashem to reckon his unintentional sins alongside his intentional ones, punishing him for all.
  5. What two cities were destroyed along with Sedom and Amorah?
    29:22 – Admah and Tsevoyim.
  6. “The hidden things are for Hashem, our G-d, and the revealed things are for us…” What does this mean?
    29:28 – There is collective culpability only for “open” sins, but not for “hidden” ones.
  7. According to Rashi, how will the day of the ingathering of the exiles be “great and difficult?”
    30: 3 – It will be as if Hashem needs to take each individual by the hand and lead him out of exile.
  8. Where is the Torah not to be found? Where is it to be found?
    30:12-15 – The Torah is not found in heaven nor across the ocean. Rather, it is “very close to you, in your mouth and in your heart.”
  9. When and where did the Jewish People become culpable for each other’s sins?
    30:28 – When they crossed the Jordan and accepted the oath on Mt. Eval and Mt. Grizim.
  10. How do the earth and sky remind us to keep the mitzvot?
    30:19 – The earth and heavenly bodies, although receiving neither reward nor punishment, always obey Hashem’s will. How much more should we, who stand to receive reward or punishment, obey Hashem.


  1. Moshe said, “I am 120 years old today. I am no longer able to go out and come in…” How do we know this does not refer to physical inability?
    31:2 – Because verse 34:7 says “His (Moshe’s) eye never dimmed, and his (youthful) moisture never departed.”
  2. Which of Moshe’s statements to Yehoshua was later contradicted by Hashem’s command?
    31:7 – Moshe told Yehoshua to share his leadership with the Elders. Hashem later commanded Yehoshua to rule alone.
  3. Why does the Torah refer to Succot of the eighth year as though it occurred during the shemita year?
    31:10 – Because the laws of the seventh year still apply to the harvest.
  4. Why does the Torah command that babies be brought to the Torah reading?
    31:12 – To give reward to those who bring them.
  5. What does it mean that Hashem “hides His face?”
    31:17 – He ignores their distress.
  6. What function does the song Ha’azinu serve?
    31:21 – It warns what will befall the Jewish People if they abandon Torah.
  7. Which verse promises that the Torah will never be totally forgotten?
    31:21 – “For (the Torah) will not be forgotten from the mouth of their offspring.”
  8. What is the difference of opinion regarding the placing of the Torah scroll which Moshe gave the levi’im?
    31:26 – Whether it was placed outside but adjacent to the Ark, or inside next to the Tablets.
  9. On the day of Moshe’s death, why didn’t Moshe gather the people by blowing trumpets as he normally would have?
    31:28 – Blowing the trumpets expressed Moshe’s dominion, and “there is no dominion on the day of death.” (Kohelet 8)
  10. Moshe said, “For I know that after my death you will act corruptly,” but, in fact, this didn’t occur until after Yehoshua’s death. What does this teach us?
    31:29 – That a person’s student is as dear to him as himself As long as Yehoshua was alive, it was as though Moshe himself were alive.

Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz’l

ההכנות לימי הדין

הסמוכים לימי לראש השנה, על כל אחד ואחד מעם ישראל, להתבונן על מעשיו,לעשות
“חשבון נפש”, כדי לבחון במה יוכל לתקם את מעשיו ולשפרם, על מנת שלאחר
מכן, יעמדו לו סניגורים טובים ליום הדין

השם “אלול

מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף , ש”אלול”, כלומר, משמעות השם של החודש “אלול
“, היא מלשון “יאללוןשהוא התרגום הארמי למה
שנאמר אודות המרגלים “ויתורו
את ארץ כנען, “ויאללון” ית ארעא דכנען, כלומר,
לשון ריגול וחיפוש אחר מעשיו. כי בחודש אלול, מנהג ישראל קדושים לתור אחר מעשיהם,
ולבקר את עצמם
, כי הם
הימים המיוחדים והמסוגלים לתיקון העונות, לחזרה בתשובה שלימה, ולעלות מעלה מעלה
בדרך העולה בית אל


תפלות ימי חודש אלול

ספק, ריבוי התפלה והתשובה מסייעים הרבה מאד לכל אדם, והם שיעמדו לו אחר כך בימי
הדין, ראש השנה ויום הכפורים הבאים עלינו לשלום, כדי שיזכה להכתב ולהחתם לחיים
טובים, לעושר ואושר ולמלוי כל משאלותיו

לאדם לעורר את עצמו ולהתנער מתרדמת השגרה הנופלת עליו במסע החיים האפלוליים, כי
כמה השתדלויות כל אחד עושה כדי לשפר את מצבו החומרי, בקניית בית או רכב, ובהשקעת
כוחותיו עבור מאכלות ערבים, טיולים ובילויים וכיוצא בזה, וכל מה שפועל ועושה, הכל
כאין וכאפס לעומת מה שישפר את מצבו החומרי והרוחני כאחד, בעזרת התפלות לאל נורא
עלילה בימים הנוראים הללו. וכמו שכתב הגאון החזון איש, שעל ידי התפלה, האדם פועל
להטיב את מצבו יותר ממה שיוכל לפעול על ידי השתדלות טבעית שנראה לעין כל שהשתדלות
זו מועילה


תשובה ותפלה וצדקה

רבותינו בתלמוד ירושלמי (תענית פ”ב), אמר רבי אלעזר, שלשה דברים מבטלין את
הגזרה, תפלה (קול), צדקה (ממון), ותשובה (צום). והביא ראיה לזה מן הפסוק
. ולכן יש להרבות מאד בימים
אלה בכל אלו השלשה, צום, קול, ממון, וכמו שאמר הפייטן “ותשובה ותפלה וצדקה
מעבירין את רוע הגזירה”, ומקור הדברים בתלמוד הירושלמי כנזכר. וכתב מרן רבינו
הגדול שליט”א, שאף על פי שבדורות הקודמים היו מרבים מאד בתעניות בימים אלה,
בבחינת “תשובה”, מכל מקום בזמנינו שקשה לרוב בני האדם להתענות, יש
להרבות עוד ועוד בצדקה יתרה, ומוטב להרבות בצדקה ומעשים טובים בזמנינו יותר
מלהתענות, שעל ידי התענית הוא ממעט במלאכת שמים

כתבנו כמה פעמים שיש להזהר להעביר את כספי הצדקה לאנשים אחראים, בכדי שיעבירו את
המעות לעניים אמתיים, ואין לסמוך בזה על כל אדם, אפילו אם הוא מתהדרכביכול בהמלצות
גדולי הדור



Preparing for the Day of Judgment

During the days preceding Rosh
Hashanah, every single member of the Jewish nation must contemplate his/her
actions and perform some sort of self-introspection in order to ascertain how
one can improve one’s actions and Mitzvah observance so as to guarantee one’s
self powerful defenders on the Day of Judgment.

Definition of the Name, “Elul”

Harav Ovadia Yosef writes that the word “Elul” is similar to the
Aramaic word ” Ve’Alilu ,” which is the Aramaic translation of the
verse which is said regarding the spies sent to the Land of Israel, ” And
they spied the land.” This means that “Elul” connotes searching
through and probing one’s actions. During the month of Elul, it is the custom
of the holy Jewish nation to probe their deeds, for these days are auspicious
for atonement of sin , attaining full repentance, and reaching loftier levels
of spirituality and service of Hashem.

During the Month of Elul

Certainly, praying copiously and repenting for one’s sins are extremely
beneficial for every individual and these things will defend a person of the
upcoming Days of Judgment of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These will be one’s
gu arantors that one will be inscribed in the books of life, wealth,
satisfaction, and the fulfillment of all of one’s requests.

One must awaken himself from
the slumber which comes along with one’s daily routine throughout one’s life;
one should stop and think how much we invest on increasing the quality of our
physical lives by purchasing new cars or homes, focusing on obtaining only the
finest culinary delights, and going on all sorts of trips and vacations. All of
this is nothing compared to the Heavenly key to advancing one’s physical and
spiritual status as one through deep and heartfelt prayer to Hashem during
these Days of Awe. Similarly, Hagaon Chazon Ish writes that a person can
improve his situation much more through prayer than through any other natural
means that he believes may help him.

