Newsletter Parashat SHelach

Moor Lane Logo New Best.JPG


Mazal Tov


Ruvi & Esther Bloom

on the occasion of their daughter's 

Bat Mitzvah


Mazal Tov

to our dear friends

Yehuda & Nomi Marshall

on the Bat Mitzvah 

of their daughter


May they both grow in 

Torah, Mitzvot and Maasim Tovim

Special Mazal Tov


Dr & Mrs Marshall

on their granddaughters'

Bat Mitzvah

Much Nachat & semachot in the future


Dear Members and Friends of Moor Lane 
throughout our recent history our Bet Hakeneset has benefitted
from the arrival of Gibraltarians to Manchester,
who have supported and enhanced our Bet Hakeneset in many ways. 
Many will still remember people like 
Mordechai & Moe Benady, Moe Cohen, Ariel Belilo, Samuel Ibgui, Moshe & Dani Benaim, Yossi Levy and many others who have come and gone but
who during their time in Manchester 
were active participants in the running of our Shul.

The Jewish Schools in Gibraltar
are running a charity campaign 
on Monday & Tuesday 1 & 2 July 
with a view to collecting much need funds
for all the Jewish schools in Gibraltar,
those same schools that produced the above mentioned 
Gibraltarians as well as those currently in our shul
Yamin Ibgui, Naphtali Bitton & Benjamin Hassan.

Our vision of encouraging our youth in Moor Lane to participate in the running of tefillot, leining every week and saying Hafatara comes from the way we were brought in Gibraltar to be Chazanim and Baale Keria and 
Baruch Hashem we can see, week-in-week-out, the success of our vision.
Beezrat Hashem may it long continue for many more generations!!

We have created a Charity Page which goes 
live on Monday & Tuesday 1 & 2 July
on this link
for anyone who would like to support & donate towards the schools.

A video presentation of the campaign can be seen on this link
Tizke Lemitzvot & May Hashem repay you
with Beriut, Beracha, Mazal, & Hatzlacha in the future



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע

Timetable 5779





סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*





















28/29 June

שלח (ש''מ)

*    For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the
candle lighting’ column is earlier,
when candles should be lit by that time, in all

Youth Club 4:00 pm

Avot Ubanim 5:00 pm

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by


Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


& A on Parashat Shelach

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why is the portion about the meraglim written immediately after the portion about Miriam's tzara'at?
    13:2 – To show the evil of the meraglim (spies), that they saw Miriam punished for lashon hara (negative speech) yet failed to take a lesson from it.
  2. To what was Moshe referring when he asked the meraglim "Are there trees in the land"?
    13:20 – Were there any righteous people in the land whose merit would "shade" the Canaanites from attack?
  3. Who built Hebron?
    13:22 – Cham.
  4. Which fruits did the meraglim bring back?
    13:23 – A cluster of grapes, a pomegranate and a fig.
  5. How many people carried the grape cluster?
    13:23 – Eight.
  6. Why did G-d shorten the meraglim's journey?
    13:25 – G-d knew the Jews would sin and be punished with a year's wandering for each day of the spies' mission. So He shortened the journey to soften the decree.
  7. Why did the meraglim begin by saying the land is "flowing with milk and honey"?
    13:27 – Any lie which doesn't start with an element of truth won't be believed. Therefore, they began their false report with a true statement.
  8. Why did the meraglim list Amalek first among the hostile nations they encountered?
    13:29 – To frighten the Jews. The Jewish People were afraid of Amalek because Amalek had once attacked them.
  9. How did Calev quiet the people?
    13:30 – He fooled them by shouting, "Is this all that the son of Amram did to us?" The people quieted themselves to hear what disparaging thing Calev wished to say about the "son of Amram" (Moshe).
  10. Why did the Land appear to "eat its inhabitants"?
    13:32 – G-d caused many deaths among the Canaanites so they would be preoccupied with burying their dead and not notice the meraglim.
  11. Besides the incident of the meraglim, what other sin led to the decree of 40 years in the desert?
    13:33 – The golden calf.
  12. On what day did Bnei Yisrael cry due to the meraglim's report? How did this affect future generations?
    14:1 – The 9th of Av (Tisha B'av). This date therefore became a day of crying for all future generations: Both Temples were destroyed on this date.
  13. "Don't fear the people of the Land…their defense is departed." (14:9) Who was their chief "defender"?
    14:9 – Iyov.
  14. Calev and Yehoshua praised Eretz Canaan and tried to assure the people that they could be victorious. How did the people respond?
    14:10 – They wanted to stone them.
  15. "How long shall I bear this evil congregation?" G-d is referring to the 10 meraglim who slandered the Land. What halacha do we learn from this verse?
    14:27 – That ten men are considered a congregation.
  16. How is the mitzvah of challa different from other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael?
    15:18 – The obligation to observe other mitzvot associated with Eretz Yisrael began only after the possession and division of the Land. The mitzvah of challa was obligatory immediately upon entering the Land.
  17. What is the minimum amount of challa to be given to a kohen according to Torah Law? Rabbinic Law?
    15:20 – No fixed amount is stated by the Torah. Rabbinic Law requires a household to give 1/24 and a baker to give 1/48.
  18. Verse 15:22 refers to what sin? How does the text indicate this?
    15:22 – Idolatry. "All these commandments" means one transgression which is equal to transgressing all the commandments – i.e. idolatry.
  19. Moshe's doubt regarding the punishment of the mekoshesh etzim (wood-gatherer) was different than his doubt regarding the punishment of the blasphemer. How did it differ?
    15:34 – Moshe knew that the mekoshesh etzim waliable for the death penalty, but not which specific means of death. Regarding the blasphemer, Moshe didn't know if he was liable for the death penalty.
  20. How do the tzitzit remind us of the 613 commandments?
    15:39 – The numerical value of the word tzitzit is 600. Tzitzit have eight threads and five knots. Add these numbers and you get 613.



from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

 מכונת ממתקים ואתרי אינטרנט בשבת

שאלה: האם
מותר להניח מערב שבת בשכונה של גויים, מכונת אוטומט למכירת ממתקים ומשקאות וכיוצא
בזה, אף על פי שידוע שתושבי המקום מכניסים בשבת מטבע למכונה, בכדי לרכוש מוצרים
שונים, או שיש בזה איסור

תשובה: הנה ביארנו כבר שמצד עצם הפעלת המכונה בערב שבת בודאי שאין איסור
כלל, אף שהיא ממשיכה פעולתה בשבת, שהרי שביום השבת עצמו היהודי אינו עושה כל מלאכה
. ולפי זה לכאורה היה נראה שיש להקל גם כן להפעיל
מכונת אוטומט מערב שבת, אף על פי שבשבת יבואו אנשים גויים (שאינם מצווים על שמירת
שבת) לקנות ממנה מוצרים

אלא שלענין מכונה כזו יש לדון מצד חשש איסור
אחר, שבעצם יום השבת עושה בעל המכונה פעולה אסורה. מפני שמבואר בשלחן ערוך בחלק
חושן משפט (סי' ר ס"ג), "כליו של אדם בכל מקום שיש רשות לאדם להניחם,
קונים לו, וכל שנכנסו לתוך כליו קנה קנין גמור". וכגון, חפץ שאינו שייך לאף
אחד, שנפל לתוך כלי של אדם במקום שיש לו רשות להניח את כליו  שם, מיד נעשה
אותו חפץ שייך לבעל הכלי, מפני שכליו של אדם הם כמו ידיו לענין זה שיקנה בהם מה
שיבא לידו. ואם כן לכאורה הוא הדין לעניננו, שהואיל ומכונת האוטומט שייכת לבעל
המכונה, והיא ניצבת ברחוב על פי רשיון הממשלה הנותנת רשות לבעל המכונה, אם כן כל
מטבע המוכנס למכונה בשבת, מיד הוא שייך לבעל המכונה, ויש בזה איסור מדין איסור
עשיית מקח וממכר בשבת, שהרי אסור לקנות ולמכור ביום השבת

אלא שגם מצד זה כתב מרן הרב עובדיה יוסף
זצ"ל, שאין לחוש לאיסור עשיית מקח וממכר כלל
, הואיל ובעל
המכונה אינו עושה כלום, ולא שייך איסור מיקח וממכר בדבר כזה. רק כתב שיש להקל בזה
דוקא באופן שלא ידוע למי שייכת המכונה, שאם יודעים כולם שהיא שייכת ליהודי, אין
להקל בזה. והביא שכעין זה כתב בשו"ת מהר"ם שיק
, בדבר יהודי
המשתתף במכרז בערב שבת, והשופטים הגויים פעמים רבות שהם יושבים ומחליטים בעצם יום
השבת מי הוא הזוכה במכרז, ולפעמים יהיו התוצאות שהיהודי זכה במכרז. כתב
המהר"ם שיק, נראה לעניות דעתי שהדבר פשוט שמותר, שהרי כל מלאכות של תורה אדם
רשאי להתחיל בהם מערב שבת, באופן שמלאכה נגמרת מאליה
(כמו שביארנו). ואם כן הוא הדין לנדונינו, שמותר להשאיר מכונה כזו פועלת
בשבת, על מנת שיקנו ממנה הגויים בעצם יום השבת. ומכל מקום, הרוצה לחוש לדברי
האוסרים בזה, יעשה תנאי, שאינו חפץ לקנות מה שיחול המקח, אלא רק במוצאי שבת, שכן
כליו של אדם אינם קונים לו בעל כרחו, והואיל והוא מתנה שאינו רוצה לזכות במקח אלא
במוצאי שבת, ממילא לא יחול המקח אלא בצאת השבת, שאז בודאי שאין בכך איסור

