Newsletter Parashat Behar

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would be delighted for the congregation 

to join them at a
Kiddush on 

Shabbat Behar 

In the hall

Of the Bet Hakeneset 

to celebrate the Aufruf of 

Olivia and Daniel.


would like to use this opportunity

to wish 

Family Leviten


our very dear friends

Mr & Mrs Stuart Ailion

and their son


a very big mazal tov on the upcoming wedding

A special thank you to


for always being a pillar and loyal member of the Bet Hakeneset

and giving up countless hours of his time 

for the needs of the Bet Hakeneset

Besiman Tov to both Families

Many semachot



Shabbat Times

לוח זמני תפלה לקיץ תשע

Timetable 5779





סוף זמן קראת שמע

זמן שבת

פלג מנחה (תה״ד)

פלג מנחה (לבוש)

מנחה וקבלת שבת


שבת פרשת





Shema to be read before

Candles to be
lit by


Earliest Candle lighting

Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat*





















24/25 May



*    For those not in the Bet Hakeneset, but wishing to
bring in Shabbat with the Kahal, candles should be lit about 30 minutes after
the time listed for Minha and Kabbalat Shabbat. (Unless the time listed in the
candle lighting’ column is earlier,
when candles should be lit by that time, in all

Avoy Ubanim 5 pm

Pirke Avot 5:50 pm

Mincha 6:00 pm

Followed by

Anyone wishing
to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews


& A on Parashat Behar

All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.

  1. Why does the Torah specify that the laws of shemita were taught on Har Sinai?
    25:1 – To teach us that just as shemita was taught in detail on Har Sinai, so too, all the mitzvot were taught in detail on Har Sinai.
  2. If one possesses shemita food after it is no longer available in the field, what must he do with it?
    25:7 – Remove it from his property and declare it ownerless.
  3. The Torah commands, "You shall sanctify the fiftieth year." How is this done?
    25:10 – At the beginning of the year the Beit Din declares, "This year is kadosh (sanctified)."
  4. Which two "returns" are announced by the shofar during yovel?
    25:10 – The return of the land to its original owner, and the "return" (freedom) of the slave from slavery.
  5. From where does the yovel year get its name?
    25:10 – From the sounding of the shofar. A ram's horn is called a yovel.
  6. What prohibitions are derived from the verse "v'lo tonu ish et amito — a person shall not afflict his fellow"?
    25:17 – One may not intentionally hurt people's feelings, nor give bad advice while secretly intending to reap benefit.
  7. What is the punishment for neglecting the laws of shemita?
    25:18 – Exile.
  8. If shemita is observed properly, how long is the crop of the sixth year guaranteed to last?
    25:21,22 – From Nissan of the sixth year until Sukkot of the ninth year.
  9. After selling an ancestral field, when can one redeem it?
    25:24 – After two years following the sale, until yovel. At the beginning of yovel it returns to the family automatically.
  10. Under what circumstance may one sell ancestral land?
    25:25 – Only if one becomes impoverished.
  11. If a home in a walled city is sold, when can it be redeemed?
    25:29 – Only within the first year after the sale. Afterwards, even in yovel, it does not return.
  12. What does the word "days" mean in this week's Parsha?
    25:29 – The days of an entire year.
  13. What is considered a walled city?
    25:29 – A city that has been surrounded by a wall since the time of Yehoshua.
  14. What is the definition of a "ger toshav"?
    25:35 – A non-Jew who lives in Eretz Yisrael and accepts upon himself not to worship idols.
  15. To what is one who leaves Eretz Yisrael compared?
    25:38 – To one who worships idols.
  16. Why does Rashi mention the plague of the firstborn in this week's Parsha?
    25:38 – The prohibition against taking interest is accompanied by the phrase, "I am the L-rd your G-d who took you out of Egypt." Rashi explains that just as G-d discerned in Egypt between those who were firstborn and those who were not, so too will G-d discern and punish those who lend with interest, pretending they are acting on behalf of others.
  17. List three prohibitions which demonstrate the dignity with which one must treat a Jewish indentured servant.
    25:39-43 –
    1. Do not make him perform humiliating tasks
    2. Do not sell him publicly
    3. Do not make him perform unnecessary jobs
  18. Who supports the family of the Jewish indentured servant during his years of servitude?
    25:41 – His master.
  19. If a Jew is sold as a servant to a non-Jew, does he go free after six years?
    25:54 – No. If he is not redeemed with money, he must wait until the yovel to go free.
  20. Where is it permitted to prostrate oneself on a stone floor?
    26:1 – In the Mikdash.