Prayer, and Charity

Our Sages teach us in the Talmud Yerushalmi (Ta’anit, Chapter 2), “Rabbi
Elazar says, three things nullify harsh decrees: Prayer, charity, and
repentance.” He continues to bring proofs to this idea from the
scriptures. Thus, one should practice these three things, i.e. prayer, charity,
and repentance, profusely during these days, as the hymnist writes,
“Repentance, prayer, and charity shall annul the harshness of the decree.”
The source for this is the aforementioned Talmud Yerushalmi. Maran Harav
Shlit”a writes that although in previous generations, people would fast
many times during these days in the spirit of “repentance,”
nevertheless, in our times when it is difficult for people to fast, one should
increase one’s donation of charity instead. Indeed, it is better to give more
charity in our times than to fast, for by fasting, one decreases in his service
of Heaven (for fasting weakens the body).

We have already mentioned
several times that one should take care to pass along charity funds to
responsible individuals so that they will in turn dispense these funds to truly
needy people and one should not rely on every individual regarding this matter
even if one seemingly comes with the recommendation of the generation’s leading
Torah leaders.


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word “unsubscribe”.

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

This link should work


Apologies previous link not working for some 
please see repaired link below: 

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word “unsubscribe”.

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Yamim Noraim Service Important UPDATE


Due to the severe limit on seating capacity 
in our Bet Hakeneset, 
anyone wishing to attend the 
Yamim Noraim services 
MUST first book a place 
 Wednesday 9th September 2020. 
This applies to members and friends alike 
however priority will be given to members. 
Anyone who has not booked a seat 
may find themselves without a place on the Yamim Noraim.  
Please complete your booking using this link:  
Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Ki Tavo

Dear members
as we are approaching closer to the Yamim Noraim 
and still live in uncertain times
we would like you to take a few minutes of your time
 and complete the survey on the link below
so we can begin to plan for 
Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur
Tizku Leshanim Rabot


SUNDAY @ 7 am




Sephardic World 
Sunday 6th September 2020 aims to build a collaborative family tree of humanity. Many love it. Others – notably Sephardic genealogists – complain that enthusiasts and fantasists on Geni confuse individuals and mangle their family trees.

To discuss Geni – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and what might be done to make it more Sephardic-friendly, we welcome one of its principle advocates, Randy Schoenberg. We shall also be joined by Jarrett Ross (the GeneaVlogger, Geni curator and IAJGS Board member) and Jacob Marrache (of Adafina genealogy and a Geni curator). We hope that those with issues with Geni will also join us.

Collaborative genealogy has great potential, especially for Sephardic genealogy where there are so many ancestors with similar names. Can we make it better?

Topic: – Good for the Sephardim?
Time: Sunday Sept 6th, 2020 07:00 PM London (This is 7pm British summer time; GMT +1, which is 2pm in New York)

Join Zoom Meeting

Our supporters on Patreon help cover our costs. If you can make a small monthly donation, it would be much appreciated.

If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on Facebook. We can't broadcast live on YouTube until we have a 1,000 subscribers. Please help us by clicking here: It costs you nothing!

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  

Amud Yomi Flyer_Makos_1.jpg

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















4/5 Sep

כי תבא

For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Ki Tavo

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. When did the obligation to bring bikkurim begin?
    26:1 – After the Land was conquered and divided.
  2. Bikkurim are from which crops?
    26:2 – The seven species for which Eretz Yisrael is praised.
  3. How does one designate bikkurim?
    26:2 – When he sees the first fruit ripen on a tree, he binds a piece of straw around it to mark it as bikkurim.
  4. Who shakes the basket containing the bikkurim?
    26:4 – The kohen places his hands under the hands of the one bringing it, and they wave the basket together.
  5. What does "v'anita v'amarta" mean?
    26:5 – Speak loudly.
  6. Which Arami "tried to destroy my father?"
    26:5 – Lavan.
  7. When during the year may bikkurim be brought? Until when are the special verses recited?
    26:11 – Bikkurim are brought from Shavuot until Chanukah. The verses are recited only until Succot.
  8. Someone declaring that he separated terumah and ma'aser says: "And I didn't forget." What didn't he forget?
    26:13 – To bless G-d.
  9. What were the Jewish People to do with the 12 stones on Mount Eval?
    27:2 – Build an altar.
  10. Six tribes stood on Mount Eval and six on Mount Gerizim. Who and what were in the middle?
    27:12 – Kohanimlevi'im and the Holy Ark.
  11. Who "causes the blind to go astray"?
    27:18 – Any person who intentionally gives bad advice.
  12. How does one "strike another secretly"?
    27:24 – By slandering him.
  13. Eleven curses were spoken on Mount Eval. What is the significance of this number?
    27:24 – Each curse corresponds to one of the tribes, except for the tribe of Shimon. Since Moshe didn't intend to bless the tribe of Shimon before his death, he did not want to curse them either.
  14. Why are sheep called "ashterot"?
    28:4 – Because they "enrich" (m'ashirot) their owners.
  15. How is the manner of expressing the curses in Parshat Bechukotai more severe than in this week's parsha?
    28:23 – In Bechukotai the Torah speaks in the plural, whereas in this week's Parsha the curses are mentioned in the singular.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l  

דברי מרן זצ"ל בחודש אלול לאחר מלחמת שלום הגליל

בשנת התשמ"ב, פרצה מלחמת שלום הגליל, ובערב
ראש השנה בשנה ההיא, נשא מרן רבינו הקדוש רבי עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל (הכ"מ)
דברי התעוררות, שדומה כי הם ראויים באופן מיוחד לגבינו, לאחר שעברו עלינו ימים
קשים בשנה זו, בשעת חירום קשה עם מלחמתם של חיילינו בערביי העיר עזה הצוררים לנו
ומבקשים להמיתינו, וכמה וכמה אבדות יקרות אבדנו בעוונות הרבים, ואף גם צערם של כל
תושבי ישראל
, ובפרט תושבי הדרום, אשר עליהם עיני עיני יורדה
מים, על חללי בת עמי, שבתוכם ילדים רכים, הגדלים בפחד ופחת, באימה וברעדה מחמת
הבאות, ואינם יודעים מה ילד יום. על כן נביא בכאן את דברי רבינו זצ"ל (בתוספת
מועטת), ישמע חכם ויוסף לקח

הרפתקאות רבות כברו עלינו בשנה זו, במיוחד במבצע
שלום הגליל, במלחמה עקובה מדם, שנהרגו למעלה משש מעות חיילי צבא ההגנה לישראל,
בתוכם הרבה יראי שמים מרבים
ובמיוחד ארבעים חיילי ישיבות
ההסדר. וזאת מלבד פצועי צה"ל, שרבים מהם נשארו נכים לכל ימי חייהם, בלי ידים
או בלי רגלים, או שאבדו מאור עיניהם וכדומה
. וזאת מלבד הרבה
הרוגים ופצועים בתאונות הדרכים בכל ימות השנה, ואין לך יום שאין בו תאונות קטלניות

וכשהאדם מתבונן, הלא ידע כי כל זה נגזר ונחתם
ביום הכפורים. אילו היינו מתבוננים בשנה שעברה, והיינו יודעים איזו גזירה קשה
מרחפת מעל ראשינו, ודאי היינו בוקעים שערי שמים בתפלותינו, לפני מלך מלכי המלכים,
שיחוס על פליטתנו
ויצילנו מכף כל אויבנו.