ונראה שהוא הדין לאתרי אינטרנט המוכרים מוצרים
בשבת, שלא ידוע מי הוא בעל האתר, וגם המשתמשים בו הם גויים, שמותר להניחם פועלים
בשבת, שכן היהודי אינו עושה כל מלאכה האסורה בשבת. (ומכל מקום אין להקיש מכאן לכל
מקרה ומקרה, כי יש חילוקים רבים בזה, ועל כל מקרה יש לעשות שאלת חכם

ולסיכום: מותר
מעיקר הדין להניח מערב שבת, מכונה אוטומטית לממכר מוצרים בשבת, במקום שרובו גויים,
באופן שלא ידוע לציבור מי הוא בעל המכונה. והרוצה להחמיר בזה, יעשה תנאי בפירוש,
שאינו רוצה לזכות במקח אלא במוצאי שבת. והוא הדין לאתרי אינטרנט המוכרים מוצרים
בשבת, ולא ידוע מי הוא בעל האתר, וגם אין שום צורך לתפעלו בשבת, והגולשים בו הם
גויים, שאין חיוב להפסיק פעולתו מערב שבת

ובדרך אגב נציין, שנשאל מרן הרב זצ"ל, לגבי
"הלכה יומית", שלצערינו
הרב לעתים מזומנות מתקבלות בו בעצם יום השבת בקשות למנוי ל
שבו. והשאלה היתה אם יש להיענות
לבקשות אלו, שהרי נמצא שמי שחילל שבת בעצם הבקשה, יהנה ממעשה שבת כשיקבל את
ההלכות. אלא שאם נתעלם מהבקשה, יפסידו אותם האנשים זכות תלמוד תורה שתהיה להם באם
נענה לבקשתם. ותשובת מרן זצ"ל היתה, שלא נתעלם מהבקשות, ונשלח לאנשים את
ההלכות, בתקוה שמאור התורה יחזירם למוטב, ויזכו כולם לשמור שבת כהלכתה, ובזכות זה
נזכה לביאת משיח צדקינו במהרה בימינו. אמן

Operating Vending
Machines and Websites on Shabbat

Question: May one place an automatic snack or soda
machine in a non-Jewish neighborhood on Erev Shabbat even if one is certain
that the residents of this neighborhood will put money into the machine in
order to purchase an items on Shabbat or is this forbidden?

Answer: We have already explained above, that in terms of leaving a machine on
before the onset of Shabbat, there is no prohibition to do so, for the
individual is not performing any forbidden work on Shabbat itself. It seems
that the same law should apply to turning on automatic vending machines on Erev
Shabbat although non-Jews (who are not obligated to observe Shabbat) will come
and purchase merchandise from these machines on Shabbat.

However, there is another
prohibition which may apply to such vending machines which may cause the owner
of these machines to transgress a prohibition on Shabbat. Maran Ha’Shulchan
Aruch (Choshen Mishpat, Chapter 200, Section 3) states: “An individual’s
vessels acquire [any object] for him anywhere one has permission to leave them;
as soon as any object enters one’s vessels, one has acquired them completely.”
For instance, if an ownerless object falls into one’s vessel in a place where
the owner of the vessel has permission to leave it, this object immediately
belongs to the owner of the vessel, for one’s vessels are like his hands in
that one will acquire anything that comes within them. It seems that this idea
should apply here as well, for since the automatic vending machine belongs to
its owner and one it stands in the street because one has a permit from the
local municipality to place it there, any money inserted into the machine
immediately belongs to the owner of the vending machine and this constitutes
the prohibition of conducting monetary transactions on Shabbat.

Nevertheless, even with regards to
this issue, Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l writes that this does not
constitute the prohibition of performing monetary transactions on Shabbat, for
the owner of the vending machine is not actually performing any action. On the
other hand, Maran zt”l writes that there is only room for leniency in
this regard when people are not aware whom this machine belongs to, for if
everyone knows that this machine belongs to a Jew, there is no longer room for
leniency. Indeed the Maharam Schick deals with a similar issue where Jews
participated in a public bid on Erev Shabbat and many times, the non-Jewish
judges deliberated on Shabbat who should win the tender. Several times, Jews
would be granted the tender on Shabbat. The Maharam Schick writes that it seems
to him that this is completely permissible, for one may begin any
biblically-forbidden work before the onset of Shabbat as long as the forbidden
work will conclude on its own. The same would seem to apply here in that it is
permissible to leave these machines to operate in order for non-Jews to
purchase items from these vending machines on Shabbat. Nevertheless, if one
wishes to be concerned with the more stringent opinions, one may specifically
stipulate that he only wishes to acquire whatever money is inserted into the
machine on Shabbat after Shabbat has concluded, for one’s vessels cannot
acquire objects for him against his will. Since one specifically stipulates
that he does not wish to acquire the money until Motza’ei Shabbat, this is
certainly permissible, for the transaction will only be complete after the
conclusion of Shabbat.

It seems that it is likewise
permissible to allow websites where one sells merchandise to continue to
operate on Shabbat as long the owner of the website is unknown and the
customers making the purchase on Shabbat are non-Jews, for the Jewish owner is
not performing any form of forbidden work on Shabbat. Nevertheless, one should
not draw an analogy from this to all other situations, for there are many
details involved here and one must consult a competent halachic
authority regarding each individual scenario.

Summary: According to the letter of the law, one
may place an automatic vending machine in a non-Jewish neighborhood before
Shabbat when the public is unaware whom the machine belongs to. If one wishes
to act stringently, one should stipulate before Shabbat that one wishes to
acquire the money inserted into the machine, hence completing the transaction,
until Shabbat has concluded. Similarly, one may allow a website with
merchandise for sale to continue to operate on Shabbat provided the owner of
the website is unknown, the customers are non-Jewish, and the website requires
no maintenance on Shabbat.

As a side note, we have asked
Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt”l regarding our very own website, “Halacha Yomit,”
that many times, unfortunately, we receive requests for subscriptions to
receive the “Halacha Yomit” by email on Shabbat itself. The question was
whether or not to honor these requests, for this will cause the individual who
desecrated Shabbat by sending the subscription request to benefit directly from
this Shabbat desecration by receiving the daily Halachot. On the other hand, if
we were to ignore these requests, these individuals would lose the merit of
Torah study that they may have enjoyed, were we to honor their request. Maran zt”l
instructed us not to ignore these requests and send Halachot to these individuals
with the hope that the light of the Torah would help them return to the correct
path and to observe the holy Shabbat properly. In this merit, may we all merit
greeting our righteous Mashiach, speedily and in our days, Amen.



Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Bahaalotecha

Moor Lane Logo New Best.JPG


Mazal Tov


Rabbi & Mrs Stamler

on the recent births 

of two new grandchildren

May they grow healthy and in 

Torah, Mitzvot & Maasim Tovim



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע

Timetable 5779





סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*





















21/22 June



*    For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the
candle lighting’ column is earlier,
when candles should be lit by that time, in all

Youth Club 4:00 pm

Avot Ubanim 5:00 pm

Mincha 6:00 pm


Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


& A on Parashat Behaalotecha

 All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Toward which direction did the wicks of the Menorah burn, and why?
    8:2 – They leaned toward the middle wick so people wouldn't say that the Menorah was lit for its light.
  2. From what material and in what manner was the Menorah made?
    8:4 – It was made from one solid piece of hammered gold.
  3. Moshe was commanded to cleanse the levi'im by sprinkling on them "mei chatat." What is "mei chatat"?
    8:7 – Water containing ashes of the para aduma.
  4. Which three "t'nufot" (wavings) are in the parsha?
    8:11 – The wavings of Kehat, Gershon and Merari.
  5. Why did G-d claim the first-born of the Jewish People as His possession?
    8:17 – Because in Egypt He spared them during makat bechorot.
  6. Why are the words "Bnei Yisrael" repeated five times in verse 8:19?
    8:19 – To show G-d's love for them.
  7. When a levi reaches age 50, which functions may he still perform?
    8:25 – Closing the courtyard gates of the Mishkan and Beit Hamikdash; singing during the avoda; loading the wagons to transport the Mishkan.
  8. Why was the mitzvah of Pesach Sheini not commanded directly to Moshe?
    9:7 – The people who asked about it were rewarded by being the catalyst for the teaching of this mitzvah.
  9. What similarity is there between the Menorah and the trumpets?
    8:4, 10:2 – They were each made from a single, solid block.
  10. What three purposes did trumpet signals serve?
    10:2-7 – Announcement of the gathering of Bnei Yisrael, the gathering of the nesi'im, and the beginning of a move of the encampment.
  11. How many tribes marched between the Gershon-Merari detachment and that of Kehat? How was the time differential used?
    10:17-21 – Three: Reuven, Shimon and Gad. In the meantime Gershon and Merari set up the Mishkan.
  12. The tribe of Dan, who traveled last, was called "the gatherer of all the camps." What did they gather?
    10:25 – They gathered and returned things lost by the other tribes.
  13. When the Jewish People entered the Land, who took temporary possession of Jericho?
    10:32 – The children of Yitro.
  14. Which aron is referred to in verse 10:33?
    10:33 – The aron which held the broken pieces of the first tablets, that was taken to the battlefront.
  15. Which two topics are out of chronological order in the parsha?
    9:1, 10:35,36 – The Pesach sacrifice, and the traveling of the aron.
  16. Which tastes did the manna not offer, and why not?
    11:5 – Cucumbers, melons, leeks, onion and garlic – these are harmful to nursing women.
  17. Moshe was commanded to choose 70 elders to help him lead the Jewish People. What happened to the elders who led the Jewish People in Egypt?
    11:16 – They were consumed in the fire at Taverah (11:3).
  18. Whom did Moshe choose as elders?
    11:16 – People who were supervisors in Egypt and had pity on Bnei Yisrael at risk to themselves.
  19. What was the prophecy of Eldad and Medad?
    11:28 – "Moshe will die and Yehoshua will lead the Jewish People into the Land."
  20. Why did Miriam merit to have the people wait for her?
    12:15 – Because she waited for Moshe when he was cast into the river.


