
You are requested to attend the
ON THIS SUNDAY 25th November 2018 at 8 pm in the shul hall
1. Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting
2. Matters arising from the Minutes
3. Parnas Presidente’s Report
4. Adoption of the Report
5. Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts
6. Discussion and Adoption of Report
7. *Election of Hon Officers and Members of the Mahamad
a) Parnas Presidente
b) Parnas Vice Presidente
c) Treasurer
d) Gabbai
e) Hon. Secretary
f) Ladies Committee Chair
g) Mahamad (6 members – sub-group duties to be defined)
8. Election of delegates to:
a) Manchester Shechita Board
b) Manchester Jewish Rep Council
9. A.O.B.
Thank you in advance for attending – your support for this meeting is important.
On behalf of the Mahamad
*Nominations should reach the Synagogue before SUNDAY 25th November 2018

New Opportunity for learning
The Avrechim of the Kollel are able to learn with the Kahal
from 6.50 til Arbit at 7.30 every evening
Need a partner?
contact Rabbi Stamler


Shabbat Times
לוח זמני תפלה לחורף תשע"ט
Winter Timetable 5779 – 2018 / 19
מוצאי שבת | ערבית )מוצ"ש( | שקיעה | מנחה שבת | סוף זמן קריאת שמע | הדלקת נרות | מנחה וקבלת שבת | תאריך | שבת פרשת |
Shabbat Ends | Arbit | Sunset | Minha | Shema before | Candle Lighting | Minha & Kabbalat Shabbat | Date | Parasha |
PM | PM | PM | PM | AM | PM | PM |
4:56 | 4:50 | 3:59 | 3:25 | 9:53 | 3:46 | 3:45 | 23/24 Nov | וישלח |
Shabbat Services
Children’s Tehilim straight after Musaf
Anyone wishing to donate a Kiddush Please email Moorlanenews
Q & A on Parashat Vayishlach
All references are to the verses and Rashi's commentary, unless otherwise stated.
- What sort of messengers did Yaakov send to Esav?
32:4 – Angels. - Why was Yaakov both "afraid" and "distressed?"
32:8 – He was afraid he would be killed. He was distressed that he would have to kill. - In what three ways did Yaakov prepare for his encounter with Esav?
32:9 – He sent gifts, he prayed, and he prepared for war. - Where did Dina hide and why?
32:23 – Yaakov hid her in a chest so that Esav wouldn't see her and want to marry her. - After helping his family across the river, Yaakov remained alone on the other side. Why?
32:25 – He went back to get some small containers he had forgotten. - What was the angel forced to do before Yaakov agreed to release him?
32:27 – Admit that the blessings given by Yitzchak rightfully belong to Yaakov. - What was it that healed Yaakov's leg?
32:32 – The shining of the sun. - Why did Esav embrace Yaakov?
33:4 – His pity was aroused when he saw Yaakov bowing to him so many times. - Why did Yosef stand between Esav and Rachel?
33:7 – To stop Esav from gazing at her. - Give an exact translation of the word nisa in verse 33:12.
33:12 – It means "travel". It does not mean "we will travel." This is because the letter nun is part of the word and does not mean we as it sometimes does. - What happened to the 400 men who accompanied Esav?
33:16 – They slipped away one by one. - Why does the Torah refer to Dina as the daughter of Leah and not as the daughter of Yaakov?
34:1 – Because she was outgoing like her mother, Leah. - Whom should Shimon and Levi have consulted concerning their plan to kill the people of Shechem?
34:25 – Their father, Yaakov. - Who was born along with Binyamin?
35:17 – His two triplet sisters. - What does the name Binyamin mean? Why did Yaakov call him that?
35:18 – Ben-Yemin means "Son of the South." He was the only son born in the Land of Israel, which is south of Aram Naharaim. - The Torah states, "The sons of Yaakov were twelve." Why?
35:22 – To stress that all of them, including Reuven, were righteous. - How old was Yaakov when Yosef was sold?
35:29 – One hundred and eight. - Esav changed his wife's name to Yehudit. Why?
36:2 – To fool Yitzchak into thinking that she had abandoned idolatry. - Which three categories of people have their sins pardoned?
36:3 – One who converts to Judaism, one who is elevated to a position of leadership, and one who marries. - What is the connection between the Egyptian oppression of the Jewish people and Esav's decision to leave the land of Canaan?
36:6 – Esav knew that the privilege of living in the Land of Israel was accompanied by the prophecy that the Jews would be "foreigners in a land not their own." Therefore Esav said, "I'm leaving. I don't want the Land if it means I have to pay the bill of subjugation in Egypt."