וכן כל אלה שאינם עימנו עתה, (והם נמצאים בעולם
האמת), אילו ידעו כי כך יקרה להם בשנה זו, נתאר לעצמינו כמה היו מתעוררים ביו
הכפורים לשוב בתשובה שלימה, ולהתחנן בדמעות שליש לבטל הגזירה מעליהם. ובודאי שלא
רק הם היו עושים כן, אלא כל בני משפחותיהם, אילו ידעו מה יקרה ליקירם בשנה זו, לא
היו נחים ולא היו שוקטים עד שהיו מבטלים את הגזירה. אך מי יעמוד בסוד ה

ואשרי אדם החושב על זה בהקדם יום הכפורים, כי
השב בינתיים מוחלים לו, ויחשוב האדם שמא הוא גם כן חס ושלום בכלל אלה שעתידים
להסתלק במשך השנה, ויתפלל ויתוודה ויתחנן לפי ה' יתברך שיחדש עליו שנה טובה ומתוקה

הנה קם לו האדם בבוקר רענן ובריא ושופע חיוכים,
ואומר שלום למשפחתו, ולוקח את הרכב ונפרד מהם לשלום, (כשאינו יודע שזהו השלום
האחרון שלו), על מנת לנסוע לתל אביב או לחיפה, והנה בצומת דרכים באה לקראתו משאית
דוהרת ועוברת למסלול הנגדי ועולה על מכוניתו ומרסקת אותה והוא נופל שדוד. האם תיאר
לעצמו שכך יהיה סופו? והרי אילו ידע שכך יקרה לו באותו היום, היה סוגר עצמו בשבעה
מנעולים ולא היה יוצא מפתח ביתו. אבל עיני בשר לו, והוא בעצמו הלך לקראת המוות.
כמו שאמרו בגמרא (סוכה נג.), שרגליו של האדם מוליכים אותו למקום הו הוא עתיד למות

אבל מי שעיני שכל לו, יתבונן וידע, כי כולנו
מצויים במקום סכנה, והעולם כולו רוגש סביבינו, ומי יודע מה ילד יום. ולא רק מבחינה
בטחונית, אלא מכל בחינה שהיא
האדם זקוק לרחמי שמים מרובים, הן
בלידת ילדיו, והן בגידולם וחינוכם, והן מצד הפרנסה והבריאות והשלום והשלווה, על
הכל האדם צריך להתבונן ולדעת, כי הכל מסור בידי שמים, ובימים אלה נגזרים על האדם
כל קורותיו במשך כל ימות השנה, וכל דבר שניתן בתפלה ותשובה וצדקה לשנותו בימים אלה
מן הקצה אל הקצה
הלא לאחר ימי הדין נעשה הדבר קשה
פי כמה וכמה

אשרי אדם המקדים להתבונן במחשבות אלה, כדי
להתעורר בתשובה, ושב ורפא לו. (וראה במאור ישראל, עמוד ד

The Words of Maran zt”l During the Month of Elul
Following the First Lebanon War

The First Lebanon War broke out in the year 5742 (1982).
On Erev Rosh Hashanah of that year, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l delivered
a powerful and uplifting speech which seems ever so appropriate for us after
just having experienced a difficult period of time, i.e. Operation Protective
Edge in which our soldiers battled courageously against terrorist elements in
the Gaza Strip who brazenly threatened the lives of millions of Israeli
citizens. Unfortunately, the Jewish nation sustained priceless losses of human
life. Similarly, the Jewish people, especially the residents of Southern Israel
and many innocent children, were made to live in terror fearing the worst and
the unexpected at any moment. It is therefore an opportune time to share the
words of Maran zt”l (with some additional insights) with our readers in
order to infuse them with the strength and support necessary for the upcoming

“Many tragedies have befallen us this past year,
especially regarding the First Lebanon War, a war resulting in much bloodshed
in which over six hundred IDF forces were killed, among them many G-d-fearing
individuals especially the forty Hesder Yeshiva students. This is
besides the multitude of injured soldiers, many of whom will remain handicapped
for the rest of their lives, some without hands, feet, or eyesight. All this is
in addition to the many people killed in fatal car accidents throughout the course
of the year, for not a day passes without a deadly car crash.

If we stop to think about this, all of these horrific
incidents were decreed to befall us on Yom Kippur. If only we would be aware of
the harsh Heavenly decrees hovering above our heads, we would certainly storm
the gates of Heaven in prayer in order for the King of all kings to nullify
these decrees and save us from our enemies.

Would all the individuals who are no longer with us have
known that this would befall them this year, we can only imagine how much they
would have awakened themselves to repent fully on Yom Kippur and to shed
copious tears in order to nullify this harsh decree. Certainly, not only would
they have acted accordingly, for the families of these individuals would
likewise not rest until they succeeded in nullifying the harsh decree against
their loved ones if they would only know what lay in store for them. However,
Hashem’s secrets are not revealed to us.

Fortunate is the man who takes all of this into
consideration ahead of Yom Kippur, for one who repents beforehand is forgiven.
One should think that he is also numbered among those for whom this year will
be their last and then pray, confess, and beg Hashem to grant us all a good and
sweet new year.

Picture the following: One wakes up in the morning
feeling healthy, invigorated, and full of smiles. The individual says goodbye
to his family (not realizing that this will be his final farewell), gets in his
car, and drives off to work contently in Tel Aviv or Haifa. Sometime along his
journey, at a busy intersection, a truck speeds out of control, crosses the
divider into the opposite lanes, and smashes head on with this individual’s car
killing him instantly. Did this person realize that this would be his end? If
he would have known that this was to be his end, he certainly would not even
have left the doorway of his home and he would have locked the door with seven
locks. However, this human being with eyes of flesh brought himself to his own
death, as the Gemara (Sukkah 53a) states that one’s own feet carry one to his
place of death.

On the other hand, if one has more of an intellectual
outlook, one will understand and realize that we are all in harm’s way and the
world is erupting all around us. Who knows what the next day will bring? We do
not only do we require Heavenly mercy from a security standpoint; one requires
Heavenly mercy and assistance in every aspect of life, including meriting to
bring children into the world, raising and educating them, one’s livelihood,
health, peace, tranquility, and the list goes on and on. Every individual must
know that everything is in Hashem’s hands and what will befall a person
throughout the course of the year is being decreed during these days. Any
decree has the ability to be changed from one extreme to the other during this
time through repentance, prayer, and charity. After the Days of Awe, this task
becomes infinitely more difficult.

Fortunate is the individual who focuses on this idea and
capitalizes on these awesome days by repenting fully, for Hashem shall accept
and heal him.” (See Ma’or Yisrael-Derashot, page 4)


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Ki Tese



@ 7 am


6 am


Amud Yomi Flyer_Makos_1.jpg

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















28/29 Aug

כי תצא

For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Ki Tese

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated
  1. Why must a captured woman mourn her family for a month in her captor's house?
    21:13 – So her captor will find her unattractive.
  2. What fraction of the inheritance does a first-born receive if he has a) one brother? b) two brothers?
    21:17 – a) 2/3 b) 1/2
  3. What will become of a ben sorer u'moreh if his parents don't bring him to court?
    21:22 – He will eventually rob and kill to support his physical indulgences.
  4. Why is it a degradation to G-d to hang a criminal's body on the gallows overnight?
    21:23 – Because humans are made in G-d's image; and because the Jewish People are G-d's children.
  5. What do you do if you find a lost object that costs money to maintain?
    22:2 – Sell it and save the money for the owner.
  6. Why does the Torah forbid wearing the clothing of the opposite gender?
    22:5 – It leads to immorality.
  7. Why does the Torah link the mitzvah of sending away the mother-bird with the mitzvah of making a railing on the roof of your house?
    22:8 – To teach that one mitzvah leads to another, and to prosperity.
  8. When is it permitted to wear wool and linen?
    22:12 – Wool tzitzit on a linen garment.
  9. What three things happen to a man who falsely slanders his bride?
    22:18 – He receives lashes, pays a fine of 100 silver selah, and may never divorce her against her will.
  10. Although the Egyptians enslaved the Jewish People, the Torah allows marriage with their third-generation converts. Why?
    23:8 – Because they hosted Yaakov and his family during the famine.
  11. Why is causing someone to sin worse than killing him?
    23:9 – Murder takes away life in this world, while causing someone to sin takes away his life in the World to Come.
  12. If one charges interest to his fellow Jew, how many commandments has he transgressed?
    23:21 – Three; two negative commandments and a positive commandment.
  13. What is the groom's special obligation to his bride during their first year together?
    24:5 – To gladden her.
  14. When is a groom required to fight in a non-obligatory war?
    24:5 – When he remarries his ex-wife.
  15. What type of object may one not take as collateral?
    24:6 – Utensils used to prepare food.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l  