from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

 ארון קודש בלי פרוכת

שאלה: בית כנסת שיש בו ארון קודש
מפואר ביותר, ועתה באים לצפותו בזהב, כולו אומר כבוד, האם מותר להסיר את הפרוכת
מעל ארון הקודש, להראות יופיו לקהל המתפללים

תשובה: ראשית, אין ספק שעצם המעשה ליפות ולהדר את ארון
הקודש, הוא מצוה רבה, וכמו שאמרו חז"ל (בשבת קלג:), "זה אלי
ואנוהו", התנאה לפניו במצוות. עשֵה סוכה נאה, לולב נאה, ציצית נאה, ספר תורה
נאה, בדיו נאה, וכורכו בשיראים נאים

יומא (ע.) אמרו, שבזמן שבית המקדש היה קיים, כל אחד ואחד היה מביא ספר התורה
מביתו, וקורא בו ברבים, להראות חזותו לרבים. ופירש רש"י, להראות נויו של ספר
התורה, ותפארת בעליו, שטרח להתנאות במצוה. שנאמר "זה אלי ואנוהו

כאן, כתב מרן רבינו עובדיה יוסף שליט"א, (בשו"ת יחוה דעת חלק ו סימן ט
), שנכון להראות חזותו
ויופיו של ארון הקודש המפואר בשעה שגוללים את הפרוכת ופותחים את דלתות הארון
להוצאת ספר תורה והכנסתו

להסיר את הפרוכת מעל ארון הקודש לגמרי, לא נכון לעשות כן, כי באמת המנהג שנהגו בכל
תפוצות ישראל לפרוס פרוכת על ארון הקודש, הוזכר בדברי התוספות (מגילה כו
סע"ב), ואינו לשם נוי בלבד, אלא על דרך שנאמר בתורה (שמות כו לג),
"והבדילה הפרוכת לכם בין הקודש ובין קודש הקדשים". (ובכמה בתי כנסת של
ספרדים נוהגים לפרוס עוד פרוכת מבפנים לדלתות הארון, וכמו שכתב בשו"ת ישכיל
עבדי חלק ד חלק אורח חיים סימן ז

מבואר בשו"ת זרע אמת חלק א
אורח חיים סימן כו), שאפילו אם ארון הקודש נאה ביותר, והוא נראה יפה בלא פרוכת
יותר מאשר עם פרוכת, מכל מקום לא נכון להסיר הפרוכת מעל ארון הקודש, לפי שמנהג
פריסת הפרוכת אינו רק לנוי וליופי, אלא הוא על שם מה שנאמר "והבדילה הפרוכת
לכם בין הקודש ובין קודש הקדשים". וגם על דרך כיסוי כלי הקודש. וכן כתב
בשו"ת תרומת הדשן (סימן סח), שהפרוכת התלויה לפני ארון הקודש היא לצניעות

זה גם אם ארון הקודש נאה יותר בלי הפרוכת, אין לשנות ממנהג ישראל הפשוט בכל ישראל
ומיוסד על אדני פז

הוסיף מרן שליט"א, שטעם פריסת הפרוכת, מפני שארון הקודש קדושתו חמורה ביותר
שהוא תשמיש קדושה, ואילו הפרוכת היא "תשמיש דתשמיש" של קדושה, ואין ראוי
שיזונו הקהל את עיניהם מקדושת הארון עצמו כל הזמן. והביא ראיות לדבריו

ידוע ומפורסם שמנהג ישראל תורה הוא (תוספות מנחות כ:), ולכן אין לשלוח יד לשנות
ממנהגי ישראל. וכבר האריך הגאון מהר"י קולון בתשובה (שרש ט) להוכיח מהגמרא
(תענית כח:) שאין לבטל שום מנהג. ושכן כתב רבינו יצחק אבן גיאת, שאין לשנות ממנהג
המקום אפילו למנהג אחר טוב ממנו
. ע"ש.
וכן כתבו עוד מגדולי הפוסקים. והגאון רבי יהודה עייאש בספר מטה יהודה חלק ב (סימן
תקפב, דף לו ע"א, בד"ה מלך), כתב, שאין לשנות ממנהגי ישראל כלל וכלל,
וכל המשנה ידו על התחתונה ואינו אלא טועה, ונקרא פורץ גדר, מפני שכל מנהג ומנהג יש
לו שורש וצינור למעלה. וכן כתב עוד בספרו שו"ת בית יהודה
(חלק אורח חיים סימן ס),
שכל הרבנים אשר הנהיגו את קהלותיהם על פי התורה
, היו נזהרים שלא לשנות ממנהגי ישראל כלל, והיו טורחים
לקיים המנהג ומעמידים ומחזקים אותו בדבר המעמיד שאפילו באלף לא בטל

אף בנידון שלנו, סיים מרן שליט"א, יש להשאיר את המנהג של פריסת הפרוכת על
ארון הקודש על כנו, אף אם הארון עצמו נאה ומפואר ביותר. וכן בבית הכנסת של מרן
, מכוסה
הארון בפרוכת, כמנהג ישראל מימים ימימה


An Aron Kodesh without a Curtain

Question: If a synagogue has a truly
elegant Aron Kodesh (holy ark where Sifrei Torah are stored) which the members
now wish to plate with gold, will it be permissible to remove the curtain
covering the Aron in order to show its beauty to all of the worshippers?

Answer: Firstly, the act of enhancing and beautifying the Aron Kodesh is
certainly a great Mitzvah, as our Sages tell us (Shabbat 133b), “This is my G-d
and I shall beautify Him,” one achieves this by beautifying His Mitzvot: Make a
beautiful Sukkah, take a beautiful Lulav, tie beautiful Tzitzit, and write a
beautiful Sefer Torah with nice ink and cover it with beautiful cloth.

The Gemara in Masechet Yoma (70a) states that when the Bet Hamikdash stood,
every person would bring his own Sefer Torah from his house and read from it in
public in order to show off its appearance in public. Rashi (ibid.) explains
this to mean that he would show of the beauty of the Sefer Torah and the glory
of its owner who troubled himself to beatify the Mitzvot, as the verse states,
“This is my G-d and I shall beautify Him.”

Similarly, Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef Shlit”a writes (in his Responsa Yechave
Da’at, Volume 6, Chapter 9) that it is correct to show off the beauty of the
Aron Kodesh when the curtain is pulled aside and the doors of the Aron are
opened to remove the Sefer Torah.

Nevertheless, it is improper to completely remove the curtain covering the Aron
Kodesh, for the wide-spread custom of covering the Aron Kodesh with a curtain
is indeed mentioned in the Tosafot (Megillah 26b). It is not only a matter of
beauty, rather, this is actually based on the verse (Shemot 26, 33), “And the
curtain shall separate for you between the Holy and the Holy of Holies.” (Some
Sephardic communities customarily hang another curtain on the inside of the
doors of the Aron Kodesh, as is quoted by the Responsa Yaskil Avdi, Volume 4,
Orach Chaim, Chapter 7).

Similarly, the Responsa Zera Emet, Volume 1 (Orach Chaim, Chapter 26) writes
that even if the Aron Kodesh is especially magnificent and looks nicer without
a curtain than with one, the curtain should nevertheless not be removed from
the Aron Kodesh, for the custom of hanging a curtain is not merely for
aesthetic purposes; rather, it is based on the verse, “And the curtain shall
separate for you between the Holy and between the Holy of Holies.” It is also
similar to the coverings of the holy vessels. The Responsa Terumat Ha’Deshen
(Chapter 68) writes similarly that the curtain hung on the Aron Kodesh is made
for modesty.

Based on this, even if the Aron Kodesh is more beautiful without a curtain, the
prevalent Jewish custom among all communities should not be changed.

Maran Shlit”a adds that that the reason for hanging a curtain is because the
sanctity of the Aron Kodesh is extremely great since it is a “primary service
to a holy item” while the curtain is merely “secondary service to a holy
vessel” (since it serves the Aron which serves the Sefer Torah). It is not
correct that the congregants be able to feast their eyes on the sanctity of the
Aron Kodesh at all times. He proceeds to brings sources for this matter.

It is well-known that a custom of the entire Jewish nation has the status of
Torah law (see Tosafot Menachot 20b) and it is therefore forbidden to change
customs accepted by the entire Jewish nation. Indeed, Rabbeinu Yosef Cologne
writes lengthily (Chapter 9) to prove from the Gemara (Ta’anit 28b) that one
may not nullify any custom. Similarly, Rabbeinu Yitzchak ibn Giat writes that
one may not change any custom, even if one is doing so to enact a better custom
in its place. Other great Poskim write likewise. Hagaon Harav Yehuda Ayash
writes in his Sefer Mateh Yehuda, Volume 2 (Chapter 582, page 36a) that no
Jewish custom should be changed and anyone who does so is considered a
fence-breacher, for every custom has a Heavenly root. He writes likewise in his
Responsa Bet Yehuda (Orach Chaim, Chapter 60) that all rabbis who have led
their communities based on the Torah were always very careful not to change any
Jewish customs in the least; on the contrary, they would always search to
strengthen the observance of the custom as best they could.