from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l

הדחת כלים בשבת

הכנה משבת לחול

שבת (דף קיח.) למדנו, שאסור להכין משבת לחול. כלומר, אסור לעשות דבר בשבת
, כאשר אין בו צורך ליום
השבת עצמו. ולמשל, אסור לחמם מאכל בשבת לצורך מוצאי שבת. וכן כל כיוצא בזה

מבואר במסכת שבת (שם), שאסור להדיח
כלים בשבת, כאשר עושים כן לצורך מוצאי שבת. כלומר, אין להדיח כלים בשבת, כאשר אין
בהם צורך ליום השבת עצמו

האיסור, בכדי שלא יטרח אדם ביום השבת, לצורך דבר שאינו לכבוד השבת עצמה.
(הראב"ד פכ"ג ה"ז. וכ"כ הרב המגיד בדעת הרמב"ם

כלים לאחר סעודה שלישית

השלחן ערוך (סימן שכג) כתב בזו הלשון: מדיחין (שוטפים) כלים (בשבת) לצורך היום.
כגון שנשאר לו עדיין סעודה לאכול. אבל לאחר סעודה שלישית אין מדיחין
. וכלי שתיה מדיחין כל
היום, שכל היום ראוי לשתיה


הדברים נמצאנו למדים, כי כלי שתיה, כגון כוסות וכדומה, מותר להדיחן אפילו אחר
סעודה שלישית, הואיל ויתכן בהחלט שיהיה צורך בכלים אלה אף לאחר הסעודה
. אולם כלי הסעודה, כגון
צלחות וסכו"ם וכדומה, אסור להדיחן אחר סעודה שלישית

כוסות לאחר שקיעת החמה

פשוט, שאם אכלו סעודה שלישית בשעה מאוחרת, עד שסיימוה לאחר השקיעה, אסור לשטוף
כוסות ושאר כלי השתיה לאחר הסעודה, הואיל ואסור לשתות לאחר הסעודה
(אחר השקיעה) עד שיעשו
הבדלה כדין

כלים לאחר סעודה שלישית כשיש בהם עוד צורך

כן להיפך, לגבי כלי הסעודה, כגון צלחות וסכו"ם. שאם אכלו סעודה שלישית בשעה
מוקדמת מאד, ורוצים אחר כך להשתמש שוב בכלי הסעודה, מותר לשטפם אפילו אחר סעודה
שלישית. שכל האיסור בזה אינו אלא משום, שבדרך כלל לאחר הסעודה שלישית, לא אוכלים
יותר בכלים אלה, אבל אם ידוע שיבואו להשתמש שוב בכלים אלה, מותר לשוטפם בשבת

שמרן שליט"א בספרו לוית חן (עמוד קג
) כתב להחמיר בזה, משום שראה לרבינו המאירי שכתב, שאחר
סעודה שלישית אסור להדיח כלים, אפילו אם רוצה לאכול בהם בשבת. מכל מקום לאחר מכן
מצא בתוספות רי"ד שכתב, שכל שרוצה להשתמש בכלים בשבת, מותר להדיחן אפילו אחר
סעודה שלישית. (וכן משמע בבית יוסף סימן תקיד). ולפיכך, העיקר להקל בזה