מהלכות ומנהגי הסליחות

בפרקי דרבי אליעזר, ארבעים יום עשה משה בהר סיני, קורא במקרא ביום ושונה במשנה
בלילה, ולאחר ארבעים יום לקח את הלוחות וירד אל המחנה, וביום י"ז בתמוז שבר
את הלוחות, ועשה (שהה) ארבעים יום במחנה, עד ששרף את העגל וכתתו
(וטחן אותו) כעפר הארץ,
והרג את כל (מי) אשר נשק לעגל, והכרית עבודת העגל מישראל, והתקין כל שבט במקומו.
ובראש חודש אלול אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא למשה
, עלה אלי ההרה, שסלח הקדוש ברוך הוא לישראל. והעבירו
שופר בכל המחנה, להודיע שמשה עולה להר, שלא יטעו עוד אחרי עבודה זרה. עד כאן.
ומבואר אם כן שביום ראש חודש אלול החל הקדוש ברוך הוא לסלוח לעם ישראל. וכך הדבר
לעולם, שהימים הללו מסוגלים ביותר לסליחה וכפרה ולחזרה בתשובה

מנהג הסליחות
שביום ראש חודש אלול, אמר הקדוש ברוך הוא למשה שיעלה לקבל לוחות שניות
, שסלח לעדת ישראל, נהגו
הספרדים ובני עדות המזרח, להשכים לבית הכנסת בכל יום לומר סליחות ותחנונים, מיום
ראש חודש אלול, עד יום הכיפורים, שבו ירד משה רבינו מן ההר והביא לוחות שניות.
ובליל ראש חודש עצמו אין לומר סליחות. על כן בשנה זו, (תשע"ג), שחל ראש חודש
אלול בימים שלישי ורביעי, יחלו באמירת הסליחות רק מליל יום חמישי, אחר חצות.
ומימים ימימה היו נוהגים כולם, לקום באשמורת הבוקר ממש לשם אמירת הסליחות, והיו
עולים ומתעלים בימי חודש אלול
, ומתעוררים
לשוב בתשובה שלימה על כל מעשיהם, עד לימי ראש השנה ויום הכפורים
, שאז היו מגיעים כולם
למעלה רוחנית גדולה, וממש נרגשת היתה באויר האוירה המיוחדת של קדושת הימים הללו,
מתוך תפילה ותשובה. ואף הילדים בני החינוך היו מתאספים יחד עם אבותיהם לבתי הכנסת
בכל בוקר באשמורת, וכך יראת שמים מיוחדת היתה נסוכה על פני הבריות. ועתה בעונות
הרבים, רק בדור האחרון ממש
, הולך
ונחלש תוקפו של המנהג הנפלא הלז, ועל כל אחד ואחד לעורר את עצמו ואת בני ביתו
להתחזק בימי חודש אלול בתשובה ובתפילה

האשכנזים לא נהגו לומר סליחות מראש חודש אלול, אבל נהגו לתקוע בשופר בכל יום מימים
אלו (מיום א' אלול, כלומר, מחר יום רביעי), אחר תפילת שחרית, כדי להזהיר את ישראל
שיעשו תשובה, שנאמר (עמוס ג.) "אם יתקע שופר בעיר ועם לא יחרדו". גם
נהגו כן כדי לערבב את השטן, ויש מקומות שתוקעים גם כן בתפילת ערבית

האשכנזים להתחיל לומר סליחות מליל ראשון (מוצאי שבת) שלפני ראש השנה, ואם חל ראש
השנה ביום שני או ביום שלישי, מתחילים לומר סליחות מליל יום ראשון שבוע שלפניו.
ולכן בשנה זו (התשע"ג), שיחול יום ראש השנה ביום חמישי, יחלו האשכנזים באמירת
הסליחות החל מליל יום ראשון כ"ו באלול, שהוא מוצאי שבת פרשת "נצבים וילך

Laws and Customs of Selichot

The Source for the
Significance of the Month of Elul

It is taught in Pirkei De'Rabbi Eliezer: "For forty days on Mount Sinai,
Moshe Rabbeinu would read the written Torah during the day and study the oral
Torah during the night. At the end of forty days, he took the Tablets and
descended to the camp. On the Seventeenth of Tammuz he broke the Tablets and
stayed in the camp for forty days until he burnt the Golden Calf and ground it
as fine as the dust of the earth, killed anyone who had kissed the Golden Calf,
uprooted the service of the Golden Calf from Israel, and established every
tribe in its proper place. On Rosh Chodesh Elul, Hashem told Moshe, 'Ascend to
Me from the mountain,' for Hashem had indeed forgiven the Jewish nation. They
sounded a Shofar through the entire camp to notify all that Moshe had ascended
the mountain in order that they not stray after idolatry once again." We
see that on the day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, Hashem began forgiving the Jewish
people. It was therefore established that these days would forever be days
especially auspicious for forgiveness, atonement, and repentance.

The Custom of Selichot

Since on that day Hashem told Moshe to ascend in order to receive the second
pair of Tablets, for He had forgiven the Jewish nation, Sephardic and Middle
Eastern Jews customarily arise early in the morning and make their way to the
synagogue to recite Selichot (literally, "Forgiveness") and
supplications beginning from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Yom Kippur, which was the day
Moshe descended the mountain and brought us the second pair of Tablets.
Selichot are not recited on the night of Rosh Chodesh itself. Thus, this year,
5773, when Rosh Chodesh Elul falls out on Tuesday and Wednesday, Selichot are
recited beginning from Thursday, which really begins from the halachic midnight of Wednesday night.
For many generations, people would wake up at the early hours of the morning in
order to recite Selichot and they would reach lofty levels during the month of
Elul while rousing themselves to repent completely for all of their deeds until
the days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur when everyone would reach truly lofty
spiritual levels through prayer and repentance. Even children of several years
old would gather together in the synagogues with their fathers early every
morning and the spiritual atmosphere of the Days of Awe would rest on everyone.
Unfortunately, nowadays, only in the past generation or so has this wonderful
custom become weak; it is incumbent on everyone to encourage himself and his
household to strengthen themselves in prayer and repentance during the month of

Ashkenazi communities
customarily do not recite Selichot beginning from Rosh Chodesh Elul; however,
they do customarily blow the Shofar every day during this period after
Shacharit services in order to advise the Jewish nation to repent as the verse
(Amos, Chapter 3) states: "Shall a Shofar be sounded in a city and its
people will not tremble?" Another reason for this custom is to confuse the
Satan. Some places sound the Shofar during Arvit services as well.

The Ashkenazi custom is to
begin reciting Selichot from the Sunday (or Motza'ei Shabbat) before Rosh
Hashanah. If Rosh Hashanah falls out on Monday or Tuesday, they customarily
begin reciting Selichot from the Sunday of the previous week. Thus, this year,
5773, when Rosh Hashanah falls out, G-d-willing, on Thursday, Ashkenazim will
begin reciting Selichot from the
halachic midnight of the 26th
of Elul, Motza'ei Shabbat Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech.


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Shofetim

Thursday & Friday

Begins THIS SUNDAY morning

@ 7 am


6 am


Amud Yomi Flyer_Makos_1.jpg
Sephardic World    
Meeting – Sunday 23rd August 2020

This week we are doing something out of the ordinary! Dr. Judith R. Cohen is a performer and ethno-musicologist specializing in Jewish folk music. She is perhaps best-known for her work with Judeo-Spanish Sephardic songs. She has also spent a lot of time with crypto-Jewish communities in Portugal, learning and recording their musical tradition. Her talk will include live music as well as recordings from Portugal.