Thus, regarding our case as well, Maran Shlit”a concludes that the custom of
hanging a curtain on the Aron Kodesh should remain intact, even if the Aron is
more beautiful without it. This is indeed the case in Maran Shlit”a’s synagogue
where the Aron Kodesh is covered with a curtain, in accordance with this
age-old Jewish custom

פרוכת שרקום עליה צורת אריות
מצדי לוחות הברית

שאלה: פרוכת שרקום עליה צורת אריות משני צידי לוחות הברית,
האם מותר לעשותה ולתלותה על ארון הקודש מבחוץ

תשובה: הנושא עליו נסובה השאלה, מורכב,
ולא נביא כאן אלא מקצת מדברי הפוסקים בזה

האור זרוע (מסכת עבודה זרה סימן רג), מעשה בקולוניא (שם מקום), שציירו צורת אריות
בחלונות של בית הכנסת, והורה רבינו אליקים להסירן, שהרי נאמר
"לא תעשה לך פסל וכל
תמונה". ועוד, שכשמתפללים ושוחין (משתחוים) כנגד הצורות האלה, נראה כמי ששוחה
לצורות. ויש בדבר איסור. וכתב על זה האור זרוע: וזכורני, שבימי חורפי, ראיתי שהיו
מציירים בבית הכנסת עופות ושאר חיות, ודנתי שאסור לעשות כן, שמחמת שנותן לבו ליופי
הצורות, אינו מכוין בתפלתו. והביא ראיות לדבריו

הבית יוסף (יורה דעה סימן קמא), דחה דברי רבינו אליקים. וכתב שאין בדבר איסור מן
הדין, אלא בצורת אדם בולטת (שנראים כל פניו. אבל אם נראה רק חצי מצד הפנים, גם כן
אין בדבר איסור. כמו שהורה מרן שליט"א לגבי קמעין שעשו עם דמות פניו של רבי
יצחק כדורי לפני כחמש עשרה שנה). אבל בצורה של אריה וכדומה, אין בדבר איסור

מרן הבית יוסף עצמו, בתשובתו שבשו"ת אבקת רוכל (סימן סג), האריך בנדון זה
, וכתב שאין לעשות כן.
כלומר, אין לעשות צורות של אריות וכדומה על הפרוכת או על היכל הקודש עצמו, וכתב
שבאמת ראוי לכל מי שנגע יראת ה' בלבו למחות בתוקף על זה, להסיר צורת אריות שבבית
הכנסת, בפרט שיש בדבר חשד, שנראה כאילו הציבור משתחוים לצורות האריות שבבית הכנסת.
ועל כל פנים בבית הכנסת שהוא מקום מקדש מעט, אין לעשות צורות כאלה

מרן החיד"א
שיורי ברכה יורב דעה סימן קמא) הביא בשם גאון אחד, שהדבר פשוט שבבית הכנסת או בבית
המדרש שמתפללים שם בקביעות, אסור להשהות צורות אריות. וכתב שהמורה להתיר בזה עתיד
ליתן את הדין

מנהג ארץ ישראל, כפי שהובא בדברי הפוסקים, היה להמנע לגמרי מעשיית צורות בבית
הכנסת. והגאון רבי שמואל הלר, שהיה רב בעיר צפת, האריך בקונטרס מיוחד בענין זה,
אודות עולים חדשים שבאו מארצות אירופה ואשכנז, שציירו על דלתות ארון הקודש של בית
הכנסת האר"י בצפת, צורות בולטות של אריה וצבי, והעלה שהעיקר להלכה לאסור בזה,
בפרט כאן בארץ ישראל שכל הספרדים החמירו בזה, ולכן אף הבאים מאשכנז עליהם להחמיר
כמנהג המקום

ולסיכום, לאחר אריכות בנושא, כתב מרן שליט"א
(שו"ת יחוה דעת ח"ג סימן סב), שיש לאסור לתלות פרוכת שמצוייר עליה
אריות, על ההיכל של ארון הקודש. וכתב שרבני ישראל נקראים לדרוש ברבים על כך, ולדבר
על לב הגבאים בבתי הכנסת להסיר צורות אלה, ולפרסם שלא ימשיכו לעשות פרוכות כאלה,
ולמוכיחים ינעם, ועליהם תבא ברכת טוב

A Curtain Covering an Aron Kodesh with the Form of Lions
Alongside the Ten Commandments Embroidered onto it

Question: Is it permissible to order a
curtain embroidered with the image of lions standing on either side of the Ten
Commandments and hang it up on the outside of the Aron Kodesh?

Answer: The subject matter that this question is based on is quite
complicated and involved and we shall therefore discuss only some of the words
of the Poskim as they apply here.

The Ohr Zarua (Masechet Avodah Zara, Chapter 203) writes that there was an
incident in Cologne where images of lions were drawn on the windows of the
synagogue and Rabbeinu Elyakim ruled that they must be removed based on the
verse, “You shall not make for yourself a statue or any image.” Furthermore,
when the congregation prays and bows while facing these images, it seems as if
they are bowing to the images and this is forbidden. The Ohr Zarua adds: “I
remember that when I was younger, they would draw forms of birds and other
animals in the synagogue and I ruled that this is forbidden, for this would
cause people to pay attention to the beauty of the images and not to
concentrate on their prayer.” He brings sources to support his view.

Maran Ha’Bet Yosef (Yoreh De’ah, Chapter 141) rejects Rabbeinu Elyakim’s
opinion and writes that the only true prohibition applies to a protruding human
figure (whose entire face can be seen; however, if only half of the face can be
seen, this is likewise not prohibited). However, the forms of lions and the
like are not forbidden.

On the other hand, Maran Ha’Bet Yosef himself in his Responsa Avkat Rochel
(Chapter 63) writes lengthily about this matter and writes that one should not
make forms or images of lions and the like on the curtain of the Aron Kodesh or
on the Aron Kodesh itself. He adds that one who is truly G-d-fearing should
protest vehemently until the images of the lions are removed from the
synagogue, especially because there is concern that it may seem that the
congregation is bowing to the images of these lions. In any event, these forms
should not be made in a synagogue which is considered a “Miniature Bet Hamikdash.”

Maran Ha’Chida (in his Sefer Shiyurei Beracha, Yoreh De’ah, Chapter 141) quotes
a certain Gaon who writes that it is obvious that one may not allow such images
of lions in synagogues or Batei Midrash (Houses of Study) where people pray on
a regular basis. He adds that anyone who rules leniently on this matter will
have to give reckoning before Hashem for this.

Halachically speaking, the custom in Israel was to completely abstain from
making any images in the synagogue, as is quoted in the works of the Poskim.
Hagaon Harav Shmuel Heller, a rabbi in Tzefat, writes lengthily on this matter
in a special pamphlet dedicated to this topic. Regarding new immigrants to
Israel from Germany and other places in Europe who drew protruding forms of
lions and deer on the Aron Kodesh of the Ari z”l’s synagogue in Tzefat, he
writes that according to the letter of the law, this is forbidden, especially
in Israel where Sephardic Jews had ruled stringently on this law. Thus, even
those who had emigrated from Ashkenazi countries were obligated to follow the
more stringent view in accordance with the pre-established custom of the place.

Summary: After dealing with this matter extensively, Maran Shlit”a
writes (in his Responsa Yechave Da’at, Volume 3, Chapter 62) that it is
forbidden to hand a curtain embroidered with images of lions on the Aron
Kodesh. He adds that rabbis in Israel and all over the world for that matter
must raise public awareness about this issue, convince the caretakers of
synagogues to remove such curtains and other such forms around the synagogue,
and to no longer produce such curtains with these images



Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

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Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Newsletter Parashat Naso

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1) To Family A Hodari 

for the flower decorations during Shavuot

2) To Family J Jacobs 

for preparing the speakers & refreshments 

during the night of Shavuot

3) To Family M Maman

for arranging the ice cream Kiddush 

on the 2nd day of Shavuot

4) To D Menashe


the kind donors for the ice cream kiddush





Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע

Timetable 5779





סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*





















14/15 June



*             For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the
candle lighting’ column is earlier,
when candles should be lit by that time, in all