Halachot from Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Ztz'l
חציצה בנטילת ידיים
שאלה: האם אני רשאי ליטול את ידי, אף על פי שיש מתחת לצפורניים שלי מעט שאריות מ"פלסטלינה" וכדומה?
תשובה: צריך כל אדם, להזהר מחציצה בנטילת ידיים. וכל דבר שחוצץ בטבילה, חוצץ לנטילת ידיים. כלומר, לכלוך שנמצא תחת הצפורניים, פעמים שהוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים.
מקור דין חציצה בנטילת ידיים
דין זה, נלמד מדיני חציצה בטבילת הגוף. ובגמרא במסכת פסחים (קט.) למדו רבותינו מן הפסוק "ורחץ במים כל בשרו", מכאן שאסור שיהיה דבר החוצץ בין גופו של האדם למים, כדי שיטהר. (שהרי נאמר "כל בשרו", ומשמע שכל גופו יהיה במים, ולא שיהיה מכוסה באיזה דבר החוצץ בינו לבין המים). וכן הדין לענין נטילת ידיים, שצריך שכל היד תהיה גלויה לפני המים, ולא יהיה דבר החוצץ ביניהם.
דבר החוצץ שמקפידים או שלא מקפידים להסירו
אמנם יש פרטי דינים בזה. ונזכיר רק את עיקר הדבר הנוגע לנו, והוא, שכל דבר החוצץ רק במיעוט מן היד (כלומר, לא ברוב היד, אלא רק במיעוטה), הרי הוא חוצץ, דוקא אם מקפידים בדרך כלל להסירו. כגון לכלוך הנמצא על היד, שדרך בני אדם להסירו ולא להשאר איתו, הרי שהוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים. אבל דבר החוצץ במיעוט היד, ואין דרך בני אדם להסירו, אין הוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים. (והטעם בפשטות, מאחר ואין הדר להסיר את אותו הדבר, הרי הוא בטל לגוף האדם, ונחשב כחלק ממנו, ולכן אינו חוצץ).
ונבאר את הדברים:
לכלוך שהוא מאוס מאד
לכלוך שהוא מאוס מאד, כגון צואה, והוא נמצא תחת הצפורן, הרי הוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים בכל מקרה. והטעם הוא, משום שרוב בני האדם מקפידים מאד שלא יהיה תחת צפורניהם לכלוך כזה. ולכן, מי שנטל את ידיו והיה לכלוך מאוס כזה תחת צפורניו, צריך לחזור וליטול את ידיו לאחר שינקה את צפורניו. (משנה ברורה, סימן קסא סעיף קטן ב).
לכלוך שאינו מאוס – "כנגד הבשר" ו"שלא כנגד הבשר"
אבל לכלוך שרגילים בני האדם שהוא נמצא תחת הצפורניים, ולא מקפידים כל כך לנקותו בכל פעם, אז הדבר תלוי: אם אותו לכלוך נמצא "כנגד הבשר", אין הוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים, אבל אם הוא "שלא כנגד הבשר", הרי הוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים. וכפי שנבאר:
בצפורן, ישנו חלק שהוא צמוד לבשר האצבעות, ויש חלק העודף מעט ממנו, והוא עובר את הבשר. ואותו חלק שעובר את הבשר, יש לנקותו לפני נטילת ידיים, אבל החלק הדבוק לבשר, שיש בו מעט לכלוך, אין צריך לנקותו, משום שאין דרך בני אדם להקפיד ולנקות בכל פעם לכלוך זה.
בצק או פלסטלינה
וכל זה לענין לכלוך הרגיל להיות בצפרניים. אבל לכלוך שהוא בצק, כגון אשה שלשה בצק ללחם וכדומה, או אדם שהתעסק בפלסטלינה, דרך בני אדם להקפיד עליו ולהסירו. ולכן הוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים בכל מקרה. (שלחן ערוך סימן קסא).
ולסיכום: לכלוך הנמצא תחת הצפורן, אם הוא לכלוך שדרך להסירו, כגון שאריות של בצק, או פלסטלינה, או דבר מאוס מאד, לעולם הוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים.