Please join us live as this meeting will only remain online a short time. As well as her academic work and live performances, Judith has recorded several CDs of Sephardic music which can be bought through her website at:

Topic: Adeus Vila de Belmonte: Music in the lives of Crypto-Jews in Portugal
Time: Sunday Aug 23rd, 2020 07:00 PM London (This is 7pm British summer time; GMT +1, which is 2pm in New York)

Join Zoom Meeting

Our supporters on Patreon help cover our costs. If you can make a small monthly donation, it would be much appreciated.

If you can't get into the Zoom meeting, there is an overflow on Facebook. We can't broadcast live on YouTube until we have a 1,000 subscribers. Please help us by clicking here. It costs you nothing!

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  


לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















21/22 Aug


For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Shofetim
  1. What is the role of shoftim? What is the role of shotrim?
  2. What qualifications should one look for when appointing a judge?
  3. May a judge accept a bribe if only for the purpose of judging fairly?
  4. What is the source for the concept "seek out a good beit din"?
  5. Although the avot built matzevot, the Torah later forbade doing so. Why?
  6. "You will come to…the judge who will be in those days." It's impossible to visit a judge living at a different time, so why must the Torah add these apparently extra words?
  7. What does Hashem promise a king who doesn't amass much gold, doesn't raise many horses and doesn't marry many wives?
  8. How many Torah scrolls must the king have?
  9. How was King Shaul punished for disobeying a minor command of the Prophet Shmuel?
  10. Certain kosher animals are not included in the law of "chazeh, shok, and keiva." Which ones?
  11. Families of kohanim served in the Beit Hamikdash on a rotational basis. When was this rotation system implemented?
  12. Which three categories of false prophets are executed?
  13. What does it mean to "prepare the way" to the cities of refuge?
  14. How many witnesses are meant when the Torah writes the word eid (witness)?
  15. "Through the mouth of two witnesses…." What types of testimony does this verse invalidate?
  16. If witnesses in a capital case are proven to be zomemim (false-conspirators) before their intended victim is executed, how are they punished?
  17. Why does the section about going to war follow the laws governing witnesses?
  18. The Jewish army is warned of four "scare-tactics" the enemy might employ. What are they?
  19. When a murder victim is found in a field, who determines which city is closest?
  20. What happens if the murderer is found after the calf's neck was broken?

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. 16:18 – Shoftim are judges who pronounce judgment. Shotrim are officers who enforce it.
  2. 16:18 – That he is expert in the law and that he is righteous.
  3. 16:19 – No, because it will sway his judgment.
  4. 16:20 – "Tzedek tzedek tirdof…."
  5. 16:22 – Because the Canaanites used them for idolatry.
  6. 17:9 – To teach that although a judge may not be as eminent as judges of previous generations, we must obey him nevertheless.
  7. 17:18 – That his kingdom will endure.
  8. 17:18 – Two. One stays in his treasury and one he keeps with him.
  9. 17:20 – He lost his kingship.
  10. 18:3 – Chayot (non-domestic-type animals).
  11. 18:8 – During the time of David and Shmuel.
  12. 18:20 – One who prophesies something he didn't hear, something told to another prophet, or prophecies in the name of an idol.
  13. 19:3 – To post direction signs saying "refuge" at the crossroads.
  14. 19:15 – Two, unless otherwise specified.
  15. 19:15 – Written testimony and testimony translated from a language which the judges don't understand.
  16. 19:19 – They are put to death.
  17. 20:1 – To teach that if the Jewish People execute fair judgment they will be victorious in war.
  18. 20:3 –
    a) Changing their shields
    b) Making their horses stomp and whinny
    c) Shouting
    d) Blowing horns.
  19. 21:2 – The Sanhedrin.
  20. 21:9- He is tried and, if guilty, executed.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l  

חודש אלול –
מעשה במרן זצ"ל בענין שמיעת מוזיקה

כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל: חסד גדול
עשה ה' יתברך עם עמו ישראל, כאשר גילה להם, כי יום המשפט הוא יום א' בתשרי. (כי
באמת, גם אומות העולם נדונים ביום זה, אבל אין להם ידיעה על כך, ולכן אינם
מתכוננים כראוי ליום זה
ומפסידים טובה הרבה). וכמו שנאמר
בתהלים, "תִּקְעוּ בַחֹדֶשׁ שׁוֹפָר בַּכֵּסֶה לְיוֹם חַגֵּנוּ, כִּי חֹק
לְיִשְׂרָאֵל הוּא מִשְׁפָּט לֵאלֹהֵי יַעֲקֹב". כי בנוהג שבעולם, מי שעבר על
החוק, ונתפס אצל שוטר והלה יקחהו באופן מיידי לפני שופט, להשפט בצורה מהירה, הלא
קרוב לודאי שלא יוכל להתמודד מול האשמות שהוא מואשם בהן. מה שאין כן אילו תנתן לו
האפשרות לדעת את מועד המשפט, ויוכל להתמודד ולהתיעץ עם עורך דין טוב, בכדי שידע מה
לטעון במשפט ומי יסנגר עליו, שאז בודאי יש תקוה שיוכל לצאת זכאי במשפטו

כמו כן אנו, מיום ראש חודש
אלול, מריעים בשופר וקמים לסליחות ומתכוננים ליום הדין שאומרים בו הרת עולם היום
יעמיד במשפט כל יצורי עולם, ואז מתחילים גם כן לומר בתפילה, המלך הקדוש, המלך
המשפט, ובאלול אנו מתכוננים כראוי להכין פרקליטים גדולים לפני הקדוש ברוך הוא,
ואלו הם פרקליטיו של אדם, תורה ומצוות ומעשים טובים (שבת לב.), ובתוספתא אמרו,
צדקה וגמילות חסדים
פרקליטים גדולים הם בין ישראל
לאביהם שבשמים. וכן שנינו באבות, כל העושה לו מצוה אחת, קונה לו פרקליט אחד. ואם
הפרקליט הוא גיבור ואיש מלחמה, כגון שהוא נוצר מפי תלמיד חכם העוסק בתורה, בודאי
שאז אותם המקטרגים לא יהיו אלא כשועלים קטנים מחבלים כרמים, שגערה אחת מאת סנגור
כזה תשתק את כולם. וכמו שאנו אומרים בסליחות, חתום פה שטן ואל ישטין עלינו, ויעמוד
מלאך ומליץ טוב בעדינו, הוא יגיד יושרנו. הרי פתח רחב להוציא אותנו זכאים לפני ה'
, וכמו שאמרו במסכת ראש השנה, על הפסוק, כי מי גוי
גדול אשר לו אלקים קרובים אליו, כה' אלקינו בכל קראנו אליו

רבינו האר"י ז"ל כתב בשער הפסוקים, על
הפסוק העוסק בבריחת הרוצח לעיר מקלט, ששם לא יאונה לו כל רע, וכפי שנאמר "אנה
לידו ושמתי לך" (מקום אשר ינוס שמה). ראשי תיבות "אלול", לרמוז כי
חודש אלול ניתן לתשובה, ושב ורפא לו. והכל צריכים לחזור בתשובה, וכן אמרו על
הפסוק: ומל ה' אלהיך "את לבבך ואת לבב" זרעך
, ראשי תיבות אלול,
לרמוז על הבא ליטהר, מסייעין אותו. ובפרט בענין התשובה שהקדוש ברוך הוא אמר
לישראל, פתחו לי פתח כחודו של מחט, ואני אפתח לכם פתח כפתחו של אולם. וזוהי הסיעתא
דשמיא לחזור בתשובה

ועוד נרמז חודש אלול בפסוק, ומשלוח מנות
"איש לרעהו ומתנות לאביונים", ראשי תיבות אלול. כי זהו הזמן הראוי ביותר
למצות הצדקה, שמכפרת עוון. וכמו שאמרו במדרש, הקרבנות אין מכפרים אלא על השוגג,
והצדקה מכפרת בין על השוגג ובין על המזיד

בימי חודש אלול, על האדם להתבונן ולעשות חשבון
נפש עם עצמו, להתחזק בעבודת ה'. ואפילו מי שזכה לעבוד את ה' כראוי, עליו להתחזק
ביתר שאת בימים אלה, ברצינות גדולה ובריכוז, כדי שלא יאבד ימים יקרים אלה

ומעשה היה, לפני כשש שנים,
שנסע מרן זצוק"ל ברכבו לאיזה שיעור תורני, ובשעת הנסיעה רצה הנהג שלו להסב לו
קורת רוח, לכן הפעיל "דיסק" עם מוזיקה ייחודית שמרן זצ"ל היה אוהב
לשמוע. פנה אליו מרן זצ"ל בנעימות וביקש ממנו שיכבה את המוזיקה
, מהרי ימים אלה הם ימי חודש אלול!!! ישמע חכם ויוסף לקח!