Avot Ubanim 5:00 pm

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by

Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


& A on Parashat Naso

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. What is the significance of the number 8,580 in this weeks Parsha?
    4:47-48 – It is the number of leviim between ages thirty and fifty.
  2. Besides transporting the Mishkan, what other service performed by the leviim is referred to in this Parsha?
    4:47 – Singing and playing cymbals and harps to accompany the sacrifices.
  3. On which day did Moshe teach the command to send those who are temeim (ritually impure) out of the camp?
    5:2 – The day the Mishkan was erected.
  4. Name the three camps in the desert.
    5:2 – The camp of the Shechina was in the center, surrounded by the camp of Levi which was surrounded by the camp of Yisrael.
  5. Who was sent out of each of the camps?
    5:2 – A metzora was sent out of all three camps. A zav was permitted in the camp of Yisrael but excluded from the two inner camps. A person who was tamei from contact with the dead had to leave only the camp of the Shechina.
  6. A person stole from another and swore that he was innocent. If he later confesses his guilt, what are his obligations?
    5:6-8 – He pays the principle plus a fifth to the victim, and brings a korban asham.
  7. Who determines which kohen receives the gifts that must be given to the kohanim?
    5:10 – The giver.
  8. What does the Torah promise a person who gives matnot kehuna?
    5:10 – Great wealth.
  9. Why are the verses about matnot kehuna followed by the verses about the sotah?
    5:12 – To teach that someone who withholds the gifts due the kohanimis deserving of eventually bringing his wife to the kohanim to be tried as a sotah.
  10. Why is the sotah given water from the holy basin?
    5:17 – The holy basin was made from the mirrors of the righteous women who left Egypt; the sotah strayed from the example set by these women.
  11. What does the kohen do to the hair of a sotah?
    5:18 – He uncovers it.
  12. When a sotah who is guilty of adultery drinks the water, she dies in a very specific fashion. What happens to the adulterer?
    5:22 – He dies a similar death.
  13. Before the name of G-d is erased, the sotah has the option either to admit guilt or to drink the water. Does she have a third option?
    5:27 – Yes, she can refuse both: She can refuse to admit guilt and also refuse to drink the water. (After the Name of G-d is erased, she loses this option.)
  14. What are chartzanim? What are zagim?
    6:4 – Chartzanim are seeds. Zagim are peels.
  15. What sin does a Nazir commit against himself?
    6:11 – He abstains from enjoying wine.
  16. Where was the cut hair of a Nazir placed?
    6:18 – It was placed on the fire under the pot in which the nazirsshelamim offering was cooked.
  17. kohen should bless the people "with a full heart". What word in the Parsha conveys this idea of "a full heart"?
    6:23 – "Amor."
  18. What is the meaning of the blessing "May G-d bless you and guard you?"
    6:24 – "May G-d bless you" that your property may increase, "and guard you" from robbery.
  19. What is the meaning of the blessing "May G-d lift up His countenance upon you?"
    6:26 – "May He suppress His anger."
  20. The tribe of Yissachar was the second tribe to offer their gifts. Why did they merit this position?
    7:18 – The Tribe of Yissachar was well versed in Torah. Also, they proposed the idea that the nesiim should offer gifts.


from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

הנחת תפילין
על גבי השעון – מעשה עם הרב מטשיבין

שאלה: כשמניח
אדם תפילין בבוקר, האם צריך מן הדין להסיר את שעון היד בכדי שלא תהיה חציצה בין
התפילין ליד, או שאין צורך להקפיד על כך

תשובה: במשנה
במסכת מגילה (כד:) מבואר, שחציצה (דבר שמפריד בין התפילין לאדם
), פוסלת בתפילין, והמניח את התפילין על בגדיו לא יצא ידי
חובתו. וכתב רבינו הרא"ש, כי איסור חציצה בתפילין של יד נלמד מהפסוק, שנאמר
"והיה לך לאות על ידך", שלא יהיה דבר חוצץ בין התפילין לידך. והביא
סימוכין ללימוד זה

אולם יש מקום לדון אם דין זה נוהג גם במקום שרצועות
התפילין נמצאות שמה, או שדוקא במקום שהבית של התפילין מונח, שם יש להקפיד שלא תהיה
שום חציצה בין היד לתפילין
אבל במקום הרצועות, אין דין חציצה

דברי הרשב"א
ואמנם כתב רבינו הרשב"א
בתשובה, שאין איסור חציצה נוהג בתפילין אלא במקום הקציצה, (כלומר הבית של התפילין
שבו מונחות הפרשיות), אבל ברצועות אין דין חציצה נוהג. אלא שסיים, שאינו כותב כן
אלא להלכה, אבל למעשה יש ללכת אחר המנהג שנזהרים שלא תהיה חציצה אף במקום הרצועות

הרמ"א, קושית המגן אברהם, והסבר מרן

והרמ"א בהגהת השלחן ערוך
(סימן כז) הביא את דברי הרשב"א שאין דין חציצה נוהג אלא בבית של התפילין, אבל
ברצועות לא שייך דין חציצה. והקשה עליו המגן אברהם שהרי מקור הלכה זו היא
מהרשב"א, והרשב"א עצמו סיים שאינו כותב אלא להלכה, אבל למעשה יש להזהר
שלא תהיה חציצה אף במקום הרצועות, ואם כן כיצד כותב הרמ"א דין זה להלכה?
ותירץ המגן אברהם
שסובר הרמ"א, שלא כתב
הרשב"א שיש להזהר, אלא בהנחת התפילין על גבי בגד ממש
, אבל בחציצה
מועטת, כגון שכרוכה לו איזו רצועה על ידו, אין חשש חציצה בזה
. ומרן רבינו
עובדיה יוסף זצוק"ל הוסיף לתרץ, על פי מה שכתבו כמה מגדולי הפסוקים, שכל מקום
שמצינו לגאון שכתב דין להלכה ולא למעשה, אין זאת אלא מפני ענותנותו, אבל באמת יש
מקום להתחשב בדבריו אף למעשה. ולפי זה בודאי שיש להקל לכרוך את רצועות התפילין על
גבי שעון היד

דברי שאר הפוסקים
אולם הגאון רבי שניאור זלמן מלאדי
בעל התניא כתב, שאף ברצועות שייך דין חציצה, ומכל מקום כתב שאין לחוש בזה אלא דוקא
בכריכה הראשונה של הרצועות, שהיא סמוכה למקום הבית של התפילין, אבל מדבריו מבואר
שגם הוא מודה לעצם דברי הרמ"א, שבשאר הכריכות של הרצועה אין לחוש לחציצה
מועטת. וכן כתב הגאון רבי שלמה קלוגר ועוד מן הפוסקים, ויש בזה אריכות בדברי ראיות
וסברות בדבריהם. ואיך שיהיה, לענין שעון יד שהוא מונח אחר שבעת הכריכות שעל הזרוע,
בודאי שמעיקר ההלכה יש להקל בזה שלא לחוש לחציצה

פגישת מרן עם הרב מטשיבין
והגאון רבי דוב בעריש וינפלד
מטשיבין, שהיה מגדולי רבני ירושלים בדור שלפנינו, כתב בספרו להחמיר בזה. וכשפגשו
פנים אל פנים מרן רבינו הגדול זצוק"ל בימי צעירותו, העיר את תשומת לבו למה
שכתב בזה בספרו יביע אומר, להקל בחציצה שעל ידי שעון היד לגבי תפילין, והגאון
ז"ל אמר לו שגם הוא סובר להקל בזה, ומתחילה כתב להחמיר מפני שחשב שהשעון מונח
למעלה בזרוע במקום הכריכות הראשונות, אבל באמת גם הוא מודה שלדינא יש להקל בזה כל
שהשעון מונח סמוך לפרק כף היד אחר הכריכות שעל הזרוע

ולכן להלכה, המחמיר להסיר את
שעון היד מזרועו בעת הנחת התפילין תבא עליו ברכה, וכן היה נוהג מרן רבינו
זצ"ל, אולם מן הדין אין צורך להסיר את שעון היד בשעת הנחת התפילין, כי לא
שייך דין חציצה במקום זה

ומאחר והזכרנו את הרב מטשיבין, נוכל להזכיר,
שמעשה היה לפני יותר משישים שנה, שישב אחד הרבנים בסמוך לרב מטשיבין בשעת לימודו,
והיה מונח שם ספר "יביע אומר" של מרן זצ"ל. אמר אותו רב להגאון
מטשיבין, "לדעתי, המחבר יביע אומר יהיה אחד מגדולי הדור", אמר לו הרב
מטשיבין, "לדעתי כבר עתה הוא אחד מגדולי הדור



Wrapping the Tefillin Straps
Over One’s Watch-

An Incident Regarding the
Tschebiner Rav zt”l

Question: When
one dons the Tefillin in the morning, must one remove one’s watch so that there
is no separation between the Tefillin straps and one’s hand or is this not a

Answer: The
Mishnah (Megillah 24b) states that a separation between the Tefillin and one’s
arm invalidates the donning of the Tefillin; thus, if one dons Tefillin on top
of one’s garments, one has not fulfilled his obligation. The Rosh writes that
the prohibition of having a separation regarding Tefillin is derived from the
verse, “And it shall be for you for a sign on your hand,” which teaches us that
there may not be any separation between the Tefillin and one’s hand.

Nevertheless, we must analyze whether this law applies
where the Tefillin straps are bound around the arm or if this limitation only
applies where the box of the Tefillin itself (the “Bayit” or phylactery)
rests and the law prohibiting a separation does not apply at all to the place
of the Tefillin straps.

The Opinion of the Rashba
Indeed, the Rashba writes in one of his responses that the law prohibiting a
separation regarding Tefillin applies only where the box of the Tefillin rests
and this law does not apply to the straps. He nevertheless concludes, “I am
writing this as Halacha. However, practically speaking, one should follow the
custom that people follow to be careful of separations even in the place of the

The Rama, the Magen Avraham’s Question, and Maran zt”l’s

The Rama (in his notation on Chapter 27) quotes the Rashba’s opinion that the
laws of separation apply only to the box of the Tefillin but not to the
Tefillin straps. The Magen Avraham questions this ruling, for the source of
this Halacha is the response of the Rashba and the Rashba himself concludes
that although this may be the Halacha, practically, one should be careful not
to have separations even in the place of the Tefillin straps! If so, how could
the Rama quote this law as Halacha? The Magen Avraham answers that the Rama
understood that the Rashba only wrote what he did regarding an actual
separation, such as donning Tefillin on top of a garment; however, regarding a
small separation, such as if one has a small strap wrapped around one’s hand,
there is no concern of separation regarding this object. Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia
Yosef zt”l adds based on the words of the great Poskim that whenever we
find a Posek writing a law “as Halacha but not for practice,” this is only
meant as his show of humility, but his opinion can be accepted for practice as
well. Based on this, there is certainly room for leniency to allow wrapping
one’s Tefillin straps over one’s watch.