ולסיכום: מותר לשטוף כלים בשבת,
כאשר יש צורך בכלים אלה ליום השבת עצמו. אבל לאחר סעודה שלישית, באופן שנראה שאין
עוד צורך בכלי הסעודה, אסור להדיח את הכלים

וכדומה, העשויים לשתיה, מותר לשטפם אפילו לאחר סעודה שלישית (קודם שקיעת החמה).
הואיל ויתכן שישתמשו בהם ביום השבת עצמו

הבאה נבאר עוד פרטים בזה



Washing Dishes on Shabbat

Preparing for a Weekday on

The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat (118a) teaches us that one may not prepare from
Shabbat for weekdays, i.e. one may not perform an action on Shabbat if it is
not necessary for the day of Shabbat itself. For instance, one may not warm up
a food on Shabbat to be eaten on Motza’ei Shabbat.

The Gemara (ibid.) continues that it is likewise forbidden to wash dishes on
Shabbat when this is being done for Motza’ei Shabbat, meaning that there is no
longer use for them on Shabbat. The reason for this prohibition is so that one
does not exert himself on Shabbat for a matter that is not necessary for the
actual honor of Shabbat (Ra’avad Chapter 23, Halacha 7 of Hilchot Shabbat and
Magid Mishneh ibid. in the name of the Rambam).

Washing Dishes after the Third Shabbat Meal
Maran HaShulchan Aruch (Chapter 323) states: “One may wash dishes on Shabbat in
honor of the day, for instance, if he still has a meal remaining. However,
after the third Shabbat meal, dishes may not be washed. Vessels used for
drinking may be washed all day, for one is able to drink the entire day.”

Washing Glasses
Based on this, vessels used for drinking, such as glasses and the like, may be
washed even after the third Shabbat meal, since it is entirely possible that
these vessels may be used after the meal. However, vessels used for eating,
such as plates, silverware, and the like, may not be washed after the third
Shabbat meal.

Washing Glasses after Sunset
Clearly, if the third Shabbat meal was eaten at a late hour such that it was
concluded after sunset, glasses and other vessels used for drinking may not be
washed after the meal since it is prohibited to drink after the meal (following
sunset) until Havdala is performed.

Washing Dishes which are Necessary for Use after the Third Shabbat Meal
The opposite applies as well regarding dishes used for eating, such as plates
and silverware, that if the third Shabbat meal was eaten at an early hour and
the family would like to use these dishes again, they may be washed even after
the Third Shabbat meal, for the only reason this is usually prohibited is
because one does not generally eat anymore after the third Shabbat meal;
however, if one knows that he will make use of these dishes again on Shabbat,
they may be washed.

Although Maran Shlit”a rules stringently on this matter in his Livyat Chen
(page 103) based on the opinion of the Meiri who prohibits washing dishes after
the third Shabbat meal even if one intends to use the dishes again on Shabbat,
nevertheless, he has since found a ruling in the Tosafot Rid (Rabbeinu Yeshaya
of Tarani) that as long as one intends to use the dishes again on Shabbat, they
may be washed even after the third Shabbat meal. (It seems that the Bet Yosef
in Chapter 514 rules likewise.) Thus, one may be lenient in this regard.

Summary: One may wash dishes on Shabbat when these dishes are necessary
for Shabbat itself. However, after eating the third Shabbat meal when one does
not intend to use the dishes anymore, one may not wash them.

Glasses and other vessels used for drinking may be washed even after the third
Shabbat meal (before sunset) since it is possible that they will still be used
on Shabbat itself.

In the following Halacha, we shall, G-d-willing, deal with this matter further 


Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

Shabbat Shalom

Please feel free to ask us any questions or requests you may need through this e-mail. We will get back to you, bli neder, asap.

Please send us any announcement you would like to make through our e-mail before Wednesday morning, if possible, unless there is a Yom Tob. Exceptions will be made for late entries

Be advised that we will only announce your simcha when you give us permission to do so

If you no longer wish to receive further emails from moorlanenews please reply with the word "unsubscribe".

Thank you, Hatzlacha & all the best

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