The Month of Elul

Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l
writes that Hashem bestowed a great kindness upon his Jewish nation by
revealing to them that the Day of Judgment is on the First of Tishrei (for in
truth, the other nations of the world are also judged on this day, but since
they do not know about this, they do not prepare themselves accordingly and
they miss out on a substantial benefit), as the verse states, “Blow the Shofar
on the [new] month, on the designated day of our festival. For it is a statute
for Israel, a [day of] judgment for the G-d of Yaakov.” Usually, if one breaks
the law and is caught by a police officer, if the officer takes him immediately
in front of a judge to be judged in a swift manner, it is almost certain that
the defendant will not be able to cope with the charges being leveled against
him. If, however, he is made known of the court-date and given the chance to
meet with and seek adequate legal counsel and know who will represent him in
court, he surely has hope to be found innocent in his case.

Similarly, from the day of Rosh
Chodesh Elul, we begin blowing the Shofar and waking up early in the morning to
recite Selichot (prayer service for atonement) in preparation for the Day of
Judgment when we will proclaim, “Today is the world’s birthday; today He shall
make [everyone] stand for judgment, all creations of the world,” and is
likewise the day we begin to recite “Ha’Melech Ha’Kadosh” and “Ha’Melech
” in our prayers. During Elul, we prepare great “attorneys” before
Hashem; one’s “attorneys” are Torah, Mitzvot, and worthy deeds (Shabbat 32a).
The Tosefta states, “Charity and acts of kindness are great defenders between
Israel and their Father in Heaven.” We have also learned in Pirkei Avot, “One
who performs one Mitzvah acquires for himself one defending attorney.” If the
defender is strong and mighty, such as one formed by a Torah scholar who delves
in Torah, certainly the other prosecuting angels will only be like small foxes
in comparison and one roar from the defending angel shall be sufficient to
silence them all. As we say in Selichot, “Seal the mouth of Satan so that he
may not prosecute us; may a good-speaking advisor stand up for us and speak of
our righteousness.” This is a tremendous opportunity to allow us be found
innocent in the eyes of Hashem, as the Gemara in Rosh Hashanah expounds the
verse, “For who is a great nation that has a God who is close to him, like
Hashem our G-d [who is close to us] whenever we call him.”

Rabbeinu HaAri z”l writes
in his Sha’ar Ha’Pesukim regarding the verse which deals with the fleeing of a
murderer to a City of Refuge where no harm will befall him, as the verse states
(in Hebrew), “Eenah Le’Yado VeSamti
Lecha,” which is the acronym of “Elul.” This
hints to us that Elul is the month of repentance and if one returns, he shall
be healed. All must repent, as the verse states, “U’mal Hashem Elokecha Et
Levavecha Ve’et Levav
,” which is likewise an acronym of “Elul,” to hint that if one
comes to purify himself, he is aided from Above. This is especially so
regarding repentance about which Hashem tells the Jewish nation, “Open for me
like the opening of a needle and I shall open for you like the opening of a
hall.” This refers to the Heavenly assistance offered to repent.

The word “Elul” is also hinted in
the verse, “U’mishloach Manot Ish Le’Re’ehu
U’Matanot La’Evyonim,”
to teach us that this is the most opportune time to fulfill the Mitzvah of
charity, which atones for sins. As the Midrash tells us, “Offerings atone only
for sins performed unknowingly, but charity atones for sins performed knowingly
or unknowingly.” 

During the month of Elul, one must
carry out self-introspection and strengthen one’s self in the service of
Hashem. Even one who serves Hashem properly must strengthen himself even more
during these days amid much seriousness and focus so as not to lose out on
these precious days.

An incident once occurred
approximately six years ago when Maran zt”l was on his way to deliver
a Torah class. His personal driver wanted Maran to relax and enjoy himself a
little so he turned on a CD of special music that Maran enjoyed. Maran zt”l
turned to the driver and pleasantly requested that he turn off the music,
for we are in the midst of the month of Elul!

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Covid-19 UPDATE – Face Masks


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Summer Holidays edition


Dear Readers


will be taking a break through the summer holidays

and will return in time for 

Rosh Chodesh Elul and Selichot

Wishing everyone a restful holiday

ויהי רצון שהחודש הזה יהפך לששון ולשמחה ולמועדים טובים

 בביאת משיח צדקינו ובבנין בית מקדשינו ותפארתינו אמן 

attached to this email
WIshing Rabbi Stamler and all the swimmers hatzlacha in their swim through Lake UIlswtaer 
Amud Yomi Flyer_Makos_1.jpg
Editions attached 
1) Tisha BeAv
2) Vaetchanan
3) Tu BeAv 
Sephardic World    
Meeting – Sunday 2nd August 2020

Many examples of early modern Hebrew books survive in libraries and collections around the world, but little has been known about the process of their creation. A newly-identified manuscript, which was used in a Jewish printing house in Amsterdam to typeset a Hebrew book in 1739, now provides a rare glimpse into this material world.
Join us for an online conversation with Dr. Noam Sienna—Jewish educator, artist, and newly minted PhD in History and Museum Studies. Noam will trace the story of how Jewish printing houses connected communities across Europe, North Africa, and the Ottoman Empire. 

Topic: Rabbis with Inky Fingers: Making 18th Century Hebrew Book
Time: Aug 2nd, 2020 07:00 PM London
(This is 7pm British summer time; GMT +1, which is 2pm in New York)

Join Zoom Meeting

We are grateful for our supporters on Patreon who enable this series. We need to upgrade our tech. If you don't already support us but are able to make a small monthly donation, it would be much appreciated.

Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World  


לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















31 Jul/1 Aug


(שבת נחמו)








7/8 Aug









14/15 Aug

ראה  (ש''מ)








21/22 Aug


For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Vaetchanan
  1. "And I prayed to Hashem at that time." Why "at that time"?
  2. What characteristic trait is represented by Hashem's "strong hand"?
  3. What is ha'levanon?
  4. What did Hashem tell Yehoshua after the battle of Ai?
  5. What will happen if the Jewish People fail to keep the mitzvot properly?
  6. How did the decree that Moshe not enter the Land affect him even in death?
  7. What is hinted by the word v'noshantem?
  8. Why were the Jewish People exiled two years earlier than indicated by Moshe's prophecy?
  9. "You'll serve man-made gods." Is this literal?
  10. Why is east called mizrach?
  11. "Keep the Shabbat day as I have commanded you." When had Hashem previously commanded us to keep Shabbat?
  12. Where did the Jewish People first receive the command to honor parents?
  13. What is meant by "Hashem, our G-d, Hashem is One"?
  14. What are two meanings of loving Hashem "with all your might"?
  15. How well-versed must one be in Torah?
  16. Where does the word totafot come from?
  17. Who is fit to swear in Hashem's name?
  18. What does it mean that the Jews are the "smallest nation"?
  19. When someone serves Hashem with love, how many generations receive reward?
  20. Why are evil-doers rewarded in this world?