The Opinions of Other Poskim
On the other hand, the great Hagaon Harav Shneur Zalman of Liadi, author of the
Tanya, writes that the law prohibiting separations applies to the Tefillin
straps as well; however, he writes that there is only room for concern
regarding the place where the first wrapping of the strap occurs for it is
close to the place where the box of the Tefillin is laid. His words imply that
he agrees to the opinion if the Rama that there is no concern of a small
separation regarding the rest of the windings of the Tefillin straps. Hagaon
Harav Shlomo Kluger and other great Poskim rule likewise based on proofs and
sources. In any event, regarding a watch which is located after the seven
windings of the strap on the arm, there is certainly room for leniency
according to Halacha not to be concerned with a separation.

Maran’s Meeting With the Tschebiner Rav
Hagaon Harav Dov Berish Weidenfeld zt”l of Tschebin, one of the greatest
Torah scholars of Jerusalem in the previous generation, rules stringently on
this matter in his work. When Maran zt”l met him face to face in his
youth, he pointed out his lenient approach for wrapping the Tefillin straps
over one’s watch recorded in his Responsa Yabia Omer. The Tschebiner Rav told
Maran that he also agreed that there was room for leniency and he only ruled
stringently originally because he thought the watch was placed higher up on the
arm where the first windings of the strap were. However, even he agreed that there
was room for leniency as long as the watch is placed on one’s wrist, after the
seven windings around the arm.

Thus, halachically speaking, one who acts stringently and
removes his watch before donning Tefillin is especially praiseworthy; indeed,
this was the custom of Maran zt”l. However, according to the letter of
the law, there is no obligation to remove one’s watch before donning one’s
Tefillin, for the laws of separation do not apply in this place.

Since we have mentioned the Tschebiner Rav, let us a
recount an interesting incident involving him. Once, more than sixty years ago,
a certain rabbi was seated next to the Tschebiner Rav as he was leaning and
there was a copy of Maran’s “Yabia Omer” in front of him. The rabbi pointed out
to the Gaon of Tschebin, “In my opinion, the author of ‘Yabia Omer’ will be one
of the luminaries of the generation.” The Tschebiner Rav replied, “In my
opinion, he is already one of the luminaries of the generation!”



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Q & A Parashat Bamidbar

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated

  1. Why were the Jewish People counted so frequently?
    1:1 – They are very dear to G-d.
  2. What documents did the people bring when they were counted?
    1:18 – They brought birth records proving their tribal lineage.
  3. What determined the color of the tribal flags?
    2:2 – Each tribes flag was the color of that tribes stone in the breastplate of the kohen gadol.
  4. What is the difference between an "ot" and a "degel"?
    2:2 – An "ot" is a flag, i.e., a colored cloth that hangs from a flagpole. A degel is a flagpole.
  5. How do we see that the Jews in the time of Moshe observed techum Shabbat– the prohibition against traveling more than 2,000 amot on Shabbat?
    2:2 – G-d commanded them to camp no more than 2,000 amot from the Ohel Moed. Had they camped farther, it would have been forbidden for them to go to the Ohel Moed on Shabbat.
  6. What was the signal for the camp to travel?
    2:9 – The cloud over the Ohel Moed departed and the kohanim sounded the trumpets.
  7. What was the sum total of the counting of the 12 tribes?
    2:32 – 603,550.
  8. Why are Aharon's sons called "sons of Aharon and Moshe"?
    3:1 – Since Moshe taught them Torah, its as if he gave birth to them.
  9. Who was Nadav's oldest son?
    3:4 – Nadav had no children.
  10. Which two people from the Book of Esther does Rashi mention in this week's Parsha?
    3:7 – Bigtan and Teresh.
  11. Why did the levi'im receive ma'aser rishon?
    3:8 – Since the leviim served in the Mishkan in place of everyone else, they received tithes as "payment."
  12. Which groups of people were counted from the age of one month?
    3:15, 40 – The leviim, and the firstborn of Bnei Yisrae l.
  13. Name the first descendant of Levi in history to be counted as an infant.
    3:15 – Levis daughter Yocheved was born while the Jewish People were entering Egypt. She is counted as one of the 70 people who entered Egypt.
  14. Who assisted Moshe in counting the levi'im?
    3:16 G-d.
  15. Why did so many people from the tribe of Reuven support Korach in his campaign against Moshe?
    3:29 – The tribe of Reuven was encamped near Korach, and were therefore influenced for the worse. This teaches that one should avoid living near the wicked.
  16. Why did so many people from the tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar and Zevulun become great Torah scholars?
    3:38 – The tribes of Yehuda, Yissachar and Zevulun were encamped near Moshe, and were therefore influenced for the good. This teaches that one should seek to live near the righteous
  17. In verse 3:39 the Torah states that the total number of levi'im was 22,000. The actual number was 22,300. Why does the Torah seem to ignore 300 levi'im?
    3:39 – Each levi served to redeem a first-born of the Jewish People. Since 300 leviim were themselves firstborn, they themselves needed to be redeemed, and could therefore not redeem others.
  18. The firstborn males of the Jewish People were redeemed for five shekalim. Why five shekalim?
    3:46 – To atone for the sale of Yosef, Rachels firstborn, who was sold by his brothers for five shekalim (20 pieces of silver.)
  19. During what age-span is a man considered at his full strength?
    4:2 – Between the ages of 30 and 50.
  20. As the camp was readying itself for travel, who was in charge of covering the vessels of the Mishkan in preparation for transport?
    4:5 – The kohanim.

The following essay is excerpted from
the 3 volume Book of Our Heritage , Hebrew original by Rabbi
Eliyahu KiTov, English translation by Rabbi Nachmun Bulman. Published by Yad
Eliyahu Kitov and
Feldheim Publishers Jerualem. The books are
available from Ben Arza Judaica Books POB 894 Jerusalem, Israel, Telephone
972-2-272795, Fax 972-2-274744, or your local Jewish bookseller. Used with
permission. © by the Publishers. All Rights Reserved.

Customs of Shavuot


The order of prayer and kidush is the same for Shavuot as for the Shalosh
Regalim, (the three pilgrim-festivals), with specific reference made however,
to 'this festival of Shavuot, the time of the giving of our Torah.' During
musaf the 'additional-sacrificial-offerings' and the 'new-gift-offering' for
Shavuot are mentioned as is the passage Uveyom Habikurim. Hallel is likewise
said in whole, in accord with the practice followed during the Shalosh Regalim.

During the kiddush, shecheyanu is said. Women recite shecheyanu together
with the brachah over the candles, prior to lighting them. Again in keeping
with Yom Tov practice, it is obligatory to partake of two meals – to include
meat and wine.

It is customary to practice immersion in a mikvah (ritual bath) on Erev
Shavuot (the eve of Shavuot), for one is obliged to purify himself at the
advent of a Yom Tov. There are some who practice immersion also on Yom Tov.
There are some who practice immersion also on Yom Tov morning, in remembrance
of Israel's purification during the 'days-of-abstinence,' prior to their
receipt of the Torah.

Though it is generally customary to recite the ma'ariv prayers somewhat
earlier than usual on Erev Yom Tov, the first night of Shavuot, however,
ma'ariv is delayed till after the appearance of the stars. Seven whole weeks
are to elapse counting from the second day of Pesach till the advent of
Shavuot. And, if the sanctity of Yom Tov is 'accepted' before the forty ninth
day is concluded, the days-of-the-counting will not have been whole. Similarly,
the Shavuot kiddush is not recited till certain nightfall.

It is customary to decorate the synagogues and home with greens. And some
decorate the Torah scrolls with roses. If the greens were not prepared before
Shavuot, it is forbidden to use unprepared leaves – though they were cut before
Shavuot – for decoration. If the greens were however prepared for the sake of
the festival, but were not arranged out of forgetfulness, they may be arranged
on Yom Tov.

There is a custom of placing tree branches and boughs about the 'bimah'
(Synagogue pulpit) in the Synagogue, to recall that Shavuot is the time of
judgment for the fruit of the trees, so that prayers might be uttered in their
behalf. The Gaon of Vilna however, suspended this custom in many communities
since it had become an established practice in gentile religious festival usage.

It is customary to remain awake through the night for study of Torah and the
reading of the Tikun-for-the-Night-of-Shavuot.

Special care should be exercised not to slumber during the 'shacharit'
prayers, the Torah reading, and especially during 'musaf', which 'seals' the
Omer-period. (The reference is to the 'new-gift-offering' brought on Shavuot
morning upon the termination of the Omer-count days).

Those who remain awake through the night wash their hands in the morning,
but do not recite 'al netilat yadayim,' and 'Birkot Hashachar.' They are
required only to hear these brachot recited by one who is obligated to say
them, and to answer Amen.

Reasons for eating
Milk foods on Shavuot


  1. "Shavuot
    is an extension of Pesach and its conclusion. Just as we eat two cooked
    dishes on Pesach in memory of the Paschal-Lamb and the Chaggigah offering
    of Pesach, we likewise eat two cooked foods on Shavuot; one a milk dish,
    and the other a meat dish. Since one may not eat from the same loaf of
    bread with both meat and milk dishes, this custom is a memorial of the two
    breads brought on Shavuot" (Rabbi Moshe Isserles – Rama).
  2. 'The day
    when Moshe was drawn out of the water was the 6th of Sivan, and he was
    willing to be nursed only by a Hebrew woman. Therefore we recall this
    merit of his, through eating of milk foods on the same day' (Sefer
  3. 'Till
    the giving of the Torah, the Jews were permitted to eat meat of animals
    which were not kosher as well as meat of animals that had not been
    slaughtered in accord with the laws of shechitah. After the giving of the
    Torah, shechitah and the laws of forbidden foods were prescribed for them.
    Since all their utensils and dishes thereby became prohibited and they
    were unable to make them kosher, they could only eat milk foods' (Ge'ulat
  4. 'The
    Numerical value of the Hebrew letters which constitute the Hebrew for
    Milk, chalav, add up to forty, corresponding to the forty days spent by
    Moshe on Mount Sinai' (Rabbi Shimshon of Ostropol).