אבל לכלוך רגיל הנמצא תחת הצפורן, אם הוא נמצא על הצפורן במקום שהצפורן דבוקה לבשר האצבעות, אין הוא חוצץ, כי אין דרך רוב בני האדם לנקותו. ואם הוא נמצא על הצפורן בחלק שעובר את הבשר, יש לנקותו לפני הנטילה. (ובדיעבד, שלא ניקה את צפרניו מהלכלוך הרגיל, בזמנינו שלא מקפידים כל כך לנקות את הצפרניים, לכלוך זה אינו חוצץ בנטילה למי שאינו מקפיד לנקותו. ראה בהלכה ברורה חלק שמיני עמוד רכז). אבל בצק וכדומה, לעולם הוא חוצץ בנטילת ידיים
Question: May one wash his/her hands if one has leftover pieces of modeling clay or other substances stuck under his/her fingernails?
Answer: One must take care not to have any external separations (“Chatzitza”) on one’s hands during Netilat Yadayim. Any external separations which are problematic while immersing in the Mikveh are problematic during Netilat Yadayim as well. This means that dirt and other substances stuck under one’s fingernails can sometimes be problematic during Netilat Yadayim and render one’s hand-washing invalid.
The Source of the Laws of External Separations during Netilat Yadayim
These laws are derived from the laws of external separations on one’s body as they relate to immersion in the Mikveh. The Gemara in Masechet Pesachim (109a) states, “‘And he shall wash his entire flesh in water’-We learn from here that there can be nothing separating between one’s skin and the water (of the Mikveh) in order for him to become purified.” (This means that since the verse states “his entire flesh,” we derive from here that one’s entire body must be submerged in the water and there cannot be any surface area of one’s body that is covered by something separating between one’s body and the water.) The same law applies to Netilat Yadayim in that one’s entire hand must be uncovered for the water to make contact with and there may be no separation between one’s hand and the water.
An External Separation which One is or is not Careful to Remove
Nevertheless, there are some detailed laws regarding this matter. We shall only discuss what is relevant to this discussion. Any substance which only covers a minority of the hand’s surface area (not the majority) constitutes a separation only when one is generally careful to remove it, such as dirt on one’s hand which one is generally careful to remove. However, if a substance covers a minority of the hand’s surface area and people are not generally careful to remove it does not constitute a separation regarding Netilat Yadayim. (The reason for this is because since this substance is generally not removed, it is considered part of one’s body and does not constitute a separation.)
Let us explain:
Filth or Residue which is Extremely Repulsive
Any filth which is extremely repulsive, such as excrement, which is under one’s fingernails, constitutes a separation for Netilat Yadayim since most people are careful not to have such filth under their nails. Thus, if performed Netilat Yadayim with such repulsive filth under his fingernails, he must wash again after having cleaned his nails (see Mishnah Berura, Chapter 161, Subchapter 2).
Non-Repulsive Filth- “Level with the Flesh” or “Above the Flesh”
Nevertheless, regarding filth under one’s nails which people are generally not so careful to remove periodically, it then depends: If this filth is “level with the skin under one’s fingernails”, it does not constitute a separation. If it is “above the skin under one’s fingernails”, it does indeed constitute a separation, as we shall now explain:
A portion of the fingernail is attached to the skin of the finger while another part of the nail grows longer and juts out over the skin of the finger. The part of the nail which juts out above the skin must be cleaned before Netilat Yadayim; however, if there is some dirt stuck to the part of the nail which is attached to the skin, one need not clean it out, for people do not generally mind its presence and do not always clean it out.
Dough or Modeling Clay
Nevertheless, this applies only to regular dirt under the nails. However, if a woman kneads bread and has leftover dough stuck under her nails or a man has leftover modeling clay under his nails after he has finished his work and the like, this does indeed constitute a separation for Netilat Yadayim and it must be removed, for people are generally careful to remove such substances (see Shulchan Aruch 161).
Summary: Regarding dirt stuck under one’s fingernails, if it is a substance that people are usually careful to remove, such as leftover dough, modeling clay, or an extremely repulsive substance, this always constitutes a problematic separation regarding Netilat Yadayim and must be removed.
Regarding normal dirt found under the fingernails, if it is on the portion of the nail which is attached to the skin of the fingers, it need not be removed, for it does not constitute a problematic separation since people are not usually so careful to remove it. However, if it is stuck to the part of the nail which has grown above the skin of the fingers, it must be removed before washing one’s hands. (If one has already washed his hands without removing such regular dirt under the nails, nowadays, when people are not so meticulous about cleaning their nails, this does not invalidate one’s Netilat Yadayim for one who does not usually clean out his fingernails, see Halacha Berura, Volume 8, page 227.) Nevertheless, substances like dough and the like are considered a problematic separation regarding Netilat Yadayim.
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