  1. 3:23 – Defeating Sichon and Og, whose lands were part of Eretz Canaan, Moshe thought perhaps Hashem had annulled the vow against his entering the Land.
  2. 3:24 – His willingness to forgive.
  3. 3:25 – Ha'levanon means the Beit Hamikdash, which makes "white" (lavan), i.e., atones for, the Jewish People.
  4. 3:28 – Yehoshua must lead the army into battle.
  5. 4:9 – The non-Jewish world will regard them as foolish.
  6. 4:22 – Even his remains weren't buried in the Land.
  7. 4:25 – The gematria of v'noshantem, 852, hints at the number of years until the first exile.
  8. 4:25 – So that the rest of the prophecy "that you shall utterly perish" would not be fulfilled.
  9. 4:28 – No. It means you'll serve others who serve idols.
  10. 4:41 – It's the direction from which the sun shines (mizrach means shining).
  11. 5:13 – Before Matan Torah, at Marah. (Shmot 15:25)
  12. 5:16 – At Marah. (Shmot 15:25).
  13. 6:4 – Hashem, who is now our G-d, but not [accepted as] G-d of the other nations, will eventually be [accepted as] the one and only G-d.
  14. 6:5 – 1) With everything you own. 2) Whether Hashem treats you with kindness or harshness.
  15. 6:7 – If asked a Torah question, one should be able to reply quickly and clearly.
  16. 6:8 – Tot means two in Caspi. Fot means two in Afriki. Together they allude to the four sections of tefillin.
  17. 6:13 – One who serves Hashem and reveres His name.
  18. 7:7 – B'nei Yisrael are the humblest nation.
  19. 7:9 – 2,000.
  20. 7:10 – So that they get no reward in the next world.

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Bet Hakeneset restrictions – Ladies Update


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Devarim – Shabbat Chazon


Rosh Chodesh Av Rachman

ויהי רצון שהחודש הזה יהפך לששון ולשמחה ולמועדים טובים

 בביאת משיח צדקינו ובבנין בית מקדשינו ותפארתינו אמן 

  Avot Ubanim
Summer Season
in the comfort of your own home, 
you choose the times (and the nash)! 
3 lucky winners a week 
1st prize £5.00 + 2 prizes!!  
to enter the raffle, learn for 30 minutes with each child 
between erev Shabbat and Motsae Shabbat. 
Then text names of children to 
raffle on Monday TBA.  
For more information
R' David Shasha or Rafi Marshall. 
Amud Yomi Flyer_Makos_1.jpg

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תש"פ

Summer Timetable 5780 – 2020

מוצאי שבת



סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת




to be read before

to be
lit by


Candle lighting

& Kabbalat Shabbat



















24/25 July


(שבת חזון)

For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the ‘latest candle lighting’ column is earlier, when candles should be lit by that time, in all cases.  


Q & A on Parashat Devarim

  1. How do we see from the beginning of Parshat Devarim that Moshe was concerned for the Jewish Peoples honor?
    1:1 Moshe mentions only the names of the places where the Jewish People sinned, but does not mention the sins themselves.
  2. How much time elapsed between leaving Mt. Sinai and sending the spies?
    1:2 – 40 days.
  3. Moshe rebuked the Jewish People shortly before his death. From whom did he learn this?
    1:3 – From Yaakov, who rebuked his sons shortly before his death.
  4. Why did Moshe wait until he had smitten the Amorite kings before rebuking the Jewish People?
    1:4 So that no one could say, "What right has he to rebuke us; has he brought us into any part of the Land as he promised?"
  5. What were some of the achievements that resulted from the Jewish People "dwelling" at Mt. Sinai?
    1:6 – They received the Torah, built the mishkan and all its vessels, appointed a Sanhedrin, and appointed officers.
  6. Why does the Torah single out the names of the avot in connection with the giving of the Land?
    1:8 – Each of the avot possessed sufficient merit for the Jewish People to inherit the Land.
  7. What did Moshe convey to the Jewish People by saying: "You today are like the stars of the Heavens"?
    1:10 – They are an eternal people, just as the sun, moon and stars are eternal.
  8. "Apikorsim" (those who denigrate Talmud scholars) observed Moshes every move in order to accuse him. What did they observe, and what did they accuse him of?
    1:13 They observed the time he left home in the morning. If Moshe left early, they accused him of having family problems (which drove him from his home). If he left late, they accused him of staying home in order to plot evil against them.
  9. Moshe was looking for several qualities in the judges he chose. Which quality couldn't he find?
    1:15 – Men of understanding.
  10. Moshe told the judges, "The case that is too hard for you, bring it to me." How was he punished for this statement?
    1:17 – When the daughters of Tzelofchad asked him a halachic question, the law was concealed from him.
  11. Why did Moshe describe the desert as great and frightful?
    1:19 – Because the Jewish People saw huge, frightening snakes and scorpions in the desert.
  12. Which tribe was not represented among the spies?
    1:23 – Levi.
  13. Which city did Calev inherit?
    1:36 – Hebron.
  14. How many kingdoms was Avraham promised? How many were conquered by Yehoshua?
    2:5 – Avraham was promised the land of ten kingdoms. Yehoshua conquered seven. The lands of Moav, Ammon and Esav will be received in the time of the mashiach.
  15. Why were the Jewish People forbidden to provoke Ammon?
    2:9 – This was a reward for Lots younger daughter, the mother of Ammon, for concealing her fathers improper conduct.
  16. Why were the Jewish People not permitted to conquer the Philistines?
    2:23 – Because Avraham had made a peace treaty with Avimelech, King of the Philistines.
  17. How did Hashem instill the dread of the Jewish People into the nations of the world?
    2:25 – During the battle against Og, the sun stood still for the sake of the Jewish People, and the whole world saw this.
  18. Why did Moshe fear Og?
    3:2 – Og possessed merit for having once helped Avraham.
  19. Who was instrumental in destroying the Refaim?
    3:11 – Amrafel.
  20. What was the advantage of Reuven and Gad leading the way into battle?
    3:18 – They were mighty men, and the enemy would succumb to them.


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l  

משחרב בית המקדש בטל השמיר

שאלה: ברצוני לשאול, האם לאדם שדורש ברבים ומעביר שיעורי מוסר, מותר להציג עובדות של דברים לא טובים שקורים בעם ישראל כדי לעורר את השומעים? או שיש בזה קטרוג על עם ישראל?

תשובה: הגמרא במסכת יבמות (מט:) אומרת, שכאשר ברח ישעיה הנביא עליו השלום ממנשה, אמר שם קדוש ונבלע בארז, באו וניסרו את הארז, וכשהגיע המסור לפיו של ישעיה, יצאה נפשו. ומדוע אירע כך לישעיה הנביא? מפני שאמר (ישעיה ו ה) "וּבְתוֹךְ עַם טְמֵא שְׂפָתַיִם אָנֹכִי יוֹשֵׁב", ופירש רש"י, שנענש משום שקרא לעם ישראל עם "טמא שפתים", מדעתו, ומוסיף רש"י, שישעיה לא אמר כן "מחמת תוכחה", כלומר, אילו היה ישעיה אומר כן לישראל כדי להוכיח אותם, לא היה נענש.

למדנו מדברי רש"י שאם אומר כן כדי להוכיח, מותר. וכן כתב המאירי שם, וזו לשונו, לעולם יזהר אדם שלא לספר בגנות חברו וכו', כלומר שלא בדרך תוכחה. וכן פירשו רבינו אברהם מן ההר והריב"ן.

והמהר"ל בחדושי אגדות שם הוסיף, שאף שהנביאים היו מדברים דברים קשים על ישראל, בכל זאת כשהיו מדברים לה' יתברך לא היו אומרים לו דברים רעים על ישראל, וישעיה הנביא  דיבר אל הקב"ה, ובדבר זה נענש.