Matan Torah -The
Giving of the Torah


The Children as Guarantors

At the time of the giving of the Torah all Israel guaranteed
for each other. How? When G-d wished to give the Torah to Israel, He said to
them: 'Give Me guarantors that you will observe the Torah.' Said they to Him:
'"Are not the Patriarchs guarantors for us?' Said He: 'They are indebted
to Me, would that they be able to stand for themselves.' The matter is likened
to one who needs a loan. He was told: 'Bring a guarantor, and take as much as
you wish.' Whereupon he went and brought someone who also was indebted to the
lender. His would-be creditor then said: 'You have brought someone who is
indebted to me. Would that he be able to stand for himself. Come and bring one
who is not indebted to me.' Thus did G-d say to Israel: 'Have you brought Me
the Patriarchs – who themselves owe me a variety of debts – as guarantors?
Rather give Me guarantors who are not indebted ot Me. And who are those who are
not indebted to me?' He said to them: 'The children.' They immediately brought
Him the children … G-d said to them: 'Do you stand as guarantors that if I
give your parents the Torah, they will observe it; and if not, will you be
responsible for them?' They answered, 'Yes!' said He, "I am the Lord your
G-d.' They answered: 'Yes!…'

Why the Torah was Given in the

'And they encamped in the wilderness' (Shmot 19). The Torah
was given freely, publicly, in an ownerless place. For if it had been given in
the Land of Israel, the nations of the world would say that they have no
portion in it. Therefore, the Torah was given in this manner, so that whoever
wishes to accept it may come and accept it.'

'If it had been given in the Land of Israel, the people of Israel would have
said to the nations: 'You have no portion in it.' It was not given in the Land
of Israel in order not to create dissension among the tribes.'

'And why was it given in the wilderness? Just as the wilderness is empty of
all luxuries, likewise do the words of the Torah endure only with one who
refrains from all luxuries.'

'I Am the Lord Your G-d'

Why were the Ten Commandments said in singular? To teach you
that each and every Israelite should say: the Ten Commandments were given for
my sake and I am obligated to fulfill them. And that one should not say, it is
sufficient for the Torah to be fulfilled by others

'You Shall Have No Other gods'

Rabbi Eliezer said: 'Other gods' – they fashioned for
themselves new gods daily. If one of them had a golden god and he needed the
gold, he made himself a silver god. If he had a silver god and needed the silver
he made one of copper. If he had a copper god, and needed the copper, he made
one of iron and lead. And thus it is said, 'New gods that came up of late'
(Dvarim 32).

Reading Ruth on


  1. 'Ruth is
    read Shavuot because the timing of its events occurred 'at the beginning
    of the barley harvest,' and this period is also the time of Shavuot' (Abudraham).
  2. 'The
    reading of Ruth on Shavuot is a reminder of the stand at Mt. Sinai, when
    the people of Israel received a total of six hundred and thirteen mitzvoth
    – six hundred and six mitzvoth in addition to the seven previous Noahide
    Laws. The numerical value of Hebrew letters which comprise the word Ruth
    is six hundred and six' (Teshu'ot Chen).
  3. 'From
    her very birth, Ruth was worthy of accepting upon herself the yoke of
    mitzvoth; and the very letters of her name bear witness to it. The letters
    for Ruth add up to six hundred and six which together with the seven
    Noahide Laws add up to six hundred and thirteen' (the Gaon of Vilna).
  4. 'Our
    fathers had the status of converts when they accepted the Torah (in order
    to enter the covenant they were required to undergo circumcision and
    immersion as is the case with converts). In honor of Ruth who was a
    convert and became the mother of Israel's royal family, we say, 'When we
    received the Torah, we were all converts' (Agan).
  5. 'Megilat
    Ruth was written by the Prophet Samuel, to indicate the genealogy of Kind
    David for Ruth the Moabite. We learn from the writing of this Megilah that
    there was Divine assent in the matter, for the end of the Megilah recounts
    David's ancestry and David was born on Shavuot and died on Shavuot' (Bechor
  6. The
    story of Ruth is read at the time of the giving of the Torah so that we
    might know that the written Torah and the Oral Torah, are together one
    Torah, and one is not Possible without the other. For David, the anointed
    of G-d unto all generations, was descended from a Moabite woman, and his
    legitimacy depended on the Oral Torah – which declared that only a Moabite
    man was prohibited from entering the fold of Israel – but not a Moabite
    woman. On the foundations of the House of David, the whole people of
    Israel is supported. All this could only come about through the authority
    of the Oral Torah


Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Z'l

חג השבועות

נאמר בפרשת מתן תורה, "ויסעו מרפידים ויבאו
מדבר סיני, ויחנו במדבר, ויחן שם ישראל נגד ההר". (שמות יט

רבינו חיים בן עטר, ה"אור החיים"
הקדוש הקשה, שהרי בפסוקים שקודם לכן כבר נאמר "לצאת בני ישראל מארץ מצרים,
ביום הזה באו מדבר סיני", ואם כן לכאורה, מדוע כפלה התורה וכתבה שוב
"ויחנו במדבר", הרי ברור הדבר שאם הגיעו למדבר גם חנו שם
, ואם כן מה באה ללמדינו התורה בדבר זה?

ומסביר האור החיים הקדוש, כי פסוק זה בא ללמדינו
שלשה עיקרים בקבלת התורה, שמבלעדי שלשת הדברים הללו אי אפשר היה לקבל את התורה,
ועל ידם נתרצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לתת לבני ישראל את התורה

הראשון, "ויסעו
מרפידים", שקודם קבלת התורה, היו עם ישראל ברפיון ידים ועצלות גדולה, כדרכם
של עבדים משוחררים, ואף על פי כן הם הכינו עצמם והתגברו על מדותיהם הטבעיות, לקבל
את התורה בזריזות ובחשק, וקבלו על עצמם שלא להתעצל בלימוד התורה. כי כך טבע הדבר
בלימוד התורה, שדברי תורה צריכים חיזוק כל העת, ולכן התורה טורחת בכל פעם שהיא
מזכירה ענין לימוד התורה, לתת תוספת חיזוק, כמו שנאמר "לא ימוש ספר התורה הזה
מפיך, והגית בו יומם ולילה, הלא צויתיך חזק ואמץ", וכן על זה הדרך. ולפיכך
הוצרכה התורה לציין "ויסעו מרפידים", שהיו נרפים מאד, ברפיון ידיים, ואף
על פי כן זרזו עצמם לקבלת התורה בחשק ושמחה,  ו"יסעו" מאותו הרפיון
שהיה להם קודם לכן. שזהו עיקר גדול ותנאי לזכות לכתרה של תורה

העיקר השני, "ויבאו מדבר
סיני ויחנו במדבר", שהכוונה בזה שהגיעו עם ישראל למדרגה רוחנית שהיא בבחינת
מדבר, שהכל דשין ודורכין עליו, והוא מקום הפקר לכל, כמו כן ישראל הגיעו למצב של
ענווה ושיפלות רוח, כי מבלעדי זה אי אפשר לזכות לתורה
, כי אין התורה
שורה על גסי הרוח, ועל כן משה רבינו זכה שהוא יקבל את התורה
, לפי שהוא היה סמל
ואות למופת של ענוה גדולה שלא היה עוד כמותה. גם לא ניתנה התורה אלא על ההר הנמוך
שבהרים, הר סיני, כי אין השכינה שורה על גסי הרוח וגבהי הלב, ורק בזכות הענוה זכו
ישראל לכתר תורה

והעיקר השלישי, "ויחן שם ישראל כנגד
ההר", אשר כמו שפירשנו כבר, לשון "ויחן" הוא לשון יחיד, מפני שעם
ישראל באותו הזמן היתה בינהם אחדות גדולה, כאיש אחד בלב אחד, וגם זה הוא תנאי גדול
לזכות לתורה, כי אין קבלת התורה רק ליחידים שבישראל, אלא דוקא לכל כלל ישראל יחד,
ועל כן התורה צריכה תמיד להיות נלמדת בציבור, ואמרו רבותינו "חרב אל הבדים",
חרב אל אותם שלומדים בד בבד, כלומר לבדם, כי אין אדם זוכה לישרות בתורה, אלא כשהיא
נלמדת עם עוד אדם, שיעיר את תשומת לב חבירו כשהוא טועה בלימוד. (ואחר שידע כבר את
עיקרי לימוד התורה בדרך נכונה, יוכל ללמוד לבדו מתוך ספרי האחרונים, אשר גם על ידי
העיון בהם יוכל לעמוד על טעותו), ואשרי העם שהם באים בליל שבועות ללמוד תורה
, במקום שהשכינה שורה בו, אשר על כגון זה נאמר
"ויחן שם ישראל כנגד ההר", כי כאיש אחד, זכו לקבל את התורה, וכמו כן
אנו, נזכה לאורה של תורה, משאת חיינו, בזכות ענוה ושפלות רוח, לקבל מהגדולים
מאיתנו את האמת, ולהודות תמיד על האמת, ולהשתדל כמה שאפשר להיות באחדות גדולה,
שמתוך כך תשרה עלינו השכינה הקדושה, ונזכה לכתרה של תורה

The Holiday of Shavuot

Regarding the giving of the Torah, the Torah states
(Shemot 19): “And they travelled from Refidim and they arrived at the Sinai
Desert and they camped in the desert; and Israel camped there opposite the

Rabbeinu Chaim ben Atar, the saintly “Or Ha’Chaim,” asks
that in the previous verses the Torah states, “On the third month of the Jewish
nation leaving Egypt, on this day they had come to the Sinai desert.” If so,
why does the Torah repeat the fact that they “camped in the desert”? Is it not
clear that if they arrived at the desert that they camped there as well? What
does the Torah mean to teach us by writing this?