ונראה שהדברים מכוונים לדברי רש"י והמאירי, כי אין לדבר גנות על עם ישראל, רק בדרך תוכחה, ודברי תוכחה צריך לאומרם לעם ישראל. אבל כשהוא מדברי ומתפלל לפני הקב"ה, אדרבה צריך לומר עליהם דברי סניגוריא.

אמנם, צריך לדעת שלא כדורות הראשונים דורות האחרונים, ולא כמוכיחים הראשונים מוכיחים האחרונים, ויש הרבה מה להאריך בזה, ואנו נזכיר רק את דברי הגאון ההפלא"ה בספרו פנים יפות (סוף פרשת יתרו) שכתב בזה דברים נפלאים, ואלו דבריו שם:

שאף על פי שאמר התנא (אבות פ"ד מ"י) והוי שפל רוח בפני כל אדם, מכל מקום עת וזמן לכל חפץ ה' להשיב רבים מעון, ולקרב את המרוחקים להסיר לב האבן מבשרם. ועל זה נאמר (תהלים לא כה) חזקו ויאמץ לבבכם כל המיחלים לה', להתחזק ולעמוד כנגדם כחומה הנשגבה, כאשר הזהיר ה' יתברך את ירמיה הנביא להלחם עמם ולשבר סלעים וצור מכשול מלבבם.

אמנם בכל זאת חס ושלום מלעורר הדין עליהם, כמו שמצינו בישעיה הנביא שנענש על מה שאמר בתוך עם טמא שפתים אנכי יושב. וכן בהושע הנביא. ואף שצריך לדבר אליהם קשות ולהודיעם העונשים החמורים, צריך לכלכל דבריו במשפט.

ויש לרמוז בזה מה שאמרו במשנה סוף סוטה (מח.), "משחרב בית המקדש בטל השמיר (תולעת שמיר) ונופת צופים", כי השמיר היה מבקע וחותך את האבנים בלי ברזל, אלא מעמידים את השמיר מבחוץ והאבנים מתבקעות מאליהן, והוא רמז לתוכחה מגולה ואהבה מסותרת, שהרב מודיע לעם את העונשים, אך נזהר שלא לעורר דין עליהם, והוא דוגמת השמיר שהוא חזק מאד, ומשבר מבלי נגיעה כדרך הברזל.

עוד יש אופן להכניס דברי תוכחה בלב השומע, על ידי המתקת המוסר בדברי תורה ופירושים וטעמים, המתוקים מדבש ונופת צופים, ועל ידי עריבות ומתיקות התורה יקבלו דברים הקשים והמוסר החזק שבתוכה. כאשר יעשו רופאים לחולה בסמים החזקים וקשים, לערב בהם מיני מתיקה, למען יערב לאוכלה.

אך כבר אמרו חז"ל (ערכין טז:) תמה אני אם יש בדור הזה מי שמקבל תוכחה, ומי שיודע להוכיח. ועל זה אמרו שמזמן חורבן הבית בטל השמיר ונופת צופים, בין בדברים קשים כשמיר המשבר, בין בדברים המתוקים כנופת צופים. שכמעט אין מי שיודע להוכיח כראוי עד כאן תוכן דברי ההפלא"ה.

וכך ראינו למורנו ורבנו מרן הראש"ל הגאון רבי עובדיה יוסף זצ"ל, אשר היה מקרב את העם בדרך של אהבה וחבה, ופעמים מעטות היה יוצא חוצץ בדברים קשים, נגד אינשי דלא מעלי, הרודפים את התורה ולומדיה. אבל לכללות עם ישראל היה מדבר תמיד בדברי נועם, והיה ממליץ על זה: דברי חכמים, בנחת, נשמעים. כאשר דברי החכמים הם בנחת, אז נשמעים לצבור.

תשובתו של ידידינו הגאון רבי גד יזדי שליט"א, תלמיד מרן זצ"ל.

When the Bet Hamikdash Was Destroyed, the Shamir Worm Was Abolished

Question: If one is giving Mussar discourses to the public, may one present bad things that are happening within the Jewish nation in order to arouse the listeners or is does this cause some sort of prosecution upon the Jewish nation?

Answer: The Gemara (Yevamot 49b) states that when the prophet Yashaya fled from King Menashe, he uttered a holy name and was immediately sucked into a cedar tree. When the officers began sawing the tree and the saw reached his mouth, Yeshaya’s soul departed. The Gemara explains that the reason this happened to Yeshaya is because he stated, “And I dwell among a nation of impure lips,” and Rashi explains that he was punished for calling the Jewish nation one of impure lips on his own. Rashi adds that Yeshaya did not say this “in a manner of rebuke,” from which we can infer that had he said the very same thing to offer reproach to the Jewish nation, he would not have been punished.

We see from the words of Rashi that if one speaks ill of the Jewish nation in order to offer rebuke, this would be permissible. The Meiri, Rabbeinu Avraham Min Hahar, and Rivan concur.

The Maharal of Prague writes in his commentary on the aforementioned Gemara that although the prophets would speak harshly to the Jewish nation, nevertheless, when addressing Hashem, they would be careful not to do so. Since Yeshaya did so when speaking to Hashem, he was punished.

This would seem to fall in line with the words of Rashi and the Meiri in that one may only speak ill of the Jewish nation when this is in the context of rebuke and rebuke, by definition, must be addressed to the Jewish nation. However, in the context of speaking and praying to Hashem, one must speak the merits of the Jewish nation.

However, we must realize that our generation is not like previous ones and the individuals offering rebuke today are not like those of the days of yore. There is much to delve in this topic. However, let us quote the words of the great Gaon, Rabbeinu Pinchas Ha’Levi Horowitz zt”l, author of the Hafla’a, in his Sefer Panim Yafot (end of Parashat Yitro) on this idea:

“Although the Tanna writes (Avot 4:10) states, ‘Be low of spirit before all men,’ nevertheless there is a time and place for everything, especially returning the masses from sin and removing the heart of stone from their flesh. About this does the verse in Tehillim (31:25) state, ‘Be strong and brave of heart, all those who yearn for Hashem.’ One must be strong and stand firmly against them like a mighty wall as Hashem commanded the prophet Yirmeya to fight with them and break the impediments of their hearts.

This can be alluded to in the Mishnah (Sotah 48a) which states, ‘When the Bet Hamikdash was destroyed, the Shamir worm and the sweetness of the honeycomb was abolished.’ The Shamir worm would cut through stone without the use of metal. The Shamir would be placed on the outside of the stone and the stone would split on its own. This is a reference to open rebuke but hidden love in that a rabbi must notify his flock of the punishments while taking care not to direct the Heavenly attribute of judgment against them, just like the Shamir which was mighty but was able to split the stone without touching it.

Another way to infuse words of Mussar into the heart of the listen is by peppering the words of rebuke with words of Torah and its commentaries which are sweeter than honey. As a result of the sweetness of the Torah, the harsh words of reproach contained within them will be more easily accepted. Indeed, doctors commonly mix sharp medications with other sweet ingredients so that it will be more easily consumed by the patient.

Nevertheless, our Sages taught (Arachin 16b), ‘I would be surprised if anyone in the generation knows how to accept rebuke or how to offer it.’ This is what the Gemara meant by saying, ‘When the Bet Hamikdash was destroyed, the Shamir worm and the sweetness of the honeycomb were abolished,’ which is a reference to both harsh words like the mighty Shamir as well as words as sweet as a honeycomb. There is almost no one who knows how to properly offer words of rebuke nowadays.”

This is indeed what we have witnessed to be the way of Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l who would constantly bring the Jewish nation closer to Torah observance through loving and endearing words and he would only sparingly come out harshly against evil people who would attack the Torah and those who learn it. To the general public though, he would always speak pleasantly and lovingly. He would hint this using the verse, “The words of the wise are heard amid pleasantness.”

This response was submitted by our dear colleague, Hagaon Harav Gad Yazdi Shlit”a, beloved student of Maran zt”l.

Shabbat Shalom

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