The saintly Or Ha’Chaim explains that the Torah is trying
to convey to us three key principles regarding receiving the Torah without
which accepting the Torah would have been impossible and because of which
Hashem decided to give us the Torah.

The first is “Travelling from Refidim” (in Hebrew,
“Refidim” is similar to the word “Rifyon” meaning laxity) before the giving of
the Torah, for the Jewish nation experienced great carelessness and lethargy as
all freed slaves do and even so, they prepared themselves and overcame their
natural character-traits in order to be able to accept the Torah in a zealous
and energetic manner by accepting upon themselves not to become lazy in their
Torah learning. This is indeed the natural course of Torah learning that the
Torah needs strengthening and recommitment at all times. It is for this reason
that any time the Torah mentions learning Torah, the Torah adds a boost of
encouragement as the verse states, “This Sefer Torah shall not budge from your
lips and you shall delve in it day and night etc. have I not commanded you to
be strong and courageous?” The Torah therefore needed to point out that they
“travelled from Refidim,” for they had truly been slacking off, but even so
they had energized themselves to accept the Torah with desire and joy and they
had thus “travelled away” from the laxity they possessed beforehand, for this
is a great principle and important condition for meriting receiving the Torah’s

The second principle is “And they arrived at the Sinai
desert and they camped in the desert.” This means that the Jewish nation
reached the lofty level wherein they made themselves like a desert which is
ownerless and everyone walks through and tramples on. Similarly, the Jewish
nation reached a high level of humility and submissiveness, for without doing
so, one cannot merit accepting the Torah as the Torah does not identify itself
with the arrogant. It is also for this reason that Moshe Rabbeinu was the one
chosen to receive the Torah, for he served as an outstanding symbol of extreme
humility, the likes of which the world had never seen. Additionally, the Torah
was given only on the lowest of mountains, Mount Sinai, for Hashem’s presence
does not rest on the arrogant and the haughty; only because of their humility
did the Jewish nation merit receiving the crown of Torah.

The third principle is “And Israel camped there opposite
the mountain.” The Torah uses the singular form of the word “camped” in order
to teach us that the Jewish nation was completely unified at that time, like
one man with one heart. This also serves as an important condition in order to
receive the Torah, for the Torah was not given to individuals among the Jewish
nation; rather, it was given to the entire nation as one. It is for this reason
that the Torah must be read in public. Indeed the verse states, “May a sword be
to the loners” referring to those who learn Torah alone, for one cannot merit
having a correct understanding of the Torah unless he learns with someone else
who will be able to bring the errors he has made in his learning to his
attention. (Once one masters the principles for how to properly learn Torah,
one may then learn from the works of the Acharonim alone, for by delving in
them one will likewise be able to realize if he has erred.) Praiseworthy is the
nation whose people come together to learn Torah on the night of Shavuot in a
place where the holy presence of Hashem rests. Regarding this does the verse
state, “And Israel camped there opposite the mountain,” for they merited
receiving the Torah as one. May we likewise merit gleaning from the eternal
light of the Torah by virtue of our true humility through accepting the true
interpretation of the Torah from those greater than us and admitting that their
interpretation is indeed true. Let us try our very best to always be completely
unified, for this will cause Hashem to rest His holy presence on us and we will
thereby merit receiving the crown of the Torah.


 ברכות הנהנין וקריאת שמע בליל שבועות

קריאת תיקון
"קריאי מועד
נבאר לגבי מה שכתבנו, שנכון לקרוא בליל שבועות את התיקון הנדפס בספר קריאי מועד

אף על פי שכן הוא מנהג הספרדים, וכמו שכתבו רבותינו המקובלים, מכל מקום אותם
הנוהגים ללמוד בלילה ספר המצות להרמב"ם, ולשמוע שיעורי תורה, יש להם על מה
שיסמכו, בפרט אם נראה לרבנים הנמצאים באותו מקום שהתועלת היוצאת מלימוד זה מרובה
יותר, כגון אותם סדרי לימוד הנערכים במקומות שיושביהם רחוקים מן הדת, ויש לעוררם
ולקרבם בדברי תורה נעימים, להטות למוסר אזניהם
. ובקריאת התיקון
נראה שלא תצא תועלת כל כך

מרן רבינו שליט"א
(בספרו על הלכות יום טוב עמוד שיא), שרבים
מגאוני אשכנז, ובהם הגאון ראי"ה קוק, נהגו ללמוד בליל שבועות בספר המצות
להרמב"ם. וכן בבית הכנסת של מרן שליט"א, נוהג ללמד ברבים ממדרשי
חז"ל וביאורי הלכות (מלבד קריאת התיקון
). ומכל מקום במקום
שהציבור קוראים את התיקון מספר קריאי מועד, לא נכון לשנות מכלל הציבור, ויש לקרוא
התיקון כמו שכתבו המקובלים

על מאכל ומשקה בליל שבועות

בתורה בלילה, ומגישים בפניהם מדי פעם בפעם תה או קפה וכדומה, עליהם לברך בפעם
הראשונה שישתו, ואחר כך אינם חוזרים לברך שוב בכל פעם. ואפילו אם יש שהות של יותר
משעה ורבע בין שתיה לשתיה, אין לברך שנית, כי נפטרו מן הברכה בפעם הראשונה שבירכו

לכוין בפירוש בתחילה, שדעתו לפטור בברכתו את כל מה שיוגש לפניו בלילה

הדבר ברור, שאם יצא מבית הכנסת החוצה, ובחזרתו הוגשו לפניו שוב משקאות
לחזור ולברך שנית, כי היציאה מבית הכנסת נחשבת "היסח הדעת", ושוב אינו
נפטר בברכתו הראשונה. (חזו"ע עמוד שיא


לקרוא קריאת שמע בליל שבועות, לפני זמן חצות הלילה. כפי שנהגו בבתי הכנסת. (שם

השחר וברכות התורה

לברך ברכות השחר אלא אחרי "עלות השחר" (וזמן עלות השחר מודפס בלוחות
השנה). ואף מי שלא ישן כל הלילה, רשאי לברך ברכות התורה בעלות השחר. ומלבד ברכות
התורה, יש לברך את כל ברכות השחר, כולל ברכת "אלקי נשמה", מלבד ברכת
"על נטילת
ידיים", שמי שלא ישן בלילה, נוטל ידיו בלא ברכה. (וברכת "אשר יצר"
יש לברך, רק למי שהוצרך לברכה זו, כפי הדין בכל ימות השנה

Blessings of Enjoyment and Keri’at Shema on the Night of Shavuot

the Order of the “Keri’eh Mo’ed”

Let us first discuss that which we have mentioned that it is proper to read the
order of learning for the night of Shavuot which is printed in the Sefer
Keri’eh Mo’ed.

Although this is indeed the custom of Sephardic Jewry based on the writing of
the Mekubalim, nevertheless, those who customarily learn the Rambam’s Sefer
Ha’Mitzvot or listen to Torah lectures on this night have on whom to rely. This
is especially true if the rabbis in a specific place feel that such a learning
schedule is more beneficial for the congregation, for instance, if the learning
is being held in a location where most of the audience is not particularly
religious in which case it is important to draw them closer with pleasant words
of Torah as opposed to merely reading the order of Shavuot which may not be so
constructive for them.

Maran Shlit”a writes (in his Chazon Ovadia-Yom Tov, page 311) that many great
Ashkenazi luminaries, among them Hagaon Harav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook zt”l customarily learned the
Rambam’s Sefer Ha’Mitzvot on the night of Shavuot. Similarly, in the synagogue
of Maran Shlit”a, he customarily publicly expounds some Midrashim of our Sages
as well as some pertinent Halachot (in addition to reading the order of
Shavuot). Nevertheless, in a place where the congregation is reading from the
Sefer Keri’eh Mo’ed, it is improper to deviate from the congregation’s custom
and one should indeed read along with them as per the custom of the Mekubalim.

Blessings on Food and Drink on the Night of Shavuot
Those who delve in Torah all night and are occasionally served tea, coffee, and
the like, they must recite a blessing before the first time they drink and then
they no longer repeat the blessing every other time. Even if there is a pause
of an hour and a quarter between each drinking, one does not recite the
blessing again, for he has fulfilled his obligation with the blessing he has
recited the first time.

It is preferable though that one have specific intention the first time he
blesses that his blessing should exempt any other item brought before him.

However, if one leaves the synagogue and goes outside and when he returns he is
served beverages once again, he must recite another blessing, for leaving the
synagogue constitutes an interruption and he is no longer exempted by his
original blessing (See Chazon Ovadia ibid.).

Keri’at Shema
One should recite Keri’at Shema before halachic midnight on the night of
Shavuot as is customary in all synagogues. (ibid.)

The Morning Blessings (Birkot Ha’Shachar) and the Blessings on the Torah
One should only recite the morning blessings after dawn (the time for which is
printed in various calendars). Even one who has not slept all night may recite
the Blessings on the Torah after dawn. Besides for the Blessings on the Torah,
one should recite all of the Morning Blessings, including “Elokai Neshama,”
besides for the blessing of “Al Netilat Yadayim,” for one who has not slept at
night washes his hands in the morning without reciting this blessing.
(Regarding the “Asher Yatzar” blessing, only one who has used the facilities
should recite this blessing as is the case during the rest of the year.)


Shabbat Shalom

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